author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Tue, 02 Feb 2010 01:11:09 +0200
changeset 0 ff3b6d0fd310
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201003 Kit: 201005

* Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  LaunchBrowser command handler


#include <etelsat.h>
#include <etelpckt.h>
#include <w32std.h>             // WsSession
#include <apgtask.h>            // TApaTask
#include <DocumentHandler.h>    // KWmlcHandler

#include "CSatCommandHandler.h"
#include "SatSTypes.h"          // TSatQuery

class MSatUtils;
class RCmManager;
class RCmConnectionMethod;

 *  Command handler for LaunchBrowser command.
 *  @lib LaunchBrowserCmd.lib
 *  @since S60 v3.0
class CLaunchBrowserHandler : public CSatCommandHandler

    static CLaunchBrowserHandler* NewL( MSatUtils* aUtils );

    virtual ~CLaunchBrowserHandler();

// from base class MSatCommand

     * From MSatCommand.
     * Response from the client.
    void ClientResponse();

// from base class CSatCommandHandler

     * From CSatCommandHandler.
     * Event notification.
     * @param aEvent An event that is occured.
    void Event( TInt aEvent );


// from base class CActive

     * From CActive.
     * Cancels the usat request.
    void DoCancel();
// from base class CSatCommandHandler

     * From CSatCommandHandler.
     * Requests the command notification.
     * @param aStatus Request status
    void IssueUSATRequest( TRequestStatus& aStatus );

     * From CSatCommandHandler.
     * Precheck before executing the command.
     * @return TBool indicating command is currently allowed.
    TBool CommandAllowed();

     * From CSatCommandHandler.
     * Need for ui session.
     * @return TBool indicating need of ui session.
    TBool NeedUiSession();

     * From CSatCommandHandler.
     * Called when USAT API notifies that command.
    void HandleCommand();

     * From CSatCommandHandler.
     * Indicates the failure of launching ui client.
    void UiLaunchFailed();



    void ConstructL();

     * Checks if Browser application is launched.
     * @return The result of the operation.
    TBool BrowserExists();

     * Closes the Browser application if it is active.
     * @return The result of the operation.
    void CloseBrowser();

     * Launches The Browser with URL.
     * @param aParam, Reference to the parameter for the Browser
     * application.
     * @param aAccessPointUid, Reference to the accesspoint uid.
    void LaunchWithUrlL( 
        const TDesC& aParam,
        const TUid& aAccessPointUid );

     * Handle the Launch Browser command.
    void LaunchBrowserL();

     * Starts timer. Function returns as the given time has elapsed or
     * timer is cancelled.
     * @param aDelay Delay from the function call to complete function in
     *               microseconds
     * @param aInterval Interval to complete wait after aDelay, zero by
     *                  default
    void After(
        const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32& aDelay,
        const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32& aInterval = 0 );

     * Called after given delay in After function.
     * Causes the After function to complete
     * @param aPtr Pointer to itself since this is static function
     * @return whether to call function again after an interval
    static TInt DelayCallBack( TAny* aPtr );

     * Create a new APN with given parameters using Access Point engine.
     * @param aApName APN name.
     * @param aProxyServerAddr Proxy/Gateway server address.
     * @param aProxyPortNumber Proxy server port number.
     * @param aIPvType Gateway address IP type.
     * @return the ID for the new APN
    TUint32 CreateAccessPointL( const TDesC16& aApName,
        const TDesC16& aProxyServerAddr,
        const TUint32 aProxyPortNumber,
        const RPacketContext::TProtocolType& aIPvType );

     * Select an Access Point by the given gateway address. Create one if
     * there is not a corresponding AP.
     * @return IAP id from GCF connection method.
    TUint32 GetAccessPointByGatewayAddressL();
     * Get an Access Point by default.
     * @return IAP id from default connection method.
    TUint32 GetAccessPointByDefaultL();

     * Get default Url by access point id.
     * @param aApId Input IAP id by given connection method.
     * @return Default Url by given connection method.
    HBufC* GetDefaultUrlByAccessPointLC( TUint32 aApId );

     * A gateway address is required to be a IP address in 
     * connection method, so it is necessary to check 
     * the validity of the gateway address to avioding leave in
     * APE.
     * @param aAddress A gateway address.
     * @return EIPv4 if the gateway address is a valid IPv4 address.
     *         EIPv6 if the gateway address is a valid IPv6 address.
     *         otherwise return 0 to indicate a invalid IP address.
    TInt ValidateGatewayAddress( const TDesC16& aAddress );

     * Check the validity of a IPv4 address.
     * @param aAddress A IPv4 address.
     * @return ETrue if the address is a valid IPv4 address.
    TBool ValidateIPv4Address( const TDesC16& aAddress );

     * Check the validity of a IPv6 address.
     * @param aAddress A IPv6 address.
     * @return ETrue if the address is a valid IPv6 address.
    TBool ValidateIPv6Address( const TDesC16& aAddress );

     * Convert a descriptor to a integer.
     * @param aAddress A descriptor.
     * @return Integer value.
    TInt ConvertDesToInt( const TDesC16& aValue );
     * Check the validity of a descriptor in hex.
     * @param aAddress A descriptor.
     * @return ETrue if each character in the descriptor is a valid 
     *         hexadecimal.
    TBool ValidateHexadecimal( const TDesC16& aHex );
     * Separate the port number from a address if it is existing. For example, 
     * @param aAddress A address.
     * @param aPureAddr The pure address without any additional info.
     * @param aPortNumber The port number.
     * @return None.
    void SeparatePortNumberFromAddress( const TDesC16& aAddress, 
        TDes16& aPureAddr, TUint32& aPortNumber );
     * Fulfill connecion method with default params.
     * @param aCmManager Connection method manager.
     * @param aCm Output reference to RCmConnectionMethod.
     * @return None
    void FulfillConnnectionMethodL( RCmManager& aCmManager,
                                    RCmConnectionMethod& aCm );
     * Check the validity of offered bearer type
     * @param aCm reference to RCmConnectionMethod.
     * @param aIsValid Output KErrNone if connection method is valid.
     * @return None
    void ValidateBearerTypeL( RCmConnectionMethod& aCm, TInt& aIsValid );
     * Get default connection method.
     * @param aCmManager Input Connection method manager.
     * @param aDefCm Output reference to RCmConnectionMethod.
     * @param aIsValid Output KErrNone if found
     * @return None
    void GetDefConnMethodL( RCmManager& aCmManager,
                            RCmConnectionMethod& aDefCm,
                            TInt& aIsValid );  
private: // data

     * LaunchBrowser command data.
    RSat::TLaunchBrowserV2 iLaunchBrowserData;

     * LaunchBrowser command package.
    RSat::TLaunchBrowserV2Pckg iLaunchBrowserPckg;

     * Response from client
    RSat::TLaunchBrowserRspV2 iLaunchBrowserRsp;

     * Response package.
    RSat::TLaunchBrowserRspV2Pckg iLaunchBrowserRspPckg;

     * Query command data
    TSatQueryV1 iQueryData;

     * Query package
    TSatQueryV1Pckg iQueryPckg;

     * Query response
    TSatQueryRspV1 iQueryRsp;

     * Query response package
    TSatQueryRspV1Pckg iQueryRspPckg;

     * Window server session
    RWsSession iWsSession;

     * Application UID of the Browser.
    TUid iUidWmlBrowser;

     * Indicates does this command need UI session ot not
    TBool iNeedUiSession;

     * Blocker for After
    CActiveSchedulerWait iAfterWait;

     * Timer used in After
    CPeriodic* iAfterTimer;
     * Flag to signal that command has icon data
     * To be removed when icons are allowed in this command
    TBool iIconCommand;