changeset 0 1918ee327afb
child 4 3b1da2848fc7
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tests/auto/qabstractxmlnodemodel/tst_qabstractxmlnodemodel.cpp	Mon Jan 11 14:00:40 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com)
+** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit.
+** No Commercial Usage
+** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
+** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
+** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
+** this package.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights.  These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at qt-info@nokia.com.
+#include <QFile>
+#include <QtTest/QtTest>
+#include <QSourceLocation>
+#include <QXmlFormatter>
+#include <QXmlNamePool>
+#include <QXmlQuery>
+#include <QXmlResultItems>
+#include <QXmlSerializer>
+#include "TestNodeModel.h"
+#include "LoadingModel.h"
+#include "../qxmlquery/TestFundament.h"
+ \class tst_QAbstractXmlNodeModel
+ \internal
+ \since 4.4
+ \brief Tests the QAbstractXmlNodeModel class.
+ */
+class tst_QAbstractXmlNodeModel : public QObject
+                                , private TestFundament
+private Q_SLOTS:
+    // TODO lots of tests missing
+    void initTestCase();
+    void constructor() const;
+    void objectSize() const;
+    void nextFromSimpleAxis();
+    void nextFromSimpleAxis_data() const;
+    void constCorrectness() const;
+    void createData() const;
+    void createPointerAdditionalData() const;
+    void createDataAdditionalData() const;
+    void id() const;
+    void idref() const;
+    void typedValue() const;
+    void sourceLocation() const;
+    QAbstractXmlNodeModel::Ptr  m_nodeModel;
+    QXmlNamePool                m_namePool;
+    QXmlNodeModelIndex          m_rootNode;
+void tst_QAbstractXmlNodeModel::initTestCase()
+    m_nodeModel = LoadingModel::create(m_namePool);
+    QVERIFY(m_nodeModel);
+    m_rootNode = m_nodeModel->root(QXmlNodeModelIndex());
+    QVERIFY(!m_rootNode.isNull());
+void tst_QAbstractXmlNodeModel::constructor() const
+    /* Allocate instance. */
+    {
+        TestNodeModel instance;
+    }
+    {
+        TestNodeModel instance1;
+        TestNodeModel instance2;
+    }
+    {
+        TestNodeModel instance1;
+        TestNodeModel instance2;
+        TestNodeModel instance3;
+    }
+void tst_QAbstractXmlNodeModel::objectSize() const
+    /* We can't currently test this in portable way,
+     * so disable it. */
+    return;
+    const int pointerSize = sizeof(void *);
+    // adjust for pointer alignment
+    const int sharedDataSize = ((sizeof(QSharedData) + pointerSize) / pointerSize) * pointerSize;
+    const int modelSize = sizeof(QAbstractXmlNodeModel);
+    /* A d pointer plus a vtable pointer. */
+    QCOMPARE(modelSize, sharedDataSize + pointerSize * 2);
+ Tests nextFromSimpleAxis(). More exactly that all the logic in
+ QAbstractXmlNodeModel::iterate() is as we expect to. Subsequently, a lot
+ of testing code is in LoadingModel(.cpp).
+ Approach:
+  1. In initTestCase() we loaded tree.xml into LoadingModel and
+     stored the root node in m_rootNode.
+  2. We execute a query that navigates from m_rootNode and write out
+     the result using QXmlFormatter.
+  3. We execute the exact same query, but this time use the built in node backend,
+     and write out the result in the same way. This is our baseline.
+  4. Compare the two.
+  Hence we check QAbstractXmlNodeModel::iterate() and friends against our XQuery
+  code, which in turn is (mainly) checked by the XQTS. This means safer testing
+  since we don't create baselines manually, and it also means that we can modify
+  the input file, tree.xml, without having to update static baselines.
+ */
+void tst_QAbstractXmlNodeModel::nextFromSimpleAxis()
+    QFETCH(QString, queryString);
+    QBuffer out;
+    /* Fill out, using LoadingModel. */
+    {
+        QXmlQuery query(m_namePool);
+        query.bindVariable(QLatin1String("node"), m_rootNode);
+        query.setQuery(queryString);
+        QVERIFY(query.isValid());
+        QVERIFY(out.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly));
+        QXmlFormatter formatter(query, &out);
+        QVERIFY(query.evaluateTo(&formatter));
+    }
+    QBuffer baseline;
+    /* Create the baseline. */
+    {
+        QXmlQuery openDoc(m_namePool);
+        openDoc.bindVariable(QLatin1String("docURI"), QVariant(inputFile(QLatin1String("tree.xml"))));
+        openDoc.setQuery(QLatin1String("doc($docURI)"));
+        QXmlResultItems doc;
+        QVERIFY(openDoc.isValid());
+        openDoc.evaluateTo(&doc);
+        QXmlQuery produceBaseline(m_namePool);
+        produceBaseline.bindVariable(QLatin1String("node"), doc.next());
+        produceBaseline.setQuery(queryString);
+        QVERIFY(produceBaseline.isValid());
+        QVERIFY(baseline.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly));
+        QXmlFormatter baselineFormatter(produceBaseline, &baseline);
+        QVERIFY(produceBaseline.evaluateTo(&baselineFormatter));
+    }
+    if(out.data() != baseline.data())
+    {
+        QTextStream(stderr) << "ACTUAL:" << QString::fromUtf8(out.data().constData())
+                            << "EXPECTED:" << QString::fromUtf8(baseline.data().constData());
+    }
+    QCOMPARE(out.data(), baseline.data());
+void tst_QAbstractXmlNodeModel::nextFromSimpleAxis_data() const
+     QTest::addColumn<QString>("queryString");
+     QTest::newRow("The whole tree")
+         << "$node";
+     QTest::newRow("::descendant-or-self from $node, all nodes.")
+         << "$node/descendant-or-self::node()";
+     QTest::newRow("::descendant from $node, all nodes.")
+         << "$node/descendant::node()";
+     QTest::newRow("::descendant from node with no descendants.")
+         << "$node/descendant::node()";
+     QTest::newRow("following-sibling on $root.")
+         << "$node/text()[1]/following-sibling::node()";
+     QTest::newRow("following-sibling from section1.")
+         << "$node//section1/following-sibling::node()";
+     QTest::newRow("preceding-sibling-sibling from section1.")
+         << "$node//section1/preceding-sibling::node()";
+     QTest::newRow("following-sibling from oneTextChild.")
+         << "$node//oneTextChild/following-sibling::node()";
+     QTest::newRow("preceding-sibling-sibling from oneTextChild.")
+         << "$node//oneTextChild/preceding-sibling::node()";
+     QTest::newRow("preceding-sibling on $root.")
+         << "$node/preceding-sibling::node()";
+     QTest::newRow("::ancestor from node at the end")
+         << "$node//node()/ancestor::node()";
+     QTest::newRow("::ancestor-or-self from node at the end")
+         << "$node//node()/ancestor-or-self::node()";
+     QTest::newRow("Copy attributes from all nodes.")
+         << "<e>{for $i in $node//node()/@* order by $i return $i}</e>";
+     QTest::newRow("::preceding from node at the end")
+         << "($node//node())[last()]/preceding::node()";
+     QTest::newRow("::preceding from $node")
+         << "$node/preceding::node()";
+     QTest::newRow("::following from node at the end")
+         << "($node//node())[last()]/following::node()";
+     QTest::newRow("::following from $node")
+         << "$node//following::node()";
+     QTest::newRow("::following from $node")
+         << "$node/following::node()";
+     QTest::newRow("::descendant from text() nodes.")
+         << "$node/descendant-or-self::text()/descendant::node()";
+     QTest::newRow("::descendant-or-self from text() nodes.")
+         << "$node/descendant-or-self::text()/descendant-or-self::node()";
+     QTest::newRow("descendant-or-self::node() from section1.")
+         << "$node//section1/descendant-or-self::node()";
+     QTest::newRow("descendant::node() from section1.")
+         << "$node//section1/descendant::node()";
+     /* Checks for axis order. */
+     QTest::newRow("::descendant from text() nodes with last(), checking axis order.")
+         << "$node/descendant-or-self::text()/(descendant::node()[last()])";
+     QTest::newRow("::descendant-or-self from text() nodes with last(), checking axis order.")
+         << "$node/descendant-or-self::text()/(descendant-or-self::node()[last()])";
+     QTest::newRow("::descendant from text() nodes with predicate, checking axis order.")
+         << "$node/descendant-or-self::text()/(descendant::node()[2])";
+     QTest::newRow("::descendant-or-self from text() nodes with predicate, checking axis order.")
+         << "$node/descendant-or-self::text()/(descendant-or-self::node()[2])";
+     QTest::newRow("::following from node at the end with predicate, checking axis order.")
+         << "($node//node())[last()]/(following::node()[2])";
+     QTest::newRow("::following from node at the end with last(), checking axis order.")
+         << "($node//node())[last()]/(following::node()[last()])";
+     QTest::newRow("ancestor:: from node at the end with predicate, checking axis order.")
+         << "($node//node())[last()]/(ancestor::node()[2])";
+     QTest::newRow("ancestor:: from node at the end with last(), checking axis order.")
+         << "($node//node())[last()]/(ancestor::node()[last()])";
+     QTest::newRow("ancestor-or-self:: from node at the end with predicate, checking axis order.")
+         << "($node//node())[last()]/(ancestor::node()[2])";
+     QTest::newRow("ancestor-or-self:: from node at the end with last(), checking axis order.")
+         << "($node//node())[last()]/(ancestor::node()[last()])";
+     QTest::newRow("::preceding from node at the end with predicate, checking axis order.")
+         << "($node//node())[last()]/(preceding::node()[2])";
+     QTest::newRow("descendant-or-self in two levels, with last()")
+         << "$node/descendant-or-self::text()/(descendant-or-self::node()[last()])";
+     QTest::newRow("descendant-or-self with last()")
+         << "$node/descendant-or-self::node()[last()]";
+     QTest::newRow("::preceding from node at the end with last(), checking axis order.")
+         << "$node/preceding::node()[last()]";
+     QTest::newRow("::preceding combined with descendant-or-self, from node at the end with last(), checking axis order.")
+         << "$node//preceding::node()[last()]";
+     QTest::newRow("::preceding combined with descendant-or-self, from node at the end with last(), checking axis order.")
+         << "($node//node())[last()]/(preceding::node()[last()])";
+void tst_QAbstractXmlNodeModel::constCorrectness() const
+    // TODO
+void tst_QAbstractXmlNodeModel::createData() const
+    // TODO
+    // Verify that the argument is qint64
+void tst_QAbstractXmlNodeModel::createPointerAdditionalData() const
+    // TODO
+    // Verify that the second argument is qint64
+void tst_QAbstractXmlNodeModel::createDataAdditionalData() const
+    // TODO
+void tst_QAbstractXmlNodeModel::id() const
+    // TODO verify that invalid NCNames are not sent to the model.
+void tst_QAbstractXmlNodeModel::idref() const
+    // TODO verify that invalid NCNames are not sent to the model.
+ Verify that if QAbstractXmlNodeModel::typedValue() return a null
+ QVariant, it is treated as that the node has no typed value.
+ */
+void tst_QAbstractXmlNodeModel::typedValue() const
+    class TypedModel : public TestNodeModel
+    {
+    public:
+        virtual QVariant typedValue(const QXmlNodeModelIndex &) const
+        {
+            return QVariant();
+        }
+        QXmlNodeModelIndex root() const
+        {
+            return createIndex(qint64(1));
+        }
+    };
+    TypedModel model;
+    QXmlQuery query;
+    query.bindVariable(QLatin1String("node"), model.root());
+    query.setQuery(QLatin1String("declare variable $node external;"
+                                 "string($node), data($node)"));
+    QByteArray output;
+    QBuffer buffer(&output);
+    QVERIFY(buffer.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly));
+    QVERIFY(query.isValid());
+    QXmlSerializer serializer(query, &buffer);
+    QVERIFY(query.evaluateTo(&serializer));
+    QVERIFY(output.isEmpty());
+void tst_QAbstractXmlNodeModel::sourceLocation() const
+    const QAbstractXmlNodeModel* const constModel = m_nodeModel.data();
+    const QSourceLocation location = constModel->sourceLocation(m_rootNode);
+#include "tst_qabstractxmlnodemodel.moc"
+// vim: et:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4