author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <kirill.dremov@nokia.com>
Tue, 14 Sep 2010 22:26:11 +0300
changeset 21 0a6dd2dc9970
parent 20 987c9837762f
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201033 Kit: 201035

* Copyright (c) 2008-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Divert base class.


#include <e32base.h>
#include <badesca.h>
#include <mmretrieve.h>
#include <ctsydomaincrkeys.h>
#include "MCallDiverting.h"
#include "MSSSettingsObserver.h"
#include "nwdefs.h"             
#include "PsetConstants.h"

class MPsetDivertObserver;

 * CPSetCallDivertingBase is base class for different type of
 * call divert implementations
 *  @lib phonesettings
 *  @since S60 v5.1
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CPSetCallDivertingBase ) : public CActive,
                                              public MSSSettingsObserver,
                                              public MCallDiverting
    public: // Constructors and destructors.

        * Two-phased constructor.
        * @return new instance of the class.
        * @param aObserver Call divert observer.
        * @param aPhone Provides client access to 
        *               mobile phone functionality provided by TSY.
        * @param aDivert provides access to CPsetCallDiverting.
        * @return Created CPSetCallDivertingBase object.
        static CPSetCallDivertingBase* NewL(
                MPsetDivertObserver& aObserver, 
                RMobilePhone& aPhone,
                CPsetCallDiverting* aDivert );

        * Destructor.
    public: // From base class.
        * @see MCallDiverting.
        void SetDivertingL( const TCallDivertSetting& aDivert,  
                            TBasicServiceGroups aBsc );        
        * @see MCallDiverting.
        void GetDivertingStatusL( const TServiceGroup aServiceGroup, 
                                  const TCallDivertingCondition aCondition, 
                                  TBasicServiceGroups aBsc );
        * @see MCallDiverting.
        TInt CancelCurrentRequest();
        * @see MCallDiverting.
        TInt SetNewDefaultNumberL( TDes& aNumber );
        * @see MCallDiverting.
        TInt GetTimerValueL();
        * @see MCallDiverting.
        TInt SetTimerValueL( const TInt& aValue );
        * @see MCallDiverting.
        void SwapDefaultNumberL( const TInt& aLocation );
        * @see MCallDiverting.
        TInt SaveKey( TUint32 aKeyId, const TDesC& aKeyValue );
        * @see MCallDiverting.
        TInt OpenVmbxLC( TDes& aTelNumber, RVmbxNumber& aVmbx );
        * @see MCallDiverting.
        TInt GetNumbersFromSharedDataL( TInt aType, 
                                CDesC16ArrayFlat& aArray );        
        * Gets Als status.
        * @return used ALS line.
        TSelectedLine GetSAAls();
        * Creates param list for NotifySADivertChange method.
        TCallDivertNotifySetting CreateDivertNotifySetting( 
                    TUnconditionalCFStatus aCurrentDivert, 
                    TBool aDivertChanged,
                    TBool aVoiceMbxDivert, 
                    TInt aBasic );
        * If unconditional voice divert is activated/cancelled, notifies observer, 
        * so that it can set on/off indicators.
        * @param aVmbxDivert vmbx number.
        * @param TDivertingStatus call forwarding status.
        void HandleSANotificationL( TBool aVmbxDivert, TDivertingStatus& aCfStatus );
        * Verifies whether the divert-to number is to voice mail box.
        * @param aTelNumber divert number.
        * @return ETrue if used number is vmbx number
        *       otherwise EFalse.
        TBool IsVMBXDivertL( TDesC& aTelNumber );       
        * If divert activation/cancellation/etc. affects more than one bsc, 
        * inform PSUI about it.
        * @param aDivert contains forwarding information.
        * @param aBsc used basic service.
        * @return ETrue if divert is multiaffecting
        *       otherwise EFalse.
        TBool IsMultiAffectingDivert( 
                        const TCallDivertSetting& aDivert, 
                        TBasicServiceGroups aBsc );
        * Validates used bsc, if EUnknown, updates to real value.
        * @param aBsc used basic service.
        void ValidateBsc( TBasicServiceGroups& aBsc );
        * Currently active request that is handled by this class.
        enum TPSetDivertRequest
        * Starts new request.
        * @param aRequest defines request type.
        void StartRequestingL( const TInt& aRequest );
        * Inform request observer that request status has changed.
        * @param aStatus request type.
        void SetRequestStatus( TPSetDivertRequest aStatus );
        * Inform the request observer that request has been completed.
        * @param aError request status.
        void RequestCompleted( const TInt& aError );
        * Push object into cleanupstack to catch leaving.
        void CleanupLeavePushL();
        * Object has caused a leave.
        static void DoHandleLeave( TAny* aAny );
        * Handles leave.
        void HandleLeave();
        * Verifies that delay time is divisible by five.
        TBool VerifyDelayTime( const TInt& aDelayTime );

        * C++ constructor.
        CPSetCallDivertingBase( RMobilePhone& aPhone, CPsetCallDiverting* aDivert  );
        * Symbian OS constructor.
        void ConstructL( MPsetDivertObserver& aObserver );
    private: //from base clases.

        * @see CActive::RunL().
        void RunL();
        * @see CActive::DoCancel().
        void DoCancel();
        * @see MSSSettingsObserver::PhoneSettingChanged().
        void PhoneSettingChanged( TSSSettingsSetting aSetting, TInt aNewValue );
        // Provides client access to mobile phone functionality provided by TSY.
        RMobilePhone& iPhone;
        // Provides client access to mobile line functionality provided by TSY.
        RMobileLine* iLine;
        // Observer for Call divert requests
        MPsetDivertObserver* iObserver;
        // Call divert instance.
        CPsetCallDiverting* iDivert;
        // Current, active request
        TPSetDivertRequest iCurrentReq;
        // Value of Alternative Line Selection setting
        TSSSettingsAlsValue iAls;
        // SsSettings pointer, accesses supplementary services on SIM
        RSSSettings* iSsSettings;
        // Plural notes are shown when operations affect several groups.
        TBool iPluralNotes;
        // Request observer
        MPsetRequestObserver* iReqObserver;
        // Call forwarding reason.
        RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCFCondition iReason;
        // Divert condition
        RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCFInfoEntryV1 iDivertInfo;
        // Call divert settings
        RMobilePhone::TMobilePhoneCFChangeV1 iChangeInfo;
        // Retrieves the Call Forwarding status list from the phone.
        CRetrieveMobilePhoneCFList* iCfInterrogator;
        // Central repository.
        CRepository* iRepository;
        // Status check.
        TBool iCFStatusCheck;
        // Basic service code.
        TInt iBsc;
        // Call forwarding settings.
        TCallDivertSetting iDivertStatus;
        // Is request connected to video diverts.
        TBool iVideoDivert;
        // Is request connected to voice diverts.
        TBool iVoiceDivert;
        // Is feature manager intialized. 
        TBool iFeatureManagerInitialized;


// End of File