changeset 0 ff3b6d0fd310
child 19 7d48bed6ce0c
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:ff3b6d0fd310
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  TPhoneServer interface for image handling.
    15 *
    16 */
    19 // INCLUDES
    21 #include    "RPhCltImageHandler.h"
    22 #include    "PhCltClientServer.h"
    23 #include    <RPhCltServer.h>
    24 #include    <e32std.h>
    25 #include    <e32base.h>
    26 #include    <fbs.h>
    28 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
    30 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    31 // RPhCltImageHandler::RPhCltImageHandler
    32 // 
    33 // C++ constructor can NOT contain any code, that might leave.
    34 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    35 //
    36 RPhCltImageHandler::RPhCltImageHandler()
    37 :   RSubSessionBase()
    38     {
    39     }
    42 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    43 // RPhCltImageHandler::Open
    44 // 
    45 // Open subsession to Phone Server.
    46 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    47 //
    48 TInt RPhCltImageHandler::Open( RPhCltServer& aServer )
    49     {
    50     __ASSERT_ALWAYS( aServer.Handle(), User::Panic( 
    51             KPhClientPanicCategory, 
    52             EPhCltClientSidePanicNullHandle ) );
    54     return CreateSubSession( 
    55         aServer, 
    56         EPhoneServerImageHandlerSubSessionOpen, 
    57         TIpcArgs() );
    58     }
    61 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    62 // RPhCltImageHandler::Close
    63 // 
    64 // Close subsession.
    65 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    66 //
    67 void RPhCltImageHandler::Close()
    68     {
    69     iVTBitMaps.ResetAndDestroy();
    70     iOperatorLogos.ResetAndDestroy();
    71     CloseSubSession( EPhoneServerImageHandlerSubSessionClose );
    72     }
    74 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    75 // RPhCltImageHandler::SaveImages
    76 // 
    77 // Saves images to Phoneserver.
    78 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    79 //
    80 TInt RPhCltImageHandler::SaveImages( CPhCltImageParams& aParams )
    81     {
    82     __ASSERT_ALWAYS( 
    83         SubSessionHandle(), User::Panic( 
    84             KPhClientPanicCategory, EPhCltClientSidePanicNullHandle ) );
    86     return SendReceive( 
    87         EPhoneServerImageHandlerSubSessionSave, 
    88         TIpcArgs( 
    89             &aParams.Images()) );
    90     }     
    92 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    93 // RPhCltImageHandler::LoadImages
    94 // 
    95 // Loads images from Phoneserver.
    96 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    97 //
    98 TInt RPhCltImageHandler::LoadImages( CPhCltImageParams*& aParams )
    99     {
   100     __ASSERT_ALWAYS( 
   101         SubSessionHandle(), User::Panic( 
   102             KPhClientPanicCategory, EPhCltClientSidePanicNullHandle ) );
   104     const TInt ret = SendReceive( EPhoneServerImageHandlerSubSessionLoad, 
   105         TIpcArgs( &aParams->Images() ) );
   107     // No point in commiting if failed.
   108     if ( ret != KErrNone )
   109         {
   110         return ret;
   111         }
   112     return FinalizeLoad( aParams->Images() );
   113     }
   115 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   116 // RPhCltImageHandler::FinalizeLoad
   117 // 
   118 // Duplicates loaded images, and commits transaction.
   119 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   120 //    
   121 TInt RPhCltImageHandler::FinalizeLoad( TPckgBuf< TPhCltImageArray >& aImages )
   122     {
   123     TRAPD( err, 
   124         {
   125         switch( aImages.operator()().iType )
   126             {
   127             case EPhCltTypeVTStill:
   128             case EPhCltTypeVTDefault:
   129                 CopyStillsL( aImages.operator()() );
   130                 break;
   131             case EPhCltTypeOperatorLogo:
   132                 CopyLogosL( aImages.operator()() );
   133                 break;
   134             default:
   135                 break;
   136             }
   137         } );
   139     // Must release in any case
   140     const TInt ret = SendReceive( EPhoneServerImageHandlerSubSessionCommitLoad, 
   141         TIpcArgs( &aImages ) );
   143     return err != KErrNone ? err : ret;
   145     }
   147 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   148 // RPhCltImageHandler::CopyLogos
   149 // 
   150 // Replaces / appends a new logo.
   151 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   152 //    
   153 void RPhCltImageHandler::CopyLogosL( TPhCltImageArray& aImages )
   154     {
   155     TBool found( EFalse );
   156     CFbsBitmap* bitMap = 
   157         CreateBitMapL( aImages.iImages[ EPhCltExtOperatorLogoIndex ] );
   159     // Check if there is one stored already, replace handle if so.
   160     for ( TInt i = 0; i < iOperatorLogos.Count(); i ++ )
   161         {
   162         if ( aImages.iImages[ EPhCltExtCountryCodeIndex ] == 
   163             iOperatorLogos[ i ]->iCountryCode && 
   164             aImages.iImages[ EPhCltExtNetworkCodeIndex ] == 
   165             iOperatorLogos[ i ]->iNetworkCode && 
   166             aImages.iImages[ EPhCltExtLogoTypeIndex ] == 
   167             iOperatorLogos[ i ]->iLogoType            
   168              )
   169             {
   170             delete iOperatorLogos[ i ]->iBitmap;
   171             iOperatorLogos[ i ]->iBitmap = bitMap;
   172             found = ETrue;
   173             break;
   174             }
   175         }
   177     // Else add a new one.
   178     if ( !found )
   179         {
   180         CPhCltOperatorLogoContainer* logo = 
   181             new (ELeave)CPhCltOperatorLogoContainer(
   182             aImages.iImages[ EPhCltExtCountryCodeIndex ], 
   183             aImages.iImages[ EPhCltExtNetworkCodeIndex ],
   184             ( TPhCltExtOperatorLogoType )
   185             aImages.iImages[ EPhCltExtLogoTypeIndex ],
   186             bitMap );
   187         iOperatorLogos.Append( logo );
   188         }
   189     }
   191 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   192 // RPhCltImageHandler::CopyStillsL
   193 // 
   194 // Creates new duplicates of still images.
   195 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   196 //   
   197 void RPhCltImageHandler::CopyStillsL( TPhCltImageArray& aImages ) 
   198     {
   199     // Remove all first.
   200     iVTBitMaps.ResetAndDestroy();
   202     for ( TInt i = 0 ; i < aImages.iImageCount; i ++ )
   203         {
   204         CFbsBitmap* bitMap = 
   205             CreateBitMapL( aImages.iImages[ i ] );
   206         iVTBitMaps.Append( bitMap );
   207         }
   208     }
   210 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   211 // RPhCltImageHandler::CreateBitMapL
   212 // 
   213 // Creates new duplicate of still image.
   214 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   215 //   
   216 CFbsBitmap* RPhCltImageHandler::CreateBitMapL( const TInt aHandle )
   217     {
   218     CFbsBitmap* bitMap = new ( ELeave ) CFbsBitmap();
   219     CleanupStack::PushL( bitMap );
   220     User::LeaveIfError( bitMap->Duplicate( aHandle ) );
   221     CleanupStack::Pop( bitMap );
   222     return bitMap;
   223     }
   225 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   226 // RPhCltImageHandler::SaveVtImage
   227 // 
   228 // Saves VT Image.
   229 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   230 //   
   231 void RPhCltImageHandler::SaveVtImage( 
   232     TRequestStatus& aStatus, 
   233     const TDesC& aFilePath )
   234     {
   235     __ASSERT_ALWAYS( 
   236         SubSessionHandle(), User::Panic( 
   237             KPhClientPanicCategory, EPhCltClientSidePanicNullHandle ) );
   238     const TPtrC8 ptr8( reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*> ( aFilePath.Ptr() ), 
   239         aFilePath.Size() );
   240     TIpcArgs args( &ptr8 );
   241     SendReceive( 
   242         EPhoneServerSaveVtImage,
   243         args,
   244         aStatus );
   245     }
   247 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   248 // RPhCltImageHandler::CancelSaveVtImage
   249 // 
   250 // 
   251 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   252 //   
   253 void RPhCltImageHandler::CancelSaveVtImage()
   254     {
   255     SendReceive( EPhoneServerSaveVtImageCancel );
   256     }
   258 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   259 // RPhCltImageHandler::OpenVtImage
   260 // 
   261 // Opens VT Image file.
   262 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   263 //   
   264 TInt RPhCltImageHandler::OpenVtImage( 
   265     TInt& aFileHandle,
   266     const TBool aOpenDefault )
   267     {
   268     __ASSERT_ALWAYS( 
   269         SubSessionHandle(), User::Panic( 
   270             KPhClientPanicCategory, EPhCltClientSidePanicNullHandle ) );
   271     TPckg<TInt> pckg1( aFileHandle );
   272     TPckg<TBool> pckg2( aOpenDefault );
   273     TIpcArgs args( &pckg1, &pckg2 );
   274     return SendReceive(
   275         EPhoneServerOpenVtImage, args );
   276     }
   278 // End of File