changeset 20 987c9837762f
parent 19 7d48bed6ce0c
child 21 0a6dd2dc9970
--- a/cellular/psuinotes/src/psuinotes.cpp	Tue Aug 31 15:45:17 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,544 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
- * All rights reserved.
- * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
- * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
- * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
- *
- * Initial Contributors:
- * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
- *
- * Contributors:
- *
- * Description:  
- *
- */
-#include <hbdevicemessagebox.h>
-#include <hbdevicenotificationdialog.h>
-#include <HbDeviceProgressDialog>
-#include <hblistview.h>
-#include <hbdialog.h>
-#include <hblabel.h>
-#include <hbaction.h>
-#include <hbmessagebox.h>
-#include <hbnotificationdialog.h>
-#include <QStandardItemModel>
-#include <QItemSelectionModel>
-#include <hbstringutil.h>
-#include <hbextendedlocale.h>
-#include <HbInputDialog>
-#include <HbEditorInterface>
-#include <hbinputdef.h>
-#include <hbinputstandardfilters.h>
-#include <xqserviceutil.h>
-#include <QApplication>
-#include <QTranslator>
-#include <Qt>
-#include "psuinotes.h"
-#include "psuiutils.h"
-#include "psuilogging.h"
-#include "psuilocalisation.h"
-  PsUiNotes::instance.
- */
-PsUiNotes* PsUiNotes::instance()
-    DPRINT << ": IN";
-    static PsUiNotes theInstance;
-    DPRINT << ", instance address: " << reinterpret_cast<int>(&theInstance);
-    return &theInstance;
-  PsUiNotes::PsUiNotes.
- */
-     QObject(NULL), 
-     m_notesQueue(NULL),
-     m_isNoteShowingOngoing(false),
-     m_passwordDialog(NULL),
-     m_passwordValidator(NULL)
-    {
-    DPRINT << ": IN";
-    m_notesQueue = new QQueue<QObject*>();
-    m_psuiSettings = new PsUiSettingsWrapper();
-    // Localization file loading 
-    m_localisation = new PsUiLocalisation(this); 
-    // Install required translations
-    m_localisation->installTranslator(
-           PsUiLocalisation::
-           TranslationFileCommon);
-    m_localisation->installTranslator(
-           PsUiLocalisation::
-           TranslationFileTelephoneCp);
-    DPRINT << ": OUT";
-    }
-  PsUiNotes::~PsUiNotes.
- */
-    DPRINT << ": IN";
-    delete m_localisation;
-    qDeleteAll(*m_notesQueue);
-    delete m_psuiSettings;
-    delete m_notesQueue;
-    DPRINT << ": OUT";
-  PsUiNotes::showGlobalProgressNote.
- */
-void PsUiNotes::showGlobalProgressNote(
-    int &noteId, const QString& text)
-    DPRINT << ": IN";
-    HbDeviceProgressDialog *note = 
-        new HbDeviceProgressDialog(HbProgressDialog::WaitDialog, this);
-    note->setText(text);
-    if(hbTrId("txt_common_info_requesting") == text){
-        QAction *action = new QAction(hbTrId("txt_common_button_hide"), note);
-        note->setAction(action, HbDeviceProgressDialog::CancelButtonRole );
-    }
-    noteId = reinterpret_cast<int>(note);
-    DPRINT << ", NOTEID: " << noteId;
-    QObject::connect(
-        note, SIGNAL(aboutToClose()),
-        this, SLOT(activeNoteAboutToClose()));
-    QObject::connect(
-        note, SIGNAL(cancelled()),
-        this, SLOT(handleProgressNoteCanceled()));
-    m_notesQueue->enqueue(note);    
-    launchNextNoteIfReady();
-    DPRINT << ": OUT";
-  PsUiNotes::showGlobalNote.
- */
-void PsUiNotes::showGlobalNote(int &noteId, const QString& text, 
-    HbMessageBox::MessageBoxType messageBoxType)
-    DPRINT << ": IN";
-    HbDeviceMessageBox *note
-        = new HbDeviceMessageBox(text, messageBoxType, this);
-    if (messageBoxType == HbMessageBox::MessageTypeQuestion ||
-        messageBoxType == HbMessageBox::MessageTypeInformation) {
-        note->setTimeout(HbPopup::ConfirmationNoteTimeout);
-    }
-    else {
-        note->setTimeout(0);
-    }
-    noteId = reinterpret_cast<int>(note);
-    DPRINT << ", NOTEID: " << noteId;
-    QObject::connect(
-        note, SIGNAL(aboutToClose()),
-        this, SLOT(activeNoteAboutToClose()));
-    m_notesQueue->enqueue(note);
-    launchNextNoteIfReady();
-    DPRINT << ": OUT";
-  PsUiNotes::cancelNote.
- */
-void PsUiNotes::cancelNote(int noteId)
-    DPRINT << ": IN";
-    if (!m_notesQueue->isEmpty()) {
-        QObject *note = m_notesQueue->head();
-        if(note == reinterpret_cast<QObject *>(noteId)) {
-            int index = m_notesQueue->indexOf(reinterpret_cast<QObject *>(noteId));
-            Q_ASSERT(-1 < index);
-            QObject *note = m_notesQueue->at(index);
-            DPRINT << ": NOTEID: " << noteId;
-            if (qobject_cast<HbDeviceProgressDialog *>(note)) {
-                static_cast<HbDeviceProgressDialog *>(note)->close();
-            } else if (qobject_cast<HbDeviceMessageBox *>(note)) {
-                static_cast<HbDeviceMessageBox *>(note)->close();
-            } else {
-                DPRINT << ", UNKNOWN NOTE";
-                Q_ASSERT(false);
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-            DPRINT << ": remove from queue, noteId: " << noteId;
-            m_notesQueue->removeOne(reinterpret_cast<QObject *>(noteId));
-        }
-    }
-    DPRINT << ": OUT";
-  PsUiNotes::noteShowing.
- */
-bool PsUiNotes::noteShowing()
-    return !m_notesQueue->isEmpty();
-  PsUiNotes::showGlobalErrorNote.
- */
-void PsUiNotes::showGlobalErrorNote(int &noteId, int errorcode)
-    DPRINT << ": IN";
-    QString errorText = "";
-    PsUiUtils::errorCodeTextMapping(errorcode, errorText);
-    HbDeviceMessageBox *note 
-        = new HbDeviceMessageBox(errorText, HbMessageBox::MessageTypeWarning, this);
-    note->setTimeout(0);
-    noteId = reinterpret_cast<int>(note);
-    DPRINT << ", NOTEID: " << noteId;
-    QObject::connect(
-        note, SIGNAL(aboutToClose()),
-        this, SLOT(activeNoteAboutToClose()));
-    m_notesQueue->enqueue(note);
-    launchNextNoteIfReady();
-    DPRINT << ": OUT";
-  PsUiNotes::showCallDivertDetails.
- */
-void PsUiNotes::showCallDivertDetails(
-    const QList<PSCallDivertingStatus*> &divertingStatusList)
-    DPRINT << ": IN";
-    DPRINT << ": Status " << divertingStatusList.first()->iStatus;
-    DPRINT << ": ServiceGroup " << divertingStatusList.first()->iServiceGroup;
-    QString status;
-    QString content;
-    switch( divertingStatusList.first()->iStatus )
-        {
-        case DivertingStatusActive:   
-            formatActiveDivertsNoteText(divertingStatusList,content);
-            break;
-        case DivertingStatusInactive:
-        case DivertingStatusNotRegistered:
-            status.append(hbTrId("txt_phone_dpopinfo_divert_not_active")); 
-            break;
-        case DivertingStatusNotProvisioned:
-            status.append(hbTrId("txt_phone_info_not_allowed"));
-            break;
-        case DivertingStatusUnknown:
-        default:
-            status.append(hbTrId("txt_phone_info_request_not_completed"));
-            break;
-        } 
-    if (divertingStatusList.first()->iStatus != DivertingStatusActive) {
-        showGlobalNotificationDialog(status);
-    }
-    else {     
-        HbDeviceMessageBox * note = 
-            new HbDeviceMessageBox(content, HbMessageBox::MessageTypeQuestion, this);
-        note->setIconVisible(EFalse);
-        note->setTimeout(0);
-        HbAction *backAction = 
-            new HbAction(hbTrId("txt_common_button_close_singledialog") );
-        note->setAction(backAction, HbDeviceMessageBox::AcceptButtonRole );
-        note->setAction(NULL, HbDeviceMessageBox::RejectButtonRole);
-        QObject::connect(
-            note, SIGNAL(aboutToClose()),
-            this, SLOT(activeNoteAboutToClose()));
-        m_notesQueue->enqueue(note);
-        launchNextNoteIfReady();      
-    }
-    DPRINT << ": OUT";
-  PsUiNotes::showPasswordQueryDialog.
- */
-void PsUiNotes::showPasswordQueryDialog(
-    const QString &title, 
-    const QValidator &validator,
-    int maxPasswordLength)
-    DPRINT << ": IN";
-    QScopedPointer<HbInputDialog> passwordDialog(new HbInputDialog());
-    // configure editor so that only digits can be inputted
-    passwordDialog->setPromptText(title);
-    passwordDialog->setEchoMode(HbLineEdit::Password);
-    passwordDialog->setInputMethodHints(Qt::ImhDigitsOnly);
-    passwordDialog->actions().at(0)->setEnabled(false);
-    HbLineEdit *hbLineEdit = passwordDialog->lineEdit();
-    hbLineEdit->setMaxLength(maxPasswordLength);
-    HbEditorInterface editorInterface(hbLineEdit);
-    editorInterface.setMode(HbInputModeNumeric);
-    editorInterface.setInputConstraints(HbEditorConstraintFixedInputMode);
-    editorInterface.setFilter(HbDigitsOnlyFilter::instance());
-    m_passwordValidator = &validator;
-    connect(
-        hbLineEdit, SIGNAL(contentsChanged()), 
-        this, SLOT(passwordTextChanged()));
-    passwordDialog->open(this, SLOT(finishedPasswordQueryDialog(HbAction*)));
-    if(m_passwordDialog) {
-        m_passwordDialog->deleteLater();
-        m_passwordDialog = NULL;
-    }
-    m_passwordDialog = passwordDialog.take();
-    m_passwordDialog->setParent(this);
-    DPRINT << ": OUT";
-  PsUiNotes::finishedPasswordQueryDialog.
- */
-void PsUiNotes::finishedPasswordQueryDialog(HbAction* action)
-    bool ok;
-    QString password;
-    if(m_passwordDialog) {
-        if (action == m_passwordDialog->actions().at(1)) {
-            ok = false;
-        } else {
-            ok = true;
-            password = m_passwordDialog->value().toString();
-        }
-        disconnect(
-            m_passwordDialog->lineEdit(), SIGNAL(contentsChanged()), 
-            this, SLOT(passwordTextChanged()));
-        m_passwordDialog->deleteLater();
-        m_passwordDialog = NULL;
-        m_passwordValidator = NULL;
-        emit passwordQueryCompleted(password, ok);
-    }
-  PsUiNotes::formatPhoneNumber.
-  Formats phone number according to locale specific rules.
- */
-QString PsUiNotes::formatPhoneNumber(QString number) const
-    DPRINT << ": IN";
-    QString formattedNumber = number;
-    if (m_psuiSettings->numberGroupingSupported() == true) {
-         //TODO: utilize HbNumberGrouping API when available
-    }
-    // TODO: digit conversion e.g. into arabic-indic
-//    HbExtendedLocale locale = HbExtendedLocale::system();
-//    HbStringUtil::convertDigitsTo(formattedNumber, ArabicIndicDigit);
-    DPRINT << ": OUT";
-    return formattedNumber;
-  PsUiNotes::launchNextNoteIfReady.
- */
-void PsUiNotes::launchNextNoteIfReady()
-    DPRINT << ": IN";
-    if (m_notesQueue->isEmpty()) {
-        DPRINT << ", QUEUE EMPTY";
-        return;
-    }
-    if (!m_isNoteShowingOngoing) {
-        m_isNoteShowingOngoing = true;
-        // note is left in the queue so that it can be cancelled at request
-        QObject *note = m_notesQueue->head();
-        DPRINT << ", note: " << reinterpret_cast<int>(note);
-        if (qobject_cast<HbDeviceProgressDialog *>(note)) {
-            DPRINT << ", show HbDeviceProgressDialog";
-            static_cast<HbDeviceProgressDialog *>(note)->show();
-        } else if (qobject_cast<HbDeviceMessageBox *>(note)) {
-            DPRINT << ", show HbDeviceMessageBox";    
-            static_cast<HbDeviceMessageBox *>(note)->show();
-        } else {
-            DPRINT << ", UNKNOWN NOTE";
-            Q_ASSERT(false);
-        }
-    } else {
-        DPRINT << ", BUSY";
-    }
-    DPRINT << ": OUT";
-  PsUiNotes::handleActiveDiverts   
- */
-void PsUiNotes::formatActiveDivertsNoteText(
-    const QList<PSCallDivertingStatus*> &divertingStatusList,
-    QString &text)
-    text.append(hbTrId("Active for:") + "\n\n"); //txt_phone_title_active_for
-    int entries = divertingStatusList.count(); 
-    DPRINT << ": entries " << entries;
-    bool dataSet = false;
-    bool voiceSet = false;
-    for (int i = 0; entries > i; i++) {
-       PSCallDivertingStatus *entry = divertingStatusList.at(i);
-       if (((entry->iServiceGroup & ServiceGroupVoice) && !voiceSet ) ||
-           ((entry->iServiceGroup & ServiceGroupData)) && !dataSet) {   
-           if ((entry->iServiceGroup & ServiceGroupVoice) && !voiceSet) {
-               voiceSet = true;
-               text.append(hbTrId("Voice calls") + "\n"); //txt_phone_info_voice_calls  
-           }
-           else if ((entry->iServiceGroup & ServiceGroupData) && !dataSet) {
-               dataSet = true;
-               text.append(hbTrId("Video calls") + "\n"); //txt_phone_info_video_calls
-           }
-           QString phoneNumber = formatPhoneNumber(divertingStatusList.at(i)->iNumber);
-           text.append(hbTrId("To number:\n%L1").arg(phoneNumber) +"\n"); //txt_phone_info_to_numbernl1
-           if (0 < entry->iTimeout) {
-               text.append(hbTrId("Delay time:\n%L1 seconds").
-                   arg(entry->iTimeout) +"\n\n"); // txt_phone_info_delay_timenln_seconds    
-           }
-           else {
-               text.append("\n");
-           }
-       }
-    }
-    // Convert plain text to html 
-    text = Qt::convertFromPlainText(text);
-  PsUiNotes::activeNoteAboutToClose.
- */
-void PsUiNotes::activeNoteAboutToClose()
-    DPRINT << ": IN";
-    if (m_isNoteShowingOngoing) {
-        m_isNoteShowingOngoing = false;
-        QObject* note(NULL);
-        if (!m_notesQueue->isEmpty()) {
-            note = m_notesQueue->dequeue();
-        }
-        if(note) {
-            launchNextNoteIfReady();
-            note->disconnect(this);
-            DPRINT << ", delete note: " << reinterpret_cast<int>(note);
-            HbDeviceProgressDialog *pNote = 
-                qobject_cast<HbDeviceProgressDialog *>(note);
-            note->deleteLater();
-        }
-    }
-    DPRINT << ": OUT";
-  PsUiNotes::handleProgressNoteCanceled().
- */
-void PsUiNotes::handleProgressNoteCanceled()
-    DPRINT << ": IN";
-    emit progressNoteCanceled();
-    DPRINT << ": OUT";
-  PsUiNotes::passwordTextChanged().
- */
-void PsUiNotes::passwordTextChanged()
-    DPRINT << ": IN";
-    Q_ASSERT(m_passwordDialog && m_passwordValidator);
-    HbLineEdit *hbLineEdit = m_passwordDialog->lineEdit();
-    int position = 0;
-    QString password = hbLineEdit->text();
-    bool isPasswordValid = 
-        (QValidator::Acceptable == m_passwordValidator->validate(
-            password, position));
-    m_passwordDialog->actions().at(0)->setEnabled(isPasswordValid);
-    DPRINT << ": OUT";
-  PsUiNotes::showNotificationDialog.
- */
-void PsUiNotes::showNotificationDialog(const QString& text)
-    DPRINT << ": IN";
-    HbNotificationDialog *notifDialog = new HbNotificationDialog();
-    notifDialog->setDismissPolicy(HbPopup::TapAnywhere);
-    notifDialog->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true);
-    notifDialog->setText(text);
-    notifDialog->show();
-    DPRINT << ": OUT";
-  PsUiNotes::showGlobalNotificationDialog   
- */
-void PsUiNotes::showGlobalNotificationDialog(const QString& text)
-    DPRINT << ": IN";
-    HbDeviceNotificationDialog notifDialog;
-    notifDialog.setText(text);
-    notifDialog.show();
-    DPRINT << ": OUT";    
-// End of File.