changeset 0 1918ee327afb
child 3 41300fa6a67c
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:1918ee327afb
     1 /****************************************************************************
     2 **
     3 ** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     4 ** All rights reserved.
     5 ** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
     6 **
     7 ** This file is part of the QtGui module of the Qt Toolkit.
     8 **
    10 ** No Commercial Usage
    11 ** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
    12 ** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
    13 ** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
    14 ** this package.
    15 **
    16 ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
    17 ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
    18 ** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
    19 ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
    20 ** packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to
    21 ** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
    22 ** will be met:
    23 **
    24 ** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
    25 ** rights.  These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
    26 ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
    27 **
    28 ** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
    29 ** Nokia at
    30 **
    31 **
    32 **
    33 **
    34 **
    35 **
    36 **
    37 **
    38 ** $QT_END_LICENSE$
    39 **
    40 ****************************************************************************/
    42 #include "qsizegrip.h"
    44 #ifndef QT_NO_SIZEGRIP
    46 #include "qapplication.h"
    47 #include "qevent.h"
    48 #include "qpainter.h"
    49 #include "qstyle.h"
    50 #include "qstyleoption.h"
    51 #include "qlayout.h"
    52 #include "qdebug.h"
    53 #include <QDesktopWidget>
    55 #if defined(Q_WS_X11)
    56 #include <private/qt_x11_p.h>
    57 #elif defined (Q_WS_WIN)
    58 #include "qt_windows.h"
    59 #endif
    60 #ifdef Q_WS_MAC
    61 #include <private/qt_mac_p.h>
    62 #endif
    64 #include <private/qwidget_p.h>
    65 #include <QtGui/qabstractscrollarea.h>
    67 #define SZ_SIZEBOTTOMRIGHT  0xf008
    68 #define SZ_SIZEBOTTOMLEFT   0xf007
    69 #define SZ_SIZETOPLEFT      0xf004
    70 #define SZ_SIZETOPRIGHT     0xf005
    74 static QWidget *qt_sizegrip_topLevelWidget(QWidget* w)
    75 {
    76     while (w && !w->isWindow() && w->windowType() != Qt::SubWindow)
    77         w = w->parentWidget();
    78     return w;
    79 }
    81 static inline bool hasHeightForWidth(QWidget *widget)
    82 {
    83     if (!widget)
    84         return false;
    85     if (QLayout *layout = widget->layout())
    86         return layout->hasHeightForWidth();
    87     return widget->sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth();
    88 }
    90 class QSizeGripPrivate : public QWidgetPrivate
    91 {
    92     Q_DECLARE_PUBLIC(QSizeGrip)
    93 public:
    94     void init();
    95     QPoint p;
    96     QRect r;
    97     int d;
    98     int dxMax;
    99     int dyMax;
   100     Qt::Corner m_corner;
   101     bool gotMousePress;
   102 #ifdef Q_WS_MAC
   103     void updateMacSizer(bool hide) const;
   104 #endif
   105     Qt::Corner corner() const;
   106     inline bool atBottom() const
   107     {
   108         return m_corner == Qt::BottomRightCorner || m_corner == Qt::BottomLeftCorner;
   109     }
   111     inline bool atLeft() const
   112     {
   113         return m_corner == Qt::BottomLeftCorner || m_corner == Qt::TopLeftCorner;
   114     }
   116     // This slot is invoked by QLayout when the size grip is added to
   117     // a layout or reparented after the tlw is shown. This re-implementation is basically
   118     // the same as QWidgetPrivate::_q_showIfNotHidden except that it checks
   119     // for Qt::WindowFullScreen and Qt::WindowMaximized as well.
   120     void _q_showIfNotHidden()
   121     {
   122         Q_Q(QSizeGrip);
   123         bool showSizeGrip = !(q->isHidden() && q->testAttribute(Qt::WA_WState_ExplicitShowHide));
   124         QWidget *tlw = qt_sizegrip_topLevelWidget(q);
   125         if (tlw && showSizeGrip) {
   126             Qt::WindowStates sizeGripNotVisibleState = Qt::WindowFullScreen;
   127 #ifndef Q_WS_MAC
   128             sizeGripNotVisibleState |= Qt::WindowMaximized;
   129 #endif
   130             // Don't show the size grip if the tlw is maximized or in full screen mode.
   131             showSizeGrip = !(tlw->windowState() & sizeGripNotVisibleState);
   132         }
   133         if (showSizeGrip)
   134             q->setVisible(true);
   135     }
   136 };
   138 #ifdef Q_WS_MAC
   139 void QSizeGripPrivate::updateMacSizer(bool hide) const
   140 {
   141     Q_Q(const QSizeGrip);
   142     if (QApplication::closingDown() || !parent)
   143         return;
   144     QWidget *topLevelWindow = qt_sizegrip_topLevelWidget(const_cast<QSizeGrip *>(q));
   145     if(topLevelWindow && topLevelWindow->isWindow())
   146         QWidgetPrivate::qt_mac_update_sizer(topLevelWindow, hide ? -1 : 1);
   147 }
   148 #endif
   150 Qt::Corner QSizeGripPrivate::corner() const
   151 {
   152     Q_Q(const QSizeGrip);
   153     QWidget *tlw = qt_sizegrip_topLevelWidget(const_cast<QSizeGrip *>(q));
   154     const QPoint sizeGripPos = q->mapTo(tlw, QPoint(0, 0));
   155     bool isAtBottom = sizeGripPos.y() >= tlw->height() / 2;
   156     bool isAtLeft = sizeGripPos.x() <= tlw->width() / 2;
   157     if (isAtLeft)
   158         return isAtBottom ? Qt::BottomLeftCorner : Qt::TopLeftCorner;
   159     else
   160         return isAtBottom ? Qt::BottomRightCorner : Qt::TopRightCorner;
   161 }
   163 /*!
   164     \class QSizeGrip
   166     \brief The QSizeGrip class provides a resize handle for resizing top-level windows.
   168     \ingroup mainwindow-classes
   169     \ingroup basicwidgets
   171     This widget works like the standard Windows resize handle. In the
   172     X11 version this resize handle generally works differently from
   173     the one provided by the system if the X11 window manager does not
   174     support necessary modern post-ICCCM specifications.
   176     Put this widget anywhere in a widget tree and the user can use it
   177     to resize the top-level window or any widget with the Qt::SubWindow
   178     flag set. Generally, this should be in the lower right-hand corner.
   179     Note that QStatusBar already uses this widget, so if you have a
   180     status bar (e.g., you are using QMainWindow), then you don't need
   181     to use this widget explicitly.
   183     On some platforms the size grip automatically hides itself when the
   184     window is shown full screen or maximised.
   186     \table 50%
   187     \row \o \inlineimage plastique-sizegrip.png Screenshot of a Plastique style size grip
   188     \o A size grip widget at the bottom-right corner of a main window, shown in the
   189     \l{Plastique Style Widget Gallery}{Plastique widget style}.
   190     \endtable
   192     The QSizeGrip class inherits QWidget and reimplements the \l
   193     {QWidget::mousePressEvent()}{mousePressEvent()} and \l
   194     {QWidget::mouseMoveEvent()}{mouseMoveEvent()} functions to feature
   195     the resize functionality, and the \l
   196     {QWidget::paintEvent()}{paintEvent()} function to render the
   197     size grip widget.
   199     \sa QStatusBar QWidget::windowState()
   200 */
   203 /*!
   204     Constructs a resize corner as a child widget of  the given \a
   205     parent.
   206 */
   207 QSizeGrip::QSizeGrip(QWidget * parent)
   208     : QWidget(*new QSizeGripPrivate, parent, 0)
   209 {
   210     Q_D(QSizeGrip);
   211     d->init();
   212 }
   214 #ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
   215 /*!
   216     \obsolete
   218     Constructs a resize corner with the given \a name, as a child
   219     widget of the given \a parent.
   220 */
   221 QSizeGrip::QSizeGrip(QWidget * parent, const char* name)
   222     : QWidget(*new QSizeGripPrivate, parent, 0)
   223 {
   224     Q_D(QSizeGrip);
   225     setObjectName(QString::fromAscii(name));
   226     d->init();
   227 }
   228 #endif
   230 void QSizeGripPrivate::init()
   231 {
   232     Q_Q(QSizeGrip);
   233     dxMax = 0;
   234     dyMax = 0;
   235     m_corner = q->isLeftToRight() ? Qt::BottomRightCorner : Qt::BottomLeftCorner;
   236     gotMousePress = false;
   238 #if !defined(QT_NO_CURSOR) && !defined(Q_WS_MAC)
   239     q->setCursor(m_corner == Qt::TopLeftCorner || m_corner == Qt::BottomRightCorner
   240                  ? Qt::SizeFDiagCursor : Qt::SizeBDiagCursor);
   241 #endif
   242     q->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Fixed));
   243     QWidget *tlw = qt_sizegrip_topLevelWidget(q);
   244     tlw->installEventFilter(q);
   245 }
   248 /*!
   249     Destroys this size grip.
   250 */
   251 QSizeGrip::~QSizeGrip()
   252 {
   253 }
   255 /*!
   256   \reimp
   257 */
   258 QSize QSizeGrip::sizeHint() const
   259 {
   260     QStyleOption opt(0);
   261     opt.init(this);
   262     return (style()->sizeFromContents(QStyle::CT_SizeGrip, &opt, QSize(13, 13), this).
   263             expandedTo(QApplication::globalStrut()));
   264 }
   266 /*!
   267     Paints the resize grip.
   269     Resize grips are usually rendered as small diagonal textured lines
   270     in the lower-right corner. The paint event is passed in the \a
   271     event parameter.
   272 */
   273 void QSizeGrip::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
   274 {
   275     Q_UNUSED(event);
   276     Q_D(QSizeGrip);
   277     QPainter painter(this);
   278     QStyleOptionSizeGrip opt;
   279     opt.init(this);
   280     opt.corner = d->m_corner;
   281     style()->drawControl(QStyle::CE_SizeGrip, &opt, &painter, this);
   282 }
   284 /*!
   285     \fn void QSizeGrip::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent * event)
   287     Receives the mouse press events for the widget, and primes the
   288     resize operation. The mouse press event is passed in the \a event
   289     parameter.
   290 */
   291 void QSizeGrip::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent * e)
   292 {
   293     if (e->button() != Qt::LeftButton) {
   294         QWidget::mousePressEvent(e);
   295         return;
   296     }
   298     Q_D(QSizeGrip);
   299     QWidget *tlw = qt_sizegrip_topLevelWidget(this);
   300     d->p = e->globalPos();
   301     d->gotMousePress = true;
   302     d->r = tlw->geometry();
   304 #ifdef Q_WS_X11
   305     // Use a native X11 sizegrip for "real" top-level windows if supported.
   306     if (tlw->isWindow() && X11->isSupportedByWM(ATOM(_NET_WM_MOVERESIZE))
   307         && !tlw->testAttribute(Qt::WA_DontShowOnScreen) && !hasHeightForWidth(tlw)) {
   308         XEvent xev;
   309         xev.xclient.type = ClientMessage;
   310         xev.xclient.message_type = ATOM(_NET_WM_MOVERESIZE);
   311         xev.xclient.display = X11->display;
   312         xev.xclient.window = tlw->winId();
   313         xev.xclient.format = 32;
   314[0] = e->globalPos().x();
   315[1] = e->globalPos().y();
   316         if (d->atBottom())
   317   [2] = d->atLeft() ? 6 : 4; // bottomleft/bottomright
   318         else
   319   [2] = d->atLeft() ? 0 : 2; // topleft/topright
   320[3] = Button1;
   321[4] = 0;
   322         XUngrabPointer(X11->display, X11->time);
   323         XSendEvent(X11->display, QX11Info::appRootWindow(x11Info().screen()), False,
   324                    SubstructureRedirectMask | SubstructureNotifyMask, &xev);
   325         return;
   326     }
   327 #endif // Q_WS_X11
   328 #ifdef Q_WS_WIN
   329     if (tlw->isWindow() && !tlw->testAttribute(Qt::WA_DontShowOnScreen) && !hasHeightForWidth(tlw)) {
   330         uint orientation = 0;
   331         if (d->atBottom())
   332             orientation = d->atLeft() ? SZ_SIZEBOTTOMLEFT : SZ_SIZEBOTTOMRIGHT;
   333         else
   334             orientation = d->atLeft() ? SZ_SIZETOPLEFT : SZ_SIZETOPRIGHT;
   336         ReleaseCapture();
   337         PostMessage(tlw->winId(), WM_SYSCOMMAND, orientation, 0);
   338         return;
   339     }
   340 #endif // Q_WS_WIN
   342     // Find available desktop/workspace geometry.
   343     QRect availableGeometry;
   344     bool hasVerticalSizeConstraint = true;
   345     bool hasHorizontalSizeConstraint = true;
   346     if (tlw->isWindow())
   347         availableGeometry = QApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry(tlw);
   348     else {
   349         const QWidget *tlwParent = tlw->parentWidget();
   350         // Check if tlw is inside QAbstractScrollArea/QScrollArea.
   351         // If that's the case tlw->parentWidget() will return the viewport
   352         // and tlw->parentWidget()->parentWidget() will return the scroll area.
   353 #ifndef QT_NO_SCROLLAREA
   354         QAbstractScrollArea *scrollArea = qobject_cast<QAbstractScrollArea *>(tlwParent->parentWidget());
   355         if (scrollArea) {
   356             hasHorizontalSizeConstraint = scrollArea->horizontalScrollBarPolicy() == Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff;
   357             hasVerticalSizeConstraint = scrollArea->verticalScrollBarPolicy() == Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff;
   358         }
   359 #endif // QT_NO_SCROLLAREA
   360         availableGeometry = tlwParent->contentsRect();
   361     }
   363     // Find frame geometries, title bar height, and decoration sizes.
   364     const QRect frameGeometry = tlw->frameGeometry();
   365     const int titleBarHeight = qMax(tlw->geometry().y() - frameGeometry.y(), 0);
   366     const int bottomDecoration = qMax(frameGeometry.height() - tlw->height() - titleBarHeight, 0);
   367     const int leftRightDecoration = qMax((frameGeometry.width() - tlw->width()) / 2, 0);
   369     // Determine dyMax depending on whether the sizegrip is at the bottom
   370     // of the widget or not.
   371     if (d->atBottom()) {
   372         if (hasVerticalSizeConstraint)
   373             d->dyMax = availableGeometry.bottom() - d->r.bottom() - bottomDecoration;
   374         else
   375             d->dyMax = INT_MAX;
   376     } else {
   377         if (hasVerticalSizeConstraint)
   378             d->dyMax = availableGeometry.y() - d->r.y() + titleBarHeight;
   379         else
   380             d->dyMax = -INT_MAX;
   381     }
   383     // In RTL mode, the size grip is to the left; find dxMax from the desktop/workspace
   384     // geometry, the size grip geometry and the width of the decoration.
   385     if (d->atLeft()) {
   386         if (hasHorizontalSizeConstraint)
   387             d->dxMax = availableGeometry.x() - d->r.x() + leftRightDecoration;
   388         else
   389             d->dxMax = -INT_MAX;
   390     } else {
   391         if (hasHorizontalSizeConstraint)
   392             d->dxMax = availableGeometry.right() - d->r.right() - leftRightDecoration;
   393         else
   394             d->dxMax = INT_MAX;
   395     }
   396 }
   399 /*!
   400     \fn void QSizeGrip::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent * event)
   401     Resizes the top-level widget containing this widget. The mouse
   402     move event is passed in the \a event parameter.
   403 */
   404 void QSizeGrip::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent * e)
   405 {
   406     if (e->buttons() != Qt::LeftButton) {
   407         QWidget::mouseMoveEvent(e);
   408         return;
   409     }
   411     Q_D(QSizeGrip);
   412     QWidget* tlw = qt_sizegrip_topLevelWidget(this);
   413     if (!d->gotMousePress || tlw->testAttribute(Qt::WA_WState_ConfigPending))
   414         return;
   416 #ifdef Q_WS_X11
   417     if (tlw->isWindow() && X11->isSupportedByWM(ATOM(_NET_WM_MOVERESIZE))
   418         && tlw->isTopLevel() && !tlw->testAttribute(Qt::WA_DontShowOnScreen) && !hasHeightForWidth(tlw))
   419         return;
   420 #endif
   421 #ifdef Q_WS_WIN
   422     if (tlw->isWindow() && GetSystemMenu(tlw->winId(), FALSE) != 0 && internalWinId()
   423         && !tlw->testAttribute(Qt::WA_DontShowOnScreen) && !hasHeightForWidth(tlw)) {
   424         MSG msg;
   425         while(PeekMessage(&msg, winId(), WM_MOUSEMOVE, WM_MOUSEMOVE, PM_REMOVE));
   426         return;
   427     }
   428 #endif
   430     QPoint np(e->globalPos());
   432     // Don't extend beyond the available geometry; bound to dyMax and dxMax.
   433     QSize ns;
   434     if (d->atBottom())
   435         ns.rheight() = d->r.height() + qMin(np.y() - d->p.y(), d->dyMax);
   436     else
   437         ns.rheight() = d->r.height() - qMax(np.y() - d->p.y(), d->dyMax);
   439     if (d->atLeft())
   440         ns.rwidth() = d->r.width() - qMax(np.x() - d->p.x(), d->dxMax);
   441     else
   442         ns.rwidth() = d->r.width() + qMin(np.x() - d->p.x(), d->dxMax);
   444     ns = QLayout::closestAcceptableSize(tlw, ns);
   446     QPoint p;
   447     QRect nr(p, ns);
   448     if (d->atBottom()) {
   449         if (d->atLeft())
   450             nr.moveTopRight(d->r.topRight());
   451         else
   452             nr.moveTopLeft(d->r.topLeft());
   453     } else {
   454         if (d->atLeft())
   455             nr.moveBottomRight(d->r.bottomRight());
   456         else
   457             nr.moveBottomLeft(d->r.bottomLeft());
   458     }
   460     tlw->setGeometry(nr);
   461 }
   463 /*!
   464   \reimp
   465 */
   466 void QSizeGrip::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *mouseEvent)
   467 {
   468     if (mouseEvent->button() == Qt::LeftButton) {
   469         Q_D(QSizeGrip);
   470         d->gotMousePress = false;
   471         d->p = QPoint();
   472     } else {
   473         QWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(mouseEvent);
   474     }
   475 }
   477 /*!
   478   \reimp
   479 */
   480 void QSizeGrip::moveEvent(QMoveEvent * /*moveEvent*/)
   481 {
   482     Q_D(QSizeGrip);
   483     // We're inside a resize operation; no update necessary.
   484     if (!d->p.isNull())
   485         return;
   487     d->m_corner = d->corner();
   488 #if !defined(QT_NO_CURSOR) && !defined(Q_WS_MAC)
   489     setCursor(d->m_corner == Qt::TopLeftCorner || d->m_corner == Qt::BottomRightCorner
   490               ? Qt::SizeFDiagCursor : Qt::SizeBDiagCursor);
   491 #endif
   492 }
   494 /*!
   495   \reimp
   496 */
   497 void QSizeGrip::showEvent(QShowEvent *showEvent)
   498 {
   499 #ifdef Q_WS_MAC
   500     d_func()->updateMacSizer(false);
   501 #endif
   502     QWidget::showEvent(showEvent);
   503 }
   505 /*!
   506   \reimp
   507 */
   508 void QSizeGrip::hideEvent(QHideEvent *hideEvent)
   509 {
   510 #ifdef Q_WS_MAC
   511     d_func()->updateMacSizer(true);
   512 #endif
   513     QWidget::hideEvent(hideEvent);
   514 }
   516 /*!
   517     \reimp
   518 */
   519 void QSizeGrip::setVisible(bool visible)
   520 {
   521     QWidget::setVisible(visible);
   522 }
   524 /*! \reimp */
   525 bool QSizeGrip::eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent *e)
   526 {
   527     if ((isHidden() && testAttribute(Qt::WA_WState_ExplicitShowHide))
   528         || e->type() != QEvent::WindowStateChange) {
   529         return QWidget::eventFilter(o, e);
   530     }
   531     QWidget *tlw = qt_sizegrip_topLevelWidget(this);
   532     if (o != tlw)
   533         return QWidget::eventFilter(o, e);
   534     Qt::WindowStates sizeGripNotVisibleState = Qt::WindowFullScreen;
   535 #ifndef Q_WS_MAC
   536     sizeGripNotVisibleState |= Qt::WindowMaximized;
   537 #endif
   538     // Don't show the size grip if the tlw is maximized or in full screen mode.
   539     setVisible(!(tlw->windowState() & sizeGripNotVisibleState));
   540     setAttribute(Qt::WA_WState_ExplicitShowHide, false);
   541     return QWidget::eventFilter(o, e);
   542 }
   544 /*!
   545     \reimp
   546 */
   547 bool QSizeGrip::event(QEvent *event)
   548 {
   549     return QWidget::event(event);
   550 }
   552 #ifdef Q_WS_WIN
   553 /*! \reimp */
   554 bool QSizeGrip::winEvent( MSG *m, long *result )
   555 {
   556     return QWidget::winEvent(m, result);
   557 }
   558 #endif
   562 #include "moc_qsizegrip.cpp"
   564 #endif //QT_NO_SIZEGRIP