changeset 0 1918ee327afb
child 3 41300fa6a67c
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:1918ee327afb
     1 /****************************************************************************
     2 **
     3 ** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     4 ** All rights reserved.
     5 ** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
     6 **
     7 ** This file is part of the QtXmlPatterns module of the Qt Toolkit.
     8 **
    10 ** No Commercial Usage
    11 ** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
    12 ** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
    13 ** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
    14 ** this package.
    15 **
    16 ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
    17 ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
    18 ** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
    19 ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
    20 ** packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to
    21 ** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
    22 ** will be met:
    23 **
    24 ** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
    25 ** rights.  These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
    26 ** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
    27 **
    28 ** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
    29 ** Nokia at
    30 **
    31 **
    32 **
    33 **
    34 **
    35 **
    36 **
    37 **
    38 ** $QT_END_LICENSE$
    39 **
    40 ****************************************************************************/
    42 /* A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison 2.3a.  */
    44 /* Skeleton implementation for Bison's Yacc-like parsers in C
    46    Copyright (C) 1984, 1989, 1990, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
    47    Free Software Foundation, Inc.
    49    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    50    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    51    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
    52    any later version.
    54    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    55    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    57    GNU General Public License for more details.
    59    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    60    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    61    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
    62    Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.  */
    64 /* As a special exception, you may create a larger work that contains
    65    part or all of the Bison parser skeleton and distribute that work
    66    under terms of your choice, so long as that work isn't itself a
    67    parser generator using the skeleton or a modified version thereof
    68    as a parser skeleton.  Alternatively, if you modify or redistribute
    69    the parser skeleton itself, you may (at your option) remove this
    70    special exception, which will cause the skeleton and the resulting
    71    Bison output files to be licensed under the GNU General Public
    72    License without this special exception.
    74    This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation in
    75    version 2.2 of Bison.  */
    77 /* C LALR(1) parser skeleton written by Richard Stallman, by
    78    simplifying the original so-called "semantic" parser.  */
    80 /* All symbols defined below should begin with yy or YY, to avoid
    81    infringing on user name space.  This should be done even for local
    82    variables, as they might otherwise be expanded by user macros.
    83    There are some unavoidable exceptions within include files to
    84    define necessary library symbols; they are noted "INFRINGES ON
    85    USER NAME SPACE" below.  */
    87 /* Identify Bison output.  */
    88 #define YYBISON 1
    90 /* Bison version.  */
    91 #define YYBISON_VERSION "2.3a"
    93 /* Skeleton name.  */
    94 #define YYSKELETON_NAME "yacc.c"
    96 /* Pure parsers.  */
    97 #define YYPURE 1
    99 /* Using locations.  */
   100 #define YYLSP_NEEDED 1
   102 /* Substitute the variable and function names.  */
   103 #define yyparse XPathparse
   104 #define yylex   XPathlex
   105 #define yyerror XPatherror
   106 #define yylval  XPathlval
   107 #define yychar  XPathchar
   108 #define yydebug XPathdebug
   109 #define yynerrs XPathnerrs
   110 #define yylloc XPathlloc
   112 /* Copy the first part of user declarations.  */
   113 /* Line 164 of yacc.c.  */
   114 #line 22 "querytransformparser.ypp"
   116 #include <limits>
   118 #include <QUrl>
   120 #include "qabstractfloat_p.h"
   121 #include "qandexpression_p.h"
   122 #include "qanyuri_p.h"
   123 #include "qapplytemplate_p.h"
   124 #include "qargumentreference_p.h"
   125 #include "qarithmeticexpression_p.h"
   126 #include "qatomicstring_p.h"
   127 #include "qattributeconstructor_p.h"
   128 #include "qattributenamevalidator_p.h"
   129 #include "qaxisstep_p.h"
   130 #include "qbuiltintypes_p.h"
   131 #include "qcalltemplate_p.h"
   132 #include "qcastableas_p.h"
   133 #include "qcastas_p.h"
   134 #include "qcombinenodes_p.h"
   135 #include "qcommentconstructor_p.h"
   136 #include "qcommonnamespaces_p.h"
   137 #include "qcommonsequencetypes_p.h"
   138 #include "qcommonvalues_p.h"
   139 #include "qcomputednamespaceconstructor_p.h"
   140 #include "qcontextitem_p.h"
   141 #include "qcopyof_p.h"
   142 #include "qcurrentitemstore_p.h"
   143 #include "qdebug_p.h"
   144 #include "qdelegatingnamespaceresolver_p.h"
   145 #include "qdocumentconstructor_p.h"
   146 #include "qelementconstructor_p.h"
   147 #include "qemptysequence_p.h"
   148 #include "qemptysequencetype_p.h"
   149 #include "qevaluationcache_p.h"
   150 #include "qexpressionfactory_p.h"
   151 #include "qexpressionsequence_p.h"
   152 #include "qexpressionvariablereference_p.h"
   153 #include "qexternalvariablereference_p.h"
   154 #include "qforclause_p.h"
   155 #include "qfunctioncall_p.h"
   156 #include "qfunctionfactory_p.h"
   157 #include "qfunctionsignature_p.h"
   158 #include "qgeneralcomparison_p.h"
   159 #include "qgenericpredicate_p.h"
   160 #include "qgenericsequencetype_p.h"
   161 #include "qifthenclause_p.h"
   162 #include "qinstanceof_p.h"
   163 #include "qletclause_p.h"
   164 #include "qliteral_p.h"
   165 #include "qlocalnametest_p.h"
   166 #include "qnamespaceconstructor_p.h"
   167 #include "qnamespacenametest_p.h"
   168 #include "qncnameconstructor_p.h"
   169 #include "qnodecomparison_p.h"
   170 #include "qnodesort_p.h"
   171 #include "qorderby_p.h"
   172 #include "qorexpression_p.h"
   173 #include "qparsercontext_p.h"
   174 #include "qpath_p.h"
   175 #include "qpatternistlocale_p.h"
   176 #include "qpositionalvariablereference_p.h"
   177 #include "qprocessinginstructionconstructor_p.h"
   178 #include "qqnameconstructor_p.h"
   179 #include "qqnametest_p.h"
   180 #include "qqnamevalue_p.h"
   181 #include "qquantifiedexpression_p.h"
   182 #include "qrangeexpression_p.h"
   183 #include "qrangevariablereference_p.h"
   184 #include "qreturnorderby_p.h"
   185 #include "qschemanumeric_p.h"
   186 #include "qschematypefactory_p.h"
   187 #include "qsimplecontentconstructor_p.h"
   188 #include "qstaticbaseuristore_p.h"
   189 #include "qstaticcompatibilitystore_p.h"
   190 #include "qtemplateparameterreference_p.h"
   191 #include "qtemplate_p.h"
   192 #include "qtextnodeconstructor_p.h"
   193 #include "qtokenizer_p.h"
   194 #include "qtreatas_p.h"
   195 #include "qtypechecker_p.h"
   196 #include "qunaryexpression_p.h"
   197 #include "qunresolvedvariablereference_p.h"
   198 #include "quserfunctioncallsite_p.h"
   199 #include "qvaluecomparison_p.h"
   200 #include "qxpathhelper_p.h"
   201 #include "qxsltsimplecontentconstructor_p.h"
   203 /*
   204  * The cpp generated with bison 2.1 wants to
   205  * redeclare the C-like prototypes of 'malloc' and 'free', so we avoid that.
   206  */
   207 #define YYMALLOC malloc
   208 #define YYFREE free
   212 /* Due to Qt's QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE magic, we can't use `using namespace', for some
   213  * undocumented reason. */
   214 namespace QPatternist
   215 {
   217 /**
   218  * "Macro that you define with #define in the Bison declarations
   219  * section to request verbose, specific error message strings when
   220  * yyerror is called."
   221  */
   222 #define YYERROR_VERBOSE 1
   224 #undef YYLTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL
   225 #define YYLTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL 0
   227 /* Suppresses `warning: "YYENABLE_NLS" is not defined`
   228  * @c YYENABLE_NLS enables Bison internationalization, and we don't
   229  * use that, so disable it. See the Bison Manual, section 4.5 Parser Internationalization.
   230  */
   231 #define YYENABLE_NLS 0
   233 static inline QSourceLocation fromYYLTYPE(const YYLTYPE &sourceLocator,
   234                                           const ParserContext *const parseInfo)
   235 {
   236     return QSourceLocation(parseInfo->tokenizer->queryURI(),
   237                            sourceLocator.first_line,
   238                            sourceLocator.first_column);
   239 }
   241 /**
   242  * @internal
   243  * @relates QXmlQuery
   244  */
   245 typedef QFlags<QXmlQuery::QueryLanguage> QueryLanguages;
   247 /**
   248  * @short Flags invalid expressions and declarations in the currently
   249  * parsed language.
   250  *
   251  * Since this grammar is used for several languages: XQuery 1.0, XSL-T 2.0, and
   252  * XPath 2.0 inside XSL-T, and field and selector patterns in W3C XML Schema's
   253  * identity constraints, it is the union of all the constructs in these
   254  * languages. However, when dealing with each language individually, we
   255  * regularly need to disallow some expressions, such as direct element
   256  * constructors when parsing XSL-T, or the typeswitch when parsing XPath.
   257  *
   258  * This is further complicated by that XSLTTokenizer sometimes generates code
   259  * which is allowed in XQuery but not in XPath. For that reason the token
   260  * INTERNAL is sometimes generated, which signals that an expression, for
   261  * instance the @c let clause, should not be flagged as an error, because it's
   262  * used for internal purposes.
   263  *
   264  * Hence, this function is called from each expression and declaration with @p
   265  * allowedLanguages stating what languages it is allowed in.
   266  *
   267  * If @p isInternal is @c true, no error is raised. Otherwise, if the current
   268  * language is not in @p allowedLanguages, an error is raised.
   269  */
   270 static void allowedIn(const QueryLanguages allowedLanguages,
   271                       const ParserContext *const parseInfo,
   272                       const YYLTYPE &sourceLocator,
   273                       const bool isInternal = false)
   274 {
   275     /* We treat XPath 2.0 as a subset of XSL-T 2.0, so if XPath 2.0 is allowed
   276      * and XSL-T is the language, it's ok. */
   277     if(!isInternal &&
   278        (!allowedLanguages.testFlag(parseInfo->languageAccent) && !(allowedLanguages.testFlag(QXmlQuery::XPath20) && parseInfo->languageAccent == QXmlQuery::XSLT20)))
   279     {
   281         QString langName;
   283         switch(parseInfo->languageAccent)
   284         {
   285             case QXmlQuery::XPath20:
   286                 langName = QLatin1String("XPath 2.0");
   287                 break;
   288             case QXmlQuery::XSLT20:
   289                 langName = QLatin1String("XSL-T 2.0");
   290                 break;
   291             case QXmlQuery::XQuery10:
   292                 langName = QLatin1String("XQuery 1.0");
   293                 break;
   294             case QXmlQuery::XmlSchema11IdentityConstraintSelector:
   295                 langName = QtXmlPatterns::tr("W3C XML Schema identity constraint selector");
   296                 break;
   297             case QXmlQuery::XmlSchema11IdentityConstraintField:
   298                 langName = QtXmlPatterns::tr("W3C XML Schema identity constraint field");
   299                 break;
   300         }
   302         parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("A construct was encountered "
   303                                                           "which is disallowed in the current language(%1).").arg(langName),
   304                                         ReportContext::XPST0003,
   305                                         fromYYLTYPE(sourceLocator, parseInfo));
   307     }
   308 }
   310 static inline bool isVariableReference(const Expression::ID id)
   311 {
   312     return    id == Expression::IDExpressionVariableReference
   313            || id == Expression::IDRangeVariableReference
   314            || id == Expression::IDArgumentReference;
   315 }
   317 class ReflectYYLTYPE : public SourceLocationReflection
   318 {
   319 public:
   320     inline ReflectYYLTYPE(const YYLTYPE &sourceLocator,
   321                           const ParserContext *const pi) : m_sl(sourceLocator)
   322                                                          , m_parseInfo(pi)
   323     {
   324     }
   326     virtual const SourceLocationReflection *actualReflection() const
   327     {
   328         return this;
   329     }
   331     virtual QSourceLocation sourceLocation() const
   332     {
   333         return fromYYLTYPE(m_sl, m_parseInfo);
   334     }
   336     virtual QString description() const
   337     {
   338         Q_ASSERT(false);
   339         return QString();
   340     }
   342 private:
   343     const YYLTYPE &m_sl;
   344     const ParserContext *const m_parseInfo;
   345 };
   347 /**
   348  * @short Centralizes a translation string for the purpose of increasing consistency.
   349  */
   350 static inline QString unknownType()
   351 {
   352     return QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 is an unknown schema type.");
   353 }
   355 static inline Expression::Ptr create(Expression *const expr,
   356                                      const YYLTYPE &sourceLocator,
   357                                      const ParserContext *const parseInfo)
   358 {
   359     parseInfo->staticContext->addLocation(expr, fromYYLTYPE(sourceLocator, parseInfo));
   360     return Expression::Ptr(expr);
   361 }
   363 static inline Template::Ptr create(Template *const expr,
   364                                    const YYLTYPE &sourceLocator,
   365                                    const ParserContext *const parseInfo)
   366 {
   367     parseInfo->staticContext->addLocation(expr, fromYYLTYPE(sourceLocator, parseInfo));
   368     return Template::Ptr(expr);
   369 }
   371 static inline Expression::Ptr create(const Expression::Ptr &expr,
   372                                      const YYLTYPE &sourceLocator,
   373                                      const ParserContext *const parseInfo)
   374 {
   375     parseInfo->staticContext->addLocation(, fromYYLTYPE(sourceLocator, parseInfo));
   376     return expr;
   377 }
   379 static Expression::Ptr createSimpleContent(const Expression::Ptr &source,
   380                                            const YYLTYPE &sourceLocator,
   381                                            const ParserContext *const parseInfo)
   382 {
   383     return create(parseInfo->isXSLT() ? new XSLTSimpleContentConstructor(source) : new SimpleContentConstructor(source),
   384                   sourceLocator,
   385                   parseInfo);
   386 }
   388 static void loadPattern(const Expression::Ptr &matchPattern,
   389                         TemplatePattern::Vector &ourPatterns,
   390                         const TemplatePattern::ID id,
   391                         const PatternPriority priority,
   392                         const Template::Ptr &temp)
   393 {
   394     Q_ASSERT(temp);
   396     const PatternPriority effectivePriority = qIsNaN(priority) ? matchPattern->patternPriority() : priority;
   398     ourPatterns.append(TemplatePattern::Ptr(new TemplatePattern(matchPattern, effectivePriority, id, temp)));
   399 }
   401 static Expression::Ptr typeCheckTemplateBody(const Expression::Ptr &body,
   402                                              const SequenceType::Ptr &reqType,
   403                                              const ParserContext *const parseInfo)
   404 {
   405     return TypeChecker::applyFunctionConversion(body, reqType,
   406                                                 parseInfo->staticContext,
   407                                                 ReportContext::XTTE0505,
   408                                                 TypeChecker::Options(TypeChecker::AutomaticallyConvert | TypeChecker::GeneratePromotion));
   409 }
   411 static void registerNamedTemplate(const QXmlName &name,
   412                                   const Expression::Ptr &body,
   413                                   ParserContext *const parseInfo,
   414                                   const YYLTYPE &sourceLocator,
   415                                   const Template::Ptr &temp)
   416 {
   417     Template::Ptr &e = parseInfo->namedTemplates[name];
   419     if(e)
   420     {
   421         parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("A template by name %1 "
   422                                                           "has already been declared.")
   423                                         .arg(formatKeyword(parseInfo->staticContext->namePool(),
   424                                                                          name)),
   425                                         ReportContext::XTSE0660,
   426                                         fromYYLTYPE(sourceLocator, parseInfo));
   427     }
   428     else
   429     {
   430         e = temp;
   431         e->body = body;
   432     }
   433 }
   435 /**
   436  * @short Centralizes code for creating numeric literals.
   437  */
   438 template<typename TNumberClass>
   439 Expression::Ptr createNumericLiteral(const QString &in,
   440                                      const YYLTYPE &sl,
   441                                      const ParserContext *const parseInfo)
   442 {
   443     const Item num(TNumberClass::fromLexical(in));
   445     if(num.template as<AtomicValue>()->hasError())
   446     {
   447         parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 is not a valid numeric literal.")
   448                                            .arg(formatData(in)),
   449                                         ReportContext::XPST0003, fromYYLTYPE(sl, parseInfo));
   450         return Expression::Ptr(); /* Avoid compiler warning. */
   451     }
   452     else
   453         return create(new Literal(num), sl, parseInfo);
   454 }
   456 /**
   457  * @short The generated Bison parser calls this function when there is a parse error.
   458  *
   459  * It is not called, nor should be, for logical errors(which the Bison not know about). For those,
   460  * ReportContext::error() is called.
   461  */
   462 static int XPatherror(YYLTYPE *sourceLocator, const ParserContext *const parseInfo, const char *const msg)
   463 {
   464     Q_UNUSED(sourceLocator);
   465     Q_ASSERT(parseInfo);
   467     parseInfo->staticContext->error(escape(QLatin1String(msg)), ReportContext::XPST0003, fromYYLTYPE(*sourceLocator, parseInfo));
   468     return 1;
   469 }
   471 /**
   472  * When we want to connect the OrderBy and ReturnOrderBy, it might be that we have other expressions, such
   473  * as @c where and @c let inbetween. We need to continue through them. This function does that.
   474  */
   475 static ReturnOrderBy *locateReturnClause(const Expression::Ptr &expr)
   476 {
   477     Q_ASSERT(expr);
   479     const Expression::ID id = expr->id();
   480     if(id == Expression::IDLetClause || id == Expression::IDIfThenClause || id == Expression::IDForClause)
   481         return locateReturnClause(expr->operands()[1]);
   482     else if(id == Expression::IDReturnOrderBy)
   483         return expr->as<ReturnOrderBy>();
   484     else
   485         return 0;
   486 }
   488 static inline bool isPredicate(const Expression::ID id)
   489 {
   490     return id == Expression::IDGenericPredicate ||
   491            id == Expression::IDFirstItemPredicate;
   492 }
   494 /**
   495  * Assumes expr is an AxisStep wrapped in some kind of predicates or paths. Filters
   496  * through the predicates and returns the AxisStep.
   497  */
   498 static Expression::Ptr findAxisStep(const Expression::Ptr &expr,
   499                                     const bool throughStructures = true)
   500 {
   501     Q_ASSERT(expr);
   503     if(!throughStructures)
   504         return expr;
   506     Expression *candidate =;
   507     Expression::ID id = candidate->id();
   509     while(isPredicate(id) || id == Expression::IDPath)
   510     {
   511         const Expression::List &children = candidate->operands();
   512         if(children.isEmpty())
   513             return Expression::Ptr();
   514         else
   515         {
   516             candidate = children.first().data();
   517             id = candidate->id();
   518         }
   519     }
   521     if(id == Expression::IDEmptySequence)
   522         return Expression::Ptr();
   523     else
   524     {
   525         Q_ASSERT(candidate->is(Expression::IDAxisStep));
   526         return Expression::Ptr(candidate);
   527     }
   528 }
   530 static void changeToTopAxis(const Expression::Ptr &op)
   531 {
   532     /* This axis must have been written away by now. */
   533     Q_ASSERT(op->as<AxisStep>()->axis() != QXmlNodeModelIndex::AxisChild);
   535     if(op->as<AxisStep>()->axis() != QXmlNodeModelIndex::AxisSelf)
   536         op->as<AxisStep>()->setAxis(QXmlNodeModelIndex::AxisAttributeOrTop);
   537 }
   539 /**
   540  * @short Writes @p operand1 and @p operand2, two operands in an XSL-T pattern,
   541  * into an equivalent XPath expression.
   542  *
   543  * Essentially, the following rewrite is done:
   544  *
   545  * <tt>
   546  * axis1::test1(a)/axis2::test2(b)
   547  *              =>
   548  * child-or-top::test2(b)[parent::test1(a)]
   549  * </tt>
   550  *
   551  * Section 5.5.3 The Meaning of a Pattern talks about rewrites that are applied to
   552  * only the first step in a pattern, but since we're doing rewrites more radically,
   553  * its line of reasoning cannot be followed.
   554  *
   555  * Keep in mind the rewrites that non-terminal PatternStep do.
   556  *
   557  * @see createIdPatternPath()
   558  */
   559 static inline Expression::Ptr createPatternPath(const Expression::Ptr &operand1,
   560                                                 const Expression::Ptr &operand2,
   561                                                 const QXmlNodeModelIndex::Axis axis,
   562                                                 const YYLTYPE &sl,
   563                                                 const ParserContext *const parseInfo)
   564 {
   565     const Expression::Ptr operandL(findAxisStep(operand1, false));
   567     if(operandL->is(Expression::IDAxisStep))
   568         operandL->as<AxisStep>()->setAxis(axis);
   569     else
   570         findAxisStep(operand1)->as<AxisStep>()->setAxis(axis);
   572     return create(GenericPredicate::create(operand2, operandL,
   573                                            parseInfo->staticContext, fromYYLTYPE(sl, parseInfo)), sl, parseInfo);
   574 }
   576 /**
   577  * @short Performs the same role as createPatternPath(), but is tailored
   578  * for @c fn:key() and @c fn:id().
   579  *
   580  * @c fn:key() and @c fn:id() can be part of path patterns(only as the first step,
   581  * to be precise) and that poses a challenge to rewriting because what
   582  * createPatternPath() is not possible to express, since the functions cannot be
   583  * node tests. E.g, this rewrite is not possible:
   584  *
   585  * <tt>
   586  * id-or-key/abc
   587  *  =>
   588  * child-or-top::abc[parent::id-or-key]
   589  * </tt>
   590  *
   591  * Our approach is to rewrite like this:
   592  *
   593  * <tt>
   594  * id-or-key/abc
   595  * =>
   596  * child-or-top::abc[parent::node is id-or-key]
   597  * </tt>
   598  *
   599  * @p operand1 is the call to @c fn:key() or @c fn:id(), @p operand2
   600  * the right operand, and @p axis the target axis to rewrite to.
   601  *
   602  * @see createPatternPath()
   603  */
   604 static inline Expression::Ptr createIdPatternPath(const Expression::Ptr &operand1,
   605                                                   const Expression::Ptr &operand2,
   606                                                   const QXmlNodeModelIndex::Axis axis,
   607                                                   const YYLTYPE &sl,
   608                                                   const ParserContext *const parseInfo)
   609 {
   610     const Expression::Ptr operandR(findAxisStep(operand2));
   611     Q_ASSERT(operandR);
   612     changeToTopAxis(operandR);
   614     const Expression::Ptr parentStep(create(new AxisStep(axis, BuiltinTypes::node),
   615                                             sl,
   616                                             parseInfo));
   617     const Expression::Ptr isComp(create(new NodeComparison(parentStep,
   618                                                            QXmlNodeModelIndex::Is,
   619                                                            operand1),
   620                                          sl,
   621                                          parseInfo));
   623     return create(GenericPredicate::create(operandR, isComp,
   624                                            parseInfo->staticContext, fromYYLTYPE(sl, parseInfo)), sl, parseInfo);
   625 }
   627 /**
   628  * @short Centralizes a translation message, for the
   629  * purpose of consistency and modularization.
   630  */
   631 static inline QString prologMessage(const char *const msg)
   632 {
   633     Q_ASSERT(msg);
   634     return QtXmlPatterns::tr("Only one %1 declaration can occur in the query prolog.").arg(formatKeyword(msg));
   635 }
   637 /**
   638  * @short Resolves against the static base URI and checks that @p collation
   639  * is a supported Unicode Collation.
   640  *
   641  * "If a default collation declaration specifies a collation by a
   642  *  relative URI, that relative URI is resolved to an absolute
   643  *  URI using the base URI in the static context."
   644  *
   645  * @returns the Unicode Collation properly resolved, if @p collation is a valid collation
   646  */
   647 template<const ReportContext::ErrorCode errorCode>
   648 static QUrl resolveAndCheckCollation(const QString &collation,
   649                                      const ParserContext *const parseInfo,
   650                                      const YYLTYPE &sl)
   651 {
   652     Q_ASSERT(parseInfo);
   653     const ReflectYYLTYPE ryy(sl, parseInfo);
   655     QUrl uri(AnyURI::toQUrl<ReportContext::XQST0046>(collation, parseInfo->staticContext, &ryy));
   657     if(uri.isRelative())
   658         uri = parseInfo->staticContext->baseURI().resolved(uri);
   660     XPathHelper::checkCollationSupport<errorCode>(uri.toString(), parseInfo->staticContext, &ryy);
   662     return uri;
   663 }
   665 /* The Bison generated parser declares macros that aren't used
   666  * so suppress the warnings by fake usage of them.
   667  *
   668  * We do the same for some more defines in the first action. */
   669 #if    defined(YYLSP_NEEDED)    \
   670     || defined(YYBISON)         \
   671     || defined(YYBISON_VERSION) \
   672     || defined(YYPURE)          \
   673     || defined(yydebug)         \
   674     || defined(YYSKELETON_NAME)
   675 #endif
   677 /**
   678  * Wraps @p operand with a CopyOf in case it makes any difference.
   679  *
   680  * There is no need to wrap the return value in a call to create(), it's
   681  * already done.
   682  */
   683 static Expression::Ptr createCopyOf(const Expression::Ptr &operand,
   684                                     const ParserContext *const parseInfo,
   685                                     const YYLTYPE &sl)
   686 {
   687     return create(new CopyOf(operand, parseInfo->inheritNamespacesMode,
   688                              parseInfo->preserveNamespacesMode), sl, parseInfo);
   689 }
   691 static Expression::Ptr createCompatStore(const Expression::Ptr &expr,
   692                                          const YYLTYPE &sourceLocator,
   693                                          const ParserContext *const parseInfo)
   694 {
   695     return create(new StaticCompatibilityStore(expr), sourceLocator, parseInfo);
   696 }
   698 /**
   699  * @short Creates an Expression that corresponds to <tt>/</tt>. This is literally
   700  * <tt>fn:root(self::node()) treat as document-node()</tt>.
   701  */
   702 static Expression::Ptr createRootExpression(const ParserContext *const parseInfo,
   703                                             const YYLTYPE &sl)
   704 {
   705     Q_ASSERT(parseInfo);
   706     const QXmlName name(StandardNamespaces::fn, StandardLocalNames::root);
   708     Expression::List args;
   709     args.append(create(new ContextItem(), sl, parseInfo));
   711     const ReflectYYLTYPE ryy(sl, parseInfo);
   713     const Expression::Ptr fnRoot(parseInfo->staticContext->functionSignatures()
   714                                  ->createFunctionCall(name, args, parseInfo->staticContext, &ryy));
   715     Q_ASSERT(fnRoot);
   717     return create(new TreatAs(create(fnRoot, sl, parseInfo), CommonSequenceTypes::ExactlyOneDocumentNode), sl, parseInfo);
   718 }
   720 static int XPathlex(YYSTYPE *lexVal, YYLTYPE *sourceLocator, const ParserContext *const parseInfo)
   721 {
   722 #ifdef Patternist_DEBUG_PARSER
   723     /**
   724      * "External integer variable set to zero by default. If yydebug
   725      *  is given a nonzero value, the parser will output information on
   726      *  input symbols and parser action. See section Debugging Your Parser."
   727      */
   728 #   define YYDEBUG 1
   730     extern int XPathdebug;
   731     XPathdebug = 1;
   732 #endif
   734     Q_ASSERT(parseInfo);
   736     const Tokenizer::Token tok(parseInfo->tokenizer->nextToken(sourceLocator));
   738     (*lexVal).sval = tok.value;
   740     return static_cast<int>(tok.type);
   741 }
   743 /**
   744  * @short Creates a path expression which contains the step <tt>//</tt> between
   745  * @p begin and and @p end.
   746  *
   747  * <tt>begin//end</tt> is a short form for: <tt>begin/descendant-or-self::node()/end</tt>
   748  *
   749  * This will be compiled as two-path expression: <tt>(/)/(//.)/step/</tt>
   750  */
   751 static Expression::Ptr createSlashSlashPath(const Expression::Ptr &begin,
   752                                             const Expression::Ptr &end,
   753                                             const YYLTYPE &sourceLocator,
   754                                             const ParserContext *const parseInfo)
   755 {
   756     const Expression::Ptr twoSlash(create(new AxisStep(QXmlNodeModelIndex::AxisDescendantOrSelf, BuiltinTypes::node), sourceLocator, parseInfo));
   757     const Expression::Ptr p1(create(new Path(begin, twoSlash), sourceLocator, parseInfo));
   759     return create(new Path(p1, end), sourceLocator, parseInfo);
   760 }
   762 /**
   763  * @short Creates a call to <tt>fn:concat()</tt> with @p args as the arguments.
   764  */
   765 static inline Expression::Ptr createConcatFN(const ParserContext *const parseInfo,
   766                                              const Expression::List &args,
   767                                              const YYLTYPE &sourceLocator)
   768 {
   769     Q_ASSERT(parseInfo);
   770     const QXmlName name(StandardNamespaces::fn, StandardLocalNames::concat);
   771     const ReflectYYLTYPE ryy(sourceLocator, parseInfo);
   773     return create(parseInfo->staticContext->functionSignatures()->createFunctionCall(name, args, parseInfo->staticContext, &ryy),
   774                   sourceLocator, parseInfo);
   775 }
   777 static inline Expression::Ptr createDirAttributeValue(const Expression::List &content,
   778                                                       const ParserContext *const parseInfo,
   779                                                       const YYLTYPE &sourceLocator)
   780 {
   781     if(content.isEmpty())
   782         return create(new EmptySequence(), sourceLocator, parseInfo);
   783     else if(content.size() == 1)
   784         return content.first();
   785     else
   786         return createConcatFN(parseInfo, content, sourceLocator);
   787 }
   789 /**
   790  * @short Checks for variable initialization circularity.
   791  *
   792  * "A recursive function that checks for recursion is full of ironies."
   793  *
   794  *      -- The Salsa Master
   795  *
   796  * Issues an error via @p parseInfo's StaticContext if the initialization
   797  * expression @p checkee for the global variable @p var, contains a variable
   798  * reference to @p var. That is, if there's a circularity.
   799  *
   800  * @see <a href="">XQuery 1.0: An XML
   801  * Query Language, err:XQST0054</a>
   802  */
   803 static void checkVariableCircularity(const VariableDeclaration::Ptr &var,
   804                                      const Expression::Ptr &checkee,
   805                                      const VariableDeclaration::Type type,
   806                                      FunctionSignature::List &signList,
   807                                      const ParserContext *const parseInfo)
   808 {
   809     Q_ASSERT(var);
   810     Q_ASSERT(checkee);
   811     Q_ASSERT(parseInfo);
   813     const Expression::ID id = checkee->id();
   815     if(id == Expression::IDExpressionVariableReference)
   816     {
   817         const ExpressionVariableReference *const ref =
   818                     static_cast<const ExpressionVariableReference *>(;
   820         if(var->slot == ref->slot() && type == ref->variableDeclaration()->type)
   821         {
   822             parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("The initialization of variable %1 "
   823                                                               "depends on itself").arg(formatKeyword(var, parseInfo->staticContext->namePool())),
   824                                             parseInfo->isXSLT() ? ReportContext::XTDE0640 : ReportContext::XQST0054, ref);
   825             return;
   826         }
   827         else
   828         {
   829             /* If the variable we're checking is below another variable, it can be a recursive
   830              * dependency through functions, so we need to check variable references too. */
   831             checkVariableCircularity(var, ref->sourceExpression(), type, signList, parseInfo);
   832             return;
   833         }
   834     }
   835     else if(id == Expression::IDUserFunctionCallsite)
   836     {
   837         const UserFunctionCallsite::Ptr callsite(checkee);
   838         const FunctionSignature::Ptr sign(callsite->callTargetDescription());
   839         const FunctionSignature::List::const_iterator end(signList.constEnd());
   840         FunctionSignature::List::const_iterator it(signList.constBegin());
   841         bool noMatch = true;
   843         for(; it != end; ++it)
   844         {
   845             if(*it == sign)
   846             {
   847                 /* The variable we're checking is depending on a function that's recursive. The
   848                  * user has written a weird query, in other words. Since it's the second time
   849                  * we've encountered a callsite, we now skip it. */
   850                 noMatch = false;
   851                 break;
   852             }
   853         }
   855         if(noMatch)
   856         {
   857             signList.append(sign);
   858             /* Check the body of the function being called. */
   859             checkVariableCircularity(var, callsite->body(), type, signList, parseInfo);
   860         }
   861         /* Continue with the operands, such that we also check the arguments of the callsite. */
   862     }
   863     else if(id == Expression::IDUnresolvedVariableReference)
   864     {
   865         /* We're called before it has rewritten itself. */
   866         checkVariableCircularity(var, checkee->as<UnresolvedVariableReference>()->replacement(), type, signList, parseInfo);
   867     }
   869     /* Check the operands. */
   870     const Expression::List ops(checkee->operands());
   871     if(ops.isEmpty())
   872         return;
   874     const Expression::List::const_iterator end(ops.constEnd());
   875     Expression::List::const_iterator it(ops.constBegin());
   877     for(; it != end; ++it)
   878         checkVariableCircularity(var, *it, type, signList, parseInfo);
   879 }
   881 static void variableUnavailable(const QXmlName &variableName,
   882                                 const ParserContext *const parseInfo,
   883                                 const YYLTYPE &location)
   884 {
   885     parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("No variable by name %1 exists")
   886                                        .arg(formatKeyword(parseInfo->staticContext->namePool(), variableName)),
   887                                     ReportContext::XPST0008, fromYYLTYPE(location, parseInfo));
   888 }
   890 /**
   891  * The Cardinality in a TypeDeclaration for a variable in a quantification has no effect,
   892  * and this function ensures this by changing @p type to Cardinality Cardinality::zeroOrMore().
   893  *
   894  * @see <a href="">Bugzilla Bug 3305
   895  * Cardinality + on range variables</a>
   896  * @see ParserContext::finalizePushedVariable()
   897  */
   898 static inline SequenceType::Ptr quantificationType(const SequenceType::Ptr &type)
   899 {
   900     Q_ASSERT(type);
   901     return makeGenericSequenceType(type->itemType(), Cardinality::zeroOrMore());
   902 }
   904 /**
   905  * @p seqType and @p expr may be @c null.
   906  */
   907 static Expression::Ptr pushVariable(const QXmlName name,
   908                                     const SequenceType::Ptr &seqType,
   909                                     const Expression::Ptr &expr,
   910                                     const VariableDeclaration::Type type,
   911                                     const YYLTYPE &sourceLocator,
   912                                     ParserContext *const parseInfo,
   913                                     const bool checkSource = true)
   914 {
   915     Q_ASSERT(!name.isNull());
   916     Q_ASSERT(parseInfo);
   918     /* -2 will cause Q_ASSERTs to trigger if it isn't changed. */
   919     VariableSlotID slot = -2;
   921     switch(type)
   922     {
   923         case VariableDeclaration::FunctionArgument:
   924         /* Fallthrough. */
   925         case VariableDeclaration::ExpressionVariable:
   926         {
   927             slot = parseInfo->allocateExpressionSlot();
   928             break;
   929         }
   930         case VariableDeclaration::GlobalVariable:
   931         {
   932             slot = parseInfo->allocateGlobalVariableSlot();
   933             break;
   934         }
   935         case VariableDeclaration::RangeVariable:
   936         {
   937             slot = parseInfo->staticContext->allocateRangeSlot();
   938             break;
   939         }
   940         case VariableDeclaration::PositionalVariable:
   941         {
   942             slot = parseInfo->allocatePositionalSlot();
   943             break;
   944         }
   945         case VariableDeclaration::TemplateParameter:
   946             /* Fallthrough. We do nothing, template parameters
   947              * doesn't use context slots at all, they're hashed
   948              * on the name. */
   949         case VariableDeclaration::ExternalVariable:
   950             /* We do nothing, external variables doesn't use
   951              *context slots/stack frames at all. */
   952             ;
   953     }
   955     const VariableDeclaration::Ptr var(new VariableDeclaration(name, slot, type, seqType));
   957     Expression::Ptr checked;
   959     if(checkSource && seqType)
   960     {
   961         if(expr)
   962         {
   963             /* We only want to add conversion for function arguments, and variables
   964              * if we're XSL-T.
   965              *
   966              * We unconditionally skip TypeChecker::CheckFocus because the StaticContext we
   967              * pass hasn't set up the focus yet, since that's the parent's responsibility. */
   968             const TypeChecker::Options options((   type == VariableDeclaration::FunctionArgument
   969                                                 || type == VariableDeclaration::TemplateParameter
   970                                                 || parseInfo->isXSLT())
   971                                                ? TypeChecker::AutomaticallyConvert : TypeChecker::Options());
   973             checked = TypeChecker::applyFunctionConversion(expr, seqType, parseInfo->staticContext,
   974                                                            parseInfo->isXSLT() ? ReportContext::XTTE0570 : ReportContext::XPTY0004,
   975                                                            options);
   976         }
   977     }
   978     else
   979         checked = expr;
   981     /* Add an evaluation cache for all expression variables. No EvaluationCache is needed for
   982      * positional variables because in the end they are calls to Iterator::position(). Similarly,
   983      * no need to cache range variables either because they are calls to DynamicContext::rangeVariable().
   984      *
   985      * We don't do it for function arguments because the Expression being cached depends -- it depends
   986      * on the callsite. UserFunctionCallsite is responsible for the evaluation caches in that case.
   987      *
   988      * In some cases the EvaluationCache instance isn't necessary, but in those cases EvaluationCache
   989      * optimizes itself away. */
   990     if(type == VariableDeclaration::ExpressionVariable)
   991         checked = create(new EvaluationCache<false>(checked, var, parseInfo->allocateCacheSlot()), sourceLocator, parseInfo);
   992     else if(type == VariableDeclaration::GlobalVariable)
   993         checked = create(new EvaluationCache<true>(checked, var, parseInfo->allocateCacheSlot()), sourceLocator, parseInfo);
   995     var->setExpression(checked);
   997     parseInfo->variables.push(var);
   998     return checked;
   999 }
  1001 static inline VariableDeclaration::Ptr variableByName(const QXmlName name,
  1002                                                       const ParserContext *const parseInfo)
  1003 {
  1004     Q_ASSERT(!name.isNull());
  1005     Q_ASSERT(parseInfo);
  1007     /* We walk the list backwards. */
  1008     const VariableDeclaration::Stack::const_iterator start(parseInfo->variables.constBegin());
  1009     VariableDeclaration::Stack::const_iterator it(parseInfo->variables.constEnd());
  1011     while(it != start)
  1012     {
  1013         --it;
  1014         Q_ASSERT(*it);
  1015         if((*it)->name == name)
  1016             return *it;
  1017     }
  1019     return VariableDeclaration::Ptr();
  1020 }
  1022 static Expression::Ptr resolveVariable(const QXmlName &name,
  1023                                        const YYLTYPE &sourceLocator,
  1024                                        ParserContext *const parseInfo,
  1025                                        const bool raiseErrorOnUnavailability)
  1026 {
  1027     const VariableDeclaration::Ptr var(variableByName(name, parseInfo));
  1028     Expression::Ptr retval;
  1030     if(var && var->type != VariableDeclaration::ExternalVariable)
  1031     {
  1032         switch(var->type)
  1033         {
  1034             case VariableDeclaration::RangeVariable:
  1035             {
  1036                 retval = create(new RangeVariableReference(var->expression(), var->slot), sourceLocator, parseInfo);
  1037                 break;
  1038             }
  1039             case VariableDeclaration::GlobalVariable:
  1040             /* Fallthrough. From the perspective of an ExpressionVariableReference, it can't tell
  1041              * a difference between a global and a local expression variable. However, the cache
  1042              * mechanism must. */
  1043             case VariableDeclaration::ExpressionVariable:
  1044             {
  1045                 retval = create(new ExpressionVariableReference(var->slot, var), sourceLocator, parseInfo);
  1046                 break;
  1047             }
  1048             case VariableDeclaration::FunctionArgument:
  1049             {
  1050                 retval = create(new ArgumentReference(var->sequenceType, var->slot), sourceLocator, parseInfo);
  1051                 break;
  1052             }
  1053             case VariableDeclaration::PositionalVariable:
  1054             {
  1055                 retval = create(new PositionalVariableReference(var->slot), sourceLocator, parseInfo);
  1056                 break;
  1057             }
  1058             case VariableDeclaration::TemplateParameter:
  1059             {
  1060                 retval = create(new TemplateParameterReference(var), sourceLocator, parseInfo);
  1061                 break;
  1062             }
  1063             case VariableDeclaration::ExternalVariable:
  1064                 /* This code path will never be hit, but the case
  1065                  * label silences a warning. See above. */
  1066                 ;
  1067         }
  1068         Q_ASSERT(retval);
  1069         var->references.append(retval);
  1070     }
  1071     else
  1072     {
  1073         /* Let's see if your external variable loader can provide us with one. */
  1074         const SequenceType::Ptr varType(parseInfo->staticContext->
  1075                                         externalVariableLoader()->announceExternalVariable(name, CommonSequenceTypes::ZeroOrMoreItems));
  1077         if(varType)
  1078         {
  1079             const Expression::Ptr extRef(create(new ExternalVariableReference(name, varType), sourceLocator, parseInfo));
  1080             const Expression::Ptr checked(TypeChecker::applyFunctionConversion(extRef, varType, parseInfo->staticContext));
  1081             retval = checked;
  1082         }
  1083         else if(!raiseErrorOnUnavailability && parseInfo->isXSLT())
  1084         {
  1085             /* In XSL-T, global variables are in scope for the whole
  1086              * stylesheet, so we must resolve this first at the end. */
  1087             retval = create(new UnresolvedVariableReference(name), sourceLocator, parseInfo);
  1088             parseInfo->unresolvedVariableReferences.insert(name, retval);
  1089         }
  1090         else
  1091             variableUnavailable(name, parseInfo, sourceLocator);
  1092     }
  1094     return retval;
  1095 }
  1097 static Expression::Ptr createReturnOrderBy(const OrderSpecTransfer::List &orderSpecTransfer,
  1098                                            const Expression::Ptr &returnExpr,
  1099                                            const OrderBy::Stability stability,
  1100                                            const YYLTYPE &sourceLocator,
  1101                                            const ParserContext *const parseInfo)
  1102 {
  1103     // TODO do resize(orderSpec.size() + 1)
  1104     Expression::List exprs;
  1105     OrderBy::OrderSpec::Vector orderSpecs;
  1107     exprs.append(returnExpr);
  1109     const int len = orderSpecTransfer.size();
  1111     for(int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
  1112     {
  1113         exprs.append(;
  1114         orderSpecs.append(;
  1115     }
  1117     return create(new ReturnOrderBy(stability, orderSpecs, exprs), sourceLocator, parseInfo);
  1118 }
  1122 /* Enabling traces.  */
  1123 #ifndef YYDEBUG
  1124 # define YYDEBUG 0
  1125 #endif
  1127 /* Enabling verbose error messages.  */
  1128 #ifdef YYERROR_VERBOSE
  1129 # undef YYERROR_VERBOSE
  1130 # define YYERROR_VERBOSE 1
  1131 #else
  1132 # define YYERROR_VERBOSE 1
  1133 #endif
  1135 /* Enabling the token table.  */
  1136 #ifndef YYTOKEN_TABLE
  1137 # define YYTOKEN_TABLE 0
  1138 #endif
  1141 /* Tokens.  */
  1142 #ifndef YYTOKENTYPE
  1143 # define YYTOKENTYPE
  1144    /* Put the tokens into the symbol table, so that GDB and other debuggers
  1145       know about them.  */
  1146    enum yytokentype {
  1147      END_OF_FILE = 0,
  1148      STRING_LITERAL = 258,
  1149      NON_BOUNDARY_WS = 259,
  1150      XPATH2_STRING_LITERAL = 260,
  1151      QNAME = 261,
  1152      NCNAME = 262,
  1153      CLARK_NAME = 263,
  1154      ANY_LOCAL_NAME = 264,
  1155      ANY_PREFIX = 265,
  1156      NUMBER = 266,
  1157      XPATH2_NUMBER = 267,
  1158      ANCESTOR = 268,
  1159      ANCESTOR_OR_SELF = 269,
  1160      AND = 270,
  1161      APOS = 271,
  1162      APPLY_TEMPLATE = 272,
  1163      AS = 273,
  1164      ASCENDING = 274,
  1165      ASSIGN = 275,
  1166      AT = 276,
  1167      AT_SIGN = 277,
  1168      ATTRIBUTE = 278,
  1169      AVT = 279,
  1170      BAR = 280,
  1171      BASEURI = 281,
  1172      BEGIN_END_TAG = 282,
  1173      BOUNDARY_SPACE = 283,
  1174      BY = 284,
  1175      CALL_TEMPLATE = 285,
  1176      CASE = 286,
  1177      CASTABLE = 287,
  1178      CAST = 288,
  1179      CHILD = 289,
  1180      COLLATION = 290,
  1181      COLONCOLON = 291,
  1182      COMMA = 292,
  1183      COMMENT = 293,
  1184      COMMENT_START = 294,
  1185      CONSTRUCTION = 295,
  1186      COPY_NAMESPACES = 296,
  1187      CURLY_LBRACE = 297,
  1188      CURLY_RBRACE = 298,
  1189      DECLARE = 299,
  1190      DEFAULT = 300,
  1191      DESCENDANT = 301,
  1192      DESCENDANT_OR_SELF = 302,
  1193      DESCENDING = 303,
  1194      DIV = 304,
  1195      DOCUMENT = 305,
  1196      DOCUMENT_NODE = 306,
  1197      DOLLAR = 307,
  1198      DOT = 308,
  1199      DOTDOT = 309,
  1200      ELEMENT = 310,
  1201      ELSE = 311,
  1202      EMPTY = 312,
  1203      EMPTY_SEQUENCE = 313,
  1204      ENCODING = 314,
  1205      END_SORT = 315,
  1206      EQ = 316,
  1207      ERROR = 317,
  1208      EVERY = 318,
  1209      EXCEPT = 319,
  1210      EXTERNAL = 320,
  1211      FOLLOWING = 321,
  1212      FOLLOWING_SIBLING = 322,
  1213      FOLLOWS = 323,
  1214      FOR_APPLY_TEMPLATE = 324,
  1215      FOR = 325,
  1216      FUNCTION = 326,
  1217      GE = 327,
  1218      G_EQ = 328,
  1219      G_GE = 329,
  1220      G_GT = 330,
  1221      G_LE = 331,
  1222      G_LT = 332,
  1223      G_NE = 333,
  1224      GREATEST = 334,
  1225      GT = 335,
  1226      IDIV = 336,
  1227      IF = 337,
  1228      IMPORT = 338,
  1229      INHERIT = 339,
  1230      IN = 340,
  1231      INSTANCE = 341,
  1232      INTERSECT = 342,
  1233      IS = 343,
  1234      ITEM = 344,
  1235      LAX = 345,
  1236      LBRACKET = 346,
  1237      LEAST = 347,
  1238      LE = 348,
  1239      LET = 349,
  1240      LPAREN = 350,
  1241      LT = 351,
  1242      MAP = 352,
  1243      MATCHES = 353,
  1244      MINUS = 354,
  1245      MODE = 355,
  1246      MOD = 356,
  1247      MODULE = 357,
  1248      NAME = 358,
  1249      NAMESPACE = 359,
  1250      NE = 360,
  1251      NODE = 361,
  1252      NO_INHERIT = 362,
  1253      NO_PRESERVE = 363,
  1254      OF = 364,
  1255      OPTION = 365,
  1256      ORDERED = 366,
  1257      ORDERING = 367,
  1258      ORDER = 368,
  1259      OR = 369,
  1260      PARENT = 370,
  1261      PI_START = 371,
  1262      PLUS = 372,
  1263      POSITION_SET = 373,
  1264      PRAGMA_END = 374,
  1265      PRAGMA_START = 375,
  1266      PRECEDES = 376,
  1267      PRECEDING = 377,
  1268      PRECEDING_SIBLING = 378,
  1269      PRESERVE = 379,
  1270      PRIORITY = 380,
  1272      QUESTION = 382,
  1273      QUICK_TAG_END = 383,
  1274      QUOTE = 384,
  1275      RBRACKET = 385,
  1276      RETURN = 386,
  1277      RPAREN = 387,
  1278      SATISFIES = 388,
  1279      SCHEMA_ATTRIBUTE = 389,
  1280      SCHEMA_ELEMENT = 390,
  1281      SCHEMA = 391,
  1282      SELF = 392,
  1283      SEMI_COLON = 393,
  1284      SLASH = 394,
  1285      SLASHSLASH = 395,
  1286      SOME = 396,
  1287      SORT = 397,
  1288      STABLE = 398,
  1289      STAR = 399,
  1290      STRICT = 400,
  1291      STRIP = 401,
  1292      SUCCESS = 402,
  1293      COMMENT_CONTENT = 403,
  1294      PI_CONTENT = 404,
  1295      PI_TARGET = 405,
  1296      XSLT_VERSION = 406,
  1297      TEMPLATE = 407,
  1298      TEXT = 408,
  1299      THEN = 409,
  1300      TO = 410,
  1301      TREAT = 411,
  1302      TUNNEL = 412,
  1303      TYPESWITCH = 413,
  1304      UNION = 414,
  1305      UNORDERED = 415,
  1306      VALIDATE = 416,
  1307      VARIABLE = 417,
  1308      VERSION = 418,
  1309      WHERE = 419,
  1310      XQUERY = 420,
  1311      INTERNAL = 421,
  1312      INTERNAL_NAME = 422,
  1313      CURRENT = 423
  1314    };
  1315 #endif
  1319 #if ! defined YYSTYPE && ! defined YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED
  1321 # define yystype YYSTYPE /* obsolescent; will be withdrawn */
  1322 # define YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED 1
  1323 #endif
  1325 #if ! defined YYLTYPE && ! defined YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED
  1326 typedef struct YYLTYPE
  1327 {
  1328   int first_line;
  1329   int first_column;
  1330   int last_line;
  1331   int last_column;
  1332 } YYLTYPE;
  1333 # define yyltype YYLTYPE /* obsolescent; will be withdrawn */
  1334 # define YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED 1
  1335 # define YYLTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL 1
  1336 #endif
  1339 /* Copy the second part of user declarations.  */
  1341 /* Line 221 of yacc.c.  */
  1342 #line 1323 "qquerytransformparser.cpp"
  1344 #ifdef short
  1345 # undef short
  1346 #endif
  1348 #ifdef YYTYPE_UINT8
  1349 typedef YYTYPE_UINT8 yytype_uint8;
  1350 #else
  1351 typedef unsigned char yytype_uint8;
  1352 #endif
  1354 #ifdef YYTYPE_INT8
  1355 typedef YYTYPE_INT8 yytype_int8;
  1356 #elif (defined __STDC__ || defined __C99__FUNC__ \
  1357      || defined __cplusplus || defined _MSC_VER)
  1358 typedef signed char yytype_int8;
  1359 #else
  1360 typedef short int yytype_int8;
  1361 #endif
  1363 #ifdef YYTYPE_UINT16
  1364 typedef YYTYPE_UINT16 yytype_uint16;
  1365 #else
  1366 typedef unsigned short int yytype_uint16;
  1367 #endif
  1369 #ifdef YYTYPE_INT16
  1370 typedef YYTYPE_INT16 yytype_int16;
  1371 #else
  1372 typedef short int yytype_int16;
  1373 #endif
  1375 #ifndef YYSIZE_T
  1376 # ifdef __SIZE_TYPE__
  1377 #  define YYSIZE_T __SIZE_TYPE__
  1378 # elif defined size_t
  1379 #  define YYSIZE_T size_t
  1380 # elif ! defined YYSIZE_T && (defined __STDC__ || defined __C99__FUNC__ \
  1381      || defined __cplusplus || defined _MSC_VER)
  1382 #  include <stddef.h> /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */
  1383 #  define YYSIZE_T size_t
  1384 # else
  1385 #  define YYSIZE_T unsigned int
  1386 # endif
  1387 #endif
  1389 #define YYSIZE_MAXIMUM ((YYSIZE_T) -1)
  1391 #ifndef YY_
  1392 # if YYENABLE_NLS
  1393 #  if ENABLE_NLS
  1394 #   include <libintl.h> /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */
  1395 #   define YY_(msgid) dgettext ("bison-runtime", msgid)
  1396 #  endif
  1397 # endif
  1398 # ifndef YY_
  1399 #  define YY_(msgid) msgid
  1400 # endif
  1401 #endif
  1403 /* Suppress unused-variable warnings by "using" E.  */
  1404 #if ! defined lint || defined __GNUC__
  1405 # define YYUSE(e) ((void) (e))
  1406 #else
  1407 # define YYUSE(e) /* empty */
  1408 #endif
  1410 /* Identity function, used to suppress warnings about constant conditions.  */
  1411 #ifndef lint
  1412 # define YYID(n) (n)
  1413 #else
  1414 #if (defined __STDC__ || defined __C99__FUNC__ \
  1415      || defined __cplusplus || defined _MSC_VER)
  1416 static int
  1417 YYID (int yyi)
  1418 #else
  1419 static int
  1420 YYID (yyi)
  1421     int yyi;
  1422 #endif
  1423 {
  1424   return yyi;
  1425 }
  1426 #endif
  1428 #if ! defined yyoverflow || YYERROR_VERBOSE
  1430 /* The parser invokes alloca or malloc; define the necessary symbols.  */
  1432 # ifdef YYSTACK_USE_ALLOCA
  1434 #   ifdef __GNUC__
  1435 #    define YYSTACK_ALLOC __builtin_alloca
  1436 #   elif defined __BUILTIN_VA_ARG_INCR
  1437 #    include <alloca.h> /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */
  1438 #   elif defined _AIX
  1439 #    define YYSTACK_ALLOC __alloca
  1440 #   elif defined _MSC_VER
  1441 #    include <malloc.h> /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */
  1442 #    define alloca _alloca
  1443 #   else
  1444 #    define YYSTACK_ALLOC alloca
  1445 #    if ! defined _ALLOCA_H && ! defined _STDLIB_H && (defined __STDC__ || defined __C99__FUNC__ \
  1446      || defined __cplusplus || defined _MSC_VER)
  1447 #     include <stdlib.h> /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */
  1448 #     ifndef _STDLIB_H
  1449 #      define _STDLIB_H 1
  1450 #     endif
  1451 #    endif
  1452 #   endif
  1453 #  endif
  1454 # endif
  1456 # ifdef YYSTACK_ALLOC
  1457    /* Pacify GCC's `empty if-body' warning.  */
  1458 #  define YYSTACK_FREE(Ptr) do { /* empty */; } while (YYID (0))
  1459 #  ifndef YYSTACK_ALLOC_MAXIMUM
  1460     /* The OS might guarantee only one guard page at the bottom of the stack,
  1461        and a page size can be as small as 4096 bytes.  So we cannot safely
  1462        invoke alloca (N) if N exceeds 4096.  Use a slightly smaller number
  1463        to allow for a few compiler-allocated temporary stack slots.  */
  1464 #   define YYSTACK_ALLOC_MAXIMUM 4032 /* reasonable circa 2006 */
  1465 #  endif
  1466 # else
  1468 #  define YYSTACK_FREE YYFREE
  1469 #  ifndef YYSTACK_ALLOC_MAXIMUM
  1471 #  endif
  1472 #  if (defined __cplusplus && ! defined _STDLIB_H \
  1473        && ! ((defined YYMALLOC || defined malloc) \
  1474 	     && (defined YYFREE || defined free)))
  1475 #   include <stdlib.h> /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */
  1476 #   ifndef _STDLIB_H
  1477 #    define _STDLIB_H 1
  1478 #   endif
  1479 #  endif
  1480 #  ifndef YYMALLOC
  1481 #   define YYMALLOC malloc
  1482 #   if ! defined malloc && ! defined _STDLIB_H && (defined __STDC__ || defined __C99__FUNC__ \
  1483      || defined __cplusplus || defined _MSC_VER)
  1484 void *malloc (YYSIZE_T); /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */
  1485 #   endif
  1486 #  endif
  1487 #  ifndef YYFREE
  1488 #   define YYFREE free
  1489 #   if ! defined free && ! defined _STDLIB_H && (defined __STDC__ || defined __C99__FUNC__ \
  1490      || defined __cplusplus || defined _MSC_VER)
  1491 void free (void *); /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */
  1492 #   endif
  1493 #  endif
  1494 # endif
  1495 #endif /* ! defined yyoverflow || YYERROR_VERBOSE */
  1498 #if (! defined yyoverflow \
  1499      && (! defined __cplusplus \
  1501 	     && defined YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL && YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL)))
  1503 /* A type that is properly aligned for any stack member.  */
  1504 union yyalloc
  1505 {
  1506   yytype_int16 yyss;
  1507   YYSTYPE yyvs;
  1508     YYLTYPE yyls;
  1509 };
  1511 /* The size of the maximum gap between one aligned stack and the next.  */
  1512 # define YYSTACK_GAP_MAXIMUM (sizeof (union yyalloc) - 1)
  1514 /* The size of an array large to enough to hold all stacks, each with
  1515    N elements.  */
  1516 # define YYSTACK_BYTES(N) \
  1517      ((N) * (sizeof (yytype_int16) + sizeof (YYSTYPE) + sizeof (YYLTYPE)) \
  1518       + 2 * YYSTACK_GAP_MAXIMUM)
  1520 /* Copy COUNT objects from FROM to TO.  The source and destination do
  1521    not overlap.  */
  1522 # ifndef YYCOPY
  1523 #  if defined __GNUC__ && 1 < __GNUC__
  1524 #   define YYCOPY(To, From, Count) \
  1525       __builtin_memcpy (To, From, (Count) * sizeof (*(From)))
  1526 #  else
  1527 #   define YYCOPY(To, From, Count)		\
  1528       do					\
  1529 	{					\
  1530 	  YYSIZE_T yyi;				\
  1531 	  for (yyi = 0; yyi < (Count); yyi++)	\
  1532 	    (To)[yyi] = (From)[yyi];		\
  1533 	}					\
  1534       while (YYID (0))
  1535 #  endif
  1536 # endif
  1538 /* Relocate STACK from its old location to the new one.  The
  1539    local variables YYSIZE and YYSTACKSIZE give the old and new number of
  1540    elements in the stack, and YYPTR gives the new location of the
  1541    stack.  Advance YYPTR to a properly aligned location for the next
  1542    stack.  */
  1543 # define YYSTACK_RELOCATE(Stack)					\
  1544     do									\
  1545       {									\
  1546 	YYSIZE_T yynewbytes;						\
  1547 	YYCOPY (&yyptr->Stack, Stack, yysize);				\
  1548 	Stack = &yyptr->Stack;						\
  1549 	yynewbytes = yystacksize * sizeof (*Stack) + YYSTACK_GAP_MAXIMUM; \
  1550 	yyptr += yynewbytes / sizeof (*yyptr);				\
  1551       }									\
  1552     while (YYID (0))
  1554 #endif
  1556 /* YYFINAL -- State number of the termination state.  */
  1557 #define YYFINAL  5
  1558 /* YYLAST -- Last index in YYTABLE.  */
  1559 #define YYLAST   2052
  1561 /* YYNTOKENS -- Number of terminals.  */
  1562 #define YYNTOKENS  169
  1563 /* YYNNTS -- Number of nonterminals.  */
  1564 #define YYNNTS  237
  1565 /* YYNRULES -- Number of rules.  */
  1566 #define YYNRULES  472
  1567 /* YYNRULES -- Number of states.  */
  1568 #define YYNSTATES  812
  1570 /* YYTRANSLATE(YYLEX) -- Bison symbol number corresponding to YYLEX.  */
  1571 #define YYUNDEFTOK  2
  1572 #define YYMAXUTOK   423
  1574 #define YYTRANSLATE(YYX)						\
  1575   ((unsigned int) (YYX) <= YYMAXUTOK ? yytranslate[YYX] : YYUNDEFTOK)
  1577 /* YYTRANSLATE[YYLEX] -- Bison symbol number corresponding to YYLEX.  */
  1578 static const yytype_uint8 yytranslate[] =
  1579 {
  1580        0,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
  1581        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
  1582        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
  1583        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
  1584        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
  1585        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
  1586        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
  1587        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
  1588        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
  1589        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
  1590        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
  1591        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
  1592        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
  1593        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
  1594        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
  1595        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
  1596        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
  1597        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
  1598        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
  1599        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
  1600        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
  1601        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
  1602        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
  1603        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
  1604        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
  1605        2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     1,     2,     3,     4,
  1606        5,     6,     7,     8,     9,    10,    11,    12,    13,    14,
  1607       15,    16,    17,    18,    19,    20,    21,    22,    23,    24,
  1608       25,    26,    27,    28,    29,    30,    31,    32,    33,    34,
  1609       35,    36,    37,    38,    39,    40,    41,    42,    43,    44,
  1610       45,    46,    47,    48,    49,    50,    51,    52,    53,    54,
  1611       55,    56,    57,    58,    59,    60,    61,    62,    63,    64,
  1612       65,    66,    67,    68,    69,    70,    71,    72,    73,    74,
  1613       75,    76,    77,    78,    79,    80,    81,    82,    83,    84,
  1614       85,    86,    87,    88,    89,    90,    91,    92,    93,    94,
  1615       95,    96,    97,    98,    99,   100,   101,   102,   103,   104,
  1616      105,   106,   107,   108,   109,   110,   111,   112,   113,   114,
  1617      115,   116,   117,   118,   119,   120,   121,   122,   123,   124,
  1618      125,   126,   127,   128,   129,   130,   131,   132,   133,   134,
  1619      135,   136,   137,   138,   139,   140,   141,   142,   143,   144,
  1620      145,   146,   147,   148,   149,   150,   151,   152,   153,   154,
  1621      155,   156,   157,   158,   159,   160,   161,   162,   163,   164,
  1622      165,   166,   167,   168
  1623 };
  1625 #if YYDEBUG
  1626 /* YYPRHS[YYN] -- Index of the first RHS symbol of rule number YYN in
  1627    YYRHS.  */
  1628 static const yytype_uint16 yyprhs[] =
  1629 {
  1630        0,     0,     3,     6,     9,    10,    16,    17,    20,    23,
  1631       26,    33,    34,    37,    40,    43,    46,    49,    52,    55,
  1632       58,    66,    67,    68,    84,    85,    88,    89,    91,    94,
  1633       96,    98,   100,   102,   104,   106,   108,   110,   112,   114,
  1634      122,   127,   129,   131,   133,   135,   142,   149,   155,   160,
  1635      162,   164,   170,   173,   176,   183,   185,   187,   189,   191,
  1636      197,   203,   210,   211,   215,   219,   226,   227,   231,   232,
  1637      235,   237,   241,   251,   253,   256,   257,   260,   265,   267,
  1638      269,   270,   282,   283,   285,   289,   293,   295,   297,   301,
  1639      303,   305,   309,   311,   313,   316,   319,   321,   325,   329,
  1640      331,   333,   337,   341,   343,   345,   347,   351,   355,   357,
  1641      359,   361,   363,   365,   370,   371,   374,   375,   378,   380,
  1642      384,   386,   388,   390,   392,   393,   394,   405,   406,   407,
  1643      418,   420,   422,   424,   425,   429,   430,   440,   441,   450,
  1644      452,   454,   456,   460,   466,   467,   469,   472,   476,   478,
  1645      483,   484,   486,   488,   489,   491,   492,   495,   499,   503,
  1646      506,   508,   510,   511,   512,   522,   523,   524,   534,   536,
  1647      537,   538,   548,   549,   550,   560,   562,   565,   566,   573,
  1648      574,   575,   584,   586,   588,   589,   593,   597,   598,   605,
  1649      614,   616,   620,   622,   626,   628,   630,   632,   634,   636,
  1650      640,   642,   646,   648,   650,   652,   656,   658,   660,   662,
  1651      664,   666,   670,   672,   676,   678,   680,   682,   684,   686,
  1652      691,   693,   698,   700,   705,   707,   712,   714,   717,   719,
  1653      721,   723,   725,   727,   731,   733,   735,   737,   739,   741,
  1654      743,   747,   749,   751,   753,   755,   757,   759,   763,   765,
  1655      767,   769,   772,   774,   777,   780,   783,   786,   790,   793,
  1656      795,   800,   801,   803,   806,   809,   811,   813,   815,   819,
  1657      827,   831,   833,   835,   838,   839,   843,   849,   850,   860,
  1658      866,   867,   870,   871,   873,   877,   878,   882,   888,   889,
  1659      891,   892,   895,   897,   899,   901,   903,   908,   910,   912,
  1660      913,   917,   919,   921,   923,   926,   928,   930,   932,   934,
  1661      936,   938,   940,   942,   944,   946,   948,   950,   951,   955,
  1662      957,   959,   961,   963,   965,   967,   969,   971,   973,   975,
  1663      977,   979,   984,   986,   988,   990,   992,   994,   996,   998,
  1664     1004,  1006,  1008,  1010,  1012,  1015,  1017,  1019,  1023,  1026,
  1665     1028,  1031,  1036,  1037,  1039,  1041,  1043,  1045,  1047,  1049,
  1666     1051,  1052,  1053,  1062,  1064,  1070,  1071,  1074,  1078,  1082,
  1667     1086,  1087,  1090,  1093,  1094,  1097,  1100,  1103,  1106,  1109,
  1668     1113,  1115,  1117,  1119,  1121,  1123,  1125,  1127,  1131,  1132,
  1669     1138,  1139,  1141,  1146,  1150,  1154,  1158,  1159,  1160,  1164,
  1670     1166,  1168,  1170,  1172,  1174,  1176,  1180,  1182,  1185,  1186,
  1671     1189,  1192,  1195,  1196,  1198,  1200,  1202,  1204,  1206,  1208,
  1672     1211,  1213,  1215,  1217,  1219,  1221,  1223,  1225,  1227,  1230,
  1673     1233,  1238,  1240,  1242,  1245,  1248,  1251,  1256,  1261,  1263,
  1674     1265,  1268,  1273,  1278,  1285,  1292,  1297,  1300,  1305,  1310,
  1675     1318,  1326,  1327,  1329,  1334,  1337,  1339,  1341,  1343,  1345,
  1676     1347,  1349,  1351,  1353,  1356,  1358,  1360,  1362,  1364,  1366,
  1677     1368,  1370,  1372
  1678 };
  1680 /* YYRHS -- A `-1'-separated list of the rules' RHS.  */
  1681 static const yytype_int16 yyrhs[] =
  1682 {
  1683      170,     0,    -1,   171,   174,    -1,   171,   173,    -1,    -1,
  1684      165,   163,   404,   172,   185,    -1,    -1,    59,   404,    -1,
  1685      176,   219,    -1,   175,   176,    -1,   102,   104,     7,    73,
  1686      403,   185,    -1,    -1,   176,   189,    -1,   176,   183,    -1,
  1687      176,   186,    -1,   176,   184,    -1,   176,   177,    -1,   176,
  1688      208,    -1,   176,   213,    -1,   176,   192,    -1,    44,   152,
  1689      182,   317,   377,   305,   185,    -1,    -1,    -1,    44,   152,
  1690      181,    98,    95,   178,   220,   179,   132,   228,   180,   317,
  1691      377,   305,   185,    -1,    -1,   125,   404,    -1,    -1,   182,
  1692       -1,   103,   397,    -1,   187,    -1,   200,    -1,   201,    -1,
  1693      211,    -1,   193,    -1,   195,    -1,   197,    -1,   202,    -1,
  1694      204,    -1,   138,    -1,    44,   104,     7,    73,   403,   364,
  1695      185,    -1,    44,    28,   188,   185,    -1,   146,    -1,   124,
  1696       -1,   190,    -1,   191,    -1,    44,    45,    55,   104,   403,
  1697      185,    -1,    44,    45,    71,   104,   403,   185,    -1,    44,
  1698      110,   397,   404,   185,    -1,    44,   112,   194,   185,    -1,
  1699      111,    -1,   160,    -1,    44,    45,   113,   196,   185,    -1,
  1700       57,    92,    -1,    57,    79,    -1,    44,    41,   198,    37,
  1701      199,   185,    -1,   124,    -1,   108,    -1,    84,    -1,   107,
  1702       -1,    44,    45,    35,   404,   185,    -1,    44,    26,   364,
  1703      403,   185,    -1,    83,   136,   203,   403,   206,   185,    -1,
  1704       -1,    45,    55,   104,    -1,   104,     7,    73,    -1,    83,
  1705      102,   205,   403,   206,   185,    -1,    -1,   104,     7,    73,
  1706       -1,    -1,    21,   207,    -1,   403,    -1,   207,    37,   403,
  1707       -1,    44,   162,   364,    52,   341,   377,   209,   210,   185,
  1708       -1,    65,    -1,    20,   227,    -1,    -1,    20,   227,    -1,
  1709       44,    40,   212,   185,    -1,   146,    -1,   124,    -1,    -1,
  1710       44,    71,   364,   399,    95,   215,   132,   214,   377,   217,
  1711      185,    -1,    -1,   216,    -1,   215,    37,   216,    -1,    52,
  1712      341,   377,    -1,    65,    -1,   218,    -1,    42,   225,    43,
  1713       -1,   225,    -1,   221,    -1,   220,    25,   221,    -1,   223,
  1714       -1,   139,    -1,   139,   223,    -1,   140,   223,    -1,   222,
  1715       -1,   222,   139,   223,    -1,   222,   140,   223,    -1,   345,
  1716       -1,   224,    -1,   223,   139,   224,    -1,   223,   140,   224,
  1717       -1,   322,    -1,   227,    -1,   226,    -1,   227,    37,   227,
  1718       -1,   226,    37,   227,    -1,   277,    -1,   232,    -1,   253,
  1719       -1,   267,    -1,   276,    -1,    24,    95,   356,   132,    -1,
  1720       -1,   100,   230,    -1,    -1,   100,   231,    -1,   231,    -1,
  1721      230,    37,   231,    -1,   405,    -1,     7,    -1,   233,    -1,
  1722      240,    -1,    -1,    -1,    70,    52,   341,   377,   239,    85,
  1723      227,   234,   235,   236,    -1,    -1,    -1,    37,    52,   341,
  1724      377,   239,    85,   227,   237,   238,   236,    -1,   244,    -1,
  1725      233,    -1,   240,    -1,    -1,    21,    52,   341,    -1,    -1,
  1726       94,   364,    52,   341,   377,    20,   227,   241,   242,    -1,
  1727       -1,    37,    52,   341,   377,    20,   227,   243,   242,    -1,
  1728      244,    -1,   233,    -1,   240,    -1,   245,   131,   227,    -1,
  1729      164,   227,   245,   131,   227,    -1,    -1,   246,    -1,   252,
  1730      247,    -1,   247,    37,   248,    -1,   248,    -1,   227,   249,
  1731      250,   251,    -1,    -1,    19,    -1,    48,    -1,    -1,   196,
  1732       -1,    -1,    35,   403,    -1,   166,    35,   227,    -1,   143,
  1733      113,    29,    -1,   113,    29,    -1,   254,    -1,   260,    -1,
  1734       -1,    -1,   141,    52,   341,   377,    85,   227,   255,   256,
  1735      257,    -1,    -1,    -1,    37,    52,   341,   377,    85,   227,
  1736      258,   259,   257,    -1,   266,    -1,    -1,    -1,    63,    52,
  1737      341,   377,    85,   227,   261,   262,   263,    -1,    -1,    -1,
  1738       37,    52,   341,   377,    85,   227,   264,   265,   263,    -1,
  1739      266,    -1,   133,   227,    -1,    -1,   158,    95,   225,   132,
  1740      268,   269,    -1,    -1,    -1,    31,   273,   378,   270,   131,
  1741      227,   271,   272,    -1,   269,    -1,   274,    -1,    -1,    52,
  1742      397,    18,    -1,    45,   131,   227,    -1,    -1,    45,    52,
  1743      397,   275,   131,   227,    -1,    82,    95,   225,   132,   154,
  1744      227,    56,   227,    -1,   278,    -1,   277,   114,   278,    -1,
  1745      279,    -1,   278,    15,   279,    -1,   280,    -1,   298,    -1,
  1746      296,    -1,   300,    -1,   281,    -1,   281,   155,   281,    -1,
  1747      283,    -1,   281,   282,   283,    -1,   117,    -1,    99,    -1,
  1748      285,    -1,   283,   284,   285,    -1,   144,    -1,    49,    -1,
  1749       81,    -1,   101,    -1,   286,    -1,   285,   287,   286,    -1,
  1750      289,    -1,   286,   288,   289,    -1,   159,    -1,    25,    -1,
  1751       87,    -1,    64,    -1,   290,    -1,   290,    86,   109,   378,
  1752       -1,   291,    -1,   291,   156,    18,   378,    -1,   292,    -1,
  1753      292,    32,    18,   376,    -1,   293,    -1,   293,    33,    18,
  1754      376,    -1,   295,    -1,   294,   293,    -1,   117,    -1,    99,
  1755       -1,   302,    -1,   309,    -1,   304,    -1,   280,   297,   280,
  1756       -1,    73,    -1,    78,    -1,    74,    -1,    75,    -1,    76,
  1757       -1,    77,    -1,   280,   299,   280,    -1,    61,    -1,   105,
  1758       -1,    72,    -1,    80,    -1,    93,    -1,    96,    -1,   280,
  1759      301,   280,    -1,    88,    -1,   121,    -1,    68,    -1,   303,
  1760      218,    -1,   161,    -1,   161,   145,    -1,   161,    90,    -1,
  1761      306,   305,    -1,    42,    43,    -1,    42,   225,    43,    -1,
  1762      306,   307,    -1,   307,    -1,   120,   402,   308,   119,    -1,
  1763       -1,   404,    -1,   139,   310,    -1,   140,   310,    -1,   139,
  1764       -1,   310,    -1,   311,    -1,   310,   321,   311,    -1,   310,
  1765      321,   142,   246,   131,   311,    60,    -1,   310,   140,   311,
  1766       -1,   322,    -1,   336,    -1,   168,   218,    -1,    -1,   151,
  1767      312,   218,    -1,    26,   404,    42,   225,    43,    -1,    -1,
  1768       44,   104,     7,    73,     3,    42,   313,   225,    43,    -1,
  1769       30,   397,    95,   314,   132,    -1,    -1,   315,   316,    -1,
  1770       -1,   318,    -1,   316,    37,   318,    -1,    -1,    95,   316,
  1771      132,    -1,   319,    52,   341,   377,   320,    -1,    -1,   157,
  1772       -1,    -1,    20,   227,    -1,   139,    -1,    97,    -1,    69,
  1773       -1,   323,    -1,   322,    91,   225,   130,    -1,   324,    -1,
  1774      331,    -1,    -1,   327,   325,   326,    -1,   329,    -1,   333,
  1775       -1,   389,    -1,   328,    36,    -1,    14,    -1,    13,    -1,
  1776       23,    -1,    34,    -1,    47,    -1,    46,    -1,    66,    -1,
  1777      122,    -1,    67,    -1,   123,    -1,   115,    -1,   137,    -1,
  1778       -1,    22,   330,   333,    -1,   333,    -1,   389,    -1,   332,
  1779       -1,    54,    -1,   334,    -1,   382,    -1,   397,    -1,   335,
  1780       -1,   144,    -1,     9,    -1,    10,    -1,   337,    -1,   336,
  1781       91,   225,   130,    -1,   338,    -1,   340,    -1,   342,    -1,
  1782      343,    -1,   345,    -1,   344,    -1,   347,    -1,    17,   229,
  1783       95,   314,   132,    -1,   339,    -1,   404,    -1,    12,    -1,
  1784       11,    -1,    52,   341,    -1,     7,    -1,   405,    -1,    95,
  1785      225,   132,    -1,    95,   132,    -1,    53,    -1,   194,   218,
  1786       -1,   399,    95,   346,   132,    -1,    -1,   227,    -1,   226,
  1787       -1,   348,    -1,   360,    -1,   349,    -1,   358,    -1,   359,
  1788       -1,    -1,    -1,    77,   401,   350,   353,   351,   118,   353,
  1789      352,    -1,   128,    -1,    75,   357,    27,   397,    75,    -1,
  1790       -1,   353,   354,    -1,   401,    73,   355,    -1,   129,   356,
  1791      129,    -1,    16,   356,    16,    -1,    -1,   218,   356,    -1,
  1792      404,   356,    -1,    -1,   357,   348,    -1,   357,   404,    -1,
  1793      357,     4,    -1,   357,   218,    -1,    39,   148,    -1,   116,
  1794      150,   149,    -1,   361,    -1,   362,    -1,   365,    -1,   366,
  1795       -1,   367,    -1,   368,    -1,   375,    -1,    50,   364,   218,
  1796       -1,    -1,    55,   364,   372,   363,   305,    -1,    -1,   166,
  1797       -1,    23,   364,   369,   305,    -1,   153,   364,   218,    -1,
  1798       38,   364,   218,    -1,   126,   374,   305,    -1,    -1,    -1,
  1799      370,   397,   371,    -1,   373,    -1,   397,    -1,   373,    -1,
  1800      218,    -1,     7,    -1,   218,    -1,   104,   218,   218,    -1,
  1801      381,    -1,   381,   127,    -1,    -1,    18,   378,    -1,   380,
  1802      379,    -1,    58,   395,    -1,    -1,   117,    -1,   144,    -1,
  1803      127,    -1,   381,    -1,   382,    -1,   389,    -1,    89,   395,
  1804       -1,   397,    -1,   384,    -1,   392,    -1,   394,    -1,   388,
  1805       -1,   387,    -1,   386,    -1,   383,    -1,   106,   395,    -1,
  1806       51,   395,    -1,    51,    95,   385,   132,    -1,   392,    -1,
  1807      394,    -1,   153,   395,    -1,    38,   395,    -1,   126,   395,
  1808       -1,   126,    95,     7,   132,    -1,   126,    95,   404,   132,
  1809       -1,   390,    -1,   391,    -1,    23,   395,    -1,    23,    95,
  1810      144,   132,    -1,    23,    95,   396,   132,    -1,    23,    95,
  1811      396,    37,   398,   132,    -1,    23,    95,   144,    37,   398,
  1812      132,    -1,   134,    95,   397,   132,    -1,    55,   395,    -1,
  1813       55,    95,   144,   132,    -1,    55,    95,   397,   132,    -1,
  1814       55,    95,   397,    37,   398,   393,   132,    -1,    55,    95,
  1815      144,    37,   398,   393,   132,    -1,    -1,   127,    -1,   135,
  1816       95,   397,   132,    -1,    95,   132,    -1,     7,    -1,   405,
  1817       -1,     7,    -1,   405,    -1,   397,    -1,   400,    -1,   405,
  1818       -1,     7,    -1,   167,     7,    -1,     7,    -1,     6,    -1,
  1819        7,    -1,   405,    -1,   404,    -1,     3,    -1,     5,    -1,
  1820        6,    -1,     8,    -1
  1821 };
  1823 /* YYRLINE[YYN] -- source line where rule number YYN was defined.  */
  1824 static const yytype_uint16 yyrline[] =
  1825 {
  1826        0,  1375,  1375,  1376,  1378,  1379,  1410,  1411,  1427,  1525,
  1827     1527,  1533,  1535,  1542,  1548,  1554,  1561,  1564,  1568,  1572,
  1828     1592,  1606,  1610,  1604,  1673,  1677,  1694,  1697,  1699,  1704,
  1829     1705,  1709,  1710,  1714,  1718,  1722,  1724,  1725,  1727,  1729,
  1830     1775,  1789,  1794,  1799,  1800,  1802,  1817,  1832,  1842,  1857,
  1831     1861,  1866,  1880,  1884,  1889,  1903,  1908,  1913,  1918,  1923,
  1832     1939,  1962,  1970,  1971,  1972,  1974,  1991,  1992,  1994,  1995,
  1833     1997,  1998,  2000,  2055,  2059,  2065,  2068,  2073,  2087,  2091,
  1834     2097,  2096,  2205,  2208,  2214,  2235,  2241,  2245,  2247,  2252,
  1835     2262,  2263,  2268,  2269,  2278,  2348,  2359,  2360,  2364,  2369,
  1836     2438,  2439,  2443,  2448,  2492,  2493,  2498,  2505,  2511,  2512,
  1837     2513,  2514,  2515,  2516,  2522,  2527,  2533,  2536,  2541,  2547,
  1838     2553,  2557,  2582,  2583,  2587,  2591,  2585,  2632,  2635,  2630,
  1839     2651,  2652,  2653,  2656,  2660,  2668,  2667,  2681,  2680,  2689,
  1840     2690,  2691,  2693,  2701,  2712,  2715,  2717,  2722,  2729,  2736,
  1841     2742,  2762,  2767,  2773,  2776,  2778,  2779,  2786,  2792,  2796,
  1842     2801,  2802,  2805,  2809,  2804,  2819,  2823,  2818,  2831,  2834,
  1843     2838,  2833,  2848,  2852,  2847,  2860,  2862,  2890,  2889,  2901,
  1844     2909,  2900,  2920,  2921,  2924,  2928,  2933,  2938,  2937,  2953,
  1845     2959,  2960,  2966,  2967,  2973,  2974,  2975,  2976,  2978,  2979,
  1846     2985,  2986,  2992,  2993,  2995,  2996,  3002,  3003,  3004,  3005,
  1847     3007,  3008,  3018,  3019,  3025,  3026,  3028,  3032,  3037,  3038,
  1848     3045,  3046,  3052,  3053,  3059,  3060,  3066,  3067,  3073,  3077,
  1849     3082,  3083,  3084,  3086,  3092,  3093,  3094,  3095,  3096,  3097,
  1850     3099,  3104,  3105,  3106,  3107,  3108,  3109,  3111,  3116,  3117,
  1851     3118,  3120,  3134,  3135,  3136,  3138,  3155,  3159,  3164,  3165,
  1852     3167,  3172,  3173,  3175,  3181,  3185,  3191,  3194,  3195,  3199,
  1853     3208,  3213,  3217,  3218,  3223,  3222,  3237,  3245,  3244,  3260,
  1854     3268,  3268,  3277,  3279,  3282,  3287,  3289,  3293,  3359,  3362,
  1855     3368,  3371,  3380,  3384,  3388,  3393,  3394,  3399,  3400,  3403,
  1856     3402,  3432,  3434,  3435,  3437,  3481,  3482,  3483,  3484,  3485,
  1857     3486,  3487,  3488,  3489,  3490,  3491,  3492,  3495,  3494,  3505,
  1858     3516,  3521,  3523,  3528,  3529,  3534,  3538,  3540,  3544,  3553,
  1859     3560,  3561,  3567,  3568,  3569,  3570,  3571,  3572,  3573,  3574,
  1860     3584,  3585,  3590,  3595,  3601,  3607,  3612,  3617,  3622,  3628,
  1861     3633,  3638,  3668,  3672,  3679,  3681,  3685,  3690,  3691,  3692,
  1862     3726,  3735,  3724,  3976,  3980,  4000,  4003,  4009,  4014,  4019,
  1863     4025,  4028,  4038,  4045,  4049,  4055,  4069,  4075,  4092,  4097,
  1864     4110,  4111,  4112,  4113,  4114,  4115,  4116,  4118,  4126,  4125,
  1865     4165,  4168,  4173,  4188,  4193,  4200,  4212,  4216,  4212,  4222,
  1866     4224,  4228,  4230,  4245,  4249,  4258,  4263,  4267,  4273,  4276,
  1867     4281,  4286,  4291,  4292,  4293,  4294,  4296,  4297,  4298,  4299,
  1868     4304,  4340,  4341,  4342,  4343,  4344,  4345,  4346,  4348,  4353,
  1869     4358,  4364,  4365,  4367,  4372,  4377,  4382,  4387,  4403,  4404,
  1870     4406,  4411,  4416,  4420,  4432,  4445,  4455,  4460,  4465,  4470,
  1871     4484,  4498,  4499,  4501,  4511,  4513,  4518,  4525,  4532,  4534,
  1872     4536,  4537,  4539,  4543,  4548,  4549,  4551,  4557,  4559,  4561,
  1873     4565,  4570,  4582
  1874 };
  1875 #endif
  1878 /* YYTNAME[SYMBOL-NUM] -- String name of the symbol SYMBOL-NUM.
  1879    First, the terminals, then, starting at YYNTOKENS, nonterminals.  */
  1880 static const char *const yytname[] =
  1881 {
  1882   "\"end of file\"", "error", "$undefined", "\"<string literal>\"",
  1883   "\"<non-boundary text node>\"", "\"<string literal(XPath 2.0)>\"",
  1884   "\"QName\"", "\"NCName\"", "\"ClarkName\"", "ANY_LOCAL_NAME",
  1885   "ANY_PREFIX", "\"<number literal>\"", "\"<number literal(XPath 2.0)>\"",
  1886   "\"ancestor\"", "\"ancestor-or-self\"", "\"and\"", "\"'\"",
  1887   "\"apply-template\"", "\"as\"", "\"ascending\"", "\":=\"", "\"at\"",
  1888   "\"@\"", "\"attribute\"", "AVT", "\"|\"", "\"base-uri\"", "\"</\"",
  1889   "\"boundary-space\"", "\"by\"", "\"call-template\"", "\"case\"",
  1890   "\"castable\"", "\"cast\"", "\"child\"", "\"collation\"", "\"::\"",
  1891   "\",\"", "\"comment\"", "\"<!--\"", "\"construction\"",
  1892   "\"copy-namespaces\"", "\"{\"", "\"}\"", "\"declare\"", "\"default\"",
  1893   "\"descendant\"", "\"descendant-or-self\"", "\"descending\"", "\"div\"",
  1894   "\"document\"", "\"document-node\"", "\"$\"", "\".\"", "\"..\"",
  1895   "\"element\"", "\"else\"", "\"empty\"", "\"empty-sequence\"",
  1896   "\"encoding\"", "\"end_sort\"", "\"eq\"", "\"unknown keyword\"",
  1897   "\"every\"", "\"except\"", "\"external\"", "\"following\"",
  1898   "\"following-sibling\"", "\">>\"", "\"for-apply-template\"", "\"for\"",
  1899   "\"function\"", "\"ge\"", "\"=\"", "\">=\"", "\">\"", "\"<=\"", "\"<\"",
  1900   "\"!=\"", "\"greatest\"", "\"gt\"", "\"idiv\"", "\"if\"", "\"import\"",
  1901   "\"inherit\"", "\"in\"", "\"instance\"", "\"intersect\"", "\"is\"",
  1902   "\"item\"", "\"lax\"", "\"[\"", "\"least\"", "\"le\"", "\"let\"",
  1903   "\"(\"", "\"lt\"", "\"map\"", "\"matches\"", "\"-\"", "\"mode\"",
  1904   "\"mod\"", "\"module\"", "\"name\"", "\"namespace\"", "\"ne\"",
  1905   "\"node\"", "\"no-inherit\"", "\"no-preserve\"", "\"of\"", "\"option\"",
  1906   "\"ordered\"", "\"ordering\"", "\"order\"", "\"or\"", "\"parent\"",
  1907   "\"<?\"", "\"+\"", "POSITION_SET", "\"#)\"", "\"(#\"", "\"<<\"",
  1908   "\"preceding\"", "\"preceding-sibling\"", "\"preserve\"", "\"priority\"",
  1909   "\"processing-instruction\"", "\"?\"", "\"/>\"", "\"\\\"\"", "\"]\"",
  1910   "\"return\"", "\")\"", "\"satisfies\"", "\"schema-attribute\"",
  1911   "\"schema-element\"", "\"schema\"", "\"self\"", "\";\"", "\"/\"",
  1912   "\"//\"", "\"some\"", "\"sort\"", "\"stable\"", "\"*\"", "\"strict\"",
  1913   "\"strip\"", "SUCCESS", "COMMENT_CONTENT", "PI_CONTENT", "PI_TARGET",
  1914   "XSLT_VERSION", "\"template\"", "\"text\"", "\"then\"", "\"to\"",
  1915   "\"treat\"", "\"tunnel\"", "\"typeswitch\"", "\"union\"",
  1916   "\"unordered\"", "\"validate\"", "\"variable\"", "\"version\"",
  1917   "\"where\"", "\"xquery\"", "\"internal\"", "\"internal-name\"",
  1918   "\"current\"", "$accept", "Module", "VersionDecl", "Encoding",
  1919   "MainModule", "LibraryModule", "ModuleDecl", "Prolog", "TemplateDecl",
  1920   "@1", "@2", "OptionalPriority", "OptionalTemplateName", "TemplateName",
  1921   "Setter", "Import", "Separator", "NamespaceDecl", "BoundarySpaceDecl",
  1922   "BoundarySpacePolicy", "DefaultNamespaceDecl",
  1923   "DeclareDefaultElementNamespace", "DeclareDefaultFunctionNamespace",
  1924   "OptionDecl", "OrderingModeDecl", "OrderingMode", "EmptyOrderDecl",
  1925   "OrderingEmptySequence", "CopyNamespacesDecl", "PreserveMode",
  1926   "InheritMode", "DefaultCollationDecl", "BaseURIDecl", "SchemaImport",
  1927   "SchemaPrefix", "ModuleImport", "ModuleNamespaceDecl", "FileLocations",
  1928   "FileLocation", "VarDecl", "VariableValue", "OptionalDefaultValue",
  1929   "ConstructionDecl", "ConstructionMode", "FunctionDecl", "@3",
  1930   "ParamList", "Param", "FunctionBody", "EnclosedExpr", "QueryBody",
  1931   "Pattern", "PathPattern", "IdKeyPattern", "RelativePathPattern",
  1932   "PatternStep", "Expr", "ExpressionSequence", "ExprSingle",
  1933   "OptionalModes", "OptionalMode", "Modes", "Mode", "FLWORExpr",
  1934   "ForClause", "@4", "@5", "ForTail", "@6", "@7", "PositionalVar",
  1935   "LetClause", "@8", "LetTail", "@9", "WhereClause", "OrderByClause",
  1936   "MandatoryOrderByClause", "OrderSpecList", "OrderSpec",
  1937   "DirectionModifier", "EmptynessModifier", "CollationModifier",
  1938   "OrderByInputOrder", "QuantifiedExpr", "SomeQuantificationExpr", "@10",
  1939   "@11", "SomeQuantificationTail", "@12", "@13", "EveryQuantificationExpr",
  1940   "@14", "@15", "EveryQuantificationTail", "@16", "@17", "SatisfiesClause",
  1941   "TypeswitchExpr", "@18", "CaseClause", "@19", "@20", "CaseTail",
  1942   "CaseVariable", "CaseDefault", "@21", "IfExpr", "OrExpr", "AndExpr",
  1943   "ComparisonExpr", "RangeExpr", "AdditiveExpr", "AdditiveOperator",
  1944   "MultiplicativeExpr", "MultiplyOperator", "UnionExpr",
  1945   "IntersectExceptExpr", "UnionOperator", "IntersectOperator",
  1946   "InstanceOfExpr", "TreatExpr", "CastableExpr", "CastExpr", "UnaryExpr",
  1947   "UnaryOperator", "ValueExpr", "GeneralComp", "GeneralComparisonOperator",
  1948   "ValueComp", "ValueComparisonOperator", "NodeComp", "NodeOperator",
  1949   "ValidateExpr", "ValidationMode", "ExtensionExpr",
  1950   "EnclosedOptionalExpr", "Pragmas", "Pragma", "PragmaContents",
  1951   "PathExpr", "RelativePathExpr", "StepExpr", "@22", "@23",
  1952   "TemplateWithParameters", "@24", "TemplateParameters",
  1953   "OptionalTemplateParameters", "TemplateParameter", "IsTunnel",
  1954   "OptionalAssign", "MapOrSlash", "FilteredAxisStep", "AxisStep",
  1955   "ForwardStep", "@25", "NodeTestInAxisStep", "Axis", "AxisToken",
  1956   "AbbrevForwardStep", "@26", "ReverseStep", "AbbrevReverseStep",
  1957   "NodeTest", "NameTest", "WildCard", "FilterExpr", "PrimaryExpr",
  1958   "Literal", "NumericLiteral", "VarRef", "VarName", "ParenthesizedExpr",
  1959   "ContextItemExpr", "OrderingExpr", "FunctionCallExpr",
  1960   "FunctionArguments", "Constructor", "DirectConstructor",
  1961   "DirElemConstructor", "@27", "@28", "DirElemConstructorTail",
  1962   "DirAttributeList", "Attribute", "DirAttributeValue", "AttrValueContent",
  1963   "DirElemContent", "DirCommentConstructor", "DirPIConstructor",
  1964   "ComputedConstructor", "CompDocConstructor", "CompElemConstructor",
  1965   "@29", "IsInternal", "CompAttrConstructor", "CompTextConstructor",
  1966   "CompCommentConstructor", "CompPIConstructor", "CompAttributeName",
  1967   "@30", "@31", "CompElementName", "CompNameExpr", "CompPIName",
  1968   "CompNamespaceConstructor", "SingleType", "TypeDeclaration",
  1969   "SequenceType", "OccurrenceIndicator", "ItemType", "AtomicType",
  1970   "KindTest", "AnyKindTest", "DocumentTest", "AnyElementTest", "TextTest",
  1971   "CommentTest", "PITest", "AnyAttributeTest", "AttributeTest",
  1972   "SchemaAttributeTest", "ElementTest", "OptionalQuestionMark",
  1973   "SchemaElementTest", "EmptyParanteses", "AttributeName", "ElementName",
  1974   "TypeName", "FunctionName", "NCName", "LexicalName", "PragmaName",
  1975   "URILiteral", "StringLiteral", "QName", 0
  1976 };
  1977 #endif
  1979 # ifdef YYPRINT
  1980 /* YYTOKNUM[YYLEX-NUM] -- Internal token number corresponding to
  1981    token YYLEX-NUM.  */
  1982 static const yytype_uint16 yytoknum[] =
  1983 {
  1984        0,   256,   257,   258,   259,   260,   261,   262,   263,   264,
  1985      265,   266,   267,   268,   269,   270,   271,   272,   273,   274,
  1986      275,   276,   277,   278,   279,   280,   281,   282,   283,   284,
  1987      285,   286,   287,   288,   289,   290,   291,   292,   293,   294,
  1988      295,   296,   297,   298,   299,   300,   301,   302,   303,   304,
  1989      305,   306,   307,   308,   309,   310,   311,   312,   313,   314,
  1990      315,   316,   317,   318,   319,   320,   321,   322,   323,   324,
  1991      325,   326,   327,   328,   329,   330,   331,   332,   333,   334,
  1992      335,   336,   337,   338,   339,   340,   341,   342,   343,   344,
  1993      345,   346,   347,   348,   349,   350,   351,   352,   353,   354,
  1994      355,   356,   357,   358,   359,   360,   361,   362,   363,   364,
  1995      365,   366,   367,   368,   369,   370,   371,   372,   373,   374,
  1996      375,   376,   377,   378,   379,   380,   381,   382,   383,   384,
  1997      385,   386,   387,   388,   389,   390,   391,   392,   393,   394,
  1998      395,   396,   397,   398,   399,   400,   401,   402,   403,   404,
  1999      405,   406,   407,   408,   409,   410,   411,   412,   413,   414,
  2000      415,   416,   417,   418,   419,   420,   421,   422,   423
  2001 };
  2002 # endif
  2004 /* YYR1[YYN] -- Symbol number of symbol that rule YYN derives.  */
  2005 static const yytype_uint16 yyr1[] =
  2006 {
  2007        0,   169,   170,   170,   171,   171,   172,   172,   173,   174,
  2008      175,   176,   176,   176,   176,   176,   176,   176,   176,   176,
  2009      177,   178,   179,   177,   180,   180,   181,   181,   182,   183,
  2010      183,   183,   183,   183,   183,   183,   184,   184,   185,   186,
  2011      187,   188,   188,   189,   189,   190,   191,   192,   193,   194,
  2012      194,   195,   196,   196,   197,   198,   198,   199,   199,   200,
  2013      201,   202,   203,   203,   203,   204,   205,   205,   206,   206,
  2014      207,   207,   208,   209,   209,   210,   210,   211,   212,   212,
  2015      214,   213,   215,   215,   215,   216,   217,   217,   218,   219,
  2016      220,   220,   221,   221,   221,   221,   221,   221,   221,   222,
  2017      223,   223,   223,   224,   225,   225,   226,   226,   227,   227,
  2018      227,   227,   227,   227,   228,   228,   229,   229,   230,   230,
  2019      231,   231,   232,   232,   234,   235,   233,   237,   238,   236,
  2020      236,   236,   236,   239,   239,   241,   240,   243,   242,   242,
  2021      242,   242,   244,   244,   245,   245,   246,   247,   247,   248,
  2022      249,   249,   249,   250,   250,   251,   251,   251,   252,   252,
  2023      253,   253,   255,   256,   254,   258,   259,   257,   257,   261,
  2024      262,   260,   264,   265,   263,   263,   266,   268,   267,   270,
  2025      271,   269,   272,   272,   273,   273,   274,   275,   274,   276,
  2026      277,   277,   278,   278,   279,   279,   279,   279,   280,   280,
  2027      281,   281,   282,   282,   283,   283,   284,   284,   284,   284,
  2028      285,   285,   286,   286,   287,   287,   288,   288,   289,   289,
  2029      290,   290,   291,   291,   292,   292,   293,   293,   294,   294,
  2030      295,   295,   295,   296,   297,   297,   297,   297,   297,   297,
  2031      298,   299,   299,   299,   299,   299,   299,   300,   301,   301,
  2032      301,   302,   303,   303,   303,   304,   305,   305,   306,   306,
  2033      307,   308,   308,   309,   309,   309,   309,   310,   310,   310,
  2034      310,   311,   311,   311,   312,   311,   311,   313,   311,   311,
  2035      315,   314,   316,   316,   316,   317,   317,   318,   319,   319,
  2036      320,   320,   321,   321,   321,   322,   322,   323,   323,   325,
  2037      324,   324,   326,   326,   327,   328,   328,   328,   328,   328,
  2038      328,   328,   328,   328,   328,   328,   328,   330,   329,   329,
  2039      329,   331,   332,   333,   333,   334,   334,   335,   335,   335,
  2040      336,   336,   337,   337,   337,   337,   337,   337,   337,   337,
  2041      338,   338,   339,   339,   340,   341,   341,   342,   342,   343,
  2042      344,   345,   346,   346,   346,   347,   347,   348,   348,   348,
  2043      350,   351,   349,   352,   352,   353,   353,   354,   355,   355,
  2044      356,   356,   356,   357,   357,   357,   357,   357,   358,   359,
  2045      360,   360,   360,   360,   360,   360,   360,   361,   363,   362,
  2046      364,   364,   365,   366,   367,   368,   370,   371,   369,   369,
  2047      372,   372,   373,   374,   374,   375,   376,   376,   377,   377,
  2048      378,   378,   379,   379,   379,   379,   380,   380,   380,   380,
  2049      381,   382,   382,   382,   382,   382,   382,   382,   383,   384,
  2050      384,   385,   385,   386,   387,   388,   388,   388,   389,   389,
  2051      390,   390,   390,   390,   390,   391,   392,   392,   392,   392,
  2052      392,   393,   393,   394,   395,   396,   396,   397,   397,   398,
  2053      399,   399,   400,   400,   401,   401,   402,   402,   403,   404,
  2054      404,   405,   405
  2055 };
  2057 /* YYR2[YYN] -- Number of symbols composing right hand side of rule YYN.  */
  2058 static const yytype_uint8 yyr2[] =
  2059 {
  2060        0,     2,     2,     2,     0,     5,     0,     2,     2,     2,
  2061        6,     0,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,
  2062        7,     0,     0,    15,     0,     2,     0,     1,     2,     1,
  2063        1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     7,
  2064        4,     1,     1,     1,     1,     6,     6,     5,     4,     1,
  2065        1,     5,     2,     2,     6,     1,     1,     1,     1,     5,
  2066        5,     6,     0,     3,     3,     6,     0,     3,     0,     2,
  2067        1,     3,     9,     1,     2,     0,     2,     4,     1,     1,
  2068        0,    11,     0,     1,     3,     3,     1,     1,     3,     1,
  2069        1,     3,     1,     1,     2,     2,     1,     3,     3,     1,
  2070        1,     3,     3,     1,     1,     1,     3,     3,     1,     1,
  2071        1,     1,     1,     4,     0,     2,     0,     2,     1,     3,
  2072        1,     1,     1,     1,     0,     0,    10,     0,     0,    10,
  2073        1,     1,     1,     0,     3,     0,     9,     0,     8,     1,
  2074        1,     1,     3,     5,     0,     1,     2,     3,     1,     4,
  2075        0,     1,     1,     0,     1,     0,     2,     3,     3,     2,
  2076        1,     1,     0,     0,     9,     0,     0,     9,     1,     0,
  2077        0,     9,     0,     0,     9,     1,     2,     0,     6,     0,
  2078        0,     8,     1,     1,     0,     3,     3,     0,     6,     8,
  2079        1,     3,     1,     3,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     3,
  2080        1,     3,     1,     1,     1,     3,     1,     1,     1,     1,
  2081        1,     3,     1,     3,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     4,
  2082        1,     4,     1,     4,     1,     4,     1,     2,     1,     1,
  2083        1,     1,     1,     3,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,
  2084        3,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     3,     1,     1,
  2085        1,     2,     1,     2,     2,     2,     2,     3,     2,     1,
  2086        4,     0,     1,     2,     2,     1,     1,     1,     3,     7,
  2087        3,     1,     1,     2,     0,     3,     5,     0,     9,     5,
  2088        0,     2,     0,     1,     3,     0,     3,     5,     0,     1,
  2089        0,     2,     1,     1,     1,     1,     4,     1,     1,     0,
  2090        3,     1,     1,     1,     2,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,
  2091        1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     0,     3,     1,
  2092        1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,
  2093        1,     4,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     5,
  2094        1,     1,     1,     1,     2,     1,     1,     3,     2,     1,
  2095        2,     4,     0,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,
  2096        0,     0,     8,     1,     5,     0,     2,     3,     3,     3,
  2097        0,     2,     2,     0,     2,     2,     2,     2,     2,     3,
  2098        1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     3,     0,     5,
  2099        0,     1,     4,     3,     3,     3,     0,     0,     3,     1,
  2100        1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     3,     1,     2,     0,     2,
  2101        2,     2,     0,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     2,
  2102        1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     2,     2,
  2103        4,     1,     1,     2,     2,     2,     4,     4,     1,     1,
  2104        2,     4,     4,     6,     6,     4,     2,     4,     4,     7,
  2105        7,     0,     1,     4,     2,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,
  2106        1,     1,     1,     2,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,     1,
  2107        1,     1,     1
  2108 };
  2110 /* YYDEFACT[STATE-NAME] -- Default rule to reduce with in state
  2111    STATE-NUM when YYTABLE doesn't specify something else to do.  Zero
  2112    means the default is an error.  */
  2113 static const yytype_uint16 yydefact[] =
  2114 {
  2115        4,     0,     0,    11,     0,     1,     0,     3,     2,    11,
  2116        0,   469,   470,     6,     0,     9,   471,   457,   472,   328,
  2117      329,   343,   342,   306,   305,   116,   317,   390,     0,     0,
  2118        0,   308,   390,     0,     0,   310,   309,   390,     0,     0,
  2119      349,   322,   390,     0,   311,   313,     0,     0,     0,     0,
  2120      390,     0,   229,     0,     0,    49,   315,     0,   228,     0,
  2121      312,   314,     0,     0,     0,   316,   265,     0,     0,   327,
  2122      274,   390,     0,    50,   252,     0,     0,    16,    13,    15,
  2123       14,    29,    12,    43,    44,    19,    33,     0,    34,    35,
  2124       30,    31,    36,    37,    17,    32,    18,     8,    89,   105,
  2125      104,   109,   122,   123,   110,   160,   161,   111,   112,   108,
  2126      190,   192,   194,   198,   200,   204,   210,   212,   218,   220,
  2127      222,   224,     0,   226,   196,   195,   197,   230,     0,   232,
  2128        0,   259,   231,   266,   267,   271,   295,   297,   299,     0,
  2129      301,   298,   321,   319,   323,   326,   272,   330,   332,   340,
  2130      333,   334,   335,   337,   336,   338,   355,   357,   358,   359,
  2131      356,   380,   381,   382,   383,   384,   385,   386,   324,   427,
  2132      421,   426,   425,   424,   320,   438,   439,   422,   423,   325,
  2133        0,   460,   341,   458,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
  2134        0,     0,   391,   396,   440,   370,     0,   457,     0,   458,
  2135        0,     0,   434,   378,   390,     0,     0,     0,     0,   390,
  2136        0,     0,     0,    26,   390,     0,     0,   429,   345,   344,
  2137      346,     0,     0,   446,     0,     0,   465,   464,   360,     0,
  2138       66,    62,     0,     0,   348,     0,     0,     0,   428,     0,
  2139      466,   261,   467,   403,     0,   404,     0,   435,     0,     0,
  2140      263,   264,     0,     0,     0,   433,     0,   254,   253,   463,
  2141      273,   350,     0,     0,     0,     0,   241,   250,   243,   234,
  2142      236,   237,   238,   239,   235,   244,   248,   245,   246,   242,
  2143      249,     0,     0,     0,   203,   202,     0,     0,   207,   208,
  2144      209,   206,     0,   215,   214,     0,   217,   216,     0,     0,
  2145        0,     0,     0,   227,   251,     0,   255,   258,   294,   293,
  2146      292,     0,     0,     0,     0,   304,     0,   352,     7,    38,
  2147        5,     0,     0,   121,   117,   120,   280,     0,     0,     0,
  2148        0,   318,   455,   454,     0,     0,   456,   402,     0,     0,
  2149      399,   370,     0,   370,     0,   280,   394,     0,    42,    41,
  2150        0,    79,    78,     0,    56,    55,     0,     0,     0,     0,
  2151        0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,   285,     0,   387,
  2152        0,   431,   432,     0,     0,   388,   401,   400,   408,   408,
  2153      365,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,   347,
  2154        0,   405,   379,     0,   262,     0,     0,   395,     0,     0,
  2155      408,   275,   393,     0,   107,   106,   191,   193,   233,   240,
  2156      247,   199,   201,   205,   211,   213,     0,     0,     0,     0,
  2157      256,     0,   270,     0,   268,     0,     0,   300,   302,   303,
  2158        0,   354,   353,     0,     0,   468,     0,     0,   282,     0,
  2159      441,     0,   442,   392,   397,   371,   113,   372,     0,     0,
  2160        0,    40,    77,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,   462,
  2161        0,   461,     0,     0,    48,    28,     0,   282,   408,     0,
  2162      430,     0,   447,     0,   448,     0,     0,     0,   133,   361,
  2163        0,     0,    68,     0,     0,    68,   408,     0,    88,   260,
  2164      436,   437,   445,   453,     0,   177,     0,     0,   219,   412,
  2165      416,   417,   418,   420,   221,   223,   406,   225,   257,     0,
  2166        0,     0,     0,   296,   331,   351,    10,     0,   339,   289,
  2167      281,   283,     0,   459,     0,     0,   398,   276,   279,    60,
  2168       57,    58,     0,    59,     0,     0,    53,    52,    51,    82,
  2169      469,   390,    47,    21,     0,     0,   408,   451,   451,   389,
  2170      409,     0,     0,     0,     0,   366,     0,     0,    67,     0,
  2171        0,    63,    64,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,   411,   419,
  2172      413,   415,   414,   410,   407,   159,     0,     0,   150,   146,
  2173      148,   288,     0,   444,   443,    54,    45,    46,     0,     0,
  2174       83,   277,     0,     0,   286,     0,     0,   452,     0,     0,
  2175      169,     0,     0,   365,     0,     0,    69,    70,    65,    61,
  2176        0,     0,   162,   184,   178,   158,     0,   151,   152,   153,
  2177        0,   284,   408,   408,     0,    80,     0,    39,   307,    93,
  2178        0,    22,    90,    96,    92,   100,   103,    99,    20,     0,
  2179       73,    75,   450,   449,   170,   134,   124,     0,   370,   370,
  2180      367,     0,     0,   135,   163,     0,     0,   269,   154,   155,
  2181      147,   290,    85,    84,   408,     0,    94,    95,     0,     0,
  2182        0,     0,     0,     0,    74,     0,     0,     0,   125,   373,
  2183      363,   362,     0,     0,   189,    71,   144,     0,     0,   179,
  2184        0,     0,   149,     0,   287,     0,   278,    91,   114,    97,
  2185       98,   101,   102,    76,    72,     0,     0,   171,   175,   144,
  2186        0,   369,   368,     0,     0,   140,   141,   136,   139,     0,
  2187      145,     0,   164,   168,   185,     0,   156,     0,   291,    86,
  2188        0,    87,     0,    24,     0,   176,     0,   131,   126,   132,
  2189      130,   376,     0,   377,   374,   375,     0,   144,     0,     0,
  2190        0,   157,    81,   115,   118,     0,   285,   408,     0,     0,
  2191      408,     0,   142,   408,   180,     0,    25,   408,     0,   408,
  2192      364,     0,     0,     0,     0,   119,     0,     0,   133,     0,
  2193      143,     0,     0,   182,   181,   183,     0,   172,     0,   137,
  2194      165,     0,     0,    23,   173,     0,   144,   166,   187,   186,
  2195        0,   127,   138,     0,     0,   174,   128,   167,     0,   144,
  2196      188,   129
  2197 };
  2199 /* YYDEFGOTO[NTERM-NUM].  */
  2200 static const yytype_int16 yydefgoto[] =
  2201 {
  2202       -1,     2,     3,   185,     7,     8,     9,    10,    77,   593,
  2203      669,   756,   366,   367,    78,    79,   320,    80,    81,   350,
  2204       82,    83,    84,    85,    86,    87,    88,   458,    89,   356,
  2205      532,    90,    91,    92,   386,    93,   383,   560,   606,    94,
  2206      641,   676,    95,   353,    96,   664,   589,   590,   730,   341,
  2207       97,   631,   632,   633,   634,   635,    98,    99,   100,   733,
  2208      189,   753,   324,   101,   102,   678,   709,   738,   806,   809,
  2209      553,   103,   686,   717,   796,   718,   719,   720,   579,   580,
  2210      619,   659,   692,   512,   104,   105,   654,   687,   722,   797,
  2211      803,   106,   644,   677,   707,   794,   800,   708,   107,   567,
  2212      614,   725,   774,   784,   656,   785,   804,   108,   109,   110,
  2213      111,   112,   113,   287,   114,   292,   115,   116,   295,   298,
  2214      117,   118,   119,   120,   121,   122,   123,   124,   281,   125,
  2215      282,   126,   283,   127,   128,   129,   306,   130,   131,   393,
  2216      132,   133,   134,   253,   626,   437,   438,   520,   468,   521,
  2217      522,   694,   312,   135,   136,   137,   314,   427,   138,   139,
  2218      140,   190,   141,   142,   143,   144,   145,   146,   147,   148,
  2219      149,   150,   219,   151,   152,   153,   154,   433,   155,   156,
  2220      157,   380,   554,   681,   479,   555,   650,   342,   710,   158,
  2221      159,   160,   161,   162,   475,   193,   163,   164,   165,   166,
  2222      338,   339,   526,   375,   340,   246,   167,   505,   477,   498,
  2223      573,   499,   500,   168,   169,   170,   370,   171,   172,   173,
  2224      174,   175,   176,   177,   598,   178,   194,   335,   179,   524,
  2225      180,   181,   556,   241,   541,   182,   183
  2226 };
  2228 /* YYPACT[STATE-NUM] -- Index in YYTABLE of the portion describing
  2229    STATE-NUM.  */
  2230 #define YYPACT_NINF -668
  2231 static const yytype_int16 yypact[] =
  2232 {
  2233      -63,   -28,   185,    86,   337,  -668,   117,  -668,  -668,  -668,
  2234      734,  -668,  -668,   181,   253,   156,  -668,   213,  -668,  -668,
  2235     -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,   212,  -668,   -12,   230,   337,
  2236      342,  -668,   -38,   189,   298,  -668,  -668,   188,   272,   353,
  2237     -668,  -668,    71,   316,  -668,  -668,   318,   239,   276,   134,
  2238      188,   900,  -668,   334,   282,  -668,  -668,   233,  -668,   367,
  2239     -668,  -668,   133,   290,   295,  -668,  1730,  1730,   345,  -668,
  2240     -668,   -38,   305,  -668,   -36,   396,   334,  -668,  -668,  -668,
  2241     -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,   334,  -668,  -668,
  2242     -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,   369,
  2243      370,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,   307,
  2244      389,  -668,   601,   173,    24,   -22,    32,  -668,   338,   267,
  2245      393,   394,  1398,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,   334,  -668,
  2246       59,  -668,  -668,   166,  -668,   339,  -668,  -668,  -668,   395,
  2247     -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,   341,  -668,  -668,  -668,
  2248     -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,
  2249     -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,
  2250     -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,
  2251      340,  -668,  -668,   347,   337,   291,   360,   493,   373,   349,
  2252     1885,    64,  -668,   334,  -668,   226,   392,  -668,   358,  -668,
  2253      304,   334,  -668,  -668,   188,   167,   174,   206,    21,   188,
  2254      430,   342,   -53,   351,   188,   334,     6,  -668,  -668,  -668,
  2255     -668,    79,   287,  -668,   353,   353,  -668,  -668,  -668,  1232,
  2256      336,    18,   403,   344,  -668,   324,  1232,   334,  -668,   308,
  2257     -668,   337,  -668,  -668,    23,  -668,   416,  -668,   342,   342,
  2258      166,   166,   353,   334,   334,  -668,  1232,  -668,  -668,  -668,
  2259     -668,  -668,  1232,  1232,  1398,  1398,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,
  2260     -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,
  2261     -668,  1398,  1398,  1398,  -668,  -668,  1398,  1398,  -668,  -668,
  2262     -668,  -668,  1398,  -668,  -668,  1398,  -668,  -668,  1398,   352,
  2263      447,   448,   449,  -668,  -668,  1066,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,
  2264     -668,  1730,  1564,  1232,   108,  -668,  1232,  1232,  -668,  -668,
  2265     -668,   337,   461,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,   282,   374,   378,
  2266      282,  -668,  -668,  -668,     0,    51,  -668,  -668,   416,   342,
  2267     -668,   226,   343,   226,  1232,  -668,  -668,   337,  -668,  -668,
  2268      291,  -668,  -668,   291,  -668,  -668,   437,   337,   372,   376,
  2269      421,    26,   408,   337,   291,   342,   384,    -1,   431,  -668,
  2270      355,  -668,  -668,    52,    69,  -668,  -668,  -668,   466,   466,
  2271     -668,   356,   482,   337,   435,   484,   337,   353,   485,  -668,
  2272      453,  -668,  -668,   379,  -668,   365,   368,  -668,   371,   377,
  2273      466,  -668,  -668,   380,  -668,  -668,   389,  -668,  -668,  -668,
  2274     -668,   168,    24,   -22,    32,  -668,   456,   456,   342,   342,
  2275     -668,   459,  -668,   191,  -668,   375,   404,  -668,  -668,  -668,
  2276      383,   369,   370,   386,   291,  -668,   442,   388,    -6,   342,
  2277     -668,   342,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,   465,   391,
  2278      291,  -668,  -668,   157,   291,   337,   337,    16,   291,  -668,
  2279      409,  -668,   348,   291,  -668,  -668,   415,    -6,   466,   353,
  2280     -668,   342,  -668,   342,  -668,   416,   456,   440,   495,   239,
  2281      381,   454,   507,   425,   457,   507,   466,   463,  -668,  -668,
  2282     -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,   462,  -668,   282,   282,  -668,   121,
  2283     -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,   412,  -668,  -668,   512,
  2284      433,   417,  1232,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,   337,  -668,  -668,
  2285      513,  -668,   497,  -668,   422,   423,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,
  2286     -668,  -668,   291,  -668,   291,   291,  -668,  -668,  -668,   504,
  2287      515,   188,  -668,  -668,    83,   416,   466,   432,   432,  -668,
  2288     -668,  1232,   508,   476,   450,  -668,   492,  1232,  -668,   337,
  2289      291,  -668,  -668,   291,   547,   566,  1232,   539,  -668,  -668,
  2290     -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,   543,  1730,    62,   536,
  2291     -668,   419,   353,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,   353,    84,
  2292     -668,  -668,   291,  1804,  -668,   291,    46,  -668,   445,   446,
  2293     -668,   353,  1232,  -668,    33,   524,   550,  -668,  -668,  -668,
  2294     1232,   515,  -668,   537,  -668,  -668,   528,  -668,  -668,   421,
  2295     1232,  -668,   466,   466,   504,  -668,  1232,  -668,   404,  1899,
  2296     1899,   567,  -668,   140,   148,  -668,   339,  -668,  -668,  1232,
  2297     -668,   573,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,    92,   226,   226,
  2298     -668,  1232,   337,  -668,  -668,   342,   456,  -668,  -668,   -23,
  2299     -668,   574,  -668,  -668,   466,   552,   148,   148,  1804,   464,
  2300     1899,  1899,  1899,  1899,  -668,  1232,   291,    11,  -668,  -668,
  2301     -668,  -668,   582,   472,  -668,  -668,    10,    47,   584,  -668,
  2302      337,   569,  -668,  1232,  -668,   234,  -668,  -668,   506,   148,
  2303      148,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,   555,  1232,  -668,  -668,    63,
  2304      250,  -668,  -668,   556,  1232,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,   479,
  2305     -668,   559,  -668,  -668,  -668,   481,  -668,  1232,  -668,  -668,
  2306      291,  -668,   373,   488,   353,  -668,   562,  -668,  -668,  -668,
  2307     -668,  -668,   342,  -668,  -668,  -668,   353,   191,  1232,   353,
  2308     1232,  -668,  -668,   578,  -668,   337,   521,   466,   353,   542,
  2309      466,   487,  -668,   466,  -668,   373,  -668,   466,   534,   466,
  2310     -668,   600,  1232,   538,   125,  -668,   416,  1232,   495,  1232,
  2311     -668,  1232,    -2,  -668,  -668,  -668,   291,  -668,   544,  -668,
  2312     -668,   342,  1232,  -668,  -668,  1232,    10,  -668,  -668,  -668,
  2313       11,  -668,  -668,    47,   490,  -668,  -668,  -668,  1232,    63,
  2314     -668,  -668
  2315 };
  2317 /* YYPGOTO[NTERM-NUM].  */
  2318 static const yytype_int16 yypgoto[] =
  2319 {
  2320     -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,   613,  -668,  -668,
  2321     -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -285,  -668,  -668,  -668,
  2322     -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,   418,  -668,     5,  -668,  -668,
  2323     -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,   142,  -668,  -668,
  2324     -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,     4,  -668,   -51,
  2325     -668,  -668,   -35,  -668,  -397,  -340,   -47,   317,  -255,  -668,
  2326     -668,  -668,  -641,  -668,  -619,  -668,  -668,  -174,  -668,  -668,
  2327     -142,  -583,  -668,  -159,  -668,  -657,  -109,   216,  -668,    27,
  2328     -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -157,  -668,
  2329     -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -152,  -668,  -668,  -667,  -668,  -668,
  2330     -125,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,   387,
  2331      385,   131,   366,  -668,   397,  -668,   361,   359,  -668,  -668,
  2332      362,  -668,  -668,  -668,   535,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,
  2333     -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -245,  -668,   526,  -668,
  2334     -668,   279,  -294,  -668,  -668,   313,  -668,   194,   -91,    85,
  2335     -668,  -668,  -668,   -87,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,
  2336     -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -175,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,
  2337     -668,  -668,  -183,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -538,  -668,  -668,   -42,
  2338     -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,    67,  -668,  -668,  -327,  -668,  -668,
  2339     -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,     3,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,
  2340     -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,   458,  -668,  -668,   252,  -341,  -412,
  2341     -668,  -668,   -55,  -394,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,  -668,
  2342     -304,  -668,  -668,   467,   124,   469,   -11,  -668,   -24,  -170,
  2343      321,  -668,   639,  -668,  -308,    15,   -30
  2344 };
  2346 /* YYTABLE[YYPACT[STATE-NUM]].  What to do in state STATE-NUM.  If
  2347    positive, shift that token.  If negative, reduce the rule which
  2348    number is the opposite.  If zero, do what YYDEFACT says.
  2349    If YYTABLE_NINF, syntax error.  */
  2350 #define YYTABLE_NINF -463
  2351 static const yytype_int16 yytable[] =
  2352 {
  2353      199,   397,   237,   293,   235,   504,   198,   404,   405,   220,
  2354      429,   245,   690,   434,   445,   331,   447,   422,   424,    13,
  2355      723,   202,   501,   501,  -307,   260,    11,   217,    12,   242,
  2356      395,   223,    16,   459,    18,   201,   261,   439,   478,   450,
  2357      215,   378,   379,   238,   196,   222,  -288,   713,   705,   648,
  2358      791,   247,   740,   232,   257,   637,   357,   200,    55,   494,
  2359      255,   328,   432,   384,   550,   451,   639,   715,   452,   400,
  2360       16,   332,    18,   288,   254,   482,   358,   304,   485,   464,
  2361       46,   617,   501,   191,   721,    16,   197,    18,   441,   471,
  2362      737,   754,   359,   443,   467,   536,   296,   -27,   226,   227,
  2363      736,   305,     1,   716,    50,   289,   473,    73,   537,   258,
  2364      618,   640,   502,   502,    16,   197,    18,    19,    20,   297,
  2365      581,   624,   385,   509,   775,   290,   739,   545,   192,   792,
  2366      637,   426,   440,    46,   360,     4,   723,   294,   333,   428,
  2367      243,    64,   337,   691,   706,   564,   327,   534,   535,   516,
  2368      346,   519,   740,   510,   192,   333,   613,    50,   325,    38,
  2369      199,   336,   649,   328,   369,   529,   221,   679,   291,   533,
  2370      782,   337,   502,   538,   714,   236,   509,   715,   542,    59,
  2371      706,   199,   381,   442,   472,     5,   391,   363,     6,   390,
  2372      737,   199,   199,    75,   220,   220,   333,   374,   377,   318,
  2373      187,   474,   401,   402,   486,   596,   510,   347,   334,   403,
  2374      343,   333,   361,   716,    54,   594,   625,   368,   199,   199,
  2375      680,    14,   220,   373,   398,   399,   739,   714,   244,    11,
  2376      549,    12,   666,   667,   329,   308,   230,   192,   570,    49,
  2377      184,   530,    63,    64,   689,   226,   227,   585,   571,   586,
  2378      587,   607,    69,    11,   741,    12,   394,   578,   421,   396,
  2379      186,   330,   501,   309,   531,   572,   425,   284,   236,   430,
  2380      231,   525,   284,   699,   700,   608,   236,   742,   609,   670,
  2381      671,   661,   662,   616,   199,   285,   546,   672,   673,    33,
  2382      285,   348,   236,    16,   197,    18,   600,   448,   351,   729,
  2383      595,   547,   605,   548,   509,   310,   311,   627,  -462,   199,
  2384      638,   612,   188,   349,   354,   444,   202,   223,   247,   255,
  2385      352,   682,   683,   695,   204,   195,   205,    47,   286,   236,
  2386      355,   461,   701,   702,   510,   199,   435,   203,   206,   207,
  2387       11,   465,    12,   208,   685,   250,   251,   646,    16,   197,
  2388       18,   540,   502,    12,   192,   653,   343,   220,   343,    16,
  2389      218,    18,   435,   506,   506,   578,    57,   216,   224,   209,
  2390      225,   229,   454,    16,   240,    18,   236,   200,   463,    16,
  2391      323,    18,   726,   239,   674,   248,   199,   199,   199,   199,
  2392      249,   704,   503,   503,   503,   503,   684,   252,   435,   622,
  2393      256,   435,   210,   259,   265,   623,   262,   263,   211,   199,
  2394      212,   199,   408,   409,   410,   523,   768,   523,   645,   771,
  2395      703,   264,   773,   300,   299,   301,   776,   302,   778,   319,
  2396      313,   315,   316,   321,   344,   317,   333,   362,   728,   220,
  2397      382,   199,  -461,   199,   326,   752,   199,   523,   388,   523,
  2398      213,   735,   503,   345,   365,   387,   389,   392,   305,   747,
  2399      214,   416,    16,   197,    18,   417,   418,   419,   436,   221,
  2400      435,   435,   751,   244,   453,   446,   455,   435,   457,   426,
  2401      456,   462,   466,   469,   476,   568,   569,   470,   480,   481,
  2402      483,   484,   487,   762,   327,   764,   488,   490,   489,   191,
  2403      491,   793,   508,   492,   539,   513,   636,    38,   527,   493,
  2404      543,   328,   495,   514,   496,   517,   552,   780,   515,   204,
  2405      518,   205,   787,   528,   789,   551,   790,   558,   559,   561,
  2406      562,   786,   435,   206,   207,   557,   565,   799,   208,   574,
  2407      801,   575,   636,   636,   592,   497,   576,   566,   577,   582,
  2408      581,   757,   220,   810,   583,   584,   588,   591,   220,   597,
  2409      601,   602,    54,   760,   209,   604,   763,   610,   603,   611,
  2410      613,   220,   615,   620,   435,   769,   519,   642,   643,   665,
  2411      651,   636,   329,   636,   636,   636,   636,   652,   657,   655,
  2412       63,    64,   668,   675,   693,   696,   698,   322,   711,   199,
  2413      199,   712,   724,   211,   727,   212,   732,   734,   746,   330,
  2414      748,   749,   750,   755,   758,   765,   467,   770,   772,   777,
  2415      779,   808,    15,   781,   658,   199,   199,   563,   663,   795,
  2416      364,   688,   503,   697,   431,   811,   788,   802,   761,   511,
  2417      199,   199,   199,   199,   731,   213,   807,   660,   805,   783,
  2418      407,   406,   411,   413,   414,   214,   307,   303,   449,   743,
  2419      415,   544,   266,   343,   343,   767,   621,   435,   744,   267,
  2420      647,   507,   599,   268,   269,   270,   271,   272,   273,   274,
  2421      376,   275,   460,   371,   412,   372,   228,     0,     0,   276,
  2422        0,     0,     0,     0,   277,     0,     0,   278,     0,     0,
  2423        0,     0,   325,     0,   220,   435,   279,     0,     0,     0,
  2424        0,     0,   199,     0,     0,     0,   220,     0,   759,   220,
  2425        0,     0,   280,     0,     0,   745,     0,     0,   220,     0,
  2426        0,     0,     0,     0,     0,   325,     0,    11,     0,    12,
  2427       16,    17,    18,    19,    20,    21,    22,    23,    24,     0,
  2428        0,    25,     0,     0,     0,     0,    26,    27,    28,     0,
  2429       29,   199,     0,     0,    30,     0,     0,   798,    31,     0,
  2430      766,     0,    32,    33,     0,     0,     0,     0,    34,     0,
  2431       35,    36,     0,     0,    37,    38,    39,    40,    41,    42,
  2432        0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    43,     0,     0,
  2433       44,    45,     0,     0,    46,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
  2434        0,    47,     0,     0,     0,     0,    48,    49,     0,     0,
  2435        0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    50,    51,
  2436        0,     0,     0,    52,     0,     0,     0,     0,    53,     0,
  2437       54,     0,     0,     0,     0,    55,     0,     0,     0,    56,
  2438       57,    58,     0,     0,    59,     0,    60,    61,     0,     0,
  2439       62,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    63,    64,
  2440        0,    65,     0,    66,    67,    68,     0,     0,    69,     0,
  2441        0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    70,     0,    71,     0,     0,
  2442        0,     0,    72,     0,    73,    74,     0,     0,     0,     0,
  2443        0,    75,    76,    11,     0,    12,    16,    17,    18,    19,
  2444       20,    21,    22,    23,    24,     0,     0,    25,     0,     0,
  2445        0,     0,    26,    27,    28,     0,    29,     0,     0,     0,
  2446       30,     0,     0,     0,    31,     0,     0,     0,    32,    33,
  2447        0,     0,     0,     0,   233,     0,    35,    36,     0,     0,
  2448       37,    38,    39,    40,    41,    42,     0,     0,     0,     0,
  2449        0,     0,     0,    43,     0,     0,    44,    45,     0,     0,
  2450       46,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    47,     0,     0,
  2451        0,     0,    48,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
  2452        0,     0,     0,     0,    50,    51,     0,     0,     0,    52,
  2453        0,     0,     0,     0,    53,     0,    54,     0,     0,     0,
  2454        0,    55,     0,     0,     0,    56,    57,    58,     0,     0,
  2455       59,     0,    60,    61,     0,     0,    62,     0,     0,     0,
  2456        0,     0,   234,     0,    63,    64,     0,    65,     0,    66,
  2457       67,    68,     0,     0,    69,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
  2458        0,    70,     0,    71,     0,     0,     0,     0,    72,     0,
  2459       73,    74,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    75,    76,    11,
  2460        0,    12,    16,    17,    18,    19,    20,    21,    22,    23,
  2461       24,     0,     0,    25,     0,     0,     0,     0,    26,    27,
  2462       28,     0,    29,     0,     0,     0,    30,     0,     0,     0,
  2463       31,     0,     0,     0,    32,    33,     0,     0,     0,   420,
  2464      233,     0,    35,    36,     0,     0,    37,    38,    39,    40,
  2465       41,    42,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    43,
  2466        0,     0,    44,    45,     0,     0,    46,     0,     0,     0,
  2467        0,     0,     0,    47,     0,     0,     0,     0,    48,     0,
  2468        0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
  2469       50,    51,     0,     0,     0,    52,     0,     0,     0,     0,
  2470       53,     0,    54,     0,     0,     0,     0,    55,     0,     0,
  2471        0,    56,    57,    58,     0,     0,    59,     0,    60,    61,
  2472        0,     0,    62,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
  2473       63,    64,     0,    65,     0,    66,    67,    68,     0,     0,
  2474       69,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    70,     0,    71,
  2475        0,     0,     0,     0,    72,     0,    73,    74,     0,     0,
  2476        0,     0,     0,    75,    76,    11,     0,    12,    16,    17,
  2477       18,    19,    20,    21,    22,    23,    24,     0,     0,    25,
  2478        0,     0,     0,     0,    26,    27,    28,     0,    29,     0,
  2479        0,     0,    30,     0,     0,     0,    31,     0,     0,     0,
  2480       32,    33,     0,     0,     0,     0,   233,     0,    35,    36,
  2481        0,     0,    37,    38,    39,    40,    41,    42,     0,     0,
  2482        0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    43,     0,     0,    44,    45,
  2483        0,     0,    46,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    47,
  2484        0,     0,     0,     0,    48,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
  2485        0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    50,    51,     0,     0,
  2486        0,    52,     0,     0,     0,     0,    53,     0,    54,     0,
  2487        0,     0,     0,    55,     0,     0,     0,    56,    57,    58,
  2488        0,     0,    59,     0,    60,    61,     0,     0,    62,     0,
  2489        0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    63,    64,     0,    65,
  2490        0,    66,    67,    68,     0,     0,    69,     0,     0,     0,
  2491        0,     0,     0,    70,     0,    71,     0,     0,     0,     0,
  2492       72,     0,    73,    74,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    75,
  2493       76,    11,     0,    12,    16,    17,    18,    19,    20,    21,
  2494       22,    23,    24,     0,     0,    25,     0,     0,     0,     0,
  2495       26,    27,     0,     0,    29,     0,     0,     0,    30,     0,
  2496        0,     0,    31,     0,     0,     0,    32,    33,     0,     0,
  2497        0,     0,   233,     0,    35,    36,     0,     0,    37,    38,
  2498       39,    40,    41,    42,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
  2499        0,     0,     0,     0,    44,    45,     0,     0,     0,     0,
  2500        0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    47,     0,     0,     0,     0,
  2501        0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
  2502        0,     0,     0,    51,     0,     0,     0,    52,     0,     0,
  2503        0,     0,    53,     0,    54,     0,     0,     0,     0,    55,
  2504        0,     0,     0,    56,    57,    58,     0,     0,    59,     0,
  2505       60,    61,     0,     0,    62,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
  2506        0,     0,    63,    64,     0,    65,     0,    66,    67,     0,
  2507        0,     0,    69,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    70,
  2508        0,    71,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    73,    74,
  2509        0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    75,    76,    11,     0,    12,
  2510       16,    17,    18,    19,    20,    21,    22,    23,    24,     0,
  2511        0,    25,     0,     0,     0,     0,    26,    27,     0,     0,
  2512       29,     0,     0,     0,    30,     0,     0,     0,    31,     0,
  2513        0,     0,    32,    33,     0,     0,     0,     0,   233,     0,
  2514       35,    36,     0,     0,    37,    38,    39,    40,    41,    42,
  2515        0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
  2516       44,    45,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
  2517        0,    47,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
  2518        0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    51,
  2519        0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    53,     0,
  2520       54,     0,     0,     0,     0,    55,     0,     0,     0,    56,
  2521       57,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    60,    61,     0,     0,
  2522       62,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    63,    64,
  2523        0,    65,     0,     0,     0,     0,   423,     0,    69,     0,
  2524        0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    70,     0,    71,     0,     0,
  2525        0,     0,     0,     0,    73,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
  2526        0,    75,    76,    11,     0,    12,    16,    17,    18,    19,
  2527       20,    21,    22,    23,    24,     0,     0,    25,     0,     0,
  2528        0,     0,    26,    27,     0,     0,    29,     0,     0,     0,
  2529       30,     0,     0,     0,    31,     0,     0,     0,    32,    33,
  2530        0,     0,     0,     0,   233,     0,    35,    36,     0,     0,
  2531       37,    38,    39,    40,    41,    42,     0,     0,     0,     0,
  2532        0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    44,    45,     0,     0,
  2533        0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    47,     0,     0,
  2534       16,    17,    18,    19,    20,     0,     0,    23,    24,     0,
  2535        0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    51,    26,   628,     0,     0,
  2536        0,     0,     0,     0,    53,     0,    54,     0,    31,     0,
  2537        0,    55,   327,     0,     0,    56,    57,     0,     0,     0,
  2538       35,    36,    60,    61,     0,    38,    62,     0,    41,   328,
  2539        0,     0,     0,     0,    63,    64,     0,    65,     0,     0,
  2540       44,    45,     0,     0,    69,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
  2541        0,    70,     0,    71,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
  2542       73,    16,   197,    18,    19,    20,     0,    75,    76,     0,
  2543        0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    16,   197,    18,    19,    20,
  2544       54,     0,    23,    24,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    56,
  2545        0,    26,   628,   327,     0,     0,    60,    61,     0,     0,
  2546      329,     0,     0,    31,     0,     0,    38,   327,    63,    64,
  2547      328,    65,     0,   629,   630,    35,    36,     0,    69,     0,
  2548       38,     0,     0,    41,   328,     0,     0,   330,     0,     0,
  2549        0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    44,    45,     0,     0,     0,
  2550        0,    75,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
  2551        0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
  2552        0,    54,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
  2553        0,     0,     0,     0,     0,    54,     0,     0,     0,     0,
  2554        0,   329,     0,     0,    56,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
  2555       64,    60,    61,     0,     0,   329,     0,     0,     0,    69,
  2556        0,     0,     0,    63,    64,     0,    65,     0,   330,     0,
  2557        0,     0,     0,    69,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,
  2558        0,     0,   330
  2559 };
  2561 static const yytype_int16 yycheck[] =
  2562 {
  2563       30,   246,    53,    25,    51,   417,    30,   262,   263,    39,
  2564      314,    62,    35,   321,   341,   190,   343,   311,   312,     4,
  2565      687,    32,   416,   417,    36,    76,     3,    38,     5,    59,
  2566        7,    42,     6,     7,     8,    32,    87,    37,   379,   347,
  2567       37,   224,   225,    54,    29,    42,    52,    37,    37,    16,
  2568       52,    62,   709,    50,    90,   593,    35,    95,   111,   400,
  2569       71,    55,   317,    45,   476,   350,    20,   686,   353,   252,
  2570        6,     7,     8,    49,    71,   383,    55,   128,   386,   364,
  2571       70,    19,   476,    95,    37,     6,     7,     8,    37,    37,
  2572      709,   732,    71,   338,    95,    79,    64,    98,     6,     7,
  2573       37,    42,   165,   686,    94,    81,    37,   160,    92,   145,
  2574       48,    65,   416,   417,     6,     7,     8,     9,    10,    87,
  2575       37,    37,   104,   113,   765,   101,   709,   468,   166,   131,
  2576      668,    23,   132,    70,   113,   163,   803,   159,   132,   314,
  2577        7,   135,   193,   166,   133,   486,    38,   455,   456,   434,
  2578      201,   157,   809,   143,   166,   132,    31,    94,   188,    51,
  2579      190,   191,   129,    55,   215,   450,    95,    75,   144,   454,
  2580       45,   222,   476,   458,   164,    42,   113,   796,   463,   120,
  2581      133,   211,   229,   132,   132,     0,   237,   211,   102,   236,
  2582      809,   221,   222,   167,   224,   225,   132,   221,   222,   184,
  2583       44,   132,   253,   254,   387,   546,   143,   204,   144,   256,
  2584      195,   132,   209,   796,   106,   132,   132,   214,   248,   249,
  2585      128,   104,   252,   144,   248,   249,   809,   164,    95,     3,
  2586      475,     5,   629,   630,   126,    69,   102,   166,   117,    83,
  2587       59,    84,   134,   135,   656,     6,     7,   532,   127,   534,
  2588      535,   559,   144,     3,     4,     5,   241,   512,   305,   244,
  2589        7,   153,   656,    97,   107,   144,   313,    99,    42,   316,
  2590      136,   441,    99,   670,   671,   560,    42,    27,   563,   139,
  2591      140,   622,   623,   577,   314,   117,   469,   139,   140,    39,
  2592      117,   124,    42,     6,     7,     8,   551,   344,   124,    65,
  2593      545,   471,   557,   473,   113,   139,   140,   592,    95,   339,
  2594      595,   566,   100,   146,   108,   339,   327,   328,   329,   330,
  2595      146,   648,   649,   664,    26,    95,    28,    77,   155,    42,
  2596      124,   361,   672,   673,   143,   365,   321,   148,    40,    41,
  2597        3,   365,     5,    45,   652,    66,    67,   602,     6,     7,
  2598        8,     3,   656,     5,   166,   610,   341,   387,   343,     6,
  2599        7,     8,   347,   418,   419,   620,   116,    95,    52,    71,
  2600       52,    95,   357,     6,     7,     8,    42,    95,   363,     6,
  2601        7,     8,   690,   150,   639,    95,   416,   417,   418,   419,
  2602       95,   676,   416,   417,   418,   419,   651,    52,   383,   582,
  2603       95,   386,   104,     7,    15,   588,    37,    37,   110,   439,
  2604      112,   441,   281,   282,   283,   439,   757,   441,   601,   760,
  2605      675,   114,   763,   156,    86,    32,   767,    33,   769,   138,
  2606       91,    36,    91,    73,    42,    95,   132,     7,   693,   469,
  2607      104,   471,    95,   473,    95,   730,   476,   471,   104,   473,
  2608      152,   706,   476,    95,   103,    52,   132,   149,    42,   714,
  2609      162,   109,     6,     7,     8,    18,    18,    18,     7,    95,
  2610      455,   456,   727,    95,    37,   132,   104,   462,    57,    23,
  2611      104,    73,    98,    52,    18,   496,   497,   132,   132,     7,
  2612       55,     7,     7,   748,    38,   750,    43,   132,   119,    95,
  2613      132,   786,    43,   132,    95,   130,   593,    51,    43,   132,
  2614       95,    55,   132,   130,    58,    73,    21,   772,   132,    26,
  2615      132,    28,   777,   132,   779,    85,   781,    73,    21,   104,
  2616       73,   776,   517,    40,    41,   154,    73,   792,    45,   127,
  2617      795,    29,   629,   630,   541,    89,   113,    85,   131,    52,
  2618       37,   734,   582,   808,   132,   132,    52,    42,   588,   127,
  2619       52,    85,   106,   746,    71,    73,   749,    20,   118,     3,
  2620       31,   601,    29,    37,   559,   758,   157,   132,   132,   626,
  2621       56,   668,   126,   670,   671,   672,   673,    37,    60,    52,
  2622      134,   135,    25,    20,    20,    43,   132,   104,    16,   629,
  2623      630,   129,    18,   110,    35,   112,   100,    52,    52,   153,
  2624      131,    52,   131,   125,    52,    37,    95,    75,   131,    85,
  2625       20,   131,     9,    85,   619,   655,   656,   485,   624,    85,
  2626      212,   655,   656,   668,   317,   809,   778,   796,   747,   423,
  2627      670,   671,   672,   673,   695,   152,   803,   620,   800,   774,
  2628      265,   264,   286,   292,   295,   162,   130,   122,   345,   710,
  2629      298,   467,    61,   648,   649,   756,   581,   652,   710,    68,
  2630      603,   419,   548,    72,    73,    74,    75,    76,    77,    78,
  2631      222,    80,   361,   216,   287,   216,    47,    -1,    -1,    88,
  2632       -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    93,    -1,    -1,    96,    -1,    -1,
  2633       -1,    -1,   732,    -1,   734,   690,   105,    -1,    -1,    -1,
  2634       -1,    -1,   742,    -1,    -1,    -1,   746,    -1,   742,   749,
  2635       -1,    -1,   121,    -1,    -1,   710,    -1,    -1,   758,    -1,
  2636       -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,   765,    -1,     3,    -1,     5,
  2637        6,     7,     8,     9,    10,    11,    12,    13,    14,    -1,
  2638       -1,    17,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    22,    23,    24,    -1,
  2639       26,   791,    -1,    -1,    30,    -1,    -1,   791,    34,    -1,
  2640      755,    -1,    38,    39,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    44,    -1,
  2641       46,    47,    -1,    -1,    50,    51,    52,    53,    54,    55,
  2642       -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    63,    -1,    -1,
  2643       66,    67,    -1,    -1,    70,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,
  2644       -1,    77,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    82,    83,    -1,    -1,
  2645       -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    94,    95,
  2646       -1,    -1,    -1,    99,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,   104,    -1,
  2647      106,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,   111,    -1,    -1,    -1,   115,
  2648      116,   117,    -1,    -1,   120,    -1,   122,   123,    -1,    -1,
  2649      126,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,   134,   135,
  2650       -1,   137,    -1,   139,   140,   141,    -1,    -1,   144,    -1,
  2651       -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,   151,    -1,   153,    -1,    -1,
  2652       -1,    -1,   158,    -1,   160,   161,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,
  2653       -1,   167,   168,     3,    -1,     5,     6,     7,     8,     9,
  2654       10,    11,    12,    13,    14,    -1,    -1,    17,    -1,    -1,
  2655       -1,    -1,    22,    23,    24,    -1,    26,    -1,    -1,    -1,
  2656       30,    -1,    -1,    -1,    34,    -1,    -1,    -1,    38,    39,
  2657       -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    44,    -1,    46,    47,    -1,    -1,
  2658       50,    51,    52,    53,    54,    55,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,
  2659       -1,    -1,    -1,    63,    -1,    -1,    66,    67,    -1,    -1,
  2660       70,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    77,    -1,    -1,
  2661       -1,    -1,    82,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,
  2662       -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    94,    95,    -1,    -1,    -1,    99,
  2663       -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,   104,    -1,   106,    -1,    -1,    -1,
  2664       -1,   111,    -1,    -1,    -1,   115,   116,   117,    -1,    -1,
  2665      120,    -1,   122,   123,    -1,    -1,   126,    -1,    -1,    -1,
  2666       -1,    -1,   132,    -1,   134,   135,    -1,   137,    -1,   139,
  2667      140,   141,    -1,    -1,   144,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,
  2668       -1,   151,    -1,   153,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,   158,    -1,
  2669      160,   161,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,   167,   168,     3,
  2670       -1,     5,     6,     7,     8,     9,    10,    11,    12,    13,
  2671       14,    -1,    -1,    17,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    22,    23,
  2672       24,    -1,    26,    -1,    -1,    -1,    30,    -1,    -1,    -1,
  2673       34,    -1,    -1,    -1,    38,    39,    -1,    -1,    -1,    43,
  2674       44,    -1,    46,    47,    -1,    -1,    50,    51,    52,    53,
  2675       54,    55,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    63,
  2676       -1,    -1,    66,    67,    -1,    -1,    70,    -1,    -1,    -1,
  2677       -1,    -1,    -1,    77,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    82,    -1,
  2678       -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,
  2679       94,    95,    -1,    -1,    -1,    99,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,
  2680      104,    -1,   106,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,   111,    -1,    -1,
  2681       -1,   115,   116,   117,    -1,    -1,   120,    -1,   122,   123,
  2682       -1,    -1,   126,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,
  2683      134,   135,    -1,   137,    -1,   139,   140,   141,    -1,    -1,
  2684      144,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,   151,    -1,   153,
  2685       -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,   158,    -1,   160,   161,    -1,    -1,
  2686       -1,    -1,    -1,   167,   168,     3,    -1,     5,     6,     7,
  2687        8,     9,    10,    11,    12,    13,    14,    -1,    -1,    17,
  2688       -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    22,    23,    24,    -1,    26,    -1,
  2689       -1,    -1,    30,    -1,    -1,    -1,    34,    -1,    -1,    -1,
  2690       38,    39,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    44,    -1,    46,    47,
  2691       -1,    -1,    50,    51,    52,    53,    54,    55,    -1,    -1,
  2692       -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    63,    -1,    -1,    66,    67,
  2693       -1,    -1,    70,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    77,
  2694       -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    82,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,
  2695       -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    94,    95,    -1,    -1,
  2696       -1,    99,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,   104,    -1,   106,    -1,
  2697       -1,    -1,    -1,   111,    -1,    -1,    -1,   115,   116,   117,
  2698       -1,    -1,   120,    -1,   122,   123,    -1,    -1,   126,    -1,
  2699       -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,   134,   135,    -1,   137,
  2700       -1,   139,   140,   141,    -1,    -1,   144,    -1,    -1,    -1,
  2701       -1,    -1,    -1,   151,    -1,   153,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,
  2702      158,    -1,   160,   161,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,   167,
  2703      168,     3,    -1,     5,     6,     7,     8,     9,    10,    11,
  2704       12,    13,    14,    -1,    -1,    17,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,
  2705       22,    23,    -1,    -1,    26,    -1,    -1,    -1,    30,    -1,
  2706       -1,    -1,    34,    -1,    -1,    -1,    38,    39,    -1,    -1,
  2707       -1,    -1,    44,    -1,    46,    47,    -1,    -1,    50,    51,
  2708       52,    53,    54,    55,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,
  2709       -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    66,    67,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,
  2710       -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    77,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,
  2711       -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,
  2712       -1,    -1,    -1,    95,    -1,    -1,    -1,    99,    -1,    -1,
  2713       -1,    -1,   104,    -1,   106,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,   111,
  2714       -1,    -1,    -1,   115,   116,   117,    -1,    -1,   120,    -1,
  2715      122,   123,    -1,    -1,   126,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,
  2716       -1,    -1,   134,   135,    -1,   137,    -1,   139,   140,    -1,
  2717       -1,    -1,   144,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,   151,
  2718       -1,   153,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,   160,   161,
  2719       -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,   167,   168,     3,    -1,     5,
  2720        6,     7,     8,     9,    10,    11,    12,    13,    14,    -1,
  2721       -1,    17,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    22,    23,    -1,    -1,
  2722       26,    -1,    -1,    -1,    30,    -1,    -1,    -1,    34,    -1,
  2723       -1,    -1,    38,    39,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    44,    -1,
  2724       46,    47,    -1,    -1,    50,    51,    52,    53,    54,    55,
  2725       -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,
  2726       66,    67,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,
  2727       -1,    77,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,
  2728       -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    95,
  2729       -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,   104,    -1,
  2730      106,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,   111,    -1,    -1,    -1,   115,
  2731      116,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,   122,   123,    -1,    -1,
  2732      126,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,   134,   135,
  2733       -1,   137,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,   142,    -1,   144,    -1,
  2734       -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,   151,    -1,   153,    -1,    -1,
  2735       -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,   160,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,
  2736       -1,   167,   168,     3,    -1,     5,     6,     7,     8,     9,
  2737       10,    11,    12,    13,    14,    -1,    -1,    17,    -1,    -1,
  2738       -1,    -1,    22,    23,    -1,    -1,    26,    -1,    -1,    -1,
  2739       30,    -1,    -1,    -1,    34,    -1,    -1,    -1,    38,    39,
  2740       -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    44,    -1,    46,    47,    -1,    -1,
  2741       50,    51,    52,    53,    54,    55,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,
  2742       -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    66,    67,    -1,    -1,
  2743       -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    77,    -1,    -1,
  2744        6,     7,     8,     9,    10,    -1,    -1,    13,    14,    -1,
  2745       -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    95,    22,    23,    -1,    -1,
  2746       -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,   104,    -1,   106,    -1,    34,    -1,
  2747       -1,   111,    38,    -1,    -1,   115,   116,    -1,    -1,    -1,
  2748       46,    47,   122,   123,    -1,    51,   126,    -1,    54,    55,
  2749       -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,   134,   135,    -1,   137,    -1,    -1,
  2750       66,    67,    -1,    -1,   144,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,
  2751       -1,   151,    -1,   153,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,
  2752      160,     6,     7,     8,     9,    10,    -1,   167,   168,    -1,
  2753       -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,     6,     7,     8,     9,    10,
  2754      106,    -1,    13,    14,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,   115,
  2755       -1,    22,    23,    38,    -1,    -1,   122,   123,    -1,    -1,
  2756      126,    -1,    -1,    34,    -1,    -1,    51,    38,   134,   135,
  2757       55,   137,    -1,   139,   140,    46,    47,    -1,   144,    -1,
  2758       51,    -1,    -1,    54,    55,    -1,    -1,   153,    -1,    -1,
  2759       -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    66,    67,    -1,    -1,    -1,
  2760       -1,   167,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,
  2761       -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,
  2762       -1,   106,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,
  2763       -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,   106,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,
  2764       -1,   126,    -1,    -1,   115,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,
  2765      135,   122,   123,    -1,    -1,   126,    -1,    -1,    -1,   144,
  2766       -1,    -1,    -1,   134,   135,    -1,   137,    -1,   153,    -1,
  2767       -1,    -1,    -1,   144,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,    -1,
  2768       -1,    -1,   153
  2769 };
  2771 /* YYSTOS[STATE-NUM] -- The (internal number of the) accessing
  2772    symbol of state STATE-NUM.  */
  2773 static const yytype_uint16 yystos[] =
  2774 {
  2775        0,   165,   170,   171,   163,     0,   102,   173,   174,   175,
  2776      176,     3,     5,   404,   104,   176,     6,     7,     8,     9,
  2777       10,    11,    12,    13,    14,    17,    22,    23,    24,    26,
  2778       30,    34,    38,    39,    44,    46,    47,    50,    51,    52,
  2779       53,    54,    55,    63,    66,    67,    70,    77,    82,    83,
  2780       94,    95,    99,   104,   106,   111,   115,   116,   117,   120,
  2781      122,   123,   126,   134,   135,   137,   139,   140,   141,   144,
  2782      151,   153,   158,   160,   161,   167,   168,   177,   183,   184,
  2783      186,   187,   189,   190,   191,   192,   193,   194,   195,   197,
  2784      200,   201,   202,   204,   208,   211,   213,   219,   225,   226,
  2785      227,   232,   233,   240,   253,   254,   260,   267,   276,   277,
  2786      278,   279,   280,   281,   283,   285,   286,   289,   290,   291,
  2787      292,   293,   294,   295,   296,   298,   300,   302,   303,   304,
  2788      306,   307,   309,   310,   311,   322,   323,   324,   327,   328,
  2789      329,   331,   332,   333,   334,   335,   336,   337,   338,   339,
  2790      340,   342,   343,   344,   345,   347,   348,   349,   358,   359,
  2791      360,   361,   362,   365,   366,   367,   368,   375,   382,   383,
  2792      384,   386,   387,   388,   389,   390,   391,   392,   394,   397,
  2793      399,   400,   404,   405,    59,   172,     7,    44,   100,   229,
  2794      330,    95,   166,   364,   395,    95,   404,     7,   397,   405,
  2795       95,   364,   395,   148,    26,    28,    40,    41,    45,    71,
  2796      104,   110,   112,   152,   162,   364,    95,   395,     7,   341,
  2797      405,    95,   364,   395,    52,    52,     6,     7,   401,    95,
  2798      102,   136,   364,    44,   132,   225,    42,   218,   395,   150,
  2799        7,   402,   405,     7,    95,   218,   374,   395,    95,    95,
  2800      310,   310,    52,   312,   364,   395,    95,    90,   145,     7,
  2801      218,   218,    37,    37,   114,    15,    61,    68,    72,    73,
  2802       74,    75,    76,    77,    78,    80,    88,    93,    96,   105,
  2803      121,   297,   299,   301,    99,   117,   155,   282,    49,    81,
  2804      101,   144,   284,    25,   159,   287,    64,    87,   288,    86,
  2805      156,    32,    33,   293,   218,    42,   305,   307,    69,    97,
  2806      139,   140,   321,    91,   325,    36,    91,    95,   404,   138,
  2807      185,    73,   104,     7,   231,   405,    95,    38,    55,   126,
  2808      153,   333,     7,   132,   144,   396,   405,   218,   369,   370,
  2809      373,   218,   356,   404,    42,    95,   218,   364,   124,   146,
  2810      188,   124,   146,   212,   108,   124,   198,    35,    55,    71,
  2811      113,   364,     7,   397,   194,   103,   181,   182,   364,   218,
  2812      385,   392,   394,   144,   397,   372,   373,   397,   341,   341,
  2813      350,   225,   104,   205,    45,   104,   203,    52,   104,   132,
  2814      225,   218,   149,   308,   404,     7,   404,   305,   397,   397,
  2815      341,   218,   218,   225,   227,   227,   278,   279,   280,   280,
  2816      280,   281,   283,   285,   286,   289,   109,    18,    18,    18,
  2817       43,   225,   311,   142,   311,   225,    23,   326,   333,   389,
  2818      225,   226,   227,   346,   403,   404,     7,   314,   315,    37,
  2819      132,    37,   132,   305,   397,   356,   132,   356,   225,   314,
  2820      403,   185,   185,    37,   404,   104,   104,    57,   196,     7,
  2821      399,   405,    73,   404,   185,   397,    98,    95,   317,    52,
  2822      132,    37,   132,    37,   132,   363,    18,   377,   377,   353,
  2823      132,     7,   403,    55,     7,   403,   341,     7,    43,   119,
  2824      132,   132,   132,   132,   377,   132,    58,    89,   378,   380,
  2825      381,   382,   389,   397,   378,   376,   381,   376,    43,   113,
  2826      143,   246,   252,   130,   130,   132,   185,    73,   132,   157,
  2827      316,   318,   319,   397,   398,   398,   371,    43,   132,   185,
  2828       84,   107,   199,   185,   403,   403,    79,    92,   185,    95,
  2829        3,   403,   185,    95,   316,   377,   341,   398,   398,   305,
  2830      378,    85,    21,   239,   351,   354,   401,   154,    73,    21,
  2831      206,   104,    73,   206,   377,    73,    85,   268,   395,   395,
  2832      117,   127,   144,   379,   127,    29,   113,   131,   227,   247,
  2833      248,    37,    52,   132,   132,   185,   185,   185,    52,   215,
  2834      216,    42,   364,   178,   132,   305,   377,   127,   393,   393,
  2835      227,    52,    85,   118,    73,   227,   207,   403,   185,   185,
  2836       20,     3,   227,    31,   269,    29,   311,    19,    48,   249,
  2837       37,   318,   341,   341,    37,   132,   313,   185,    23,   139,
  2838      140,   220,   221,   222,   223,   224,   322,   345,   185,    20,
  2839       65,   209,   132,   132,   261,   341,   227,   353,    16,   129,
  2840      355,    56,    37,   227,   255,    52,   273,    60,   196,   250,
  2841      248,   377,   377,   216,   214,   225,   223,   223,    25,   179,
  2842      139,   140,   139,   140,   227,    20,   210,   262,   234,    75,
  2843      128,   352,   356,   356,   227,   403,   241,   256,   397,   378,
  2844       35,   166,   251,    20,   320,   377,    43,   221,   132,   223,
  2845      223,   224,   224,   227,   185,    37,   133,   263,   266,   235,
  2846      357,    16,   129,    37,   164,   233,   240,   242,   244,   245,
  2847      246,    37,   257,   266,    18,   270,   403,    35,   227,    65,
  2848      217,   218,   100,   228,    52,   227,    37,   233,   236,   240,
  2849      244,     4,    27,   218,   348,   404,    52,   227,   131,    52,
  2850      131,   227,   185,   230,   231,   125,   180,   341,    52,   397,
  2851      341,   245,   227,   341,   227,    37,   404,   317,   377,   341,
  2852       75,   377,   131,   377,   271,   231,   377,    85,   377,    20,
  2853      227,    85,    45,   269,   272,   274,   305,   227,   239,   227,
  2854      227,    52,   131,   185,   264,    85,   243,   258,   397,   227,
  2855      265,   227,   242,   259,   275,   263,   237,   257,   131,   238,
  2856      227,   236
  2857 };
  2859 #define yyerrok		(yyerrstatus = 0)
  2860 #define yyclearin	(yychar = YYEMPTY)
  2861 #define YYEMPTY		(-2)
  2862 #define YYEOF		0
  2864 #define YYACCEPT	goto yyacceptlab
  2865 #define YYABORT		goto yyabortlab
  2866 #define YYERROR		goto yyerrorlab
  2869 /* Like YYERROR except do call yyerror.  This remains here temporarily
  2870    to ease the transition to the new meaning of YYERROR, for GCC.
  2871    Once GCC version 2 has supplanted version 1, this can go.  */
  2873 #define YYFAIL		goto yyerrlab
  2875 #define YYRECOVERING()  (!!yyerrstatus)
  2877 #define YYBACKUP(Token, Value)					\
  2878 do								\
  2879   if (yychar == YYEMPTY && yylen == 1)				\
  2880     {								\
  2881       yychar = (Token);						\
  2882       yylval = (Value);						\
  2883       yytoken = YYTRANSLATE (yychar);				\
  2884       YYPOPSTACK (1);						\
  2885       goto yybackup;						\
  2886     }								\
  2887   else								\
  2888     {								\
  2889       yyerror (&yylloc, parseInfo, YY_("syntax error: cannot back up")); \
  2890       YYERROR;							\
  2891     }								\
  2892 while (YYID (0))
  2895 #define YYTERROR	1
  2896 #define YYERRCODE	256
  2899 /* YYLLOC_DEFAULT -- Set CURRENT to span from RHS[1] to RHS[N].
  2900    If N is 0, then set CURRENT to the empty location which ends
  2901    the previous symbol: RHS[0] (always defined).  */
  2903 #define YYRHSLOC(Rhs, K) ((Rhs)[K])
  2904 #ifndef YYLLOC_DEFAULT
  2905 # define YYLLOC_DEFAULT(Current, Rhs, N)				\
  2906     do									\
  2907       if (YYID (N))                                                    \
  2908 	{								\
  2909 	  (Current).first_line   = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 1).first_line;	\
  2910 	  (Current).first_column = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 1).first_column;	\
  2911 	  (Current).last_line    = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, N).last_line;		\
  2912 	  (Current).last_column  = YYRHSLOC (Rhs, N).last_column;	\
  2913 	}								\
  2914       else								\
  2915 	{								\
  2916 	  (Current).first_line   = (Current).last_line   =		\
  2917 	    YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 0).last_line;				\
  2918 	  (Current).first_column = (Current).last_column =		\
  2919 	    YYRHSLOC (Rhs, 0).last_column;				\
  2920 	}								\
  2921     while (YYID (0))
  2922 #endif
  2925 /* YY_LOCATION_PRINT -- Print the location on the stream.
  2926    This macro was not mandated originally: define only if we know
  2927    we won't break user code: when these are the locations we know.  */
  2929 #ifndef YY_LOCATION_PRINT
  2931 #  define YY_LOCATION_PRINT(File, Loc)			\
  2932      fprintf (File, "%d.%d-%d.%d",			\
  2933 	      (Loc).first_line, (Loc).first_column,	\
  2934 	      (Loc).last_line,  (Loc).last_column)
  2935 # else
  2936 #  define YY_LOCATION_PRINT(File, Loc) ((void) 0)
  2937 # endif
  2938 #endif
  2941 /* YYLEX -- calling `yylex' with the right arguments.  */
  2943 #ifdef YYLEX_PARAM
  2944 # define YYLEX yylex (&yylval, &yylloc, YYLEX_PARAM)
  2945 #else
  2946 # define YYLEX yylex (&yylval, &yylloc, parseInfo)
  2947 #endif
  2949 /* Enable debugging if requested.  */
  2950 #if YYDEBUG
  2952 # ifndef YYFPRINTF
  2953 #  include <stdio.h> /* INFRINGES ON USER NAME SPACE */
  2954 #  define YYFPRINTF fprintf
  2955 # endif
  2957 # define YYDPRINTF(Args)			\
  2958 do {						\
  2959   if (yydebug)					\
  2960     YYFPRINTF Args;				\
  2961 } while (YYID (0))
  2963 # define YY_SYMBOL_PRINT(Title, Type, Value, Location)			  \
  2964 do {									  \
  2965   if (yydebug)								  \
  2966     {									  \
  2967       YYFPRINTF (stderr, "%s ", Title);					  \
  2968       yy_symbol_print (stderr,						  \
  2969 		  Type, Value, Location, parseInfo); \
  2970       YYFPRINTF (stderr, "\n");						  \
  2971     }									  \
  2972 } while (YYID (0))
  2975 /*--------------------------------.
  2976 | Print this symbol on YYOUTPUT.  |
  2977 `--------------------------------*/
  2979 /*ARGSUSED*/
  2980 #if (defined __STDC__ || defined __C99__FUNC__ \
  2981      || defined __cplusplus || defined _MSC_VER)
  2982 static void
  2983 yy_symbol_value_print (FILE *yyoutput, int yytype, YYSTYPE const * const yyvaluep, YYLTYPE const * const yylocationp, ParserContext *const parseInfo)
  2984 #else
  2985 static void
  2986 yy_symbol_value_print (yyoutput, yytype, yyvaluep, yylocationp, parseInfo)
  2987     FILE *yyoutput;
  2988     int yytype;
  2989     YYSTYPE const * const yyvaluep;
  2990     YYLTYPE const * const yylocationp;
  2991     ParserContext *const parseInfo;
  2992 #endif
  2993 {
  2994   if (!yyvaluep)
  2995     return;
  2996   YYUSE (yylocationp);
  2997   YYUSE (parseInfo);
  2998 # ifdef YYPRINT
  2999   if (yytype < YYNTOKENS)
  3000     YYPRINT (yyoutput, yytoknum[yytype], *yyvaluep);
  3001 # else
  3002   YYUSE (yyoutput);
  3003 # endif
  3004   switch (yytype)
  3005     {
  3006       default:
  3007 	break;
  3008     }
  3009 }
  3012 /*--------------------------------.
  3013 | Print this symbol on YYOUTPUT.  |
  3014 `--------------------------------*/
  3016 #if (defined __STDC__ || defined __C99__FUNC__ \
  3017      || defined __cplusplus || defined _MSC_VER)
  3018 static void
  3019 yy_symbol_print (FILE *yyoutput, int yytype, YYSTYPE const * const yyvaluep, YYLTYPE const * const yylocationp, ParserContext *const parseInfo)
  3020 #else
  3021 static void
  3022 yy_symbol_print (yyoutput, yytype, yyvaluep, yylocationp, parseInfo)
  3023     FILE *yyoutput;
  3024     int yytype;
  3025     YYSTYPE const * const yyvaluep;
  3026     YYLTYPE const * const yylocationp;
  3027     ParserContext *const parseInfo;
  3028 #endif
  3029 {
  3030   if (yytype < YYNTOKENS)
  3031     YYFPRINTF (yyoutput, "token %s (", yytname[yytype]);
  3032   else
  3033     YYFPRINTF (yyoutput, "nterm %s (", yytname[yytype]);
  3035   YY_LOCATION_PRINT (yyoutput, *yylocationp);
  3036   YYFPRINTF (yyoutput, ": ");
  3037   yy_symbol_value_print (yyoutput, yytype, yyvaluep, yylocationp, parseInfo);
  3038   YYFPRINTF (yyoutput, ")");
  3039 }
  3041 /*------------------------------------------------------------------.
  3042 | yy_stack_print -- Print the state stack from its BOTTOM up to its |
  3043 | TOP (included).                                                   |
  3044 `------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  3046 #if (defined __STDC__ || defined __C99__FUNC__ \
  3047      || defined __cplusplus || defined _MSC_VER)
  3048 static void
  3049 yy_stack_print (yytype_int16 *yybottom, yytype_int16 *yytop)
  3050 #else
  3051 static void
  3052 yy_stack_print (yybottom, yytop)
  3053     yytype_int16 *yybottom;
  3054     yytype_int16 *yytop;
  3055 #endif
  3056 {
  3057   YYFPRINTF (stderr, "Stack now");
  3058   for (; yybottom <= yytop; yybottom++)
  3059     {
  3060       int yybot = *yybottom;
  3061       YYFPRINTF (stderr, " %d", yybot);
  3062     }
  3063   YYFPRINTF (stderr, "\n");
  3064 }
  3066 # define YY_STACK_PRINT(Bottom, Top)				\
  3067 do {								\
  3068   if (yydebug)							\
  3069     yy_stack_print ((Bottom), (Top));				\
  3070 } while (YYID (0))
  3073 /*------------------------------------------------.
  3074 | Report that the YYRULE is going to be reduced.  |
  3075 `------------------------------------------------*/
  3077 #if (defined __STDC__ || defined __C99__FUNC__ \
  3078      || defined __cplusplus || defined _MSC_VER)
  3079 static void
  3080 yy_reduce_print (YYSTYPE *yyvsp, YYLTYPE *yylsp, int yyrule, ParserContext *const parseInfo)
  3081 #else
  3082 static void
  3083 yy_reduce_print (yyvsp, yylsp, yyrule, parseInfo)
  3084     YYSTYPE *yyvsp;
  3085     YYLTYPE *yylsp;
  3086     int yyrule;
  3087     ParserContext *const parseInfo;
  3088 #endif
  3089 {
  3090   int yynrhs = yyr2[yyrule];
  3091   int yyi;
  3092   unsigned long int yylno = yyrline[yyrule];
  3093   YYFPRINTF (stderr, "Reducing stack by rule %d (line %lu):\n",
  3094 	     yyrule - 1, yylno);
  3095   /* The symbols being reduced.  */
  3096   for (yyi = 0; yyi < yynrhs; yyi++)
  3097     {
  3098       fprintf (stderr, "   $%d = ", yyi + 1);
  3099       yy_symbol_print (stderr, yyrhs[yyprhs[yyrule] + yyi],
  3100 		       &(yyvsp[(yyi + 1) - (yynrhs)])
  3101 		       , &(yylsp[(yyi + 1) - (yynrhs)])		       , parseInfo);
  3102       fprintf (stderr, "\n");
  3103     }
  3104 }
  3106 # define YY_REDUCE_PRINT(Rule)		\
  3107 do {					\
  3108   if (yydebug)				\
  3109     yy_reduce_print (yyvsp, yylsp, Rule, parseInfo); \
  3110 } while (YYID (0))
  3112 /* Nonzero means print parse trace.  It is left uninitialized so that
  3113    multiple parsers can coexist.  */
  3114 int yydebug;
  3115 #else /* !YYDEBUG */
  3116 # define YYDPRINTF(Args)
  3117 # define YY_SYMBOL_PRINT(Title, Type, Value, Location)
  3118 # define YY_STACK_PRINT(Bottom, Top)
  3119 # define YY_REDUCE_PRINT(Rule)
  3120 #endif /* !YYDEBUG */
  3123 /* YYINITDEPTH -- initial size of the parser's stacks.  */
  3124 #ifndef	YYINITDEPTH
  3125 # define YYINITDEPTH 200
  3126 #endif
  3128 /* YYMAXDEPTH -- maximum size the stacks can grow to (effective only
  3129    if the built-in stack extension method is used).
  3131    Do not make this value too large; the results are undefined if
  3133    evaluated with infinite-precision integer arithmetic.  */
  3135 #ifndef YYMAXDEPTH
  3136 # define YYMAXDEPTH 10000
  3137 #endif
  3143 # ifndef yystrlen
  3144 #  if defined __GLIBC__ && defined _STRING_H
  3145 #   define yystrlen strlen
  3146 #  else
  3147 /* Return the length of YYSTR.  */
  3148 #if (defined __STDC__ || defined __C99__FUNC__ \
  3149      || defined __cplusplus || defined _MSC_VER)
  3150 static YYSIZE_T
  3151 yystrlen (const char *yystr)
  3152 #else
  3153 static YYSIZE_T
  3154 yystrlen (yystr)
  3155     const char *yystr;
  3156 #endif
  3157 {
  3158   YYSIZE_T yylen;
  3159   for (yylen = 0; yystr[yylen]; yylen++)
  3160     continue;
  3161   return yylen;
  3162 }
  3163 #  endif
  3164 # endif
  3166 # ifndef yystpcpy
  3167 #  if defined __GLIBC__ && defined _STRING_H && defined _GNU_SOURCE
  3168 #   define yystpcpy stpcpy
  3169 #  else
  3170 /* Copy YYSRC to YYDEST, returning the address of the terminating '\0' in
  3171    YYDEST.  */
  3172 #if (defined __STDC__ || defined __C99__FUNC__ \
  3173      || defined __cplusplus || defined _MSC_VER)
  3174 static char *
  3175 yystpcpy (char *yydest, const char *yysrc)
  3176 #else
  3177 static char *
  3178 yystpcpy (yydest, yysrc)
  3179     char *yydest;
  3180     const char *yysrc;
  3181 #endif
  3182 {
  3183   char *yyd = yydest;
  3184   const char *yys = yysrc;
  3186   while ((*yyd++ = *yys++) != '\0')
  3187     continue;
  3189   return yyd - 1;
  3190 }
  3191 #  endif
  3192 # endif
  3194 # ifndef yytnamerr
  3195 /* Copy to YYRES the contents of YYSTR after stripping away unnecessary
  3196    quotes and backslashes, so that it's suitable for yyerror.  The
  3197    heuristic is that double-quoting is unnecessary unless the string
  3198    contains an apostrophe, a comma, or backslash (other than
  3199    backslash-backslash).  YYSTR is taken from yytname.  If YYRES is
  3200    null, do not copy; instead, return the length of what the result
  3201    would have been.  */
  3202 static YYSIZE_T
  3203 yytnamerr (char *yyres, const char *yystr)
  3204 {
  3205   if (*yystr == '"')
  3206     {
  3207       YYSIZE_T yyn = 0;
  3208       char const *yyp = yystr;
  3210       for (;;)
  3211 	switch (*++yyp)
  3212 	  {
  3213 	  case '\'':
  3214 	  case ',':
  3215 	    goto do_not_strip_quotes;
  3217 	  case '\\':
  3218 	    if (*++yyp != '\\')
  3219 	      goto do_not_strip_quotes;
  3220 	    /* Fall through.  */
  3221 	  default:
  3222 	    if (yyres)
  3223 	      yyres[yyn] = *yyp;
  3224 	    yyn++;
  3225 	    break;
  3227 	  case '"':
  3228 	    if (yyres)
  3229 	      yyres[yyn] = '\0';
  3230 	    return yyn;
  3231 	  }
  3232     do_not_strip_quotes: ;
  3233     }
  3235   if (! yyres)
  3236     return yystrlen (yystr);
  3238   return yystpcpy (yyres, yystr) - yyres;
  3239 }
  3240 # endif
  3242 /* Copy into YYRESULT an error message about the unexpected token
  3243    YYCHAR while in state YYSTATE.  Return the number of bytes copied,
  3244    including the terminating null byte.  If YYRESULT is null, do not
  3245    copy anything; just return the number of bytes that would be
  3246    copied.  As a special case, return 0 if an ordinary "syntax error"
  3247    message will do.  Return YYSIZE_MAXIMUM if overflow occurs during
  3248    size calculation.  */
  3249 static YYSIZE_T
  3250 yysyntax_error (char *yyresult, int yystate, int yychar)
  3251 {
  3252   int yyn = yypact[yystate];
  3254   if (! (YYPACT_NINF < yyn && yyn <= YYLAST))
  3255     return 0;
  3256   else
  3257     {
  3258       int yytype = YYTRANSLATE (yychar);
  3259       YYSIZE_T yysize0 = yytnamerr (0, yytname[yytype]);
  3260       YYSIZE_T yysize = yysize0;
  3261       YYSIZE_T yysize1;
  3262       int yysize_overflow = 0;
  3263       enum { YYERROR_VERBOSE_ARGS_MAXIMUM = 5 };
  3264       char const *yyarg[YYERROR_VERBOSE_ARGS_MAXIMUM];
  3265       int yyx;
  3267 # if 0
  3268       /* This is so xgettext sees the translatable formats that are
  3269 	 constructed on the fly.  */
  3270       YY_("syntax error, unexpected %s");
  3271       YY_("syntax error, unexpected %s, expecting %s");
  3272       YY_("syntax error, unexpected %s, expecting %s or %s");
  3273       YY_("syntax error, unexpected %s, expecting %s or %s or %s");
  3274       YY_("syntax error, unexpected %s, expecting %s or %s or %s or %s");
  3275 # endif
  3276       char *yyfmt;
  3277       char const *yyf;
  3278       static char const yyunexpected[] = "syntax error, unexpected %s";
  3279       static char const yyexpecting[] = ", expecting %s";
  3280       static char const yyor[] = " or %s";
  3281       char yyformat[sizeof yyunexpected
  3282 		    + sizeof yyexpecting - 1
  3283 		    + ((YYERROR_VERBOSE_ARGS_MAXIMUM - 2)
  3284 		       * (sizeof yyor - 1))];
  3285       char const *yyprefix = yyexpecting;
  3287       /* Start YYX at -YYN if negative to avoid negative indexes in
  3288 	 YYCHECK.  */
  3289       int yyxbegin = yyn < 0 ? -yyn : 0;
  3291       /* Stay within bounds of both yycheck and yytname.  */
  3292       int yychecklim = YYLAST - yyn + 1;
  3293       int yyxend = yychecklim < YYNTOKENS ? yychecklim : YYNTOKENS;
  3294       int yycount = 1;
  3296       yyarg[0] = yytname[yytype];
  3297       yyfmt = yystpcpy (yyformat, yyunexpected);
  3299       for (yyx = yyxbegin; yyx < yyxend; ++yyx)
  3300 	if (yycheck[yyx + yyn] == yyx && yyx != YYTERROR)
  3301 	  {
  3302 	    if (yycount == YYERROR_VERBOSE_ARGS_MAXIMUM)
  3303 	      {
  3304 		yycount = 1;
  3305 		yysize = yysize0;
  3306 		yyformat[sizeof yyunexpected - 1] = '\0';
  3307 		break;
  3308 	      }
  3309 	    yyarg[yycount++] = yytname[yyx];
  3310 	    yysize1 = yysize + yytnamerr (0, yytname[yyx]);
  3311 	    yysize_overflow |= (yysize1 < yysize);
  3312 	    yysize = yysize1;
  3313 	    yyfmt = yystpcpy (yyfmt, yyprefix);
  3314 	    yyprefix = yyor;
  3315 	  }
  3317       yyf = YY_(yyformat);
  3318       yysize1 = yysize + yystrlen (yyf);
  3319       yysize_overflow |= (yysize1 < yysize);
  3320       yysize = yysize1;
  3322       if (yysize_overflow)
  3323 	return YYSIZE_MAXIMUM;
  3325       if (yyresult)
  3326 	{
  3327 	  /* Avoid sprintf, as that infringes on the user's name space.
  3328 	     Don't have undefined behavior even if the translation
  3329 	     produced a string with the wrong number of "%s"s.  */
  3330 	  char *yyp = yyresult;
  3331 	  int yyi = 0;
  3332 	  while ((*yyp = *yyf) != '\0')
  3333 	    {
  3334 	      if (*yyp == '%' && yyf[1] == 's' && yyi < yycount)
  3335 		{
  3336 		  yyp += yytnamerr (yyp, yyarg[yyi++]);
  3337 		  yyf += 2;
  3338 		}
  3339 	      else
  3340 		{
  3341 		  yyp++;
  3342 		  yyf++;
  3343 		}
  3344 	    }
  3345 	}
  3346       return yysize;
  3347     }
  3348 }
  3349 #endif /* YYERROR_VERBOSE */
  3352 /*-----------------------------------------------.
  3353 | Release the memory associated to this symbol.  |
  3354 `-----------------------------------------------*/
  3356 /*ARGSUSED*/
  3357 #if (defined __STDC__ || defined __C99__FUNC__ \
  3358      || defined __cplusplus || defined _MSC_VER)
  3359 static void
  3360 yydestruct (const char *yymsg, int yytype, YYSTYPE *yyvaluep, YYLTYPE *yylocationp, ParserContext *const parseInfo)
  3361 #else
  3362 static void
  3363 yydestruct (yymsg, yytype, yyvaluep, yylocationp, parseInfo)
  3364     const char *yymsg;
  3365     int yytype;
  3366     YYSTYPE *yyvaluep;
  3367     YYLTYPE *yylocationp;
  3368     ParserContext *const parseInfo;
  3369 #endif
  3370 {
  3371   YYUSE (yyvaluep);
  3372   YYUSE (yylocationp);
  3373   YYUSE (parseInfo);
  3375   if (!yymsg)
  3376     yymsg = "Deleting";
  3377   YY_SYMBOL_PRINT (yymsg, yytype, yyvaluep, yylocationp);
  3379   switch (yytype)
  3380     {
  3382       default:
  3383 	break;
  3384     }
  3385 }
  3388 /* Prevent warnings from -Wmissing-prototypes.  */
  3390 #ifdef YYPARSE_PARAM
  3391 #if defined __STDC__ || defined __cplusplus
  3392 int yyparse (void *YYPARSE_PARAM);
  3393 #else
  3394 int yyparse ();
  3395 #endif
  3396 #else /* ! YYPARSE_PARAM */
  3397 #if defined __STDC__ || defined __cplusplus
  3398 int yyparse (ParserContext *const parseInfo);
  3399 #else
  3400 int yyparse ();
  3401 #endif
  3402 #endif /* ! YYPARSE_PARAM */
  3409 /*----------.
  3410 | yyparse.  |
  3411 `----------*/
  3413 #ifdef YYPARSE_PARAM
  3414 #if (defined __STDC__ || defined __C99__FUNC__ \
  3415      || defined __cplusplus || defined _MSC_VER)
  3416 int
  3417 yyparse (void *YYPARSE_PARAM)
  3418 #else
  3419 int
  3420 yyparse (YYPARSE_PARAM)
  3421     void *YYPARSE_PARAM;
  3422 #endif
  3423 #else /* ! YYPARSE_PARAM */
  3424 #if (defined __STDC__ || defined __C99__FUNC__ \
  3425      || defined __cplusplus || defined _MSC_VER)
  3426 int
  3427 yyparse (ParserContext *const parseInfo)
  3428 #else
  3429 int
  3430 yyparse (parseInfo)
  3431     ParserContext *const parseInfo;
  3432 #endif
  3433 #endif
  3434 {
  3435   /* The lookahead symbol.  */
  3436 int yychar;
  3438 /* The semantic value of the lookahead symbol.  */
  3439 YYSTYPE yylval;
  3441 /* Number of syntax errors so far.  */
  3442 int yynerrs;
  3443 /* Location data for the lookahead symbol.  */
  3444 YYLTYPE yylloc;
  3446   int yystate;
  3447   int yyn;
  3448   int yyresult;
  3449   /* Number of tokens to shift before error messages enabled.  */
  3450   int yyerrstatus;
  3451   /* Lookahead token as an internal (translated) token number.  */
  3452   int yytoken = 0;
  3454   /* Buffer for error messages, and its allocated size.  */
  3455   char yymsgbuf[128];
  3456   char *yymsg = yymsgbuf;
  3457   YYSIZE_T yymsg_alloc = sizeof yymsgbuf;
  3458 #endif
  3460   /* Three stacks and their tools:
  3461      `yyss': related to states,
  3462      `yyvs': related to semantic values,
  3463      `yyls': related to locations.
  3465      Refer to the stacks thru separate pointers, to allow yyoverflow
  3466      to reallocate them elsewhere.  */
  3468   /* The state stack.  */
  3469   yytype_int16 yyssa[YYINITDEPTH];
  3470   yytype_int16 *yyss = yyssa;
  3471   yytype_int16 *yyssp;
  3473   /* The semantic value stack.  */
  3474   YYSTYPE yyvsa[YYINITDEPTH];
  3475   YYSTYPE *yyvs = yyvsa;
  3476   YYSTYPE *yyvsp;
  3478   /* The location stack.  */
  3479   YYLTYPE yylsa[YYINITDEPTH];
  3480   YYLTYPE *yyls = yylsa;
  3481   YYLTYPE *yylsp;
  3482   /* The locations where the error started and ended.  */
  3483   YYLTYPE yyerror_range[2];
  3485 #define YYPOPSTACK(N)   (yyvsp -= (N), yyssp -= (N), yylsp -= (N))
  3487   YYSIZE_T yystacksize = YYINITDEPTH;
  3489   /* The variables used to return semantic value and location from the
  3490      action routines.  */
  3491   YYSTYPE yyval;
  3492   YYLTYPE yyloc;
  3494   /* The number of symbols on the RHS of the reduced rule.
  3495      Keep to zero when no symbol should be popped.  */
  3496   int yylen = 0;
  3498   YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Starting parse\n"));
  3500   yystate = 0;
  3501   yyerrstatus = 0;
  3502   yynerrs = 0;
  3503   yychar = YYEMPTY;		/* Cause a token to be read.  */
  3505   /* Initialize stack pointers.
  3506      Waste one element of value and location stack
  3507      so that they stay on the same level as the state stack.
  3508      The wasted elements are never initialized.  */
  3510   yyssp = yyss;
  3511   yyvsp = yyvs;
  3512   yylsp = yyls;
  3514   /* Initialize the default location before parsing starts.  */
  3515   yylloc.first_line   = yylloc.last_line   = 1;
  3516   yylloc.first_column = yylloc.last_column = 1;
  3517 #endif
  3519   goto yysetstate;
  3521 /*------------------------------------------------------------.
  3522 | yynewstate -- Push a new state, which is found in yystate.  |
  3523 `------------------------------------------------------------*/
  3524  yynewstate:
  3525   /* In all cases, when you get here, the value and location stacks
  3526      have just been pushed.  So pushing a state here evens the stacks.  */
  3527   yyssp++;
  3529  yysetstate:
  3530   *yyssp = yystate;
  3532   if (yyss + yystacksize - 1 <= yyssp)
  3533     {
  3534       /* Get the current used size of the three stacks, in elements.  */
  3535       YYSIZE_T yysize = yyssp - yyss + 1;
  3537 #ifdef yyoverflow
  3538       {
  3539 	/* Give user a chance to reallocate the stack.  Use copies of
  3540 	   these so that the &'s don't force the real ones into
  3541 	   memory.  */
  3542 	YYSTYPE *yyvs1 = yyvs;
  3543 	yytype_int16 *yyss1 = yyss;
  3544 	YYLTYPE *yyls1 = yyls;
  3546 	/* Each stack pointer address is followed by the size of the
  3547 	   data in use in that stack, in bytes.  This used to be a
  3548 	   conditional around just the two extra args, but that might
  3549 	   be undefined if yyoverflow is a macro.  */
  3550 	yyoverflow (YY_("memory exhausted"),
  3551 		    &yyss1, yysize * sizeof (*yyssp),
  3552 		    &yyvs1, yysize * sizeof (*yyvsp),
  3553 		    &yyls1, yysize * sizeof (*yylsp),
  3554 		    &yystacksize);
  3555 	yyls = yyls1;
  3556 	yyss = yyss1;
  3557 	yyvs = yyvs1;
  3558       }
  3559 #else /* no yyoverflow */
  3560 # ifndef YYSTACK_RELOCATE
  3561       goto yyexhaustedlab;
  3562 # else
  3563       /* Extend the stack our own way.  */
  3564       if (YYMAXDEPTH <= yystacksize)
  3565 	goto yyexhaustedlab;
  3566       yystacksize *= 2;
  3567       if (YYMAXDEPTH < yystacksize)
  3568 	yystacksize = YYMAXDEPTH;
  3570       {
  3571 	yytype_int16 *yyss1 = yyss;
  3572 	union yyalloc *yyptr =
  3573 	  (union yyalloc *) YYSTACK_ALLOC (YYSTACK_BYTES (yystacksize));
  3574 	if (! yyptr)
  3575 	  goto yyexhaustedlab;
  3576 	YYSTACK_RELOCATE (yyss);
  3577 	YYSTACK_RELOCATE (yyvs);
  3578 	YYSTACK_RELOCATE (yyls);
  3579 #  undef YYSTACK_RELOCATE
  3580 	if (yyss1 != yyssa)
  3581 	  YYSTACK_FREE (yyss1);
  3582       }
  3583 # endif
  3584 #endif /* no yyoverflow */
  3586       yyssp = yyss + yysize - 1;
  3587       yyvsp = yyvs + yysize - 1;
  3588       yylsp = yyls + yysize - 1;
  3590       YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Stack size increased to %lu\n",
  3591 		  (unsigned long int) yystacksize));
  3593       if (yyss + yystacksize - 1 <= yyssp)
  3594 	YYABORT;
  3595     }
  3597   YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Entering state %d\n", yystate));
  3599   if (yystate == YYFINAL)
  3600     YYACCEPT;
  3602   goto yybackup;
  3604 /*-----------.
  3605 | yybackup.  |
  3606 `-----------*/
  3607 yybackup:
  3609   /* Do appropriate processing given the current state.  Read a
  3610      lookahead token if we need one and don't already have one.  */
  3612   /* First try to decide what to do without reference to lookahead token.  */
  3613   yyn = yypact[yystate];
  3614   if (yyn == YYPACT_NINF)
  3615     goto yydefault;
  3617   /* Not known => get a lookahead token if don't already have one.  */
  3619   /* YYCHAR is either YYEMPTY or YYEOF or a valid lookahead symbol.  */
  3620   if (yychar == YYEMPTY)
  3621     {
  3622       YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Reading a token: "));
  3623       yychar = YYLEX;
  3624     }
  3626   if (yychar <= YYEOF)
  3627     {
  3628       yychar = yytoken = YYEOF;
  3629       YYDPRINTF ((stderr, "Now at end of input.\n"));
  3630     }
  3631   else
  3632     {
  3633       yytoken = YYTRANSLATE (yychar);
  3634       YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("Next token is", yytoken, &yylval, &yylloc);
  3635     }
  3637   /* If the proper action on seeing token YYTOKEN is to reduce or to
  3638      detect an error, take that action.  */
  3639   yyn += yytoken;
  3640   if (yyn < 0 || YYLAST < yyn || yycheck[yyn] != yytoken)
  3641     goto yydefault;
  3642   yyn = yytable[yyn];
  3643   if (yyn <= 0)
  3644     {
  3645       if (yyn == 0 || yyn == YYTABLE_NINF)
  3646 	goto yyerrlab;
  3647       yyn = -yyn;
  3648       goto yyreduce;
  3649     }
  3651   /* Count tokens shifted since error; after three, turn off error
  3652      status.  */
  3653   if (yyerrstatus)
  3654     yyerrstatus--;
  3656   /* Shift the lookahead token.  */
  3657   YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("Shifting", yytoken, &yylval, &yylloc);
  3659   /* Discard the shifted token.  */
  3660   yychar = YYEMPTY;
  3662   yystate = yyn;
  3663   *++yyvsp = yylval;
  3664   *++yylsp = yylloc;
  3665   goto yynewstate;
  3668 /*-----------------------------------------------------------.
  3669 | yydefault -- do the default action for the current state.  |
  3670 `-----------------------------------------------------------*/
  3671 yydefault:
  3672   yyn = yydefact[yystate];
  3673   if (yyn == 0)
  3674     goto yyerrlab;
  3675   goto yyreduce;
  3678 /*-----------------------------.
  3679 | yyreduce -- Do a reduction.  |
  3680 `-----------------------------*/
  3681 yyreduce:
  3682   /* yyn is the number of a rule to reduce with.  */
  3683   yylen = yyr2[yyn];
  3685   /* If YYLEN is nonzero, implement the default value of the action:
  3686      `$$ = $1'.
  3688      Otherwise, the following line sets YYVAL to garbage.
  3689      This behavior is undocumented and Bison
  3690      users should not rely upon it.  Assigning to YYVAL
  3691      unconditionally makes the parser a bit smaller, and it avoids a
  3692      GCC warning that YYVAL may be used uninitialized.  */
  3693   yyval = yyvsp[1-yylen];
  3695   /* Default location.  */
  3696   YYLLOC_DEFAULT (yyloc, (yylsp - yylen), yylen);
  3697   YY_REDUCE_PRINT (yyn);
  3698   switch (yyn)
  3699     {
  3700         case 5:
  3701 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  3702 #line 1380 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  3703     {
  3705 /* Suppress more compiler warnings about unused defines. */
  3706 #if    defined(YYNNTS)              \
  3707     || defined(yyerrok)             \
  3708     || defined(YYNSTATES)           \
  3709     || defined(YYRHSLOC)            \
  3710     || defined(YYRECOVERING)        \
  3711     || defined(YYFAIL)              \
  3712     || defined(YYERROR)             \
  3713     || defined(YYNRULES)            \
  3714     || defined(YYBACKUP)            \
  3715     || defined(YYMAXDEPTH)          \
  3716     || defined(yyclearin)           \
  3717     || defined(YYERRCODE)           \
  3718     || defined(YY_LOCATION_PRINT)   \
  3719     || defined(YYLLOC_DEFAULT)
  3720 #endif
  3722         if((yyvsp[(3) - (5)].sval) != QLatin1String("1.0"))
  3723         {
  3724             const ReflectYYLTYPE ryy((yyloc), parseInfo);
  3726             parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("Version %1 is not supported. The supported "
  3727                                                "XQuery version is 1.0.")
  3728                                                .arg(formatData((yyvsp[(3) - (5)].sval))),
  3729                                             ReportContext::XQST0031, &ryy);
  3730         }
  3731     }
  3732     break;
  3734   case 7:
  3735 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  3736 #line 1412 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  3737     {
  3738         const QRegExp encNameRegExp(QLatin1String("[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9._\\-]*"));
  3740         if(!encNameRegExp.exactMatch((yyvsp[(2) - (2)].sval)))
  3741         {
  3742             parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("The encoding %1 is invalid. "
  3743                                                "It must contain Latin characters only, "
  3744                                                "must not contain whitespace, and must match "
  3745                                                "the regular expression %2.")
  3746                                             .arg(formatKeyword((yyvsp[(2) - (2)].sval)),
  3747                                                  formatExpression(encNameRegExp.pattern())),
  3748                                             ReportContext::XQST0087, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  3749         }
  3750     }
  3751     break;
  3753   case 8:
  3754 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  3755 #line 1428 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  3756     {
  3757         /* In XSL-T, we can have dangling variable references, so resolve them
  3758          * before we proceed with other steps, such as checking circularity. */
  3759         if(parseInfo->isXSLT())
  3760         {
  3761             typedef QHash<QXmlName, Expression::Ptr> Hash;
  3762             const Hash::const_iterator end(parseInfo->unresolvedVariableReferences.constEnd());
  3764             for(Hash::const_iterator it(parseInfo->unresolvedVariableReferences.constBegin()); it != end; ++it)
  3765             {
  3766                 const Expression::Ptr body(resolveVariable(it.key(), (yyloc), parseInfo, true)); // TODO source locations vaise
  3767                 Q_ASSERT(body);
  3768                 it.value()->as<UnresolvedVariableReference>()->bindTo(body);
  3769             }
  3770         }
  3772         /* The UserFunction callsites aren't bound yet, so bind them(if possible!). */
  3773         {
  3774             const UserFunctionCallsite::List::const_iterator cend(parseInfo->userFunctionCallsites.constEnd());
  3775             UserFunctionCallsite::List::const_iterator cit(parseInfo->userFunctionCallsites.constBegin());
  3776             for(; cit != cend; ++cit) /* For each callsite. */
  3777             {
  3778                 const UserFunctionCallsite::Ptr callsite(*cit);
  3779                 Q_ASSERT(callsite);
  3780                 const UserFunction::List::const_iterator end(parseInfo->userFunctions.constEnd());
  3781                 UserFunction::List::const_iterator it(parseInfo->userFunctions.constBegin());
  3783                 for(; it != end; ++it) /* For each UserFunction. */
  3784                 {
  3785                     const FunctionSignature::Ptr sign((*it)->signature());
  3786                     Q_ASSERT(sign);
  3788                     if(callsite->isSignatureValid(sign))
  3789                     {
  3790                         callsite->setSource((*it),
  3791                                             parseInfo->allocateCacheSlots((*it)->argumentDeclarations().count()));
  3792                         break;
  3793                     }
  3794                 }
  3795                 if(it == end)
  3796                 {
  3797                     parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("No function with signature %1 is available")
  3798                                                        .arg(formatFunction(callsite)),
  3799                                                     ReportContext::XPST0017, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  3800                 }
  3801             }
  3802         }
  3804         /* Mark callsites in UserFunction bodies as recursive, if they are. */
  3805         {
  3806             const UserFunction::List::const_iterator fend(parseInfo->userFunctions.constEnd());
  3807             UserFunction::List::const_iterator fit(parseInfo->userFunctions.constBegin());
  3808             for(; fit != fend; ++fit)
  3809             {
  3810                 CallTargetDescription::List signList;
  3811                 signList.append((*fit)->signature());
  3812                 CallTargetDescription::checkCallsiteCircularity(signList, (*fit)->body());
  3813             }
  3814         }
  3816         /* Now, check all global variables for circularity.  This is done
  3817          * backwards because global variables are only in scope below them,
  3818          * in XQuery. */
  3819         {
  3820             const VariableDeclaration::List::const_iterator start(parseInfo->declaredVariables.constBegin());
  3821             VariableDeclaration::List::const_iterator it(parseInfo->declaredVariables.constEnd());
  3823             while(it != start)
  3824             {
  3825                 --it;
  3826                 if((*it)->type != VariableDeclaration::ExpressionVariable && (*it)->type != VariableDeclaration::GlobalVariable)
  3827                     continue; /* We want to ignore 'external' variables. */
  3829                 FunctionSignature::List signList;
  3830                 checkVariableCircularity(*it, (*it)->expression(), (*it)->type, signList, parseInfo);
  3831                 ExpressionFactory::registerLastPath((*it)->expression());
  3832                 parseInfo->finalizePushedVariable(1, false); /* Warn if it's unused. */
  3833             }
  3834         }
  3836         /* Generate code for doing initial template name calling. One problem
  3837          * is that we compilation in the initial template name, since we throw away the
  3838          * code if we don't have the requested template. */
  3839         if(parseInfo->languageAccent == QXmlQuery::XSLT20
  3840            && !parseInfo->initialTemplateName.isNull()
  3841            && parseInfo->namedTemplates.contains(parseInfo->initialTemplateName))
  3842         {
  3843             parseInfo->queryBody = create(new CallTemplate(parseInfo->initialTemplateName,
  3844                                                            WithParam::Hash()),
  3845                                           (yyloc), parseInfo);
  3846             parseInfo->templateCalls.append(parseInfo->queryBody);
  3847             /* We just discard the template body that XSLTTokenizer generated. */
  3848         }
  3849         else
  3850             parseInfo->queryBody = (yyvsp[(2) - (2)].expr);
  3851     }
  3852     break;
  3854   case 10:
  3855 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  3856 #line 1528 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  3857     {
  3858         // TODO add to namespace context
  3859         parseInfo->moduleNamespace = parseInfo->staticContext->namePool()->allocateNamespace((yyvsp[(3) - (6)].sval));
  3860     }
  3861     break;
  3863   case 12:
  3864 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  3865 #line 1536 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  3866     {
  3867         allowedIn(QXmlQuery::XQuery10, parseInfo, (yyloc));
  3868         if(parseInfo->hasSecondPrologPart)
  3869             parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("A default namespace declaration must occur before function, "
  3870                                                "variable, and option declarations."), ReportContext::XPST0003, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  3871     }
  3872     break;
  3874   case 13:
  3875 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  3876 #line 1543 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  3877     {
  3878         if(parseInfo->hasSecondPrologPart)
  3879             parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("A default namespace declaration must occur before function, "
  3880                                                "variable, and option declarations."), ReportContext::XPST0003, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  3881     }
  3882     break;
  3884   case 14:
  3885 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  3886 #line 1549 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  3887     {
  3888         if(parseInfo->hasSecondPrologPart)
  3889             parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("Namespace declarations must occur before function, "
  3890                                                "variable, and option declarations."), ReportContext::XPST0003, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  3891     }
  3892     break;
  3894   case 15:
  3895 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  3896 #line 1555 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  3897     {
  3898         allowedIn(QXmlQuery::XQuery10, parseInfo, (yyloc));
  3899         if(parseInfo->hasSecondPrologPart)
  3900             parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("Module imports must occur before function, "
  3901                                                "variable, and option declarations."), ReportContext::XPST0003, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  3902     }
  3903     break;
  3905   case 17:
  3906 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  3907 #line 1565 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  3908     {
  3909         parseInfo->hasSecondPrologPart = true;
  3910     }
  3911     break;
  3913   case 18:
  3914 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  3915 #line 1569 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  3916     {
  3917         parseInfo->hasSecondPrologPart = true;
  3918     }
  3919     break;
  3921   case 19:
  3922 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  3923 #line 1573 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  3924     {
  3925         allowedIn(QXmlQuery::XQuery10, parseInfo, (yyloc));
  3926         parseInfo->hasSecondPrologPart = true;
  3927     }
  3928     break;
  3930   case 20:
  3931 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  3932 #line 1596 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  3933     {
  3934         Template::Ptr temp(create(new Template(parseInfo->currentImportPrecedence, (yyvsp[(5) - (7)].sequenceType)), (yyloc), parseInfo));
  3936         registerNamedTemplate((yyvsp[(3) - (7)].qName), typeCheckTemplateBody((yyvsp[(6) - (7)].expr), (yyvsp[(5) - (7)].sequenceType), parseInfo),
  3937                               parseInfo, (yylsp[(1) - (7)]), temp);
  3938         temp->templateParameters = parseInfo->templateParameters;
  3939         parseInfo->templateParametersHandled();
  3940     }
  3941     break;
  3943   case 21:
  3944 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  3945 #line 1606 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  3946     {
  3947     parseInfo->isParsingPattern = true;
  3948   }
  3949     break;
  3951   case 22:
  3952 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  3953 #line 1610 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  3954     {
  3955     parseInfo->isParsingPattern = false;
  3956   }
  3957     break;
  3959   case 23:
  3960 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  3961 #line 1619 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  3962     {
  3963         /* In this grammar branch, we're guaranteed to be a template rule, but
  3964          * may also be a named template. */
  3966         const ImportPrecedence ip = parseInfo->isFirstTemplate() ? 0 : parseInfo->currentImportPrecedence;
  3967         Expression::Ptr pattern((yyvsp[(7) - (15)].expr));
  3968         const TemplatePattern::ID templateID = parseInfo->allocateTemplateID();
  3970         Template::Ptr templ(create(new Template(ip, (yyvsp[(13) - (15)].sequenceType)), (yyloc), parseInfo));
  3971         templ->body = typeCheckTemplateBody((yyvsp[(14) - (15)].expr), (yyvsp[(13) - (15)].sequenceType), parseInfo);
  3972         templ->templateParameters = parseInfo->templateParameters;
  3973         parseInfo->templateParametersHandled();
  3975         TemplatePattern::Vector ourPatterns;
  3976         /* We do it as per 6.4 Conflict Resolution for Template Rules:
  3977          *
  3978          * "If the pattern contains multiple alternatives separated by |, then
  3979          * the template rule is treated equivalently to a set of template
  3980          * rules, one for each alternative. However, it is not an error if a
  3981          * node matches more than one of the alternatives." */
  3982         while(pattern->is(Expression::IDCombineNodes))
  3983         {
  3984             const Expression::List operands(pattern->operands());
  3985             pattern = operands.first();
  3987             loadPattern(, ourPatterns, templateID, (yyvsp[(11) - (15)].enums.Double), templ);
  3988         }
  3990         loadPattern(pattern, ourPatterns, templateID, (yyvsp[(11) - (15)].enums.Double), templ);
  3992         if(!(yyvsp[(3) - (15)].qName).isNull())
  3993             registerNamedTemplate((yyvsp[(3) - (15)].qName), (yyvsp[(14) - (15)].expr), parseInfo, (yylsp[(1) - (15)]), templ);
  3995         /* Now, let's add it to all the relevant templates. */
  3996         for(int i = 0; i < (yyvsp[(10) - (15)].qNameVector).count(); ++i) /* For each mode. */
  3997         {
  3998             const QXmlName &modeName = (yyvsp[(10) - (15)].qNameVector).at(i);
  4000             if(modeName == QXmlName(StandardNamespaces::InternalXSLT, StandardLocalNames::all) && (yyvsp[(10) - (15)].qNameVector).count() > 1)
  4001             {
  4002                 parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("The keyword %1 cannot occur with any other mode name.")
  4003                                                                  .arg(formatKeyword(QLatin1String("#all"))),
  4004                                                 ReportContext::XTSE0530,
  4005                                                 fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  4006             }
  4008             /* For each pattern the template use. */
  4009             const TemplateMode::Ptr mode(parseInfo->modeFor(modeName));
  4010             for(int t = 0; t < ourPatterns.count(); ++t)
  4011                 mode->templatePatterns.append(;
  4012         }
  4013     }
  4014     break;
  4016   case 24:
  4017 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4018 #line 1673 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4019     {
  4020         (yyval.enums.Double) = std::numeric_limits<xsDouble>::quiet_NaN();
  4021     }
  4022     break;
  4024   case 25:
  4025 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4026 #line 1678 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4027     {
  4028         const AtomicValue::Ptr val(Decimal::fromLexical((yyvsp[(2) - (2)].sval)));
  4029         if(val->hasError())
  4030         {
  4031             parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("The value of attribute %1 must of type %2, which %3 isn't.")
  4032                                                              .arg(formatKeyword(QLatin1String("priority")),
  4033                                                                   formatType(parseInfo->staticContext->namePool(), BuiltinTypes::xsDecimal),
  4034                                                                   formatData((yyvsp[(2) - (2)].sval))),
  4035                                             ReportContext::XTSE0530,
  4036                                             fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  4037         }
  4038         else
  4039             (yyval.enums.Double) = val->as<Numeric>()->toDouble();
  4040     }
  4041     break;
  4043   case 26:
  4044 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4045 #line 1694 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4046     {
  4047         (yyval.qName) = QXmlName();
  4048     }
  4049     break;
  4051   case 28:
  4052 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4053 #line 1700 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4054     {
  4055         (yyval.qName) = (yyvsp[(2) - (2)].qName);
  4056     }
  4057     break;
  4059   case 30:
  4060 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4061 #line 1706 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4062     {
  4063         allowedIn(QXmlQuery::XQuery10, parseInfo, (yyloc));
  4064     }
  4065     break;
  4067   case 32:
  4068 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4069 #line 1711 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4070     {
  4071         allowedIn(QXmlQuery::XQuery10, parseInfo, (yyloc));
  4072     }
  4073     break;
  4075   case 33:
  4076 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4077 #line 1715 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4078     {
  4079         allowedIn(QXmlQuery::XQuery10, parseInfo, (yyloc));
  4080     }
  4081     break;
  4083   case 34:
  4084 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4085 #line 1719 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4086     {
  4087         allowedIn(QXmlQuery::XQuery10, parseInfo, (yyloc));
  4088     }
  4089     break;
  4091   case 39:
  4092 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4093 #line 1730 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4094     {
  4095         if(!(yyvsp[(6) - (7)].enums.Bool))
  4096             allowedIn(QXmlQuery::XQuery10, parseInfo, (yyloc));
  4098         if((yyvsp[(3) - (7)].sval) == QLatin1String("xmlns"))
  4099         {
  4100             parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("It is not possible to redeclare prefix %1.")
  4101                                                .arg(formatKeyword(QLatin1String("xmlns"))),
  4102                                             ReportContext::XQST0070, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  4103         }
  4104         else if ((yyvsp[(5) - (7)].sval) == CommonNamespaces::XML || (yyvsp[(3) - (7)].sval) == QLatin1String("xml"))
  4105         {
  4106              parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr(
  4107                                             "The prefix %1 can not be bound. By default, it is already bound "
  4108                                             "to the namespace %2.")
  4109                                              .arg(formatKeyword("xml"))
  4110                                              .arg(formatURI(CommonNamespaces::XML)),
  4111                                              ReportContext::XQST0070,
  4112                                              fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  4113         }
  4114         else if(parseInfo->declaredPrefixes.contains((yyvsp[(3) - (7)].sval)))
  4115         {
  4116             /* This includes the case where the user has bound a default prefix(such
  4117              * as 'local') and now tries to do it again. */
  4118             parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("Prefix %1 is already declared in the prolog.")
  4119                                                .arg(formatKeyword((yyvsp[(3) - (7)].sval))),
  4120                                             ReportContext::XQST0033, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  4121         }
  4122         else
  4123         {
  4124             parseInfo->declaredPrefixes.append((yyvsp[(3) - (7)].sval));
  4126             if((yyvsp[(5) - (7)].sval).isEmpty())
  4127             {
  4128                 parseInfo->staticContext->namespaceBindings()->addBinding(QXmlName(StandardNamespaces::UndeclarePrefix,
  4129                                                                                    StandardLocalNames::empty,
  4130                                                                                    parseInfo->staticContext->namePool()->allocatePrefix((yyvsp[(3) - (7)].sval))));
  4131             }
  4132             else
  4133             {
  4134                 parseInfo->staticContext->namespaceBindings()->addBinding(parseInfo->staticContext->namePool()->allocateBinding((yyvsp[(3) - (7)].sval), (yyvsp[(5) - (7)].sval)));
  4135             }
  4136         }
  4137     }
  4138     break;
  4140   case 40:
  4141 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4142 #line 1776 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4143     {
  4144         if(parseInfo->hasDeclaration(ParserContext::BoundarySpaceDecl))
  4145         {
  4146             parseInfo->staticContext->error(prologMessage("declare boundary-space"),
  4147                                             ReportContext::XQST0068, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  4148         }
  4149         else
  4150         {
  4151             parseInfo->staticContext->setBoundarySpacePolicy((yyvsp[(3) - (4)].enums.boundarySpacePolicy));
  4152             parseInfo->registerDeclaration(ParserContext::BoundarySpaceDecl);
  4153         }
  4154     }
  4155     break;
  4157   case 41:
  4158 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4159 #line 1790 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4160     {
  4161         (yyval.enums.boundarySpacePolicy) = StaticContext::BSPStrip;
  4162     }
  4163     break;
  4165   case 42:
  4166 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4167 #line 1795 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4168     {
  4169         (yyval.enums.boundarySpacePolicy) = StaticContext::BSPPreserve;
  4170     }
  4171     break;
  4173   case 45:
  4174 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4175 #line 1804 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4176     {
  4177         if(parseInfo->hasDeclaration(ParserContext::DeclareDefaultElementNamespace))
  4178         {
  4179             parseInfo->staticContext->error(prologMessage("declare default element namespace"),
  4180                                             ReportContext::XQST0066, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  4181         }
  4182         else
  4183         {
  4184             parseInfo->staticContext->namespaceBindings()->addBinding(QXmlName(parseInfo->staticContext->namePool()->allocateNamespace((yyvsp[(5) - (6)].sval)), StandardLocalNames::empty));
  4185             parseInfo->registerDeclaration(ParserContext::DeclareDefaultElementNamespace);
  4186         }
  4187     }
  4188     break;
  4190   case 46:
  4191 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4192 #line 1819 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4193     {
  4194         if(parseInfo->hasDeclaration(ParserContext::DeclareDefaultFunctionNamespace))
  4195         {
  4196             parseInfo->staticContext->error(prologMessage("declare default function namespace"),
  4197                                             ReportContext::XQST0066, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  4198         }
  4199         else
  4200         {
  4201             parseInfo->staticContext->setDefaultFunctionNamespace((yyvsp[(5) - (6)].sval));
  4202             parseInfo->registerDeclaration(ParserContext::DeclareDefaultFunctionNamespace);
  4203         }
  4204     }
  4205     break;
  4207   case 47:
  4208 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4209 #line 1833 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4210     {
  4211         if((yyvsp[(3) - (5)].qName).prefix() == StandardPrefixes::empty)
  4212         {
  4213             parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("The name of an option must have a prefix. "
  4214                                                "There is no default namespace for options."),
  4215                                             ReportContext::XPST0081, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  4216         }
  4217     }
  4218     break;
  4220   case 48:
  4221 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4222 #line 1843 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4223     {
  4224         allowedIn(QXmlQuery::XQuery10, parseInfo, (yyloc));
  4225         if(parseInfo->hasDeclaration(ParserContext::OrderingModeDecl))
  4226         {
  4227             parseInfo->staticContext->error(prologMessage("declare ordering"),
  4228                                             ReportContext::XQST0065, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  4229         }
  4230         else
  4231         {
  4232             parseInfo->registerDeclaration(ParserContext::OrderingModeDecl);
  4233             parseInfo->staticContext->setOrderingMode((yyvsp[(3) - (4)].enums.orderingMode));
  4234         }
  4235     }
  4236     break;
  4238   case 49:
  4239 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4240 #line 1858 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4241     {
  4242         (yyval.enums.orderingMode) = StaticContext::Ordered;
  4243     }
  4244     break;
  4246   case 50:
  4247 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4248 #line 1862 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4249     {
  4250         (yyval.enums.orderingMode) = StaticContext::Unordered;
  4251     }
  4252     break;
  4254   case 51:
  4255 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4256 #line 1867 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4257     {
  4258         if(parseInfo->hasDeclaration(ParserContext::EmptyOrderDecl))
  4259         {
  4260             parseInfo->staticContext->error(prologMessage("declare default order"),
  4261                                             ReportContext::XQST0069, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  4262         }
  4263         else
  4264         {
  4265             parseInfo->registerDeclaration(ParserContext::EmptyOrderDecl);
  4266             parseInfo->staticContext->setOrderingEmptySequence((yyvsp[(4) - (5)].enums.orderingEmptySequence));
  4267         }
  4268     }
  4269     break;
  4271   case 52:
  4272 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4273 #line 1881 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4274     {
  4275         (yyval.enums.orderingEmptySequence) = StaticContext::Least;
  4276     }
  4277     break;
  4279   case 53:
  4280 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4281 #line 1885 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4282     {
  4283         (yyval.enums.orderingEmptySequence) = StaticContext::Greatest;
  4284     }
  4285     break;
  4287   case 54:
  4288 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4289 #line 1891 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4290     {
  4291         if(parseInfo->hasDeclaration(ParserContext::CopyNamespacesDecl))
  4292         {
  4293             parseInfo->staticContext->error(prologMessage("declare copy-namespaces"),
  4294                                             ReportContext::XQST0055, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  4295         }
  4296         else
  4297         {
  4298             parseInfo->registerDeclaration(ParserContext::CopyNamespacesDecl);
  4299         }
  4300     }
  4301     break;
  4303   case 55:
  4304 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4305 #line 1904 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4306     {
  4307         parseInfo->preserveNamespacesMode = true;
  4308     }
  4309     break;
  4311   case 56:
  4312 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4313 #line 1909 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4314     {
  4315         parseInfo->preserveNamespacesMode = false;
  4316     }
  4317     break;
  4319   case 57:
  4320 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4321 #line 1914 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4322     {
  4323         parseInfo->inheritNamespacesMode = true;
  4324     }
  4325     break;
  4327   case 58:
  4328 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4329 #line 1919 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4330     {
  4331         parseInfo->inheritNamespacesMode = false;
  4332     }
  4333     break;
  4335   case 59:
  4336 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4337 #line 1924 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4338     {
  4339         if(parseInfo->hasDeclaration(ParserContext::DefaultCollationDecl))
  4340         {
  4341             parseInfo->staticContext->error(prologMessage("declare default collation"),
  4342                                             ReportContext::XQST0038, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  4343         }
  4344         else
  4345         {
  4346             const QUrl coll(resolveAndCheckCollation<ReportContext::XQST0038>((yyvsp[(4) - (5)].sval), parseInfo, (yyloc)));
  4348             parseInfo->registerDeclaration(ParserContext::DefaultCollationDecl);
  4349             parseInfo->staticContext->setDefaultCollation(coll);
  4350         }
  4351     }
  4352     break;
  4354   case 60:
  4355 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4356 #line 1940 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4357     {
  4358         allowedIn(QueryLanguages(QXmlQuery::XQuery10 | QXmlQuery::XSLT20), parseInfo, (yyloc), (yyvsp[(3) - (5)].enums.Bool));
  4359         if(parseInfo->hasDeclaration(ParserContext::BaseURIDecl))
  4360         {
  4361             parseInfo->staticContext->error(prologMessage("declare base-uri"),
  4362                                             ReportContext::XQST0032, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  4363         }
  4364         else
  4365         {
  4366             parseInfo->registerDeclaration(ParserContext::BaseURIDecl);
  4367             const ReflectYYLTYPE ryy((yyloc), parseInfo);
  4369             QUrl toBeBase(AnyURI::toQUrl<ReportContext::XQST0046>((yyvsp[(4) - (5)].sval), parseInfo->staticContext, &ryy));
  4370             /* Now we're guaranteed that base is a valid lexical representation, but it can still be relative. */
  4372             if(toBeBase.isRelative())
  4373                 toBeBase = parseInfo->staticContext->baseURI().resolved(toBeBase);
  4375             parseInfo->staticContext->setBaseURI(toBeBase);
  4376         }
  4377     }
  4378     break;
  4380   case 61:
  4381 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4382 #line 1963 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4383     {
  4384         parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("The Schema Import feature is not supported, "
  4385                                            "and therefore %1 declarations cannot occur.")
  4386                                            .arg(formatKeyword("import schema")),
  4387                                         ReportContext::XQST0009, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  4388     }
  4389     break;
  4391   case 65:
  4392 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4393 #line 1975 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4394     {
  4395         if((yyvsp[(4) - (6)].sval).isEmpty())
  4396         {
  4397             parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("The target namespace of a %1 cannot be empty.")
  4398                                                .arg(formatKeyword("module import")),
  4399                                            ReportContext::XQST0088, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  4401         }
  4402         else
  4403         {
  4404             /* This is temporary until we have implemented it. */
  4405             parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("The module import feature is not supported"),
  4406                                             ReportContext::XQST0016, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  4407         }
  4408     }
  4409     break;
  4411   case 72:
  4412 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4413 #line 2002 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4414     {
  4415         allowedIn(QXmlQuery::XQuery10, parseInfo, (yyloc), (yyvsp[(3) - (9)].enums.Bool));
  4416         if(variableByName((yyvsp[(5) - (9)].qName), parseInfo))
  4417         {
  4418             parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("A variable by name %1 has already "
  4419                                                               "been declared.")
  4420                                                .arg(formatKeyword(parseInfo->staticContext->namePool()->toLexical((yyvsp[(5) - (9)].qName)))),
  4421                                             parseInfo->isXSLT() ? ReportContext::XTSE0630 : ReportContext::XQST0049,
  4422                                             fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  4423         }
  4424         else
  4425         {
  4426             if((yyvsp[(7) - (9)].expr)) /* We got a value assigned. */
  4427             {
  4428                 const Expression::Ptr checked
  4429                         (TypeChecker::applyFunctionConversion((yyvsp[(7) - (9)].expr), (yyvsp[(6) - (9)].sequenceType), parseInfo->staticContext,
  4430                                                               (yyvsp[(3) - (9)].enums.Bool) ? ReportContext::XTTE0570 : ReportContext::XPTY0004,
  4431                                                               (yyvsp[(3) - (9)].enums.Bool) ? TypeChecker::Options(TypeChecker::CheckFocus | TypeChecker::AutomaticallyConvert) : TypeChecker::CheckFocus));
  4433                 pushVariable((yyvsp[(5) - (9)].qName), (yyvsp[(6) - (9)].sequenceType), checked, VariableDeclaration::GlobalVariable, (yyloc), parseInfo);
  4434                 parseInfo->declaredVariables.append(parseInfo->variables.last());
  4435             }
  4436             else /* We got an 'external' declaration. */
  4437             {
  4438                 const SequenceType::Ptr varType(parseInfo->staticContext->
  4439                                                 externalVariableLoader()->announceExternalVariable((yyvsp[(5) - (9)].qName), (yyvsp[(6) - (9)].sequenceType)));
  4441                 if(varType)
  4442                 {
  4443                     /* We push the declaration such that we can see name clashes and so on, but we don't use it for tying
  4444                      * any references to it. */
  4445                     pushVariable((yyvsp[(5) - (9)].qName), varType, Expression::Ptr(), VariableDeclaration::ExternalVariable, (yyloc), parseInfo);
  4446                 }
  4447                 else if((yyvsp[(8) - (9)].expr))
  4448                 {
  4449                     /* Ok, the xsl:param got a default value, we make it
  4450                      * available as a regular variable declaration. */
  4451                     // TODO turn into checked
  4452                     pushVariable((yyvsp[(5) - (9)].qName), (yyvsp[(6) - (9)].sequenceType), (yyvsp[(8) - (9)].expr), VariableDeclaration::GlobalVariable, (yyloc), parseInfo);
  4453                     // TODO ensure that duplicates are trapped.
  4454                 }
  4455                 else
  4456                 {
  4457                     parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("No value is available for the external "
  4458                                                                       "variable by name %1.")
  4459                                                        .arg(formatKeyword(parseInfo->staticContext->namePool(), (yyvsp[(5) - (9)].qName))),
  4460                                                     parseInfo->isXSLT() ? ReportContext::XTDE0050 : ReportContext::XPDY0002,
  4461                                                     fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  4462                 }
  4463             }
  4464         }
  4465     }
  4466     break;
  4468   case 73:
  4469 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4470 #line 2056 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4471     {
  4472         (yyval.expr).reset();
  4473     }
  4474     break;
  4476   case 74:
  4477 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4478 #line 2060 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4479     {
  4480         (yyval.expr) = (yyvsp[(2) - (2)].expr);
  4481     }
  4482     break;
  4484   case 75:
  4485 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4486 #line 2065 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4487     {
  4488         (yyval.expr).reset();
  4489     }
  4490     break;
  4492   case 76:
  4493 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4494 #line 2069 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4495     {
  4496         (yyval.expr) = (yyvsp[(2) - (2)].expr);
  4497     }
  4498     break;
  4500   case 77:
  4501 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4502 #line 2074 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4503     {
  4504         if(parseInfo->hasDeclaration(ParserContext::ConstructionDecl))
  4505         {
  4506             parseInfo->staticContext->error(prologMessage("declare ordering"),
  4507                                             ReportContext::XQST0067, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  4508         }
  4509         else
  4510         {
  4511             parseInfo->registerDeclaration(ParserContext::ConstructionDecl);
  4512             parseInfo->staticContext->setConstructionMode((yyvsp[(3) - (4)].enums.constructionMode));
  4513         }
  4514     }
  4515     break;
  4517   case 78:
  4518 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4519 #line 2088 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4520     {
  4521         (yyval.enums.constructionMode) = StaticContext::CMStrip;
  4522     }
  4523     break;
  4525   case 79:
  4526 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4527 #line 2092 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4528     {
  4529         (yyval.enums.constructionMode) = StaticContext::CMPreserve;
  4530     }
  4531     break;
  4533   case 80:
  4534 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4535 #line 2097 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4536     {
  4537                 (yyval.enums.slot) = parseInfo->currentExpressionSlot() - (yyvsp[(6) - (7)].functionArguments).count();
  4538               }
  4539     break;
  4541   case 81:
  4542 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4543 #line 2101 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4544     {
  4545         if(!(yyvsp[(3) - (11)].enums.Bool))
  4546             allowedIn(QXmlQuery::XQuery10, parseInfo, (yyloc), (yyvsp[(3) - (11)].enums.Bool));
  4548         /* If FunctionBody is null, it is 'external', otherwise the value is the body. */
  4549         const QXmlName::NamespaceCode ns((yyvsp[(4) - (11)].qName).namespaceURI());
  4551         if(parseInfo->isXSLT() && !(yyvsp[(4) - (11)].qName).hasPrefix())
  4552         {
  4553             parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("A stylesheet function must have a prefixed name."),
  4554                                             ReportContext::XTSE0740,
  4555                                             fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  4556         }
  4558         if((yyvsp[(10) - (11)].expr)) /* We got a function body. */
  4559         {
  4560             if(ns == StandardNamespaces::empty)
  4561             {
  4562                 parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("The namespace for a user defined function "
  4563                                                    "cannot be empty (try the predefined "
  4564                                                    "prefix %1 which exists for cases "
  4565                                                    "like this)")
  4566                                                    .arg(formatKeyword("local")),
  4567                                                 ReportContext::XQST0060, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  4568             }
  4569             else if(XPathHelper::isReservedNamespace(ns))
  4570             {
  4571                 parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr(
  4572                                                    "The namespace %1 is reserved; therefore "
  4573                                                    "user defined functions may not use it. "
  4574                                                    "Try the predefined prefix %2, which "
  4575                                                    "exists for these cases.")
  4576                                                 .arg(formatURI(parseInfo->staticContext->namePool(), ns), formatKeyword("local")),
  4577                                                 parseInfo->isXSLT() ? ReportContext::XTSE0080 : ReportContext::XQST0045,
  4578                                                 fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  4579             }
  4580             else if(parseInfo->moduleNamespace != StandardNamespaces::empty &&
  4581                     ns != parseInfo->moduleNamespace)
  4582             {
  4583                 parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr(
  4584                                                    "The namespace of a user defined "
  4585                                                    "function in a library module must be "
  4586                                                    "equivalent to the module namespace. "
  4587                                                    "In other words, it should be %1 instead "
  4588                                                    "of %2")
  4589                                                 .arg(formatURI(parseInfo->staticContext->namePool(), parseInfo->moduleNamespace),
  4590                                                      formatURI(parseInfo->staticContext->namePool(), ns)),
  4591                                                 ReportContext::XQST0048, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  4592             }
  4593             else
  4594             {
  4595                 /* Apply function conversion such that the body matches the declared
  4596                  * return type. */
  4597                 const Expression::Ptr checked(TypeChecker::applyFunctionConversion((yyvsp[(10) - (11)].expr), (yyvsp[(9) - (11)].sequenceType),
  4598                                                                                    parseInfo->staticContext,
  4599                                                                                    ReportContext::XPTY0004,
  4600                                                                                    TypeChecker::Options(TypeChecker::AutomaticallyConvert |
  4601                                                                                                         TypeChecker::CheckFocus |
  4602                                                                                                         TypeChecker::GeneratePromotion)));
  4604                 const int argCount = (yyvsp[(6) - (11)].functionArguments).count();
  4605                 const FunctionSignature::Ptr sign(new FunctionSignature((yyvsp[(4) - (11)].qName) /* name */,
  4606                                                                         argCount /* minArgs */,
  4607                                                                         argCount /* maxArgs */,
  4608                                                                         (yyvsp[(9) - (11)].sequenceType) /* returnType */));
  4609                 sign->setArguments((yyvsp[(6) - (11)].functionArguments));
  4610                 const UserFunction::List::const_iterator end(parseInfo->userFunctions.constEnd());
  4611                 UserFunction::List::const_iterator it(parseInfo->userFunctions.constBegin());
  4613                 for(; it != end; ++it)
  4614                 {
  4615                     if(*(*it)->signature() == *sign)
  4616                     {
  4617                         parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("A function already exists with "
  4618                                                            "the signature %1.")
  4619                                                            .arg(formatFunction(parseInfo->staticContext->namePool(), sign)),
  4620                                                         parseInfo->isXSLT() ? ReportContext::XTSE0770 : ReportContext::XQST0034, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  4621                     }
  4622                 }
  4624                 VariableDeclaration::List argDecls;
  4626                 for(int i = 0; i < argCount; ++i)
  4627                     argDecls.append(parseInfo->;
  4629                 if((yyvsp[(8) - (11)].enums.slot) > -1)
  4630                 {
  4631                     /* We have allocated slots, so now push them out of scope. */
  4632                     parseInfo->finalizePushedVariable(argCount);
  4633                 }
  4635                 parseInfo->userFunctions.append(UserFunction::Ptr(new UserFunction(sign, checked, (yyvsp[(8) - (11)].enums.slot), argDecls)));
  4636             }
  4637         }
  4638         else /* We got an 'external' declaration. */
  4639         {
  4640             parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("No external functions are supported. "
  4641                                                "All supported functions can be used directly, "
  4642                                                "without first declaring them as external"),
  4643                                             ReportContext::XPST0017, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  4644         }
  4645     }
  4646     break;
  4648   case 82:
  4649 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4650 #line 2205 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4651     {
  4652         (yyval.functionArguments) = FunctionArgument::List();
  4653     }
  4654     break;
  4656   case 83:
  4657 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4658 #line 2209 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4659     {
  4660         FunctionArgument::List l;
  4661         l.append((yyvsp[(1) - (1)].functionArgument));
  4662         (yyval.functionArguments) = l;
  4663     }
  4664     break;
  4666   case 84:
  4667 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4668 #line 2215 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4669     {
  4670         FunctionArgument::List::const_iterator it((yyvsp[(1) - (3)].functionArguments).constBegin());
  4671         const FunctionArgument::List::const_iterator end((yyvsp[(1) - (3)].functionArguments).constEnd());
  4673         for(; it != end; ++it)
  4674         {
  4675             if((*it)->name() == (yyvsp[(3) - (3)].functionArgument)->name())
  4676             {
  4677                 parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("An argument by name %1 has already "
  4678                                                    "been declared. Every argument name "
  4679                                                    "must be unique.")
  4680                                                    .arg(formatKeyword(parseInfo->staticContext->namePool(), (yyvsp[(3) - (3)].functionArgument)->name())),
  4681                                                 ReportContext::XQST0039, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  4682             }
  4683         }
  4685         (yyvsp[(1) - (3)].functionArguments).append((yyvsp[(3) - (3)].functionArgument));
  4686         (yyval.functionArguments) = (yyvsp[(1) - (3)].functionArguments);
  4687     }
  4688     break;
  4690   case 85:
  4691 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4692 #line 2236 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4693     {
  4694         pushVariable((yyvsp[(2) - (3)].qName), (yyvsp[(3) - (3)].sequenceType), Expression::Ptr(), VariableDeclaration::FunctionArgument, (yyloc), parseInfo);
  4695         (yyval.functionArgument) = FunctionArgument::Ptr(new FunctionArgument((yyvsp[(2) - (3)].qName), (yyvsp[(3) - (3)].sequenceType)));
  4696     }
  4697     break;
  4699   case 86:
  4700 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4701 #line 2242 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4702     {
  4703         (yyval.expr).reset();
  4704     }
  4705     break;
  4707   case 88:
  4708 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4709 #line 2248 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4710     {
  4711         (yyval.expr) = (yyvsp[(2) - (3)].expr);
  4712     }
  4713     break;
  4715   case 91:
  4716 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4717 #line 2264 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4718     {
  4719         (yyval.expr) = create(new CombineNodes((yyvsp[(1) - (3)].expr), CombineNodes::Union, (yyvsp[(3) - (3)].expr)), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  4720     }
  4721     break;
  4723   case 93:
  4724 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4725 #line 2270 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4726     {
  4727         /* We write this into a node test. The spec says, 5.5.3 The Meaning of a Pattern:
  4728          * "Similarly, / matches a document node, and only a document node,
  4729          * because the result of the expression root(.)//(/) returns the root
  4730          * node of the tree containing the context node if and only if it is a
  4731          * document node." */
  4732         (yyval.expr) = create(new AxisStep(QXmlNodeModelIndex::AxisSelf, BuiltinTypes::document), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  4733     }
  4734     break;
  4736   case 94:
  4737 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4738 #line 2279 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4739     {
  4740         /* /axis::node-test
  4741          *       =>
  4742          * axis::node-test[parent::document-node()]
  4743          *
  4744          * In practice it looks like this. $2 is:
  4745          *
  4746          *     TruthPredicate
  4747          *          AxisStep    self::element(c)
  4748          *          TruthPredicate
  4749          *              AxisStep    parent::element(b)
  4750          *              AxisStep    parent::element(a)
  4751          *
  4752          * and we want this:
  4753          *
  4754          *      TruthPredicate
  4755          *          AxisStep    self::element(c)
  4756          *          TruthPredicate
  4757          *              AxisStep    self::element(b)
  4758          *              TruthPredicate
  4759          *                  AxisStep    parent::element(a)
  4760          *                  AxisStep    parent::document()
  4761          *
  4762          * So we want to rewrite the predicate deepest down into a
  4763          * another TruthPredicate containing the AxisStep.
  4764          *
  4765          * The simplest case where $2 is only an axis step is special. When $2 is:
  4766          *
  4767          *  AxisStep self::element(a)
  4768          *
  4769          * we want:
  4770          *
  4771          *  TruthPredicate
  4772          *      AxisStep self::element(a)
  4773          *      AxisStep parent::document()
  4774          */
  4776         /* First, find the target. */
  4777         Expression::Ptr target((yyvsp[(2) - (2)].expr));
  4779         while(isPredicate(target->id()))
  4780         {
  4781             const Expression::Ptr candidate(target->operands().at(1));
  4783             if(isPredicate(candidate->id()))
  4784                 target = candidate;
  4785             else
  4786                 break; /* target is now the last predicate. */
  4787         }
  4789         if(target->is(Expression::IDAxisStep))
  4790         {
  4791             (yyval.expr) = create(GenericPredicate::create((yyvsp[(2) - (2)].expr), create(new AxisStep(QXmlNodeModelIndex::AxisParent, BuiltinTypes::document), (yyloc), parseInfo),
  4792                                                  parseInfo->staticContext, fromYYLTYPE((yylsp[(1) - (2)]), parseInfo)), (yylsp[(1) - (2)]), parseInfo);
  4793         }
  4794         else
  4795         {
  4796             const Expression::List targetOperands(target->operands());
  4797             Expression::List newOps;
  4798             newOps.append(;
  4800             newOps.append(create(GenericPredicate::create(,
  4801                                                           create(new AxisStep(QXmlNodeModelIndex::AxisParent, BuiltinTypes::document), (yyloc), parseInfo),
  4802                                                           parseInfo->staticContext, fromYYLTYPE((yylsp[(1) - (2)]), parseInfo)), (yylsp[(1) - (2)]), parseInfo));
  4804             target->setOperands(newOps);
  4805             (yyval.expr) = (yyvsp[(2) - (2)].expr);
  4806         }
  4807     }
  4808     break;
  4810   case 95:
  4811 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4812 #line 2349 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4813     {
  4814         /* //axis::node-test
  4815          *        =>
  4816          * axis::node-test[parent::node()]
  4817          *
  4818          * Spec says: "//para matches any para element that has a parent node."
  4819          */
  4820         (yyval.expr) = create(GenericPredicate::create((yyvsp[(2) - (2)].expr), create(new AxisStep(QXmlNodeModelIndex::AxisParent, BuiltinTypes::node), (yyloc), parseInfo),
  4821                                              parseInfo->staticContext, fromYYLTYPE((yylsp[(1) - (2)]), parseInfo)), (yylsp[(1) - (2)]), parseInfo);
  4822     }
  4823     break;
  4825   case 97:
  4826 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4827 #line 2361 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4828     {
  4829         createIdPatternPath((yyvsp[(1) - (3)].expr), (yyvsp[(3) - (3)].expr), QXmlNodeModelIndex::AxisParent, (yylsp[(2) - (3)]), parseInfo);
  4830     }
  4831     break;
  4833   case 98:
  4834 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4835 #line 2365 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4836     {
  4837         createIdPatternPath((yyvsp[(1) - (3)].expr), (yyvsp[(3) - (3)].expr), QXmlNodeModelIndex::AxisAncestor, (yylsp[(2) - (3)]), parseInfo);
  4838     }
  4839     break;
  4841   case 99:
  4842 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4843 #line 2370 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4844     {
  4845         const Expression::List ands((yyvsp[(1) - (1)].expr)->operands());
  4846         const FunctionSignature::Ptr signature((yyvsp[(1) - (1)].expr)->as<FunctionCall>()->signature());
  4847         const QXmlName name(signature->name());
  4848         const QXmlName key(StandardNamespaces::fn, StandardLocalNames::key);
  4849         const QXmlName id(StandardNamespaces::fn, StandardLocalNames::id);
  4851         if(name == id)
  4852         {
  4853             const Expression::ID id = ands.first()->id();
  4854             if(!isVariableReference(id) && id != Expression::IDStringValue)
  4855             {
  4856                 parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("When function %1 is used for matching inside a pattern, "
  4857                                                                   "the argument must be a variable reference or a string literal.")
  4858                                                                   .arg(formatFunction(parseInfo->staticContext->namePool(), signature)),
  4859                                                 ReportContext::XPST0003,
  4860                                                 fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  4861             }
  4862         }
  4863         else if(name == key)
  4864         {
  4865             if(ands.first()->id() != Expression::IDStringValue)
  4866             {
  4867                 parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("In an XSL-T pattern, the first argument to function %1 "
  4868                                                                   "must be a string literal, when used for matching.")
  4869                                                                   .arg(formatFunction(parseInfo->staticContext->namePool(), signature)),
  4870                                                 ReportContext::XPST0003,
  4871                                                 fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  4872             }
  4874             const Expression::ID id2 =>id();
  4875             if(!isVariableReference(id2) &&
  4876                id2 != Expression::IDStringValue &&
  4877                id2 != Expression::IDIntegerValue &&
  4878                id2 != Expression::IDBooleanValue &&
  4879                id2 != Expression::IDFloat)
  4880             {
  4881                 parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("In an XSL-T pattern, the first argument to function %1 "
  4882                                                                   "must be a literal or a variable reference, when used for matching.")
  4883                                                                   .arg(formatFunction(parseInfo->staticContext->namePool(), signature)),
  4884                                                 ReportContext::XPST0003,
  4885                                                 fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  4886             }
  4888             if(ands.count() == 3)
  4889             {
  4890                 parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("In an XSL-T pattern, function %1 cannot have a third argument.")
  4891                                                                   .arg(formatFunction(parseInfo->staticContext->namePool(), signature)),
  4892                                                 ReportContext::XPST0003,
  4893                                                 fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  4894             }
  4896         }
  4897         else
  4898         {
  4899             const FunctionSignature::Hash signs(parseInfo->staticContext->functionSignatures()->functionSignatures());
  4900             parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("In an XSL-T pattern, only function %1 "
  4901                                                               "and %2, not %3, can be used for matching.")
  4902                                                               .arg(formatFunction(parseInfo->staticContext->namePool(), signs.value(id)),
  4903                                                                    formatFunction(parseInfo->staticContext->namePool(), signs.value(key)),
  4904                                                                    formatFunction(parseInfo->staticContext->namePool(), signature)),
  4905                                             ReportContext::XPST0003,
  4906                                             fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  4907         }
  4909         (yyval.expr) = (yyvsp[(1) - (1)].expr);
  4910     }
  4911     break;
  4913   case 101:
  4914 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4915 #line 2440 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4916     {
  4917         (yyval.expr) = createPatternPath((yyvsp[(1) - (3)].expr), (yyvsp[(3) - (3)].expr), QXmlNodeModelIndex::AxisParent, (yylsp[(2) - (3)]), parseInfo);
  4918     }
  4919     break;
  4921   case 102:
  4922 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4923 #line 2444 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4924     {
  4925         (yyval.expr) = createPatternPath((yyvsp[(1) - (3)].expr), (yyvsp[(3) - (3)].expr), QXmlNodeModelIndex::AxisAncestor, (yylsp[(2) - (3)]), parseInfo);
  4926     }
  4927     break;
  4929   case 103:
  4930 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4931 #line 2449 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4932     {
  4933         const Expression::Ptr expr(findAxisStep((yyvsp[(1) - (1)].expr)));
  4935         const QXmlNodeModelIndex::Axis axis = expr->as<AxisStep>()->axis();
  4936         AxisStep *const axisStep = expr->as<AxisStep>();
  4938         /* Here we constrain the possible axes, and we rewrite the axes as according
  4939          * to 5.5.3 The Meaning of a Pattern.
  4940          *
  4941          * However, we also rewrite axis child and attribute to axis self. The
  4942          * reason for this is that if we don't, we will match the children of
  4943          * the context node, instead of the context node itself. The formal
  4944          * definition of a pattern, root(.)//EE is insensitive to context,
  4945          * while the way we implement pattern, "the other way of seeing it",
  4946          * e.g from right to left, are very much. */
  4948         if(axisStep->nodeTest() == BuiltinTypes::document
  4949            || axis == QXmlNodeModelIndex::AxisChild)
  4950             axisStep->setAxis(QXmlNodeModelIndex::AxisSelf);
  4951         else if(axis == QXmlNodeModelIndex::AxisAttribute)
  4952         {
  4953             axisStep->setAxis(QXmlNodeModelIndex::AxisSelf);
  4954             /* Consider that the user write attribute::node().  This is
  4955              * semantically equivalent to attribute::attribute(), but since we have changed
  4956              * the axis to axis self, we also need to change the node test, such that we
  4957              * have self::attribute(). */
  4958             if(*axisStep->nodeTest() == *BuiltinTypes::node)
  4959                 axisStep->setNodeTest(BuiltinTypes::attribute);
  4960         }
  4961         else
  4962         {
  4963             parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("In an XSL-T pattern, axis %1 cannot be used, "
  4964                                                               "only axis %2 or %3 can.")
  4965                                             .arg(formatKeyword(AxisStep::axisName(axis)),
  4966                                                  formatKeyword(AxisStep::axisName(QXmlNodeModelIndex::AxisChild)),
  4967                                                  formatKeyword(AxisStep::axisName(QXmlNodeModelIndex::AxisAttribute))),
  4968                                             ReportContext::XPST0003,
  4969                                             fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  4970         }
  4972         (yyval.expr) = (yyvsp[(1) - (1)].expr);
  4973     }
  4974     break;
  4976   case 105:
  4977 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4978 #line 2494 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4979     {
  4980         (yyval.expr) = create(new ExpressionSequence((yyvsp[(1) - (1)].expressionList)), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  4981     }
  4982     break;
  4984   case 106:
  4985 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4986 #line 2499 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4987     {
  4988         Expression::List l;
  4989         l.append((yyvsp[(1) - (3)].expr));
  4990         l.append((yyvsp[(3) - (3)].expr));
  4991         (yyval.expressionList) = l;
  4992     }
  4993     break;
  4995   case 107:
  4996 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  4997 #line 2506 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  4998     {
  4999         (yyvsp[(1) - (3)].expressionList).append((yyvsp[(3) - (3)].expr));
  5000         (yyval.expressionList) = (yyvsp[(1) - (3)].expressionList);
  5001     }
  5002     break;
  5004   case 113:
  5005 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5006 #line 2517 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5007     {
  5008         (yyval.expr) = createDirAttributeValue((yyvsp[(3) - (4)].expressionList), parseInfo, (yyloc));
  5009     }
  5010     break;
  5012   case 114:
  5013 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5014 #line 2522 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5015     {
  5016         QVector<QXmlName> result;
  5017         result.append(QXmlName(StandardNamespaces::InternalXSLT, StandardLocalNames::Default));
  5018         (yyval.qNameVector) = result;
  5019     }
  5020     break;
  5022   case 115:
  5023 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5024 #line 2528 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5025     {
  5026         (yyval.qNameVector) = (yyvsp[(2) - (2)].qNameVector);
  5027     }
  5028     break;
  5030   case 116:
  5031 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5032 #line 2533 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5033     {
  5034             (yyval.qName) = QXmlName(StandardNamespaces::InternalXSLT, StandardLocalNames::Default);
  5035     }
  5036     break;
  5038   case 117:
  5039 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5040 #line 2537 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5041     {
  5042         (yyval.qName) = (yyvsp[(2) - (2)].qName);
  5043     }
  5044     break;
  5046   case 118:
  5047 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5048 #line 2542 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5049     {
  5050         QVector<QXmlName> result;
  5051         result.append((yyvsp[(1) - (1)].qName));
  5052         (yyval.qNameVector) = result;
  5053     }
  5054     break;
  5056   case 119:
  5057 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5058 #line 2548 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5059     {
  5060         (yyvsp[(1) - (3)].qNameVector).append((yyvsp[(3) - (3)].qName));
  5061         (yyval.qNameVector) = (yyvsp[(1) - (3)].qNameVector);
  5062     }
  5063     break;
  5065   case 120:
  5066 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5067 #line 2554 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5068     {
  5069         (yyval.qName) = (yyvsp[(1) - (1)].qName);
  5070     }
  5071     break;
  5073   case 121:
  5074 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5075 #line 2558 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5076     {
  5077         if((yyvsp[(1) - (1)].sval) == QLatin1String("#current"))
  5078             (yyval.qName) = QXmlName(StandardNamespaces::InternalXSLT, StandardLocalNames::current);
  5079         else if((yyvsp[(1) - (1)].sval) == QLatin1String("#default"))
  5080             (yyval.qName) = QXmlName(StandardNamespaces::InternalXSLT, StandardLocalNames::Default);
  5081         else if((yyvsp[(1) - (1)].sval) == QLatin1String("#all"))
  5082             (yyval.qName) = QXmlName(StandardNamespaces::InternalXSLT, StandardLocalNames::all);
  5083         else
  5084         {
  5085             const ReflectYYLTYPE ryy((yyloc), parseInfo);
  5087             if(!QXmlUtils::isNCName((yyvsp[(1) - (1)].sval)))
  5088             {
  5089                 parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 is an invalid template mode name.")
  5090                                                                   .arg(formatKeyword((yyvsp[(1) - (1)].sval))),
  5091                                                 ReportContext::XTSE0550,
  5092                                                 fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  5093             }
  5095             (yyval.qName) = parseInfo->staticContext->namePool()->allocateQName(StandardNamespaces::empty, (yyvsp[(1) - (1)].sval));
  5096         }
  5097     }
  5098     break;
  5100   case 124:
  5101 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5102 #line 2587 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5103     {
  5104                /* We're pushing the range variable here, not the positional. */
  5105                (yyval.expr) = pushVariable((yyvsp[(3) - (7)].qName), quantificationType((yyvsp[(4) - (7)].sequenceType)), (yyvsp[(7) - (7)].expr), VariableDeclaration::RangeVariable, (yyloc), parseInfo);
  5106            }
  5107     break;
  5109   case 125:
  5110 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5111 #line 2591 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5112     {
  5113                /* It is ok this appears after PositionalVar, because currentRangeSlot()
  5114                 * uses a different "channel" than currentPositionSlot(), so they can't trash
  5115                 * each other. */
  5116                (yyval.enums.slot) = parseInfo->staticContext->currentRangeSlot();
  5117            }
  5118     break;
  5120   case 126:
  5121 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5122 #line 2598 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5123     {
  5124         Q_ASSERT((yyvsp[(7) - (10)].expr));
  5125         Q_ASSERT((yyvsp[(10) - (10)].expr));
  5127         /* We want the next last pushed variable, since we push the range variable after the
  5128          * positional variable. */
  5129         if((yyvsp[(5) - (10)].enums.slot) != -1 && parseInfo->>variables.count() -2)->name == (yyvsp[(3) - (10)].qName))
  5130         {
  5131             /* Ok, a positional variable is used since its slot is not -1, and its name is equal
  5132              * to our range variable. This is an error. */
  5133             parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("The name of a variable bound in a for-expression must be different "
  5134                                                "from the positional variable. Hence, the two variables named %1 collide.")
  5135                                                .arg(formatKeyword(parseInfo->staticContext->namePool(), (yyvsp[(3) - (10)].qName))),
  5136                                             ReportContext::XQST0089,
  5137                                             fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  5139         }
  5141         const Expression::Ptr retBody(create(new ForClause((yyvsp[(9) - (10)].enums.slot), (yyvsp[(8) - (10)].expr), (yyvsp[(10) - (10)].expr), (yyvsp[(5) - (10)].enums.slot)), (yyloc), parseInfo));
  5142         ReturnOrderBy *const rob = locateReturnClause((yyvsp[(10) - (10)].expr));
  5144         if(rob)
  5145             (yyval.expr) = create(new OrderBy(rob->stability(), rob->orderSpecs(), retBody, rob), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  5146         else
  5147             (yyval.expr) = retBody;
  5149         parseInfo->finalizePushedVariable();
  5151         if((yyvsp[(5) - (10)].enums.slot) != -1) /* We also have a positional variable to remove from the scope. */
  5152             parseInfo->finalizePushedVariable();
  5153     }
  5154     break;
  5156   case 127:
  5157 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5158 #line 2632 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5159     {
  5160              pushVariable((yyvsp[(3) - (7)].qName), quantificationType((yyvsp[(4) - (7)].sequenceType)), (yyvsp[(7) - (7)].expr), VariableDeclaration::RangeVariable, (yyloc), parseInfo);
  5161          }
  5162     break;
  5164   case 128:
  5165 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5166 #line 2635 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5167     {
  5168              /* It is ok this appears after PositionalVar, because currentRangeSlot()
  5169               * uses a different "channel" than currentPositionSlot(), so they can't trash
  5170               * each other. */
  5171              (yyval.enums.slot) = parseInfo->staticContext->currentRangeSlot();
  5172          }
  5173     break;
  5175   case 129:
  5176 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5177 #line 2642 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5178     {
  5179         (yyval.expr) = create(new ForClause((yyvsp[(9) - (10)].enums.slot), (yyvsp[(7) - (10)].expr), (yyvsp[(10) - (10)].expr), (yyvsp[(5) - (10)].enums.slot)), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  5181         parseInfo->finalizePushedVariable();
  5183         if((yyvsp[(5) - (10)].enums.slot) != -1) /* We also have a positional variable to remove from the scope. */
  5184             parseInfo->finalizePushedVariable();
  5185     }
  5186     break;
  5188   case 133:
  5189 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5190 #line 2656 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5191     {
  5192         (yyval.enums.slot) = -1;
  5193     }
  5194     break;
  5196   case 134:
  5197 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5198 #line 2661 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5199     {
  5200         pushVariable((yyvsp[(3) - (3)].qName), CommonSequenceTypes::ExactlyOneInteger, Expression::Ptr(),
  5201                      VariableDeclaration::PositionalVariable, (yyloc), parseInfo);
  5202         (yyval.enums.slot) = parseInfo->currentPositionSlot();
  5203     }
  5204     break;
  5206   case 135:
  5207 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5208 #line 2668 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5209     {
  5210                 (yyval.expr) = pushVariable((yyvsp[(4) - (7)].qName), quantificationType((yyvsp[(5) - (7)].sequenceType)), (yyvsp[(7) - (7)].expr), VariableDeclaration::ExpressionVariable, (yyloc), parseInfo);
  5211            }
  5212     break;
  5214   case 136:
  5215 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5216 #line 2672 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5217     {
  5218         allowedIn(QXmlQuery::XQuery10, parseInfo, (yyloc), (yyvsp[(2) - (9)].enums.Bool));
  5220         Q_ASSERT(parseInfo->>name == (yyvsp[(4) - (9)].qName));
  5221         (yyval.expr) = create(new LetClause((yyvsp[(8) - (9)].expr), (yyvsp[(9) - (9)].expr), parseInfo->, (yyloc), parseInfo);
  5222         parseInfo->finalizePushedVariable();
  5223     }
  5224     break;
  5226   case 137:
  5227 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5228 #line 2681 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5229     { (yyval.expr) = pushVariable((yyvsp[(3) - (6)].qName), quantificationType((yyvsp[(4) - (6)].sequenceType)), (yyvsp[(6) - (6)].expr), VariableDeclaration::ExpressionVariable, (yyloc), parseInfo);}
  5230     break;
  5232   case 138:
  5233 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5234 #line 2683 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5235     {
  5236         Q_ASSERT(parseInfo->>name == (yyvsp[(3) - (8)].qName));
  5237         (yyval.expr) = create(new LetClause((yyvsp[(7) - (8)].expr), (yyvsp[(8) - (8)].expr), parseInfo->, (yyloc), parseInfo);
  5238         parseInfo->finalizePushedVariable();
  5239     }
  5240     break;
  5242   case 142:
  5243 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5244 #line 2694 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5245     {
  5246         if((yyvsp[(1) - (3)].orderSpecs).isEmpty())
  5247             (yyval.expr) = (yyvsp[(3) - (3)].expr);
  5248         else
  5249             (yyval.expr) = createReturnOrderBy((yyvsp[(1) - (3)].orderSpecs), (yyvsp[(3) - (3)].expr), parseInfo->orderStability.pop(), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  5250     }
  5251     break;
  5253   case 143:
  5254 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5255 #line 2702 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5256     {
  5257         if((yyvsp[(3) - (5)].orderSpecs).isEmpty())
  5258             (yyval.expr) = create(new IfThenClause((yyvsp[(2) - (5)].expr), (yyvsp[(5) - (5)].expr), create(new EmptySequence, (yyloc), parseInfo)), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  5259         else
  5260             (yyval.expr) = create(new IfThenClause((yyvsp[(2) - (5)].expr), createReturnOrderBy((yyvsp[(3) - (5)].orderSpecs), (yyvsp[(5) - (5)].expr), parseInfo->orderStability.pop(), (yyloc), parseInfo),
  5261                                          create(new EmptySequence, (yyloc), parseInfo)),
  5262                         (yyloc), parseInfo);
  5263     }
  5264     break;
  5266   case 144:
  5267 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5268 #line 2712 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5269     {
  5270         (yyval.orderSpecs) = OrderSpecTransfer::List();
  5271     }
  5272     break;
  5274   case 146:
  5275 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5276 #line 2718 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5277     {
  5278         (yyval.orderSpecs) = (yyvsp[(2) - (2)].orderSpecs);
  5279     }
  5280     break;
  5282   case 147:
  5283 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5284 #line 2723 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5285     {
  5286         OrderSpecTransfer::List list;
  5287         list += (yyvsp[(1) - (3)].orderSpecs);
  5288         list.append((yyvsp[(3) - (3)].orderSpec));
  5289         (yyval.orderSpecs) = list;
  5290     }
  5291     break;
  5293   case 148:
  5294 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5295 #line 2730 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5296     {
  5297         OrderSpecTransfer::List list;
  5298         list.append((yyvsp[(1) - (1)].orderSpec));
  5299         (yyval.orderSpecs) = list;
  5300     }
  5301     break;
  5303   case 149:
  5304 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5305 #line 2737 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5306     {
  5307         (yyval.orderSpec) = OrderSpecTransfer((yyvsp[(1) - (4)].expr), OrderBy::OrderSpec((yyvsp[(2) - (4)].enums.sortDirection), (yyvsp[(3) - (4)].enums.orderingEmptySequence)));
  5308     }
  5309     break;
  5311   case 150:
  5312 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5313 #line 2742 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5314     {
  5315         /* Where does the specification state the default value is ascending?
  5316          *
  5317          * It is implicit, in the first enumerated list in 3.8.3 Order By and Return Clauses:
  5318          *
  5319          * "If T1 and T2 are two tuples in the tuple stream, and V1 and V2 are the first pair
  5320          *  of values encountered when evaluating their orderspecs from left to right for
  5321          *  which one value is greater-than the other (as defined above), then:
  5322          *
  5323          *      1. If V1 is greater-than V2: If the orderspec specifies descending,
  5324          *         then T1 precedes T2 in the tuple stream; otherwise, T2 precedes T1 in the tuple stream.
  5325          *      2. If V2 is greater-than V1: If the orderspec specifies descending,
  5326          *         then T2 precedes T1 in the tuple stream; otherwise, T1 precedes T2 in the tuple stream."
  5327          *
  5328          * which means that if you don't specify anything, or you
  5329          * specify ascending, you get the same result.
  5330          */
  5331         (yyval.enums.sortDirection) = OrderBy::OrderSpec::Ascending;
  5332     }
  5333     break;
  5335   case 151:
  5336 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5337 #line 2763 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5338     {
  5339         (yyval.enums.sortDirection) = OrderBy::OrderSpec::Ascending;
  5340     }
  5341     break;
  5343   case 152:
  5344 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5345 #line 2768 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5346     {
  5347         (yyval.enums.sortDirection) = OrderBy::OrderSpec::Descending;
  5348     }
  5349     break;
  5351   case 153:
  5352 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5353 #line 2773 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5354     {
  5355         (yyval.enums.orderingEmptySequence) = parseInfo->staticContext->orderingEmptySequence();
  5356     }
  5357     break;
  5359   case 156:
  5360 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5361 #line 2780 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5362     {
  5363         if(parseInfo->isXSLT())
  5364             resolveAndCheckCollation<ReportContext::XTDE1035>((yyvsp[(2) - (2)].sval), parseInfo, (yyloc));
  5365         else
  5366             resolveAndCheckCollation<ReportContext::XQST0076>((yyvsp[(2) - (2)].sval), parseInfo, (yyloc));
  5367     }
  5368     break;
  5370   case 157:
  5371 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5372 #line 2787 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5373     {
  5374         /* We do nothing. We don't use collations, and we have this non-terminal
  5375          * in order to accept expressions. */
  5376     }
  5377     break;
  5379   case 158:
  5380 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5381 #line 2793 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5382     {
  5383         parseInfo->orderStability.push(OrderBy::StableOrder);
  5384     }
  5385     break;
  5387   case 159:
  5388 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5389 #line 2797 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5390     {
  5391         parseInfo->orderStability.push(OrderBy::UnstableOrder);
  5392     }
  5393     break;
  5395   case 162:
  5396 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5397 #line 2805 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5398     {
  5399                             pushVariable((yyvsp[(3) - (6)].qName), quantificationType((yyvsp[(4) - (6)].sequenceType)), (yyvsp[(6) - (6)].expr),
  5400                                          VariableDeclaration::RangeVariable, (yyloc), parseInfo);
  5401                         }
  5402     break;
  5404   case 163:
  5405 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5406 #line 2809 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5407     {(yyval.enums.slot) = parseInfo->staticContext->currentRangeSlot();}
  5408     break;
  5410   case 164:
  5411 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5412 #line 2811 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5413     {
  5414         allowedIn(QueryLanguages(QXmlQuery::XQuery10 | QXmlQuery::XPath20), parseInfo, (yyloc));
  5415         (yyval.expr) = create(new QuantifiedExpression((yyvsp[(8) - (9)].enums.slot),
  5416                                              QuantifiedExpression::Some, (yyvsp[(6) - (9)].expr), (yyvsp[(9) - (9)].expr)), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  5417         parseInfo->finalizePushedVariable();
  5418     }
  5419     break;
  5421   case 165:
  5422 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5423 #line 2819 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5424     {
  5425                             (yyval.expr) = pushVariable((yyvsp[(3) - (6)].qName), quantificationType((yyvsp[(4) - (6)].sequenceType)), (yyvsp[(6) - (6)].expr),
  5426                                                     VariableDeclaration::RangeVariable, (yyloc), parseInfo);
  5427                         }
  5428     break;
  5430   case 166:
  5431 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5432 #line 2823 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5433     {(yyval.enums.slot) = parseInfo->staticContext->currentRangeSlot();}
  5434     break;
  5436   case 167:
  5437 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5438 #line 2825 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5439     {
  5440         (yyval.expr) = create(new QuantifiedExpression((yyvsp[(8) - (9)].enums.slot),
  5441                                              QuantifiedExpression::Some, (yyvsp[(7) - (9)].expr), (yyvsp[(9) - (9)].expr)), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  5442         parseInfo->finalizePushedVariable();
  5443     }
  5444     break;
  5446   case 169:
  5447 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5448 #line 2834 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5449     {
  5450                             pushVariable((yyvsp[(3) - (6)].qName), quantificationType((yyvsp[(4) - (6)].sequenceType)), (yyvsp[(6) - (6)].expr),
  5451                                          VariableDeclaration::RangeVariable, (yyloc), parseInfo);
  5452                          }
  5453     break;
  5455   case 170:
  5456 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5457 #line 2838 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5458     {(yyval.enums.slot) = parseInfo->staticContext->currentRangeSlot();}
  5459     break;
  5461   case 171:
  5462 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5463 #line 2840 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5464     {
  5465         allowedIn(QueryLanguages(QXmlQuery::XQuery10 | QXmlQuery::XPath20), parseInfo, (yyloc));
  5466         (yyval.expr) = create(new QuantifiedExpression((yyvsp[(8) - (9)].enums.slot),
  5467                                              QuantifiedExpression::Every, (yyvsp[(6) - (9)].expr), (yyvsp[(9) - (9)].expr)), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  5468         parseInfo->finalizePushedVariable();
  5469     }
  5470     break;
  5472   case 172:
  5473 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5474 #line 2848 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5475     {
  5476                             (yyval.expr) = pushVariable((yyvsp[(3) - (6)].qName), quantificationType((yyvsp[(4) - (6)].sequenceType)), (yyvsp[(6) - (6)].expr),
  5477                                                     VariableDeclaration::RangeVariable, (yyloc), parseInfo);
  5478                          }
  5479     break;
  5481   case 173:
  5482 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5483 #line 2852 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5484     {(yyval.enums.slot) = parseInfo->staticContext->currentRangeSlot();}
  5485     break;
  5487   case 174:
  5488 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5489 #line 2854 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5490     {
  5491         (yyval.expr) = create(new QuantifiedExpression((yyvsp[(8) - (9)].enums.slot),
  5492                                              QuantifiedExpression::Every, (yyvsp[(7) - (9)].expr), (yyvsp[(9) - (9)].expr)), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  5493         parseInfo->finalizePushedVariable();
  5494     }
  5495     break;
  5497   case 176:
  5498 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5499 #line 2863 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5500     {
  5501         (yyval.expr) = (yyvsp[(2) - (2)].expr);
  5502     }
  5503     break;
  5505   case 177:
  5506 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5507 #line 2890 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5508     {
  5509                     parseInfo->typeswitchSource.push((yyvsp[(3) - (4)].expr));
  5510                 }
  5511     break;
  5513   case 178:
  5514 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5515 #line 2894 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5516     {
  5517         allowedIn(QXmlQuery::XQuery10, parseInfo, (yyloc));
  5518         parseInfo->typeswitchSource.pop();
  5519         (yyval.expr) = (yyvsp[(6) - (6)].expr);
  5520     }
  5521     break;
  5523   case 179:
  5524 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5525 #line 2901 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5526     {
  5527         if(!(yyvsp[(2) - (3)].qName).isNull())
  5528         {
  5529             pushVariable((yyvsp[(2) - (3)].qName), (yyvsp[(3) - (3)].sequenceType), parseInfo->,
  5530                          VariableDeclaration::ExpressionVariable, (yyloc), parseInfo, false);
  5531         }
  5532     }
  5533     break;
  5535   case 180:
  5536 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5537 #line 2909 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5538     {
  5539         /* The variable shouldn't be in-scope for other case branches. */
  5540         if(!(yyvsp[(2) - (6)].qName).isNull())
  5541             parseInfo->finalizePushedVariable();
  5542     }
  5543     break;
  5545   case 181:
  5546 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5547 #line 2915 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5548     {
  5549         const Expression::Ptr instanceOf(create(new InstanceOf(parseInfo->, (yyvsp[(3) - (8)].sequenceType)), (yyloc), parseInfo));
  5550         (yyval.expr) = create(new IfThenClause(instanceOf, (yyvsp[(6) - (8)].expr), (yyvsp[(8) - (8)].expr)), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  5551     }
  5552     break;
  5554   case 184:
  5555 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5556 #line 2924 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5557     {
  5558         (yyval.qName) = QXmlName();
  5559     }
  5560     break;
  5562   case 185:
  5563 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5564 #line 2929 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5565     {
  5566         (yyval.qName) = (yyvsp[(2) - (3)].qName);
  5567     }
  5568     break;
  5570   case 186:
  5571 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5572 #line 2934 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5573     {
  5574         (yyval.expr) = (yyvsp[(3) - (3)].expr);
  5575     }
  5576     break;
  5578   case 187:
  5579 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5580 #line 2938 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5581     {
  5582         if(!(yyvsp[(3) - (3)].qName).isNull())
  5583         {
  5584             pushVariable((yyvsp[(3) - (3)].qName), parseInfo->>staticType(),
  5585                          parseInfo->,
  5586                          VariableDeclaration::ExpressionVariable, (yyloc), parseInfo, false);
  5587         }
  5588     }
  5589     break;
  5591   case 188:
  5592 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5593 #line 2947 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5594     {
  5595         if(!(yyvsp[(3) - (6)].qName).isNull())
  5596             parseInfo->finalizePushedVariable();
  5597         (yyval.expr) = (yyvsp[(6) - (6)].expr);
  5598     }
  5599     break;
  5601   case 189:
  5602 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5603 #line 2954 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5604     {
  5605         allowedIn(QueryLanguages(QXmlQuery::XQuery10 | QXmlQuery::XPath20), parseInfo, (yyloc));
  5606         (yyval.expr) = create(new IfThenClause((yyvsp[(3) - (8)].expr), (yyvsp[(6) - (8)].expr), (yyvsp[(8) - (8)].expr)), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  5607     }
  5608     break;
  5610   case 191:
  5611 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5612 #line 2961 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5613     {
  5614         allowedIn(QueryLanguages(QXmlQuery::XQuery10 | QXmlQuery::XPath20), parseInfo, (yyloc));
  5615         (yyval.expr) = create(new OrExpression((yyvsp[(1) - (3)].expr), (yyvsp[(3) - (3)].expr)), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  5616     }
  5617     break;
  5619   case 193:
  5620 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5621 #line 2968 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5622     {
  5623         allowedIn(QueryLanguages(QXmlQuery::XQuery10 | QXmlQuery::XPath20), parseInfo, (yyloc));
  5624         (yyval.expr) = create(new AndExpression((yyvsp[(1) - (3)].expr), (yyvsp[(3) - (3)].expr)), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  5625     }
  5626     break;
  5628   case 199:
  5629 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5630 #line 2980 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5631     {
  5632         allowedIn(QueryLanguages(QXmlQuery::XQuery10 | QXmlQuery::XPath20), parseInfo, (yyloc));
  5633         (yyval.expr) = create(new RangeExpression((yyvsp[(1) - (3)].expr), (yyvsp[(3) - (3)].expr)), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  5634     }
  5635     break;
  5637   case 201:
  5638 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5639 #line 2987 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5640     {
  5641         allowedIn(QueryLanguages(QXmlQuery::XQuery10 | QXmlQuery::XPath20), parseInfo, (yyloc));
  5642         (yyval.expr) = create(new ArithmeticExpression((yyvsp[(1) - (3)].expr), (yyvsp[(2) - (3)].enums.mathOperator), (yyvsp[(3) - (3)].expr)), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  5643     }
  5644     break;
  5646   case 202:
  5647 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5648 #line 2992 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5649     {(yyval.enums.mathOperator) = AtomicMathematician::Add;}
  5650     break;
  5652   case 203:
  5653 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5654 #line 2993 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5655     {(yyval.enums.mathOperator) = AtomicMathematician::Substract;}
  5656     break;
  5658   case 205:
  5659 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5660 #line 2997 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5661     {
  5662         allowedIn(QueryLanguages(QXmlQuery::XQuery10 | QXmlQuery::XPath20), parseInfo, (yyloc));
  5663         (yyval.expr) = create(new ArithmeticExpression((yyvsp[(1) - (3)].expr), (yyvsp[(2) - (3)].enums.mathOperator), (yyvsp[(3) - (3)].expr)), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  5664     }
  5665     break;
  5667   case 206:
  5668 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5669 #line 3002 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5670     {(yyval.enums.mathOperator) = AtomicMathematician::Multiply;}
  5671     break;
  5673   case 207:
  5674 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5675 #line 3003 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5676     {(yyval.enums.mathOperator) = AtomicMathematician::Div;}
  5677     break;
  5679   case 208:
  5680 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5681 #line 3004 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5682     {(yyval.enums.mathOperator) = AtomicMathematician::IDiv;}
  5683     break;
  5685   case 209:
  5686 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5687 #line 3005 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5688     {(yyval.enums.mathOperator) = AtomicMathematician::Mod;}
  5689     break;
  5691   case 211:
  5692 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5693 #line 3009 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5694     {
  5695         allowedIn(QueryLanguages(QXmlQuery::XQuery10
  5696                                  | QXmlQuery::XPath20
  5697                                  | QXmlQuery::XmlSchema11IdentityConstraintField
  5698                                  | QXmlQuery::XmlSchema11IdentityConstraintSelector),
  5699                   parseInfo, (yyloc));
  5700         (yyval.expr) = create(new CombineNodes((yyvsp[(1) - (3)].expr), CombineNodes::Union, (yyvsp[(3) - (3)].expr)), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  5701     }
  5702     break;
  5704   case 213:
  5705 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5706 #line 3020 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5707     {
  5708         allowedIn(QueryLanguages(QXmlQuery::XQuery10 | QXmlQuery::XPath20), parseInfo, (yyloc));
  5709         (yyval.expr) = create(new CombineNodes((yyvsp[(1) - (3)].expr), (yyvsp[(2) - (3)].enums.combinedNodeOp), (yyvsp[(3) - (3)].expr)), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  5710     }
  5711     break;
  5713   case 216:
  5714 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5715 #line 3029 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5716     {
  5717         (yyval.enums.combinedNodeOp) = CombineNodes::Intersect;
  5718     }
  5719     break;
  5721   case 217:
  5722 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5723 #line 3033 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5724     {
  5725         (yyval.enums.combinedNodeOp) = CombineNodes::Except;
  5726     }
  5727     break;
  5729   case 219:
  5730 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5731 #line 3039 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5732     {
  5733         allowedIn(QueryLanguages(QXmlQuery::XQuery10 | QXmlQuery::XPath20), parseInfo, (yyloc));
  5734         (yyval.expr) = create(new InstanceOf((yyvsp[(1) - (4)].expr),
  5735                     SequenceType::Ptr((yyvsp[(4) - (4)].sequenceType))), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  5736     }
  5737     break;
  5739   case 221:
  5740 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5741 #line 3047 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5742     {
  5743         allowedIn(QueryLanguages(QXmlQuery::XQuery10 | QXmlQuery::XPath20), parseInfo, (yyloc));
  5744         (yyval.expr) = create(new TreatAs((yyvsp[(1) - (4)].expr), (yyvsp[(4) - (4)].sequenceType)), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  5745     }
  5746     break;
  5748   case 223:
  5749 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5750 #line 3054 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5751     {
  5752         allowedIn(QueryLanguages(QXmlQuery::XQuery10 | QXmlQuery::XPath20), parseInfo, (yyloc));
  5753         (yyval.expr) = create(new CastableAs((yyvsp[(1) - (4)].expr), (yyvsp[(4) - (4)].sequenceType)), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  5754     }
  5755     break;
  5757   case 225:
  5758 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5759 #line 3061 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5760     {
  5761         allowedIn(QueryLanguages(QXmlQuery::XQuery10 | QXmlQuery::XPath20), parseInfo, (yyloc));
  5762         (yyval.expr) = create(new CastAs((yyvsp[(1) - (4)].expr), (yyvsp[(4) - (4)].sequenceType)), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  5763     }
  5764     break;
  5766   case 227:
  5767 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5768 #line 3068 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5769     {
  5770         allowedIn(QueryLanguages(QXmlQuery::XQuery10 | QXmlQuery::XPath20), parseInfo, (yyloc));
  5771         (yyval.expr) = create(new UnaryExpression((yyvsp[(1) - (2)].enums.mathOperator), (yyvsp[(2) - (2)].expr), parseInfo->staticContext), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  5772     }
  5773     break;
  5775   case 228:
  5776 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5777 #line 3074 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5778     {
  5779         (yyval.enums.mathOperator) = AtomicMathematician::Add;
  5780     }
  5781     break;
  5783   case 229:
  5784 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5785 #line 3078 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5786     {
  5787         (yyval.enums.mathOperator) = AtomicMathematician::Substract;
  5788     }
  5789     break;
  5791   case 233:
  5792 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5793 #line 3087 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5794     {
  5795         allowedIn(QueryLanguages(QXmlQuery::XQuery10 | QXmlQuery::XPath20), parseInfo, (yyloc));
  5796         (yyval.expr) = create(new GeneralComparison((yyvsp[(1) - (3)].expr), (yyvsp[(2) - (3)].enums.valueOperator), (yyvsp[(3) - (3)].expr), parseInfo->, (yyloc), parseInfo);
  5797     }
  5798     break;
  5800   case 234:
  5801 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5802 #line 3092 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5803     {(yyval.enums.valueOperator) = AtomicComparator::OperatorEqual;}
  5804     break;
  5806   case 235:
  5807 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5808 #line 3093 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5809     {(yyval.enums.valueOperator) = AtomicComparator::OperatorNotEqual;}
  5810     break;
  5812   case 236:
  5813 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5814 #line 3094 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5815     {(yyval.enums.valueOperator) = AtomicComparator::OperatorGreaterOrEqual;}
  5816     break;
  5818   case 237:
  5819 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5820 #line 3095 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5821     {(yyval.enums.valueOperator) = AtomicComparator::OperatorGreaterThan;}
  5822     break;
  5824   case 238:
  5825 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5826 #line 3096 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5827     {(yyval.enums.valueOperator) = AtomicComparator::OperatorLessOrEqual;}
  5828     break;
  5830   case 239:
  5831 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5832 #line 3097 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5833     {(yyval.enums.valueOperator) = AtomicComparator::OperatorLessThan;}
  5834     break;
  5836   case 240:
  5837 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5838 #line 3100 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5839     {
  5840         (yyval.expr) = create(new ValueComparison((yyvsp[(1) - (3)].expr), (yyvsp[(2) - (3)].enums.valueOperator), (yyvsp[(3) - (3)].expr)), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  5841     }
  5842     break;
  5844   case 241:
  5845 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5846 #line 3104 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5847     {(yyval.enums.valueOperator) = AtomicComparator::OperatorEqual;}
  5848     break;
  5850   case 242:
  5851 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5852 #line 3105 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5853     {(yyval.enums.valueOperator) = AtomicComparator::OperatorNotEqual;}
  5854     break;
  5856   case 243:
  5857 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5858 #line 3106 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5859     {(yyval.enums.valueOperator) = AtomicComparator::OperatorGreaterOrEqual;}
  5860     break;
  5862   case 244:
  5863 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5864 #line 3107 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5865     {(yyval.enums.valueOperator) = AtomicComparator::OperatorGreaterThan;}
  5866     break;
  5868   case 245:
  5869 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5870 #line 3108 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5871     {(yyval.enums.valueOperator) = AtomicComparator::OperatorLessOrEqual;}
  5872     break;
  5874   case 246:
  5875 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5876 #line 3109 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5877     {(yyval.enums.valueOperator) = AtomicComparator::OperatorLessThan;}
  5878     break;
  5880   case 247:
  5881 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5882 #line 3112 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5883     {
  5884         (yyval.expr) = create(new NodeComparison((yyvsp[(1) - (3)].expr), (yyvsp[(2) - (3)].enums.nodeOperator), (yyvsp[(3) - (3)].expr)), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  5885     }
  5886     break;
  5888   case 248:
  5889 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5890 #line 3116 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5891     {(yyval.enums.nodeOperator) = QXmlNodeModelIndex::Is;}
  5892     break;
  5894   case 249:
  5895 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5896 #line 3117 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5897     {(yyval.enums.nodeOperator) = QXmlNodeModelIndex::Precedes;}
  5898     break;
  5900   case 250:
  5901 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5902 #line 3118 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5903     {(yyval.enums.nodeOperator) = QXmlNodeModelIndex::Follows;}
  5904     break;
  5906   case 251:
  5907 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5908 #line 3121 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5909     {
  5910         allowedIn(QXmlQuery::XQuery10, parseInfo, (yyloc));
  5911         parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("The Schema Validation Feature is not supported. "
  5912                                                           "Hence, %1-expressions may not be used.")
  5913                                            .arg(formatKeyword("validate")),
  5914                                         ReportContext::XQST0075, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  5915         /*
  5916         $$ = Validate::create($2, $1, parseInfo->staticContext);
  5917         */
  5918     }
  5919     break;
  5921   case 252:
  5922 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5923 #line 3134 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5924     {(yyval.enums.validationMode) = Validate::Strict;}
  5925     break;
  5927   case 253:
  5928 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5929 #line 3135 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5930     {(yyval.enums.validationMode) = Validate::Strict;}
  5931     break;
  5933   case 254:
  5934 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5935 #line 3136 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5936     {(yyval.enums.validationMode) = Validate::Lax;}
  5937     break;
  5939   case 255:
  5940 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5941 #line 3139 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5942     {
  5943         allowedIn(QXmlQuery::XQuery10, parseInfo, (yyloc));
  5944         /* We don't support any pragmas, so we only do the
  5945          * necessary validation and use the fallback expression. */
  5947         if((yyvsp[(2) - (2)].expr))
  5948             (yyval.expr) = (yyvsp[(2) - (2)].expr);
  5949         else
  5950         {
  5951             parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("None of the pragma expressions are supported. "
  5952                                                "Therefore, a fallback expression "
  5953                                                "must be present"),
  5954                                             ReportContext::XQST0079, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  5955         }
  5956     }
  5957     break;
  5959   case 256:
  5960 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5961 #line 3156 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5962     {
  5963         (yyval.expr).reset();
  5964     }
  5965     break;
  5967   case 257:
  5968 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5969 #line 3160 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5970     {
  5971         (yyval.expr) = (yyvsp[(2) - (3)].expr);
  5972     }
  5973     break;
  5975   case 260:
  5976 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5977 #line 3168 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5978     {
  5979         allowedIn(QXmlQuery::XQuery10, parseInfo, (yyloc));
  5980     }
  5981     break;
  5983   case 263:
  5984 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5985 #line 3176 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5986     {
  5987         /* This is "/step". That is, fn:root(self::node()) treat as document-node()/RelativePathExpr. */
  5988         (yyval.expr) = create(new Path(createRootExpression(parseInfo, (yyloc)), (yyvsp[(2) - (2)].expr)), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  5989     }
  5990     break;
  5992   case 264:
  5993 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  5994 #line 3182 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  5995     {
  5996         (yyval.expr) = createSlashSlashPath(createRootExpression(parseInfo, (yyloc)), (yyvsp[(2) - (2)].expr), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  5997     }
  5998     break;
  6000   case 265:
  6001 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6002 #line 3186 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6003     {
  6004         /* This is "/". That is, fn:root(self::node()) treat as document-node(). */
  6005         (yyval.expr) = createRootExpression(parseInfo, (yyloc));
  6006     }
  6007     break;
  6009   case 268:
  6010 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6011 #line 3196 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6012     {
  6013         (yyval.expr) = create(new Path((yyvsp[(1) - (3)].expr), (yyvsp[(3) - (3)].expr), (yyvsp[(2) - (3)].enums.pathKind)), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  6014     }
  6015     break;
  6017   case 269:
  6018 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6019 #line 3200 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6020     {
  6021         const Expression::Ptr orderBy(createReturnOrderBy((yyvsp[(4) - (7)].orderSpecs), (yyvsp[(6) - (7)].expr), parseInfo->orderStability.pop(), (yyloc), parseInfo));
  6023         ReturnOrderBy *const rob = orderBy->as<ReturnOrderBy>();
  6024         const Expression::Ptr path(create(new Path((yyvsp[(1) - (7)].expr), orderBy, (yyvsp[(2) - (7)].enums.pathKind)), (yyloc), parseInfo));
  6026         (yyval.expr) = create(new OrderBy(rob->stability(), rob->orderSpecs(), path, rob), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  6027     }
  6028     break;
  6030   case 270:
  6031 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6032 #line 3209 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6033     {
  6034         (yyval.expr) = createSlashSlashPath((yyvsp[(1) - (3)].expr), (yyvsp[(3) - (3)].expr), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  6035     }
  6036     break;
  6038   case 271:
  6039 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6040 #line 3214 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6041     {
  6042         (yyval.expr) = NodeSortExpression::wrapAround((yyvsp[(1) - (1)].expr), parseInfo->staticContext);
  6043     }
  6044     break;
  6046   case 273:
  6047 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6048 #line 3219 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6049     {
  6050         (yyval.expr) = create(new CurrentItemStore((yyvsp[(2) - (2)].expr)), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  6051     }
  6052     break;
  6054   case 274:
  6055 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6056 #line 3223 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6057     {
  6058         const xsDouble version = (yyvsp[(1) - (1)].sval).toDouble();
  6060         parseInfo->isBackwardsCompat.push(version != 2);
  6062         (yyval.enums.Double) = version;
  6063     }
  6064     break;
  6066   case 275:
  6067 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6068 #line 3231 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6069     {
  6070         if((yyvsp[(2) - (3)].enums.Double) < 2)
  6071             (yyval.expr) = createCompatStore((yyvsp[(3) - (3)].expr), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  6072         else
  6073             (yyval.expr) = (yyvsp[(3) - (3)].expr);
  6074     }
  6075     break;
  6077   case 276:
  6078 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6079 #line 3238 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6080     {
  6081     allowedIn(QXmlQuery::XSLT20, parseInfo, (yyloc));
  6082     Q_ASSERT(!(yyvsp[(2) - (5)].sval).isEmpty());
  6083     (yyval.expr) = create(new StaticBaseURIStore((yyvsp[(2) - (5)].sval), (yyvsp[(4) - (5)].expr)), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  6084 }
  6085     break;
  6087   case 277:
  6088 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6089 #line 3245 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6090     {
  6091         allowedIn(QueryLanguages(QXmlQuery::XQuery10 | QXmlQuery::XSLT20), parseInfo, (yyloc));
  6092         parseInfo->resolvers.push(parseInfo->staticContext->namespaceBindings());
  6093         const NamespaceResolver::Ptr resolver(new DelegatingNamespaceResolver(parseInfo->staticContext->namespaceBindings()));
  6094         resolver->addBinding(QXmlName(parseInfo->staticContext->namePool()->allocateNamespace((yyvsp[(5) - (6)].sval)),
  6095                                       StandardLocalNames::empty,
  6096                                       parseInfo->staticContext->namePool()->allocatePrefix((yyvsp[(3) - (6)].sval))));
  6097         parseInfo->staticContext->setNamespaceBindings(resolver);
  6098     }
  6099     break;
  6101   case 278:
  6102 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6103 #line 3256 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6104     {
  6105         parseInfo->staticContext->setNamespaceBindings(parseInfo->resolvers.pop());
  6106         (yyval.expr) = (yyvsp[(8) - (9)].expr);
  6107     }
  6108     break;
  6110   case 279:
  6111 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6112 #line 3261 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6113     {
  6114         (yyval.expr) = create(new CallTemplate((yyvsp[(2) - (5)].qName), parseInfo->templateWithParams), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  6115         parseInfo->templateWithParametersHandled();
  6116         parseInfo->templateCalls.append((yyval.expr));
  6117     }
  6118     break;
  6120   case 280:
  6121 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6122 #line 3268 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6123     {
  6124         parseInfo->startParsingWithParam();
  6125     }
  6126     break;
  6128   case 281:
  6129 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6130 #line 3272 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6131     {
  6132         parseInfo->endParsingWithParam();
  6133     }
  6134     break;
  6136   case 282:
  6137 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6138 #line 3277 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6139     {
  6140     }
  6141     break;
  6143   case 283:
  6144 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6145 #line 3280 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6146     {
  6147     }
  6148     break;
  6150   case 284:
  6151 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6152 #line 3283 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6153     {
  6154     }
  6155     break;
  6157   case 285:
  6158 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6159 #line 3287 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6160     {
  6161     }
  6162     break;
  6164   case 286:
  6165 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6166 #line 3290 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6167     {
  6168     }
  6169     break;
  6171   case 287:
  6172 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6173 #line 3294 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6174     {
  6175         /* Note, this grammar rule is invoked for @c xsl:param @em and @c
  6176          * xsl:with-param. */
  6177         const bool isParsingWithParam = parseInfo->isParsingWithParam();
  6179         /**
  6180          * @c xsl:param doesn't make life easy:
  6181          *
  6182          * If it only has @c name, it's default value is an empty
  6183          * string(hence has type @c xs:string), but the value that
  6184          * (maybe) is supplied can be anything, typically a node.
  6185          *
  6186          * Therefore, for that very common case we can't rely on
  6187          * the Expression's type, but have to force it to item()*.
  6188          *
  6189          * So if we're supplied the type item()*, we pass a null
  6190          * SequenceType. TemplateParameterReference recognizes this
  6191          * and has item()* as its static type, regardless of if the
  6192          * expression has a more specific type.
  6193          */
  6194         SequenceType::Ptr type;
  6196         if(!(yyvsp[(4) - (5)].sequenceType)->is(CommonSequenceTypes::ZeroOrMoreItems))
  6197             type = (yyvsp[(4) - (5)].sequenceType);
  6199         Expression::Ptr expr;
  6201         /* The default value is an empty sequence. */
  6202         if(!(yyvsp[(5) - (5)].expr) && ((type && (yyvsp[(4) - (5)].sequenceType)->cardinality().allowsEmpty())
  6203                    || isParsingWithParam))
  6204             expr = create(new EmptySequence, (yyloc), parseInfo);
  6205         else
  6206             expr = (yyvsp[(5) - (5)].expr);
  6208         /* We ensure we have some type, so CallTemplate, Template and friends
  6209          * are happy. */
  6210         if(!isParsingWithParam && !type)
  6211             type = CommonSequenceTypes::ZeroOrMoreItems;
  6213         if((yyvsp[(1) - (5)].enums.Bool))
  6214             /* TODO, handle tunnel parameters. */;
  6215         else
  6216         {
  6217             if((!isParsingWithParam && VariableDeclaration::contains(parseInfo->templateParameters, (yyvsp[(3) - (5)].qName))) ||
  6218                (isParsingWithParam && parseInfo->templateWithParams.contains((yyvsp[(3) - (5)].qName))))
  6219             {
  6220                 parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("Each name of a template parameter must be unique; %1 is duplicated.")
  6221                                                                  .arg(formatKeyword(parseInfo->staticContext->namePool(), (yyvsp[(3) - (5)].qName))),
  6222                                                 isParsingWithParam ? ReportContext::XTSE0670 : ReportContext::XTSE0580, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  6223             }
  6224             else
  6225             {
  6226                 if(isParsingWithParam)
  6227                     parseInfo->templateWithParams[(yyvsp[(3) - (5)].qName)] = WithParam::Ptr(new WithParam((yyvsp[(3) - (5)].qName), (yyvsp[(4) - (5)].sequenceType), expr));
  6228                 else
  6229                 {
  6230                     Q_ASSERT(type);
  6231                     pushVariable((yyvsp[(3) - (5)].qName), type, expr, VariableDeclaration::TemplateParameter, (yyloc), parseInfo);
  6232                     parseInfo->templateParameters.append(parseInfo->;
  6233                 }
  6234             }
  6235         }
  6236     }
  6237     break;
  6239   case 288:
  6240 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6241 #line 3359 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6242     {
  6243         (yyval.enums.Bool) = false;
  6244     }
  6245     break;
  6247   case 289:
  6248 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6249 #line 3363 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6250     {
  6251         (yyval.enums.Bool) = true;
  6252     }
  6253     break;
  6255   case 290:
  6256 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6257 #line 3368 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6258     {
  6259         (yyval.expr) = Expression::Ptr();
  6260     }
  6261     break;
  6263   case 291:
  6264 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6265 #line 3372 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6266     {
  6267         (yyval.expr) = (yyvsp[(2) - (2)].expr);
  6268     }
  6269     break;
  6271   case 292:
  6272 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6273 #line 3381 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6274     {
  6275         (yyval.enums.pathKind) = Path::RegularPath;
  6276     }
  6277     break;
  6279   case 293:
  6280 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6281 #line 3385 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6282     {
  6283         (yyval.enums.pathKind) = Path::XSLTForEach;
  6284     }
  6285     break;
  6287   case 294:
  6288 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6289 #line 3389 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6290     {
  6291         (yyval.enums.pathKind) = Path::ForApplyTemplate;
  6292     }
  6293     break;
  6295   case 296:
  6296 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6297 #line 3395 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6298     {
  6299         (yyval.expr) = create(GenericPredicate::create((yyvsp[(1) - (4)].expr), (yyvsp[(3) - (4)].expr), parseInfo->staticContext, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo)), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  6300     }
  6301     break;
  6303   case 299:
  6304 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6305 #line 3403 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6306     {
  6307                 if((yyvsp[(1) - (1)].enums.axis) == QXmlNodeModelIndex::AxisAttribute)
  6308                     parseInfo->nodeTestSource = BuiltinTypes::attribute;
  6309              }
  6310     break;
  6312   case 300:
  6313 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6314 #line 3408 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6315     {
  6316         if((yyvsp[(3) - (3)].itemType))
  6317         {
  6318             /* A node test was explicitly specified. The un-abbreviated syntax was used. */
  6319             (yyval.expr) = create(new AxisStep((yyvsp[(1) - (3)].enums.axis), (yyvsp[(3) - (3)].itemType)), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  6320         }
  6321         else
  6322         {
  6323             /* Quote from Axes
  6324              *
  6325              * [Definition: Every axis has a principal node kind. If an axis
  6326              *  can contain elements, then the principal node kind is element;
  6327              *  otherwise, it is the kind of nodes that the axis can contain.] Thus:
  6328              * - For the attribute axis, the principal node kind is attribute.
  6329              * - For all other axes, the principal node kind is element. */
  6331             if((yyvsp[(1) - (3)].enums.axis) == QXmlNodeModelIndex::AxisAttribute)
  6332                 (yyval.expr) = create(new AxisStep(QXmlNodeModelIndex::AxisAttribute, BuiltinTypes::attribute), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  6333             else
  6334                 (yyval.expr) = create(new AxisStep((yyvsp[(1) - (3)].enums.axis), BuiltinTypes::element), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  6335         }
  6337         parseInfo->restoreNodeTestSource();
  6338     }
  6339     break;
  6341   case 304:
  6342 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6343 #line 3438 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6344     {
  6345         if((yyvsp[(1) - (2)].enums.axis) == QXmlNodeModelIndex::AxisNamespace)
  6346         {
  6347             /* We don't raise XPST0010 here because the namespace axis isn't an optional
  6348              * axis. It simply is not part of the XQuery grammar. */
  6349             parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("The %1-axis is unsupported in XQuery")
  6350                                                .arg(formatKeyword("namespace")),
  6351                                             ReportContext::XPST0003, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  6352         }
  6353         else
  6354             (yyval.enums.axis) = (yyvsp[(1) - (2)].enums.axis);
  6356         switch((yyvsp[(1) - (2)].enums.axis))
  6357         {
  6358             case QXmlNodeModelIndex::AxisAttribute:
  6359             {
  6360                 allowedIn(QueryLanguages(  QXmlQuery::XPath20
  6361                                          | QXmlQuery::XQuery10
  6362                                          | QXmlQuery::XmlSchema11IdentityConstraintField
  6363                                          | QXmlQuery::XSLT20),
  6364                           parseInfo, (yyloc));
  6365                 break;
  6366             }
  6367             case QXmlNodeModelIndex::AxisChild:
  6368             {
  6369                 allowedIn(QueryLanguages(  QXmlQuery::XPath20
  6370                                          | QXmlQuery::XQuery10
  6371                                          | QXmlQuery::XmlSchema11IdentityConstraintField
  6372                                          | QXmlQuery::XmlSchema11IdentityConstraintSelector
  6373                                          | QXmlQuery::XSLT20),
  6374                           parseInfo, (yyloc));
  6375                 break;
  6376             }
  6377             default:
  6378             {
  6379                 allowedIn(QueryLanguages(  QXmlQuery::XPath20
  6380                                          | QXmlQuery::XQuery10
  6381                                          | QXmlQuery::XSLT20),
  6382                           parseInfo, (yyloc));
  6383             }
  6384         }
  6385     }
  6386     break;
  6388   case 305:
  6389 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6390 #line 3481 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6391     {(yyval.enums.axis) = QXmlNodeModelIndex::AxisAncestorOrSelf  ;}
  6392     break;
  6394   case 306:
  6395 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6396 #line 3482 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6397     {(yyval.enums.axis) = QXmlNodeModelIndex::AxisAncestor        ;}
  6398     break;
  6400   case 307:
  6401 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6402 #line 3483 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6403     {(yyval.enums.axis) = QXmlNodeModelIndex::AxisAttribute       ;}
  6404     break;
  6406   case 308:
  6407 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6408 #line 3484 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6409     {(yyval.enums.axis) = QXmlNodeModelIndex::AxisChild           ;}
  6410     break;
  6412   case 309:
  6413 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6414 #line 3485 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6415     {(yyval.enums.axis) = QXmlNodeModelIndex::AxisDescendantOrSelf;}
  6416     break;
  6418   case 310:
  6419 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6420 #line 3486 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6421     {(yyval.enums.axis) = QXmlNodeModelIndex::AxisDescendant      ;}
  6422     break;
  6424   case 311:
  6425 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6426 #line 3487 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6427     {(yyval.enums.axis) = QXmlNodeModelIndex::AxisFollowing       ;}
  6428     break;
  6430   case 312:
  6431 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6432 #line 3488 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6433     {(yyval.enums.axis) = QXmlNodeModelIndex::AxisPreceding       ;}
  6434     break;
  6436   case 313:
  6437 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6438 #line 3489 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6439     {(yyval.enums.axis) = QXmlNodeModelIndex::AxisFollowingSibling;}
  6440     break;
  6442   case 314:
  6443 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6444 #line 3490 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6445     {(yyval.enums.axis) = QXmlNodeModelIndex::AxisPrecedingSibling;}
  6446     break;
  6448   case 315:
  6449 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6450 #line 3491 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6451     {(yyval.enums.axis) = QXmlNodeModelIndex::AxisParent          ;}
  6452     break;
  6454   case 316:
  6455 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6456 #line 3492 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6457     {(yyval.enums.axis) = QXmlNodeModelIndex::AxisSelf            ;}
  6458     break;
  6460   case 317:
  6461 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6462 #line 3495 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6463     {
  6464                         parseInfo->nodeTestSource = BuiltinTypes::attribute;
  6465                    }
  6466     break;
  6468   case 318:
  6469 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6470 #line 3499 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6471     {
  6472         allowedIn(QueryLanguages(QXmlQuery::XQuery10 | QXmlQuery::XSLT20 | QXmlQuery::XmlSchema11IdentityConstraintField), parseInfo, (yyloc));
  6473         (yyval.expr) = create(new AxisStep(QXmlNodeModelIndex::AxisAttribute, (yyvsp[(3) - (3)].itemType)), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  6475         parseInfo->restoreNodeTestSource();
  6476     }
  6477     break;
  6479   case 319:
  6480 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6481 #line 3506 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6482     {
  6483         ItemType::Ptr nodeTest;
  6485         if(parseInfo->isParsingPattern && *(yyvsp[(1) - (1)].itemType) == *BuiltinTypes::node)
  6486             nodeTest = BuiltinTypes::xsltNodeTest;
  6487         else
  6488             nodeTest = (yyvsp[(1) - (1)].itemType);
  6490         (yyval.expr) = create(new AxisStep(QXmlNodeModelIndex::AxisChild, nodeTest), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  6491     }
  6492     break;
  6494   case 320:
  6495 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6496 #line 3517 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6497     {
  6498         (yyval.expr) = create(new AxisStep(QXmlNodeModelIndex::AxisAttribute, (yyvsp[(1) - (1)].itemType)), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  6499     }
  6500     break;
  6502   case 322:
  6503 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6504 #line 3524 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6505     {
  6506         (yyval.expr) = create(new AxisStep(QXmlNodeModelIndex::AxisParent, BuiltinTypes::node), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  6507     }
  6508     break;
  6510   case 324:
  6511 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6512 #line 3530 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6513     {
  6514         allowedIn(QueryLanguages(QXmlQuery::XQuery10 | QXmlQuery::XPath20), parseInfo, (yyloc));
  6515     }
  6516     break;
  6518   case 325:
  6519 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6520 #line 3535 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6521     {
  6522         (yyval.itemType) = QNameTest::create(parseInfo->nodeTestSource, (yyvsp[(1) - (1)].qName));
  6523     }
  6524     break;
  6526   case 327:
  6527 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6528 #line 3541 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6529     {
  6530         (yyval.itemType) = parseInfo->nodeTestSource;
  6531     }
  6532     break;
  6534   case 328:
  6535 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6536 #line 3545 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6537     {
  6538         const NamePool::Ptr np(parseInfo->staticContext->namePool());
  6539         const ReflectYYLTYPE ryy((yyloc), parseInfo);
  6541         const QXmlName::NamespaceCode ns(QNameConstructor::namespaceForPrefix(np->allocatePrefix((yyvsp[(1) - (1)].sval)), parseInfo->staticContext, &ryy));
  6543         (yyval.itemType) = NamespaceNameTest::create(parseInfo->nodeTestSource, ns);
  6544     }
  6545     break;
  6547   case 329:
  6548 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6549 #line 3554 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6550     {
  6551         allowedIn(QueryLanguages(QXmlQuery::XQuery10 | QXmlQuery::XPath20), parseInfo, (yyloc));
  6552         const QXmlName::LocalNameCode c = parseInfo->staticContext->namePool()->allocateLocalName((yyvsp[(1) - (1)].sval));
  6553         (yyval.itemType) = LocalNameTest::create(parseInfo->nodeTestSource, c);
  6554     }
  6555     break;
  6557   case 331:
  6558 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6559 #line 3562 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6560     {
  6561         allowedIn(QueryLanguages(QXmlQuery::XQuery10 | QXmlQuery::XPath20), parseInfo, (yyloc));
  6562         (yyval.expr) = create(GenericPredicate::create((yyvsp[(1) - (4)].expr), (yyvsp[(3) - (4)].expr), parseInfo->staticContext, fromYYLTYPE((yylsp[(4) - (4)]), parseInfo)), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  6563     }
  6564     break;
  6566   case 339:
  6567 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6568 #line 3575 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6569     {
  6570         (yyval.expr) = create(new ApplyTemplate(parseInfo->modeFor((yyvsp[(2) - (5)].qName)),
  6571                                       parseInfo->templateWithParams,
  6572                                       parseInfo->modeFor(QXmlName(StandardNamespaces::InternalXSLT,
  6573                                                                   StandardLocalNames::Default))),
  6574                     (yylsp[(1) - (5)]), parseInfo);
  6575         parseInfo->templateWithParametersHandled();
  6576     }
  6577     break;
  6579   case 341:
  6580 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6581 #line 3586 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6582     {
  6583         (yyval.expr) = create(new Literal(AtomicString::fromValue((yyvsp[(1) - (1)].sval))), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  6584     }
  6585     break;
  6587   case 342:
  6588 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6589 #line 3591 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6590     {
  6591         allowedIn(QueryLanguages(QXmlQuery::XQuery10 | QXmlQuery::XPath20), parseInfo, (yyloc));
  6592         (yyval.expr) = createNumericLiteral<Double>((yyvsp[(1) - (1)].sval), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  6593     }
  6594     break;
  6596   case 343:
  6597 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6598 #line 3596 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6599     {
  6600         allowedIn(QueryLanguages(QXmlQuery::XQuery10 | QXmlQuery::XPath20), parseInfo, (yyloc));
  6601         (yyval.expr) = createNumericLiteral<Numeric>((yyvsp[(1) - (1)].sval), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  6602     }
  6603     break;
  6605   case 344:
  6606 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6607 #line 3602 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6608     {
  6609         allowedIn(QueryLanguages(QXmlQuery::XQuery10 | QXmlQuery::XPath20), parseInfo, (yyloc));
  6610         (yyval.expr) = resolveVariable((yyvsp[(2) - (2)].qName), (yyloc), parseInfo, false);
  6611     }
  6612     break;
  6614   case 345:
  6615 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6616 #line 3608 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6617     {
  6618         /* See: */
  6619         (yyval.qName) = parseInfo->staticContext->namePool()->allocateQName(QString(), (yyvsp[(1) - (1)].sval));
  6620     }
  6621     break;
  6623   case 346:
  6624 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6625 #line 3613 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6626     {
  6627         (yyval.qName) = (yyvsp[(1) - (1)].qName);
  6628     }
  6629     break;
  6631   case 347:
  6632 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6633 #line 3618 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6634     {
  6635         allowedIn(QueryLanguages(QXmlQuery::XQuery10 | QXmlQuery::XPath20), parseInfo, (yyloc));
  6636         (yyval.expr) = (yyvsp[(2) - (3)].expr);
  6637     }
  6638     break;
  6640   case 348:
  6641 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6642 #line 3623 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6643     {
  6644         allowedIn(QueryLanguages(QXmlQuery::XQuery10 | QXmlQuery::XPath20), parseInfo, (yyloc));
  6645         (yyval.expr) = create(new EmptySequence, (yyloc), parseInfo);
  6646     }
  6647     break;
  6649   case 349:
  6650 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6651 #line 3629 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6652     {
  6653         (yyval.expr) = create(new ContextItem(), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  6654     }
  6655     break;
  6657   case 350:
  6658 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6659 #line 3634 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6660     {
  6661         (yyval.expr) = (yyvsp[(2) - (2)].expr);
  6662     }
  6663     break;
  6665   case 351:
  6666 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6667 #line 3639 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6668     {
  6669         allowedIn(QueryLanguages(QXmlQuery::XQuery10 | QXmlQuery::XPath20), parseInfo, (yyloc));
  6670         if(XPathHelper::isReservedNamespace((yyvsp[(1) - (4)].qName).namespaceURI()) || (yyvsp[(1) - (4)].qName).namespaceURI() == StandardNamespaces::InternalXSLT)
  6671         { /* We got a call to a builtin function. */
  6672             const ReflectYYLTYPE ryy((yyloc), parseInfo);
  6674             const Expression::Ptr
  6675                 func(parseInfo->staticContext->
  6676                 functionSignatures()->createFunctionCall((yyvsp[(1) - (4)].qName), (yyvsp[(3) - (4)].expressionList), parseInfo->staticContext, &ryy));
  6678             if(func)
  6679                 (yyval.expr) = create(func, (yyloc), parseInfo);
  6680             else
  6681             {
  6682                 parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("No function by name %1 is available.")
  6683                                                    .arg(formatKeyword(parseInfo->staticContext->namePool(), (yyvsp[(1) - (4)].qName))),
  6684                                                 ReportContext::XPST0017, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  6685             }
  6686         }
  6687         else /* It's a call to a function created with 'declare function'.*/
  6688         {
  6689             (yyval.expr) = create(new UserFunctionCallsite((yyvsp[(1) - (4)].qName), (yyvsp[(3) - (4)].expressionList).count()), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  6691             (yyval.expr)->setOperands((yyvsp[(3) - (4)].expressionList));
  6692             parseInfo->userFunctionCallsites.append((yyval.expr));
  6693         }
  6694     }
  6695     break;
  6697   case 352:
  6698 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6699 #line 3668 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6700     {
  6701         (yyval.expressionList) = Expression::List();
  6702     }
  6703     break;
  6705   case 353:
  6706 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6707 #line 3673 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6708     {
  6709         Expression::List list;
  6710         list.append((yyvsp[(1) - (1)].expr));
  6711         (yyval.expressionList) = list;
  6712     }
  6713     break;
  6715   case 355:
  6716 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6717 #line 3682 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6718     {
  6719         allowedIn(QXmlQuery::XQuery10, parseInfo, (yyloc));
  6720     }
  6721     break;
  6723   case 360:
  6724 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6725 #line 3726 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6726     {
  6727                         (yyval.enums.tokenizerPosition) = parseInfo->tokenizer->commenceScanOnly();
  6728                         parseInfo->scanOnlyStack.push(true);
  6729                     }
  6730     break;
  6732   case 361:
  6733 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6734 #line 3735 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6735     {
  6736                         ++parseInfo->elementConstructorDepth;
  6737                         Expression::List constructors;
  6739                         parseInfo->resolvers.push(parseInfo->staticContext->namespaceBindings());
  6741                         /* Fix up attributes and namespace declarations. */
  6742                         const NamespaceResolver::Ptr resolver(new DelegatingNamespaceResolver(parseInfo->staticContext->namespaceBindings()));
  6743                         const NamePool::Ptr namePool(parseInfo->staticContext->namePool());
  6744                         const int len = (yyvsp[(4) - (4)].attributeHolders).size();
  6745                         QSet<QXmlName::PrefixCode> usedDeclarations;
  6747                         /* Whether xmlns="" has been encountered. */
  6748                         bool hasDefaultDeclaration = false;
  6750                         /* For each attribute & namespace declaration, do: */
  6751                         for(int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
  6752                         {
  6753                             QString strLocalName;
  6754                             QString strPrefix;
  6756                             XPathHelper::splitQName((yyvsp[(4) - (4)].attributeHolders).at(i).first, strPrefix, strLocalName);
  6757                             const QXmlName::PrefixCode prefix = namePool->allocatePrefix(strPrefix);
  6759                             /* This can seem a bit weird. However, this name is ending up in a QXmlName
  6760                              * which consider its prefix a... prefix. So, a namespace binding name can in some cases
  6761                              * be a local name, but that's just as the initial syntactical construct. */
  6762                             const QXmlName::LocalNameCode localName = namePool->allocatePrefix(strLocalName);
  6764                             /* Not that localName is "foo" in "xmlns:foo" and that prefix is "xmlns". */
  6766                             if(prefix == StandardPrefixes::xmlns ||
  6767                                (prefix == StandardPrefixes::empty && localName == StandardPrefixes::xmlns))
  6768                             {
  6769                                 if(localName == StandardPrefixes::xmlns)
  6770                                     hasDefaultDeclaration = true;
  6772                                 /* We have a namespace declaration. */
  6774                                 const Expression::Ptr nsExpr((yyvsp[(4) - (4)].attributeHolders).at(i).second);
  6776                                 const QString strNamespace(nsExpr->is(Expression::IDEmptySequence) ? QString() : nsExpr->as<Literal>()->item().stringValue());
  6778                                 const QXmlName::NamespaceCode ns = namePool->allocateNamespace(strNamespace);
  6780                                 if(ns == StandardNamespaces::empty)
  6781                                 {
  6782                                     if(localName != StandardPrefixes::xmlns)
  6783                                     {
  6784                                         parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("The namespace URI cannot be the empty string when binding to a prefix, %1.")
  6785                                                                            .arg(formatURI(strPrefix)),
  6786                                                                         ReportContext::XQST0085, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  6787                                     }
  6788                                 }
  6789                                 else if(!AnyURI::isValid(strNamespace))
  6790                                 {
  6791                                     parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 is an invalid namespace URI.").arg(formatURI(strNamespace)),
  6792                                                                     ReportContext::XQST0022, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  6793                                 }
  6795                                 if(prefix == StandardPrefixes::xmlns && localName == StandardPrefixes::xmlns)
  6796                                 {
  6797                                     parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("It is not possible to bind to the prefix %1")
  6798                                                                        .arg(formatKeyword("xmlns")),
  6799                                                                     ReportContext::XQST0070, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  6800                                 }
  6802                                 if(ns == StandardNamespaces::xml && localName != StandardPrefixes::xml)
  6803                                 {
  6804                                     parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("Namespace %1 can only be bound to %2 (and it is, in either case, pre-declared).")
  6805                                                                        .arg(formatURI(namePool->stringForNamespace(StandardNamespaces::xml)))
  6806                                                                        .arg(formatKeyword("xml")),
  6807                                                                     ReportContext::XQST0070, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  6808                                 }
  6810                                 if(localName == StandardPrefixes::xml && ns != StandardNamespaces::xml)
  6811                                 {
  6812                                     parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("Prefix %1 can only be bound to %2 (and it is, in either case, pre-declared).")
  6813                                                                        .arg(formatKeyword("xml"))
  6814                                                                        .arg(formatURI(namePool->stringForNamespace(StandardNamespaces::xml))),
  6815                                                                     ReportContext::XQST0070, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  6816                                 }
  6818                                 QXmlName nb;
  6820                                 if(localName == StandardPrefixes::xmlns)
  6821                                     nb = QXmlName(ns, StandardLocalNames::empty);
  6822                                 else
  6823                                     nb = QXmlName(ns, StandardLocalNames::empty, localName);
  6825                                 if(usedDeclarations.contains(nb.prefix()))
  6826                                 {
  6827                                     parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("Two namespace declaration attributes have the same name: %1.")
  6828                                                                        .arg(formatKeyword(namePool->stringForPrefix(nb.prefix()))),
  6829                                                                     ReportContext::XQST0071, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  6831                                 }
  6832                                 else
  6833                                     usedDeclarations.insert(nb.prefix());
  6835                                 /* If the user has bound the XML namespace correctly, we in either
  6836                                  * case don't want to output it.
  6837                                  *
  6838                                  * We only have to check the namespace parts since the above checks has ensured
  6839                                  * consistency in the prefix parts. */
  6840                                 if(ns != StandardNamespaces::xml)
  6841                                 {
  6842                                     /* We don't want default namespace declarations when the
  6843                                      * default namespace already is empty. */
  6844                                     if(!(ns == StandardNamespaces::empty          &&
  6845                                          localName == StandardNamespaces::xmlns   &&
  6846                                          resolver->lookupNamespaceURI(StandardPrefixes::empty) == StandardNamespaces::empty))
  6847                                     {
  6848                                         constructors.append(create(new NamespaceConstructor(nb), (yyloc), parseInfo));
  6849                                         resolver->addBinding(nb);
  6850                                     }
  6851                                 }
  6852                             }
  6853                         }
  6855                         if(parseInfo->elementConstructorDepth == 1 && !hasDefaultDeclaration)
  6856                         {
  6857                             /* TODO But mostly this isn't needed, since the default element
  6858                              * namespace is empty? How does this at all work? */
  6859                             const QXmlName def(resolver->lookupNamespaceURI(StandardPrefixes::empty), StandardLocalNames::empty);
  6860                             constructors.append(create(new NamespaceConstructor(def), (yyloc), parseInfo));
  6861                         }
  6863                         parseInfo->staticContext->setNamespaceBindings(resolver);
  6864                         (yyval.expressionList) = constructors;
  6866                         /* Resolve the name of the element, now that the namespace attributes are read. */
  6867                         {
  6868                             const ReflectYYLTYPE ryy((yyloc), parseInfo);
  6870                             const QXmlName ele = QNameConstructor::expandQName<StaticContext::Ptr,
  6871                                                                                ReportContext::XPST0081,
  6872                                                                                ReportContext::XPST0081>((yyvsp[(2) - (4)].sval), parseInfo->staticContext, resolver, &ryy);
  6873                             parseInfo->tagStack.push(ele);
  6874                         }
  6876                         parseInfo->tokenizer->resumeTokenizationFrom((yyvsp[(3) - (4)].enums.tokenizerPosition));
  6877                     }
  6878     break;
  6880   case 362:
  6881 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6882 #line 3881 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6883     {
  6884         /* We add the content constructor after the attribute constructors. This might result
  6885          * in nested ExpressionSequences, but it will be optimized away later on. */
  6887         Expression::List attributes((yyvsp[(5) - (8)].expressionList));
  6888         const NamePool::Ptr namePool(parseInfo->staticContext->namePool());
  6889         const int len = (yyvsp[(7) - (8)].attributeHolders).size();
  6890         QSet<QXmlName> declaredAttributes;
  6891         declaredAttributes.reserve(len);
  6893         /* For each namespace, resolve its name(now that we have resolved the namespace declarations) and
  6894          * turn it into an attribute constructor. */
  6895         for(int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
  6896         {
  6897             QString strLocalName;
  6898             QString strPrefix;
  6900             XPathHelper::splitQName((yyvsp[(7) - (8)].attributeHolders).at(i).first, strPrefix, strLocalName);
  6901             const QXmlName::PrefixCode prefix = namePool->allocatePrefix(strPrefix);
  6902             const QXmlName::LocalNameCode localName = namePool->allocateLocalName(strLocalName);
  6904             if(prefix == StandardPrefixes::xmlns ||
  6905                (prefix == StandardPrefixes::empty && localName == StandardLocalNames::xmlns))
  6906             {
  6907                 const Expression::ID id = (yyvsp[(7) - (8)].attributeHolders).at(i).second->id();
  6909                 if(id == Expression::IDStringValue || id == Expression::IDEmptySequence)
  6910                 {
  6911                     /* It's a namespace declaration, and we've already handled those above. */
  6912                     continue;
  6913                 }
  6914                 else
  6915                 {
  6916                     parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("The namespace URI must be a constant and cannot "
  6917                                                        "use enclosed expressions."),
  6918                                                     ReportContext::XQST0022, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  6919                 }
  6921             }
  6922             else
  6923             {
  6924                 const ReflectYYLTYPE ryy((yyloc), parseInfo);
  6925                 const QXmlName att = QNameConstructor::expandQName<StaticContext::Ptr,
  6926                                                                    ReportContext::XPST0081,
  6927                                                                    ReportContext::XPST0081>((yyvsp[(7) - (8)].attributeHolders).at(i).first, parseInfo->staticContext,
  6928                                                                                             parseInfo->staticContext->namespaceBindings(),
  6929                                                                                             &ryy, true);
  6930                 if(declaredAttributes.contains(att))
  6931                 {
  6932                     parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("An attribute by name %1 has already appeared on this element.")
  6933                                                       .arg(formatKeyword(parseInfo->staticContext->namePool(), att)),
  6934                                             ReportContext::XQST0040, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  6936                 }
  6937                 else
  6938                     declaredAttributes.insert(att);
  6940                 /* wrapLiteral() needs the SourceLocationReflection of the AttributeConstructor, but
  6941                  * it's unknown inside the arguments to its constructor. Hence we have to do this workaround of setting
  6942                  * it twice.
  6943                  *
  6944                  * The AttributeConstructor's arguments are just dummies. */
  6945                 const Expression::Ptr ctor(create(new AttributeConstructor((yyvsp[(7) - (8)].attributeHolders).at(i).second, (yyvsp[(7) - (8)].attributeHolders).at(i).second), (yyloc), parseInfo));
  6947                 Expression::List ops;
  6948                 ops.append(wrapLiteral(toItem(QNameValue::fromValue(namePool, att)), parseInfo->staticContext,;
  6949                 ops.append((yyvsp[(7) - (8)].attributeHolders).at(i).second);
  6950                 ctor->setOperands(ops);
  6952                 attributes.append(ctor);
  6953             }
  6954         }
  6956         Expression::Ptr contentOp;
  6958         if(attributes.isEmpty())
  6959             contentOp = (yyvsp[(8) - (8)].expr);
  6960         else
  6961         {
  6962             attributes.append((yyvsp[(8) - (8)].expr));
  6963             contentOp = create(new ExpressionSequence(attributes), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  6964         }
  6966         const Expression::Ptr name(create(new Literal(toItem(QNameValue::fromValue(parseInfo->staticContext->namePool(), parseInfo->, (yyloc), parseInfo));
  6967         (yyval.expr) = create(new ElementConstructor(name, contentOp, parseInfo->isXSLT()), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  6969         /* Restore the old context. We don't want the namespaces
  6970          * to be in-scope for expressions appearing after the
  6971          * element they appeared on. */
  6972         parseInfo->staticContext->setNamespaceBindings(parseInfo->resolvers.pop());
  6973         parseInfo->tagStack.pop();
  6975         --parseInfo->elementConstructorDepth;
  6976     }
  6977     break;
  6979   case 363:
  6980 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6981 #line 3977 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6982     {
  6983         (yyval.expr) = create(new EmptySequence(), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  6984     }
  6985     break;
  6987   case 364:
  6988 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  6989 #line 3981 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  6990     {
  6991         if(!(yyvsp[(4) - (5)].qName).isLexicallyEqual(parseInfo->
  6992         {
  6993             parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("A direct element constructor is not "
  6994                                                "well-formed. %1 is ended with %2.")
  6995                                                .arg(formatKeyword(parseInfo->staticContext->namePool()->toLexical(parseInfo->,
  6996                                                     formatKeyword(parseInfo->staticContext->namePool()->toLexical((yyvsp[(4) - (5)].qName)))),
  6997                                             ReportContext::XPST0003, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  6998         }
  7000         if((yyvsp[(2) - (5)].expressionList).isEmpty())
  7001             (yyval.expr) = create(new EmptySequence(), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  7002         else if((yyvsp[(2) - (5)].expressionList).size() == 1)
  7003             (yyval.expr) = (yyvsp[(2) - (5)].expressionList).first();
  7004         else
  7005             (yyval.expr) = create(new ExpressionSequence((yyvsp[(2) - (5)].expressionList)), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  7006     }
  7007     break;
  7009   case 365:
  7010 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7011 #line 4000 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7012     {
  7013         (yyval.attributeHolders) = AttributeHolderVector();
  7014     }
  7015     break;
  7017   case 366:
  7018 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7019 #line 4004 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7020     {
  7021         (yyvsp[(1) - (2)].attributeHolders).append((yyvsp[(2) - (2)].attributeHolder));
  7022         (yyval.attributeHolders) = (yyvsp[(1) - (2)].attributeHolders);
  7023     }
  7024     break;
  7026   case 367:
  7027 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7028 #line 4010 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7029     {
  7030         (yyval.attributeHolder) = qMakePair((yyvsp[(1) - (3)].sval), (yyvsp[(3) - (3)].expr));
  7031     }
  7032     break;
  7034   case 368:
  7035 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7036 #line 4015 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7037     {
  7038         (yyval.expr) = createDirAttributeValue((yyvsp[(2) - (3)].expressionList), parseInfo, (yyloc));
  7039     }
  7040     break;
  7042   case 369:
  7043 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7044 #line 4020 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7045     {
  7046         (yyval.expr) = createDirAttributeValue((yyvsp[(2) - (3)].expressionList), parseInfo, (yyloc));
  7047     }
  7048     break;
  7050   case 370:
  7051 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7052 #line 4025 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7053     {
  7054         (yyval.expressionList) = Expression::List();
  7055     }
  7056     break;
  7058   case 371:
  7059 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7060 #line 4029 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7061     {
  7062         Expression::Ptr content((yyvsp[(1) - (2)].expr));
  7064         if(parseInfo->
  7065             content = create(GenericPredicate::createFirstItem(content), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  7067         (yyvsp[(2) - (2)].expressionList).prepend(createSimpleContent(content, (yyloc), parseInfo));
  7068         (yyval.expressionList) = (yyvsp[(2) - (2)].expressionList);
  7069     }
  7070     break;
  7072   case 372:
  7073 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7074 #line 4039 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7075     {
  7076         (yyvsp[(2) - (2)].expressionList).prepend(create(new Literal(AtomicString::fromValue((yyvsp[(1) - (2)].sval))), (yyloc), parseInfo));
  7077         (yyval.expressionList) = (yyvsp[(2) - (2)].expressionList);
  7078     }
  7079     break;
  7081   case 373:
  7082 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7083 #line 4045 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7084     {
  7085         (yyval.expressionList) = Expression::List();
  7086         parseInfo->isPreviousEnclosedExpr = false;
  7087     }
  7088     break;
  7090   case 374:
  7091 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7092 #line 4050 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7093     {
  7094         (yyvsp[(1) - (2)].expressionList).append((yyvsp[(2) - (2)].expr));
  7095         (yyval.expressionList) = (yyvsp[(1) - (2)].expressionList);
  7096         parseInfo->isPreviousEnclosedExpr = false;
  7097     }
  7098     break;
  7100   case 375:
  7101 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7102 #line 4056 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7103     {
  7104         if(parseInfo->staticContext->boundarySpacePolicy() == StaticContext::BSPStrip &&
  7105            XPathHelper::isWhitespaceOnly((yyvsp[(2) - (2)].sval)))
  7106         {
  7107             (yyval.expressionList) = (yyvsp[(1) - (2)].expressionList);
  7108         }
  7109         else
  7110         {
  7111             (yyvsp[(1) - (2)].expressionList).append(create(new TextNodeConstructor(create(new Literal(AtomicString::fromValue((yyvsp[(2) - (2)].sval))), (yyloc), parseInfo)), (yyloc), parseInfo));
  7112             (yyval.expressionList) = (yyvsp[(1) - (2)].expressionList);
  7113             parseInfo->isPreviousEnclosedExpr = false;
  7114         }
  7115     }
  7116     break;
  7118   case 376:
  7119 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7120 #line 4070 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7121     {
  7122         (yyvsp[(1) - (2)].expressionList).append(create(new TextNodeConstructor(create(new Literal(AtomicString::fromValue((yyvsp[(2) - (2)].sval))), (yyloc), parseInfo)), (yyloc), parseInfo));
  7123         (yyval.expressionList) = (yyvsp[(1) - (2)].expressionList);
  7124         parseInfo->isPreviousEnclosedExpr = false;
  7125     }
  7126     break;
  7128   case 377:
  7129 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7130 #line 4076 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7131     {
  7132         /* We insert a text node constructor that send an empty text node between
  7133          * the two enclosed expressions, in order to ensure that no space is inserted.
  7134          *
  7135          * However, we only do it when we have no node constructors. */
  7136         if(parseInfo->isPreviousEnclosedExpr &&
  7137            BuiltinTypes::xsAnyAtomicType->xdtTypeMatches((yyvsp[(2) - (2)].expr)->staticType()->itemType()) &&
  7138            BuiltinTypes::xsAnyAtomicType->xdtTypeMatches((yyvsp[(1) - (2)].expressionList).last()->staticType()->itemType()))
  7139             (yyvsp[(1) - (2)].expressionList).append(create(new TextNodeConstructor(create(new Literal(AtomicString::fromValue(QString())), (yyloc), parseInfo)), (yyloc), parseInfo));
  7140         else
  7141             parseInfo->isPreviousEnclosedExpr = true;
  7143         (yyvsp[(1) - (2)].expressionList).append(createCopyOf((yyvsp[(2) - (2)].expr), parseInfo, (yyloc)));
  7144         (yyval.expressionList) = (yyvsp[(1) - (2)].expressionList);
  7145     }
  7146     break;
  7148   case 378:
  7149 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7150 #line 4093 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7151     {
  7152         (yyval.expr) = create(new CommentConstructor(create(new Literal(AtomicString::fromValue((yyvsp[(2) - (2)].sval))), (yyloc), parseInfo)), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  7153     }
  7154     break;
  7156   case 379:
  7157 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7158 #line 4098 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7159     {
  7160         const ReflectYYLTYPE ryy((yyloc), parseInfo);
  7161         NCNameConstructor::validateTargetName<StaticContext::Ptr,
  7162                                               ReportContext::XPST0003,
  7163                                               ReportContext::XPST0003>((yyvsp[(2) - (3)].sval),
  7164                                                                        parseInfo->staticContext, &ryy);
  7166         (yyval.expr) = create(new ProcessingInstructionConstructor(
  7167                              create(new Literal(AtomicString::fromValue((yyvsp[(2) - (3)].sval))), (yyloc), parseInfo),
  7168                              create(new Literal(AtomicString::fromValue((yyvsp[(3) - (3)].sval))), (yyloc), parseInfo)), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  7169     }
  7170     break;
  7172   case 387:
  7173 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7174 #line 4119 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7175     {
  7176         allowedIn(QXmlQuery::XQuery10, parseInfo, (yyloc), (yyvsp[(2) - (3)].enums.Bool));
  7178         (yyval.expr) = create(new DocumentConstructor((yyvsp[(3) - (3)].expr)), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  7179     }
  7180     break;
  7182   case 388:
  7183 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7184 #line 4126 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7185     {
  7186                         /* This value is incremented before the action below is executed. */
  7187                         ++parseInfo->elementConstructorDepth;
  7188                      }
  7189     break;
  7191   case 389:
  7192 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7193 #line 4131 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7194     {
  7195         Q_ASSERT(5);
  7196         allowedIn(QXmlQuery::XQuery10, parseInfo, (yyloc), (yyvsp[(2) - (5)].enums.Bool));
  7198         Expression::Ptr effExpr;
  7200         if((yyvsp[(5) - (5)].expr))
  7201             effExpr = createCopyOf((yyvsp[(5) - (5)].expr), parseInfo, (yyloc));
  7202         else
  7203             effExpr = create(new EmptySequence(), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  7205         const QXmlName::NamespaceCode ns = parseInfo->>lookupNamespaceURI(StandardPrefixes::empty);
  7207         /* Ensure the default namespace gets counted as an in-scope binding, if such a one exists. If we're
  7208          * a child of another constructor, it has already been done. */
  7209         if(parseInfo->elementConstructorDepth == 1 && ns != StandardNamespaces::empty)
  7210         {
  7211             Expression::List exprList;
  7213             /* We append the namespace constructor before the body, in order to
  7214              * comply with QAbstractXmlPushHandler's contract. */
  7215             const QXmlName def(parseInfo->>lookupNamespaceURI(StandardPrefixes::empty), StandardLocalNames::empty);
  7216             exprList.append(create(new NamespaceConstructor(def), (yyloc), parseInfo));
  7218             exprList.append(effExpr);
  7220             effExpr = create(new ExpressionSequence(exprList), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  7221         }
  7223         --parseInfo->elementConstructorDepth;
  7224         (yyval.expr) = create(new ElementConstructor((yyvsp[(3) - (5)].expr), effExpr, parseInfo->isXSLT()), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  7225     }
  7226     break;
  7228   case 390:
  7229 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7230 #line 4165 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7231     {
  7232         (yyval.enums.Bool) = false;
  7233     }
  7234     break;
  7236   case 391:
  7237 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7238 #line 4169 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7239     {
  7240         (yyval.enums.Bool) = true;
  7241     }
  7242     break;
  7244   case 392:
  7245 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7246 #line 4177 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7247     {
  7248         allowedIn(QXmlQuery::XQuery10, parseInfo, (yyloc), (yyvsp[(2) - (4)].enums.Bool));
  7250         const Expression::Ptr name(create(new AttributeNameValidator((yyvsp[(3) - (4)].expr)), (yyloc), parseInfo));
  7252         if((yyvsp[(4) - (4)].expr))
  7253             (yyval.expr) = create(new AttributeConstructor(name, createSimpleContent((yyvsp[(4) - (4)].expr), (yyloc), parseInfo)), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  7254         else
  7255             (yyval.expr) = create(new AttributeConstructor(name, create(new EmptySequence(), (yyloc), parseInfo)), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  7256     }
  7257     break;
  7259   case 393:
  7260 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7261 #line 4189 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7262     {
  7263         (yyval.expr) = create(new TextNodeConstructor(createSimpleContent((yyvsp[(3) - (3)].expr), (yyloc), parseInfo)), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  7264     }
  7265     break;
  7267   case 394:
  7268 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7269 #line 4194 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7270     {
  7271         allowedIn(QXmlQuery::XQuery10, parseInfo, (yyloc), (yyvsp[(2) - (3)].enums.Bool));
  7273         (yyval.expr) = create(new CommentConstructor(createSimpleContent((yyvsp[(3) - (3)].expr), (yyloc), parseInfo)), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  7274     }
  7275     break;
  7277   case 395:
  7278 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7279 #line 4201 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7280     {
  7281         allowedIn(QXmlQuery::XQuery10, parseInfo, (yyloc), (yyvsp[(2) - (3)].expr));
  7283         if((yyvsp[(3) - (3)].expr))
  7284         {
  7285             (yyval.expr) = create(new ProcessingInstructionConstructor((yyvsp[(2) - (3)].expr), createSimpleContent((yyvsp[(3) - (3)].expr), (yyloc), parseInfo)), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  7286         }
  7287         else
  7288             (yyval.expr) = create(new ProcessingInstructionConstructor((yyvsp[(2) - (3)].expr), create(new EmptySequence(), (yyloc), parseInfo)), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  7289     }
  7290     break;
  7292   case 396:
  7293 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7294 #line 4212 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7295     {
  7296                         parseInfo->nodeTestSource = BuiltinTypes::attribute;
  7297                    }
  7298     break;
  7300   case 397:
  7301 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7302 #line 4216 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7303     {
  7304                         parseInfo->restoreNodeTestSource();
  7305                    }
  7306     break;
  7308   case 398:
  7309 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7310 #line 4219 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7311     {
  7312         (yyval.expr) = create(new Literal(toItem(QNameValue::fromValue(parseInfo->staticContext->namePool(), (yyvsp[(2) - (3)].qName)))), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  7313     }
  7314     break;
  7316   case 400:
  7317 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7318 #line 4225 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7319     {
  7320         (yyval.expr) = create(new Literal(toItem(QNameValue::fromValue(parseInfo->staticContext->namePool(), (yyvsp[(1) - (1)].qName)))), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  7321     }
  7322     break;
  7324   case 402:
  7325 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7326 #line 4231 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7327     {
  7328         if(BuiltinTypes::xsQName->xdtTypeMatches((yyvsp[(1) - (1)].expr)->staticType()->itemType()))
  7329             (yyval.expr) = (yyvsp[(1) - (1)].expr);
  7330         else
  7331         {
  7332             (yyval.expr) = create(new QNameConstructor((yyvsp[(1) - (1)].expr),
  7333                                              parseInfo->staticContext->namespaceBindings()),
  7334                         (yyloc), parseInfo);
  7335         }
  7336     }
  7337     break;
  7339   case 403:
  7340 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7341 #line 4246 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7342     {
  7343         (yyval.expr) = create(new NCNameConstructor(create(new Literal(AtomicString::fromValue((yyvsp[(1) - (1)].sval))), (yyloc), parseInfo)), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  7344     }
  7345     break;
  7347   case 404:
  7348 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7349 #line 4250 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7350     {
  7351         (yyval.expr) = create(new NCNameConstructor((yyvsp[(1) - (1)].expr)), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  7352     }
  7353     break;
  7355   case 405:
  7356 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7357 #line 4259 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7358     {
  7359     (yyval.expr) = create(new ComputedNamespaceConstructor((yyvsp[(2) - (3)].expr), (yyvsp[(3) - (3)].expr)), (yyloc), parseInfo);
  7360 }
  7361     break;
  7363   case 406:
  7364 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7365 #line 4264 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7366     {
  7367         (yyval.sequenceType) = makeGenericSequenceType((yyvsp[(1) - (1)].itemType), Cardinality::exactlyOne());
  7368     }
  7369     break;
  7371   case 407:
  7372 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7373 #line 4268 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7374     {
  7375         (yyval.sequenceType) = makeGenericSequenceType((yyvsp[(1) - (2)].itemType), Cardinality::zeroOrOne());
  7376     }
  7377     break;
  7379   case 408:
  7380 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7381 #line 4273 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7382     {
  7383         (yyval.sequenceType) = CommonSequenceTypes::ZeroOrMoreItems;
  7384     }
  7385     break;
  7387   case 409:
  7388 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7389 #line 4277 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7390     {
  7391         (yyval.sequenceType) = (yyvsp[(2) - (2)].sequenceType);
  7392     }
  7393     break;
  7395   case 410:
  7396 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7397 #line 4282 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7398     {
  7399         (yyval.sequenceType) = makeGenericSequenceType((yyvsp[(1) - (2)].itemType), (yyvsp[(2) - (2)].cardinality));
  7400     }
  7401     break;
  7403   case 411:
  7404 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7405 #line 4287 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7406     {
  7407         (yyval.sequenceType) = CommonSequenceTypes::Empty;
  7408     }
  7409     break;
  7411   case 412:
  7412 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7413 #line 4291 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7414     {(yyval.cardinality) = Cardinality::exactlyOne();}
  7415     break;
  7417   case 413:
  7418 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7419 #line 4292 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7420     {(yyval.cardinality) = Cardinality::oneOrMore();}
  7421     break;
  7423   case 414:
  7424 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7425 #line 4293 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7426     {(yyval.cardinality) = Cardinality::zeroOrMore();}
  7427     break;
  7429   case 415:
  7430 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7431 #line 4294 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7432     {(yyval.cardinality) = Cardinality::zeroOrOne();}
  7433     break;
  7435   case 419:
  7436 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7437 #line 4300 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7438     {
  7439         (yyval.itemType) = BuiltinTypes::item;
  7440     }
  7441     break;
  7443   case 420:
  7444 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7445 #line 4305 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7446     {
  7447         const SchemaType::Ptr t(parseInfo->staticContext->schemaDefinitions()->createSchemaType((yyvsp[(1) - (1)].qName)));
  7449         if(!t)
  7450         {
  7451             parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("The name %1 does not refer to any schema type.")
  7452                                                .arg(formatKeyword(parseInfo->staticContext->namePool(), (yyvsp[(1) - (1)].qName))), ReportContext::XPST0051, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  7453         }
  7454         else if(BuiltinTypes::xsAnyAtomicType->wxsTypeMatches(t))
  7455             (yyval.itemType) = AtomicType::Ptr(t);
  7456         else
  7457         {
  7458             /* Try to give an intelligent message. */
  7459             if(t->isComplexType())
  7460             {
  7461                 parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 is an complex type. Casting to complex "
  7462                                                    "types is not possible. However, casting "
  7463                                                    "to atomic types such as %2 works.")
  7464                                                    .arg(formatType(parseInfo->staticContext->namePool(), t))
  7465                                                    .arg(formatType(parseInfo->staticContext->namePool(), BuiltinTypes::xsInteger)),
  7466                                                 ReportContext::XPST0051, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  7467             }
  7468             else
  7469             {
  7470                 parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 is not an atomic type. Casting "
  7471                                                    "is only possible to atomic types.")
  7472                                                    .arg(formatType(parseInfo->staticContext->namePool(), t)),
  7473                                                 ReportContext::XPST0051, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  7474             }
  7475         }
  7476     }
  7477     break;
  7479   case 428:
  7480 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7481 #line 4349 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7482     {
  7483         (yyval.itemType) = BuiltinTypes::node;
  7484     }
  7485     break;
  7487   case 429:
  7488 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7489 #line 4354 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7490     {
  7491         (yyval.itemType) = BuiltinTypes::document;
  7492     }
  7493     break;
  7495   case 430:
  7496 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7497 #line 4359 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7498     {
  7499         // TODO support for document element testing
  7500         (yyval.itemType) = BuiltinTypes::document;
  7501     }
  7502     break;
  7504   case 433:
  7505 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7506 #line 4368 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7507     {
  7508         (yyval.itemType) = BuiltinTypes::text;
  7509     }
  7510     break;
  7512   case 434:
  7513 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7514 #line 4373 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7515     {
  7516         (yyval.itemType) = BuiltinTypes::comment;
  7517     }
  7518     break;
  7520   case 435:
  7521 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7522 #line 4378 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7523     {
  7524         (yyval.itemType) = BuiltinTypes::pi;
  7525     }
  7526     break;
  7528   case 436:
  7529 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7530 #line 4383 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7531     {
  7532         (yyval.itemType) = LocalNameTest::create(BuiltinTypes::pi, parseInfo->staticContext->namePool()->allocateLocalName((yyvsp[(3) - (4)].sval)));
  7533     }
  7534     break;
  7536   case 437:
  7537 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7538 #line 4388 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7539     {
  7540         if(QXmlUtils::isNCName((yyvsp[(3) - (4)].sval)))
  7541         {
  7542             (yyval.itemType) = LocalNameTest::create(BuiltinTypes::pi, parseInfo->staticContext->namePool()->allocateLocalName((yyvsp[(3) - (4)].sval)));
  7543         }
  7544         else
  7545         {
  7546             parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 is not a valid name for a "
  7547                                                               "processing-instruction.")
  7548                                                  .arg(formatKeyword((yyvsp[(3) - (4)].sval))),
  7549                                             ReportContext::XPTY0004,
  7550                                             fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  7551         }
  7552     }
  7553     break;
  7555   case 440:
  7556 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7557 #line 4407 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7558     {
  7559         (yyval.itemType) = BuiltinTypes::attribute;
  7560     }
  7561     break;
  7563   case 441:
  7564 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7565 #line 4412 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7566     {
  7567         (yyval.itemType) = BuiltinTypes::attribute;
  7568     }
  7569     break;
  7571   case 442:
  7572 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7573 #line 4417 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7574     {
  7575         (yyval.itemType) = QNameTest::create(BuiltinTypes::attribute, (yyvsp[(3) - (4)].qName));
  7576     }
  7577     break;
  7579   case 443:
  7580 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7581 #line 4421 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7582     {
  7583         const SchemaType::Ptr t(parseInfo->staticContext->schemaDefinitions()->createSchemaType((yyvsp[(5) - (6)].qName)));
  7585         if(t)
  7586             (yyval.itemType) = BuiltinTypes::attribute;
  7587         else
  7588         {
  7589             parseInfo->staticContext->error(unknownType().arg(formatKeyword(parseInfo->staticContext->namePool(), (yyvsp[(5) - (6)].qName))),
  7590                                             ReportContext::XPST0008, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  7591         }
  7592     }
  7593     break;
  7595   case 444:
  7596 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7597 #line 4433 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7598     {
  7599         const SchemaType::Ptr t(parseInfo->staticContext->schemaDefinitions()->createSchemaType((yyvsp[(5) - (6)].qName)));
  7601         if(t)
  7602             (yyval.itemType) = BuiltinTypes::attribute;
  7603         else
  7604         {
  7605             parseInfo->staticContext->error(unknownType().arg(formatKeyword(parseInfo->staticContext->namePool(), (yyvsp[(5) - (6)].qName))),
  7606                                             ReportContext::XPST0008, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  7607         }
  7608     }
  7609     break;
  7611   case 445:
  7612 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7613 #line 4446 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7614     {
  7615         parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 is not in the in-scope attribute "
  7616                                            "declarations. Note that the schema import "
  7617                                            "feature is not supported.")
  7618                                            .arg(formatKeyword(parseInfo->staticContext->namePool(), (yyvsp[(3) - (4)].qName))),
  7619                                         ReportContext::XPST0008, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  7620         (yyval.itemType).reset();
  7621     }
  7622     break;
  7624   case 446:
  7625 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7626 #line 4456 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7627     {
  7628         (yyval.itemType) = BuiltinTypes::element;
  7629     }
  7630     break;
  7632   case 447:
  7633 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7634 #line 4461 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7635     {
  7636         (yyval.itemType) = BuiltinTypes::element;
  7637     }
  7638     break;
  7640   case 448:
  7641 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7642 #line 4466 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7643     {
  7644         (yyval.itemType) = QNameTest::create(BuiltinTypes::element, (yyvsp[(3) - (4)].qName));
  7645     }
  7646     break;
  7648   case 449:
  7649 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7650 #line 4471 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7651     {
  7652         const SchemaType::Ptr t(parseInfo->staticContext->schemaDefinitions()->createSchemaType((yyvsp[(5) - (7)].qName)));
  7654         if(t)
  7655             (yyval.itemType) = BuiltinTypes::element;
  7656         else
  7657         {
  7658             parseInfo->staticContext->error(unknownType()
  7659                                                .arg(formatKeyword(parseInfo->staticContext->namePool(), (yyvsp[(5) - (7)].qName))),
  7660                                             ReportContext::XPST0008, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  7661         }
  7662     }
  7663     break;
  7665   case 450:
  7666 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7667 #line 4485 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7668     {
  7669         const SchemaType::Ptr t(parseInfo->staticContext->schemaDefinitions()->createSchemaType((yyvsp[(5) - (7)].qName)));
  7671         if(t)
  7672             (yyval.itemType) = BuiltinTypes::element;
  7673         else
  7674         {
  7675             parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 is an unknown schema type.")
  7676                                                .arg(formatKeyword(parseInfo->staticContext->namePool(), (yyvsp[(5) - (7)].qName))),
  7677                                             ReportContext::XPST0008, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  7678         }
  7679     }
  7680     break;
  7682   case 453:
  7683 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7684 #line 4502 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7685     {
  7686         parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("%1 is not in the in-scope attribute "
  7687                                            "declarations. Note that the schema import "
  7688                                            "feature is not supported.")
  7689                                            .arg(formatKeyword(parseInfo->staticContext->namePool(), (yyvsp[(3) - (4)].qName))),
  7690                                         ReportContext::XPST0008, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  7691         (yyval.itemType).reset();
  7692     }
  7693     break;
  7695   case 455:
  7696 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7697 #line 4514 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7698     {
  7699         (yyval.qName) = parseInfo->staticContext->namePool()->allocateQName(StandardNamespaces::empty, (yyvsp[(1) - (1)].sval));
  7700     }
  7701     break;
  7703   case 457:
  7704 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7705 #line 4526 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7706     {
  7707         if(parseInfo->nodeTestSource == BuiltinTypes::element)
  7708             (yyval.qName) = parseInfo->staticContext->namePool()->allocateQName(parseInfo->staticContext->namespaceBindings()->lookupNamespaceURI(StandardPrefixes::empty), (yyvsp[(1) - (1)].sval));
  7709         else
  7710             (yyval.qName) = parseInfo->staticContext->namePool()->allocateQName(StandardNamespaces::empty, (yyvsp[(1) - (1)].sval));
  7711     }
  7712     break;
  7714   case 462:
  7715 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7716 #line 4540 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7717     {
  7718         (yyval.qName) = parseInfo->staticContext->namePool()->allocateQName(parseInfo->staticContext->defaultFunctionNamespace(), (yyvsp[(1) - (1)].sval));
  7719     }
  7720     break;
  7722   case 463:
  7723 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7724 #line 4544 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7725     {
  7726         (yyval.qName) = parseInfo->staticContext->namePool()->allocateQName(StandardNamespaces::InternalXSLT, (yyvsp[(2) - (2)].sval));
  7727     }
  7728     break;
  7730   case 466:
  7731 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7732 #line 4552 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7733     {
  7734         parseInfo->staticContext->error(QtXmlPatterns::tr("The name of an extension expression must be in "
  7735                                                           "a namespace."),
  7736                                         ReportContext::XPST0081, fromYYLTYPE((yyloc), parseInfo));
  7737     }
  7738     break;
  7740   case 469:
  7741 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7742 #line 4562 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7743     {
  7744         allowedIn(QueryLanguages(QXmlQuery::XQuery10 | QXmlQuery::XPath20), parseInfo, (yyloc));
  7745     }
  7746     break;
  7748   case 470:
  7749 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7750 #line 4566 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7751     {
  7752         allowedIn(QueryLanguages(QXmlQuery::XQuery10 | QXmlQuery::XPath20), parseInfo, (yyloc));
  7753     }
  7754     break;
  7756   case 471:
  7757 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7758 #line 4571 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7759     {
  7761         const ReflectYYLTYPE ryy((yyloc), parseInfo);
  7763         (yyval.qName) = QNameConstructor::
  7764              expandQName<StaticContext::Ptr,
  7765                          ReportContext::XPST0081,
  7766                          ReportContext::XPST0081>((yyvsp[(1) - (1)].sval), parseInfo->staticContext,
  7767                                                   parseInfo->staticContext->namespaceBindings(), &ryy);
  7769     }
  7770     break;
  7772   case 472:
  7773 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7774 #line 4583 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  7775     {
  7776         (yyval.qName) = parseInfo->staticContext->namePool()->fromClarkName((yyvsp[(1) - (1)].sval));
  7777     }
  7778     break;
  7781 /* Line 1269 of yacc.c.  */
  7782 #line 7763 "qquerytransformparser.cpp"
  7783       default: break;
  7784     }
  7785   YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("-> $$ =", yyr1[yyn], &yyval, &yyloc);
  7787   YYPOPSTACK (yylen);
  7788   yylen = 0;
  7789   YY_STACK_PRINT (yyss, yyssp);
  7791   *++yyvsp = yyval;
  7792   *++yylsp = yyloc;
  7794   /* Now `shift' the result of the reduction.  Determine what state
  7795      that goes to, based on the state we popped back to and the rule
  7796      number reduced by.  */
  7798   yyn = yyr1[yyn];
  7800   yystate = yypgoto[yyn - YYNTOKENS] + *yyssp;
  7801   if (0 <= yystate && yystate <= YYLAST && yycheck[yystate] == *yyssp)
  7802     yystate = yytable[yystate];
  7803   else
  7804     yystate = yydefgoto[yyn - YYNTOKENS];
  7806   goto yynewstate;
  7809 /*------------------------------------.
  7810 | yyerrlab -- here on detecting error |
  7811 `------------------------------------*/
  7812 yyerrlab:
  7813   /* If not already recovering from an error, report this error.  */
  7814   if (!yyerrstatus)
  7815     {
  7816       ++yynerrs;
  7817 #if ! YYERROR_VERBOSE
  7818       yyerror (&yylloc, parseInfo, YY_("syntax error"));
  7819 #else
  7820       {
  7821 	YYSIZE_T yysize = yysyntax_error (0, yystate, yychar);
  7822 	if (yymsg_alloc < yysize && yymsg_alloc < YYSTACK_ALLOC_MAXIMUM)
  7823 	  {
  7824 	    YYSIZE_T yyalloc = 2 * yysize;
  7825 	    if (! (yysize <= yyalloc && yyalloc <= YYSTACK_ALLOC_MAXIMUM))
  7826 	      yyalloc = YYSTACK_ALLOC_MAXIMUM;
  7827 	    if (yymsg != yymsgbuf)
  7828 	      YYSTACK_FREE (yymsg);
  7829 	    yymsg = (char *) YYSTACK_ALLOC (yyalloc);
  7830 	    if (yymsg)
  7831 	      yymsg_alloc = yyalloc;
  7832 	    else
  7833 	      {
  7834 		yymsg = yymsgbuf;
  7835 		yymsg_alloc = sizeof yymsgbuf;
  7836 	      }
  7837 	  }
  7839 	if (0 < yysize && yysize <= yymsg_alloc)
  7840 	  {
  7841 	    (void) yysyntax_error (yymsg, yystate, yychar);
  7842 	    yyerror (&yylloc, parseInfo, yymsg);
  7843 	  }
  7844 	else
  7845 	  {
  7846 	    yyerror (&yylloc, parseInfo, YY_("syntax error"));
  7847 	    if (yysize != 0)
  7848 	      goto yyexhaustedlab;
  7849 	  }
  7850       }
  7851 #endif
  7852     }
  7854   yyerror_range[0] = yylloc;
  7856   if (yyerrstatus == 3)
  7857     {
  7858       /* If just tried and failed to reuse lookahead token after an
  7859 	 error, discard it.  */
  7861       if (yychar <= YYEOF)
  7862 	{
  7863 	  /* Return failure if at end of input.  */
  7864 	  if (yychar == YYEOF)
  7865 	    YYABORT;
  7866 	}
  7867       else
  7868 	{
  7869 	  yydestruct ("Error: discarding",
  7870 		      yytoken, &yylval, &yylloc, parseInfo);
  7871 	  yychar = YYEMPTY;
  7872 	}
  7873     }
  7875   /* Else will try to reuse lookahead token after shifting the error
  7876      token.  */
  7877   goto yyerrlab1;
  7880 /*---------------------------------------------------.
  7881 | yyerrorlab -- error raised explicitly by YYERROR.  |
  7882 `---------------------------------------------------*/
  7883 yyerrorlab:
  7885   /* Pacify compilers like GCC when the user code never invokes
  7886      YYERROR and the label yyerrorlab therefore never appears in user
  7887      code.  */
  7888   if (/*CONSTCOND*/ 0)
  7889      goto yyerrorlab;
  7891   yyerror_range[0] = yylsp[1-yylen];
  7892   /* Do not reclaim the symbols of the rule which action triggered
  7893      this YYERROR.  */
  7894   YYPOPSTACK (yylen);
  7895   yylen = 0;
  7896   YY_STACK_PRINT (yyss, yyssp);
  7897   yystate = *yyssp;
  7898   goto yyerrlab1;
  7901 /*-------------------------------------------------------------.
  7902 | yyerrlab1 -- common code for both syntax error and YYERROR.  |
  7903 `-------------------------------------------------------------*/
  7904 yyerrlab1:
  7905   yyerrstatus = 3;	/* Each real token shifted decrements this.  */
  7907   for (;;)
  7908     {
  7909       yyn = yypact[yystate];
  7910       if (yyn != YYPACT_NINF)
  7911 	{
  7912 	  yyn += YYTERROR;
  7913 	  if (0 <= yyn && yyn <= YYLAST && yycheck[yyn] == YYTERROR)
  7914 	    {
  7915 	      yyn = yytable[yyn];
  7916 	      if (0 < yyn)
  7917 		break;
  7918 	    }
  7919 	}
  7921       /* Pop the current state because it cannot handle the error token.  */
  7922       if (yyssp == yyss)
  7923 	YYABORT;
  7925       yyerror_range[0] = *yylsp;
  7926       yydestruct ("Error: popping",
  7927 		  yystos[yystate], yyvsp, yylsp, parseInfo);
  7928       YYPOPSTACK (1);
  7929       yystate = *yyssp;
  7930       YY_STACK_PRINT (yyss, yyssp);
  7931     }
  7933   *++yyvsp = yylval;
  7935   yyerror_range[1] = yylloc;
  7936   /* Using YYLLOC is tempting, but would change the location of
  7937      the lookahead.  YYLOC is available though.  */
  7938   YYLLOC_DEFAULT (yyloc, (yyerror_range - 1), 2);
  7939   *++yylsp = yyloc;
  7941   /* Shift the error token.  */
  7942   YY_SYMBOL_PRINT ("Shifting", yystos[yyn], yyvsp, yylsp);
  7944   yystate = yyn;
  7945   goto yynewstate;
  7948 /*-------------------------------------.
  7949 | yyacceptlab -- YYACCEPT comes here.  |
  7950 `-------------------------------------*/
  7951 yyacceptlab:
  7952   yyresult = 0;
  7953   goto yyreturn;
  7955 /*-----------------------------------.
  7956 | yyabortlab -- YYABORT comes here.  |
  7957 `-----------------------------------*/
  7958 yyabortlab:
  7959   yyresult = 1;
  7960   goto yyreturn;
  7962 #ifndef yyoverflow
  7963 /*-------------------------------------------------.
  7964 | yyexhaustedlab -- memory exhaustion comes here.  |
  7965 `-------------------------------------------------*/
  7966 yyexhaustedlab:
  7967   yyerror (&yylloc, parseInfo, YY_("memory exhausted"));
  7968   yyresult = 2;
  7969   /* Fall through.  */
  7970 #endif
  7972 yyreturn:
  7973   if (yychar != YYEMPTY)
  7974      yydestruct ("Cleanup: discarding lookahead",
  7975 		 yytoken, &yylval, &yylloc, parseInfo);
  7976   /* Do not reclaim the symbols of the rule which action triggered
  7977      this YYABORT or YYACCEPT.  */
  7978   YYPOPSTACK (yylen);
  7979   YY_STACK_PRINT (yyss, yyssp);
  7980   while (yyssp != yyss)
  7981     {
  7982       yydestruct ("Cleanup: popping",
  7983 		  yystos[*yyssp], yyvsp, yylsp, parseInfo);
  7984       YYPOPSTACK (1);
  7985     }
  7986 #ifndef yyoverflow
  7987   if (yyss != yyssa)
  7988     YYSTACK_FREE (yyss);
  7989 #endif
  7991   if (yymsg != yymsgbuf)
  7992     YYSTACK_FREE (yymsg);
  7993 #endif
  7994   /* Make sure YYID is used.  */
  7995   return YYID (yyresult);
  7996 }
  7999 /* Line 1486 of yacc.c.  */
  8000 #line 4587 "querytransformparser.ypp"
  8003 QString Tokenizer::tokenToString(const Token &token)
  8004 {
  8005     switch(token.type)
  8006     {
  8007         case NCNAME:
  8008         /* Fallthrough. */
  8009         case QNAME:
  8010         /* Fallthrough. */
  8011         case NUMBER:
  8012         /* Fallthrough. */
  8013         case XPATH2_NUMBER:
  8014             return token.value;
  8015         case STRING_LITERAL:
  8016             return QLatin1Char('"') + token.value + QLatin1Char('"');
  8017         default:
  8018         {
  8019             const QString raw(QString::fromLatin1(yytname[YYTRANSLATE(token.type)]));
  8021             /* Remove the quotes. */
  8022             if( == QLatin1Char('"') && raw.length() > 1)
  8023                 return raw.mid(1, raw.length() - 2);
  8024             else
  8025                 return raw;
  8026         }
  8027     }
  8028 }
  8030 } /* namespace Patternist */
  8034 // vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:syntax=yacc