changeset 0 f453ebb75370
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:f453ebb75370
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 *
    16 */
    18 #include "BMCONV.H"
    20 const TRgbQuad KNokiaBrandBlue = {0xcc,0x33,0,0};
    21 const TRgbQuad KNokiaBrandGreen = {0x33,0x99,0,0};
    22 const int KNokiaBrandBlueIndex = 254;
    23 const int KNokiaBrandGreenIndex = 253;
    25 const unsigned char ColorRemapTable[256] = 
    26 	{
    27 	0xff, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f,
    28 	0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f,
    29 	0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f,
    30 	0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3b, 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x3f,
    31 	0x40, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0x48, 0x49, 0x4a, 0x4b, 0x4c, 0x4d, 0x4e, 0x4f,
    32 	0x50, 0x51, 0x52, 0x53, 0x54, 0x55, 0x56, 0x57, 0x58, 0x59, 0x5a, 0x5b, 0x5c, 0x5d, 0x5e, 0x5f,
    33 	0x60, 0x61, 0x62, 0x63, 0x64, 0x65, 0x66, 0x67, 0x68, 0x69, 0x6a, 0x6b, 0x6c, 0x6d, 0x6e, 0x6f,
    34 	0x70, 0x71, 0x72, 0x73, 0x74, 0x75, 0x76, 0x77, 0x78, 0x79, 0x7a, 0x7b, 0x7c, 0x7d, 0x7e, 0x7f,
    35 	0x80, 0x81, 0x82, 0x83, 0x84, 0x85, 0x86, 0x87, 0x88, 0x89, 0x8a, 0x8b, 0x8c, 0x8d, 0x8e, 0x8f,
    36 	0x90, 0x91, 0x92, 0x93, 0x94, 0x95, 0x96, 0x97, 0x98, 0x99, 0x9a, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0x9d, 0x9e, 0x9f,
    37 	0xa0, 0xa1, 0xa2, 0xa3, 0xa4, 0xa5, 0xa6, 0xa7, 0xa8, 0xa9, 0xaa, 0xab, 0xac, 0xad, 0xae, 0xaf,
    38 	0xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xb3, 0xb4, 0xb5, 0xb6, 0xb7, 0xb8, 0xb9, 0xba, 0xbb, 0xbc, 0xbd, 0xbe, 0xbf,
    39 	0xc0, 0xc1, 0xc2, 0xc3, 0xc4, 0xc5, 0xc6, 0xc7, 0xc8, 0xc9, 0xca, 0xcb, 0xcc, 0xcd, 0xce, 0xcf,
    40 	0xd0, 0xd1, 0xd2, 0xd3, 0xd4, 0xd5, 0xd6, 0x00, 0xd8, 0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb, 0xdc, 0xdd, 0xde, 0xdf,
    41 	0xe0, 0xe1, 0xe2, 0xe3, 0xe4, 0xe5, 0xe6, 0xe7, 0xe8, 0xe9, 0xea, 0xeb, 0xec, 0xed, 0xee, 0xef,
    42 	0xf0, 0xf1, 0xf2, 0xf3, 0xf4, 0xf5, 0xf6, 0xf7, 0xf8, 0xf9, 0xfa, 0xfb, 0xfc, 0xfd, 0xfe, 0xd7
    43 	};
    45 BitmapLoader::BitmapLoader():
    46 	iNumBmpColors(0),
    47 	iBmpColors(NULL),
    48 	iBmpBits(NULL),
    49 	iAlphaBits(NULL)
    50 	{}
    52 BitmapLoader::~BitmapLoader()
    53 	{
    54 	delete [] iBmpColors;
    55 	delete [] iBmpBits;
    56 	delete [] iAlphaBits;
    57 	}
    59 int BitmapLoader::LoadBitmap(TSourceFile& aFileName,int aBpp,TBitmapColor aColor,SEpocBitmapHeader*& aPbm)
    60 	{
    61 	iSourceFile = &aFileName;
    62 	char sig[2];
    63 #if defined(__MSVCDOTNET__) || defined(__LINUX__) || defined(__TOOLS2__) || defined(__CW32__)
    64 	fstream file(aFileName.FileName(), ios::in | ios::binary);
    65 #else	
    66 	fstream file(aFileName.FileName(), ios::in | ios::binary | ios::nocreate);	
    67 #endif		
    69 	if (file.is_open()==0)
    70 		return Files;
    72 	file.close();
    73 	if (file.gcount()!=2)
    74 		return SourceFile ;
    75 	if (sig[0]!='B'||sig[1]!='M')
    76 		return SourceFile;
    78 	int ret = DoLoad(aFileName.FileName());
    80     // Iff we have >8bit color BMP file and c8, change to c16
    81     if( (aColor==EColorBitmap) && (aBpp==8) && 
    82         (iBmpHeader.biBitCount>8) )
    83         {
    84         // cout << "Note: " << aFileName.FileName() << " changed c8 -> c16" << "\n";
    85         aBpp = 16;
    86         }
    87 	if (!ret && aColor==EColorBitmapAlpha)
    88 		{
    89 		int fileNameLen = strlen(aFileName.FileName());
    90 		char* alphaFileName = new char[fileNameLen + 7];// -alpha suffix is 6 chars, plus NUL termination
    91 		if (alphaFileName == NULL)
    92 			return NoMemory;
    93 		int dotPos = -1;
    94 		for (int i = 0; i < fileNameLen; ++i)
    95 			if (aFileName.FileName()[i]=='.')
    96 				dotPos=i;
    97 		int prefixLen = (dotPos>=0?dotPos:fileNameLen);
    98 		memcpy(alphaFileName,aFileName.FileName(),prefixLen);
    99 		const char* suffix = "-alpha";
   100 		memcpy(alphaFileName+prefixLen,suffix,6);
   101 		if (dotPos>=0)
   102 			memcpy(alphaFileName+prefixLen+6,aFileName.FileName()+dotPos,fileNameLen-dotPos);
   103 		*(alphaFileName + fileNameLen + 6) = '\0';
   104 		ret = DoLoadAlpha(alphaFileName); // overlay alpha data from separate file
   105 		delete [] alphaFileName;
   106 		}
   107 	if (!ret)
   108 		ret = DoConvert(aBpp,aColor,aPbm);
   109 	return ret;
   110 	}
   112 int BitmapLoader::DoLoad(char* aFileName)
   113 	{
   114 #if defined (__MSVCDOTNET__)  || defined(__TOOLS2__) || defined(__CW32__)    	
   115 	fstream file(aFileName, ios::in | ios::binary);
   116 #else //!__MSVCDOTNET__
   117 	fstream file(aFileName, ios::in | ios::binary | ios::nocreate);
   118 #endif //__MSVCDOTNET__
   119 	if (file.is_open()==0)
   120 		return Files;
   121 	TBitmapFileHeader bmpfile;
   122 	long size=sizeof(TBitmapFileHeader);
   123 *)&bmpfile,size);
   124 	if (file.gcount()!=size)
   125 		return SourceFile;
   126 	size=sizeof(TBitmapInfoHeader);
   127 *)&iBmpHeader,size);
   128 	if (file.gcount()!=size)
   129 		return SourceFile;
   130 	if (iBmpHeader.biCompression != 0)
   131 		return UnknownCompression;
   132 	size=bmpfile.bfSize-sizeof(TBitmapInfoHeader)-sizeof(TBitmapFileHeader);
   133 	long bitcount=iBmpHeader.biBitCount;
   134 	long colors=iBmpHeader.biClrUsed;
   135 	if (colors==0)
   136 		{
   137 		if (bitcount==24)
   138 			iNumBmpColors=0;
   139 		else if (bitcount==32)
   140 			iNumBmpColors=0;//See MSDN - BITMAPFILEHEADER and BITMAPINFOHEADER structures.
   141                             //If biCompression is 0 - we don't have TRgbQuad array! 
   142 		else
   143 			iNumBmpColors=1<<bitcount;
   144 		}
   145 	else
   146 		iNumBmpColors=colors;
   147 	if (iNumBmpColors > 256)
   148 		return SourceFile;
   149 	if (iNumBmpColors>0)
   150 		{
   151 		iBmpColors = new TRgbQuad[iNumBmpColors];
   152 		if (iBmpColors == NULL)
   153 			return NoMemory;
   154 		memset(iBmpColors,0,iNumBmpColors*sizeof(TRgbQuad));
   155 		}
   156 	size-=iNumBmpColors*sizeof(TRgbQuad);
   157 	iBmpBits = new char[size];
   158 	if (iBmpBits == NULL)
   159 		return NoMemory;
   160 	memset(iBmpBits,0xff,size);
   162 	if(iBmpColors != NULL)
   163 	    {
   164 *)iBmpColors,iNumBmpColors*sizeof(TRgbQuad));
   165 		if (file.gcount()!=(int)(iNumBmpColors*sizeof(TRgbQuad)))
   166 			return SourceFile;
   167 	    }
   169 	file.close();
   170 	if (file.gcount()!=size)
   171 		return SourceFile;
   172 	return NoError;
   173 	}
   175 int BitmapLoader::DoLoadAlpha(char* aAlphaFileName)
   176 	{
   177 #if defined(__MSVCDOTNET__) || defined(__TOOLS2__)
   178 	fstream file(aAlphaFileName, ios::in | ios::binary);
   179 #else //!__MSVCDOTNET__
   180 	fstream file(aAlphaFileName, ios::in | ios::binary | ios::nocreate);
   181 #endif //__MSVCDOTNET__
   182 	if (file.is_open()==0)
   183 		return AlphaFiles;
   184 	TBitmapFileHeader alphaBmpfile;
   185 	long size=sizeof(TBitmapFileHeader);
   186 *)&alphaBmpfile,size);
   187 	if (file.gcount()!=size)
   188 		return SourceFile;
   189 	size=sizeof(TBitmapInfoHeader);
   190 	TBitmapInfoHeader alphaBmpInfo;
   191 *)&alphaBmpInfo,size);
   192 	if (file.gcount()!=size)
   193 		return SourceFile;
   194 	if (alphaBmpInfo.biCompression != 0)
   195 		return UnknownCompression;
   196 	if (alphaBmpInfo.biWidth != iBmpHeader.biWidth || alphaBmpInfo.biHeight != iBmpHeader.biHeight)
   197 		return AlphaDimensions;
   198 	if (alphaBmpInfo.biBitCount != 8)
   199 		return AlphaBpp;
   200 	size=alphaBmpfile.bfSize-sizeof(TBitmapInfoHeader)-sizeof(TBitmapFileHeader);
   201 	long numBmpColors=alphaBmpInfo.biClrUsed;
   202 	if (numBmpColors == 0)
   203 		numBmpColors = 256;
   204 	if (numBmpColors != 256)
   205 		return SourceFile;
   206 	size-=numBmpColors*sizeof(TRgbQuad);
   207 	iAlphaBits = new char[size];
   208 	if (iAlphaBits == NULL)
   209 		{
   210 		return NoMemory;
   211 		}
   212 	memset(iAlphaBits,0xff,size);
   213 	char* bmpColors = new char[numBmpColors*sizeof(TRgbQuad)];
   214 *)bmpColors,numBmpColors*sizeof(TRgbQuad));
   215 	delete [] bmpColors; // we aren't interested in the palette data for the 8bpp grayscale alpha bmp
   216 	if (file.gcount()!=(int)(numBmpColors*sizeof(TRgbQuad)))
   217 		return SourceFile;
   219 	file.close();
   220 	if (file.gcount()!=size)
   221 		return SourceFile;
   222 	return NoError;
   223 	}
   225 TRgb BitmapLoader::GetBmpPixel(long aXCoord,long aYCoord)
   226 	{
   227 	TRgb darkgray(128,128,128);
   228 	TRgb darkgrayex(127,127,127);
   229 	TRgb lightgray(192,192,192);
   230 	TRgb lightgrayex(187,187,187);
   231 	unsigned char col;
   232 	TRgb color;
   234 	switch(iBmpHeader.biBitCount)
   235 		{
   236 		case 1:
   237 			col=iBmpBits[(iBmpHeader.biHeight-aYCoord-1)*(((iBmpHeader.biWidth+31)>>5)<<2)+(aXCoord>>3)];
   238 			col&=(0x80>>(aXCoord%8));
   239 			if (iBmpColors)
   240 				{
   241 				TRgbQuad rgbq;
   242 				if (col)
   243 					rgbq = iBmpColors[1];
   244 				else
   245 					rgbq = iBmpColors[0];
   246 				color = TRgb(rgbq.iRed,rgbq.iGreen,rgbq.iBlue);
   247 				}
   248 			else
   249 				{
   250 				if (col)
   251 					color = TRgb(0x00ffffff);
   252 				else
   253 					color = TRgb(0);
   254 				}
   255 			break;
   256 		case 4:
   257 			col=iBmpBits[(iBmpHeader.biHeight-aYCoord-1)*(((iBmpHeader.biWidth+7)>>3)<<2)+(aXCoord>>1)];
   258 			if (aXCoord%2==0)
   259 				col=(unsigned char)(col>>4);
   260 			col&=0x0f;
   261 			if (iBmpColors)
   262 				{
   263 				TRgbQuad rgbq = iBmpColors[col];
   264 				color = TRgb(rgbq.iRed,rgbq.iGreen,rgbq.iBlue);
   265 				}
   266 			else
   267 				{
   268 				col *= 17;
   269 				color = TRgb(col,col,col);
   270 				}
   271 			break;
   272 		case 8:
   273 			col=iBmpBits[(iBmpHeader.biHeight-aYCoord-1)*((iBmpHeader.biWidth+3)&~3)+aXCoord];
   274 			if (iBmpColors)
   275 				{
   276 				TRgbQuad rgbq = iBmpColors[col];
   277 				color = TRgb(rgbq.iRed,rgbq.iGreen,rgbq.iBlue);
   278 				}
   279 			else
   280 				color = TRgb(col,col,col);
   281 			break;
   282 		case 16:
   283 			{
   284 			unsigned short int* wordptr = (unsigned short int*)&iBmpBits[(iBmpHeader.biHeight-aYCoord-1)*(((iBmpHeader.biWidth+1)&~1)<<1)+(aXCoord<<1)];
   285 			color = TRgb((*wordptr&0x7c)>>10,(*wordptr&0x3e)>>5,(*wordptr&0x1f));
   286 			}
   287 			break;
   288 		case 24:
   289 			{
   290 			TRgbTriple rgbcol = *((TRgbTriple *)&(iBmpBits[(iBmpHeader.biHeight-aYCoord-1)*((3*iBmpHeader.biWidth+3)&~3)+aXCoord+(aXCoord<<1)]));
   291 			color = TRgb(rgbcol.rgbtRed,rgbcol.rgbtGreen,rgbcol.rgbtBlue);
   292 			}
   293 			break;
   294 		case 32:
   295 			{
   296 			unsigned long int* dwordptr = (unsigned long int*)&iBmpBits[(iBmpHeader.biHeight-aYCoord-1)*((iBmpHeader.biWidth)<<2)+(aXCoord<<2)];
   297 			color = TRgb((*dwordptr&0xff0000)>>16,(*dwordptr&0xff00)>>8,*dwordptr&0xff);
   298 			}
   299 			break;
   300 		default:
   301 			break;
   302 		}
   303 	if (color == darkgray)
   304 		color = darkgrayex;
   305 	else if (color == lightgray)
   306 		color = lightgrayex;
   307 	return color;
   308 	}
   310 unsigned char BitmapLoader::GetAlphaPixel(long aXCoord,long aYCoord)
   311 	{
   312 	return iAlphaBits[(iBmpHeader.biHeight-aYCoord-1)*((iBmpHeader.biWidth+3)&~3)+aXCoord];
   313 	}
   315 int BitmapLoader::DoConvert(int aBpp,TBitmapColor aColor,SEpocBitmapHeader*& aPbm)
   316 	{
   317 	bool useAlpha = (aColor==EColorBitmapAlpha);
   318 	long desttwipswidth = 0;
   319 	long desttwipsheight = 0;
   321 	long bytewidth = BitmapUtils::ByteWidth(iBmpHeader.biWidth,aBpp);
   322 	long destlength = iBmpHeader.biHeight * bytewidth;
   324 	if (iBmpHeader.biXPelsPerMeter>0)
   325 		desttwipswidth = iBmpHeader.biWidth*1440000/254/iBmpHeader.biXPelsPerMeter;
   326 	if (iBmpHeader.biYPelsPerMeter>0)
   327 		desttwipsheight = iBmpHeader.biHeight*1440000/254/iBmpHeader.biYPelsPerMeter;
   329 	aPbm = (SEpocBitmapHeader*)new char[sizeof(SEpocBitmapHeader) + destlength];
   330 	if (aPbm == NULL)
   331 		return NoMemory;
   332 	memset(aPbm,0,sizeof(SEpocBitmapHeader));
   334 	// aBitmap->iByteWidth = bytewidth;
   335 	// aBitmap->iDataOffset = sizeof(Bitmap);
   337 	aPbm->iBitmapSize = sizeof(SEpocBitmapHeader) + destlength;
   338 	aPbm->iStructSize = sizeof(SEpocBitmapHeader);
   339 	aPbm->iWidthInPixels = iBmpHeader.biWidth;
   340 	aPbm->iHeightInPixels = iBmpHeader.biHeight;
   341 	aPbm->iWidthInTwips = desttwipswidth;
   342 	aPbm->iHeightInTwips = desttwipsheight;
   343 	aPbm->iBitsPerPixel = aBpp;
   344 	aPbm->iColor = aColor;
   345 	aPbm->iPaletteEntries = 0;
   346 	aPbm->iCompression = ENoBitmapCompression;
   348 	char* pbmBits = ((char*)aPbm) + sizeof(SEpocBitmapHeader);
   349 	memset(pbmBits,0xff,destlength);
   351 	long col = 0;
   352 	char* pixadd = 0;
   353 	bool indicesOnly = false;
   354 	if (aColor == EColorBitmap && aBpp == 8)
   355 		{
   356 		indicesOnly =
   357 			(iNumBmpColors==256 &&
   358 			 iBmpColors[KNokiaBrandGreenIndex].iRed == KNokiaBrandGreen.iRed &&
   359 			 iBmpColors[KNokiaBrandGreenIndex].iBlue == KNokiaBrandGreen.iBlue &&
   360 			 iBmpColors[KNokiaBrandGreenIndex].iGreen == KNokiaBrandGreen.iGreen &&
   361 			 iBmpColors[KNokiaBrandBlueIndex].iRed == KNokiaBrandBlue.iRed &&
   362 			 iBmpColors[KNokiaBrandBlueIndex].iBlue == KNokiaBrandBlue.iBlue &&
   363 			 iBmpColors[KNokiaBrandBlueIndex].iGreen == KNokiaBrandBlue.iGreen);
   364 		}
   366 	switch(aBpp)
   367 		{
   368 	case 1:
   369 		{
   370 		for(long ycrd=0;ycrd<iBmpHeader.biHeight;ycrd++)
   371 			for(long xcrd=0;xcrd<iBmpHeader.biWidth;xcrd++)
   372 				{
   373 				TRgb color=GetBmpPixel(xcrd,ycrd);
   374 				col=color.Gray2();
   375 				pixadd=&(pbmBits[ycrd*bytewidth+(xcrd>>3)]);
   376 				(*pixadd)&=~(1<<((xcrd&7)));
   377 				(*pixadd)|=(unsigned char)(col<<(xcrd&7));
   378 				}
   379 		}
   380 		break;
   381 	case 2:
   382 		{
   383 		for(long ycrd=0;ycrd<iBmpHeader.biHeight;ycrd++)
   384 			for(long xcrd=0;xcrd<iBmpHeader.biWidth;xcrd++)
   385 				{
   386 				TRgb color=GetBmpPixel(xcrd,ycrd);
   387 				col=color.Gray4();
   388 				pixadd=&(pbmBits[ycrd*bytewidth+(xcrd>>2)]);
   389 				(*pixadd)&=~(0x3<<(2*(xcrd%4)));
   390 				(*pixadd)|=(unsigned char)(col<<(2*(xcrd%4)));
   391 				}
   392 		}
   393 		break;
   394 	case 4:
   395 		{
   396 		for(long ycrd=0;ycrd<iBmpHeader.biHeight;ycrd++)
   397 			for(long xcrd=0;xcrd<iBmpHeader.biWidth;xcrd++)
   398 				{
   399 				TRgb color=GetBmpPixel(xcrd,ycrd);
   400 				if (aColor == EMonochromeBitmap)
   401 					col = color.Gray16();
   402 				else
   403 					col = color.Color16();
   404 				pixadd=&(pbmBits[ycrd*bytewidth+(xcrd>>1)]);
   405 				if (xcrd%2!=0)
   406 					*pixadd=(unsigned char)((unsigned char)((col<<4)|(*pixadd&0x0f)));
   407 				else
   408 					*pixadd=(unsigned char)((unsigned char)(col|(*pixadd&0xf0)));
   409 				}
   410 		}
   411 		break;
   412 	case 8:
   413 		{
   414 		for(long ycrd=0;ycrd<iBmpHeader.biHeight;ycrd++)
   415 			for(long xcrd=0;xcrd<iBmpHeader.biWidth;xcrd++)
   416 				{
   417 				if (indicesOnly)
   418 					{
   419 					unsigned char pixel = iBmpBits[(iBmpHeader.biHeight-ycrd-1)*((iBmpHeader.biWidth+3)&~3)+xcrd];
   420 					col = ColorRemapTable[pixel];
   421 					iSourceFile->SetCompileInfo(TSourceFile::ENokiaBitmap);
   422 					}
   423 				else
   424 					{
   425 					TRgb color=GetBmpPixel(xcrd,ycrd);
   426 					if (aColor == EMonochromeBitmap)
   427 						col = color.Gray256();
   428 					else
   429 						col = color.Color256();
   430 					iSourceFile->SetCompileInfo(TSourceFile::EThirdPartyBitmap);
   431 					}
   432 				pixadd=&(pbmBits[ycrd*((iBmpHeader.biWidth+3)&~3)+xcrd]);
   433 				*pixadd=(unsigned char)col;
   434 				}
   435 		}
   436 		break;
   437 	case 12:
   438 		{
   439 		for(long ycrd=0;ycrd<iBmpHeader.biHeight;ycrd++)
   440 			for(long xcrd=0;xcrd<iBmpHeader.biWidth;xcrd++)
   441 				{
   442 				TRgb color=GetBmpPixel(xcrd,ycrd);
   443 				col=color.Color4K();
   444 				pixadd=&(pbmBits[ycrd*bytewidth+(xcrd<<1)]);
   445 				unsigned short* wordadd=(unsigned short*)pixadd;
   446 				*wordadd=(unsigned short)col;
   447 				}
   448 		}
   449 		break;
   450 	case 16:
   451 		{
   452 		for(long ycrd=0;ycrd<iBmpHeader.biHeight;ycrd++)
   453 			for(long xcrd=0;xcrd<iBmpHeader.biWidth;xcrd++)
   454 				{
   455 				TRgb color=GetBmpPixel(xcrd,ycrd);
   456 				col=color.Color64K();
   457 				pixadd=&(pbmBits[ycrd*bytewidth+(xcrd<<1)]);
   458 				unsigned short* wordadd=(unsigned short*)pixadd;
   459 				*wordadd=(unsigned short)col;
   460 				}
   461 		}
   462 		break;
   463 	case 24:
   464 		{
   465 		for(long ycrd=0;ycrd<iBmpHeader.biHeight;ycrd++)
   466 			{
   467 			unsigned char* bytePtr = (unsigned char*)&pbmBits[ycrd*bytewidth];
   468 			for(long xcrd=0;xcrd<iBmpHeader.biWidth;xcrd++)
   469 				{
   470 				TRgb col = GetBmpPixel(xcrd,ycrd);
   471 				*bytePtr++ = (unsigned char) col.iBlue;
   472 				*bytePtr++ = (unsigned char) col.iGreen;
   473 				*bytePtr++ = (unsigned char) col.iRed;
   474 				}
   475 			}
   476 		}
   477 		break;
   478 	case 32:
   479 		{
   480 		for(long ycrd=0;ycrd<iBmpHeader.biHeight;ycrd++)
   481 			{
   482 			unsigned char* bytePtr = (unsigned char*)&pbmBits[ycrd*bytewidth];
   483 			for(long xcrd=0;xcrd<iBmpHeader.biWidth;xcrd++)
   484 				{
   485 				TRgb col = GetBmpPixel(xcrd,ycrd);
   486 				unsigned char alpha = useAlpha?GetAlphaPixel(xcrd,ycrd):(unsigned char)0;
   487 				*bytePtr++ = (unsigned char) col.iBlue;
   488 				*bytePtr++ = (unsigned char) col.iGreen;
   489 				*bytePtr++ = (unsigned char) col.iRed;
   490 				*bytePtr++ = alpha;	
   491 				}
   492 			}
   493 		}
   494 		break;
   495 		};
   497 	return NoError;
   498 	}