changeset 20 987c9837762f
parent 19 7d48bed6ce0c
child 21 0a6dd2dc9970
--- a/vmbx/vmbxengine/src/vmbxpbkstore.cpp	Tue Aug 31 15:45:17 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,846 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  Implementation of the CVmbxPbkStore class
-#include <commonphoneparser.h>
-#include <mpbutil.h>
-#include <cvoicemailboxentry.h>
-#include "vmbxutilities.h"
-#include "vmbxetelconnection.h"
-#include "vmbxlogger.h"
-#include "vmbxpbkstore.h"
-#include <e32property.h>
-#include <simutils.h>
-#include <startupdomainpskeys.h>
-// Amount of retries to be performed.
-const TInt KVmbxPhonebookBufferSize( 150 );
-// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS =============================
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVmbxPbkStore::CVmbxPbkStore
-// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
-// might leave.
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CVmbxPbkStore::CVmbxPbkStore(): CActive(EPriorityStandard ),
-                                iAsynType( EVmbxSimDefault )
-    {
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::CVmbxPbkStore =>" );
-    CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::CVmbxPbkStore <=" );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVmbxPbkStore::~CVmbxPbkStore
-// destructor
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CVmbxPbkStore:: ~CVmbxPbkStore()
-    {
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::~CVmbxPbkStore =>" );
-    Cancel();
-    iPhoneBook.Close();
-    delete iWait;
-    delete iETelConnection;
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::~CVmbxPbkStore <=" );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVmbxPbkStore::NewL
-// two phase constructor
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-CVmbxPbkStore* CVmbxPbkStore::NewL()
-    {
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::NewL =>" );
-    CVmbxPbkStore* self = new( ELeave ) CVmbxPbkStore();
-    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
-    self->ConstructL();
-    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::NewL <=" );
-    return self;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVmbxPbkStore::ConstructL
-// two phase constructor
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CVmbxPbkStore::ConstructL()
-    {
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::ConstructL =>" );
-    TInt value( 0 );
-    TInt res = RProperty::Get( KPSUidStartup, KPSSimStatus, value );
-    VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::ConstructL res = %d", res );
-    VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::ConstructL value = %d", value );
-    if ( (ESimUsable != value && ESimReadable != value ) || KErrNone != res )
-        {
-        // Sim card not ready to use
-        User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
-        }
-    // Open tel server and phone
-    iETelConnection = CVmbxETelConnection::NewL();
-    iWait = new( ELeave ) CActiveSchedulerWait; 
-    TVmbxAlsLineType alsLine = VmbxUtilities::AlsLine();
-    // Supported ALS line,ALS line on
-    if ( EVmbxAlsLineDefault != alsLine )
-        {
-        // open 6f17 file ,if not found the file, leave
-        User::LeaveIfError( OpenVmbxPhonebook() );
-        }
-    // Not supported ALS line,ALS line off
-    else
-        {
-        // Open 6fc7 file, if not found, open 6f17 file
-        TInt result = OpenMbdnPhonebook();
-        if ( KErrPathNotFound == result )
-            {
-            //close 6fc7 and open 6f17 file
-            iPhoneBook.Close();
-            // open 6f17 file ,if not found the file, leave
-            User::LeaveIfError( OpenVmbxPhonebook() );
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            User::LeaveIfError( result );
-            }
-        }
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::ConstructL <=" );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVmbxPbkStore::GetVmbxInfo
-// Activates phonebook info query
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CVmbxPbkStore::GetVmbxInfo( 
-        RMobilePhoneBookStore::TMobilePhoneBookInfoV1& aInfo )
-    {
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::GetVmbxInfo =>" );
-    TInt result( KErrInUse );
-    RMobilePhoneBookStore::TMobilePhoneBookInfoV1Pckg
-                                            InfoPckg( aInfo );
-    // get Info from phonebook
-    if( !IsActive() && !iWait->IsStarted() )
-        {
-        iPhoneBook.GetInfo( iStatus, InfoPckg );
-        iAsynType = EVmbxSimGetInfo;
-        SetActive();
-        iWait->Start();
-        result = iStatus.Int();
-        VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::PhonebookInfo: \
-                SIM Phonebook info read, status: %I", result );
-        }
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::GetVmbxInfo <=" );
-    return result;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVmbxPbkStore::IsWritable
-// Sim write support
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CVmbxPbkStore::IsWritable()
-    {
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::IsWritable =>" );
-    TBool result( EFalse );
-    if ( IsWriteAccess() )
-        {
-        // Get current sim entry, then write the same entry 
-        // to sim if read successufully
-        CVoiceMailboxEntry* simEntry(NULL);
-        TRAPD( newErr, simEntry = CVoiceMailboxEntry::NewL() );
-        VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::IsWritable newErr = %d ",
-            newErr );
-        if ( KErrNone == newErr )
-            {
-            // get als line info
-            TVmbxAlsLineType alsLine = VmbxUtilities::AlsLine();
-            simEntry->SetVmbxAlsLineType( alsLine );
-            // ALS line off
-            if ( IsSimFileExisting(EMBDNPhoneBook) && (EVmbxAlsLineDefault == alsLine) )
-                {
-                // ALS line on and 6f17 exist 
-                // just check 6f17 file write access
-                iPhoneBookType = EMBDNPhoneBook;
-                }
-            else
-                {
-                // ALS line on, only should write to 6fc7; ALS off, 6f17 file inexist
-                //  check 6fc7 file write access
-                iPhoneBookType = EVMBXPhoneBook;
-                }
-            simEntry->SetVoiceMailboxType( EVmbxVoice );
-            simEntry->SetServiceId( KVmbxServiceVoice );
-            TRAPD( err, SimReadL( *simEntry ) );
-            VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore:: IsWritable read %I <=", err );
-            if ( KErrNotFound == err )
-                {
-                simEntry->SetVmbxNumber( KNullDesC );
-                }
-            if ( KErrNone == err || KErrNotFound == err )
-                {
-                err = Write( *simEntry );
-                VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore:: IsWritable write %I <=",
-                    err );
-                // If write successfully, means writable
-                if ( KErrNone == err )
-                    {
-                    result = ETrue;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        delete simEntry;
-        simEntry = NULL;
-        }
-    VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore:: IsWritable result %I <=", result );
-    return result;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVmbxPbkStore::PhoneBookType
-// PhoneBookType
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TVmbxSimPhonebookType CVmbxPbkStore::PhoneBookType()
-    {
-    VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::PhoneBookType type %I", 
-                         iPhoneBookType );
-    return iPhoneBookType;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVmbxPbkStore::Write
-// Write to SIM
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CVmbxPbkStore::Write( const CVoiceMailboxEntry& aEntry )
-    {
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::Write =>" );
-    TInt result( KErrInUse );
-    TBuf8<KVmbxPhonebookBufferSize> pbData;
-    CPhoneBookBuffer* pbkBuffer = new CPhoneBookBuffer();
-    if ( !pbkBuffer )
-        {
-        VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::Write: \
-        Phonebook creation error" );
-        result = KErrNoMemory;
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        pbkBuffer->Set( &pbData );
-        TInt activeAlsLine = aEntry.VmbxAlsLineType();
-        // Add index, const value for vmbx write.
-        int entryIndex = 1;
-        // New entry
-        result = pbkBuffer->AddNewEntryTag();
-        if ( KErrNone == result )
-            {
-            // Type of index is TUint16 in Multimode ETel and TInt in old ETel.
-            result = pbkBuffer->PutTagAndValue( 
-            RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBAdnIndex, (TUint16)entryIndex );
-            VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::Write: ETagPBAdnIndex \
-                    result=%I",  result );
-            // Add name, Type of ETagPBText is TDes16
-            TPtrC vmbxName( KNullDesC );
-            aEntry.GetVmbxName( vmbxName );
-            result = pbkBuffer->PutTagAndValue( 
-            RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBText, vmbxName );
-            VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::Write: ETagPBText\
-                    result=%I",  result );
-            // Add number, Type of ETagPBNumber is TDes16
-            TPtrC vmbxNumber( KNullDesC );
-            aEntry.GetVmbxNumber( vmbxNumber );
-            result = pbkBuffer->PutTagAndValue( 
-            RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBNumber, vmbxNumber );
-            VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::Write: ETagPBNumber\
-                    result=%I",  result );
-            }
-        if ( KErrNone == result )
-            {
-            if ( iPhoneBookType == EMBDNPhoneBook )
-                {
-                RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneVoicemailIdsV3 mbdnInfo;
-                result = GetMbdnInfo( mbdnInfo );
-                if ( KErrNone == result )
-                    {
-                    TInt index = mbdnInfo.iVoice;
-                    if( !IsActive() && !iWait->IsStarted() )
-                        {
-                        // write vmbx number to 6fc7 file
-                        iPhoneBook.Write( iStatus, pbData, index );
-                        // Wait for asynchronous call to finish
-                        iAsynType = EVmbxSimEntryWrite;
-                        SetActive();
-                        iWait->Start();
-                        result = iStatus.Int();
-                        }
-                    }
-                VMBLOGSTRING( "Mbdn writing" );
-                }
-            else
-                {
-                if( !IsActive() && !iWait->IsStarted() )
-                    {
-                    // write vmbx number to 6f17 file
-                    iPhoneBook.Write( iStatus, pbData, entryIndex );
-                    iAsynType = EVmbxSimEntryWrite;
-                    // Wait for asynchronous call to finish
-                    SetActive();
-                    iWait->Start();
-                    result = iStatus.Int();
-                    }
-                VMBLOGSTRING( "CVmbxPbkStore::Write 6f17 writing" );
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    delete pbkBuffer;
-    VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::Write: result=%I<=",  result );
-    return result;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVmbxPbkStore::PhonebookStore
-// Return RMobilePhoneBookStore
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-RMobilePhoneBookStore& CVmbxPbkStore::PhonebookStore()
-    {
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::PhonebookStore <=>" );
-    return iPhoneBook;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVmbxPbkStore::GetMbdnInfo
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CVmbxPbkStore::GetMbdnInfo( RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneVoicemailIdsV3& aInfo )
-    {
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::GetMbdnInfo =>" );
-    TInt result( KErrInUse );
-    // Get identifiers
-    if ( !IsActive() && !iWait->IsStarted() )
-        {
-        VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::GetMbdnInfo: GetMailboxNumbers" );
-        VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::GetMbdnInfo: iStatus %I",
-                                                             iStatus.Int() );
-        RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneVoicemailIdsV3Pckg infoPckg( aInfo );
-        iETelConnection->Phone().GetMailboxNumbers( iStatus, infoPckg );
-        VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::GetMbdnInfo :iStatus %I",
-                                                             iStatus.Int() );
-        iAsynType = EVmbxSimMbdnInfo;
-        // Wait for asynchronous call to finish
-        SetActive();
-        iWait->Start();
-        VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::GetMbdnInfo: iVoice original value %I",
-                                                             aInfo.iVoice );
-        if ( iStatus.Int() == KErrNotFound )
-            {
-            result = KErrNone;
-            VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::GetMbdnInfo: KErrNotFound,\
-             but igorned and change to KErrNone" );
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            result = iStatus.Int();
-            }
-        TVmbxAlsLineType alsLine = VmbxUtilities::AlsLine();
-        if ( EVmbxAlsLineDefault == alsLine )
-            {
-            aInfo.iVoice =  EVmbxAlsLine1;
-            }
-        VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::GetMbdnInfo: iVoice last value %I",
-            aInfo.iVoice );
-        }
-    VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::GetMbdnInfo: result %I<=",
-         result );
-    return result;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVmbxPbkStore::OpenMbdnPhonebook
-// opening mbdn-type phonebook
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CVmbxPbkStore::OpenMbdnPhonebook()
-    {
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::OpenMbdnPhonebook =>" );
-    //Open mbdn-type phonebook , Currently the file not exist, thr return
-    // value also KErrNone
-    TInt result = iPhoneBook.Open( iETelConnection->Phone(),
-                                         KETelIccMbdnPhoneBook );
-    VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::OpenMbdnPhonebook :\
-        MBDN opening result = %d", result );
-    TBool res = IsSimFileExisting( EMBDNPhoneBook );
-    VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::OpenMbdnPhonebook :\
-        MBDN reading res = %d", res );
-    if ( !res )
-        {
-        result = KErrPathNotFound;
-        }
-    VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::OpenMbdnPhonebook res = %d<=", result );
-    return result;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVmbxPbkStore::OpenVmbxPhonebook
-// opening vmbx-type phonebook
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CVmbxPbkStore::OpenVmbxPhonebook()
-    {
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::OpenVmbxPhonebook =>" );
-    //Open vmbx-type phonebook , Currently the file not exist, thr return
-    // value also KErrNone
-    TInt result = iPhoneBook.Open( iETelConnection->Phone(),
-                                                 KETelIccVoiceMailBox );
-    VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::OpenVmbxPhonebook :\
-        Vmbx opening result = %d", result );
-    TBool res = IsSimFileExisting( EVMBXPhoneBook );
-    VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::OpenVmbxPhonebook :\
-        Vmbx reading res = %d", res );
-    if ( !res )
-        {
-        result = KErrPathNotFound;
-        }
-    VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::OpenVmbxPhonebook result=%d <=", result );
-    return result;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVmbxPbkStore::GetL
-// Fetches mailbox number from Sim
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CVmbxPbkStore::GetL( CVoiceMailboxEntry& aEntry )
-    {
-    VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::GetL: iPhoneBookType %d=>",
-                         iPhoneBookType );
-    if ( EMBDNPhoneBook == iPhoneBookType )
-        {
-        TRAPD( err, SimReadL( aEntry ) );
-        TPtrC vmbxNumber( KNullDesC );
-        if ( KErrNone == err )
-            {
-            err = aEntry.GetVmbxNumber( vmbxNumber );
-            }
-        // 6fc7 file empty
-        if ( ( KErrNone != err ) || ( !vmbxNumber.Length() ) )
-            {
-            VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::GetL: \
-            no vmbx number in 6fc7 file then read from 6f17 file err%I", err );
-            // close 6fc7 and open 6f17 file
-            iPhoneBook.Close();
-            User::LeaveIfError( OpenVmbxPhonebook() );
-            // read vmbx number from 6f17 file
-            SimReadL( aEntry );
-            }
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        SimReadL( aEntry );
-        }
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::GetL <=" );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVmbxPbkStore::SimReadL
-// read vmbx number from sim
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CVmbxPbkStore::SimReadL( CVoiceMailboxEntry& aEntry )
-    {
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::SimReadL =>" );
-    TInt numEntries( 1 );
-    TBuf8<KVmbxPhonebookBufferSize> pbData;
-    TInt result( KErrInUse );
-    if ( iPhoneBookType == EMBDNPhoneBook )
-        {
-        RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneVoicemailIdsV3 mbdnInfo;
-        result = GetMbdnInfo( mbdnInfo );
-        if ( KErrNone == result )
-            {
-            VMBLOGSTRING( "start MBDN PhoneBook read" );
-            if( !IsActive() && !iWait->IsStarted() )
-                {
-                // read vmbx number from 6fc7 file
-                iPhoneBook.Read( 
-                iStatus, mbdnInfo.iVoice, numEntries, pbData );
-                iAsynType = EVmbxSimEntryRead;
-                // Wait for asynchronous call to finish
-                SetActive();
-                iWait->Start();
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        // Record#1 in sim is for line1 number and Record#2 in sim is for
-        // line2 number so line is used to fetch
-        VMBLOGSTRING( "start VMBX PhoneBook read" );
-        TInt activeAlsLine = aEntry.VmbxAlsLineType();
-        if ( EVmbxAlsLineDefault == activeAlsLine )
-            {
-            activeAlsLine = EVmbxAlsLine1;
-            }
-        if( !IsActive() && !iWait->IsStarted() )
-            {
-            result = KErrNone;
-            // read vmbx number from 6f17 file
-            VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::SimReadLactiveAlsLine = %I",
-                 activeAlsLine );
-            iPhoneBook.Read( iStatus, activeAlsLine, numEntries, pbData );
-            iAsynType = EVmbxSimEntryRead;
-            // Wait for asynchronous call to finish
-            SetActive();
-            iWait->Start();
-            }
-        }
-    User::LeaveIfError( result );
-    // asynchronous call finished
-    VMBLOGSTRING2( "PhoneBook read iStatus = %I", iStatus.Int() );
-    if( iStatus.Int() == KErrNone )
-        {
-        ParseDataL( aEntry, pbData );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        User::Leave( iStatus.Int() );
-        }
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::SimReadL <=" );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVmbxPbkStore::ParseDataL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CVmbxPbkStore::ParseDataL( CVoiceMailboxEntry& aEntry, TDes8& aPbData )
-    {
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::ParseDataL =>" );
-    TInt result( KErrNotFound );
-    VMBLOGSTRING2( "CVmbxPbkStore::ParseDataL Lengh = %d", aPbData.Length() );
-    if ( aPbData.Length() )
-        {
-        // -> Search Tags "ETagPBNumber" and "ETagPBText"
-        // and read (decode) them
-        // create buffer
-        CPhoneBookBuffer* pbkBuffer = new( ELeave ) CPhoneBookBuffer();
-        CleanupStack::PushL( pbkBuffer );
-        // start read
-        pbkBuffer->Set( &aPbData );
-        pbkBuffer->StartRead();
-        result = ReadNewEntryTag( pbkBuffer );
-        // Read first "new-entry-tag"
-        if ( KErrNone == result )
-            {
-            ReadPbkDataL( pbkBuffer, aEntry );
-            }
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( pbkBuffer );
-        }
-    VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::ParseDataL: result %I", result );
-    User::LeaveIfError( result );
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::ParseDataL <=" );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVmbxPbkStore::ReadNewEntryTag
-// Reads "new-entry-tag" from phonebook data from Sim
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CVmbxPbkStore::ReadNewEntryTag( CPhoneBookBuffer* aPbkBuffer )
-    {
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::ReadNewEntryTag =>" );
-    TInt result( KErrNone );
-    TUint8 tagValue( 0 );
-    CPhoneBookBuffer::TPhBkTagType dataType(
-                               CPhoneBookBuffer::EPhBkTypeNoData );
-    result = aPbkBuffer->GetTagAndType( tagValue, dataType );
-    VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::ReadNewEntryTag result = %d",
-     result );
-    VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::ReadNewEntryTag tagValue = %X",
-     tagValue );
-    if ( tagValue != RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBNewEntry )
-        {
-        VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::ParseDataL: Unknown result" );
-        result = KErrArgument;  // Something wrong in TLV
-        }
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::ReadNewEntryTag <=" );
-    return result;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVmbxPbkStore::ReadPbkData
-// Reads tags from buffer retrieved from sim
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CVmbxPbkStore::ReadPbkDataL( CPhoneBookBuffer* aPbkBuffer,
-                                         CVoiceMailboxEntry& aEntry )
-    {
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::ReadPbkDataL =>" );
-    TInt result( KErrNone );
-    TInt next( KErrNone );
-    TBool found( EFalse );
-    TUint8 tagValue( 0 );
-    CPhoneBookBuffer::TPhBkTagType dataType(
-                                          CPhoneBookBuffer::EPhBkTypeNoData );
-    result = aPbkBuffer->GetTagAndType( tagValue, dataType );
-    // loop through data to find a number and an possible alpha string
-    while ( next == KErrNone && result == KErrNone )
-        {
-        VMBLOGSTRING2("VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::ReadPbkDataL: tagValue: %d",
-         tagValue );
-        VMBLOGSTRING2("VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::ReadPbkDataL: dataType: %d",
-         dataType );
-        // Check for text field
-        if ( tagValue == RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBText )
-            {
-            VMBLOGSTRING("VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::ReadPbkDataL: \
-                          ETagPBText found Alpha ID" );
-            found = ETrue;
-            // Alpha string field found from TLV entry,
-            // assuming 16bit data
-            TPtrC16 alphaPtrC;
-            result = aPbkBuffer->GetValue( alphaPtrC );
-            if ( KErrNone == result )
-                {
-                // set name to vmbx entry
-                result = aEntry.SetVmbxName( alphaPtrC );
-                }
-            }
-        // Check for number field
-        else if ( tagValue == RMobilePhoneBookStore::ETagPBNumber )
-            {
-            VMBLOGSTRING("VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::ReadPbkDataL: \
-                          ETagPBNumber found Number" );
-            found = ETrue;
-            // Number field found from TLV entry, assuming 16bit data
-            TPtrC16 numberPtrC;
-            result = aPbkBuffer->GetValue( numberPtrC );
-            if ( KErrNone == result )
-                {
-                // set number to vmbx entry
-                result = aEntry.SetVmbxNumber( numberPtrC );
-                }
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            // skip field
-            aPbkBuffer->SkipValue( dataType );
-            VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::ReadPbkDataL: SkipValue" );
-            }
-        // read next if no errors
-        if ( KErrNone == result )
-            {
-            // Read next field type
-            next = aPbkBuffer->GetTagAndType( tagValue, dataType );
-            VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::ReadPbkDataL: \
-                                    next GetTagAndType = %I", result );
-            }
-        }
-    // Neither alpha string Nor number is found
-    if( KErrNone == result && !found )
-        {
-        result = KErrNotFound;
-        }
-    VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::ReadPbkDataL result=%I", result );
-    User::LeaveIfError( result );
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::ReadPbkDataL <=" );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVmbxPbkStore::RunL
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CVmbxPbkStore::RunL()
-    {
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::RunL =>" );
-    if ( iWait->IsStarted() )
-        {
-        // stop blocking
-        iWait->AsyncStop();
-        VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxSimHandler::RunL: AsyncStop" );
-        }
-    iAsynType = EVmbxSimDefault;
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::RunL <=" );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVmbxPbkStore::DoCancel
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CVmbxPbkStore::DoCancel()
-    {
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::DoCancel =>" );
-    if ( iWait->IsStarted() )
-        {
-        // stop blocking
-        iWait->AsyncStop();
-        VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::DoCancel: AsyncStop" );
-        }
-    VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::DoCancel: iAsynType %I",iAsynType );
-    switch ( iAsynType )    
-        {
-        // only for USIM
-        case EVmbxSimMbdnInfo:
-            {
-            VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::DoCancel : \
-                                        EVmbxSimMbdnInfo" );
-            iETelConnection->Phone().CancelAsyncRequest( 
-                                              EMobilePhoneGetMailboxNumbers );
-            break;
-            }
-        case EVmbxSimGetInfo:
-            {
-            VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::DoCancel : \
-                                              EVmbxSimGetInfo" );
-            iETelConnection->Phone().CancelAsyncRequest( 
-                                               EMobilePhoneStoreGetInfo );
-            break;
-            }            
-        case EVmbxSimEntryRead:
-            {
-            VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::DoCancel : EVmbxSimEntryRead" );
-            iETelConnection->Phone().CancelAsyncRequest( 
-                                               EMobilePhoneStoreRead );
-            break;
-            }
-        case EVmbxSimEntryWrite:
-            {
-            VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::DoCancel : EVmbxSimEntryWrite" );
-            iETelConnection->Phone().CancelAsyncRequest( 
-                                               EMobilePhoneStoreWrite );
-            break;
-            }
-        default:
-            break;
-        }
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::DoCancel <=" );
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVmbxPbkStore::RunError
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TInt CVmbxPbkStore::RunError(TInt aError)
-    {
-    // Avoid warning
-    aError = aError;
-    VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::RunError: %I", aError );
-    return KErrNone;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVmbxPbkStore::IsSimFileExisting
-// check sim file existing or not
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CVmbxPbkStore::IsSimFileExisting( const TVmbxSimPhonebookType aType )
-    {
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::IsSimFileExisting =>" );
-    iPhoneBookType = aType;
-    TBool result( ETrue );
-    CVoiceMailboxEntry* entry(NULL);
-    TRAPD( err, entry = CVoiceMailboxEntry::NewL() );
-    VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::IsSimFileExisting err = %d ",
-     err );
-    if ( KErrNone != err )
-        {
-        result = EFalse;
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        entry->SetVoiceMailboxType( EVmbxVoice );
-        TRAPD( err, SimReadL( *entry ) );
-        // KErrPathNotFound means when current file path not found.
-        if ( KErrPathNotFound == err )
-            {
-            result = EFalse;
-            }
-        }
-    delete entry;
-    entry = NULL;
-    VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::IsSimFileExisting result = %d <= ",
-         result );
-    return result;
-    }
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CVmbxPbkStore::IsWriteAccess
-// Sim write access support
-// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-TBool CVmbxPbkStore::IsWriteAccess()
-    {
-    VMBLOGSTRING( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore::IsWriteAccess =>" );
-    TBool result( EFalse );
-    RMobilePhoneBookStore::TMobilePhoneBookInfoV1 info;
-    TInt temp = GetVmbxInfo( info );
-    if( KErrNone == temp )
-        {
-        result = ( info.iCaps &
-                RMobilePhoneBookStore::KCapsWriteAccess ? ETrue : EFalse );
-        }
-    VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore:: IsWriteAccess: info.iCaps %X",
-                     info.iCaps );
-    VMBLOGSTRING2( "VMBX: CVmbxPbkStore:: IsWriteAccess result %I <=", result );
-    return result;
-    }
-//End of file