changeset 0 ff3b6d0fd310
child 8 ba42c4bd84dd
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/satengine/SatServer/Engine/src/CSatSUiSubSession.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:11:09 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,563 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Ui sub session.
+#include    <e32property.h>
+#include    <SATDomainPSKeys.h>
+#include    "CSatSUiSubSession.h"
+#include    "CSatSSession.h"
+#include    "CSatSServer.h"
+#include    "CSatCommandHandler.h"
+#include    "CSatCommandContainer.h"
+#include    "MSatApi.h"
+#include    "EnginePanic.h"
+#include    "SatLog.h"
+#include    "SATInternalPSKeys.h"
+// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSatSUiSubSession::CSatSUiSubSession
+// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
+// might leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//lint -e{1403, 1769} Can not be initialized, harmless.
+    CSatSSession& aSession,
+    MSatApi& aSatApi,
+    TSatEventMediator& aEventMediator ) // Session
+    :
+    CSatSSubSession( aSession ),
+    iEventData(),
+    iEventDataPckg( iEventData ),
+    iSatApi( aSatApi ),
+    iEventMediator( aEventMediator )
+    {
+        "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession::CSatSUiSubSession calling - exiting" )
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSatSUiSubSession::ConstructL
+// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSatSUiSubSession::ConstructL()
+    {
+    LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession::ConstructL calling" )
+    iEventMediator.RegisterL( this, MSatUtils::ESmsSent );
+    // Get registered service requests from MSatUtils.
+    iServiceRequest = iSession.SatServer()->SatUtils()->ServiceRequests();
+    LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession::ConstructL exiting" )
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSatSUiSubSession::NewL
+// Two-phased constructor.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CSatSUiSubSession* CSatSUiSubSession::NewL(
+    CSatSSession& aSession,
+    MSatApi& aSatApi,
+    TSatEventMediator& aEventMediator )
+    {
+    LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession::NewL calling" )
+    CSatSUiSubSession* self =
+        new( ELeave ) CSatSUiSubSession( aSession, aSatApi, aEventMediator );
+    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+    self->ConstructL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+    LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession::NewL exiting" )
+    return self;
+    }
+// Destructor
+    {
+    LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession::~CSatSUiSubSession calling" )
+    iServiceRequest = NULL;
+    // Unregister to listen events
+    iEventMediator.Unregister( this );
+    // Inform session that UI Session is closed.
+    // Session tells to container of iServiceRequest to reset
+    // request handlers.
+    iSession.UiSessionClosed();
+    LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession::~CSatSUiSubSession exiting" )
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSatSUiSubSession::HandleCommandL
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSatSUiSubSession::HandleCommandL(
+    const RMessage2& aMessage ) // Message from ui client.
+    {
+    LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession::HandleCommandL calling" )
+    LOG2( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession::HandleCommandL \
+          command: %i", aMessage.Function() )
+    switch ( aMessage.Function() )
+        {
+        // Ui client is ready to handle setupmenu command.
+        case ESatSProactiveSetUpMenu:
+            {
+            // Notifies that SetUpMenu command has been made because SAT Client
+            // side application is returning to the main menu after SelectItem.
+            // For example: Next action is LaunchBrowser command and after
+            // Browser is launched then SAT Client side application has been
+            // opened top of Browser. In some cases SAT client side application
+            // stays topmost.
+            iEventMediator.Notify( MSatUtils::ESetUpMenuRequested );
+            // This service request is handled also like commands listed below.
+            }
+            //lint -fallthrough intended here
+        case ESatSProactiveDisplayText:
+        case ESatSProactiveGetInkey:
+        case ESatSProactiveGetInput:
+        case ESatSProactiveSelectItem:
+        case ESatSProactivePlayTone:
+        case ESatSProactiveRefresh:
+        case ESatSProactiveDisplayTextResponse:
+        case ESatSProactiveGetInkeyResponse:
+        case ESatSProactiveGetInputResponse:
+        case ESatSProactiveSelectItemResponse:
+        case ESatSProactivePlayToneResponse:
+        case ESatSProactiveQuery:
+        case ESatSProactiveQueryResponse:
+        case ESatSProactiveNotification:
+        case ESatSProactiveNotificationResponse:
+            {
+            const TInt count( iServiceRequest->Count() );
+            TBool requestHandled( EFalse );
+            TInt index( 0 );
+            // Loop until request is handled or no request handler found.
+            while ( !requestHandled && index < count )
+                {
+                requestHandled = iServiceRequest->At( index )->
+                    HandleRequest( aMessage );
+                index++;
+                }
+            LOG2( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession::HandleCommandL \
+                  index: %i", index )
+            break;
+            }
+        // Menu selection envelope.
+        case ESatSActiveMenuSelection:
+            {
+            LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession: MenuSelection" )
+            // Declare the IPC data structures.
+            RSat::TMenuSelectionV1 menuSelection;
+            RSat::TMenuSelectionV1Pckg menuSelectionPckg( menuSelection );
+            // Perform the IPC transfer of response data.
+            TRAPD( res, aMessage.ReadL( 0, menuSelectionPckg ) );
+            // Send the response further only if IPC succeeded.
+            if ( KErrNone != res )
+                {
+                LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession: KErrNone != res" )
+                iSession.PanicClient( aMessage, ESatSBadDescriptor );
+                }
+            iSatApi.SendMenuSelection( menuSelectionPckg );
+            // Complete the client request.
+            aMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
+            LOG( SIMPLE,
+                "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession::HandleCommandL exiting" )
+            return;
+            }
+        case ESatSProactiveEvent:
+            {
+            LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession: Event" )
+            iEventRequest = aMessage;
+            iEventRequestAvailable = ETrue;
+            if ( iCloseUiRequested )
+                {
+                LOG( SIMPLE,
+                    "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession::HandleCommandL closeui" )
+                CloseUiSession();
+                }
+            else if ( iSmsSent )
+                {
+                LOG( SIMPLE,
+                    "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession::HandleCommandL smssent" )
+                SendSmsSentEventToClient();
+                }
+            else if ( iClearScreenRequested )
+                {
+                LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession::HandleCommandL \
+                     clearscreen" )
+                ClearScreen();
+                }
+            else if ( iUiEventRequested )
+                {
+                LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession::HandleCommandL \
+                     UiEventRequested" )
+                HandleUiEventNotification();
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE:   Event request available" )
+                }
+            break;
+            }
+        case ESatSProactiveEventResponse:
+            {
+            LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession: EventResponse" )
+            // Declare the IPC data structures.
+            TSatEventV1 eventRsp;
+            //lint -e{603} eventRsp read through eventRspPckg in ReadL.
+            TSatEventV1Pckg eventRspPckg( eventRsp );
+            // Perform the IPC transfer of response data.
+            TRAPD( res, aMessage.ReadL( 0, eventRspPckg ) );
+            if ( KErrNone != res )
+                {
+                LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession::HandleCommandL \
+                     read response data error" )
+                iSession.PanicClient( aMessage, ESatSBadDescriptor );
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession::HandleCommandL \
+                     no error" )
+                aMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
+                }
+            break;
+            }
+        case ESatSSessionTerminated:
+            {
+            LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession: SessionTerminated" )
+            TSatTermination temp;
+            //lint -e{603} temp read through tempPckg in ReadL.
+            TSatTerminationPckg tempPckg ( temp );
+            TRAPD( res, aMessage.ReadL( 0, tempPckg ) );
+            if ( KErrNone != res )
+                {
+                LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession::HandleCommandL \
+                     read tempPckg error" )
+                iSession.PanicClient( aMessage, ESatSBadDescriptor );
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                LOG2( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession::HandleCommandL \
+                      temp.type: %i", temp.type )
+                switch ( temp.type )
+                    {
+                    case ETerminatedByCancel:
+                        {
+                        iEventMediator.Notify(
+                            MSatUtils::ECommandCancelled );
+                        break;
+                        }
+                    case ETerminatedByEndKey:
+                        {
+                        iEventMediator.Notify(
+                            MSatUtils::ECancelledUsingEndKey );
+                        PublishSatAppClosedUsingEndKey();
+                        // Inform session that UI Session is closed.
+                        // Session is not actually closed yet but this prevents
+                        // sending data through this session.
+                        // Notify thread death monitor
+                        iSession.NotifyThreadDeathMonitor();
+                        break;
+                        }
+                    default:
+                        {
+                        LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE:   Unknown termination type" )
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            // Complete the client request.
+            aMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
+            break;
+            }
+        default:
+            {
+            LOG( SIMPLE, "  Unhandled command")
+            }
+        }
+    LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession::HandleCommandL exiting" )
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSatSUiSubSession::CloseUiSession
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSatSUiSubSession::CloseUiSession()
+    {
+    LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession::CloseUiSession calling" )
+    // Set request flag to ETrue. Updated when command is successfully sent.
+    iCloseUiRequested = ETrue;
+    // Notify thread death monitor
+    iSession.NotifyThreadDeathMonitor();
+    iEventData.iEvent = ESatSCloseSatUiAppEvent;
+    const TBool commandSent( SendCommandDataToClient( iEventRequestAvailable,
+                             iEventDataPckg,
+                             iEventRequest ) );
+    if ( commandSent )
+        {
+        LOG( SIMPLE, 
+        "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession::CloseUiSession commandSent" )
+        // If command was sent, set flag to false, so when next Event request
+        // arrives, command data is not sent.
+        iCloseUiRequested = EFalse;
+        }
+    LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession::CloseUiSession exiting" )
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSatSUiSubSession::ClearScreen
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSatSUiSubSession::ClearScreen()
+    {
+    LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession::ClearScreen calling" )
+    // Set request flag to ETrue. Updated when command is successfully sent.
+    iClearScreenRequested = ETrue;
+    iEventData.iEvent = ESatSClearScreenEvent;
+    const TBool commandSent( SendCommandDataToClient( iEventRequestAvailable,
+                             iEventDataPckg,
+                             iEventRequest ) );
+    if ( commandSent )
+        {
+        LOG( SIMPLE, 
+        "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession::ClearScreen commandSent" )
+        // If command was sent, set flag to false, so when next Event request
+        // arrives, command data is not sent.
+        iClearScreenRequested = EFalse;
+        }
+    LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession::ClearScreen exiting" )
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSatSUiSubSession::UiEventNotification
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSatSUiSubSession::UiEventNotification(
+    TInt aEventId, TInt aEventStatus, TInt aEventError )
+    {
+    LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession::UiEventNotification calling" )
+    // Set request flag to ETrue. Updated when command is successfully sent.
+    iUiEventRequested = ETrue;
+    iEventData.iEvent = static_cast< TSatSEvent >( aEventId );
+    iEventData.iStatus = static_cast< TSatSEventStatus >( aEventStatus );
+    iEventData.iError = aEventError;
+    HandleUiEventNotification();
+    LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession::UiEventNotification exiting" )
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSatSUiSubSession::HandleUiEventNotification
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSatSUiSubSession::HandleUiEventNotification()
+    {
+        "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession::HandleUiEventNotification calling" )
+    // Send Command to client
+    const TBool commandSent( SendCommandDataToClient( iEventRequestAvailable,
+                             iEventDataPckg,
+                             iEventRequest ) );
+    // Check the status of command sending
+    if ( commandSent )
+        {
+        LOG( SIMPLE, 
+        "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession::HandleUiEventNotification commandSent" )
+        // If command was sent, set flag to false, so when next Event request
+        // arrives, command data is not sent.
+        iUiEventRequested = EFalse;
+        }
+        "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession::HandleUiEventNotification exiting" )
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSatSUiSubSession::SendCommand
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSatSUiSubSession::SendCommand(
+    TDesC8* aCmdData, // Data from SIM.
+    TDes8* aCmdRsp, // Response.
+    TSatServerRequest aRequest ) // Request, which the aData is sent.
+    {
+    LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession::SendCommand calling" )
+    const TInt count( iServiceRequest->Count() );
+    TBool requestHandled( EFalse );
+    TInt index( 0 );
+    // Loop until request is handled or no request handler found.
+    while ( !requestHandled && ( index < count ) )
+        {
+        requestHandled = iServiceRequest->At( index )->HandleCommand(
+            aCmdData, aCmdRsp, aRequest );
+        index++;
+        }
+    LOG2( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession::SendCommand \
+          index: %i", index )
+    LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession::SendCommand exiting" )
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSatSUiSubSession::Event
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSatSUiSubSession::Event( TInt aEvent )
+    {
+    LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession::Event calling" )
+    if ( MSatUtils::ESmsSent == aEvent )
+        {
+        LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession::Event ESmsSent" )
+        iSmsSent = ETrue;
+        SendSmsSentEventToClient();
+        }
+    LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession::Event exiting" )
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSatSUiSubSession::SendCommandDataToClient
+// Writes descriptor to clients address space and
+// completes the request.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CSatSUiSubSession::SendCommandDataToClient(
+    TBool& aRequestAvailable, // Is request available
+    const TDesC8& aData, // Data to be sent to client
+    const RMessage2& aMessage ) const // Message of the request
+    {
+        "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession::SendCommandDataToClient calling" )
+    TBool commandSent( EFalse );
+    // Is ui client ready to receive the command data.
+    if ( aRequestAvailable )
+        {
+        LOG( SIMPLE, "SATENGINE: SendCommandDataToClient: Sending to Client" )
+        TRAPD( res, aMessage.WriteL( 0, aData ) );
+        if ( KErrNone != res )
+            {
+            LOG( SIMPLE, 
+            "SATENGINE: SendCommandDataToClient: KErrNone != res" )
+            iSession.PanicClient( aMessage, ESatSBadDescriptor );
+            }
+        aMessage.Complete( KErrNone );
+        aRequestAvailable = EFalse;
+        commandSent = ETrue;
+        }
+        "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession::SendCommandDataToClient exiting" )
+    return commandSent;
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSatSUiSubSession::SendSmsSentEventToClient
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSatSUiSubSession::SendSmsSentEventToClient()
+    {
+        "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession::SendSmsSentEventToClient calling" )
+    iEventData.iEvent = ESatSSmEndEvent;
+    const TBool commandSent( SendCommandDataToClient( iEventRequestAvailable,
+        iEventDataPckg, iEventRequest ) );
+    if ( commandSent )
+        {
+        LOG( SIMPLE, 
+        "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession::SendSmsSentEventToClient commandSent" )
+        // If command was sent, set flag to false, so when next Event request
+        // arrives, command data is not sent.
+        iSmsSent = EFalse;
+        }
+        "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession::SendSmsSentEventToClient exiting" )
+    }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Publish the P&S key KSatAppClosedUsingEndKey to indicate the occurred
+// End Key action
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSatSUiSubSession::PublishSatAppClosedUsingEndKey()
+    {
+        "SATENGINE:CSatSUiSubSession::PublishSatAppClosedUsingEndKey calling" )
+    TInt error = RProperty::Set( KPSUidSatServerInternal,
+        KSatAppClosedUsingEndKey, KSatAppTerminatedUsingEndKey );
+    LOG2( SIMPLE, "CSatSUiSubSession::PublishSatAppClosedUsingEndKey \
+          P&S key: %i", KSatAppTerminatedUsingEndKey )    
+    LOG2(NORMAL, 
+        "SATENGINE: CSatSUiSubSession::PublishSatAppClosedUsingEndKey -  \
+        publish KSapAppClosedUsingEndKey and return: %d ", error );
+        "SATENGINE:CSatSUiSubSession::PublishSatAppClosedUsingEndKey exiting" )
+    }