changeset 0 1918ee327afb
child 3 41300fa6a67c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tests/auto/qcombobox/tst_qcombobox.cpp	Mon Jan 11 14:00:40 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,2420 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com)
+** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit.
+** No Commercial Usage
+** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
+** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
+** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
+** this package.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights.  These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at qt-info@nokia.com.
+#include <QtTest/QtTest>
+#include "qcombobox.h"
+#include <private/qcombobox_p.h>
+#include <qfontcombobox.h>
+#include <qdesktopwidget.h>
+#include <qapplication.h>
+#include <qpushbutton.h>
+#include <qdialog.h>
+#include <qevent.h>
+#include <qlineedit.h>
+#include <qlistview.h>
+#include <qheaderview.h>
+#include <qlistwidget.h>
+#include <qtreewidget.h>
+#include <qtablewidget.h>
+#include <qscrollbar.h>
+#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
+#include <qmacstyle_mac.h>
+#elif defined Q_WS_X11
+#include <private/qt_x11_p.h>
+#include <qstandarditemmodel.h>
+#include <qstringlistmodel.h>
+#include <qcombobox.h>
+#include <qpushbutton.h>
+#include <qdialog.h>
+#include <qstringlist.h>
+#include <qvalidator.h>
+#include <qcompleter.h>
+#include <qcleanlooksstyle.h>
+#include <qabstractitemview.h>
+#include "../../shared/util.h"
+#include <qstyleditemdelegate.h>
+#include <qwindowsstyle.h>
+class tst_QComboBox : public QObject
+    tst_QComboBox();
+    ~tst_QComboBox();
+public slots:
+    void initTestCase();
+    void cleanupTestCase();
+    void init();
+    void cleanup();
+private slots:
+    void getSetCheck();
+    void ensureReturnIsIgnored();
+    void setEditable();
+    void setPalette();
+    void sizeAdjustPolicy();
+    void clear();
+    void insertPolicy_data();
+    void insertPolicy();
+    void virtualAutocompletion();
+    void autoCompletionCaseSensitivity();
+    void hide();
+    void currentIndex_data();
+    void currentIndex();
+    void insertItems_data();
+    void insertItems();
+    void insertItem_data();
+    void insertItem();
+    void insertOnCurrentIndex();
+    void textpixmapdata_data();
+    void textpixmapdata();
+    void editTextChanged();
+    void setModel();
+    void modelDeleted();
+    void setMaxCount();
+    void setCurrentIndex();
+    void convenienceViews();
+    void findText_data();
+    void findText();
+    void flaggedItems_data();
+    void flaggedItems();
+    void pixmapIcon();
+    void mouseWheel_data();
+    void mouseWheel();
+    void layoutDirection();
+    void itemListPosition();
+    void separatorItem_data();
+    void separatorItem();
+    void task190351_layout();
+    void task191329_size();
+    void task166349_setEditableOnReturn();
+    void task190205_setModelAdjustToContents();
+    void task248169_popupWithMinimalSize();
+    void task247863_keyBoardSelection();
+    void task220195_keyBoardSelection2();
+    void setModelColumn();
+    void noScrollbar_data();
+    void noScrollbar();
+    void setItemDelegate();
+    void task253944_itemDelegateIsReset();
+    void subControlRectsWithOffset_data();
+    void subControlRectsWithOffset();
+    void task260974_menuItemRectangleForComboBoxPopup();
+    void removeItem();
+protected slots:
+    void onEditTextChanged( const QString &newString );
+    QComboBox *testWidget;
+    QDialog *parent;
+    QPushButton* ok;
+    int editTextCount;
+    QString editText;
+class MyAbstractItemDelegate : public QAbstractItemDelegate
+    MyAbstractItemDelegate() : QAbstractItemDelegate() {};
+    void paint(QPainter *, const QStyleOptionViewItem &, const QModelIndex &) const {}
+    QSize sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem &, const QModelIndex &) const { return QSize(); }
+class MyAbstractItemModel: public QAbstractItemModel
+    MyAbstractItemModel() : QAbstractItemModel() {};
+    QModelIndex index(int, int, const QModelIndex &) const { return QModelIndex(); }
+    QModelIndex parent(const QModelIndex &) const  { return QModelIndex(); }
+    int rowCount(const QModelIndex &) const { return 0; }
+    int columnCount(const QModelIndex &) const { return 0; }
+    bool hasChildren(const QModelIndex &) const { return false; }
+    QVariant data(const QModelIndex &, int) const { return QVariant(); }
+    bool setData(const QModelIndex &, const QVariant &, int) { return false; }
+    bool insertRows(int, int, const QModelIndex &) { return false; }
+    bool insertColumns(int, int, const QModelIndex &) { return false; }
+    void setPersistent(const QModelIndex &, const QModelIndex &) {}
+    bool removeRows (int, int, const QModelIndex &) { return false; }
+    bool removeColumns(int, int, const QModelIndex &) { return false; }
+    void reset() {}
+class MyAbstractItemView : public QAbstractItemView
+    MyAbstractItemView() : QAbstractItemView() {}
+    QRect visualRect(const QModelIndex &) const { return QRect(); }
+    void scrollTo(const QModelIndex &, ScrollHint) {}
+    QModelIndex indexAt(const QPoint &) const { return QModelIndex(); }
+    QModelIndex moveCursor(CursorAction, Qt::KeyboardModifiers) { return QModelIndex(); }
+    int horizontalOffset() const { return 0; }
+    int verticalOffset() const { return 0; }
+    bool isIndexHidden(const QModelIndex &) const { return false; }
+    void setSelection(const QRect &, QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags) {}
+    QRegion visualRegionForSelection(const QItemSelection &) const { return QRegion(); }
+// Testing get/set functions
+void tst_QComboBox::getSetCheck()
+    QComboBox obj1;
+    // int QComboBox::maxVisibleItems()
+    // void QComboBox::setMaxVisibleItems(int)
+    obj1.setMaxVisibleItems(100);
+    QCOMPARE(100, obj1.maxVisibleItems());
+    obj1.setMaxVisibleItems(0);
+    QCOMPARE(obj1.maxVisibleItems(), 0);
+    QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QComboBox::setMaxVisibleItems: "
+                         "Invalid max visible items (-2147483648) must be >= 0");
+    obj1.setMaxVisibleItems(INT_MIN);
+    QCOMPARE(obj1.maxVisibleItems(), 0); // Cannot be set to something negative => old value
+    obj1.setMaxVisibleItems(INT_MAX);
+    QCOMPARE(INT_MAX, obj1.maxVisibleItems());
+    // int QComboBox::maxCount()
+    // void QComboBox::setMaxCount(int)
+    obj1.setMaxCount(0);
+    QCOMPARE(0, obj1.maxCount());
+#ifndef QT_DEBUG
+    QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QComboBox::setMaxCount: Invalid count (-2147483648) must be >= 0");
+    obj1.setMaxCount(INT_MIN);
+    QCOMPARE(0, obj1.maxCount()); // Setting a value below 0 makes no sense, and shouldn't be allowed
+    obj1.setMaxCount(INT_MAX);
+    QCOMPARE(INT_MAX, obj1.maxCount());
+    // bool QComboBox::autoCompletion()
+    // void QComboBox::setAutoCompletion(bool)
+    obj1.setAutoCompletion(false);
+    QCOMPARE(false, obj1.autoCompletion());
+    obj1.setAutoCompletion(true);
+    QCOMPARE(true, obj1.autoCompletion());
+    // bool QComboBox::duplicatesEnabled()
+    // void QComboBox::setDuplicatesEnabled(bool)
+    obj1.setDuplicatesEnabled(false);
+    QCOMPARE(false, obj1.duplicatesEnabled());
+    obj1.setDuplicatesEnabled(true);
+    QCOMPARE(true, obj1.duplicatesEnabled());
+    // InsertPolicy QComboBox::insertPolicy()
+    // void QComboBox::setInsertPolicy(InsertPolicy)
+    obj1.setInsertPolicy(QComboBox::InsertPolicy(QComboBox::NoInsert));
+    QCOMPARE(QComboBox::InsertPolicy(QComboBox::NoInsert), obj1.insertPolicy());
+    obj1.setInsertPolicy(QComboBox::InsertPolicy(QComboBox::InsertAtTop));
+    QCOMPARE(QComboBox::InsertPolicy(QComboBox::InsertAtTop), obj1.insertPolicy());
+    obj1.setInsertPolicy(QComboBox::InsertPolicy(QComboBox::InsertAtCurrent));
+    QCOMPARE(QComboBox::InsertPolicy(QComboBox::InsertAtCurrent), obj1.insertPolicy());
+    obj1.setInsertPolicy(QComboBox::InsertPolicy(QComboBox::InsertAtBottom));
+    QCOMPARE(QComboBox::InsertPolicy(QComboBox::InsertAtBottom), obj1.insertPolicy());
+    obj1.setInsertPolicy(QComboBox::InsertPolicy(QComboBox::InsertAfterCurrent));
+    QCOMPARE(QComboBox::InsertPolicy(QComboBox::InsertAfterCurrent), obj1.insertPolicy());
+    obj1.setInsertPolicy(QComboBox::InsertPolicy(QComboBox::InsertBeforeCurrent));
+    QCOMPARE(QComboBox::InsertPolicy(QComboBox::InsertBeforeCurrent), obj1.insertPolicy());
+    obj1.setInsertPolicy(QComboBox::InsertPolicy(QComboBox::InsertAlphabetically));
+    QCOMPARE(QComboBox::InsertPolicy(QComboBox::InsertAlphabetically), obj1.insertPolicy());
+    // SizeAdjustPolicy QComboBox::sizeAdjustPolicy()
+    // void QComboBox::setSizeAdjustPolicy(SizeAdjustPolicy)
+    obj1.setSizeAdjustPolicy(QComboBox::SizeAdjustPolicy(QComboBox::AdjustToContents));
+    QCOMPARE(QComboBox::SizeAdjustPolicy(QComboBox::AdjustToContents), obj1.sizeAdjustPolicy());
+    obj1.setSizeAdjustPolicy(QComboBox::SizeAdjustPolicy(QComboBox::AdjustToContentsOnFirstShow));
+    QCOMPARE(QComboBox::SizeAdjustPolicy(QComboBox::AdjustToContentsOnFirstShow), obj1.sizeAdjustPolicy());
+    obj1.setSizeAdjustPolicy(QComboBox::SizeAdjustPolicy(QComboBox::AdjustToMinimumContentsLength));
+    QCOMPARE(QComboBox::SizeAdjustPolicy(QComboBox::AdjustToMinimumContentsLength), obj1.sizeAdjustPolicy());
+    obj1.setSizeAdjustPolicy(QComboBox::SizeAdjustPolicy(QComboBox::AdjustToMinimumContentsLengthWithIcon));
+    QCOMPARE(QComboBox::SizeAdjustPolicy(QComboBox::AdjustToMinimumContentsLengthWithIcon), obj1.sizeAdjustPolicy());
+    // int QComboBox::minimumContentsLength()
+    // void QComboBox::setMinimumContentsLength(int)
+    obj1.setMinimumContentsLength(0);
+    QCOMPARE(0, obj1.minimumContentsLength());
+    obj1.setMinimumContentsLength(100);
+    QCOMPARE(100, obj1.minimumContentsLength());
+    obj1.setMinimumContentsLength(INT_MIN);
+    QCOMPARE(100, obj1.minimumContentsLength()); // Cannot be set to something negative => old value
+    obj1.setMinimumContentsLength(INT_MAX);
+    QCOMPARE(INT_MAX, obj1.minimumContentsLength());
+    // QLineEdit * QComboBox::lineEdit()
+    // void QComboBox::setLineEdit(QLineEdit *)
+    QLineEdit *var8 = new QLineEdit(0);
+    obj1.setLineEdit(var8);
+    QCOMPARE(var8, obj1.lineEdit());
+    QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QComboBox::setLineEdit: cannot set a 0 line edit");
+    obj1.setLineEdit((QLineEdit *)0);
+    QCOMPARE(var8, obj1.lineEdit());
+    // delete var8; // No delete, since QComboBox takes ownership
+    // const QValidator * QComboBox::validator()
+    // void QComboBox::setValidator(const QValidator *)
+    QIntValidator *var9 = new QIntValidator(0);
+    obj1.setValidator(var9);
+    QCOMPARE(obj1.validator(), (const QValidator *)var9);
+    obj1.setValidator((QValidator *)0);
+    QCOMPARE(obj1.validator(), (const QValidator *)0);
+    delete var9;
+    // QAbstractItemDelegate * QComboBox::itemDelegate()
+    // void QComboBox::setItemDelegate(QAbstractItemDelegate *)
+    MyAbstractItemDelegate *var10 = new MyAbstractItemDelegate;
+    obj1.setItemDelegate(var10);
+    QCOMPARE(obj1.itemDelegate(), (QAbstractItemDelegate *)var10);
+    QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QComboBox::setItemDelegate: cannot set a 0 delegate");
+    obj1.setItemDelegate((QAbstractItemDelegate *)0);
+    QCOMPARE(obj1.itemDelegate(), (QAbstractItemDelegate *)var10);
+    // delete var10; // No delete, since QComboBox takes ownership
+    // QAbstractItemModel * QComboBox::model()
+    // void QComboBox::setModel(QAbstractItemModel *)
+    MyAbstractItemModel *var11 = new MyAbstractItemModel;
+    obj1.setModel(var11);
+    QCOMPARE(obj1.model(), (QAbstractItemModel *)var11);
+    QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QComboBox::setModel: cannot set a 0 model");
+    obj1.setModel((QAbstractItemModel *)0);
+    QCOMPARE(obj1.model(), (QAbstractItemModel *)var11);
+    delete var11;
+    obj1.model();
+    // int QComboBox::modelColumn()
+    // void QComboBox::setModelColumn(int)
+    obj1.setModelColumn(0);
+    QCOMPARE(0, obj1.modelColumn());
+    obj1.setModelColumn(INT_MIN);
+//    QCOMPARE(0, obj1.modelColumn()); // Cannot be set to something negative => column 0
+    obj1.setModelColumn(INT_MAX);
+    QCOMPARE(INT_MAX, obj1.modelColumn());
+    obj1.setModelColumn(0); // back to normal
+    // QAbstractItemView * QComboBox::view()
+    // void QComboBox::setView(QAbstractItemView *)
+    MyAbstractItemView *var13 = new MyAbstractItemView;
+    obj1.setView(var13);
+    QCOMPARE(obj1.view(), (QAbstractItemView *)var13);
+    QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QComboBox::setView: cannot set a 0 view");
+    obj1.setView((QAbstractItemView *)0);
+    QCOMPARE(obj1.view(), (QAbstractItemView *)var13);
+    delete var13;
+    // int QComboBox::currentIndex()
+    // void QComboBox::setCurrentIndex(int)
+    obj1.setEditable(false);
+    obj1.setCurrentIndex(0);
+    QCOMPARE(-1, obj1.currentIndex());
+    obj1.setCurrentIndex(INT_MIN);
+    QCOMPARE(-1, obj1.currentIndex());
+    obj1.setCurrentIndex(INT_MAX);
+    QCOMPARE(-1, obj1.currentIndex());
+    obj1.addItems(QStringList() << "1" << "2" << "3" << "4" << "5");
+    obj1.setCurrentIndex(0);
+    QCOMPARE(0, obj1.currentIndex()); // Valid
+    obj1.setCurrentIndex(INT_MIN);
+    QCOMPARE(-1, obj1.currentIndex()); // Invalid => -1
+    obj1.setCurrentIndex(4);
+    QCOMPARE(4, obj1.currentIndex()); // Valid
+    obj1.setCurrentIndex(INT_MAX);
+    QCOMPARE(-1, obj1.currentIndex()); // Invalid => -1
+typedef QList<QVariant> VariantList;
+typedef QList<QIcon> IconList;
+    qRegisterMetaType<QModelIndex>("QModelIndex");
+    parent = 0;
+void tst_QComboBox::initTestCase()
+    // Create the test class
+    parent = new QDialog(0);
+    parent->setObjectName("parent");
+    parent->resize(400, 400);
+    testWidget = new QComboBox(parent);
+    testWidget->setObjectName("testObject");
+    testWidget->setGeometry(0, 0, 100, 100);
+    editTextCount = 0;
+    editText.clear();
+    connect(testWidget, SIGNAL(editTextChanged(const QString&)),
+            this, SLOT(onEditTextChanged(const QString&)));
+    parent->show();
+void tst_QComboBox::cleanupTestCase()
+    delete parent;
+    parent = 0;
+void tst_QComboBox::init()
+    // all tests starts with a clean non-editable combobox
+    testWidget->setEditable(false);
+    testWidget->clear();
+#ifdef Q_OS_WINCE //disable magic for WindowsCE
+    qApp->setAutoMaximizeThreshold(-1);
+void tst_QComboBox::cleanup()
+    //nothing
+void tst_QComboBox::setEditable()
+    // make sure we have no lineedit
+    QVERIFY(!testWidget->lineEdit());
+    // test setEditable(true)
+    testWidget->setEditable(true);
+    QVERIFY(testWidget->lineEdit());
+    testWidget->addItem("foo");
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->lineEdit()->text(), QString("foo"));
+    // test setEditable(false)
+    QLineEdit *lineEdit = testWidget->lineEdit();
+    // line edit is visible when combobox is editable
+    QVERIFY(lineEdit->isVisible());
+    testWidget->setEditable(false);
+    QVERIFY(!testWidget->lineEdit());
+    // line edit should have been explicitly hidden when editable was turned off
+    QVERIFY(!lineEdit->isVisible());
+void tst_QComboBox::setPalette()
+#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
+    if (qobject_cast<QMacStyle *>(testWidget->style())) {
+        QSKIP("This test doesn't make sense for pixmap-based styles", SkipAll);
+    }
+    QPalette pal = testWidget->palette();
+    pal.setColor(QPalette::Base, Qt::red);
+    testWidget->setPalette(pal);
+    testWidget->setEditable(!testWidget->isEditable());
+    pal.setColor(QPalette::Base, Qt::blue);
+    testWidget->setPalette(pal);
+    const QObjectList comboChildren = testWidget->children();
+    for (int i = 0; i < comboChildren.size(); ++i) {
+        QObject *o = comboChildren.at(i);
+        if (o->isWidgetType()) {
+            QVERIFY(((QWidget*)o)->palette() == pal);
+        }
+    }
+void tst_QComboBox::sizeAdjustPolicy()
+    // test that adding new items will not change the sizehint for AdjustToContentsOnFirstShow
+    QVERIFY(!testWidget->count());
+    QVERIFY(testWidget->sizeAdjustPolicy() == QComboBox::AdjustToContentsOnFirstShow);
+    QVERIFY(testWidget->isVisible());
+    QSize firstShow = testWidget->sizeHint();
+    testWidget->addItem("normal item");
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->sizeHint(), firstShow);
+    // check that with minimumContentsLength/AdjustToMinimumContentsLength sizehint changes
+    testWidget->setMinimumContentsLength(30);
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->sizeHint(), firstShow);
+    testWidget->setSizeAdjustPolicy(QComboBox::AdjustToMinimumContentsLength);
+    QSize minimumContentsLength = testWidget->sizeHint();
+    QVERIFY(minimumContentsLength.width() > firstShow.width());
+    testWidget->setMinimumContentsLength(60);
+    QVERIFY(minimumContentsLength.width() < testWidget->sizeHint().width());
+    // check that with minimumContentsLength/AdjustToMinimumContentsLengthWithIcon sizehint changes
+    testWidget->setSizeAdjustPolicy(QComboBox::AdjustToMinimumContentsLengthWithIcon);
+    testWidget->setMinimumContentsLength(30);
+    minimumContentsLength = testWidget->sizeHint();
+    QVERIFY(minimumContentsLength.width() > firstShow.width());
+    testWidget->setMinimumContentsLength(60);
+    QVERIFY(minimumContentsLength.width() < testWidget->sizeHint().width());
+    minimumContentsLength = testWidget->sizeHint();
+    testWidget->setIconSize(QSize(128,128));
+    QVERIFY(minimumContentsLength.width() < testWidget->sizeHint().width());
+    // check AdjustToContents changes with content
+    testWidget->setSizeAdjustPolicy(QComboBox::AdjustToContents);
+    QSize content = testWidget->sizeHint();
+    testWidget->addItem("small");
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->sizeHint(), content);
+    testWidget->addItem("looooooooooooooooooooooong item");
+    // minimumContentsLength() > sizeof("looooooooooooooooooooooong item"), so the sizeHint()
+    // stays the same
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->sizeHint(), content);
+    // over 60 characters (cf. setMinimumContentsLength() call above)
+    testWidget->addItem("loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"
+                        "ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"
+                        "ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong item");
+    QVERIFY(testWidget->sizeHint().width() > content.width());
+    // check AdjustToContents also shrinks when item changes
+    content = testWidget->sizeHint();
+    for (int i=0; i<testWidget->count(); ++i)
+        testWidget->setItemText(i, "XXXXXXXXXX");
+    QVERIFY(testWidget->sizeHint().width() < content.width());
+    // check AdjustToContents shrinks when items are removed
+    content = testWidget->sizeHint();
+    while (testWidget->count())
+        testWidget->removeItem(0);
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->sizeHint(), content);
+    testWidget->setMinimumContentsLength(0);
+    QVERIFY(testWidget->sizeHint().width() < content.width());
+void tst_QComboBox::clear()
+    // first non editable combobox
+    testWidget->addItem("foo");
+    testWidget->addItem("bar");
+    QVERIFY(testWidget->count() > 0);
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->currentIndex(), 0);
+    testWidget->clear();
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->count(), 0);
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->currentIndex(), -1);
+    QVERIFY(testWidget->currentText().isEmpty());
+    // then editable combobox
+    testWidget->clear();
+    testWidget->setEditable(true);
+    testWidget->addItem("foo");
+    testWidget->addItem("bar");
+    QVERIFY(testWidget->count() > 0);
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->currentIndex(), 0);
+    QVERIFY(testWidget->lineEdit());
+    QVERIFY(!testWidget->lineEdit()->text().isEmpty());
+    testWidget->clear();
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->count(), 0);
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->currentIndex(), -1);
+    QVERIFY(testWidget->currentText().isEmpty());
+    QVERIFY(testWidget->lineEdit()->text().isEmpty());
+void tst_QComboBox::insertPolicy_data()
+    QTest::addColumn<QStringList>("initialEntries");
+    QTest::addColumn<QComboBox::InsertPolicy>("insertPolicy");
+    QTest::addColumn<int>("currentIndex");
+    QTest::addColumn<QString>("userInput");
+    QTest::addColumn<QStringList>("result");
+    /* Each insertPolicy should test at least:
+       no initial entries
+       one initial entry
+       five initial entries, current is first item
+       five initial entries, current is third item
+       five initial entries, current is last item
+    */
+    /* QComboBox::NoInsert - the string will not be inserted into the combobox.
+       QComboBox::InsertAtTop - insert the string as the first item in the combobox.
+       QComboBox::InsertAtCurrent - replace the previously selected item with the string the user has entered.
+       QComboBox::InsertAtBottom - insert the string as the last item in the combobox.
+       QComboBox::InsertAfterCurrent - insert the string after the previously selected item.
+       QComboBox::InsertBeforeCurrent - insert the string before the previously selected item.
+       QComboBox::InsertAlphabetically - insert the string at the alphabetic position.
+    */
+    QStringList initial;
+    QStringList oneEntry("One");
+    QStringList fiveEntries;
+    fiveEntries << "One" << "Two" << "Three" << "Four" << "Five";
+    QString input("insert");
+    {
+        QTest::newRow("NoInsert-NoInitial") << initial << QComboBox::NoInsert << 0 << input << initial;
+        QTest::newRow("NoInsert-OneInitial") << oneEntry << QComboBox::NoInsert << 0 << input << oneEntry;
+        QTest::newRow("NoInsert-FiveInitial-FirstCurrent") << fiveEntries << QComboBox::NoInsert << 0 << input << fiveEntries;
+        QTest::newRow("NoInsert-FiveInitial-ThirdCurrent") << fiveEntries << QComboBox::NoInsert << 2 << input << fiveEntries;
+        QTest::newRow("NoInsert-FiveInitial-LastCurrent") << fiveEntries << QComboBox::NoInsert << 4 << input << fiveEntries;
+    }
+    {
+        QStringList initialAtTop("insert");
+        QStringList oneAtTop;
+        oneAtTop << "insert" << "One";
+        QStringList fiveAtTop;
+        fiveAtTop << "insert" << "One" << "Two" << "Three" << "Four" << "Five";
+        QTest::newRow("AtTop-NoInitial") << initial << QComboBox::InsertAtTop << 0 << input << initialAtTop;
+        QTest::newRow("AtTop-OneInitial") << oneEntry << QComboBox::InsertAtTop << 0 << input << oneAtTop;
+        QTest::newRow("AtTop-FiveInitial-FirstCurrent") << fiveEntries << QComboBox::InsertAtTop << 0 << input << fiveAtTop;
+        QTest::newRow("AtTop-FiveInitial-ThirdCurrent") << fiveEntries << QComboBox::InsertAtTop << 2 << input << fiveAtTop;
+        QTest::newRow("AtTop-FiveInitial-LastCurrent") << fiveEntries << QComboBox::InsertAtTop << 4 << input << fiveAtTop;
+    }
+    {
+        QStringList initialAtCurrent("insert");
+        QStringList oneAtCurrent("insert");
+        QStringList fiveAtCurrentFirst;
+        fiveAtCurrentFirst << "insert" << "Two" << "Three" << "Four" << "Five";
+        QStringList fiveAtCurrentThird;
+        fiveAtCurrentThird << "One" << "Two" << "insert" << "Four" << "Five";
+        QStringList fiveAtCurrentLast;
+        fiveAtCurrentLast << "One" << "Two" << "Three" << "Four" << "insert";
+        QTest::newRow("AtCurrent-NoInitial") << initial << QComboBox::InsertAtCurrent << 0 << input << initialAtCurrent;
+        QTest::newRow("AtCurrent-OneInitial") << oneEntry << QComboBox::InsertAtCurrent << 0 << input << oneAtCurrent;
+        QTest::newRow("AtCurrent-FiveInitial-FirstCurrent") << fiveEntries << QComboBox::InsertAtCurrent << 0 << input << fiveAtCurrentFirst;
+        QTest::newRow("AtCurrent-FiveInitial-ThirdCurrent") << fiveEntries << QComboBox::InsertAtCurrent << 2 << input << fiveAtCurrentThird;
+        QTest::newRow("AtCurrent-FiveInitial-LastCurrent") << fiveEntries << QComboBox::InsertAtCurrent << 4 << input << fiveAtCurrentLast;
+    }
+    {
+        QStringList initialAtBottom("insert");
+        QStringList oneAtBottom;
+        oneAtBottom << "One" << "insert";
+        QStringList fiveAtBottom;
+        fiveAtBottom << "One" << "Two" << "Three" << "Four" << "Five" << "insert";
+        QTest::newRow("AtBottom-NoInitial") << initial << QComboBox::InsertAtBottom << 0 << input << initialAtBottom;
+        QTest::newRow("AtBottom-OneInitial") << oneEntry << QComboBox::InsertAtBottom << 0 << input << oneAtBottom;
+        QTest::newRow("AtBottom-FiveInitial-FirstCurrent") << fiveEntries << QComboBox::InsertAtBottom << 0 << input << fiveAtBottom;
+        QTest::newRow("AtBottom-FiveInitial-ThirdCurrent") << fiveEntries << QComboBox::InsertAtBottom << 2 << input << fiveAtBottom;
+        QTest::newRow("AtBottom-FiveInitial-LastCurrent") << fiveEntries << QComboBox::InsertAtBottom << 4 << input << fiveAtBottom;
+    }
+    {
+        QStringList initialAfterCurrent("insert");
+        QStringList oneAfterCurrent;
+        oneAfterCurrent << "One" << "insert";
+        QStringList fiveAfterCurrentFirst;
+        fiveAfterCurrentFirst << "One" << "insert" << "Two" << "Three" << "Four" << "Five";
+        QStringList fiveAfterCurrentThird;
+        fiveAfterCurrentThird << "One" << "Two" << "Three" << "insert" << "Four" << "Five";
+        QStringList fiveAfterCurrentLast;
+        fiveAfterCurrentLast << "One" << "Two" << "Three" << "Four" << "Five" << "insert";
+        QTest::newRow("AfterCurrent-NoInitial") << initial << QComboBox::InsertAfterCurrent << 0 << input << initialAfterCurrent;
+        QTest::newRow("AfterCurrent-OneInitial") << oneEntry << QComboBox::InsertAfterCurrent << 0 << input << oneAfterCurrent;
+        QTest::newRow("AfterCurrent-FiveInitial-FirstCurrent") << fiveEntries << QComboBox::InsertAfterCurrent << 0 << input << fiveAfterCurrentFirst;
+        QTest::newRow("AfterCurrent-FiveInitial-ThirdCurrent") << fiveEntries << QComboBox::InsertAfterCurrent << 2 << input << fiveAfterCurrentThird;
+        QTest::newRow("AfterCurrent-FiveInitial-LastCurrent") << fiveEntries << QComboBox::InsertAfterCurrent << 4 << input << fiveAfterCurrentLast;
+    }
+    {
+        QStringList initialBeforeCurrent("insert");
+        QStringList oneBeforeCurrent;
+        oneBeforeCurrent << "insert" << "One";
+        QStringList fiveBeforeCurrentFirst;
+        fiveBeforeCurrentFirst << "insert" << "One" << "Two" << "Three" << "Four" << "Five";
+        QStringList fiveBeforeCurrentThird;
+        fiveBeforeCurrentThird << "One" << "Two" << "insert" << "Three" << "Four" << "Five";
+        QStringList fiveBeforeCurrentLast;
+        fiveBeforeCurrentLast << "One" << "Two" << "Three" << "Four" << "insert" << "Five";
+        QTest::newRow("BeforeCurrent-NoInitial") << initial << QComboBox::InsertBeforeCurrent << 0 << input << initialBeforeCurrent;
+        QTest::newRow("BeforeCurrent-OneInitial") << oneEntry << QComboBox::InsertBeforeCurrent << 0 << input << oneBeforeCurrent;
+        QTest::newRow("BeforeCurrent-FiveInitial-FirstCurrent") << fiveEntries << QComboBox::InsertBeforeCurrent << 0 << input << fiveBeforeCurrentFirst;
+        QTest::newRow("BeforeCurrent-FiveInitial-ThirdCurrent") << fiveEntries << QComboBox::InsertBeforeCurrent << 2 << input << fiveBeforeCurrentThird;
+        QTest::newRow("BeforeCurrent-FiveInitial-LastCurrent") << fiveEntries << QComboBox::InsertBeforeCurrent << 4 << input << fiveBeforeCurrentLast;
+    }
+    {
+        oneEntry.clear();
+        oneEntry << "foobar";
+        fiveEntries.clear();
+        fiveEntries << "bar" << "foo" << "initial" << "Item" << "stamp";
+        QStringList initialAlphabetically("insert");
+        QStringList oneAlphabetically;
+        oneAlphabetically << "foobar" << "insert";
+        QStringList fiveAlphabetically;
+        fiveAlphabetically << "bar" << "foo" << "initial" << "insert" << "Item" << "stamp";
+        QTest::newRow("Alphabetically-NoInitial") << initial << QComboBox::InsertAlphabetically << 0 << input << initialAlphabetically;
+        QTest::newRow("Alphabetically-OneInitial") << oneEntry << QComboBox::InsertAlphabetically << 0 << input << oneAlphabetically;
+        QTest::newRow("Alphabetically-FiveInitial-FirstCurrent") << fiveEntries << QComboBox::InsertAlphabetically << 0 << input << fiveAlphabetically;
+        QTest::newRow("Alphabetically-FiveInitial-ThirdCurrent") << fiveEntries << QComboBox::InsertAlphabetically << 2 << input << fiveAlphabetically;
+        QTest::newRow("Alphabetically-FiveInitial-LastCurrent") << fiveEntries << QComboBox::InsertAlphabetically << 4 << input << fiveAlphabetically;
+    }
+void tst_QComboBox::insertPolicy()
+    QFETCH(QStringList, initialEntries);
+    QFETCH(QComboBox::InsertPolicy, insertPolicy);
+    QFETCH(int, currentIndex);
+    QFETCH(QString, userInput);
+    QFETCH(QStringList, result);
+    testWidget->clear();
+    testWidget->setInsertPolicy(insertPolicy);
+    testWidget->addItems(initialEntries);
+    testWidget->setEditable(true);
+    if (initialEntries.count() > 0)
+        testWidget->setCurrentIndex(currentIndex);
+    // clear
+    QTest::mouseDClick(testWidget->lineEdit(), Qt::LeftButton);
+    QTest::keyClick(testWidget->lineEdit(), Qt::Key_Delete);
+    QTest::keyClicks(testWidget->lineEdit(), userInput);
+    QTest::keyClick(testWidget->lineEdit(), Qt::Key_Return);
+    // First check that there is the right number of entries, or
+    // we may unwittingly pass
+    QVERIFY((int)result.count() == testWidget->count());
+    // No need to compare if there are no strings to compare
+    if (result.count() > 0) {
+        for (int i=0; i<testWidget->count(); ++i) {
+            QCOMPARE(testWidget->itemText(i), result.at(i));
+        }
+    }
+void tst_QComboBox::virtualAutocompletion()
+    testWidget->clear();
+    testWidget->setAutoCompletion(true);
+    testWidget->addItem("Foo");
+    testWidget->addItem("Bar");
+    testWidget->addItem("Boat");
+    testWidget->addItem("Boost");
+    testWidget->clearEditText();
+    // We need to set the keyboard input interval to a higher value
+    // as the processEvent() call takes too much time, so it restarts
+    // the keyboard search then
+#if defined(QT_ARCH_ARM) || defined(QT_ARCH_MIPS) || defined(QT_ARCH_SYMBIAN)
+    int oldInterval = QApplication::keyboardInputInterval();
+    QApplication::setKeyboardInputInterval(1500);
+    // NOTE:
+    // Cannot use keyClick for this test, as it simulates keyclicks too well
+    // The virtual keyboards we're trying to catch here, do not perform that
+    // well, and send a keypress & keyrelease right after each other.
+    // This provokes the actual error, as there's no events in between to do
+    // the text completion.
+    QKeyEvent kp1(QEvent::KeyPress, Qt::Key_B, 0, "b");
+    QKeyEvent kr1(QEvent::KeyRelease, Qt::Key_B, 0, "b");
+    QApplication::sendEvent(testWidget, &kp1);
+    QApplication::sendEvent(testWidget, &kr1);
+    qApp->processEvents(); // Process events to trigger autocompletion
+    QTRY_VERIFY(testWidget->currentIndex() == 1);
+    QSKIP("App running with valgrind are not fast enough", SkipAll);
+    QKeyEvent kp2(QEvent::KeyPress, Qt::Key_O, 0, "o");
+    QKeyEvent kr2(QEvent::KeyRelease, Qt::Key_O, 0, "o");
+    QApplication::sendEvent(testWidget, &kp2);
+    QApplication::sendEvent(testWidget, &kr2);
+    qApp->processEvents(); // Process events to trigger autocompletion
+    QTRY_COMPARE(testWidget->currentIndex(), 2);
+    QApplication::sendEvent(testWidget, &kp2);
+    QApplication::sendEvent(testWidget, &kr2);
+    qApp->processEvents(); // Process events to trigger autocompletion
+    QTRY_COMPARE(testWidget->currentIndex(), 3);
+#if defined(QT_ARCH_ARM) || defined(QT_ARCH_MIPS) || defined(QT_ARCH_SYMBIAN)
+    QApplication::setKeyboardInputInterval(oldInterval);
+void tst_QComboBox::autoCompletionCaseSensitivity()
+    //we have put the focus because the completer
+    //is only used when the widget actually has the focus
+    testWidget->setFocus();
+    qApp->setActiveWindow(testWidget);
+    QTRY_COMPARE(qApp->focusWidget(), (QWidget *)testWidget);
+    testWidget->clear();
+    testWidget->setAutoCompletion(true);
+    testWidget->addItem("Cow");
+    testWidget->addItem("irrelevant1");
+    testWidget->addItem("aww");
+    testWidget->addItem("A*");
+    testWidget->addItem("irrelevant2");
+    testWidget->addItem("aBCDEF");
+    testWidget->addItem("irrelevant3");
+    testWidget->addItem("abcdef");
+    testWidget->addItem("abCdef");
+    testWidget->setEditable(true);
+    // case insensitive
+    testWidget->clearEditText();
+    testWidget->setAutoCompletionCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseInsensitive);
+    QVERIFY(testWidget->autoCompletionCaseSensitivity() == Qt::CaseInsensitive);
+    QTest::keyClick(testWidget->lineEdit(), Qt::Key_A);
+    qApp->processEvents();
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->currentText(), QString("aww"));
+    QTest::keyClick(testWidget->lineEdit(), Qt::Key_B);
+    qApp->processEvents();
+    // autocompletions preserve userkey-case from 4.2
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->currentText(), QString("abCDEF"));
+    QTest::keyClick(testWidget->lineEdit(), Qt::Key_Enter);
+    qApp->processEvents();
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->currentText(), QString("aBCDEF")); // case restored to item's case
+    testWidget->clearEditText();
+    QTest::keyClick(testWidget->lineEdit(), 'c');
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->currentText(), QString("cow"));
+    QTest::keyClick(testWidget->lineEdit(), Qt::Key_Enter);
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->currentText(), QString("Cow")); // case restored to item's case
+    testWidget->clearEditText();
+    QTest::keyClick(testWidget->lineEdit(), 'a');
+    QTest::keyClick(testWidget->lineEdit(), '*');
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->currentText(), QString("a*"));
+    QTest::keyClick(testWidget->lineEdit(), Qt::Key_Enter);
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->currentText(), QString("A*"));
+    // case sensitive
+    testWidget->clearEditText();
+    testWidget->setAutoCompletionCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseSensitive);
+    QVERIFY(testWidget->autoCompletionCaseSensitivity() == Qt::CaseSensitive);
+    QTest::keyClick(testWidget->lineEdit(), Qt::Key_A);
+    qApp->processEvents();
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->currentText(), QString("aww"));
+    QTest::keyClick(testWidget->lineEdit(), Qt::Key_B);
+    qApp->processEvents();
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->currentText(), QString("abcdef"));
+    testWidget->setCurrentIndex(0); // to reset the completion's "start"
+    testWidget->clearEditText();
+    QTest::keyClick(testWidget->lineEdit(), 'a');
+    QTest::keyClick(testWidget->lineEdit(), 'b');
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->currentText(), QString("abcdef"));
+    QTest::keyClick(testWidget->lineEdit(), 'C');
+    qApp->processEvents();
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->currentText(), QString("abCdef"));
+    QTest::keyClick(testWidget->lineEdit(), Qt::Key_Enter);
+    qApp->processEvents();
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->currentText(), QString("abCdef")); // case restored to item's case
+    testWidget->clearEditText();
+    QTest::keyClick(testWidget->lineEdit(), 'c');
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->currentText(), QString("c"));
+    QTest::keyClick(testWidget->lineEdit(), Qt::Key_Backspace);
+    QTest::keyClick(testWidget->lineEdit(), 'C');
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->currentText(), QString("Cow"));
+    QTest::keyClick(testWidget->lineEdit(), Qt::Key_Enter);
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->currentText(), QString("Cow"));
+    testWidget->clearEditText();
+    QTest::keyClick(testWidget->lineEdit(), 'a');
+    QTest::keyClick(testWidget->lineEdit(), '*');
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->currentText(), QString("a*"));
+    QTest::keyClick(testWidget->lineEdit(), Qt::Key_Enter);
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->currentText(), QString("a*")); // A* not matched
+void tst_QComboBox::hide()
+    testWidget->addItem("foo");
+    testWidget->showPopup();
+    //allow combobox effect to complete
+    QTRY_VERIFY(testWidget->view());
+    QTRY_VERIFY(testWidget->view()->isVisible());
+    testWidget->hidePopup();
+    //allow combobox effect to complete
+    QTRY_VERIFY(!testWidget->view()->isVisible());
+    testWidget->hide();
+    QVERIFY(!testWidget->isVisible());
+void tst_QComboBox::currentIndex_data()
+    QTest::addColumn<QStringList>("initialItems");
+    QTest::addColumn<int>("setCurrentIndex");
+    QTest::addColumn<int>("removeIndex");
+    QTest::addColumn<int>("insertIndex");
+    QTest::addColumn<QString>("insertText");
+    QTest::addColumn<int>("expectedCurrentIndex");
+    QTest::addColumn<QString>("expectedCurrentText");
+    QTest::addColumn<int>("expectedSignalCount");
+    QStringList initialItems;
+    int setCurrentIndex;
+    int removeIndex;
+    int insertIndex;
+    QString insertText;
+    int expectedCurrentIndex;
+    QString expectedCurrentText;
+    int expectedSignalCount;
+    {
+        initialItems.clear();
+        initialItems << "foo" << "bar";
+        setCurrentIndex = -2;
+        removeIndex = -1;
+        insertIndex = -1;
+        insertText = "";
+        expectedCurrentIndex = 0;
+        expectedCurrentText = "foo";
+        expectedSignalCount = 1;
+        QTest::newRow("first added item is set to current if there is no current")
+            << initialItems << setCurrentIndex << removeIndex
+            << insertIndex << insertText << expectedCurrentIndex << expectedCurrentText
+            << expectedSignalCount;
+    }
+    {
+        initialItems.clear();
+        initialItems << "foo" << "bar";
+        setCurrentIndex = 1;
+        removeIndex = -1;
+        insertIndex = -1;
+        insertText = "";
+        expectedCurrentIndex = 1;
+        expectedCurrentText = "bar";
+        expectedSignalCount = 2;
+        QTest::newRow("check that setting the index works")
+            << initialItems << setCurrentIndex << removeIndex
+            << insertIndex << insertText << expectedCurrentIndex << expectedCurrentText
+            << expectedSignalCount;
+    }
+    {
+        initialItems.clear();
+        initialItems << "foo" << "bar";
+        setCurrentIndex = -1; // will invalidate the currentIndex
+        removeIndex = -1;
+        insertIndex = -1;
+        insertText = "";
+        expectedCurrentIndex = -1;
+        expectedCurrentText = "";
+        expectedSignalCount = 2;
+        QTest::newRow("check that isetting the index to -1 works")
+            << initialItems << setCurrentIndex << removeIndex
+            << insertIndex << insertText << expectedCurrentIndex << expectedCurrentText
+            << expectedSignalCount;
+    }
+    {
+        initialItems.clear();
+        initialItems << "foo";
+        setCurrentIndex = 0;
+        removeIndex = 0;
+        insertIndex = -1;
+        insertText = "";
+        expectedCurrentIndex = -1;
+        expectedCurrentText = "";
+        expectedSignalCount = 2;
+        QTest::newRow("check that current index is invalid when removing the only item")
+            << initialItems << setCurrentIndex << removeIndex
+            << insertIndex << insertText << expectedCurrentIndex << expectedCurrentText
+            << expectedSignalCount;
+    }
+    {
+        initialItems.clear();
+        initialItems << "foo" << "bar";
+        setCurrentIndex = 1;
+        removeIndex = 0;
+        insertIndex = -1;
+        insertText = "";
+        expectedCurrentIndex = 0;
+        expectedCurrentText = "bar";
+        expectedSignalCount = 3;
+        QTest::newRow("check that the current index follows the item when removing an item above")
+            << initialItems << setCurrentIndex << removeIndex
+            << insertIndex << insertText << expectedCurrentIndex << expectedCurrentText
+            << expectedSignalCount;
+    }
+    {
+        initialItems.clear();
+        initialItems << "foo" << "bar" << "baz";
+        setCurrentIndex = 1;
+        removeIndex = 1;
+        insertIndex = -1;
+        insertText = "";
+        expectedCurrentIndex = 1;
+        expectedCurrentText = "baz";
+        expectedSignalCount = 3;
+        QTest::newRow("check that the current index uses the next item if current is removed")
+            << initialItems << setCurrentIndex << removeIndex
+            << insertIndex << insertText << expectedCurrentIndex << expectedCurrentText
+            << expectedSignalCount;
+    }
+    {
+        initialItems.clear();
+        initialItems << "foo" << "bar" << "baz";
+        setCurrentIndex = 2;
+        removeIndex = 2;
+        insertIndex = -1;
+        insertText = "";
+        expectedCurrentIndex = 1;
+        expectedCurrentText = "bar";
+        expectedSignalCount = 3;
+        QTest::newRow("check that the current index is moved to the one before if current is removed")
+            << initialItems << setCurrentIndex << removeIndex
+            << insertIndex << insertText << expectedCurrentIndex << expectedCurrentText
+            << expectedSignalCount;
+    }
+    {
+        initialItems.clear();
+        initialItems << "foo" << "bar" << "baz";
+        setCurrentIndex = 1;
+        removeIndex = 2;
+        insertIndex = -1;
+        insertText = "";
+        expectedCurrentIndex = 1;
+        expectedCurrentText = "bar";
+        expectedSignalCount = 2;
+        QTest::newRow("check that the current index is unchanged if you remove an item after")
+            << initialItems << setCurrentIndex << removeIndex
+            << insertIndex << insertText << expectedCurrentIndex << expectedCurrentText
+            << expectedSignalCount;
+    }
+    {
+        initialItems.clear();
+        initialItems << "foo" << "bar";
+        setCurrentIndex = 1;
+        removeIndex = -1;
+        insertIndex = 0;
+        insertText = "baz";
+        expectedCurrentIndex = 2;
+        expectedCurrentText = "bar";
+        expectedSignalCount = 3;
+        QTest::newRow("check that the current index follows the item if you insert before current")
+            << initialItems << setCurrentIndex << removeIndex
+            << insertIndex << insertText << expectedCurrentIndex << expectedCurrentText
+            << expectedSignalCount;
+    }
+    {
+        initialItems.clear();
+        initialItems << "foo";
+        setCurrentIndex = 0;
+        removeIndex = -1;
+        insertIndex = 0;
+        insertText = "bar";
+        expectedCurrentIndex = 1;
+        expectedCurrentText = "foo";
+        expectedSignalCount = 2;
+        QTest::newRow("check that the current index follows the item if you insert on the current")
+            << initialItems << setCurrentIndex << removeIndex
+            << insertIndex << insertText << expectedCurrentIndex << expectedCurrentText
+            << expectedSignalCount;
+    }
+    {
+        initialItems.clear();
+        initialItems << "foo";
+        setCurrentIndex = 0;
+        removeIndex = -1;
+        insertIndex = 1;
+        insertText = "bar";
+        expectedCurrentIndex = 0;
+        expectedCurrentText = "foo";
+        expectedSignalCount = 1;
+        QTest::newRow("check that the current index stays the same if you insert after the current")
+            << initialItems << setCurrentIndex << removeIndex
+            << insertIndex << insertText << expectedCurrentIndex << expectedCurrentText
+            << expectedSignalCount;
+    }
+void tst_QComboBox::currentIndex()
+    QFETCH(QStringList, initialItems);
+    QFETCH(int, setCurrentIndex);
+    QFETCH(int, removeIndex);
+    QFETCH(int, insertIndex);
+    QFETCH(QString, insertText);
+    QFETCH(int, expectedCurrentIndex);
+    QFETCH(QString, expectedCurrentText);
+    QFETCH(int, expectedSignalCount);
+    // test both editable/non-editable combobox
+    for (int edit = 0; edit < 2; ++edit) {
+        testWidget->clear();
+        testWidget->setEditable(edit ? true : false);
+        if (edit)
+            QVERIFY(testWidget->lineEdit());
+        // verify it is empty, has no current index and no current text
+        QCOMPARE(testWidget->count(), 0);
+        QCOMPARE(testWidget->currentIndex(), -1);
+        QVERIFY(testWidget->currentText().isEmpty());
+        // spy on currentIndexChanged
+        QSignalSpy indexChangedInt(testWidget, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)));
+        QSignalSpy indexChangedString(testWidget, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(const QString&)));
+        // stuff items into it
+        foreach(QString text, initialItems) {
+            testWidget->addItem(text);
+        }
+        QCOMPARE(testWidget->count(), initialItems.count());
+        // set current index, remove and/or insert
+        if (setCurrentIndex >= -1) {
+            testWidget->setCurrentIndex(setCurrentIndex);
+            QCOMPARE(testWidget->currentIndex(), setCurrentIndex);
+        }
+        if (removeIndex >= 0)
+            testWidget->removeItem(removeIndex);
+        if (insertIndex >= 0)
+            testWidget->insertItem(insertIndex, insertText);
+        // compare with expected index and text
+        QCOMPARE(testWidget->currentIndex(), expectedCurrentIndex);
+        QCOMPARE(testWidget->currentText(), expectedCurrentText);
+        // check that signal count is correct
+        QCOMPARE(indexChangedInt.count(), expectedSignalCount);
+        QCOMPARE(indexChangedString.count(), expectedSignalCount);
+        // compare with last sent signal values
+        if (indexChangedInt.count())
+            QCOMPARE(indexChangedInt.at(indexChangedInt.count() - 1).at(0).toInt(),
+                    testWidget->currentIndex());
+        if (indexChangedString.count())
+            QCOMPARE(indexChangedString.at(indexChangedString.count() - 1).at(0).toString(),
+                     testWidget->currentText());
+        if (edit) {
+            testWidget->setCurrentIndex(-1);
+            testWidget->setInsertPolicy(QComboBox::InsertAtBottom);
+            QTest::keyPress(testWidget, 'a');
+            QTest::keyPress(testWidget, 'b');
+            QCOMPARE(testWidget->currentText(), QString("ab"));
+            QCOMPARE(testWidget->currentIndex(), -1);
+            int numItems = testWidget->count();
+            QTest::keyPress(testWidget, Qt::Key_Return);
+            QCOMPARE(testWidget->count(), numItems + 1);
+            QCOMPARE(testWidget->currentIndex(), numItems);
+            testWidget->setCurrentIndex(-1);
+            QTest::keyPress(testWidget, 'a');
+            QTest::keyPress(testWidget, 'b');
+            QCOMPARE(testWidget->currentIndex(), -1);
+        }
+    }
+void tst_QComboBox::insertItems_data()
+    QTest::addColumn<QStringList>("initialItems");
+    QTest::addColumn<QStringList>("insertedItems");
+    QTest::addColumn<int>("insertIndex");
+    QTest::addColumn<int>("expectedIndex");
+    QStringList initialItems;
+    QStringList insertedItems;
+    initialItems << "foo" << "bar";
+    insertedItems << "mongo";
+    QTest::newRow("prepend") << initialItems << insertedItems << 0 << 0;
+    QTest::newRow("prepend with negative value") << initialItems << insertedItems << -1 << 0;
+    QTest::newRow("append") << initialItems << insertedItems << initialItems.count() << initialItems.count();
+    QTest::newRow("append with too high value") << initialItems << insertedItems << 999 << initialItems.count();
+    QTest::newRow("insert") << initialItems << insertedItems << 1 << 1;
+void tst_QComboBox::insertItems()
+    QFETCH(QStringList, initialItems);
+    QFETCH(QStringList, insertedItems);
+    QFETCH(int, insertIndex);
+    QFETCH(int, expectedIndex);
+    testWidget->insertItems(0, initialItems);
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->count(), initialItems.count());
+    testWidget->insertItems(insertIndex, insertedItems);
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->count(), initialItems.count() + insertedItems.count());
+    for (int i=0; i<insertedItems.count(); ++i)
+        QCOMPARE(testWidget->itemText(expectedIndex + i), insertedItems.at(i));
+void tst_QComboBox::insertItem_data()
+    QTest::addColumn<QStringList>("initialItems");
+    QTest::addColumn<int>("insertIndex");
+    QTest::addColumn<QString>("itemLabel");
+    QTest::addColumn<int>("expectedIndex");
+    QTest::addColumn<bool>("testQt3Support");
+    QTest::addColumn<bool>("editable");
+    QStringList initialItems;
+    initialItems << "foo" << "bar";
+    for(int e = 0 ; e<2 ; e++) {
+        bool editable = (e==0);
+        QTest::newRow("Insert less then 0") << initialItems << -1 << "inserted" << 0 << false << editable;
+        QTest::newRow("Insert at 0") << initialItems << 0 << "inserted" << 0 << false << editable;
+        QTest::newRow("Insert beyond count") << initialItems << 3 << "inserted" << 2 << false << editable;
+        QTest::newRow("Insert at count") << initialItems << 2 << "inserted" << 2 << false << editable;
+        QTest::newRow("Insert in the middle") << initialItems << 1 << "inserted" << 1 << false << editable;
+#if defined(QT3_SUPPORT)
+        QTest::newRow("Qt3Support: Insert less then 0") << initialItems << -1 << "inserted" << 2 << true << editable;
+    }
+void tst_QComboBox::insertItem()
+    QFETCH(QStringList, initialItems);
+    QFETCH(int, insertIndex);
+    QFETCH(QString, itemLabel);
+    QFETCH(int, expectedIndex);
+    QFETCH(bool, testQt3Support);
+    QFETCH(bool, editable);
+    testWidget->insertItems(0, initialItems);
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->count(), initialItems.count());
+    testWidget->setEditable(true);
+    if (editable)
+        testWidget->setEditText("FOO");
+#if defined (QT3_SUPPORT)
+    if (testQt3Support)
+        testWidget->insertItem(itemLabel, insertIndex);
+    else
+        testWidget->insertItem(insertIndex, itemLabel);
+    Q_UNUSED(testQt3Support);
+    testWidget->insertItem(insertIndex, itemLabel);
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->count(), initialItems.count() + 1);
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->itemText(expectedIndex), itemLabel);
+    if (editable)
+        QCOMPARE(testWidget->currentText(), QString("FOO"));
+void tst_QComboBox::insertOnCurrentIndex()
+    testWidget->setEditable(true);
+    testWidget->addItem("first item");
+    testWidget->setCurrentIndex(0);
+    testWidget->insertItem(0, "second item");
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->lineEdit()->text(), QString::fromAscii("first item"));
+void tst_QComboBox::textpixmapdata_data()
+    QTest::addColumn<QStringList>("text");
+    QTest::addColumn<IconList>("icons");
+    QTest::addColumn<VariantList>("variant");
+    QStringList text;
+    IconList icon;
+    VariantList variant;
+    {
+        text.clear(); icon.clear(); variant.clear();
+        text << "foo" << "bar";
+        icon << QIcon() << QIcon();
+        variant << QVariant() << QVariant();
+        QTest::newRow("just text") << text << icon << variant;
+    }
+    {
+        text.clear(); icon.clear(); variant.clear();
+        text << QString() << QString();
+        icon << QIcon(QPixmap("qtlogo.png")) << QIcon(QPixmap("qtlogoinverted.png"));
+        variant << QVariant() << QVariant();
+        QTest::newRow("just icons") << text << icon << variant;
+    }
+    {
+        text.clear(); icon.clear(); variant.clear();
+        text << QString() << QString();
+        icon << QIcon() << QIcon();
+        variant << 12 << "bingo";
+        QTest::newRow("just user data") << text << icon << variant;
+    }
+    {
+        text.clear(); icon.clear(); variant.clear();
+        text << "foo" << "bar";
+        icon << QIcon(QPixmap("qtlogo.png")) << QIcon(QPixmap("qtlogoinverted.png"));
+        variant << 12 << "bingo";
+        QTest::newRow("text, icons and user data") << text << icon << variant;
+    }
+void tst_QComboBox::textpixmapdata()
+    QFETCH(QStringList, text);
+    QFETCH(IconList, icons);
+    QFETCH(VariantList, variant);
+    QVERIFY(text.count() == icons.count() && text.count() == variant.count());
+    for (int i = 0; i<text.count(); ++i) {
+        testWidget->insertItem(i, text.at(i));
+        testWidget->setItemIcon(i, icons.at(i));
+        testWidget->setItemData(i, variant.at(i), Qt::UserRole);
+    }
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->count(), text.count());
+    for (int i = 0; i<text.count(); ++i) {
+        QIcon icon = testWidget->itemIcon(i);
+        QVERIFY(icon.serialNumber() == icons.at(i).serialNumber());
+        QPixmap original = icons.at(i).pixmap(1024);
+        QPixmap pixmap = icon.pixmap(1024);
+        QVERIFY(pixmap.toImage() == original.toImage());
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i<text.count(); ++i) {
+        QCOMPARE(testWidget->itemText(i), text.at(i));
+        // ### we should test icons/pixmap as well, but I need to fix the api mismatch first
+        QCOMPARE(testWidget->itemData(i, Qt::UserRole), variant.at(i));
+    }
+void tst_QComboBox::setCurrentIndex()
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->count(), 0);
+    testWidget->addItem("foo");
+    testWidget->addItem("bar");
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->count(), 2);
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->currentIndex(), 0);
+    testWidget->setCurrentIndex(0);
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->currentText(), QString("foo"));
+    testWidget->setCurrentIndex(1);
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->currentText(), QString("bar"));
+    testWidget->setCurrentIndex(0);
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->currentText(), QString("foo"));
+void tst_QComboBox::editTextChanged()
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->count(), 0);
+    testWidget->addItem("foo");
+    testWidget->addItem("bar");
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->count(), 2);
+    // first we test non editable
+    testWidget->setEditable(false);
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->isEditable(), false);
+    // no signal should be sent when current is set to the same
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->currentIndex(), 0);
+    editTextCount = 0;
+    editText.clear();
+    testWidget->setCurrentIndex(0);
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->currentIndex(), 0);
+    QCOMPARE(editTextCount, 0);
+    QCOMPARE(editText.isEmpty(), true);
+    // no signal should be sent when changing to other index because we are not editable
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->currentIndex(), 0);
+    editTextCount = 0;
+    editText.clear();
+    testWidget->setCurrentIndex(1);
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->currentIndex(), 1);
+    QCOMPARE(editTextCount, 0);
+    QCOMPARE(editText.isEmpty(), true);
+    // now set to editable and reset current index
+    testWidget->setEditable(true);
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->isEditable(), true);
+    testWidget->setCurrentIndex(0);
+    // no signal should be sent when current is set to the same
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->currentIndex(), 0);
+    editTextCount = 0;
+    editText.clear();
+    testWidget->setCurrentIndex(0);
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->currentIndex(), 0);
+    QCOMPARE(editTextCount, 0);
+    QCOMPARE(editText.isEmpty(), true);
+    // signal should be sent when changing to other index
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->currentIndex(), 0);
+    editTextCount = 0;
+    editText.clear();
+    testWidget->setCurrentIndex(1);
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->currentIndex(), 1);
+    QCOMPARE(editTextCount, 1);
+    QCOMPARE(editText, QString("bar"));
+    // insert some keys and notice they are all signaled
+    editTextCount = 0;
+    editText.clear();
+    QTest::keyClicks(testWidget, "bingo");
+    QCOMPARE(editTextCount, 5);
+    QCOMPARE(editText, QString("barbingo"));
+void tst_QComboBox::onEditTextChanged(const QString &text)
+    editTextCount++;
+    editText = text;
+void tst_QComboBox::setModel()
+    QComboBox box;
+    QCOMPARE(box.currentIndex(), -1);
+    box.addItems((QStringList() << "foo" << "bar"));
+    QCOMPARE(box.currentIndex(), 0);
+    box.setCurrentIndex(1);
+    QCOMPARE(box.currentIndex(), 1);
+    // check that currentIndex is set to invalid
+    QAbstractItemModel *oldModel = box.model();
+    box.setModel(new QStandardItemModel(&box));
+    QCOMPARE(box.currentIndex(), -1);
+    QVERIFY(box.model() != oldModel);
+    // check that currentIndex is set to first item
+    oldModel = box.model();
+    box.setModel(new QStandardItemModel(2,1, &box));
+    QCOMPARE(box.currentIndex(), 0);
+    QVERIFY(box.model() != oldModel);
+void tst_QComboBox::modelDeleted()
+    QComboBox box;
+    QStandardItemModel *model = new QStandardItemModel;
+    box.setModel(model);
+    QCOMPARE(box.model(), static_cast<QAbstractItemModel *>(model));
+    delete model;
+    QVERIFY(box.model());
+    QCOMPARE(box.findText("bubu"), -1);
+    delete box.model();
+    QVERIFY(box.model());
+    delete box.model();
+    QVERIFY(box.model());
+void tst_QComboBox::setMaxCount()
+    QStringList items;
+    items << "1" << "2" << "3" << "4" << "5";
+    QComboBox box;
+    box.addItems(items);
+    QCOMPARE(box.count(), 5);
+    box.setMaxCount(4);
+    QCOMPARE(box.count(), 4);
+    QCOMPARE(box.itemText(0), QString("1"));
+    QCOMPARE(box.itemText(1), QString("2"));
+    QCOMPARE(box.itemText(2), QString("3"));
+    QCOMPARE(box.itemText(3), QString("4"));
+    // appending should do nothing
+    box.addItem("foo");
+    QCOMPARE(box.count(), 4);
+    QCOMPARE(box.findText("foo"), -1);
+    // inserting one item at top should remove the last
+    box.insertItem(0, "0");
+    QCOMPARE(box.count(), 4);
+    QCOMPARE(box.itemText(0), QString("0"));
+    QCOMPARE(box.itemText(1), QString("1"));
+    QCOMPARE(box.itemText(2), QString("2"));
+    QCOMPARE(box.itemText(3), QString("3"));
+    // insert 5 items in a box with maxCount 4
+    box.insertItems(0, items);
+    QCOMPARE(box.count(), 4);
+    QCOMPARE(box.itemText(0), QString("1"));
+    QCOMPARE(box.itemText(1), QString("2"));
+    QCOMPARE(box.itemText(2), QString("3"));
+    QCOMPARE(box.itemText(3), QString("4"));
+    // insert 5 items at pos 2. Make sure only two get inserted
+    QSignalSpy spy(box.model(), SIGNAL(rowsInserted(QModelIndex,int,int)));
+    box.insertItems(2, items);
+    QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1);
+    QCOMPARE(spy.at(0).at(1).toInt(), 2);
+    QCOMPARE(spy.at(0).at(2).toInt(), 3);
+    QCOMPARE(box.count(), 4);
+    QCOMPARE(box.itemText(0), QString("1"));
+    QCOMPARE(box.itemText(1), QString("2"));
+    QCOMPARE(box.itemText(2), QString("1"));
+    QCOMPARE(box.itemText(3), QString("2"));
+    box.insertItems(0, QStringList());
+    QCOMPARE(box.count(), 4);
+    box.setMaxCount(0);
+    QCOMPARE(box.count(), 0);
+    box.addItem("foo");
+    QCOMPARE(box.count(), 0);
+    box.addItems(items);
+    QCOMPARE(box.count(), 0);
+void tst_QComboBox::convenienceViews()
+    // QListWidget
+    QComboBox listCombo;
+    QListWidget *list = new QListWidget();
+    listCombo.setModel(list->model());
+    listCombo.setView(list);
+    // add items
+    list->addItem("list0");
+    listCombo.addItem("list1");
+    QCOMPARE(listCombo.count(), 2);
+    QCOMPARE(listCombo.itemText(0), QString("list0"));
+    QCOMPARE(listCombo.itemText(1), QString("list1"));
+    // QTreeWidget
+    QComboBox treeCombo;
+    QTreeWidget *tree = new QTreeWidget();
+    tree->setColumnCount(1);
+    tree->header()->hide();
+    treeCombo.setModel(tree->model());
+    treeCombo.setView(tree);
+    // add items
+    tree->addTopLevelItem(new QTreeWidgetItem(QStringList("tree0")));
+    treeCombo.addItem("tree1");
+    QCOMPARE(treeCombo.count(), 2);
+    QCOMPARE(treeCombo.itemText(0), QString("tree0"));
+    QCOMPARE(treeCombo.itemText(1), QString("tree1"));
+    // QTableWidget
+    QComboBox tableCombo;
+    QTableWidget *table = new QTableWidget(0,1);
+    table->verticalHeader()->hide();
+    table->horizontalHeader()->hide();
+    tableCombo.setModel(table->model());
+    tableCombo.setView(table);
+    // add items
+    table->setRowCount(table->rowCount() + 1);
+    table->setItem(0, table->rowCount() - 1, new QTableWidgetItem("table0"));
+    tableCombo.addItem("table1");
+    QCOMPARE(tableCombo.count(), 2);
+    QCOMPARE(tableCombo.itemText(0), QString("table0"));
+    QCOMPARE(tableCombo.itemText(1), QString("table1"));
+class ReturnClass : public QWidget
+    ReturnClass(QWidget *parent = 0)
+        : QWidget(parent), received(false)
+    {
+        QComboBox *box = new QComboBox(this);
+        box->setEditable(true);
+        edit = box->lineEdit();
+        box->setGeometry(rect());
+    }
+    void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e)
+    {
+        received = (e->key() == Qt::Key_Return || e->key() == Qt::Key_Enter);
+    }
+    QLineEdit *edit;
+    bool received;
+void tst_QComboBox::ensureReturnIsIgnored()
+    ReturnClass r;
+    r.show();
+    QTest::keyClick(r.edit, Qt::Key_Return);
+    QVERIFY(r.received);
+    r.received = false;
+    QTest::keyClick(r.edit, Qt::Key_Enter);
+    QVERIFY(r.received);
+void tst_QComboBox::findText_data()
+    QTest::addColumn<QStringList>("items");
+    QTest::addColumn<int>("matchflags");
+    QTest::addColumn<QString>("search");
+    QTest::addColumn<int>("result");
+    QStringList list;
+    list << "One" << "Two" << "Three" << "Four" << "Five" << "Six" << "one";
+    QTest::newRow("CaseSensitive_1") << list << (int)(Qt::MatchExactly|Qt::MatchCaseSensitive)
+                                     << QString("Two") << 1;
+    QTest::newRow("CaseSensitive_2") << list << (int)(Qt::MatchExactly|Qt::MatchCaseSensitive)
+                                     << QString("two") << -1;
+    QTest::newRow("CaseSensitive_3") << list << (int)(Qt::MatchExactly|Qt::MatchCaseSensitive)
+                                     << QString("One") << 0;
+    QTest::newRow("CaseSensitive_4") << list << (int)(Qt::MatchExactly|Qt::MatchCaseSensitive)
+                                     << QString("one") << 6;
+    QTest::newRow("CaseInsensitive_1") << list << (int)(Qt::MatchExactly) << QString("Two") << 1;
+    QTest::newRow("CaseInsensitive_2") << list << (int)(Qt::MatchExactly) << QString("two") << -1;
+    QTest::newRow("CaseInsensitive_3") << list << (int)(Qt::MatchExactly) << QString("One") << 0;
+    QTest::newRow("CaseInsensitive_4") << list << (int)(Qt::MatchExactly) << QString("one") << 6;
+void tst_QComboBox::findText()
+    QFETCH(QStringList, items);
+    QFETCH(int, matchflags);
+    QFETCH(QString, search);
+    QFETCH(int, result);
+    testWidget->clear();
+    testWidget->addItems(items);
+    QCOMPARE(testWidget->findText(search, (Qt::MatchFlags)matchflags), result);
+typedef QList<int> IntList;
+typedef QList<Qt::Key> KeyList;
+void tst_QComboBox::flaggedItems_data()
+    QTest::addColumn<QStringList>("itemList");
+    QTest::addColumn<IntList>("deselectFlagList");
+    QTest::addColumn<IntList>("disableFlagList");
+    QTest::addColumn<KeyList>("keyMovementList");
+    QTest::addColumn<bool>("editable");
+    QTest::addColumn<int>("expectedIndex");
+    for (int editable=0;editable<2;editable++) {
+        QString testCase = editable ? "editable:" : "non-editable:";
+        QStringList itemList;
+        itemList << "One" << "Two" << "Three" << "Four" << "Five" << "Six" << "Seven" << "Eight";
+        IntList deselectFlagList;
+        IntList disableFlagList;
+        KeyList keyMovementList;
+        keyMovementList << Qt::Key_Down << Qt::Key_Down << Qt::Key_Down << Qt::Key_Down;
+        QTest::newRow(testCase.toAscii() + "normal") << itemList << deselectFlagList << disableFlagList << keyMovementList << bool(editable) << 4;
+        deselectFlagList.clear();
+        disableFlagList.clear();
+        deselectFlagList << 1 << 3;
+        QTest::newRow(testCase.toAscii() + "non-selectable") << itemList << deselectFlagList << disableFlagList << keyMovementList << bool(editable) << 4;
+        deselectFlagList.clear();
+        disableFlagList.clear();
+        disableFlagList << 2;
+        QTest::newRow(testCase.toAscii() + "disabled") << itemList << deselectFlagList << disableFlagList << keyMovementList << bool(editable) << 5;
+        deselectFlagList.clear();
+        disableFlagList.clear();
+        deselectFlagList << 1 << 3;
+        disableFlagList << 2 << 3;
+        QTest::newRow(testCase.toAscii() + "mixed") << itemList << deselectFlagList << disableFlagList << keyMovementList << bool(editable) << 6;
+        deselectFlagList.clear();
+        disableFlagList.clear();
+        disableFlagList << 0 << 1 << 2 << 3 << 4 << 5 << 6;
+        QTest::newRow(testCase.toAscii() + "nearly-empty") << itemList << deselectFlagList << disableFlagList << keyMovementList << bool(editable) << 7;
+        deselectFlagList.clear();
+        disableFlagList.clear();
+        disableFlagList << 0 << 1 << 2 << 3 << 5 << 6 << 7;
+        keyMovementList.clear();
+        QTest::newRow(testCase.toAscii() + "only one enabled") << itemList << deselectFlagList << disableFlagList << keyMovementList << bool(editable) << 4;
+        if (!editable) {
+            deselectFlagList.clear();
+            disableFlagList.clear();
+            keyMovementList.clear();
+            disableFlagList << 0 << 2 << 3;
+            keyMovementList << Qt::Key_Down << Qt::Key_Home;
+            QTest::newRow(testCase.toAscii() + "home-disabled") << itemList << deselectFlagList << disableFlagList << keyMovementList << bool(editable) << 1;
+            keyMovementList.clear();
+            keyMovementList << Qt::Key_End;
+            QTest::newRow(testCase.toAscii() + "end-key") << itemList << deselectFlagList << disableFlagList << keyMovementList << bool(editable) << 7;
+            disableFlagList.clear();
+            disableFlagList << 1 ;
+            keyMovementList << Qt::Key_T;
+            QTest::newRow(testCase.toAscii() + "keyboard-search") << itemList << deselectFlagList << disableFlagList << keyMovementList << bool(editable) << 2;
+            itemList << "nine" << "ten";
+            keyMovementList << Qt::Key_T;
+            QTest::newRow(testCase.toAscii() + "search same start letter") << itemList << deselectFlagList << disableFlagList << keyMovementList << bool(editable) << 9;
+            keyMovementList.clear();
+            keyMovementList << Qt::Key_T << Qt::Key_H;
+            QTest::newRow(testCase.toAscii() + "keyboard search item") << itemList << deselectFlagList << disableFlagList << keyMovementList << bool(editable) << 2;
+            disableFlagList.clear();
+            disableFlagList << 1 << 3 << 5 << 7 << 9;
+            keyMovementList.clear();
+            keyMovementList << Qt::Key_End << Qt::Key_Up << Qt::Key_Up << Qt::Key_PageDown << Qt::Key_PageUp << Qt::Key_PageUp << Qt::Key_Down;
+            QTest::newRow(testCase.toAscii() + "all key combinations") << itemList << deselectFlagList << disableFlagList << keyMovementList << bool(editable) << 4;
+        } else {
+            deselectFlagList.clear();
+            disableFlagList.clear();
+            disableFlagList << 1;
+            keyMovementList.clear();
+            keyMovementList << Qt::Key_T << Qt::Key_Enter;
+            QTest::newRow(testCase.toAscii() + "disabled") << itemList << deselectFlagList << disableFlagList << keyMovementList << bool(editable) << 2;
+            QTest::newRow(testCase.toAscii() + "broken autocompletion") << itemList << deselectFlagList << disableFlagList << keyMovementList << bool(editable) << 2;
+        }
+    }
+void tst_QComboBox::flaggedItems()
+    QFETCH(QStringList, itemList);
+    QFETCH(IntList, deselectFlagList);
+    QFETCH(IntList, disableFlagList);
+    QFETCH(KeyList, keyMovementList);
+    QFETCH(bool, editable);
+    QFETCH(int, expectedIndex);
+    QComboBox comboBox;
+    QListWidget listWidget;
+    listWidget.addItems(itemList);
+    comboBox.setEditable(editable);
+    foreach (int index, deselectFlagList)
+        listWidget.item(index)->setFlags(listWidget.item(index)->flags() & ~Qt::ItemIsSelectable);
+    foreach (int index, disableFlagList)
+        listWidget.item(index)->setFlags(listWidget.item(index)->flags() & ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled);
+    comboBox.setModel(listWidget.model());
+    comboBox.setView(&listWidget);
+    comboBox.show();
+    QApplication::setActiveWindow(&comboBox);
+    comboBox.activateWindow();
+    comboBox.setFocus();
+    QTRY_VERIFY(comboBox.isVisible());
+    QTRY_VERIFY(comboBox.hasFocus());
+    if (editable)
+        comboBox.lineEdit()->selectAll();
+    QSignalSpy indexChangedInt(&comboBox, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)));
+    for (int i = 0; i < keyMovementList.count(); ++i) {
+        Qt::Key key = keyMovementList[i];
+        QTest::keyClick(&comboBox, key);
+        if (indexChangedInt.count() != i + 1) {
+            QTest::qWait(400);
+        }
+    }
+    QCOMPARE(comboBox.currentIndex() , expectedIndex);
+void tst_QComboBox::pixmapIcon()
+    QComboBox box;
+    QStandardItemModel *model = new QStandardItemModel(2, 1, &box);
+    QPixmap pix(10, 10);
+    pix.fill(Qt::red);
+    model->setData(model->index(0, 0), "Element 1");
+    model->setData(model->index(0, 0), pix, Qt::DecorationRole);
+    QIcon icon(pix);
+    model->setData(model->index(1, 0), "Element 2");
+    model->setData(model->index(1, 0), icon, Qt::DecorationRole);
+    box.setModel(model);
+    QCOMPARE( box.itemIcon(0).isNull(), false );
+    QCOMPARE( box.itemIcon(1).isNull(), false );
+// defined to be 120 by the wheel mouse vendors according to the docs
+#define WHEEL_DELTA 120
+void tst_QComboBox::mouseWheel_data()
+    QTest::addColumn<IntList>("disabledItems");
+    QTest::addColumn<int>("startIndex");
+    QTest::addColumn<int>("wheelDirection");
+    QTest::addColumn<int>("expectedIndex");
+    IntList disabled;
+    disabled << 0 << 1 << 2 << 4;
+    int start = 3;
+    int wheel = 1;
+    int expected = 3;
+    QTest::newRow("upper locked") << disabled << start << wheel << expected;
+    wheel = -1;
+    expected = 5;
+    QTest::newRow("jump over") << disabled << start << wheel << expected;
+    disabled.clear();
+    disabled << 1 << 2 << 3 << 4 << 5 << 6 << 7 << 8 << 9;
+    start = 0;
+    wheel = -1;
+    expected = 0;
+    QTest::newRow("single Item enabled") << disabled << start << wheel << expected;
+void tst_QComboBox::mouseWheel()
+    QFETCH(IntList, disabledItems);
+    QFETCH(int, startIndex);
+    QFETCH(int, wheelDirection);
+    QFETCH(int, expectedIndex);
+    QCoreApplication *applicationInstance = QCoreApplication::instance();
+    QVERIFY(applicationInstance != 0);
+    QComboBox box;
+    QStringList list;
+    list << "one" << "two" << "three" << "four" << "five" << "six" << "seven" << "eight" << "nine" << "ten";
+    QListWidget listWidget;
+    listWidget.addItems(list);
+    foreach (int index, disabledItems)
+        listWidget.item(index)->setFlags(listWidget.item(index)->flags() & ~Qt::ItemIsEnabled);
+    box.setModel(listWidget.model());
+    box.setView(&listWidget);
+    for (int i=0; i < 2; ++i) {
+        box.setEditable(i==0?false:true);
+        box.setCurrentIndex(startIndex);
+        QWheelEvent event = QWheelEvent(box.rect().bottomRight() , WHEEL_DELTA * wheelDirection, Qt::NoButton, Qt::NoModifier);
+        QVERIFY(applicationInstance->sendEvent(&box,&event));
+        QCOMPARE(box.currentIndex(), expectedIndex);
+    }
+void tst_QComboBox::layoutDirection()
+    QComboBox box;
+    Qt::LayoutDirection dir;
+    QLineEdit *lineEdit;
+    // RTL
+    box.setLayoutDirection(Qt::RightToLeft);
+    QStyleOptionComboBox opt;
+    opt.direction = Qt::RightToLeft;
+    dir = (Qt::LayoutDirection)box.style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_ComboBox_LayoutDirection, &opt, &box);
+    QCOMPARE(box.view()->layoutDirection(), dir);
+    box.setEditable(true);
+    QCOMPARE(box.lineEdit()->layoutDirection(), dir);
+    lineEdit = new QLineEdit;
+    QCOMPARE(lineEdit->layoutDirection(), qApp->layoutDirection());
+    box.setLineEdit(lineEdit);
+    QCOMPARE(lineEdit->layoutDirection(), dir);
+    // LTR
+    box.setLayoutDirection(Qt::LeftToRight);
+    qApp->setLayoutDirection(Qt::RightToLeft);
+    opt.direction = Qt::LeftToRight;
+    dir = (Qt::LayoutDirection)box.style()->styleHint(QStyle::SH_ComboBox_LayoutDirection, &opt, &box);
+    QCOMPARE(box.view()->layoutDirection(), dir);
+    box.setEditable(true);
+    QCOMPARE(box.lineEdit()->layoutDirection(), dir);
+    lineEdit = new QLineEdit;
+    QCOMPARE(lineEdit->layoutDirection(), qApp->layoutDirection());
+    box.setLineEdit(lineEdit);
+    QCOMPARE(lineEdit->layoutDirection(), dir);
+void tst_QComboBox::itemListPosition()
+    //tests that the list is not out of the screen boundaries
+    //put the QApplication layout back
+    QApplication::setLayoutDirection(Qt::LeftToRight);
+    //we test QFontComboBox because it has the specific behaviour to set a fixed size
+    //to the list view
+    QFontComboBox combo;
+    //the code to get the avaialbe screen space is copied from QComboBox code
+    const int scrNumber = QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber(&combo);
+    QRect screen;
+#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
+    screen = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry(scrNumber);
+#elif defined Q_WS_X11
+    if (X11->desktopEnvironment == DE_KDE)
+        screen = QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry(scrNumber);
+    else
+        screen = QApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry(scrNumber);
+    screen = QApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry(scrNumber);
+    combo.move(screen.width()-combo.sizeHint().width(), 0); //puts the combo to the top-right corner
+    combo.show();
+    //wait because the window manager can move the window if there is a right panel
+    QTRY_VERIFY(combo.isVisible());
+    combo.showPopup();
+    QTRY_VERIFY(combo.view());
+    QTRY_VERIFY(combo.view()->isVisible());
+#if defined(Q_WS_S60)
+    // Assuming that QtS60 style is used, here. But other ones would certainly also fail
+    QEXPECT_FAIL("", "QtS60Style does not yet position the combobox popup correctly", Continue);
+    QVERIFY( combo.view()->window()->x() + combo.view()->window()->width() <= screen.x() + screen.width() );
+void tst_QComboBox::separatorItem_data()
+    QTest::addColumn<QStringList>("items");
+    QTest::addColumn<IntList>("separators");
+    QTest::newRow("test") << (QStringList() << "one" << "two" << "three" << "other...")
+                          << (IntList() << 4);
+void tst_QComboBox::separatorItem()
+    QFETCH(QStringList, items);
+    QFETCH(IntList, separators);
+    QComboBox box;
+    box.addItems(items);
+    foreach(int index, separators)
+        box.insertSeparator(index);
+    QCOMPARE(box.count(), (items.count() + separators.count()));
+    for (int i = 0, s = 0; i < box.count(); ++i) {
+        if (i == separators.at(s)) {
+            QCOMPARE(box.itemText(i), QString());
+            ++s;
+        } else {
+            QCOMPARE(box.itemText(i), items.at(i - s));
+        }
+    }
+void tst_QComboBox::task190351_layout()
+    const QString oldStyle = QApplication::style()->objectName();
+    QApplication::setStyle(new QCleanlooksStyle);
+    QComboBox listCombo;
+    QListWidget *list = new QListWidget();
+    listCombo.setModel(list->model());
+    listCombo.setView(list);
+    for(int i = 1; i < 150; i++)
+        list->addItem(QLatin1String("list") + QString::number(i));
+    listCombo.show();
+    QTest::qWaitForWindowShown(&listCombo);
+    QTRY_VERIFY(listCombo.isVisible());
+    listCombo.setCurrentIndex(70);
+    listCombo.showPopup();
+    QTRY_VERIFY(listCombo.view());
+    QTest::qWaitForWindowShown(listCombo.view());
+    QTRY_VERIFY(listCombo.view()->isVisible());
+    QApplication::processEvents();
+    QFrame *container = qFindChild<QComboBoxPrivateContainer *>(&listCombo);
+    QVERIFY(container);
+    QCOMPARE(static_cast<QAbstractItemView *>(list), qFindChild<QAbstractItemView *>(container));
+    QWidget *top = qFindChild<QComboBoxPrivateScroller *>(container);
+    QVERIFY(top);
+    QVERIFY(top->isVisible());
+    QCOMPARE(top->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, top->height())).y(), list->mapToGlobal(QPoint()).y());
+    QApplication::setStyle(oldStyle);
+    QSKIP("Qt configured without cleanlooks style", SkipAll);
+class task166349_ComboBox : public QComboBox
+    task166349_ComboBox(QWidget *parent = 0) : QComboBox(parent)
+    {
+        QStringList list;
+        list << "one" << "two";
+        connect(this, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(onCurrentIndexChanged(int)));
+        addItems(list);
+    }
+public slots:
+    void onCurrentIndexChanged(int index)
+    {
+        setEditable(index % 2 == 1);
+    }
+void tst_QComboBox::task166349_setEditableOnReturn()
+    task166349_ComboBox comboBox;
+    QTest::keyClick(&comboBox, Qt::Key_Down);
+    QTest::keyClick(&comboBox, Qt::Key_1);
+    QTest::keyClick(&comboBox, Qt::Key_Enter);
+    QCOMPARE(QLatin1String("two1"), comboBox.itemText(comboBox.count() - 1));
+void tst_QComboBox::task191329_size()
+    const QString oldStyle = QApplication::style()->objectName();
+    QApplication::setStyle(new QCleanlooksStyle);
+    QComboBox tableCombo;
+    int rows;
+    if (QApplication::desktop()->screenGeometry().height() < 480)
+        rows = 8;
+    else
+        rows = 15;
+    QStandardItemModel model(rows, 2);
+    for (int row = 0; row < model.rowCount(); ++row) {
+        for (int column = 0; column < model.columnCount(); ++column) {
+            QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem(QString("row %0, column %1").arg(row).arg(column));
+            model.setItem(row, column, item);
+        }
+    }
+    QTableView *table = new QTableView();
+    table->verticalHeader()->hide();
+    table->horizontalHeader()->hide();
+    tableCombo.setView(table);
+    tableCombo.setModel(&model);
+    tableCombo.show();
+    QTRY_VERIFY(tableCombo.isVisible());
+    tableCombo.showPopup();
+    QTRY_VERIFY(tableCombo.view());
+    QTRY_VERIFY(tableCombo.view()->isVisible());
+    QFrame *container = qFindChild<QComboBoxPrivateContainer *>(&tableCombo);
+    QVERIFY(container);
+    QCOMPARE(static_cast<QAbstractItemView *>(table), qFindChild<QAbstractItemView *>(container));
+    foreach (QWidget *button, qFindChildren<QComboBoxPrivateScroller *>(container)) {
+        //the popup should be large enough to contains everithing so the top and left button are hidden
+        QVERIFY(!button->isVisible());
+    }
+    QApplication::setStyle(oldStyle);
+    QSKIP("Qt configured without cleanlooks style", SkipAll);
+void tst_QComboBox::task190205_setModelAdjustToContents()
+    QStringList initialContent;
+    QStringList finalContent;
+    initialContent << "foo" << "bar";
+    finalContent << "bar" << "foooooooobar";
+    QComboBox box;
+    box.setSizeAdjustPolicy(QComboBox::AdjustToContents);
+    box.addItems(initialContent);
+    box.show();
+    //wait needed in order to get the combo initial size
+    QTRY_VERIFY(box.isVisible());
+    box.setModel(new QStringListModel(finalContent));
+    QComboBox correctBox;
+    correctBox.addItems(finalContent);
+    correctBox.show();
+    QCoreApplication::processEvents();
+#ifdef Q_WS_X11
+    qt_x11_wait_for_window_manager(&box);
+    qt_x11_wait_for_window_manager(&correctBox);
+    // box should be resized to the same size as correctBox
+    QTRY_COMPARE(box.size(), correctBox.size());
+void tst_QComboBox::task248169_popupWithMinimalSize()
+    QStringList initialContent;
+    initialContent << "foo" << "bar" << "foobar";
+    QComboBox comboBox;
+    comboBox.addItems(initialContent);
+    QDesktopWidget desktop;
+    QRect desktopSize = desktop.availableGeometry();
+    comboBox.view()->setMinimumWidth(desktopSize.width() / 2);
+    comboBox.setGeometry(desktopSize.width() - (desktopSize.width() / 4), (desktopSize.width() / 4), (desktopSize.width() / 2), (desktopSize.width() / 4));
+    comboBox.show();
+    QTest::qWaitForWindowShown(&comboBox);
+    QTRY_VERIFY(comboBox.isVisible());
+    comboBox.showPopup();
+    QTRY_VERIFY(comboBox.view());
+    QTest::qWaitForWindowShown(comboBox.view());
+    QTRY_VERIFY(comboBox.view()->isVisible());
+    QFrame *container = qFindChild<QComboBoxPrivateContainer *>(&comboBox);
+    QVERIFY(container);
+    QTRY_VERIFY(desktop.screenGeometry(container).contains(container->geometry()));
+void tst_QComboBox::task247863_keyBoardSelection()
+  QComboBox combo;
+  combo.setEditable(false);
+  combo.addItem( QLatin1String("111"));
+  combo.addItem( QLatin1String("222"));
+  combo.show();
+  QApplication::setActiveWindow(&combo);
+  QTRY_COMPARE(QApplication::activeWindow(), static_cast<QWidget *>(&combo));
+  QSignalSpy spy(&combo, SIGNAL(activated(const QString &)));
+  qApp->setEffectEnabled(Qt::UI_AnimateCombo, false);
+  QTest::keyClick(&combo, Qt::Key_Space);
+  qApp->setEffectEnabled(Qt::UI_AnimateCombo, true);
+  QTest::keyClick(0, Qt::Key_Down);
+  QTest::keyClick(0, Qt::Key_Enter);
+  QCOMPARE(combo.currentText(), QLatin1String("222"));
+  QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1);
+void tst_QComboBox::task220195_keyBoardSelection2()
+    QComboBox combo;
+    combo.setEditable(false);
+    combo.addItem( QLatin1String("foo1"));
+    combo.addItem( QLatin1String("foo2"));
+    combo.addItem( QLatin1String("foo3"));
+    combo.show();
+    QApplication::setActiveWindow(&combo);
+    QTRY_COMPARE(QApplication::activeWindow(), static_cast<QWidget *>(&combo));
+    combo.setCurrentIndex(-1);
+    QVERIFY(combo.currentText().isNull());
+    QTest::keyClick(&combo, 'f');
+    QCOMPARE(combo.currentText(), QLatin1String("foo1"));
+    QTest::qWait(QApplication::keyboardInputInterval() + 30);
+    QTest::keyClick(&combo, 'f');
+    QCOMPARE(combo.currentText(), QLatin1String("foo2"));
+    QTest::qWait(QApplication::keyboardInputInterval() + 30);
+    QTest::keyClick(&combo, 'f');
+    QCOMPARE(combo.currentText(), QLatin1String("foo3"));
+    QTest::qWait(QApplication::keyboardInputInterval() + 30);
+    QTest::keyClick(&combo, 'f');
+    QCOMPARE(combo.currentText(), QLatin1String("foo1"));
+    QTest::qWait(QApplication::keyboardInputInterval() + 30);
+    combo.setCurrentIndex(1);
+    QCOMPARE(combo.currentText(), QLatin1String("foo2"));
+    QTest::keyClick(&combo, 'f');
+    QCOMPARE(combo.currentText(), QLatin1String("foo3"));
+void tst_QComboBox::setModelColumn()
+    QStandardItemModel model(5,3);
+    model.setItem(0,0, new QStandardItem("0"));
+    model.setItem(1,0, new QStandardItem("1"));
+    model.setItem(2,0, new QStandardItem("2"));
+    model.setItem(3,0, new QStandardItem("3"));
+    model.setItem(4,0, new QStandardItem("4"));
+    model.setItem(0,1, new QStandardItem("zero"));
+    model.setItem(1,1, new QStandardItem("un"));
+    model.setItem(2,1, new QStandardItem("deux"));
+    model.setItem(3,1, new QStandardItem("trois"));
+    model.setItem(4,1, new QStandardItem("quatre"));
+    model.setItem(0,2, new QStandardItem("a"));
+    model.setItem(1,2, new QStandardItem("b"));
+    model.setItem(2,2, new QStandardItem("c"));
+    model.setItem(3,2, new QStandardItem("d"));
+    model.setItem(4,2, new QStandardItem("e"));
+    QComboBox box;
+    box.setModel(&model);
+    QCOMPARE(box.currentText(), QString("0"));
+    box.setModelColumn(1);
+    QCOMPARE(box.currentText(), QString("zero"));
+void tst_QComboBox::noScrollbar_data()
+    QTest::addColumn<QString>("stylesheet");
+    QTest::newRow("normal") << QString();
+    QTest::newRow("border") << QString::fromLatin1("QAbstractItemView { border: 12px solid blue;}");
+    QTest::newRow("margin") << QString::fromLatin1("QAbstractItemView { margin: 12px 15px 13px 10px; }");
+    QTest::newRow("padding") << QString::fromLatin1("QAbstractItemView { padding: 12px 15px 13px 10px;}");
+    QTest::newRow("everything") << QString::fromLatin1("QAbstractItemView {  border: 12px  solid blue; "
+                                                       " padding: 12px 15px 13px 10px; margin: 12px 15px 13px 10px;  }");
+    QTest::newRow("everything and more") << QString::fromLatin1("QAbstractItemView {  border: 1px 3px 5px 1px solid blue; "
+                                                       " padding: 2px 5px 3px 1px; margin: 2px 5px 3px 1px;  } "
+                                                       " QAbstractItemView::item {  border: 2px solid green; "
+                                                       "                      padding: 1px 1px 2px 2px; margin: 1px; } " );
+void tst_QComboBox::noScrollbar()
+    QStringList initialContent;
+    initialContent << "foo" << "bar" << "foobar" << "moo";
+    QFETCH(QString, stylesheet);
+    QString oldCss = qApp->styleSheet();
+    qApp->setStyleSheet(stylesheet);
+    {
+        QComboBox comboBox;
+        comboBox.addItems(initialContent);
+        comboBox.show();
+        comboBox.resize(200, comboBox.height());
+        QTRY_VERIFY(comboBox.isVisible());
+        comboBox.showPopup();
+        QTRY_VERIFY(comboBox.view());
+        QTRY_VERIFY(comboBox.view()->isVisible());
+        QVERIFY(!comboBox.view()->horizontalScrollBar()->isVisible());
+        QVERIFY(!comboBox.view()->verticalScrollBar()->isVisible());
+    }
+    {
+        QTableWidget *table = new QTableWidget(2,2);
+        QComboBox comboBox;
+        comboBox.setModel(table->model());
+        comboBox.setView(table);
+        comboBox.show();
+        QTRY_VERIFY(comboBox.isVisible());
+        comboBox.resize(200, comboBox.height());
+        comboBox.showPopup();
+        QTRY_VERIFY(comboBox.view());
+        QTRY_VERIFY(comboBox.view()->isVisible());
+        QVERIFY(!comboBox.view()->horizontalScrollBar()->isVisible());
+        QVERIFY(!comboBox.view()->verticalScrollBar()->isVisible());
+    }
+    qApp->setStyleSheet(oldCss);
+void tst_QComboBox::setItemDelegate()
+    QComboBox comboBox;
+    QStyledItemDelegate *itemDelegate = new QStyledItemDelegate;
+    comboBox.setItemDelegate(itemDelegate);
+#ifdef Q_CC_MWERKS
+    QCOMPARE(static_cast<QStyledItemDelegate *>(comboBox.itemDelegate()), itemDelegate);
+    QCOMPARE(comboBox.itemDelegate(), itemDelegate);
+void tst_QComboBox::task253944_itemDelegateIsReset()
+    QComboBox comboBox;
+    QStyledItemDelegate *itemDelegate = new QStyledItemDelegate;
+    comboBox.setItemDelegate(itemDelegate);
+    comboBox.setEditable(true);
+#ifdef Q_CC_MWERKS
+    QCOMPARE(static_cast<QStyledItemDelegate *>(comboBox.itemDelegate()), itemDelegate);
+    QCOMPARE(comboBox.itemDelegate(), itemDelegate);
+    comboBox.setStyleSheet("QComboBox { border: 1px solid gray; }");
+#ifdef Q_CC_MWERKS
+    QCOMPARE(static_cast<QStyledItemDelegate *>(comboBox.itemDelegate()), itemDelegate);
+    QCOMPARE(comboBox.itemDelegate(), itemDelegate);
+void tst_QComboBox::subControlRectsWithOffset_data()
+    QTest::addColumn<bool>("editable");
+    QTest::newRow("editable = true") << true;
+    QTest::newRow("editable = false") << false;
+void tst_QComboBox::subControlRectsWithOffset()
+    // The sub control rect relative position should not depends
+    // on the position of the combobox
+    class FriendlyCombo : public QComboBox {
+    public:
+        void styleOption(QStyleOptionComboBox *optCombo) {
+            initStyleOption(optCombo);
+        }
+    } combo;
+    QStyleOptionComboBox optCombo;
+    combo.styleOption(&optCombo);
+    const QRect rectAtOrigin(0, 0, 80, 30);
+    const QPoint offset(25, 50);
+    const QRect rectWithOffset = rectAtOrigin.translated(offset);
+    QStyle *style = combo.style();
+    QFETCH(bool, editable);
+    optCombo.editable = editable;
+    optCombo.rect = rectAtOrigin;
+    QRect editFieldRect = style->subControlRect(QStyle::CC_ComboBox, &optCombo, QStyle::SC_ComboBoxEditField, 0);
+    QRect arrowRect = style->subControlRect(QStyle::CC_ComboBox, &optCombo, QStyle::SC_ComboBoxArrow, 0);
+    QRect listboxRect = style->subControlRect(QStyle::CC_ComboBox, &optCombo, QStyle::SC_ComboBoxListBoxPopup, 0);
+    optCombo.rect = rectWithOffset;
+    QRect editFieldRectWithOffset = style->subControlRect(QStyle::CC_ComboBox, &optCombo, QStyle::SC_ComboBoxEditField, 0);
+    QRect arrowRectWithOffset = style->subControlRect(QStyle::CC_ComboBox, &optCombo, QStyle::SC_ComboBoxArrow, 0);
+    QRect listboxRectWithOffset = style->subControlRect(QStyle::CC_ComboBox, &optCombo, QStyle::SC_ComboBoxListBoxPopup, 0);
+    QCOMPARE(editFieldRect, editFieldRectWithOffset.translated(-offset));
+    QCOMPARE(arrowRect, arrowRectWithOffset.translated(-offset));
+    QCOMPARE(listboxRect, listboxRectWithOffset.translated(-offset));
+void tst_QComboBox::task260974_menuItemRectangleForComboBoxPopup()
+    QSKIP("test depends on windows style", QTest::SkipAll);
+    class TestStyle: public QWindowsStyle
+    {
+    public:
+        int styleHint(StyleHint hint, const QStyleOption *option, const QWidget *widget, QStyleHintReturn *ret) const
+        {
+            if (hint == SH_ComboBox_Popup) return 1;
+            else return QCommonStyle::styleHint(hint, option, widget, ret);
+        }
+        void drawControl(ControlElement element, const QStyleOption *option, QPainter *, const QWidget *) const
+        {
+            if (element == CE_MenuItem)
+                discoveredRect = option->rect;
+        }
+        mutable QRect discoveredRect;
+    } style;
+    {
+        QComboBox comboBox;
+        comboBox.setStyle(&style);
+        comboBox.addItem("Item 1");
+        comboBox.show();
+        QTRY_VERIFY(comboBox.isVisible());
+        comboBox.showPopup();
+        QTRY_VERIFY(comboBox.view());
+        QTRY_VERIFY(comboBox.view()->isVisible());
+        QTRY_VERIFY(style.discoveredRect.width() <= comboBox.width());
+    }
+void tst_QComboBox::removeItem()
+    QComboBox cb;
+    cb.removeItem(-1);
+    cb.removeItem(1);
+    cb.removeItem(0);
+    QCOMPARE(cb.count(), 0);
+    cb.addItem("foo");
+    cb.removeItem(-1);
+    QCOMPARE(cb.count(), 1);
+    cb.removeItem(1);
+    QCOMPARE(cb.count(), 1);
+    cb.removeItem(0);
+    QCOMPARE(cb.count(), 0);
+#include "tst_qcombobox.moc"