changeset 0 1918ee327afb
child 1 ae9c8dab0e3e
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:1918ee327afb
     1 /****************************************************************************
     2 **
     3 ** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     4 ** All rights reserved.
     5 ** Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com)
     6 **
     7 ** This file is part of the qmake application of the Qt Toolkit.
     8 **
    10 ** No Commercial Usage
    11 ** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
    12 ** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
    13 ** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
    14 ** this package.
    15 **
    16 ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
    17 ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
    18 ** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
    19 ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
    20 ** packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to
    21 ** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
    22 ** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
    23 **
    24 ** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
    25 ** rights.  These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
    26 ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
    27 **
    28 ** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
    29 ** Nokia at qt-info@nokia.com.
    30 **
    31 **
    32 **
    33 **
    34 **
    35 **
    36 **
    37 **
    38 ** $QT_END_LICENSE$
    39 **
    40 ****************************************************************************/
    42 #include "initprojectdeploy_symbian.h"
    43 #include <QDirIterator>
    44 #include <project.h>
    45 #include <qxmlstream.h>
    46 #include <qsettings.h>
    47 #include <qdebug.h>
    49 #define PLUGIN_STUB_DIR "qmakepluginstubs"
    50 #define SYSBIN_DIR "\\sys\\bin"
    52 #define SUFFIX_DLL "dll"
    53 #define SUFFIX_EXE "exe"
    54 #define SUFFIX_QTPLUGIN "qtplugin"
    56 static void fixEpocRootStr(QString& path)
    57 {
    58     path.replace("\\", "/");
    60     /* :QTP:QTPROD-154: Raptor needs the drive letter
    61     if (path.size() > 1 && path[1] == QChar(':')) {
    62         path = path.mid(2);
    63     }
    64     */
    66     if (!path.size() || path[path.size()-1] != QChar('/')) {
    67         path += QChar('/');
    68     }
    69 }
    71 #define SYMBIAN_SDKS_KEY "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Symbian\\EPOC SDKs"
    73 static QString epocRootStr;
    75 QString epocRoot()
    76 {
    77     if (!epocRootStr.isEmpty()) {
    78         return epocRootStr;
    79     }
    81     // First, check the env variable
    82     epocRootStr = qgetenv("EPOCROOT");
    84     if (epocRootStr.isEmpty()) {
    85         // No EPOCROOT set, check the default device
    86         // First check EPOCDEVICE env variable
    87         QString defaultDevice = qgetenv("EPOCDEVICE");
    89         // Check the windows registry via QSettings for devices.xml path
    90         QSettings settings(SYMBIAN_SDKS_KEY, QSettings::NativeFormat);
    91         QString devicesXmlPath = settings.value("CommonPath").toString();
    93         if (!devicesXmlPath.isEmpty()) {
    94             // Parse xml for correct device
    95             devicesXmlPath += "/devices.xml";
    96             QFile devicesFile(devicesXmlPath);
    97             if (devicesFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
    98                 QXmlStreamReader xml(&devicesFile);
    99                 while (!xml.atEnd()) {
   100                     xml.readNext();
   101                     if (xml.isStartElement() && xml.name() == "devices") {
   102                         if (xml.attributes().value("version") == "1.0") {
   103                             // Look for correct device
   104                             while (!(xml.isEndElement() && xml.name() == "devices") && !xml.atEnd()) {
   105                                 xml.readNext();
   106                                 if (xml.isStartElement() && xml.name() == "device") {
   107                                     if ((defaultDevice.isEmpty() && xml.attributes().value("default") == "yes") ||
   108                                         (!defaultDevice.isEmpty() && (xml.attributes().value("id").toString() + QString(":") + xml.attributes().value("name").toString()) == defaultDevice)) {
   109                                         // Found the correct device
   110                                         while (!(xml.isEndElement() && xml.name() == "device") && !xml.atEnd()) {
   111                                             xml.readNext();
   112                                             if (xml.isStartElement() && xml.name() == "epocroot") {
   113                                                 epocRootStr = xml.readElementText();
   114                                                 fixEpocRootStr(epocRootStr);
   115                                                 return epocRootStr;
   116                                             }
   117                                         }
   118                                         xml.raiseError("No epocroot element found");
   119                                     }
   120                                 }
   121                             }
   122                         } else {
   123                             xml.raiseError("Invalid 'devices' element version");
   124                         }
   125                     }
   126                 }
   127                 if (xml.hasError()) {
   128                     fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: \"%s\" when parsing devices.xml\n", qPrintable(xml.errorString()));
   129                 }
   130             } else {
   131                 fprintf(stderr, "Could not open devices.xml (%s)\n", qPrintable(devicesXmlPath));
   132             }
   133         } else {
   134             fprintf(stderr, "Could not retrieve " SYMBIAN_SDKS_KEY " setting\n");
   135         }
   137         fprintf(stderr, "Failed to determine epoc root.\n");
   138         if (!defaultDevice.isEmpty())
   139             fprintf(stderr, "The device indicated by EPOCDEVICE environment variable (%s) could not be found.\n", qPrintable(defaultDevice));
   140         fprintf(stderr, "Either set EPOCROOT or EPOCDEVICE environment variable to a valid value, or provide a default Symbian device.\n");
   142         // No valid device found; set epocroot to "/"
   143         epocRootStr = QLatin1String("/");
   144     }
   146     fixEpocRootStr(epocRootStr);
   147     return epocRootStr;
   148 }
   151 static bool isPlugin(const QFileInfo& info, const QString& devicePath)
   152 {
   153     // Libraries are plugins if deployment path is something else than
   154     // SYSBIN_DIR with or without drive letter
   155     if (0 == info.suffix().compare(QLatin1String(SUFFIX_DLL), Qt::CaseInsensitive) &&
   156             (devicePath.size() < 8 ||
   157              (0 != devicePath.compare(QLatin1String(SYSBIN_DIR), Qt::CaseInsensitive) &&
   158               0 != devicePath.mid(1).compare(QLatin1String(":" SYSBIN_DIR), Qt::CaseInsensitive)))) {
   159         return true;
   160     } else {
   161         return false;
   162     }
   163 }
   165 static bool isBinary(const QFileInfo& info)
   166 {
   167     if (0 == info.suffix().compare(QLatin1String(SUFFIX_DLL), Qt::CaseInsensitive) ||
   168             0 == info.suffix().compare(QLatin1String(SUFFIX_EXE), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
   169         return true;
   170     } else {
   171         return false;
   172     }
   173 }
   175 static void createPluginStub(const QFileInfo& info,
   176                              const QString& devicePath,
   177                              DeploymentList &deploymentList,
   178                              QStringList& generatedDirs,
   179                              QStringList& generatedFiles)
   180 {
   181     QDir().mkpath(QLatin1String(PLUGIN_STUB_DIR "\\"));
   182     if (!generatedDirs.contains(PLUGIN_STUB_DIR))
   183         generatedDirs << PLUGIN_STUB_DIR;
   184     // Plugin stubs must have different name from the actual plugins, because
   185     // the toolchain for creating ROM images cannot handle non-binary .dll files properly.
   186     QFile stubFile(QLatin1String(PLUGIN_STUB_DIR "\\") + info.completeBaseName() + "." SUFFIX_QTPLUGIN);
   187     if (stubFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) {
   188         if (!generatedFiles.contains(stubFile.fileName()))
   189             generatedFiles << stubFile.fileName();
   190         QTextStream t(&stubFile);
   191         // Add note to stub so that people will not wonder what it is.
   192         // Creation date is added to make new stub to deploy always to
   193         // force plugin cache miss when loading plugins.
   194         t << "This file is a Qt plugin stub file. The real Qt plugin is located in " SYSBIN_DIR ". Created:" << QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString(Qt::ISODate) << "\n";
   195     } else {
   196         fprintf(stderr, "cannot deploy \"%s\" because of plugin stub file creation failed\n", info.fileName().toLatin1().constData());
   197     }
   198     QFileInfo stubInfo(stubFile);
   199     deploymentList.append(CopyItem(Option::fixPathToLocalOS(stubInfo.absoluteFilePath()),
   200                                    Option::fixPathToLocalOS(devicePath + "\\" + stubInfo.fileName())));
   201 }
   203 QString generate_uid(const QString& target)
   204 {
   205     static QMap<QString, QString> targetToUid;
   207     QString tmp = targetToUid[target];
   209     if (!tmp.isEmpty()) {
   210         return tmp;
   211     }
   213     unsigned long hash = 5381;
   214     int c;
   216     for (int i = 0; i < target.size(); ++i) {
   217         c = target.at(i).toAscii();
   218         hash ^= c + ((c - i) << i % 20) + ((c + i) << (i + 5) % 20) + ((c - 2 * i) << (i + 10) % 20) + ((c + 2 * i) << (i + 15) % 20);
   219     }
   221     tmp.setNum(hash, 16);
   222     for (int i = tmp.size(); i < 8; ++i)
   223         tmp.prepend("0");
   225     targetToUid[target] = tmp;
   227     return tmp;
   228 }
   230 // UIDs starting with 0xE are test UIDs in symbian
   231 QString generate_test_uid(const QString& target)
   232 {
   233     QString tmp = generate_uid(target);
   234     tmp.replace(0, 1, "E");
   235     tmp.prepend("0x");
   237     return tmp;
   238 }
   241 void initProjectDeploySymbian(QMakeProject* project,
   242                               DeploymentList &deploymentList,
   243                               const QString &testPath,
   244                               bool deployBinaries,
   245                               const QString &platform,
   246                               const QString &build,
   247                               QStringList& generatedDirs,
   248                               QStringList& generatedFiles)
   249 {
   250     QString targetPath = project->values("deploy.path").join(" ");
   251     if (targetPath.isEmpty())
   252         targetPath = testPath;
   253     if (targetPath.endsWith("/") || targetPath.endsWith("\\"))
   254         targetPath = targetPath.mid(0, targetPath.size() - 1);
   256     bool targetPathHasDriveLetter = false;
   257     if (targetPath.size() > 1) {
   258         targetPathHasDriveLetter = targetPath.at(1) == QLatin1Char(':');
   259     }
   260     QString deploymentDrive = targetPathHasDriveLetter ? targetPath.left(2) : QLatin1String("c:");
   262     foreach(QString item, project->values("DEPLOYMENT")) {
   263         QString devicePath = project->first(item + ".path");
   264         if (!deployBinaries
   265                 && !devicePath.isEmpty()
   266                 && (0 == devicePath.compare(project->values("APP_RESOURCE_DIR").join(""), Qt::CaseInsensitive)
   267                     || 0 == devicePath.compare(project->values("REG_RESOURCE_IMPORT_DIR").join(""), Qt::CaseInsensitive))) {
   268             // Do not deploy resources in emulator builds, as that seems to cause conflicts
   269             // If there is ever a real need to deploy pre-built resources for emulator,
   270             // BLD_INF_RULES.prj_exports can be used as a workaround.
   271             continue;
   272         }
   274         bool devicePathHasDriveLetter = false;
   275         if (devicePath.size() > 1) {
   276             devicePathHasDriveLetter = devicePath.at(1) == QLatin1Char(':');
   277         }
   279         if (devicePath.isEmpty() || devicePath == QLatin1String(".")) {
   280             devicePath = targetPath;
   281         }
   282         // check if item.path is relative (! either / or \)
   283         else if (!(devicePath.at(0) == QLatin1Char('/')
   284                    || devicePath.at(0) == QLatin1Char('\\')
   285                    || devicePathHasDriveLetter)) {
   286             // create output path
   287             devicePath = Option::fixPathToLocalOS(QDir::cleanPath(targetPath + QLatin1Char('\\') + devicePath));
   288         } else {
   289             if (0 == platform.compare(QLatin1String("winscw"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
   290                 if (devicePathHasDriveLetter) {
   291                     devicePath = epocRoot() + "epoc32\\winscw\\" + devicePath.remove(1, 1);
   292                 } else {
   293                     devicePath = epocRoot() + "epoc32\\winscw\\c" + devicePath;
   294                 }
   295             } else {
   296                 // Drive letter needed if targetpath contains one and it is not already in
   297                 //:QTP:QTPROD-92 Deployment of plugins requires WINSCW build before ARM build
   298                 if (targetPathHasDriveLetter && !devicePathHasDriveLetter) {
   299                    //temporary fix for Raptor building for plugins
   300                    if (devicePath.indexOf("plugins", Qt::CaseInsensitive) != -1) {
   301                     devicePath = deploymentDrive + "\\epoc32\\data\\z" + devicePath;
   302 				   } else {
   303                     devicePath = deploymentDrive + devicePath;
   304 				   }
   305                 } else {
   306                     devicePath = epocRoot() + "epoc32\\data\\z" + devicePath;
   307 				   }
   308             }
   309         }
   311         devicePath.replace(QLatin1String("/"), QLatin1String("\\"));
   313         if (!deployBinaries &&
   314                 0 == devicePath.right(8).compare(QLatin1String(SYSBIN_DIR), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
   315             // Skip deploying to SYSBIN_DIR for anything but binary deployments
   316             // Note: Deploying pre-built binaries also follow this rule, so emulator builds
   317             // will not get those deployed. Since there is no way to differentiate currently
   318             // between pre-built binaries for emulator and HW anyway, this is not a major issue.
   319             continue;
   320         }
   322         foreach(QString source, project->values(item + ".sources")) {
   323             source = Option::fixPathToLocalOS(source);
   324             QString nameFilter;
   325             QFileInfo info(source);
   326             QString searchPath;
   327             bool dirSearch = false;
   329             if (info.isDir()) {
   330                 nameFilter = QLatin1String("*");
   331                 searchPath = info.absoluteFilePath();
   332                 dirSearch = true;
   333             } else {
   334                 if (info.exists() || source.indexOf('*') != -1) {
   335                     nameFilter = source.split('\\').last();
   336                     searchPath = info.absolutePath();
   337                 } else {
   338                     // Entry was not found. That is ok if it is a binary, since those do not necessarily yet exist.
   339                     // Dlls need to be processed even when not deploying binaries for the stubs
   340                     if (isBinary(info)) {
   341                         if (deployBinaries) {
   342                             // Executables and libraries are deployed to \sys\bin
   343                             QFileInfo releasePath(epocRoot() + "epoc32\\release\\" + platform + "\\" + build + "\\");
   344                             if(devicePathHasDriveLetter) {
   345                                 deploymentList.append(CopyItem(Option::fixPathToLocalOS(releasePath.absolutePath() + "\\" + info.fileName(), false, true),
   346                                                                Option::fixPathToLocalOS(devicePath.left(2) + QLatin1String(SYSBIN_DIR "\\") + info.fileName())));
   347                             } else {
   348                                 deploymentList.append(CopyItem(Option::fixPathToLocalOS(releasePath.absolutePath() + "\\" + info.fileName(), false, true),
   349                                                                Option::fixPathToLocalOS(deploymentDrive + QLatin1String(SYSBIN_DIR "\\") + info.fileName())));
   350                             }
   351                         }
   352                         if (isPlugin(info, devicePath)) {
   353                             createPluginStub(info, devicePath, deploymentList, generatedDirs, generatedFiles);
   354                             continue;
   355                         }
   356                     } else {
   357                         // Generate deployment even if file doesn't exist, as this may be the case
   358                         // when generating .pkg files.
   359                         deploymentList.append(CopyItem(Option::fixPathToLocalOS(info.absoluteFilePath()),
   360                                                        Option::fixPathToLocalOS(devicePath + "\\" + info.fileName())));
   361                         continue;
   362                     }
   363                 }
   364             }
   366             int pathSize = info.absolutePath().size();
   367             QDirIterator iterator(searchPath, QStringList() << nameFilter
   368                                   , QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::NoSymLinks
   369                                   , dirSearch ? QDirIterator::Subdirectories : QDirIterator::NoIteratorFlags);
   371             while (iterator.hasNext()) {
   372                 iterator.next();
   373                 QFileInfo iteratorInfo(iterator.filePath());
   374                 QString absoluteItemPath = Option::fixPathToLocalOS(iteratorInfo.absolutePath());
   375                 int diffSize = absoluteItemPath.size() - pathSize;
   377                 if (!iteratorInfo.isDir()) {
   378                     if (isPlugin(iterator.fileInfo(), devicePath)) {
   379                         // This deploys pre-built plugins. Other pre-built binaries will deploy normally,
   380                         // as they have SYSBIN_DIR target path.
   381                         if (deployBinaries) {
   382                             deploymentList.append(CopyItem(Option::fixPathToLocalOS(absoluteItemPath + "\\" + iterator.fileName()),
   383                                                            Option::fixPathToLocalOS(deploymentDrive + QLatin1String(SYSBIN_DIR "\\") + iterator.fileName())));
   384                         }
   385                         createPluginStub(info, devicePath + "\\" + absoluteItemPath.right(diffSize), deploymentList, generatedDirs, generatedFiles);
   386                         continue;
   387                     } else {
   388                         deploymentList.append(CopyItem(Option::fixPathToLocalOS(absoluteItemPath + "\\" + iterator.fileName()),
   389                                                        Option::fixPathToLocalOS(devicePath + "\\" + absoluteItemPath.right(diffSize) + "\\" + iterator.fileName())));
   390                     }
   391                 }
   392             }
   393         }
   394     }
   395 }
   397 //:QTP:QTPROD-92 Deployment of plugins requires WINSCW build before ARM build
   398 void writeSbsDeploymentList(const DeploymentList& depList, QTextStream& t)
   399 {
   400     for (int i = 0; i < depList.size(); ++i) {
   401         t << "START EXTENSION qt/qmake_emulator_deployment" << endl;
   402         QString fromItem = depList.at(i).from;
   403         QString toItem = depList.at(i).to;
   404         fromItem.replace("\\", "/");
   405         toItem.replace("\\", "/");
   406         t << "OPTION DEPLOY_SOURCE " << fromItem << endl;
   407         t << "OPTION DEPLOY_TARGET " << toItem << endl;
   408         t << "END" << endl;
   409     }
   410 }