changeset 0 1918ee327afb
child 3 41300fa6a67c
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:1918ee327afb
     1 /****************************************************************************
     2 **
     3 ** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     4 ** All rights reserved.
     5 ** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
     6 **
     7 ** This file is part of the QtNetwork module of the Qt Toolkit.
     8 **
    10 ** No Commercial Usage
    11 ** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
    12 ** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
    13 ** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
    14 ** this package.
    15 **
    16 ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
    17 ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
    18 ** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
    19 ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
    20 ** packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to
    21 ** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
    22 ** will be met:
    23 **
    24 ** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
    25 ** rights.  These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
    26 ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
    27 **
    28 ** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
    29 ** Nokia at
    30 **
    31 **
    32 **
    33 **
    34 **
    35 **
    36 **
    37 **
    38 ** $QT_END_LICENSE$
    39 **
    40 ****************************************************************************/
    42 #include "qhttpnetworkconnection_p.h"
    43 #include "qhttpnetworkconnectionchannel_p.h"
    44 #include "private/qnoncontiguousbytedevice_p.h"
    45 #include <private/qnetworkrequest_p.h>
    46 #include <private/qobject_p.h>
    47 #include <private/qauthenticator_p.h>
    48 #include <qnetworkproxy.h>
    49 #include <qauthenticator.h>
    51 #include <qbuffer.h>
    52 #include <qpair.h>
    53 #include <qhttp.h>
    54 #include <qdebug.h>
    56 #ifndef QT_NO_HTTP
    58 #ifndef QT_NO_OPENSSL
    59 #    include <QtNetwork/qsslkey.h>
    60 #    include <QtNetwork/qsslcipher.h>
    61 #    include <QtNetwork/qsslconfiguration.h>
    62 #endif
    68 #ifdef Q_OS_SYMBIAN
    69 const int QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::defaultChannelCount = 3;
    70 #else
    71 const int QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::defaultChannelCount = 6;
    72 #endif
    74 // the maximum amount of requests that might be pipelined into a socket
    75 // from what was suggested, 3 seems to be OK
    76 const int QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::defaultPipelineLength = 3;
    79 QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate(const QString &hostName, quint16 port, bool encrypt)
    80 : hostName(hostName), port(port), encrypt(encrypt),
    81   channelCount(defaultChannelCount),
    82   pendingAuthSignal(false), pendingProxyAuthSignal(false)
    83 #ifndef QT_NO_NETWORKPROXY
    84   , networkProxy(QNetworkProxy::NoProxy)
    85 #endif
    86 {
    87     channels = new QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel[channelCount];
    88 }
    90 QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate(quint16 channelCount, const QString &hostName, quint16 port, bool encrypt)
    91 : hostName(hostName), port(port), encrypt(encrypt),
    92   channelCount(channelCount),
    93   pendingAuthSignal(false), pendingProxyAuthSignal(false)
    94 #ifndef QT_NO_NETWORKPROXY
    95   , networkProxy(QNetworkProxy::NoProxy)
    96 #endif
    97 {
    98     channels = new QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel[channelCount];
    99 }
   103 QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::~QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate()
   104 {
   105     for (int i = 0; i < channelCount; ++i) {
   106         if (channels[i].socket) {
   107             channels[i].socket->close();
   108             delete channels[i].socket;
   109         }
   110     }
   111     delete []channels;
   112 }
   114 void QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::init()
   115 {
   116     for (int i = 0; i < channelCount; i++) {
   117         channels[i].setConnection(this->q_func());
   118         channels[i].init();
   119     }
   120 }
   122 int QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::indexOf(QAbstractSocket *socket) const
   123 {
   124     for (int i = 0; i < channelCount; ++i)
   125         if (channels[i].socket == socket)
   126             return i;
   128     qFatal("Called with unknown socket object.");
   129     return 0;
   130 }
   132 qint64 QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::uncompressedBytesAvailable(const QHttpNetworkReply &reply) const
   133 {
   134     return reply.d_func()->responseData.byteAmount();
   135 }
   137 qint64 QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::uncompressedBytesAvailableNextBlock(const QHttpNetworkReply &reply) const
   138 {
   139     return reply.d_func()->responseData.sizeNextBlock();
   140 }
   142 void QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::prepareRequest(HttpMessagePair &messagePair)
   143 {
   144     QHttpNetworkRequest &request = messagePair.first;
   145     QHttpNetworkReply *reply = messagePair.second;
   147     // add missing fields for the request
   148     QByteArray value;
   149     // check if Content-Length is provided
   150     QNonContiguousByteDevice* uploadByteDevice = request.uploadByteDevice();
   151     if (uploadByteDevice) {
   152         if (request.contentLength() != -1 && uploadByteDevice->size() != -1) {
   153             // both values known, take the smaller one.
   154             request.setContentLength(qMin(uploadByteDevice->size(), request.contentLength()));
   155         } else if (request.contentLength() == -1 && uploadByteDevice->size() != -1) {
   156             // content length not supplied by user, but the upload device knows it
   157             request.setContentLength(uploadByteDevice->size());
   158         } else if (request.contentLength() != -1 && uploadByteDevice->size() == -1) {
   159             // everything OK, the user supplied us the contentLength
   160         } else if (request.contentLength() == -1 && uploadByteDevice->size() == -1) {
   161             qFatal("QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate: Neither content-length nor upload device size were given");
   162         }
   163     }
   164     // set the Connection/Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive headers
   165 #ifndef QT_NO_NETWORKPROXY
   166     if (networkProxy.type() == QNetworkProxy::HttpCachingProxy)  {
   167         value = request.headerField("proxy-connection");
   168         if (value.isEmpty())
   169             request.setHeaderField("Proxy-Connection", "Keep-Alive");
   170     } else {
   171 #endif
   172         value = request.headerField("connection");
   173         if (value.isEmpty())
   174             request.setHeaderField("Connection", "Keep-Alive");
   175 #ifndef QT_NO_NETWORKPROXY
   176     }
   177 #endif
   179     // If the request had a accept-encoding set, we better not mess
   180     // with it. If it was not set, we announce that we understand gzip
   181     // and remember this fact in request.d->autoDecompress so that
   182     // we can later decompress the HTTP reply if it has such an
   183     // encoding.
   184     value = request.headerField("accept-encoding");
   185     if (value.isEmpty()) {
   186 #ifndef QT_NO_COMPRESS
   187         request.setHeaderField("Accept-Encoding", "gzip");
   188         request.d->autoDecompress = true;
   189 #else
   190         // if zlib is not available set this to false always
   191         request.d->autoDecompress = false;
   192 #endif
   193     }
   195     // some websites mandate an accept-language header and fail
   196     // if it is not sent. This is a problem with the website and
   197     // not with us, but we work around this by setting a
   198     // universal one always.
   199     value = request.headerField("accept-language");
   200     if (value.isEmpty())
   201         request.setHeaderField("accept-language", "en,*");
   203     // set the User Agent
   204     value = request.headerField("user-agent");
   205     if (value.isEmpty())
   206         request.setHeaderField("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0");
   207     // set the host
   208     value = request.headerField("host");
   209     if (value.isEmpty()) {
   210         QByteArray host = QUrl::toAce(hostName);
   212         int port = request.url().port();
   213         if (port != -1) {
   214             host += ':';
   215             host += QByteArray::number(port);
   216         }
   218         request.setHeaderField("Host", host);
   219     }
   221     reply->d_func()->requestIsPrepared = true;
   222 }
   227 void QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::emitReplyError(QAbstractSocket *socket,
   228                                                    QHttpNetworkReply *reply,
   229                                                    QNetworkReply::NetworkError errorCode)
   230 {
   231     Q_Q(QHttpNetworkConnection);
   232     if (socket && reply) {
   233         // this error matters only to this reply
   234         reply->d_func()->errorString = errorDetail(errorCode, socket);
   235         emit reply->finishedWithError(errorCode, reply->d_func()->errorString);
   236         int i = indexOf(socket);
   237         // remove the corrupt data if any
   238         reply->d_func()->eraseData();
   239         channels[i].close();
   240         // send the next request
   241         QMetaObject::invokeMethod(q, "_q_startNextRequest", Qt::QueuedConnection);
   242     }
   243 }
   245 void QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::copyCredentials(int fromChannel, QAuthenticator *auth, bool isProxy)
   246 {
   247     Q_ASSERT(auth);
   249     // select another channel
   250     QAuthenticator* otherAuth = 0;
   251     for (int i = 0; i < channelCount; ++i) {
   252         if (i == fromChannel)
   253             continue;
   254         if (isProxy)
   255             otherAuth = &channels[i].proxyAuthenticator;
   256         else
   257             otherAuth = &channels[i].authenticator;
   258         // if the credentials are different, copy them
   259         if (otherAuth->user().compare(auth->user()))
   260             otherAuth->setUser(auth->user());
   261         if (otherAuth->password().compare(auth->password()))
   262             otherAuth->setPassword(auth->password());
   263     }
   264 }
   267 // handles the authentication for one channel and eventually re-starts the other channels
   268 bool QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::handleAuthenticateChallenge(QAbstractSocket *socket, QHttpNetworkReply *reply,
   269                                                                 bool isProxy, bool &resend)
   270 {
   271     Q_ASSERT(socket);
   272     Q_ASSERT(reply);
   274     Q_Q(QHttpNetworkConnection);
   276     resend = false;
   277     //create the response header to be used with QAuthenticatorPrivate.
   278     QHttpResponseHeader responseHeader;
   279     QList<QPair<QByteArray, QByteArray> > fields = reply->header();
   280     QList<QPair<QByteArray, QByteArray> >::const_iterator it = fields.constBegin();
   281     while (it != fields.constEnd()) {
   282         responseHeader.addValue(QString::fromLatin1(it->first), QString::fromUtf8(it->second));
   283         it++;
   284     }
   285     //find out the type of authentication protocol requested.
   286     QAuthenticatorPrivate::Method authMethod = reply->d_func()->authenticationMethod(isProxy);
   287     if (authMethod != QAuthenticatorPrivate::None) {
   288         int i = indexOf(socket);
   289         //Use a single authenticator for all domains. ### change later to use domain/realm
   290         QAuthenticator* auth = 0;
   291         if (isProxy) {
   292             auth = &channels[i].proxyAuthenticator;
   293             channels[i].proxyAuthMehtod = authMethod;
   294         } else {
   295             auth = &channels[i].authenticator;
   296             channels[i].authMehtod = authMethod;
   297         }
   298         //proceed with the authentication.
   299         if (auth->isNull())
   300             auth->detach();
   301         QAuthenticatorPrivate *priv = QAuthenticatorPrivate::getPrivate(*auth);
   302         priv->parseHttpResponse(responseHeader, isProxy);
   304         if (priv->phase == QAuthenticatorPrivate::Done) {
   305             if ((isProxy && pendingProxyAuthSignal) ||(!isProxy && pendingAuthSignal)) {
   306                 // drop the request
   307                 reply->d_func()->eraseData();
   308                 channels[i].close();
   309                 channels[i].lastStatus = 0;
   310                 channels[i].state =  QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::Wait4AuthState;
   311                 return false;
   312             }
   313             // cannot use this socket until the slot returns
   314             channels[i].state = QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::WaitingState;
   315             socket->blockSignals(true);
   316             if (!isProxy) {
   317                 pendingAuthSignal = true;
   318                 emit q->authenticationRequired(reply->request(), auth, q);
   319                 pendingAuthSignal = false;
   320 #ifndef QT_NO_NETWORKPROXY
   321             } else {
   322                 pendingProxyAuthSignal = true;
   323                 emit q->proxyAuthenticationRequired(networkProxy, auth, q);
   324                 pendingProxyAuthSignal = false;
   325 #endif
   326             }
   327             socket->blockSignals(false);
   328             // socket free to use
   329             channels[i].state = QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::IdleState;
   330             if (priv->phase != QAuthenticatorPrivate::Done) {
   331                 // send any pending requests
   332                 copyCredentials(i,  auth, isProxy);
   333                 QMetaObject::invokeMethod(q, "_q_restartAuthPendingRequests", Qt::QueuedConnection);
   334             }
   335         }
   336         // changing values in QAuthenticator will reset the 'phase'
   337         if (priv->phase == QAuthenticatorPrivate::Done) {
   338             // authentication is cancelled, send the current contents to the user.
   339             emit channels[i].reply->headerChanged();
   340             emit channels[i].reply->readyRead();
   341             QNetworkReply::NetworkError errorCode =
   342                 isProxy
   343                 ? QNetworkReply::ProxyAuthenticationRequiredError
   344                 : QNetworkReply::AuthenticationRequiredError;
   345             reply->d_func()->errorString = errorDetail(errorCode, socket);
   346             emit q->error(errorCode, reply->d_func()->errorString);
   347             emit channels[i].reply->finished();
   348             // ### at this point the reply could be deleted
   349             socket->close();
   350             // remove pending request on the other channels
   351             for (int j = 0; j < channelCount; ++j) {
   352                 if (j != i && channels[j].state ==  QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::Wait4AuthState)
   353                     channels[j].state = QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::IdleState;
   354             }
   355             return true;
   356         }
   357         //resend the request
   358         resend = true;
   359         return true;
   360     }
   361     return false;
   362 }
   364 void QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::createAuthorization(QAbstractSocket *socket, QHttpNetworkRequest &request)
   365 {
   366     Q_ASSERT(socket);
   368     int i = indexOf(socket);
   370     if (channels[i].authMehtod != QAuthenticatorPrivate::None) {
   371         if (!(channels[i].authMehtod == QAuthenticatorPrivate::Ntlm && channels[i].lastStatus != 401)) {
   372             QAuthenticatorPrivate *priv = QAuthenticatorPrivate::getPrivate(channels[i].authenticator);
   373             if (priv && priv->method != QAuthenticatorPrivate::None) {
   374                 QByteArray response = priv->calculateResponse(request.d->methodName(), request.d->uri(false));
   375                 request.setHeaderField("authorization", response);
   376             }
   377         }
   378     }
   379     if (channels[i].proxyAuthMehtod != QAuthenticatorPrivate::None) {
   380         if (!(channels[i].proxyAuthMehtod == QAuthenticatorPrivate::Ntlm && channels[i].lastStatus != 407)) {
   381             QAuthenticatorPrivate *priv = QAuthenticatorPrivate::getPrivate(channels[i].proxyAuthenticator);
   382             if (priv && priv->method != QAuthenticatorPrivate::None) {
   383                 QByteArray response = priv->calculateResponse(request.d->methodName(), request.d->uri(false));
   384                 request.setHeaderField("proxy-authorization", response);
   385             }
   386         }
   387     }
   388 }
   390 QHttpNetworkReply* QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::queueRequest(const QHttpNetworkRequest &request)
   391 {
   392     Q_Q(QHttpNetworkConnection);
   394     // The reply component of the pair is created initially.
   395     QHttpNetworkReply *reply = new QHttpNetworkReply(request.url());
   396     reply->setRequest(request);
   397     reply->d_func()->connection = q;
   398     HttpMessagePair pair = qMakePair(request, reply);
   400     switch (request.priority()) {
   401     case QHttpNetworkRequest::HighPriority:
   402         highPriorityQueue.prepend(pair);
   403         break;
   404     case QHttpNetworkRequest::NormalPriority:
   405     case QHttpNetworkRequest::LowPriority:
   406         lowPriorityQueue.prepend(pair);
   407         break;
   408     }
   409     QMetaObject::invokeMethod(q, "_q_startNextRequest", Qt::QueuedConnection);
   410     return reply;
   411 }
   413 void QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::requeueRequest(const HttpMessagePair &pair)
   414 {
   415     Q_Q(QHttpNetworkConnection);
   417     QHttpNetworkRequest request = pair.first;
   418     switch (request.priority()) {
   419     case QHttpNetworkRequest::HighPriority:
   420         highPriorityQueue.prepend(pair);
   421         break;
   422     case QHttpNetworkRequest::NormalPriority:
   423     case QHttpNetworkRequest::LowPriority:
   424         lowPriorityQueue.prepend(pair);
   425         break;
   426     }
   427     QMetaObject::invokeMethod(q, "_q_startNextRequest", Qt::QueuedConnection);
   428 }
   430 void QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::dequeueAndSendRequest(QAbstractSocket *socket)
   431 {
   432     Q_ASSERT(socket);
   434     int i = indexOf(socket);
   436     if (!highPriorityQueue.isEmpty()) {
   437         // remove from queue before sendRequest! else we might pipeline the same request again
   438         HttpMessagePair messagePair = highPriorityQueue.takeLast();
   439         if (!messagePair.second->d_func()->requestIsPrepared)
   440             prepareRequest(messagePair);
   441         channels[i].request = messagePair.first;
   442         channels[i].reply = messagePair.second;
   443         channels[i].sendRequest();
   444         return;
   445     }
   447     if (!lowPriorityQueue.isEmpty()) {
   448         // remove from queue before sendRequest! else we might pipeline the same request again
   449         HttpMessagePair messagePair = lowPriorityQueue.takeLast();
   450         if (!messagePair.second->d_func()->requestIsPrepared)
   451             prepareRequest(messagePair);
   452         channels[i].request = messagePair.first;
   453         channels[i].reply = messagePair.second;
   454         channels[i].sendRequest();
   455         return;
   456     }
   457 }
   459 // this is called from _q_startNextRequest and when a request has been sent down a socket from the channel
   460 void QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::fillPipeline(QAbstractSocket *socket)
   461 {
   462     // return fast if there is nothing to pipeline
   463     if (highPriorityQueue.isEmpty() && lowPriorityQueue.isEmpty())
   464         return;
   466     int i = indexOf(socket);
   468     bool highPriorityQueueProcessingDone = false;
   469     bool lowPriorityQueueProcessingDone = false;
   471     while (!highPriorityQueueProcessingDone && !lowPriorityQueueProcessingDone) {
   472         // this loop runs once per request we intend to pipeline in.
   474         if (channels[i].pipeliningSupported != QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::PipeliningProbablySupported)
   475             return;
   477         // the current request that is in must already support pipelining
   478         if (!channels[i].request.isPipeliningAllowed())
   479             return;
   481         // the current request must be a idempotent (right now we only check GET)
   482         if (channels[i].request.operation() != QHttpNetworkRequest::Get)
   483             return;
   485         // check if socket is connected
   486         if (socket->state() != QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState)
   487             return;
   489         // check for resendCurrent
   490         if (channels[i].resendCurrent)
   491             return;
   493         // we do not like authentication stuff
   494         // ### make sure to be OK with this in later releases
   495         if (!channels[i].authenticator.isNull() || !channels[i].authenticator.user().isEmpty())
   496             return;
   497         if (!channels[i].proxyAuthenticator.isNull() || !channels[i].proxyAuthenticator.user().isEmpty())
   498             return;
   500         // check for pipeline length
   501         if (channels[i].alreadyPipelinedRequests.length() >= defaultPipelineLength)
   502             return;
   504         // must be in ReadingState or WaitingState
   505         if (! (channels[i].state == QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::WaitingState
   506                || channels[i].state == QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::ReadingState))
   507             return;
   509         highPriorityQueueProcessingDone = fillPipeline(highPriorityQueue, channels[i]);
   510         // not finished with highPriorityQueue? then loop again
   511         if (!highPriorityQueueProcessingDone)
   512             continue;
   513         // highPriorityQueue was processed, now deal with the lowPriorityQueue
   514         lowPriorityQueueProcessingDone = fillPipeline(lowPriorityQueue, channels[i]);
   515     }
   516 }
   518 // returns true when the processing of a queue has been done
   519 bool QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::fillPipeline(QList<HttpMessagePair> &queue, QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel &channel)
   520 {
   521     if (queue.isEmpty())
   522         return true;
   524     for (int i = queue.count() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
   525         HttpMessagePair messagePair =;
   526         const QHttpNetworkRequest &request = messagePair.first;
   528         // we currently do not support pipelining if HTTP authentication is used
   529         if (!request.url().userInfo().isEmpty())
   530             continue;
   532         // take only GET requests
   533         if (request.operation() != QHttpNetworkRequest::Get)
   534             continue;
   536         if (!request.isPipeliningAllowed())
   537             continue;
   539         // remove it from the queue
   540         queue.takeAt(i);
   541         // we modify the queue we iterate over here, but since we return from the function
   542         // afterwards this is fine.
   544         // actually send it
   545         if (!messagePair.second->d_func()->requestIsPrepared)
   546             prepareRequest(messagePair);
   547         channel.pipelineInto(messagePair);
   549         // return false because we processed something and need to process again
   550         return false;
   551     }
   553     // return true, the queue has been processed and not changed
   554     return true;
   555 }
   558 QString QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::errorDetail(QNetworkReply::NetworkError errorCode, QAbstractSocket* socket)
   559 {
   560     Q_ASSERT(socket);
   562     QString errorString;
   563     switch (errorCode) {
   564     case QNetworkReply::HostNotFoundError:
   565         errorString = QString::fromLatin1(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QHttp", "Host %1 not found"))
   566                               .arg(socket->peerName());
   567         break;
   568     case QNetworkReply::ConnectionRefusedError:
   569         errorString = QLatin1String(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QHttp", "Connection refused"));
   570         break;
   571     case QNetworkReply::RemoteHostClosedError:
   572         errorString = QLatin1String(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QHttp", "Connection closed"));
   573         break;
   574     case QNetworkReply::TimeoutError:
   575         errorString = QLatin1String(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QHttp", "HTTP request failed"));
   576         break;
   577     case QNetworkReply::ProxyAuthenticationRequiredError:
   578         errorString = QLatin1String(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QHttp", "Proxy requires authentication"));
   579         break;
   580     case QNetworkReply::AuthenticationRequiredError:
   581         errorString = QLatin1String(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QHttp", "Host requires authentication"));
   582         break;
   583     case QNetworkReply::ProtocolFailure:
   584         errorString = QLatin1String(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QHttp", "Data corrupted"));
   585         break;
   586     case QNetworkReply::ProtocolUnknownError:
   587         errorString = QLatin1String(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QHttp", "Unknown protocol specified"));
   588         break;
   589     case QNetworkReply::SslHandshakeFailedError:
   590         errorString = QLatin1String(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QHttp", "SSL handshake failed"));
   591         break;
   592     default:
   593         // all other errors are treated as QNetworkReply::UnknownNetworkError
   594         errorString = QLatin1String(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("QHttp", "HTTP request failed"));
   595         break;
   596     }
   597     return errorString;
   598 }
   600 // this is called from the destructor of QHttpNetworkReply. It is called when
   601 // the reply was finished correctly or when it was aborted.
   602 void QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::removeReply(QHttpNetworkReply *reply)
   603 {
   604     Q_Q(QHttpNetworkConnection);
   606     // check if the reply is currently being processed or it is pipelined in
   607     for (int i = 0; i < channelCount; ++i) {
   608         // is the reply associated the currently processing of this channel?
   609         if (channels[i].reply == reply) {
   610             channels[i].reply = 0;
   612             if (!reply->isFinished() && !channels[i].alreadyPipelinedRequests.isEmpty()) {
   613                 // the reply had to be prematurely removed, e.g. it was not finished
   614                 // therefore we have to requeue the already pipelined requests.
   615                 channels[i].requeueCurrentlyPipelinedRequests();
   616             }
   618             // if HTTP mandates we should close
   619             // or the reply is not finished yet, e.g. it was aborted
   620             // we have to close that connection
   621             if (reply->d_func()->isConnectionCloseEnabled() || !reply->isFinished())
   622                 channels[i].close();
   624             QMetaObject::invokeMethod(q, "_q_startNextRequest", Qt::QueuedConnection);
   625             return;
   626         }
   628         // is the reply inside the pipeline of this channel already?
   629         for (int j = 0; j < channels[i].alreadyPipelinedRequests.length(); j++) {
   630             if (channels[i] == reply) {
   631                // Remove that HttpMessagePair
   632                channels[i].alreadyPipelinedRequests.removeAt(j);
   634                channels[i].requeueCurrentlyPipelinedRequests();
   636                // Since some requests had already been pipelined, but we removed
   637                // one and re-queued the others
   638                // we must force a connection close after the request that is
   639                // currently in processing has been finished.
   640                if (channels[i].reply)
   641                    channels[i].reply->d_func()->forceConnectionCloseEnabled = true;
   643                QMetaObject::invokeMethod(q, "_q_startNextRequest", Qt::QueuedConnection);
   644                return;
   645             }
   646         }
   647     }
   648     // remove from the high priority queue
   649     if (!highPriorityQueue.isEmpty()) {
   650         for (int j = highPriorityQueue.count() - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
   651             HttpMessagePair messagePair =;
   652             if (messagePair.second == reply) {
   653                 highPriorityQueue.removeAt(j);
   654                 QMetaObject::invokeMethod(q, "_q_startNextRequest", Qt::QueuedConnection);
   655                 return;
   656             }
   657         }
   658     }
   659     // remove from the low priority queue
   660     if (!lowPriorityQueue.isEmpty()) {
   661         for (int j = lowPriorityQueue.count() - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
   662             HttpMessagePair messagePair =;
   663             if (messagePair.second == reply) {
   664                 lowPriorityQueue.removeAt(j);
   665                 QMetaObject::invokeMethod(q, "_q_startNextRequest", Qt::QueuedConnection);
   666                 return;
   667             }
   668         }
   669     }
   670 }
   674 void QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::_q_startNextRequest()
   675 {
   676     //resend the necessary ones.
   677     for (int i = 0; i < channelCount; ++i) {
   678         if (channels[i].resendCurrent) {
   679             channels[i].resendCurrent = false;
   680             channels[i].state = QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::IdleState;
   681             if (channels[i].reply)
   682                 channels[i].sendRequest();
   683         }
   684     }
   685     QAbstractSocket *socket = 0;
   686     for (int i = 0; i < channelCount; ++i) {
   687         QAbstractSocket *chSocket = channels[i].socket;
   688         // send the request using the idle socket
   689         if (!channels[i].isSocketBusy()) {
   690             socket = chSocket;
   691             break;
   692         }
   693     }
   695     // this socket is free,
   696     if (socket)
   697         dequeueAndSendRequest(socket);
   699     // try to push more into all sockets
   700     // ### FIXME we should move this to the beginning of the function
   701     // as soon as QtWebkit is properly using the pipelining
   702     // (e.g. not for XMLHttpRequest or the first page load)
   703     // ### FIXME we should also divide the requests more even
   704     // on the connected sockets
   705     //tryToFillPipeline(socket);
   706     // return fast if there is nothing to pipeline
   707     if (highPriorityQueue.isEmpty() && lowPriorityQueue.isEmpty())
   708         return;
   709     for (int j = 0; j < channelCount; j++)
   710         fillPipeline(channels[j].socket);
   711 }
   713 void QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::_q_restartAuthPendingRequests()
   714 {
   715     // send the request using the idle socket
   716     for (int i = 0 ; i < channelCount; ++i) {
   717         if (channels[i].state ==  QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::Wait4AuthState) {
   718             channels[i].state = QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::IdleState;
   719             if (channels[i].reply)
   720                 channels[i].sendRequest();
   721         }
   722     }
   723 }
   726 QHttpNetworkConnection::QHttpNetworkConnection(const QString &hostName, quint16 port, bool encrypt, QObject *parent)
   727     : QObject(*(new QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate(hostName, port, encrypt)), parent)
   728 {
   729     Q_D(QHttpNetworkConnection);
   730     d->init();
   731 }
   733 QHttpNetworkConnection::QHttpNetworkConnection(quint16 connectionCount, const QString &hostName, quint16 port, bool encrypt, QObject *parent)
   734      : QObject(*(new QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate(connectionCount, hostName, port, encrypt)), parent)
   735 {
   736     Q_D(QHttpNetworkConnection);
   737     d->init();
   738 }
   740 QHttpNetworkConnection::~QHttpNetworkConnection()
   741 {
   742 }
   744 QString QHttpNetworkConnection::hostName() const
   745 {
   746     Q_D(const QHttpNetworkConnection);
   747     return d->hostName;
   748 }
   750 quint16 QHttpNetworkConnection::port() const
   751 {
   752     Q_D(const QHttpNetworkConnection);
   753     return d->port;
   754 }
   756 QHttpNetworkReply* QHttpNetworkConnection::sendRequest(const QHttpNetworkRequest &request)
   757 {
   758     Q_D(QHttpNetworkConnection);
   759     return d->queueRequest(request);
   760 }
   762 void QHttpNetworkConnection::enableEncryption()
   763 {
   764     Q_D(QHttpNetworkConnection);
   765     d->encrypt = true;
   766 }
   768 bool QHttpNetworkConnection::isEncrypted() const
   769 {
   770     Q_D(const QHttpNetworkConnection);
   771     return d->encrypt;
   772 }
   774 void QHttpNetworkConnection::setProxyAuthentication(QAuthenticator *authenticator)
   775 {
   776     Q_D(QHttpNetworkConnection);
   777     for (int i = 0; i < d->channelCount; ++i)
   778         d->channels[i].proxyAuthenticator = *authenticator;
   779 }
   781 void QHttpNetworkConnection::setAuthentication(const QString &domain, QAuthenticator *authenticator)
   782 {
   783     Q_UNUSED(domain); // ### domain ?
   784     Q_D(QHttpNetworkConnection);
   785     for (int i = 0; i < d->channelCount; ++i)
   786         d->channels[i].authenticator = *authenticator;
   787 }
   789 #ifndef QT_NO_NETWORKPROXY
   790 void QHttpNetworkConnection::setCacheProxy(const QNetworkProxy &networkProxy)
   791 {
   792     Q_D(QHttpNetworkConnection);
   793     d->networkProxy = networkProxy;
   794     // update the authenticator
   795     if (!d->networkProxy.user().isEmpty()) {
   796         for (int i = 0; i < d->channelCount; ++i) {
   797             d->channels[i].proxyAuthenticator.setUser(d->networkProxy.user());
   798             d->channels[i].proxyAuthenticator.setPassword(d->networkProxy.password());
   799         }
   800     }
   801 }
   803 QNetworkProxy QHttpNetworkConnection::cacheProxy() const
   804 {
   805     Q_D(const QHttpNetworkConnection);
   806     return d->networkProxy;
   807 }
   809 void QHttpNetworkConnection::setTransparentProxy(const QNetworkProxy &networkProxy)
   810 {
   811     Q_D(QHttpNetworkConnection);
   812     for (int i = 0; i < d->channelCount; ++i)
   813         d->channels[i].socket->setProxy(networkProxy);
   814 }
   816 QNetworkProxy QHttpNetworkConnection::transparentProxy() const
   817 {
   818     Q_D(const QHttpNetworkConnection);
   819     return d->channels[0].socket->proxy();
   820 }
   821 #endif
   824 // SSL support below
   825 #ifndef QT_NO_OPENSSL
   826 QSslConfiguration QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::sslConfiguration(const QHttpNetworkReply &reply) const
   827 {
   828     if (!encrypt)
   829         return QSslConfiguration();
   831     for (int i = 0; i < channelCount; ++i)
   832         if (channels[i].reply == &reply)
   833             return static_cast<QSslSocket *>(channels[0].socket)->sslConfiguration();
   834     return QSslConfiguration(); // pending or done request
   835 }
   837 void QHttpNetworkConnection::setSslConfiguration(const QSslConfiguration &config)
   838 {
   839     Q_D(QHttpNetworkConnection);
   840     if (!d->encrypt)
   841         return;
   843     // set the config on all channels
   844     for (int i = 0; i < d->channelCount; ++i)
   845         static_cast<QSslSocket *>(d->channels[i].socket)->setSslConfiguration(config);
   846 }
   848 void QHttpNetworkConnection::ignoreSslErrors(int channel)
   849 {
   850     Q_D(QHttpNetworkConnection);
   851     if (!d->encrypt)
   852         return;
   854     if (channel == -1) { // ignore for all channels
   855         for (int i = 0; i < d->channelCount; ++i) {
   856             static_cast<QSslSocket *>(d->channels[i].socket)->ignoreSslErrors();
   857             d->channels[i].ignoreAllSslErrors = true;
   858         }
   860     } else {
   861         static_cast<QSslSocket *>(d->channels[channel].socket)->ignoreSslErrors();
   862         d->channels[channel].ignoreAllSslErrors = true;
   863     }
   864 }
   866 void QHttpNetworkConnection::ignoreSslErrors(const QList<QSslError> &errors, int channel)
   867 {
   868     Q_D(QHttpNetworkConnection);
   869     if (!d->encrypt)
   870         return;
   872     if (channel == -1) { // ignore for all channels
   873         for (int i = 0; i < d->channelCount; ++i) {
   874             static_cast<QSslSocket *>(d->channels[i].socket)->ignoreSslErrors(errors);
   875             d->channels[i].ignoreSslErrorsList = errors;
   876         }
   878     } else {
   879         static_cast<QSslSocket *>(d->channels[channel].socket)->ignoreSslErrors(errors);
   880         d->channels[channel].ignoreSslErrorsList = errors;
   881     }
   882 }
   884 #endif //QT_NO_OPENSSL
   886 #ifndef QT_NO_NETWORKPROXY
   887 // only called from QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::_q_proxyAuthenticationRequired, not
   888 // from QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::handleAuthenticationChallenge
   889 // e.g. it is for SOCKS proxies which require authentication.
   890 void QHttpNetworkConnectionPrivate::emitProxyAuthenticationRequired(const QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel *chan, const QNetworkProxy &proxy, QAuthenticator* auth)
   891 {
   892     Q_Q(QHttpNetworkConnection);
   893     emit q->proxyAuthenticationRequired(proxy, auth, q);
   894     int i = indexOf(chan->socket);
   895     copyCredentials(i, auth, true);
   896 }
   897 #endif
   902 #include "moc_qhttpnetworkconnection_p.cpp"
   904 #endif // QT_NO_HTTP