1 |
Getting Started How to familiarize yourself with Qt Designer
2 |
Launching Designer Running the Qt Designer application
3 |
The User Interface How to interact with Qt Designer
4 |
5 |
Designing a Component Creating a GUI for your application
6 |
Creating a Dialog How to create a dialog
7 |
Composing the Dialog Putting widgets into the dialog example
8 |
Creating a Layout Arranging widgets on a form
9 |
Signal and Slot Connections Making widget communicate with each other
10 |
11 |
Using a Component in Your Application Generating code from forms
12 |
The Direct Approach Using a form without any adjustments
13 |
The Single Inheritance Approach Subclassing a form's base class
14 |
The Multiple Inheritance Approach Subclassing the form itself
15 |
Automatic Connections Connecting widgets using a naming scheme
16 |
A Dialog Without Auto-Connect How to connect widgets without a naming scheme
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A Dialog With Auto-Connect Using automatic connections
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Form Editing Mode How to edit a form in Qt Designer
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Managing Forms Loading and saving forms
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Editing a Form Basic editing techniques
22 |
The Property Editor Changing widget properties
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The Object Inspector Examining the hierarchy of objects on a form
24 |
Layouts Objects that arrange widgets on a form
25 |
Applying and Breaking Layouts Managing widgets in layouts
26 |
Horizontal and Vertical Layouts Standard row and column layouts
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The Grid Layout Arranging widgets in a matrix
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Previewing Forms Checking that the design works
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Using Containers How to group widgets together
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General Features Common container features
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Frames QFrame
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Group Boxes QGroupBox
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Stacked Widgets QStackedWidget
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Tab Widgets QTabWidget
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Toolbox Widgets QToolBox
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Connection Editing Mode Connecting widgets together with signals and slots
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Connecting Objects Making connections in Qt Designer
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Editing Connections Changing existing connections