* Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Observer for refresh events.
#include <e32std.h>
#include <etelsat.h>
enum TSatElementaryFiles
KUnknownEf = RSat::KUnknownEf, // Unknown EF type
KDirEf = RSat::KDirEf, // Application directory EF
KElpEf = RSat::KElpEf, // Extended Language Preference
// EF
KArrEf = RSat::KArrEf, // Access Rule Reference EF at
// the MF level.
KImgEf = RSat::KImgEf, // Image EF
KPscEf = RSat::KPscEf, // Phonebook synchronisation
// counter EF
KCcEf = RSat::KCcEf, // Change counter EF
KPuidEf = RSat::KPuidEf, // Previous unique identifier
// EF
KPbr = RSat::KPbr, // Phonebook reference file EF
KSllEf = RSat::KSllEf, // SoLSA LSA List EF
KInvScan = RSat::KInvScan, // Investigation File EF
KImpiEf = RSat::KImpiEf, // IMS private user identity EF
KImpuEf = RSat::KImpuEf, // IMS public user identity EF
KDomainEf = RSat::KDomainEf, // Home Network Domain Name EF
KLpEf = RSat::KLpEf, // Language Preference EF
KArradEf = RSat::KArradEf, // Access rule reference (under
KImsiEf = RSat::KImsiEf, // IMSI EF
KCsp1Ef = RSat::KCsp1Ef, // CSP 1 EF (7F20/21 6F15)
KDckEf = RSat::KDckEf, // De-personalization Control
// Keys EF
KPlmnSelEf = RSat::KPlmnSelEf, // PLMN Selection EF
KHplmnEf = RSat::KHplmnEf, // Home PLMN EF
KCnlEf = RSat::KCnlEf, // Co-operative Network List EF
KAcmMaxEf = RSat::KAcmMaxEf, // ACM max value EF
KSstEf = RSat::KSstEf, // SIM Service Table EF
KAcmEf = RSat::KAcmEf, // Accumulated Call Meter EF
KAdnEf = RSat::KAdnEf, // Abbreviated Dialling Numbers
// EF
KFdnEf = RSat::KFdnEf, // Fixed Diallind Numbers EF
KSmsEf = RSat::KSmsEf, // Short Messages EF
KCcpEf = RSat::KCcpEf, // Capability Configuration
// Parameters EF
KGid1Ef = RSat::KGid1Ef, // Group Identifier Level 1 EF
KGid2Ef = RSat::KGid2Ef, // Group Identifier Level 2 EF
KMsisdnEf = RSat::KMsisdnEf, // MS ISDN EF
KPuctEf = RSat::KPuctEf, // Price per Unit and Currency
// Table EF
KSmspEf = RSat::KSmspEf, // SMS Parameters EF
KSmssEf = RSat::KSmssEf, // SMS Status EF
KLndEf = RSat::KLndEf, // Last Number Dialled EF
KCbmiEf = RSat::KCbmiEf, // Cell Broadcast Message
// Identifier
KSpnEf = RSat::KSpnEf, // Service Provider Name EF
KSmsrEf = RSat::KSmsrEf, // SMS reports EF
KCbmidEf = RSat::KCbmidEf, // CBMI for Data Download EF
KSdnEf = RSat::KSdnEf, // Service Dialling Numbers EF
KExt1Ef = RSat::KExt1Ef, // Extension 1 EF
KExt2Ef = RSat::KExt2Ef, // Extension 2 EF
KExt3Ef = RSat::KExt3Ef, // Extension 3 EF
KBdnEf = RSat::KBdnEf, // Barred Dialling Numbers EF
KExt5Ef = RSat::KExt5Ef, // Extension 5 EF
KCcp2Ef = RSat::KCcp2Ef, // Capability configuration
// parameters 2 EF
KCbmirEf = RSat::KCbmirEf, // CBMI Range Selection EF
KNiaEf = RSat::KNiaEf, // Network's Indication of
// Alerting EF
KLociGprsEf = RSat::KLociGprsEf, // GPRS Location Information EF
KSumeEf = RSat::KSumeEf, // SetUpMenu Elements EF
KExt4Ef = RSat::KExt4Ef, // Extension 4 EF
KEstEf = RSat::KEstEf, // Enabled services table EF
KAclEf = RSat::KAclEf, // Access point name control
// list EF
KCmiEf = RSat::KCmiEf, // Comparison method
// information EF
KStartHfnEf = RSat::KStartHfnEf, // Initialisation value for
// Hyperframe number EF
KThresholdEf = RSat::KThresholdEf, // Maximum value of START EF
KOPlmnwAcTEf = RSat::KOPlmnwAcTEf, // Operator controlled PLMN
// selector with Access
// Technology EF
KHPlmnwAcTEf = RSat::KHPlmnwAcTEf, // HPLMN selector with Access
// Technology EF
KRplmnActEf = RSat::KRplmnActEf, // RPLMN Last used Access
// Technology EF
KPsLociEf = RSat::KPsLociEf, // Packet switched location
// information EF
KAccEf = RSat::KAccEf, // Access Control Class EF
KFPlmnEf = RSat::KFPlmnEf, // Forbidden PLMN EF
KIciEf = RSat::KIciEf, // Incoming call information EF
KOciEf = RSat::KOciEf, // Outgoing call information EF
KIctEf = RSat::KIctEf, // Incoming call timer EF
KOctEf = RSat::KOctEf, // Outgoing call timer EF
KCsp2Ef = RSat::KCsp2Ef, // CSP 2 EF (7F40 6F98)
KAdEf = RSat::KAdEf, // Administrative Data EF
KPhaseEf = RSat::KPhaseEf, // Phase Identification EF
KVcgsEf = RSat::KVcgsEf, // Voice Group Call Service EF
KVgcssEf = RSat::KVgcssEf, // Voice Group Call Service
// Status EF
KVbsEf = RSat::KVbsEf, // Voice Broadcast Service EF
KVbssEf = RSat::KVbssEf, // Voice Broadcast Service
// Status EF
KeMlppEf = RSat::KeMlppEf, // enhanced Multi Level
// Pre-emption and Priority EF
KAaemef = RSat::KAaemef, // Automatic Answer for eMLLP
// Service EF
KEccEf = RSat::KEccEf, // Emergency Call Codes EF
KGmsi = RSat::KGmsi, // Group Identity EF
KHiddenKeyEf = RSat::KHiddenKeyEf, // Key for hidden phone book
// entries EF
KPnnEf = RSat::KPnnEf, // PLMN Network Name EF
KOplEf = RSat::KOplEf, // Operator Network List EF
KMbdnEf = RSat::KMbdnEf, // Mailbox Dialling Numbers EF
KExt6Ef = RSat::KExt6Ef, // Extension 6 EF
KMbiEf = RSat::KMbiEf, // Mailbox Identifier EF
KMwisEf = RSat::KMwisEf, // Message Waiting Indication
// Status EF
KCfisEf = RSat::KCfisEf, // Call Forwarding Indication
// Status EF
KExt7Ef = RSat::KExt7Ef, // Extension 7 EF
KSpdiEf = RSat::KSpdiEf, // Service provider display
// information EF
KMmsnEF = RSat::KMmsnEF, // MMS notification EF
KExt8Ef = RSat::KExt8Ef, // Extension 8 EF
KMmsicpEf = RSat::KMmsicpEf, // MMS issuer connectivity
// parameters EF
KMmsupEf = RSat::KMmsupEf, // MMS user preferences EF
KMmsucpEf = RSat::KMmsucpEf, // MMS user connectivity
KNiaRel5Ef = RSat::KNiaRel5Ef, // Network's Indication of Alerting EF (from Rel 5 onwards)
// parameters EF
KCspEf = 0xffff // CSP (Not yet defined in ETel
typedef TBuf16<242> TSatRefreshFiles;
// Refresh types.
enum TSatRefreshType
* Observer for refresh events. Client must not call any RSatRefresh
* methods from the observer methods.
* @lib SatClient
* @since 2.6
class MSatRefreshObserver
* C++ constructor.
MSatRefreshObserver() {};
* Destructor.
virtual ~MSatRefreshObserver() {};
public: // New functions
* Refresh query. Client should determine whether it allow the
* refresh to happen.
* @since 2.6
* @param aType Refresh type.
* @param aFiles Elementary files which are to be changed.
* May be zero length.
* @return ETrue to allow refresh, EFalse to decline refresh.
virtual TBool AllowRefresh(
TSatRefreshType aType, const TSatRefreshFiles& aFiles ) = 0;
* Notification of refresh.
* @since 2.6
* @param aType Type of refresh which has happened.
* @param aFiles List of elementary files which has been changed.
* May be zero length.
virtual void Refresh(
TSatRefreshType aType, const TSatRefreshFiles& aFiles ) = 0;
// Prohibit copy constructor if not deriving from CBase.
MSatRefreshObserver( const MSatRefreshObserver& );
// Prohibit assigment operator if not deriving from CBase.
MSatRefreshObserver& operator=( const MSatRefreshObserver& );
// End of File