changeset 0 1918ee327afb
child 3 41300fa6a67c
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:1918ee327afb
     1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
     2 ######################################################################
     3 #
     4 # Synchronizes Qt header files - internal development tool.
     5 #
     6 # Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     7 # Contact: Nokia Corporation (
     8 #
     9 ######################################################################
    11 # use packages -------------------------------------------------------
    12 use File::Basename;
    13 use File::Path;
    14 use Cwd;
    15 use Config;
    16 use strict;
    18 die "syncqt: QTDIR not defined" if ! $ENV{"QTDIR"}; # sanity check
    20 # global variables
    21 my $isunix = 0;
    22 my $basedir = $ENV{"QTDIR"};
    23 $basedir =~ s=\\=/=g;
    24 my %modules = ( # path to module name map
    25         "QtGui" => "$basedir/src/gui",
    26         "QtOpenGL" => "$basedir/src/opengl",
    27         "QtOpenVG" => "$basedir/src/openvg",
    28         "QtCore" => "$basedir/src/corelib",
    29         "QtXml" => "$basedir/src/xml",
    30         "QtXmlPatterns" => "$basedir/src/xmlpatterns",
    31         "QtSql" => "$basedir/src/sql",
    32         "QtNetwork" => "$basedir/src/network",
    33         "QtSvg" => "$basedir/src/svg",
    34         "QtScript" => "$basedir/src/script",
    35         "QtScriptTools" => "$basedir/src/scripttools",
    36         "Qt3Support" => "$basedir/src/qt3support",
    37         "ActiveQt" => "$basedir/src/activeqt/container;$basedir/src/activeqt/control;$basedir/src/activeqt/shared",
    38         "QtTest" => "$basedir/src/testlib",
    39         "QtAssistant" => "$basedir/tools/assistant/compat/lib",
    40         "QtHelp" => "$basedir/tools/assistant/lib",
    41         "QtDesigner" => "$basedir/tools/designer/src/lib",
    42         "QtUiTools" => "$basedir/tools/designer/src/uitools",
    43         "QtDBus" => "$basedir/src/dbus",
    44         "QtWebKit" => "$basedir/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore",
    45         "phonon" => "$basedir/src/phonon",
    46         "QtMultimedia" => "$basedir/src/multimedia",
    47 );
    48 my %moduleheaders = ( # restrict the module headers to those found in relative path
    49         "QtWebKit" => "../WebKit/qt/Api",
    50         "phonon" => "../3rdparty/phonon/phonon",
    51 );
    53 #$modules{"QtCore"} .= ";$basedir/mkspecs/" . $ENV{"MKSPEC"} if defined $ENV{"MKSPEC"};
    55 # global variables (modified by options)
    56 my $module = 0;
    57 my $showonly = 0;
    58 my $remove_stale = 1;
    59 my $force_win = 0;
    60 my $force_relative = 0;
    61 my $check_includes = 0;
    62 my $copy_headers = 0;
    63 my @modules_to_sync ;
    64 $force_relative = 1 if ( -d "/System/Library/Frameworks" );
    65 my $out_basedir = $basedir;
    66 $out_basedir =~ s=\\=/=g;
    68 # functions ----------------------------------------------------------
    70 ######################################################################
    71 # Syntax:  showUsage()
    72 # Params:  -none-
    73 #
    74 # Purpose: Show the usage of the script.
    75 # Returns: -none-
    76 ######################################################################
    77 sub showUsage
    78 {
    79     print "$0 usage:\n";
    80     print "  -copy                 Copy headers instead of include-fwd(default: " . ($copy_headers ? "yes" : "no") . ")\n";
    81     print "  -remove-stale         Removes stale headers              (default: " . ($remove_stale ? "yes" : "no") . ")\n";
    82     print "  -relative             Force relative symlinks            (default: " . ($force_relative ? "yes" : "no") . ")\n";
    83     print "  -windows              Force platform to Windows          (default: " . ($force_win ? "yes" : "no") . ")\n";
    84     print "  -showonly             Show action but not perform        (default: " . ($showonly ? "yes" : "no") . ")\n";
    85     print "  -outdir <PATH>        Specify output directory for sync  (default: $out_basedir)\n";
    86     print "  -help                 This help\n";
    87     exit 0;
    88 }
    90 ######################################################################
    91 # Syntax:  checkUnix()
    92 # Params:  -none-
    93 #
    94 # Purpose: Check if script runs on a Unix system or not. Cygwin
    95 #          systems are _not_ detected as Unix systems.
    96 # Returns: 1 if a unix system, else 0.
    97 ######################################################################
    98 sub checkUnix {
    99     my ($r) = 0;
   100     if ( $force_win != 0) {
   101         return 0;
   102     } elsif ( -f "/bin/uname" ) {
   103         $r = 1;
   104         (-f "\\bin\\uname") && ($r = 0);
   105     } elsif ( -f "/usr/bin/uname" ) {
   106         $r = 1;
   107         (-f "\\usr\\bin\\uname") && ($r = 0);
   108     }
   109     if($r) {
   110         $_ = $Config{'osname'};
   111         $r = 0 if( /(ms)|(cyg)win/i );
   112     }
   113     return $r;
   114 }
   116 sub checkRelative {
   117     my ($dir) = @_;
   118     return 0 if($dir =~ /^\//);
   119     return 0 if(!checkUnix() && $dir =~ /[a-zA-Z]:[\/\\]/);
   120     return 1;
   121 }
   123 ######################################################################
   124 # Syntax:  shouldMasterInclude(iheader)
   125 # Params:  iheader, string, filename to verify inclusion
   126 #
   127 # Purpose: Determines if header should be in the master include file.
   128 # Returns: 0 if file contains "#pragma qt_no_master_include" or not
   129 #          able to open, else 1.
   130 ######################################################################
   131 sub shouldMasterInclude {
   132     my ($iheader) = @_;
   133     return 0 if(basename($iheader) =~ /_/);
   134     return 0 if(basename($iheader) =~ /qconfig/);
   135     if(open(F, "<$iheader")) {
   136         while(<F>) {
   137 	    chomp;
   138 	    return 0 if(/^\#pragma qt_no_master_include$/);
   139 	}
   140 	close(F);
   141     } else {
   142 	return 0;
   143     }
   144     return 1;
   145 }
   147 ######################################################################
   148 # Syntax:  classNames(iheader)
   149 # Params:  iheader, string, filename to parse for classname "symlinks"
   150 #
   151 # Purpose: Scans through iheader to find all classnames that should be
   152 #          synced into library's include structure.
   153 # Returns: List of all class names in a file.
   154 ######################################################################
   155 sub classNames {
   156     my @ret;
   157     my ($iheader) = @_;
   158     if(basename($iheader) eq "qglobal.h") {
   159 	push @ret, "QtGlobal";
   160     } elsif(basename($iheader) eq "qendian.h") {
   161 	push @ret, "QtEndian";
   162     } elsif(basename($iheader) eq "qconfig.h") {
   163         push @ret, "QtConfig";
   164     } elsif(basename($iheader) eq "qplugin.h") {
   165 	push @ret, "QtPlugin";
   166     } elsif(basename($iheader) eq "qalgorithms.h") {
   167 	push @ret, "QtAlgorithms";
   168     } elsif(basename($iheader) eq "qcontainerfwd.h") {
   169 	push @ret, "QtContainerFwd";
   170     } elsif(basename($iheader) eq "qdebug.h") {
   171         push @ret, "QtDebug";
   172     } elsif(basename($iheader) eq "qevent.h") {
   173         push @ret, "QtEvents";
   174     } elsif(basename($iheader) eq "qnamespace.h") {
   175         push @ret, "Qt"
   176     } elsif(basename($iheader) eq "qssl.h") {
   177 	push @ret, "QSsl";
   178     } elsif(basename($iheader) eq "qtest.h") {
   179         push @ret, "QTest"
   180     } elsif(basename($iheader) eq "qtconcurrentmap.h") {
   181         push @ret, "QtConcurrentMap"
   182     } elsif(basename($iheader) eq "qtconcurrentfilter.h") {
   183         push @ret, "QtConcurrentFilter"
   184     } elsif(basename($iheader) eq "qtconcurrentrun.h") {
   185         push @ret, "QtConcurrentRun"
   186     }
   188     my $parsable = "";
   189     if(open(F, "<$iheader")) {
   190         while(<F>) {
   191             my $line = $_;
   192             chomp $line;
   193 			chop $line if ($line =~ /\r$/);
   194             if($line =~ /^\#/) {
   195                 if($line =~ /\\$/) {
   196                     while($line = <F>) {
   197                         chomp $line;
   198                         last unless($line =~ /\\$/);
   199                     }
   200                 }
   201 		return @ret if($line =~ m/^#pragma qt_sync_stop_processing/);
   202                 push(@ret, "$1") if($line =~ m/^#pragma qt_class\(([^)]*)\)[\r\n]*$/);
   203 		$line = 0;
   204             }
   205 	    if($line) {
   206                 $line =~ s,//.*$,,; #remove c++ comments
   207 	        $line .= ";" if($line =~ m/^Q_[A-Z_]*\(.*\)[\r\n]*$/); #qt macro
   208 	        $line .= ";" if($line =~ m/^QT_(BEGIN|END)_HEADER[\r\n]*$/); #qt macro
   209 	        $line .= ";" if($line =~ m/^QT_(BEGIN|END)_NAMESPACE[\r\n]*$/); #qt macro
   210 	        $line .= ";" if($line =~ m/^QT_MODULE\(.*\)[\r\n]*$/); # QT_MODULE macro
   211                 $parsable .= " " . $line;
   212 	    }
   213         }
   214         close(F);
   215     }
   217     my $last_definition = 0;
   218     my @namespaces;
   219     for(my $i = 0; $i < length($parsable); $i++) {
   220         my $definition = 0;
   221         my $character = substr($parsable, $i, 1);
   222         if($character eq "/" && substr($parsable, $i+1, 1) eq "*") { #I parse like this for greedy reasons
   223             for($i+=2; $i < length($parsable); $i++) {
   224                 my $end = substr($parsable, $i, 2);
   225                 if($end eq "*/") {
   226                     $last_definition = $i+2;
   227                     $i++;
   228                     last;
   229                 }
   230             }
   231         } elsif($character eq "{") {
   232             my $brace_depth = 1;
   233             my $block_start = $i + 1;
   234           BLOCK: for($i+=1; $i < length($parsable); $i++) {
   235               my $ignore = substr($parsable, $i, 1);
   236               if($ignore eq "{") {
   237                   $brace_depth++;
   238               } elsif($ignore eq "}") {
   239                   $brace_depth--;
   240                   unless($brace_depth) {
   241                       for(my $i2 = $i+1; $i2 < length($parsable); $i2++) {
   242                           my $end = substr($parsable, $i2, 1);
   243                           if($end eq ";" || $end ne " ") {
   244                               $definition = substr($parsable, $last_definition, $block_start - $last_definition) . "}";
   245                               $i = $i2 if($end eq ";");
   246                               $last_definition = $i + 1;
   247                               last BLOCK;
   248 			  }
   249                       }
   250                   }
   251               }
   252           }
   253         } elsif($character eq ";") {
   254             $definition = substr($parsable, $last_definition, $i - $last_definition + 1);
   255             $last_definition = $i + 1;
   256 	} elsif($character eq "}") {
   257 	    # a naked } must be a namespace ending
   258 	    # if it's not a namespace, it's eaten by the loop above
   259 	    pop @namespaces;
   260 	    $last_definition = $i + 1;
   261 	}
   263 	if (substr($parsable, $last_definition, $i - $last_definition + 1) =~ m/ namespace ([^ ]*) /
   264 	    && substr($parsable, $i+1, 1) eq "{") {
   265 	    push @namespaces, $1;
   267 	    # Eat the opening { so that the condensing loop above doesn't see it
   268 	    $i++;
   269 	    $last_definition = $i + 1;
   270 	}
   272         if($definition) {
   273 	    $definition =~ s=[\n\r]==g;
   274             my @symbols;
   275             if($definition =~ m/^ *typedef *.*\(\*([^\)]*)\)\(.*\);$/) {
   276 		push @symbols, $1;
   277             } elsif($definition =~ m/^ *typedef +(.*) +([^ ]*);$/) {
   278 		push @symbols, $2;
   279             } elsif($definition =~ m/^ *(template *<.*> *)?(class|struct) +([^ ]* +)?([^<\s]+) ?(<[^>]*> ?)?\s*((,|:)\s*(public|protected|private) *.*)? *\{\}$/) {
   280 		push @symbols, $4;
   281             } elsif($definition =~ m/^ *Q_DECLARE_.*ITERATOR\((.*)\);$/) {
   282 		push @symbols, "Q" . $1 . "Iterator";
   283 		push @symbols, "QMutable" . $1 . "Iterator";
   284 	    }
   286 	    foreach (@symbols) {
   287 		my $symbol = $_;
   288 		$symbol = (join("::", @namespaces) . "::" . $symbol) if (scalar @namespaces);
   289 		push @ret, $symbol
   290 		    if ($symbol =~ /^Q[^:]*$/		# no-namespace, starting with Q
   291 			|| $symbol =~ /^Phonon::/);	# or in the Phonon namespace
   292             }
   293         }
   294     }
   295     return @ret;
   296 }
   298 ######################################################################
   299 # Syntax:  syncHeader(header, iheader, copy)
   300 # Params:  header, string, filename to create "symlink" for
   301 #          iheader, string, destination name of symlink
   302 #          copy, forces header to be a copy of iheader
   303 #
   304 # Purpose: Syncronizes header to iheader
   305 # Returns: 1 if successful, else 0.
   306 ######################################################################
   307 sub syncHeader {
   308     my ($header, $iheader, $copy) = @_;
   309     $iheader =~ s=\\=/=g;
   310     $header =~ s=\\=/=g;
   311     return copyFile($iheader, $header) if($copy);
   313     unless(-e "$header") {
   314         my $header_dir = dirname($header);
   315         mkpath $header_dir, 0777;
   317         #write it
   318         my $iheader_out = fixPaths($iheader, $header_dir);
   319         open HEADER, ">$header" || die "Could not open $header for writing!\n";
   320         print HEADER "#include \"$iheader_out\"\n";
   321         close HEADER;
   322         return 1;
   323     }
   324     return 0;
   325 }
   327 ######################################################################
   328 # Syntax:  fixPaths(file, dir)
   329 # Params:  file, string, filepath to be made relative to dir
   330 #          dir, string, dirpath for point of origin
   331 #
   332 # Purpose: file is made relative (if possible) of dir.
   333 # Returns: String with the above applied conversion.
   334 ######################################################################
   335 sub fixPaths {
   336     my ($file, $dir) = @_;
   337     $dir =~ s=^$basedir/=$out_basedir/= if(!($basedir eq $out_basedir));
   338     $file =~ s=\\=/=g;
   339     $file =~ s/\+/\\+/g;
   340     $dir =~ s=\\=/=g;
   341     $dir =~ s/\+/\\+/g;
   343     #setup
   344     my $ret = $file;
   345     my $file_dir = dirname($file);
   346     if($file_dir eq ".") {
   347         $file_dir = getcwd();
   348         $file_dir =~ s=\\=/=g;
   349     }
   350     $file_dir =~ s,/cygdrive/([a-zA-Z])/,$1:,g;
   351     if($dir eq ".") {
   352         $dir = getcwd();
   353         $dir =~ s=\\=/=g;
   354     }
   355     $dir =~ s,/cygdrive/([a-zA-Z])/,$1:/,g;
   356     return basename($file) if("$file_dir" eq "$dir");
   358     #guts
   359     my $match_dir = 0;
   360     for(my $i = 1; $i < length($file_dir); $i++) {
   361         my $slash = index($file_dir, "/", $i);
   362         last if($slash == -1);
   363         my $tmp = substr($file_dir, 0, $slash);
   364         last unless($dir =~ m,^$tmp/,);
   365         $match_dir = $tmp;
   366         $i = $slash;
   367     }
   368     if($match_dir) {
   369         my $after = substr($dir, length($match_dir));
   370         my $count = ($after =~ tr,/,,);
   371         my $dots = "";
   372         for(my $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
   373             $dots .= "../";
   374         }
   375         $ret =~ s,^$match_dir,$dots,;
   376     }
   377     $ret =~ s,/+,/,g;
   378     return $ret;
   379 }
   381 ######################################################################
   382 # Syntax:  fileContents(filename)
   383 # Params:  filename, string, filename of file to return contents
   384 #
   385 # Purpose: Get the contents of a file.
   386 # Returns: String with contents of the file, or empty string if file
   387 #          doens't exist.
   388 # Warning: Dies if it does exist but script cannot get read access.
   389 ######################################################################
   390 sub fileContents {
   391     my ($filename) = @_;
   392     my $filecontents = "";
   393     if (-e $filename) {
   394         open(I, "< $filename") || die "Could not open $filename for reading, read block?";
   395         local $/;
   396         binmode I;
   397         $filecontents = <I>;
   398         close I;
   399     }
   400     return $filecontents;
   401 }
   403 ######################################################################
   404 # Syntax:  fileCompare(file1, file2)
   405 # Params:  file1, string, filename of first file
   406 #          file2, string, filename of second file
   407 #
   408 # Purpose: Determines if files are equal, and which one is newer.
   409 # Returns: 0 if files are equal no matter the timestamp, -1 if file1
   410 #          is newer, 1 if file2 is newer.
   411 ######################################################################
   412 sub fileCompare {
   413     my ($file1, $file2) = @_;
   414     my $file1contents = fileContents($file1);
   415     my $file2contents = fileContents($file2);
   416     if (! -e $file1) { return 1; }
   417     if (! -e $file2) { return -1; }
   418     return $file1contents ne $file2contents ? (stat("$file2"))[9] <=> (stat("$file1"))[9] : 0;
   419 }
   421 ######################################################################
   422 # Syntax:  copyFile(file, ifile)
   423 # Params:  file, string, filename to create duplicate for
   424 #          ifile, string, destination name of duplicate
   425 #
   426 # Purpose: Keeps files in sync so changes in the newer file will be
   427 #          written to the other.
   428 # Returns: 1 if files were synced, else 0.
   429 # Warning: Dies if script cannot get write access.
   430 ######################################################################
   431 sub copyFile
   432 {
   433     my ($file,$ifile, $copy,$knowdiff,$filecontents,$ifilecontents) = @_;
   434     # Bi-directional synchronization
   435     open( I, "< " . $file ) || die "Could not open $file for reading";
   436     local $/;
   437     binmode I;
   438     $filecontents = <I>;
   439     close I;
   440     if ( open(I, "< " . $ifile) ) {
   441 	local $/;
   442 	binmode I;
   443 	$ifilecontents = <I>;
   444 	close I;
   445 	$copy = fileCompare($file, $ifile);
   446 	$knowdiff = 0,
   447     } else {
   448 	$copy = -1;
   449 	$knowdiff = 1;
   450     }
   452     if ( $knowdiff || ($filecontents ne $ifilecontents) ) {
   453 	if ( $copy > 0 ) {
   454 	    my $file_dir = dirname($file);
   455 	    mkpath $file_dir, 0777 unless(-e "$file_dir");
   456 	    open(O, "> " . $file) || die "Could not open $file for writing (no write permission?)";
   457 	    local $/;
   458 	    binmode O;
   459 	    print O $ifilecontents;
   460 	    close O;
   461 	    return 1;
   462 	} elsif ( $copy < 0 ) {
   463 	    my $ifile_dir = dirname($ifile);
   464 	    mkpath $ifile_dir, 0777 unless(-e "$ifile_dir");
   465 	    open(O, "> " . $ifile) || die "Could not open $ifile for writing (no write permission?)";
   466 	    local $/;
   467 	    binmode O;
   468 	    print O $filecontents;
   469 	    close O;
   470 	    return 1;
   471 	}
   472     }
   473     return 0;
   474 }
   476 ######################################################################
   477 # Syntax:  symlinkFile(file, ifile)
   478 # Params:  file, string, filename to create "symlink" for
   479 #          ifile, string, destination name of symlink
   480 #
   481 # Purpose: File is symlinked to ifile (or copied if filesystem doesn't
   482 #          support symlink).
   483 # Returns: 1 on success, else 0.
   484 ######################################################################
   485 sub symlinkFile
   486 {
   487     my ($file,$ifile) = @_;
   489     if ($isunix) {
   490         print "symlink created for $file ";
   491         if ( $force_relative && ($ifile =~ /^$basedir/)) {
   492             my $t = getcwd();
   493             my $c = -1;
   494             my $p = "../";
   495             $t =~ s-^$basedir/--;
   496             $p .= "../" while( ($c = index( $t, "/", $c + 1)) != -1 );
   497             $file =~ s-^$basedir/-$p-;
   498             print " ($file)\n";
   499         }
   500         print "\n";
   501         return symlink($file, $ifile);
   502     }
   503     return copyFile($file, $ifile);
   504 }
   506 ######################################################################
   507 # Syntax:  findFiles(dir, match, descend)
   508 # Params:  dir, string, directory to search for name
   509 #          match, string, regular expression to match in dir
   510 #          descend, integer, 0 = non-recursive search
   511 #                            1 = recurse search into subdirectories
   512 #
   513 # Purpose: Finds files matching a regular expression.
   514 # Returns: List of matching files.
   515 #
   516 # Examples:
   517 #   findFiles("/usr","\.cpp$",1)  - finds .cpp files in /usr and below
   518 #   findFiles("/tmp","^#",0)      - finds #* files in /tmp
   519 ######################################################################
   520 sub findFiles {
   521     my ($dir,$match,$descend) = @_;
   522     my ($file,$p,@files);
   523     local(*D);
   524     $dir =~ s=\\=/=g;
   525     ($dir eq "") && ($dir = ".");
   526     if ( opendir(D,$dir) ) {
   527         if ( $dir eq "." ) {
   528             $dir = "";
   529         } else {
   530             ($dir =~ /\/$/) || ($dir .= "/");
   531         }
   532         foreach $file ( sort readdir(D) ) {
   533             next if ( $file  =~ /^\.\.?$/ );
   534             $p = $file;
   535             ($file =~ /$match/) && (push @files, $p);
   536             if ( $descend && -d $p && ! -l $p ) {
   537                 push @files, &findFiles($p,$match,$descend);
   538             }
   539         }
   540         closedir(D);
   541     }
   542     return @files;
   543 }
   545 # --------------------------------------------------------------------
   546 # "main" function
   547 # --------------------------------------------------------------------
   549 while ( @ARGV ) {
   550     my $var = 0;
   551     my $val = 0;
   553     #parse
   554     my $arg = shift @ARGV;
   555     if ("$arg" eq "-h" || "$arg" eq "-help" || "$arg" eq "?") {
   556 	$var = "show_help";
   557 	$val = "yes";
   558     } elsif("$arg" eq "-copy") {
   559 	$var = "copy";
   560 	$val = "yes";
   561     } elsif("$arg" eq "-o" || "$arg" eq "-outdir") {
   562 	$var = "output";
   563 	$val = shift @ARGV;
   564     } elsif("$arg" eq "-showonly" || "$arg" eq "-remove-stale" || "$arg" eq "-windows" ||
   565 	    "$arg" eq "-relative" || "$arg" eq "-check-includes") {
   566 	$var = substr($arg, 1);
   567 	$val = "yes";
   568     } elsif("$arg" =~ /^-no-(.*)$/) {
   569 	$var = $1;
   570 	$val = "no";
   571 	#these are for commandline compat
   572     } elsif("$arg" eq "-inc") {
   573 	$var = "output";
   574 	$val = shift @ARGV;
   575     } elsif("$arg" eq "-module") {
   576 	$var = "module";
   577 	$val = shift @ARGV;
   578     } elsif("$arg" eq "-show") {
   579 	$var = "showonly";
   580 	$val = "yes";
   581     } elsif("$arg" eq '*') {
   582         # workaround for windows 9x where "%*" expands to "*"
   583         $var = 1;
   584     }
   586     #do something
   587     if(!$var || "$var" eq "show_help") {
   588 	print "Unknown option: $arg\n\n" if(!$var);
   589 	showUsage();
   590     } elsif ("$var" eq "copy") {
   591 	if("$val" eq "yes") {
   592 	    $copy_headers++;
   593 	} elsif($showonly) {
   594 	    $copy_headers--;
   595 	}
   596     } elsif ("$var" eq "showonly") {
   597 	if("$val" eq "yes") {
   598 	    $showonly++;
   599 	} elsif($showonly) {
   600 	    $showonly--;
   601 	}
   602     } elsif ("$var" eq "check-includes") {
   603 	if("$val" eq "yes") {
   604 	    $check_includes++;
   605 	} elsif($check_includes) {
   606 	    $check_includes--;
   607 	}
   608     } elsif ("$var" eq "remove-stale") {
   609 	if("$val" eq "yes") {
   610 	    $remove_stale++;
   611 	} elsif($remove_stale) {
   612 	    $remove_stale--;
   613 	}
   614     } elsif ("$var" eq "windows") {
   615 	if("$val" eq "yes") {
   616 	    $force_win++;
   617 	} elsif($force_win) {
   618 	    $force_win--;
   619 	}
   620     } elsif ("$var" eq "relative") {
   621 	if("$val" eq "yes") {
   622 	    $force_relative++;
   623 	} elsif($force_relative) {
   624 	    $force_relative--;
   625 	}
   626     } elsif ("$var" eq "module") {
   627 	print "module :$val:\n";
   628 	die "No such module: $val" unless(defined $modules{$val});
   629 	push @modules_to_sync, $val;
   630     } elsif ("$var" eq "output") {
   631 	my $outdir = $val;
   632 	if(checkRelative($outdir)) {
   633 	    $out_basedir = getcwd();
   634 	    chomp $out_basedir;
   635 	    $out_basedir .= "/" . $outdir;
   636 	} else {
   637 	    $out_basedir = $outdir;
   638 	}
   639 	# \ -> /
   640 	$out_basedir =~ s=\\=/=g;
   641     }
   642 }
   643 @modules_to_sync = keys(%modules) if($#modules_to_sync == -1);
   645 $isunix = checkUnix; #cache checkUnix
   647 # create path
   648 mkpath "$out_basedir/include", 0777;
   650 my @ignore_headers = ();
   651 my $class_lib_map_contents = "";
   652 my @ignore_for_master_contents = ( "qt.h", "qpaintdevicedefs.h" );
   653 my @ignore_for_include_check = ( "qatomic.h" );
   654 my @ignore_for_qt_begin_header_check = ( "qiconset.h", "qconfig.h", "qconfig-dist.h", "qconfig-large.h", "qconfig-medium.h", "qconfig-minimal.h", "qconfig-small.h", "qfeatures.h", "qt_windows.h" );
   655 my @ignore_for_qt_begin_namespace_check = ( "qconfig.h", "qconfig-dist.h", "qconfig-large.h", "qconfig-medium.h", "qconfig-minimal.h", "qconfig-small.h", "qfeatures.h", "qatomic_arch.h", "qatomic_windowsce.h", "qt_windows.h", "qatomic_macosx.h" );
   656 my @ignore_for_qt_module_check = ( "$modules{QtCore}/arch", "$modules{QtCore}/global", "$modules{QtSql}/drivers", "$modules{QtTest}", "$modules{QtAssistant}", "$modules{QtDesigner}", "$modules{QtUiTools}", "$modules{QtDBus}", "$modules{phonon}" );
   658 foreach (@modules_to_sync) {
   659     #iteration info
   660     my $lib = $_;
   661     my $dir = "$modules{$lib}";
   662     my $pathtoheaders = "";
   663     $pathtoheaders = "$moduleheaders{$lib}" if ($moduleheaders{$lib});
   665     #information used after the syncing
   666     my $pri_install_classes = "";
   667     my $pri_install_files = "";
   669     my $libcapitals = $lib;
   670     $libcapitals =~ y/a-z/A-Z/;
   671     my $master_contents = "#ifndef QT_".$libcapitals."_MODULE_H\n#define QT_".$libcapitals."_MODULE_H\n";
   673     #get dependencies
   674     if(-e "$dir/" . basename($dir) . ".pro") {
   675 	if(open(F, "<$dir/" . basename($dir) . ".pro")) {
   676 	    while(<F>) {
   677 		my $line = $_;
   678 		chomp $line;
   679 		if($line =~ /^ *QT *\+?= *([^\r\n]*)/) {
   680 		    foreach(split(/ /, "$1")) {
   681 			$master_contents .= "#include <QtCore/QtCore>\n" if("$_" eq "core");
   682 			$master_contents .= "#include <QtGui/QtGui>\n" if("$_" eq "gui");
   683 			$master_contents .= "#include <QtNetwork/QtNetwork>\n" if("$_" eq "network");
   684 			$master_contents .= "#include <QtSvg/QtSvg>\n" if("$_" eq "svg");
   685 			$master_contents .= "#include <QtScript/QtScript>\n" if("$_" eq "script");
   686 			$master_contents .= "#include <QtScriptTools/QtScriptTools>\n" if("$_" eq "scripttools");
   687 			$master_contents .= "#include <Qt3Support/Qt3Support>\n" if("$_" eq "qt3support");
   688 			$master_contents .= "#include <QtSql/QtSql>\n" if("$_" eq "sql");
   689 			$master_contents .= "#include <QtXml/QtXml>\n" if("$_" eq "xml");
   690 			$master_contents .= "#include <QtXmlPatterns/QtXmlPatterns>\n" if("$_" eq "xmlpatterns");
   691 			$master_contents .= "#include <QtOpenGL/QtOpenGL>\n" if("$_" eq "opengl");
   692 			$master_contents .= "#include <QtOpenVG/QtOpenVG>\n" if("$_" eq "openvg");
   693 		    }
   694 		}
   695 	    }
   696 	    close(F);
   697 	}
   698     }
   700     #remove the old files
   701     if($remove_stale) {
   702 	my @subdirs = ("$out_basedir/include/$lib");
   703 	foreach (@subdirs) {
   704 	    my $subdir = "$_";
   705 	    if (opendir DIR, "$subdir") {
   706 		while(my $t = readdir(DIR)) {
   707 		    my $file = "$subdir/$t";
   708 		    if(-d "$file") {
   709 			push @subdirs, "$file" unless($t eq "." || $t eq "..");
   710 		    } else {
   711 			my @files = ("$file");
   712 			#push @files, "$out_basedir/include/Qt/$t" if(-e "$out_basedir/include/Qt/$t");
   713 			foreach (@files) {
   714 			   my $file = $_;
   715 			   my $remove_file = 0;
   716 			   if(open(F, "<$file")) {
   717 				while(<F>) {
   718 				    my $line = $_;
   719 				    chomp $line;
   720 				    if($line =~ /^\#include \"([^\"]*)\"$/) {
   721 					my $include = $1;
   722 					$include = $subdir . "/" . $include unless(substr($include, 0, 1) eq "/");
   723 					$remove_file = 1 unless(-e "$include");
   724 				    } else {
   725 					$remove_file = 0;
   726 					last;
   727 				    }
   728 				}
   729 				close(F);
   730 				unlink "$file" if($remove_file);
   731 			    }
   732 			}
   733 		    }
   734 		}
   735 		closedir DIR;
   736             }
   738 	}
   739     }
   741     #create the new ones
   742     foreach (split(/;/, $dir)) {
   743 	my $current_dir = "$_";
   744 	my $headers_dir = $current_dir;
   745         $headers_dir .= "/$pathtoheaders" if ($pathtoheaders);
   746         #calc subdirs
   747         my @subdirs = ($headers_dir);
   748         foreach (@subdirs) {
   749             my $subdir = "$_";
   750             opendir DIR, "$subdir" or next;
   751             while(my $t = readdir(DIR)) {
   752                 push @subdirs, "$subdir/$t" if(-d "$subdir/$t" && !($t eq ".") &&
   753 					       !($t eq "..") && !($t eq ".obj") &&
   754                                                !($t eq ".moc") && !($t eq ".rcc") &&
   755                                                !($t eq ".uic") && !($t eq "build"));
   756             }
   757             closedir DIR;
   758         }
   760         #calc files and "copy" them
   761         foreach (@subdirs) {
   762             my $subdir = "$_";
   763             my @headers = findFiles("$subdir", "^[-a-z0-9_]*\\.h\$" , 0);
   764             foreach (@headers) {
   765                 my $header = "$_";
   766                 $header = 0 if("$header" =~ /^ui_.*.h/);
   767                 foreach (@ignore_headers) {
   768                     $header = 0 if("$header" eq "$_");
   769                 }
   770                 if($header) {
   771 		    my $header_copies = 0;
   772 		    #figure out if it is a public header
   773 		    my $public_header = $header;
   774 		    if($public_header =~ /_p.h$/ || $public_header =~ /_pch.h$/) {
   775 			$public_header = 0;
   776 		    } else {
   777 			foreach (@ignore_for_master_contents) {
   778 			    $public_header = 0 if("$header" eq "$_");
   779 			}
   780 		    }
   782                     my $iheader = $subdir . "/" . $header;
   783 		    my @classes = $public_header ? classNames($iheader) : ();
   784                     if($showonly) {
   785                         print "$header [$lib]\n";
   786 			foreach(@classes) {
   787 			    print "SYMBOL: $_\n";
   788 			}
   789                     } else {
   790 			#find out all the places it goes..
   791 			my @headers;
   792 			if ($public_header) {
   793 			    @headers = ( "$out_basedir/include/$lib/$header" );
   794 			    push @headers, "$out_basedir/include/Qt/$header"
   795 			      if ("$lib" ne "phonon" && "$subdir" =~ /^$basedir\/src/);
   797 			    foreach(@classes) {
   798 				my $header_base = basename($header);
   799 				my $class = $_;
   800 				if ($class =~ m/::/) {
   801 				    $class =~ s,::,/,g;
   802 				}
   803 				$class_lib_map_contents .= "QT_CLASS_LIB($_, $lib, $header_base)\n";
   804 				$header_copies++ if(syncHeader("$out_basedir/include/$lib/$class", "$out_basedir/include/$lib/$header", 0));
   805 			    }
   806 			} else {
   807 			    @headers = ( "$out_basedir/include/$lib/private/$header" );
   808 			    push @headers, "$out_basedir/include/Qt/private/$header"
   809                               if ("$lib" ne "phonon");
   810 			}
   811 			foreach(@headers) { #sync them
   812 			    $header_copies++ if(syncHeader($_, $iheader, $copy_headers));
   813 			}
   815 			if($public_header) {
   816 			    #put it into the master file
   817 			    $master_contents .= "#include \"$public_header\"\n" if(shouldMasterInclude($iheader));
   819 			    #deal with the install directives
   820 			    if($public_header) {
   821 				my $pri_install_iheader = fixPaths($iheader, $current_dir);
   822 				foreach(@classes) {
   823 				    my $class = $_;
   824 				    if ($class =~ m/::/) {
   825 					$class =~ s,::,/,g;
   826 				    }
   827 				    my $class_header = fixPaths("$out_basedir/include/$lib/$class",
   828 								$current_dir) . " ";
   829 				    $pri_install_classes .= $class_header
   830 								unless($pri_install_classes =~ $class_header);
   831 				}
   832 				$pri_install_files.= "$pri_install_iheader ";;
   833 			    }
   834 			}
   835                     }
   836 		    print "header created for $iheader ($header_copies)\n" if($header_copies > 0);
   837                 }
   838             }
   839         }
   840     }
   842     # close the master include:
   843     $master_contents .= "#endif\n";
   845     unless($showonly) {
   846         my @master_includes;
   847         if ($lib eq "phonon") {
   848             push @master_includes, "$out_basedir/include/phonon_compat/phonon/phonon";
   849             push @master_includes, "$out_basedir/include/phonon/Phonon/Phonon";
   850         } else {
   851             push @master_includes, "$out_basedir/include/$lib/$lib";
   852         }
   853         foreach my $master_include (@master_includes) {
   854             #generate the "master" include file
   855             $pri_install_files .= fixPaths($master_include, "$modules{$lib}") . " "; #get the master file installed too
   856             if($master_include && -e "$master_include") {
   857                 open MASTERINCLUDE, "<$master_include";
   858                 local $/;
   859                 binmode MASTERINCLUDE;
   860                 my $oldmaster = <MASTERINCLUDE>;
   861                 close MASTERINCLUDE;
   862                 $oldmaster =~ s/\r//g; # remove \r's , so comparison is ok on all platforms
   863                 $master_include = 0 if($oldmaster eq $master_contents);
   864             }
   865             if($master_include && $master_contents) {
   866                 my $master_dir = dirname($master_include);
   867                 mkpath $master_dir, 0777;
   868                 print "header (master) created for $lib\n";
   869                 open MASTERINCLUDE, ">$master_include";
   870                 print MASTERINCLUDE "$master_contents";
   871                 close MASTERINCLUDE;
   872             }
   873         }
   875         #handle the headers.pri for each module
   876 	my $headers_pri_contents = "";
   877 	$headers_pri_contents .= "SYNCQT.HEADER_FILES = $pri_install_files\n";
   878 	$headers_pri_contents .= "SYNCQT.HEADER_CLASSES = $pri_install_classes\n";
   879         my $headers_pri_file = "$out_basedir/include/$lib/headers.pri";
   880         if(-e "$headers_pri_file") {
   881             open HEADERS_PRI_FILE, "<$headers_pri_file";
   882             local $/;
   883             binmode HEADERS_PRI_FILE;
   884             my $old_headers_pri_contents = <HEADERS_PRI_FILE>;
   885             close HEADERS_PRI_FILE;
   886             $old_headers_pri_contents =~ s/\r//g; # remove \r's , so comparison is ok on all platforms
   887             $headers_pri_file = 0 if($old_headers_pri_contents eq $headers_pri_contents);
   888         }
   889         if($headers_pri_file && $master_contents) {
   890             my $headers_pri_dir = dirname($headers_pri_file);
   891             mkpath $headers_pri_dir, 0777;
   892             print "headers.pri file created for $lib\n";
   893             open HEADERS_PRI_FILE, ">$headers_pri_file";
   894             print HEADERS_PRI_FILE "$headers_pri_contents";
   895             close HEADERS_PRI_FILE;
   896         }
   897     }
   898 }
   899 unless($showonly) {
   900     my $class_lib_map = "$out_basedir/src/tools/uic/qclass_lib_map.h";
   901     if(-e "$class_lib_map") {
   902 	open CLASS_LIB_MAP, "<$class_lib_map";
   903 	local $/;
   904 	binmode CLASS_LIB_MAP;
   905 	my $old_class_lib_map_contents = <CLASS_LIB_MAP>;
   906 	close CLASS_LIB_MAP;
   907 	$old_class_lib_map_contents =~ s/\r//g; # remove \r's , so comparison is ok on all platforms
   908 	$class_lib_map = 0 if($old_class_lib_map_contents eq $class_lib_map_contents);
   909     }
   910     if($class_lib_map) {
   911 	my $class_lib_map_dir = dirname($class_lib_map);
   912 	mkpath $class_lib_map_dir, 0777;
   913 	open CLASS_LIB_MAP, ">$class_lib_map";
   914 	print CLASS_LIB_MAP "$class_lib_map_contents";
   915 	close CLASS_LIB_MAP;
   916     }
   917 }
   919 if($check_includes) {
   920     for (keys(%modules)) {
   921 	#iteration info
   922 	my $lib = $_;
   923 	my $dir = "$modules{$lib}";
   924 	foreach (split(/;/, $dir)) {
   925 	    my $current_dir = "$_";
   926 	    #calc subdirs
   927 	    my @subdirs = ($current_dir);
   928 	    foreach (@subdirs) {
   929 		my $subdir = "$_";
   930 		opendir DIR, "$subdir";
   931 		while(my $t = readdir(DIR)) {
   932                     push @subdirs, "$subdir/$t" if(-d "$subdir/$t" && !($t eq ".") &&
   933                                                    !($t eq "..") && !($t eq ".obj") &&
   934                                                    !($t eq ".moc") && !($t eq ".rcc") &&
   935                                                    !($t eq ".uic") && !($t eq "build"));
   936 		}
   937 		closedir DIR;
   938 	    }
   940 	    foreach (@subdirs) {
   941 		my $subdir = "$_";
   942                 my $header_skip_qt_module_test = 0;
   943                 foreach(@ignore_for_qt_module_check) {
   944                     foreach (split(/;/, $_)) {
   945                         $header_skip_qt_module_test = 1 if ("$subdir" =~ /^$_/);
   946                     }
   947                 }
   948 		my @headers = findFiles("$subdir", "^[-a-z0-9_]*\\.h\$" , 0);
   949 		foreach (@headers) {
   950 		    my $header = "$_";
   951                     my $header_skip_qt_begin_header_test = 0;
   952                     my $header_skip_qt_begin_namespace_test = 0;
   953 		    $header = 0 if("$header" =~ /^ui_.*.h/);
   954 		    foreach (@ignore_headers) {
   955 			$header = 0 if("$header" eq "$_");
   956 		    }
   957 		    if($header) {
   958 			my $public_header = $header;
   959 			if($public_header =~ /_p.h$/ || $public_header =~ /_pch.h$/) {
   960 			    $public_header = 0;
   961 			} else {
   962 			    foreach (@ignore_for_master_contents) {
   963 				$public_header = 0 if("$header" eq "$_");
   964 			    }
   965 			    if($public_header) {
   966 				foreach (@ignore_for_include_check) {
   967 				    $public_header = 0 if("$header" eq "$_");
   968 				}
   969                                 foreach(@ignore_for_qt_begin_header_check) {
   970                                     $header_skip_qt_begin_header_test = 1 if ("$header" eq "$_");
   971                                 }
   972                                 foreach(@ignore_for_qt_begin_namespace_check) {
   973                                     $header_skip_qt_begin_namespace_test = 1 if ("$header" eq "$_");
   974                                 }
   975 			    }
   976 			}
   978 			my $iheader = $subdir . "/" . $header;
   979 			if($public_header) {
   980 			    if(open(F, "<$iheader")) {
   981                                 my $qt_module_found = 0;
   982 				my $qt_begin_header_found = 0;
   983 				my $qt_end_header_found = 0;
   984 				my $qt_begin_namespace_found = 0;
   985 				my $qt_end_namespace_found = 0;
   986 				my $line;
   987 				while($line = <F>) {
   988 				    chomp $line;
   989 				    my $output_line = 1;
   990                                     if($line =~ /^ *\# *pragma (qt_no_included_check|qt_sync_stop_processing)/) {
   991 			                last;
   992 				    } elsif($line =~ /^ *\# *include/) {
   993 					my $include = $line;
   994 					if($line =~ /<.*>/) {
   995 					    $include =~ s,.*<(.*)>.*,$1,;
   996 					} elsif($line =~ /".*"/) {
   997 					    $include =~ s,.*"(.*)".*,$1,;
   998 					} else {
   999 					    $include = 0;
  1000 					}
  1001 					if($include) {
  1002 					    for (keys(%modules)) {
  1003 						my $trylib = $_;
  1004 						if(-e "$out_basedir/include/$trylib/$include") {
  1005 						    print "WARNING: $iheader includes $include when it should include $trylib/$include\n";
  1006 						}
  1007 					    }
  1008 					}
  1009 				    } elsif ($header_skip_qt_begin_header_test == 0 and $line =~ /^QT_BEGIN_HEADER\s*$/) {
  1010 					$qt_begin_header_found = 1;
  1011 				    } elsif ($header_skip_qt_begin_header_test == 0 and $line =~ /^QT_END_HEADER\s*$/) {
  1012 					$qt_end_header_found = 1;
  1013 				    } elsif ($header_skip_qt_begin_namespace_test == 0 and $line =~ /^QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE\s*$/) {
  1014 					$qt_begin_namespace_found = 1;
  1015 				    } elsif ($header_skip_qt_begin_namespace_test == 0 and $line =~ /^QT_END_NAMESPACE\s*$/) {
  1016 					$qt_end_namespace_found = 1;
  1017                                     } elsif ($header_skip_qt_module_test == 0 and $line =~ /^QT_MODULE\(.*\)\s*$/) {
  1018                                         $qt_module_found = 1;
  1019                                     }
  1020 				}
  1021                                 if ($header_skip_qt_begin_header_test == 0) {
  1022                                     if ($qt_begin_header_found == 0) {
  1023                                         print "WARNING: $iheader does not include QT_BEGIN_HEADER\n";
  1024                                     }
  1026                                     if ($qt_begin_header_found && $qt_end_header_found == 0) {
  1027                                         print "WARNING: $iheader has QT_BEGIN_HEADER but no QT_END_HEADER\n";
  1028                                     }
  1029                                 }
  1031                                 if ($header_skip_qt_begin_namespace_test == 0) {
  1032                                     if ($qt_begin_namespace_found == 0) {
  1033                                         print "WARNING: $iheader does not include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE\n";
  1034                                     }
  1036                                     if ($qt_begin_namespace_found && $qt_end_namespace_found == 0) {
  1037                                         print "WARNING: $iheader has QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE but no QT_END_NAMESPACE\n";
  1038                                     }
  1039                                 }
  1041                                 if ($header_skip_qt_module_test == 0) {
  1042                                     if ($qt_module_found == 0) {
  1043                                         print "WARNING: $iheader does not include QT_MODULE\n";
  1044                                     }
  1045                                 }
  1046 				close(F);
  1047 			    }
  1048 			}
  1049 		    }
  1050 		}
  1051 	    }
  1052 	}
  1053     }
  1054 }
  1056 exit 0;