author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Tue, 14 Sep 2010 22:26:11 +0300
changeset 21 0a6dd2dc9970
parent 0 ff3b6d0fd310
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201033 Kit: 201035

* Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: 
*    Defines CSatUiView class


#include    <msatuiobserver.h>
#include    <aknview.h>        // For CAknView class 

static const TInt KTabLength = 4;     // Items tab length

class AknStaticNoteDialog;
class MSatUiAdapter;
class CSatUiViewContainer;
class CSatUiViewAppUi;


* SatUi view (SetUpMenu and SelectItem).
class CSatUiView : public CAknView, 
                   public MEikListBoxObserver
    public: // Constructors and destructor

        * Two-phased constructor.
        static CSatUiView* NewL( TBool aSetUpMenu, 
                                 CSatUiViewAppUi* aAppUi, 
                                 TBool aEmpty );

        * Destructor.
        virtual ~CSatUiView();

    public: // New functions

        * Sets the title needed for showing the view.
        * @param aTitle The Title pane text.
        void SetTitle( const HBufC* aTitle );

        * Sets all parameters needed for showing the view.
        * @param aTitle The Title pane text.
        * @param aMenuItems The Main pane list items.
        * @param aMenuItemNextActions The Options items.
        * @param aHelpIsAvailable The help flag.
        * @return Operation result.
        TSatUiResponse SetItemsL( HBufC* aTitle,
            const MDesCArray& aMenuItems,
            const CArrayFixFlat<TSatAction>* aMenuItemNextActions,
            const TBool aHelpIsAvailable );

        * Activates SetUpMenu view.
        * @param aTitle The Title pane text.
        * @param aMenuItems The Main pane list items.
        * @param aMenuItemNextActions The Options items.
        * @param aHelpIsAvailable The help flag.
        * @return Operation result.
        TSatUiResponse SetUpMenuL( HBufC* aTitle,
            const MDesCArray& aMenuItems,
            const CArrayFixFlat<TSatAction>* aMenuItemNextActions,
            const TBool aHelpIsAvailable );

        * Activates SelectItem view.
        * @param aTitle The Title pane text.
        * @param aMenuItems The Main pane list items.
        * @param aMenuItemNextActions The Options items.
        * @param aDefaultItem The item in focus.
        * @param aSelection The selected item.
        * @param aHelpIsAvailable The help flag.
        * @return Operation result.
        TSatUiResponse SelectItemL( HBufC* aTitle,
            const MDesCArray& aMenuItems,
            const CArrayFixFlat<TSatAction>* aMenuItemNextActions,
            const TInt aDefaultItem, TUint8& aSelection,
            const TBool aHelpIsAvailable );

        * Sets the pointer to adapter provided by SatCli.
        * @param aAdapter A pointer to an abstract adapter interface.
        void SetAdapter( MSatUiAdapter* aAdapter );

        * Sets the icon bitmap pointer.
        * @param aIconBitmap Context Pane icon.
        void SetIconL( const CFbsBitmap* aIconBitmap );

        * Sets the items icon array.
        * @param aItemsIconArray Items iconarray.
        * @param aSelfExplanatoryItems Indicate if only icons are shown
        void SetItemsIconL( const CAknIconArray* aItemsIconArray, 
            const TBool aSelfExplanatoryItems );

        * Hides and makes list box visible if needed.
        * @param aVisible Visible or hidden
        void MakeListBoxVisible( TBool aVisible );
        * Updates CBA according to current next action
        * @param aIndex current row on the list
        * @param aNew is the view just created
        void UpdateMskL( TInt aIndex, TBool aNew );

    public: // Functions from base classes

        * From CAknView Returns the UId of the view.
        * @return The UId of the view.
        TUid Id() const;

        * From CAknView Handles view commands.
        * @param aCommand The command identifier.
        void HandleCommandL(TInt aCommand);

        * From CAknView Handles the options menu.
        * @param aResourceId Resource id of the menu pane.
        * @param aMenuPane The menu pane.
        void DynInitMenuPaneL( TInt aResourceId, CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane );

    protected: // New functions

        * Updates the view container.
        void RefreshL();

        * Draws the title and list items of the view.
        void DrawL();

    protected: // Functions from base classes

        * From MEikListBoxObserver Handles list box events.
        * @param aEventType The event identifier.
        void HandleListBoxEventL( CEikListBox* /*aListBox*/,
            TListBoxEvent aEventType );

        * From CAknView Activates the view.
        void DoActivateL( const TVwsViewId& /*PrevViewId*/,
            TUid /*aCustomMessageId*/, const TDesC8& /*aCustomMessage*/);

        * From CAknView Deactivates the view.
        void DoDeactivate();


        * called when user has been
        * inactive for a pre-defined period
        static TInt DispatchUserInactive( TAny* aPtr );

        * C++ default constructor.
        CSatUiView( TBool aSetUpMenu, CSatUiViewAppUi* aAppUi, TBool aEmpty );

        * Symbian OS constructor.
        void ConstructL();

    public: //Data
        //CUserActivityManager user response wait scheduler
        CActiveSchedulerWait iWait;

    private: //Data

        // Own: indicates that a note was cleared after a delay
        TBool iNoResponseFromUserAfterDelay;

        //Ref: adapter provided by SatCli
        MSatUiAdapter* iAdapter;

        //To block the keypad abter the user action and unblock when
        //the new SatServer command comes
       TBool iKeypadBlocked;

        //Type of the view (SetUpMenu or SelectItem)
        TBool iSetUpMenu;

        //Ref: UI object
        CSatUiViewAppUi* iSatUiAppUi;

        //Own: items of the main pain list
        CDesCArrayFlat* iMenuItems;
        //Own: codes of options menu items
        CArrayFixFlat<TSatAction>* iMenuItemNextActions;

        //Number of items in the maind pane
        TInt iNItems;

        //Ref: view title text
        const HBufC* iTitle;

        TBool iHelpIsAvailable;

        //Own: view container
        CSatUiViewContainer* iContainer;

        //Ref: list box model
        CTextListBoxModel* iModel;

        //The response to SatServer
        TSatUiResponse iResponse;

        //default item in the Select Item list
        TInt iDefaultItem;

        //selected item in the list
        TInt iSelection;

        //client rectangle
        TRect iRect;

        //Items icon array
        CAknIconArray* iItemsIconArray;

        //Icons exists on view
        TBool iIconsOn;

        //Icons state changed
        TBool iIconStateChange;
        //If only icons are shown
        TBool iSelfExplanatoryItems;
        //Value for displaying list box.
        TBool iListBoxVisible;
        //Indication that view is first created empty view
        TBool iEmpty;


#endif    // CSATUIVIEW_H

//  End of File