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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2003 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  This file contains the header file of the CCbsReceiverHelper class.
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #ifndef     CCBSRECEIVERHELPER_H
    20 #define     CCBSRECEIVERHELPER_H
    22 // INCLUDES
    23 #include <e32base.h>
    24 #include "CbsCommon.h"
    27 class CCbsRecMessage;
    28 class CCbsServer;
    29 class CCbsDbImp;
    30 class CVwsSessionWrapper;
    31 class CCbsMessage;
    36 /**
    37 *   CCbsReceiverHelper gets the messages from the receiver and 
    38 *   sends them to the database. All received messages are
    39 *   sent to CCbsReceiverHelper instance by CCbsRecEtel.
    40 *   This class makes subscription and existence checks
    41 *   to these messages and also implements topic detection
    42 *   feature.
    43 */
    44 class CCbsReceiverHelper : public CBase
    45     {
    46     public:     // New functions
    48         /**
    49         *   Creates an instance of the class.
    50         *
    51         *   @param  aDatabase           Database object.
    52         *   @return                     New CCbsReceiverHelper instance.
    53         */  
    54          static CCbsReceiverHelper* NewL( CCbsDbImp& aDatabase );
    56         /**
    57         *   The destructor.
    58         */            
    59         ~CCbsReceiverHelper();
    61         /**
    62         *   Clears the topic detected counter.
    63         */    
    64         void ClearTopicsDetectedCounter();
    66         /**
    67         *   Returns the amount of detected topics.
    68         *
    69         *   @return                     The amount of detected topics.
    70         */    
    71         TUint TopicsDetected() const;
    73         /**
    74         *   This function is called when a message is received.
    75         *
    76         *   Assumptions;
    77         *   1.  The message doesn't have it's permanent or read 
    78         *       flags raised - method leaves with KErrNotSupported 
    79         *       if this is the case. 
    80         *   2.  If an index message (root or subindex) is passed as
    81         *       a parameter, the language indication prefix, if any,
    82         *       has been removed before HandleReceivedMessageL() is called.
    83         *        
    84         *   Assumption (2) holds because language indications are removed
    85         *   by Receiver module in an instance of CCbsRecDecoder.
    86         *
    87         *   Exceptions:
    88         *   KErrNoMemory                OOM occurred.
    89         *   KErrNotSupported            aMessage's flags were invalid.
    90         *   KErrAlreadyExists           aMessage is already stored in 
    91         *                               the database.
    92         *    
    93         *   @param aMessage             Interface to get the information 
    94         *                               about the message.
    95         */
    96         void HandleReceivedMessageL( CCbsMessage& aMessage );
    98         /**
    99         *   Checks if aMessage's topic is in the topic list.
   100         *   If the topic detection is enabled and the aMessage's topic
   101         *   is not in the list, the topic is added. The method
   102         *   will then return ETrue. Otherwise EFalse is returned.
   103         *
   104         *   @param  aMessage            Message page.
   105         *   @return                     ETrue, if topic added
   106         */
   107         TBool CheckForNewTopicL( const CCbsMessage& aMessage );
   109         /**
   110         *   Checks if aMessage's topic is subscribed and
   111         *   if the message already exists in the database.
   112         *   
   113         *   Returns ETrue only if the message does not exist in the
   114         *   database and the message's topic is subscribed.
   115         *
   116         *   @param  aMessage            Message page.
   117         *   @return                     ETrue, if message can be received
   118         */
   119         TBool CheckForSubscriptionAndExistenceL( const CCbsMessage& aMessage );
   121         /**
   122         *   Checks if aMessage's language has been subscribed by the user.
   123         *
   124         *   ETrue is returned either if the language specified has been 
   125         *   subscribed, message language is "Other" or the user has
   126         *   preferred to receive messages of all languages.
   127         *
   128         *   @param  aMessage            Message page
   129         *   @return                     ETrue, if message can be received
   130         */
   131         TBool LanguageOfMessageSubscribedL( const CCbsMessage& aMessage );
   133         /**
   134         *   Stores the CB topic (aNumber, aName) retrieved from 
   135         *   SIM into the DB. If a topic of the same number already exists
   136         *   in DB, does nothing.
   137         *
   138         *   @param aNumber              Number of the topic.
   139         *   @param aName                Name of the topic.        
   140         */
   141         void AddSimTopicL( const TUint aNumber, const TDesC& aName );
   143         /**
   144         *   Returns a reference to the CCbsDbImp instance.
   145         *
   146         *   @return                     Main database object.
   147         */
   148         CCbsDbImp& Database() const;
   150         /**
   151         *   Returns a reference to SIM Topic array
   152         *
   153         *   @return                     SIM Topic array.
   154         */
   155         CArrayFixFlat<TInt>& SimTopics() const;
   157         /**
   158         *   Deletes a topic from the local SIM Topic array.
   159         *
   160         *   @param aNumber              Number of the topic.        
   161         */
   162         void DeleteFromSimTopicCache( const TUint16 aNumber );
   164         /**
   165         *   Requests a notification to be launched when a message
   166 		*	arrives to a hotmarked topic.
   167 		*
   168 		*   @param aPlayTone            Should the message alert tone be
   169 		*                               played.
   170         */
   171         void LaunchMessageSoftNotificationL( const TBool aPlayTone );
   173     private:
   175         /**
   176         *   The constructor.
   177         *
   178         *   @param aDatabase            Database object.
   179         *   @param aServer              Server object.    
   180         */
   181         CCbsReceiverHelper( CCbsDbImp& aDatabase );
   183         /**
   184            Finalizes the construction.
   185         */
   186         void ConstructL();
   188         /**
   189         *   Handles detected topic.
   190         *
   191         *   @param  iTopicNumber        The number of the topic detected.
   192         *   @return                     ETrue if the detected topic is added 
   193         *                               to the topic list. EFalse otherwise.
   194         */
   195         TBool HandleTopicDetectedL( const TCbsDbTopicNumber& iTopicNumber );
   197         /**
   198         *   Handles index message. Parses topic identities and
   199         *   stores them into the database.
   200         *
   201         *   Leave reasons:
   202         *   KErrNoMemory                OOM occured.
   203         *   KErrNotSupported            Index message was of unsupported 
   204         *                               version.
   205         *   KErrCorrupt                 Parsing of the index message failed.
   206         *
   207         *   @param  aContents           Index message body.
   208         *   @param  aIsChildSubIndex    ETrue, if child subindex. 
   209         *                               EFalse, if root index.
   210         *   @return                     Result code.
   211         */
   212         void HandleIndexMessageL( const TDesC& aContents, 
   213             const TBool aIsChildSubIndex );
   215         /**
   216         *   Parses all topic identities from aText which is assumed to be
   217         *   an index message's content.
   218         *        
   219         *   Leave code values:
   220         *   KErrNoMemory                Storing of topic identities failed 
   221         *                               because of insufficient memory.
   222         *   KErrNotSupported            Index message identifies itself as 
   223         *                               an index of unknown type to the server.
   224         *   KErrCorrupt                 A problem was encountered while parsing
   225         *                               the index message content.
   226         *   KErrAlreadyExists           Index message contained two or more 
   227         *                               identities which shared the same topic 
   228         *                               number.
   229         *
   230         *   @param aText                Index message body
   231         */
   232         void ParseTopicIdentitiesL( const TDesC& aText );
   234         /**
   235         *   Requests a notification to be launched about a message that 
   236         *   requires immediate displaying.
   237         *
   238         *   @param  aMessage            Message to be displayed
   239         */
   240         void LaunchMessageImmediateDisplay( const TCbsDbMessage& aMessage );
   242         /**
   243         * Turn lights on
   244         */
   245         void TurnLightsOn();
   247         /**
   248         * Play Cbs tone.
   249         */
   250         void PlayCbsTone();
   252     private:    // Member variables
   254         // Reference to the database
   255         CCbsDbImp& iDatabase;                
   257         // Number of topics detected after startup.
   258         TUint iTopicsDetected;
   260         CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* iSimTopics;
   262         // View server session wrapper.
   263         // Used to launch CBS UI application on arrival of
   264         // CB messages designated "requiring immediate display".
   265         CVwsSessionWrapper* iVwsSession;
   267         // Local variation bits, fetched from CenRep
   268         TInt iLVBits;
   269     };
   271 #endif      //  CCBSRECEIVERHELPER_H   
   273 // End of File