changeset 20 987c9837762f
parent 19 7d48bed6ce0c
child 21 0a6dd2dc9970
--- a/vmbx/vmbxengine/src/vmbxcsvoiceengine.cpp	Tue Aug 31 15:45:17 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,374 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  Implementation of the CVmbxCsVoiceEngine class
-#include <cvoicemailboxentry.h>
-#include "vmbxenginebase.h"
-#include "vmbxutilities.h"
-#include "vmbxlogger.h"
-#include "vmbxcenrephandler.h"
-#include "vmbxsimhandler.h"
-#include "vmbxuiutilities.h"
-#include "vmbxcsvoiceengine.h"
-_LIT (KVmbxIllegalSimCharacter, "w");
-// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ==============================
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::CVmbxCsVoiceEngine
-// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
-// might leave.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::CVmbxCsVoiceEngine( MVmbxResourceProvider& aProvider )
-                                : CVmbxEngineBase( aProvider )
-    {
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::CVmbxCsVoiceEngine =>" );
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::CVmbxCsVoiceEngine <=" );
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::~CVmbxCsVoiceEngine
-// Destructor.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    {
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::~CVmbxCsVoiceEngine =>" );
-    delete iSimHandler;
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::~CVmbxCsVoiceEngine <=" );
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::NewL
-// Two-phased constructor.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CVmbxCsVoiceEngine* CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::NewL( MVmbxResourceProvider& aProvider )
-    {
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::NewL =>" );
-    CVmbxCsVoiceEngine* self = 
-            new( ELeave ) CVmbxCsVoiceEngine( aProvider );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
-    self->ConstructL();
-    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::NewL <=" );
-    return self;
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::ConstructL
-// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::ConstructL()
-    {
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::ConstructL =>" );
-    TVmbxMemoryLocation storeType( EVmbxPhoneMemory );
-    storeType = iProvider.VmbxCenRepHandler().StoreType();
-    if ( EVmbxSimMemory == storeType )
-        {
-        // create SimHandler
-        TRAPD( err, iSimHandler = CVmbxSimHandler::NewL() );
-        // for avoid warning for compiling
-        err = err;
-        VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::ConstructL:\
-                     Create SimHandler %I" , err);
-        }
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::ConstructL <=" );
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::GetL
-// Gets voice mailbox number
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::GetL( CVoiceMailboxEntry*& aEntry )
-    {
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::GetL =>" );
-    TInt result( KErrNotFound );
-    CVoiceMailboxEntry* vmbxEntry = CVoiceMailboxEntry::NewLC();
-    // get als line info
-    vmbxEntry->SetVmbxAlsLineType( VmbxUtilities::AlsLine() );
-    vmbxEntry->SetVoiceMailboxType( EVmbxVoice );
-    vmbxEntry->SetServiceId( KVmbxServiceVoice );
-    // get store type from CenRep 
-    TVmbxMemoryLocation storeType = iProvider.VmbxCenRepHandler().StoreType();
-    if ( EVmbxSimMemory ==  storeType && iSimHandler )
-        {
-        // read from sim if it is available and active
-        VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::GetL:\
-                        SIM available and active");
-        TRAP( result, iSimHandler->GetL( *vmbxEntry ) );
-        VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::GetL :Sim res=%d", result );
-        TPtrC vmbxNumber( KNullDesC );
-        vmbxEntry->GetVmbxNumber( vmbxNumber );
-        // if no number from sim(both MBDN file and VMBX file)
-        if ( KErrNone != result || !vmbxNumber.Length() )
-            {
-            VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::GetL:\
-                       no number from sim, both MBDN file and VMBX file");
-            // Get CS number from phone memory
-            result = iProvider.VmbxCenRepHandler().GetVmbxNumber( *vmbxEntry );
-            vmbxEntry->SetUsingMemoryLocation( EVmbxPhoneMemory );
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            vmbxEntry->SetUsingMemoryLocation( EVmbxSimMemory );
-            }
-        }
-    // EVmbxPhoneMemory or sim not available
-    else
-        {
-        VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::GetL:\
-                        EVmbxPhoneMemory or sim not available " );
-        // Get CS number from phone memory
-        result = iProvider.VmbxCenRepHandler().GetVmbxNumber( *vmbxEntry );
-        vmbxEntry->SetUsingMemoryLocation( EVmbxPhoneMemory );
-        }
-    VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::GetL: res=%d", result );
-    User::LeaveIfError( result );
-    CleanupStack::Pop( vmbxEntry );
-    aEntry = vmbxEntry;
-    vmbxEntry = NULL;
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::GetL <=" );
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::SaveL
-// Saves voice mailbox number
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::SaveL( const CVoiceMailboxEntry& aEntry,
-                                TBool aShowNotesAllowed )
-    {
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::SaveL =>" );
-    TPtrC vmbxNumber( KNullDesC );
-    aEntry.GetVmbxNumber( vmbxNumber );
-    if ( vmbxNumber.Length() 
-         && ( !VmbxUtilities::IsValidPhoneNumber( vmbxNumber )
-         || VmbxUtilities::IsEmergencyNumber( vmbxNumber ) ) )
-        {
-        VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::SaveL: number invalid <=" );
-        User::Leave( KErrArgument );
-        }
-    TVoiceMailboxParams params;
-    if ( IsWritable( params ) )
-        {
-        TVmbxMemoryLocation storeType = 
-                        iProvider.VmbxCenRepHandler().StoreType();
-        VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::SaveL: storeType=%I",
-                        storeType );  
-        if ( EVmbxSimMemory == storeType && iSimHandler )
-            {
-            // Save to sim
-            SaveEntryToSimL( aEntry, aShowNotesAllowed );
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            // Save to cenrep
-            SaveEntryToPhoneL( aEntry, aShowNotesAllowed );
-            }     
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        // sim files not exist, its may need by forcing save, eg, OMA.
-        if ( !iSimHandler )
-            {
-            SaveEntryToPhoneL( aEntry, aShowNotesAllowed );
-            VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::SaveL: \
-                            sim files not exist then save to phone" );
-            }
-        else
-            {
-             VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::SaveL: \
-                                sim files unwritable<=" );
-            User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
-            }
-        }
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::SaveL <=" );
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::SaveProvisionedEntryL
-// Saves Provisioned voice mailbox number
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::SaveProvisionedEntryL( 
-                        const CVoiceMailboxEntry& aEntry )
-    {
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::SaveProvisionedEntryL =>" );
-    SaveL( aEntry, EFalse );
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::SaveProvisionedEntryL <=" );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::CheckConfiguration
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::CheckConfiguration( const TVoiceMailboxParams& aParams,
-                             const TInt aFlags )
-    {
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::CheckConfiguration =>" );
-    TBool configuration( EFalse );
-    // check thr property whether allow user to edit number 
-    if ( EVmbxChangeNbrAllowedOnUi & aFlags )
-        {
-        configuration = iProvider.VmbxCenRepHandler().IsAllowedUserEdit();
-        if ( configuration )
-            {
-            configuration = IsWritable( aParams );
-            }
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        configuration = CVmbxEngineBase::CheckConfiguration(aParams, aFlags);
-        }
-    VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::CheckConfiguration: conf%I <=",
-                 configuration );
-    return configuration;
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::SaveEntryToPhone
-// Saves number to storage that user selects from the offered list
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::SaveEntryToPhoneL( const CVoiceMailboxEntry& aEntry,
-                                            TBool aShowNotesAllowed )
-    {
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::SaveEntryToPhoneL: =>" );
-    TInt result( KErrArgument );
-    result = iProvider.VmbxCenRepHandler().Save( aEntry );
-    if ( KErrNone == result && aShowNotesAllowed )
-        {
-        iProvider.VmbxUiUtilities().ShowInformationdNoteL( ESavedToPhoneMemory );
-        }
-    VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::SaveEntryToPhoneL: result=%I <=",
-                             result );
-    User::LeaveIfError( result );
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::SaveEntryToSim
-// For saving to place that user selects
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::SaveEntryToSimL( const CVoiceMailboxEntry& aEntry,
-                                          TBool aShowNotesAllowed )
-    {
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::SaveEntryToSimL: =>" );
-    TInt result( KErrGeneral );
-    // number containing "w"-character is not allowed to save to sim
-    TPtrC ptrNumber( KNullDesC );
-    TInt numError = aEntry.GetVmbxNumber( ptrNumber );
-    if ( KErrNotFound != ptrNumber.Find( KVmbxIllegalSimCharacter ) )
-        {
-        result = KErrArgument;
-        }
-    if ( iSimHandler )
-        {
-        result = iSimHandler->Save( aEntry );
-       if ( KErrNone == result && aShowNotesAllowed )
-            {
-            iProvider.VmbxUiUtilities().ShowInformationdNoteL( ESavedToSimMemory );
-            }
-        }
-    VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::\
-                    SaveEntryToSimL: result=%I <=", result );
-    User::LeaveIfError( result );
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::IsSimWritable
-// ETrue if Sim is allowed to be writable
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::IsSimWritable()
-    {
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::IsSimWritable: =>" );
-    TBool result( EFalse );
-    if ( !( iProvider.VmbxCenRepHandler().IsSimReadOnly() ) 
-        && iSimHandler && iSimHandler->IsWritable() )
-        {
-        result = ETrue;
-        }
-    VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::IsSimWritable:\
-             result=%I <=", result );
-    return result;
-    }
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::IsWritable
-// ETrue if Sim is allowed to be writable
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::IsWritable( const TVoiceMailboxParams& /*aParams*/ )
-    {
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::IsWritable =>" );
-    TBool result( EFalse );
-    TVmbxMemoryLocation storeType = 
-                        iProvider.VmbxCenRepHandler().StoreType();
-    if ( EVmbxPhoneMemory == storeType )
-        {
-        result = ETrue;
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        if ( iSimHandler )
-            {
-            #ifdef __WINS__
-                result = ETrue;
-            #else
-                result = IsSimWritable();
-            #endif
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::IsWritable: \
-            sim files not exist then use phone memory" );
-            result = ETrue;
-            }
-        }
-    VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxCsVoiceEngine::IsWritable:\
-             result=%I <=", result );
-    return result;
-    }
-// End of file