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     3 <html>
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     7 <title>TIFFWriteScanline</title>
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    11 <h1 align=center>TIFFWriteScanline</h1>
    12 <a href="#NAME">NAME</a><br>
    13 <a href="#SYNOPSIS">SYNOPSIS</a><br>
    14 <a href="#DESCRIPTION">DESCRIPTION</a><br>
    15 <a href="#NOTES">NOTES</a><br>
    16 <a href="#RETURN VALUES">RETURN VALUES</a><br>
    17 <a href="#DIAGNOSTICS">DIAGNOSTICS</a><br>
    18 <a href="#BUGS">BUGS</a><br>
    19 <a href="#SEE ALSO">SEE ALSO</a><br>
    21 <hr>
    22 <a name="NAME"></a>
    23 <h2>NAME</h2>
    24 <!-- INDENTATION -->
    25 <table width="100%" border=0 rules="none" frame="void"
    26        cols="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    27 <tr valign="top" align="left">
    28 <td width="8%"></td>
    29 <td width="91%">
    30 <p>TIFFWriteScanline &minus; write a scanline to an open
    31 <small>TIFF</small> file</p>
    32 </td>
    33 </table>
    34 <a name="SYNOPSIS"></a>
    35 <h2>SYNOPSIS</h2>
    36 <!-- INDENTATION -->
    37 <table width="100%" border=0 rules="none" frame="void"
    38        cols="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    39 <tr valign="top" align="left">
    40 <td width="8%"></td>
    41 <td width="91%">
    42 <p><b>#include &lt;tiffio.h&gt;</b></p>
    43 <!-- INDENTATION -->
    44 <p><b>int TIFFWriteScanline(TIFF *</b><i>tif</i><b>,
    45 tdata_t</b> <i>buf</i><b>, uint32</b> <i>row</i><b>,
    46 tsample_t</b> <i>sample</i><b>)</b></p>
    47 </td>
    48 </table>
    49 <a name="DESCRIPTION"></a>
    50 <h2>DESCRIPTION</h2>
    51 <!-- INDENTATION -->
    52 <table width="100%" border=0 rules="none" frame="void"
    53        cols="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    54 <tr valign="top" align="left">
    55 <td width="8%"></td>
    56 <td width="91%">
    57 <p>Write data to a file at the specified row. The
    58 <i>sample</i> parameter is used only if data are organized
    59 in separate planes (<i>PlanarConfiguration</i>=2). The data
    60 are assumed to be uncompressed and in the native bit- and
    61 byte-order of the host machine. The data written to the file
    62 is compressed according to the compression scheme of the
    63 current <small>TIFF</small> directory (see further below).
    64 If the current scanline is past the end of the current
    65 subfile, the <i>ImageLength</i> field is automatically
    66 increased to include the scanline (except for
    67 <i>PlanarConfiguration</i>=2, where the <i>ImageLength</i>
    68 cannot be changed once the first data are written). If the
    69 <i>ImageLength</i> is increased, the <i>StripOffsets</i> and
    70 <i>StripByteCounts</i> fields are similarly enlarged to
    71 reflect data written past the previous end of image.</p>
    72 </td>
    73 </table>
    74 <a name="NOTES"></a>
    75 <h2>NOTES</h2>
    76 <!-- INDENTATION -->
    77 <table width="100%" border=0 rules="none" frame="void"
    78        cols="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    79 <tr valign="top" align="left">
    80 <td width="8%"></td>
    81 <td width="91%">
    82 <p>The library writes encoded data using the native machine
    83 byte order. Correctly implemented <small>TIFF</small>
    84 readers are expected to do any necessary byte-swapping to
    85 correctly process image data with BitsPerSample greater than
    86 8. The library attempts to hide bit-ordering differences
    87 between the image and the native machine by converting data
    88 from the native machine order.</p>
    89 <!-- INDENTATION -->
    90 <p>In C++ the <i>sample</i> parameter defaults to 0.</p>
    91 <!-- INDENTATION -->
    92 <p>Once data are written to a file for the current
    93 directory, the values of certain tags may not be altered;
    94 see <i>TIFFSetField</i>(3TIFF) for more information.</p>
    95 <!-- INDENTATION -->
    96 <p>It is not possible to write scanlines to a file that uses
    97 a tiled organization. The routine <i>TIFFIsTiled</i> can be
    98 used to determine if the file is organized as tiles or
    99 strips.</p>
   100 </td>
   101 </table>
   102 <a name="RETURN VALUES"></a>
   103 <h2>RETURN VALUES</h2>
   104 <!-- INDENTATION -->
   105 <table width="100%" border=0 rules="none" frame="void"
   106        cols="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
   107 <tr valign="top" align="left">
   108 <td width="8%"></td>
   109 <td width="91%">
   110 <p><i>TIFFWriteScanline</i> returns &minus;1 if it
   111 immediately detects an error and 1 for a successful
   112 write.</p>
   113 </td>
   114 </table>
   115 <a name="DIAGNOSTICS"></a>
   116 <h2>DIAGNOSTICS</h2>
   117 <!-- INDENTATION -->
   118 <table width="100%" border=0 rules="none" frame="void"
   119        cols="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
   120 <tr valign="top" align="left">
   121 <td width="8%"></td>
   122 <td width="91%">
   123 <p>All error messages are directed to the
   124 <i>TIFFError</i>(3TIFF) routine.</p>
   125 <!-- INDENTATION -->
   126 <p><b>%s: File not open for writing .</b> The file was
   127 opened for reading, not writing.</p>
   128 <!-- INDENTATION -->
   129 <p><b>Can not write scanlines to a tiled image</b>. An
   130 attempt was made to write a scanline to a tiled image. The
   131 image is assumed to be organized in tiles because the
   132 <i>TileWidth</i> and <i>TileLength</i> tags have been set
   133 with <i>TIFFSetField</i>(3TIFF).</p>
   134 <!-- INDENTATION -->
   135 <p><b>Compression algorithm does not support random
   136 access</b>. Data was written in a non-sequential order to a
   137 file that uses a compression algorithm and that has
   138 <i>RowsPerStrip</i> greater than one. That is, data in the
   139 image is to be stored in a compressed form, and with
   140 multiple rows packed into a strip. In this case, the library
   141 does not support random access to the data. The data should
   142 either be written as entire strips, sequentially by rows, or
   143 the value of <i>RowsPerStrip</i> should be set to one.</p>
   144 <!-- INDENTATION -->
   145 <p><b>%s: Must set &quot;ImageWidth&quot; before writing
   146 data</b>. The image&rsquo;s width has not be set before the
   147 first write. See <b>TIFFSetField</b>(3TIFF) for information
   148 on how to do this.</p>
   149 <!-- INDENTATION -->
   150 <p><b>%s: Must set &quot;PlanarConfiguration&quot; before
   151 writing data</b>. The organization of data has not be
   152 defined before the first write. See
   153 <b>TIFFSetField</b>(3TIFF) for information on how to do
   154 this.</p>
   155 <!-- INDENTATION -->
   156 <p><b>Can not change &quot;ImageLength&quot; when using
   157 separate planes</b>. Separate image planes are being used
   158 (<i>PlanarConfiguration</i>=2), but the number of rows has
   159 not been specified before the first write. The library
   160 supports the dynamic growth of an image only when data are
   161 organized in a contiguous manner
   162 (<i>PlanarConfiguration</i>=1).</p>
   163 <!-- INDENTATION -->
   164 <p><b>%d: Sample out of range, max %d</b>. The <i>sample</i>
   165 parameter was greater than the value of the SamplesPerPixel
   166 tag.</p>
   167 <!-- INDENTATION -->
   168 <p><b>%s: No space for strip arrays .</b> There was not
   169 enough space for the arrays that hold strip offsets and byte
   170 counts.</p>
   171 </td>
   172 </table>
   173 <a name="BUGS"></a>
   174 <h2>BUGS</h2>
   175 <!-- INDENTATION -->
   176 <table width="100%" border=0 rules="none" frame="void"
   177        cols="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
   178 <tr valign="top" align="left">
   179 <td width="8%"></td>
   180 <td width="91%">
   181 <p>Writing subsampled YCbCR data does not work correctly
   182 because, for <i>PlanarConfiguration</i>=2 the size of a
   183 scanline is not calculated on a per-sample basis, and for
   184 <i>PlanarConfiguration</i>=1 the library does not pack the
   185 block-interleaved samples.</p>
   186 </td>
   187 </table>
   188 <a name="SEE ALSO"></a>
   189 <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>
   190 <!-- INDENTATION -->
   191 <table width="100%" border=0 rules="none" frame="void"
   192        cols="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
   193 <tr valign="top" align="left">
   194 <td width="8%"></td>
   195 <td width="91%">
   196 <p><b>TIFFOpen</b>(3TIFF),
   197 <b>TIFFWriteEncodedStrip</b>(3TIFF),
   198 <b>TIFFWriteRawStrip</b>(3TIFF), <b>libtiff</b>(3TIFF)</p>
   199 <!-- INDENTATION -->
   200 <p>Libtiff library home page:
   201 <b></b></p>
   202 </td>
   203 </table>
   204 <hr>
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   206 </html>