changeset 0 1918ee327afb
child 4 3b1da2848fc7
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tests/auto/qfiledialog/tst_qfiledialog.cpp	Mon Jan 11 14:00:40 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1319 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com)
+** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit.
+** No Commercial Usage
+** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
+** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
+** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
+** this package.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights.  These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at qt-info@nokia.com.
+#include <QtTest/QtTest>
+#include <qcoreapplication.h>
+#include <qdebug.h>
+#include <qfiledialog.h>
+#include <qabstractitemdelegate.h>
+#include <qdirmodel.h>
+#include <qitemdelegate.h>
+#include <qlistview.h>
+#include <qcombobox.h>
+#include <qpushbutton.h>
+#include <qtoolbutton.h>
+#include <qtreeview.h>
+#include <qheaderview.h>
+#include <qcompleter.h>
+#include <qaction.h>
+#include <qdialogbuttonbox.h>
+#include <qsortfilterproxymodel.h>
+#include <qlineedit.h>
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include "../../shared/util.h"
+#include "../../../src/gui/dialogs/qsidebar_p.h"
+#include "../../../src/gui/dialogs/qfilesystemmodel_p.h"
+#include "../../../src/gui/dialogs/qfiledialog_p.h"
+#include "../network-settings.h"
+#if defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN)
+# define STRINGIFY(x) #x
+# define TOSTRING(x) STRINGIFY(x)
+class QNonNativeFileDialog : public QFileDialog
+    QNonNativeFileDialog(QWidget *parent = 0, const QString &caption = QString(), const QString &directory = QString(), const QString &filter = QString())
+        : QFileDialog(parent, caption, directory, filter)
+    {
+        setOption(QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog, true);
+    }
+class tst_QFiledialog : public QObject
+    tst_QFiledialog();
+    virtual ~tst_QFiledialog();
+public slots:
+    void init();
+    void cleanup();
+private slots:
+    void currentChangedSignal();
+    void directoryEnteredSignal();
+    void filesSelectedSignal_data();
+    void filesSelectedSignal();
+    void filterSelectedSignal();
+    void args();
+    void directory();
+    void completer_data();
+    void completer();
+    void completer_up();
+    void acceptMode();
+    void confirmOverwrite();
+    void defaultSuffix();
+    void fileMode();
+    void filters();
+    void history();
+    void iconProvider();
+    void isReadOnly();
+    void itemDelegate();
+    void labelText();
+    void resolveSymlinks();
+    void selectFile_data();
+    void selectFile();
+    void selectFiles();
+    void selectFilter();
+    void viewMode();
+    void proxymodel();
+    void setNameFilter();
+    void focus();
+    void caption();
+    void historyBack();
+    void historyForward();
+    void disableSaveButton_data();
+    void disableSaveButton();
+    void saveButtonText_data();
+    void saveButtonText();
+    void clearLineEdit();
+    void enableChooseButton();
+    void hooks();
+    QByteArray userSettings;
+void tst_QFiledialog::init()
+    // Save the developers settings so they don't get mad when their sidebar folders are gone.
+    QSettings settings(QSettings::UserScope, QLatin1String("Trolltech"));
+    settings.beginGroup(QLatin1String("Qt"));
+    userSettings = settings.value(QLatin1String("filedialog")).toByteArray();
+    settings.remove(QLatin1String("filedialog"));
+    // populate it with some default settings
+    QNonNativeFileDialog fd;
+#if defined(Q_OS_WINCE)
+    QTest::qWait(1000);
+void tst_QFiledialog::cleanup()
+    QSettings settings(QSettings::UserScope, QLatin1String("Trolltech"));
+    settings.beginGroup(QLatin1String("Qt"));
+    settings.setValue(QLatin1String("filedialog"), userSettings);
+class MyAbstractItemDelegate : public QAbstractItemDelegate
+    MyAbstractItemDelegate() : QAbstractItemDelegate() {};
+    void paint(QPainter *, const QStyleOptionViewItem &, const QModelIndex &) const {}
+    QSize sizeHint(const QStyleOptionViewItem &, const QModelIndex &) const { return QSize(); }
+// emited any time the selection model emits current changed
+void tst_QFiledialog::currentChangedSignal()
+    QNonNativeFileDialog fd;
+    fd.setViewMode(QFileDialog::List);
+    QSignalSpy spyCurrentChanged(&fd, SIGNAL(currentChanged(const QString &)));
+    QListView* listView = qFindChild<QListView*>(&fd, "listView");
+    QVERIFY(listView);
+    fd.setDirectory(QDir::root());
+    QModelIndex root = listView->rootIndex();
+    QTRY_COMPARE(listView->model()->rowCount(root) > 0, true);
+    QModelIndex folder;
+    for (int i = 0; i < listView->model()->rowCount(root); ++i) {
+        folder = listView->model()->index(i, 0, root);
+        if (listView->model()->hasChildren(folder))
+            break;
+    }
+    QVERIFY(listView->model()->hasChildren(folder));
+    listView->setCurrentIndex(folder);
+    QCOMPARE(spyCurrentChanged.count(), 1);
+// only emited from the views, sidebar, or lookin combo
+void tst_QFiledialog::directoryEnteredSignal()
+#if defined QT_BUILD_INTERNAL
+    QNonNativeFileDialog fd(0, "", QDir::root().path());
+    fd.setOptions(QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog);
+    fd.show();
+    QTRY_COMPARE(fd.isVisible(), true);
+    QSignalSpy spyDirectoryEntered(&fd, SIGNAL(directoryEntered(const QString &)));
+    // sidebar
+    QSidebar *sidebar = qFindChild<QSidebar*>(&fd, "sidebar");
+    sidebar->setCurrentIndex(sidebar->model()->index(1, 0));
+    QTest::keyPress(sidebar->viewport(), Qt::Key_Return);
+    QCOMPARE(spyDirectoryEntered.count(), 1);
+    spyDirectoryEntered.clear();
+    // lookInCombo
+    QComboBox *comboBox = qFindChild<QComboBox*>(&fd, "lookInCombo");
+    comboBox->showPopup();
+    QVERIFY(comboBox->view()->model()->index(1, 0).isValid());
+    comboBox->view()->setCurrentIndex(comboBox->view()->model()->index(1, 0));
+    QTest::keyPress(comboBox->view()->viewport(), Qt::Key_Return);
+    QCOMPARE(spyDirectoryEntered.count(), 1);
+    spyDirectoryEntered.clear();
+    // view
+    /*
+    // platform specific
+    fd.setViewMode(QFileDialog::ViewMode(QFileDialog::List));
+    QListView* listView = qFindChild<QListView*>(&fd, "listView");
+    QVERIFY(listView);
+    QModelIndex root = listView->rootIndex();
+    QTRY_COMPARE(listView->model()->rowCount(root) > 0, true);
+    QModelIndex folder;
+    for (int i = 0; i < listView->model()->rowCount(root); ++i) {
+        folder = listView->model()->index(i, 0, root);
+        if (listView->model()->hasChildren(folder))
+            break;
+    }
+    QVERIFY(listView->model()->hasChildren(folder));
+    listView->setCurrentIndex(folder);
+    QTRY_COMPARE((listView->indexAt(listView->visualRect(folder).center())), folder);
+    QTest::mouseDClick(listView->viewport(), Qt::LeftButton, 0, listView->visualRect(folder).center());
+    QTRY_COMPARE(spyDirectoryEntered.count(), 1);
+    */
+void tst_QFiledialog::filesSelectedSignal_data()
+    QTest::addColumn<QFileDialog::FileMode>("fileMode");
+    QTest::newRow("any") << QFileDialog::AnyFile;
+    QTest::newRow("existing") << QFileDialog::ExistingFile;
+    QTest::newRow("directory") << QFileDialog::Directory;
+    QTest::newRow("directoryOnly") << QFileDialog::DirectoryOnly;
+    QTest::newRow("existingFiles") << QFileDialog::ExistingFiles;
+// emited when the dialog closes with the selected files
+void tst_QFiledialog::filesSelectedSignal()
+    QNonNativeFileDialog fd;
+    fd.setViewMode(QFileDialog::List);
+    fd.setOptions(QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog);
+    QDir testDir(SRCDIR"/../../..");
+    fd.setDirectory(testDir);
+    QFETCH(QFileDialog::FileMode, fileMode);
+    fd.setFileMode(fileMode);
+    QSignalSpy spyFilesSelected(&fd, SIGNAL(filesSelected(const QStringList &)));
+    fd.show();
+    QTest::qWait(500);
+    QListView *listView = qFindChild<QListView*>(&fd, "listView");
+    QVERIFY(listView);
+    QModelIndex root = listView->rootIndex();
+    QTRY_COMPARE(listView->model()->rowCount(root) > 0, true);
+    QModelIndex file;
+    for (int i = 0; i < listView->model()->rowCount(root); ++i) {
+        file = listView->model()->index(i, 0, root);
+        if (fileMode == QFileDialog::Directory || fileMode == QFileDialog::DirectoryOnly) {
+            if (listView->model()->hasChildren(file))
+                break;
+        } else {
+            if (!listView->model()->hasChildren(file))
+                break;
+        }
+        file = QModelIndex();
+    }
+    QVERIFY(file.isValid());
+    listView->selectionModel()->select(file, QItemSelectionModel::Select | QItemSelectionModel::Rows);
+    listView->setCurrentIndex(file);
+    QDialogButtonBox *buttonBox = qFindChild<QDialogButtonBox*>(&fd, "buttonBox");
+    QPushButton *button = buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Open);
+    QVERIFY(button);
+    QVERIFY(button->isEnabled());
+    button->animateClick();
+    QTRY_COMPARE(fd.isVisible(), false);
+    QCOMPARE(spyFilesSelected.count(), 1);
+// only emited when the combo box is activated
+void tst_QFiledialog::filterSelectedSignal()
+    QNonNativeFileDialog fd;
+    fd.setAcceptMode(QFileDialog::AcceptSave);
+    fd.show();
+    QSignalSpy spyFilterSelected(&fd, SIGNAL(filterSelected(const QString &)));
+    QStringList filterChoices;
+    filterChoices << "Image files (*.png *.xpm *.jpg)"
+                  << "Text files (*.txt)"
+                  << "Any files (*.*)";
+    fd.setFilters(filterChoices);
+    QCOMPARE(fd.filters(), filterChoices);
+    QComboBox *filters = qFindChild<QComboBox*>(&fd, "fileTypeCombo");
+    QVERIFY(filters);
+    QVERIFY(filters->view());
+    QCOMPARE(filters->isVisible(), true);
+    QTest::keyPress(filters, Qt::Key_Down);
+    QCOMPARE(spyFilterSelected.count(), 1);
+void tst_QFiledialog::args()
+    QWidget *parent = 0;
+    QString caption = "caption";
+    QString directory = QDir::tempPath();
+    QString filter = "*.mp3";
+    QNonNativeFileDialog fd(parent, caption, directory, filter);
+    QCOMPARE(fd.parent(), (QObject *)parent);
+    QCOMPARE(fd.windowTitle(), caption);
+#ifndef Q_OS_WIN
+    QCOMPARE(fd.directory(), QDir(directory));
+    QCOMPARE(fd.filters(), QStringList(filter));
+void tst_QFiledialog::directory()
+    QNonNativeFileDialog fd;
+    fd.setViewMode(QFileDialog::List);
+    QFileSystemModel *model = qFindChild<QFileSystemModel*>(&fd, "qt_filesystem_model");
+    QVERIFY(model);
+    fd.setDirectory(QDir::currentPath());
+    QSignalSpy spyCurrentChanged(&fd, SIGNAL(currentChanged(const QString &)));
+    QSignalSpy spyDirectoryEntered(&fd, SIGNAL(directoryEntered(const QString &)));
+    QSignalSpy spyFilesSelected(&fd, SIGNAL(filesSelected(const QStringList &)));
+    QSignalSpy spyFilterSelected(&fd, SIGNAL(filterSelected(const QString &)));
+    QCOMPARE(QDir::current().absolutePath(), fd.directory().absolutePath());
+    QDir temp = QDir::temp();
+    QString tempPath = temp.absolutePath();
+#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
+    // since the user can have lowercase temp dir, check that we are actually case-insensitive.
+    tempPath = tempPath.toLower();
+    fd.setDirectory(tempPath);
+#ifndef Q_OS_WIN
+    QCOMPARE(tempPath, fd.directory().absolutePath());
+    QCOMPARE(spyCurrentChanged.count(), 0);
+    QCOMPARE(spyDirectoryEntered.count(), 0);
+    QCOMPARE(spyFilesSelected.count(), 0);
+    QCOMPARE(spyFilterSelected.count(), 0);
+    // Check my way
+    QList<QListView*> list = qFindChildren<QListView*>(&fd, "listView");
+    QVERIFY(list.count() > 0);
+#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
+    QCOMPARE(list.at(0)->rootIndex().data().toString().toLower(), temp.dirName().toLower());
+    QCOMPARE(list.at(0)->rootIndex().data().toString(), temp.dirName());
+    QNonNativeFileDialog *dlg = new QNonNativeFileDialog(0, "", tempPath);
+    QCOMPARE(model->index(tempPath), model->index(dlg->directory().absolutePath()));
+    QCOMPARE(model->index(tempPath).data(QFileSystemModel::FileNameRole).toString(),
+             model->index(dlg->directory().absolutePath()).data(QFileSystemModel::FileNameRole).toString());
+    delete dlg;
+    dlg = new QNonNativeFileDialog();
+    QCOMPARE(model->index(tempPath), model->index(dlg->directory().absolutePath()));
+    delete dlg;
+void tst_QFiledialog::completer_data()
+    QTest::addColumn<QString>("startPath");
+    QTest::addColumn<QString>("input");
+    QTest::addColumn<int>("expected");
+    QTest::newRow("r, 10")   << "" << "r"   << 10;
+    QTest::newRow("x, 0")    << "" << "x"   << 0;
+    QTest::newRow("../, -1") << "" << "../" << -1;
+    QTest::newRow("goto root")     << QString()        << QDir::rootPath() << -1;
+    QTest::newRow("start at root") << QDir::rootPath() << QString()        << -1;
+    QDir root = QDir::root();
+    QStringList list = root.entryList();
+    QString folder;
+    for (int i = 0; i < list.count(); ++i) {
+        if (list.at(0) == QChar('.'))
+            continue;
+        QFileInfo info(QDir::rootPath() + list[i]);
+        if (info.isDir()) {
+            folder = QDir::rootPath() + list[i];
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    QTest::newRow("start at one below root r") << folder << "r" << -1;
+    QTest::newRow("start at one below root ../") << folder << "../" << -1;
+void tst_QFiledialog::completer()
+    QFETCH(QString, input);
+    QFETCH(QString, startPath);
+    QFETCH(int, expected);
+    QString tempPath = QDir::tempPath() + '/' + "QFileDialogTestDir";
+    if (startPath.isEmpty())
+        startPath = tempPath;
+    startPath = QDir::cleanPath(startPath);
+    // make temp dir and files
+    {
+        QDir cleanup(tempPath);
+        QStringList x = cleanup.entryList();
+        for (int i = 0; i < x.count(); ++i)
+            QFile::remove(tempPath + '/' + x[i]);
+        cleanup.rmdir(tempPath);
+    }
+    QDir tmp(QDir::tempPath());
+    if (!tmp.exists(tempPath))
+        QVERIFY(tmp.mkdir("QFileDialogTestDir"));
+    QList<QTemporaryFile*> files;
+    QT_TRY {
+    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
+        QScopedPointer<QTemporaryFile> file(new QTemporaryFile(tempPath + "/rXXXXXX"));
+        file->open();
+        files.append(file.take());
+    }
+    // ### flesh this out more
+    QNonNativeFileDialog fd(0,QString("Test it"),startPath);
+    fd.setOptions(QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog);
+    fd.show();
+    QVERIFY(fd.isVisible());
+    QFileSystemModel *model = qFindChild<QFileSystemModel*>(&fd, "qt_filesystem_model");
+    QVERIFY(model);
+    QLineEdit *lineEdit = qFindChild<QLineEdit*>(&fd, "fileNameEdit");
+    QVERIFY(lineEdit);
+    QCompleter *completer = lineEdit->completer();
+    QVERIFY(completer);
+    QAbstractItemModel *cModel = completer->completionModel();
+    QVERIFY(cModel);
+    //wait a bit
+    QTest::qWait(500);
+    // path C:\depot\qt\examples\dialogs\standarddialogs
+    // files
+    //       [debug] [release] [tmp] dialog dialog main makefile makefile.debug makefile.release standarddialgos
+    //
+    // d      -> D:\ debug dialog.cpp dialog.h
+    // ..\    -> ..\classwizard ..\configdialog ..\dialogs.pro
+    // c      -> C:\ control panel
+    // c:     -> C:\ (nothing more)
+    // C:\    -> C:\, C:\_viminfo, ...
+    // \      -> \_viminfo
+    // c:\depot  -> 'nothing'
+    // c:\depot\ -> C:\depot\devtools, C:\depot\dteske
+    QCOMPARE(model->index(fd.directory().path()), model->index(startPath));
+    if (input.isEmpty()) {
+        QModelIndex r = model->index(model->rootPath());
+        QVERIFY(model->rowCount(r) > 0);
+        QModelIndex idx = model->index(0, 0, r);
+        input = idx.data().toString().at(0);
+    }
+    // press 'keys' for the input
+    for (int i = 0; i < input.count(); ++i)
+        QTest::keyPress(lineEdit, input[i].toAscii());
+    QStringList expectedFiles;
+    if (expected == -1) {
+        QString fullPath = startPath.isEmpty() ? tempPath : startPath;
+        if (!fullPath.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/')))
+            fullPath.append(QLatin1Char('/'));
+        fullPath.append(input);
+        bool inputStartsWithRootPath = false;
+        if (input.startsWith(QDir::rootPath())) {
+            fullPath = input;
+            input.clear();
+            inputStartsWithRootPath = true;
+        }
+        QFileInfo fi(fullPath);
+        QDir x(fi.absolutePath());
+        expectedFiles = x.entryList(model->filter());
+        expected = 0;
+        if (input.startsWith(".."))
+            input.clear();
+        for (int ii = 0; ii < expectedFiles.count(); ++ii) {
+#if defined(Q_OS_WIN) || defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN)
+            if (expectedFiles.at(ii).startsWith(input,Qt::CaseInsensitive))
+            if (expectedFiles.at(ii).startsWith(input))
+                ++expected;
+        }
+#if !defined(Q_OS_WIN)
+        if (inputStartsWithRootPath)
+            expected++;
+    }
+    QTest::qWait(1000);
+    if (cModel->rowCount() != expected) {
+        for (int i = 0; i < cModel->rowCount(); ++i) {
+            QString file = cModel->index(i, 0).data().toString();
+            expectedFiles.removeAll(file);
+        }
+        //qDebug() << expectedFiles;
+    }
+    // ### FIXME: This will fail on Symbian on some tests and some environments until the file engine and QFileSystemModel
+    // are fixed to properly capitalize paths, so that some folders are not duplicated in QFileSystemModel.
+    QTRY_COMPARE(cModel->rowCount(), expected);
+    } QT_CATCH(...) {
+        qDeleteAll(files);
+        QT_RETHROW;
+    }
+    qDeleteAll(files);
+void tst_QFiledialog::completer_up()
+    QNonNativeFileDialog fd;
+    fd.setOptions(QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog);
+    QSignalSpy spyCurrentChanged(&fd, SIGNAL(currentChanged(const QString &)));
+    QSignalSpy spyDirectoryEntered(&fd, SIGNAL(directoryEntered(const QString &)));
+    QSignalSpy spyFilesSelected(&fd, SIGNAL(filesSelected(const QStringList &)));
+    QSignalSpy spyFilterSelected(&fd, SIGNAL(filterSelected(const QString &)));
+    fd.show();
+    QLineEdit *lineEdit = qFindChild<QLineEdit*>(&fd, "fileNameEdit");
+    QVERIFY(lineEdit);
+    QCOMPARE(spyFilesSelected.count(), 0);
+    int depth = QDir::currentPath().split('/').count();
+    for (int i = 0; i <= depth * 3 + 1; ++i) {
+        lineEdit->insert("../");
+        qApp->processEvents();
+    }
+    QCOMPARE(spyCurrentChanged.count(), 0);
+    QCOMPARE(spyDirectoryEntered.count(), 0);
+    QCOMPARE(spyFilesSelected.count(), 0);
+    QCOMPARE(spyFilterSelected.count(), 0);
+void tst_QFiledialog::acceptMode()
+    QNonNativeFileDialog fd;
+    fd.show();
+    QToolButton* newButton = qFindChild<QToolButton*>(&fd, "newFolderButton");
+    QVERIFY(newButton);
+    // default
+    QCOMPARE(fd.acceptMode(), QFileDialog::AcceptOpen);
+    QCOMPARE(newButton && newButton->isVisible(), true);
+    //fd.setDetailsExpanded(true);
+    fd.setAcceptMode(QFileDialog::AcceptSave);
+    QCOMPARE(fd.acceptMode(), QFileDialog::AcceptSave);
+    QCOMPARE(newButton->isVisible(), true);
+    fd.setAcceptMode(QFileDialog::AcceptOpen);
+    QCOMPARE(fd.acceptMode(), QFileDialog::AcceptOpen);
+    QCOMPARE(newButton->isVisible(), true);
+void tst_QFiledialog::confirmOverwrite()
+    QNonNativeFileDialog fd;
+    QCOMPARE(fd.confirmOverwrite(), true);
+    fd.setConfirmOverwrite(true);
+    QCOMPARE(fd.confirmOverwrite(), true);
+    fd.setConfirmOverwrite(false);
+    QCOMPARE(fd.confirmOverwrite(), false);
+    fd.setConfirmOverwrite(true);
+    QCOMPARE(fd.confirmOverwrite(), true);
+void tst_QFiledialog::defaultSuffix()
+    QNonNativeFileDialog fd;
+    QCOMPARE(fd.defaultSuffix(), QString());
+    fd.setDefaultSuffix("txt");
+    QCOMPARE(fd.defaultSuffix(), QString("txt"));
+    fd.setDefaultSuffix(QString());
+    QCOMPARE(fd.defaultSuffix(), QString());
+void tst_QFiledialog::fileMode()
+    QNonNativeFileDialog fd;
+    QCOMPARE(fd.fileMode(), QFileDialog::AnyFile);
+    fd.setFileMode(QFileDialog::ExistingFile);
+    QCOMPARE(fd.fileMode(), QFileDialog::ExistingFile);
+    fd.setFileMode(QFileDialog::Directory);
+    QCOMPARE(fd.fileMode(), QFileDialog::Directory);
+    fd.setFileMode(QFileDialog::DirectoryOnly);
+    QCOMPARE(fd.fileMode(), QFileDialog::DirectoryOnly);
+    fd.setFileMode(QFileDialog::ExistingFiles);
+    QCOMPARE(fd.fileMode(), QFileDialog::ExistingFiles);
+void tst_QFiledialog::caption()
+    QNonNativeFileDialog fd;
+    fd.setWindowTitle("testing");
+    fd.setFileMode(QFileDialog::Directory);
+    QCOMPARE(fd.windowTitle(), QString("testing"));
+void tst_QFiledialog::filters()
+    QNonNativeFileDialog fd;
+    fd.setOptions(QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog);
+    QSignalSpy spyCurrentChanged(&fd, SIGNAL(currentChanged(const QString &)));
+    QSignalSpy spyDirectoryEntered(&fd, SIGNAL(directoryEntered(const QString &)));
+    QSignalSpy spyFilesSelected(&fd, SIGNAL(filesSelected(const QStringList &)));
+    QSignalSpy spyFilterSelected(&fd, SIGNAL(filterSelected(const QString &)));
+    QCOMPARE(fd.filters(), QStringList("All Files (*)"));
+    // effects
+    QList<QComboBox*> views = qFindChildren<QComboBox*>(&fd, "fileTypeCombo");
+    QVERIFY(views.count() == 1);
+    QCOMPARE(views.at(0)->isVisible(), false);
+    QStringList filters;
+    filters << "Image files (*.png *.xpm *.jpg)"
+         << "Text files (*.txt)"
+         << "Any files (*.*)";
+    fd.setFilters(filters);
+    QCOMPARE(views.at(0)->isVisible(), false);
+    fd.show();
+    fd.setAcceptMode(QFileDialog::AcceptSave);
+    QCOMPARE(views.at(0)->isVisible(), true);
+    QCOMPARE(fd.filters(), filters);
+    fd.setFilter("Image files (*.png *.xpm *.jpg);;Text files (*.txt);;Any files (*.*)");
+    QCOMPARE(fd.filters(), filters);
+    QCOMPARE(spyCurrentChanged.count(), 0);
+    QCOMPARE(spyDirectoryEntered.count(), 0);
+    QCOMPARE(spyFilesSelected.count(), 0);
+    QCOMPARE(spyFilterSelected.count(), 0);
+    // setting shouldn't emit any signals
+    for (int i = views.at(0)->currentIndex(); i < views.at(0)->count(); ++i)
+        views.at(0)->setCurrentIndex(i);
+    QCOMPARE(spyFilterSelected.count(), 0);
+    //Let check if filters with whitespaces
+    QNonNativeFileDialog fd2;
+    QStringList expected;
+    expected << "C++ Source Files(*.cpp)";
+    expected << "Any(*.*)";
+    fd2.setFilter("C++ Source Files(*.cpp);;Any(*.*)");
+    QCOMPARE(expected, fd2.filters());
+    fd2.setFilter("C++ Source Files(*.cpp) ;;Any(*.*)");
+    QCOMPARE(expected, fd2.filters());
+    fd2.setFilter("C++ Source Files(*.cpp);; Any(*.*)");
+    QCOMPARE(expected, fd2.filters());
+    fd2.setFilter(" C++ Source Files(*.cpp);; Any(*.*)");
+    QCOMPARE(expected, fd2.filters());
+    fd2.setFilter("C++ Source Files(*.cpp) ;; Any(*.*)");
+    QCOMPARE(expected, fd2.filters());
+void tst_QFiledialog::selectFilter()
+    QNonNativeFileDialog fd;
+    QSignalSpy spyFilterSelected(&fd, SIGNAL(filterSelected(const QString &)));
+    QCOMPARE(fd.selectedFilter(), QString("All Files (*)"));
+    QStringList filters;
+    filters << "Image files (*.png *.xpm *.jpg)"
+         << "Text files (*.txt)"
+         << "Any files (*.*)";
+    fd.setFilters(filters);
+    QCOMPARE(fd.selectedFilter(), filters.at(0));
+    fd.selectFilter(filters.at(1));
+    QCOMPARE(fd.selectedFilter(), filters.at(1));
+    fd.selectFilter(filters.at(2));
+    QCOMPARE(fd.selectedFilter(), filters.at(2));
+    fd.selectFilter("bob");
+    QCOMPARE(fd.selectedFilter(), filters.at(2));
+    fd.selectFilter("");
+    QCOMPARE(fd.selectedFilter(), filters.at(2));
+    QCOMPARE(spyFilterSelected.count(), 0);
+void tst_QFiledialog::history()
+    QNonNativeFileDialog fd;
+    fd.setViewMode(QFileDialog::List);
+    QFileSystemModel *model = qFindChild<QFileSystemModel*>(&fd, "qt_filesystem_model");
+    QVERIFY(model);
+    QSignalSpy spyCurrentChanged(&fd, SIGNAL(currentChanged(const QString &)));
+    QSignalSpy spyDirectoryEntered(&fd, SIGNAL(directoryEntered(const QString &)));
+    QSignalSpy spyFilesSelected(&fd, SIGNAL(filesSelected(const QStringList &)));
+    QSignalSpy spyFilterSelected(&fd, SIGNAL(filterSelected(const QString &)));
+    QCOMPARE(model->index(fd.history().first()), model->index(QDir::toNativeSeparators(fd.directory().absolutePath())));
+    fd.setDirectory(QDir::current().absolutePath());
+    QStringList history;
+    history << QDir::toNativeSeparators(QDir::current().absolutePath())
+            << QDir::toNativeSeparators(QDir::home().absolutePath())
+            << QDir::toNativeSeparators(QDir::temp().absolutePath());
+    fd.setHistory(history);
+    if (fd.history() != history) {
+        qDebug() << fd.history() << history;
+        // quick and dirty output for windows failure.
+        QListView* list = qFindChild<QListView*>(&fd, "listView");
+        QVERIFY(list);
+        QModelIndex root = list->rootIndex();
+        while (root.isValid()) {
+            qDebug() << root.data();
+            root = root.parent();
+        }
+    }
+    QCOMPARE(fd.history(), history);
+    QStringList badHistory;
+    badHistory << "junk";
+    fd.setHistory(badHistory);
+    badHistory << QDir::toNativeSeparators(QDir::current().absolutePath());
+    QCOMPARE(fd.history(), badHistory);
+    QCOMPARE(spyCurrentChanged.count(), 0);
+    QCOMPARE(spyDirectoryEntered.count(), 0);
+    QCOMPARE(spyFilesSelected.count(), 0);
+    QCOMPARE(spyFilterSelected.count(), 0);
+void tst_QFiledialog::iconProvider()
+    QNonNativeFileDialog *fd = new QNonNativeFileDialog();
+    QVERIFY(fd->iconProvider() != 0);
+    QFileIconProvider *ip = new QFileIconProvider();
+    fd->setIconProvider(ip);
+    QCOMPARE(fd->iconProvider(), ip);
+    delete fd;
+    delete ip;
+void tst_QFiledialog::isReadOnly()
+    QNonNativeFileDialog fd;
+    QPushButton* newButton = qFindChild<QPushButton*>(&fd, "newFolderButton");
+    QAction* renameAction = qFindChild<QAction*>(&fd, "qt_rename_action");
+    QAction* deleteAction = qFindChild<QAction*>(&fd, "qt_delete_action");
+    QCOMPARE(fd.isReadOnly(), false);
+    // This is dependent upon the file/dir, find cross platform way to test
+    //fd.setDirectory(QDir::home());
+    //QCOMPARE(newButton && newButton->isEnabled(), true);
+    //QCOMPARE(renameAction && renameAction->isEnabled(), true);
+    //QCOMPARE(deleteAction && deleteAction->isEnabled(), true);
+    fd.setReadOnly(true);
+    QCOMPARE(fd.isReadOnly(), true);
+    QCOMPARE(newButton && newButton->isEnabled(), false);
+    QCOMPARE(renameAction && renameAction->isEnabled(), false);
+    QCOMPARE(deleteAction && deleteAction->isEnabled(), false);
+void tst_QFiledialog::itemDelegate()
+    QNonNativeFileDialog fd;
+    QVERIFY(fd.itemDelegate() != 0);
+    QItemDelegate *id = new QItemDelegate(&fd);
+    fd.setItemDelegate(id);
+    QCOMPARE(fd.itemDelegate(), (QAbstractItemDelegate *)id);
+void tst_QFiledialog::labelText()
+    QNonNativeFileDialog fd;
+    QDialogButtonBox buttonBox;
+    QPushButton *cancelButton = buttonBox.addButton(QDialogButtonBox::Cancel);
+    QCOMPARE(fd.labelText(QFileDialog::LookIn), QString("Look in:"));
+    QCOMPARE(fd.labelText(QFileDialog::FileName), QString("File &name:"));
+    QCOMPARE(fd.labelText(QFileDialog::FileType), QString("Files of type:"));
+    QCOMPARE(fd.labelText(QFileDialog::Accept), QString("&Open")); ///### see task 241462
+    QCOMPARE(fd.labelText(QFileDialog::Reject), cancelButton->text());
+    fd.setLabelText(QFileDialog::LookIn, "1");
+    QCOMPARE(fd.labelText(QFileDialog::LookIn), QString("1"));
+    fd.setLabelText(QFileDialog::FileName, "2");
+    QCOMPARE(fd.labelText(QFileDialog::FileName), QString("2"));
+    fd.setLabelText(QFileDialog::FileType, "3");
+    QCOMPARE(fd.labelText(QFileDialog::FileType), QString("3"));
+    fd.setLabelText(QFileDialog::Accept, "4");
+    QCOMPARE(fd.labelText(QFileDialog::Accept), QString("4"));
+    fd.setLabelText(QFileDialog::Reject, "5");
+    QCOMPARE(fd.labelText(QFileDialog::Reject), QString("5"));
+void tst_QFiledialog::resolveSymlinks()
+    QNonNativeFileDialog fd;
+    // default
+    QCOMPARE(fd.resolveSymlinks(), true);
+    fd.setResolveSymlinks(false);
+    QCOMPARE(fd.resolveSymlinks(), false);
+    fd.setResolveSymlinks(true);
+    QCOMPARE(fd.resolveSymlinks(), true);
+    // the file dialog doesn't do anything based upon this, just passes it to the model
+    // the model should fully test it, don't test it here
+void tst_QFiledialog::selectFile_data()
+    QTest::addColumn<QString>("file");
+    QTest::addColumn<int>("count");
+    QTest::newRow("null") << QString() << 1;
+    QTest::newRow("file") << "foo" << 1;
+    QTest::newRow("tmp") << "temp" << 1;
+void tst_QFiledialog::selectFile()
+    QFETCH(QString, file);
+    QFETCH(int, count);
+    QNonNativeFileDialog fd;
+    QFileSystemModel *model = qFindChild<QFileSystemModel*>(&fd, "qt_filesystem_model");
+    QVERIFY(model);
+    fd.setDirectory(QDir::currentPath());
+    // default value
+    QCOMPARE(fd.selectedFiles().count(), 1);
+    QTemporaryFile tempFile(QDir::tempPath() + "/aXXXXXX");
+    bool inTemp = (file == "temp");
+    if (inTemp) {
+        tempFile.open();
+        file = tempFile.fileName();
+    }
+    fd.selectFile(file);
+    QCOMPARE(fd.selectedFiles().count(), count);
+    if (inTemp) {
+        QCOMPARE(model->index(fd.directory().path()), model->index(QDir::tempPath()));
+    } else {
+        QCOMPARE(model->index(fd.directory().path()), model->index(QDir::currentPath()));
+    }
+void tst_QFiledialog::selectFiles()
+    QNonNativeFileDialog fd;
+    fd.setViewMode(QFileDialog::List);
+    QString tempPath = QDir::tempPath() + '/' + "QFileDialogTestDir4SelectFiles";
+    QDir dir;
+    QVERIFY(dir.mkpath(tempPath));
+    fd.setDirectory(tempPath);
+    QSignalSpy spyCurrentChanged(&fd, SIGNAL(currentChanged(const QString &)));
+    QSignalSpy spyDirectoryEntered(&fd, SIGNAL(directoryEntered(const QString &)));
+    QSignalSpy spyFilesSelected(&fd, SIGNAL(filesSelected(const QStringList &)));
+    QSignalSpy spyFilterSelected(&fd, SIGNAL(filterSelected(const QString &)));
+    fd.show();
+    fd.setFileMode(QFileDialog::ExistingFiles);
+    QString filesPath = fd.directory().absolutePath();
+    for (int i=0; i < 5; ++i) {
+        QFile file(filesPath + QString::fromLatin1("/qfiledialog_auto_test_not_pres_%1").arg(i));
+        file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly);
+        file.resize(1024);
+        file.flush();
+        file.close();
+    }
+    // Get a list of files in the view and then get the corresponding index's
+    QStringList list = fd.directory().entryList(QDir::Files);
+    QModelIndexList toSelect;
+    QVERIFY(list.count() > 1);
+    QListView* listView = qFindChild<QListView*>(&fd, "listView");
+    QVERIFY(listView);
+    for (int i = 0; i < list.count(); ++i) {
+        fd.selectFile(fd.directory().path() + "/" + list.at(i));
+#if defined(QT_MAC_USE_COCOA) || defined(Q_WS_WIN) || defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN)
+    QEXPECT_FAIL("", "This test does not work on Mac, Windows, or Symbian", Abort);
+        QTRY_VERIFY(!listView->selectionModel()->selectedRows().isEmpty());
+        toSelect.append(listView->selectionModel()->selectedRows().last());
+    }
+    QCOMPARE(spyFilesSelected.count(), 0);
+    listView->selectionModel()->clear();
+    QCOMPARE(spyFilesSelected.count(), 0);
+    // select the indexes
+    for (int i = 0; i < toSelect.count(); ++i) {
+        listView->selectionModel()->select(toSelect.at(i),
+                QItemSelectionModel::Select | QItemSelectionModel::Rows);
+    }
+    QCOMPARE(fd.selectedFiles().count(), toSelect.count());
+    QCOMPARE(spyCurrentChanged.count(), 0);
+    QCOMPARE(spyDirectoryEntered.count(), 0);
+    QCOMPARE(spyFilesSelected.count(), 0);
+    QCOMPARE(spyFilterSelected.count(), 0);
+    for (int i=0; i < 5; ++i)
+        QFile::remove(filesPath + QString::fromLatin1("/qfiledialog_auto_test_not_pres_%1").arg(i));
+    //If the selection is invalid then we fill the line edit but without the /
+    QNonNativeFileDialog * dialog = new QNonNativeFileDialog( 0, "Save" );
+    dialog->setFileMode( QFileDialog::AnyFile );
+    dialog->setAcceptMode( QFileDialog::AcceptSave );
+    QString temporary = QDir::tempPath() + QLatin1String("/blah");
+    dialog->selectFile(temporary);
+    dialog->show();
+    QTest::qWait(500);
+    QLineEdit *lineEdit = qFindChild<QLineEdit*>(dialog, "fileNameEdit");
+    QVERIFY(lineEdit);
+    QCOMPARE(lineEdit->text(),QLatin1String("blah"));
+void tst_QFiledialog::viewMode()
+    QNonNativeFileDialog fd;
+    fd.setViewMode(QFileDialog::List);
+    fd.show();
+    // find widgets
+    QList<QTreeView*> treeView = qFindChildren<QTreeView*>(&fd, "treeView");
+    QCOMPARE(treeView.count(), 1);
+    QList<QListView*> listView = qFindChildren<QListView*>(&fd, "listView");
+    QCOMPARE(listView.count(), 1);
+    QList<QToolButton*> listButton = qFindChildren<QToolButton*>(&fd, "listModeButton");
+    QCOMPARE(listButton.count(), 1);
+    QList<QToolButton*> treeButton = qFindChildren<QToolButton*>(&fd, "detailModeButton");
+    QCOMPARE(treeButton.count(), 1);
+    // default value
+    QCOMPARE(fd.viewMode(), QFileDialog::List);
+    // detail
+    fd.setViewMode(QFileDialog::ViewMode(QFileDialog::Detail));
+    QCOMPARE(QFileDialog::ViewMode(QFileDialog::Detail), fd.viewMode());
+    QCOMPARE(listView.at(0)->isVisible(), false);
+    QCOMPARE(listButton.at(0)->isDown(), false);
+    QCOMPARE(treeView.at(0)->isVisible(), true);
+    QCOMPARE(treeButton.at(0)->isDown(), true);
+    // list
+    fd.setViewMode(QFileDialog::ViewMode(QFileDialog::List));
+    QCOMPARE(QFileDialog::ViewMode(QFileDialog::List), fd.viewMode());
+    QCOMPARE(treeView.at(0)->isVisible(), false);
+    QCOMPARE(treeButton.at(0)->isDown(), false);
+    QCOMPARE(listView.at(0)->isVisible(), true);
+    QCOMPARE(listButton.at(0)->isDown(), true);
+void tst_QFiledialog::proxymodel()
+    QNonNativeFileDialog fd;
+    QCOMPARE(fd.proxyModel(), (QAbstractProxyModel*)0);
+    fd.setProxyModel(0);
+    QCOMPARE(fd.proxyModel(), (QAbstractProxyModel*)0);
+    QSortFilterProxyModel *proxyModel = new QSortFilterProxyModel(&fd);
+    fd.setProxyModel(proxyModel);
+    QCOMPARE(fd.proxyModel(), (QAbstractProxyModel *)proxyModel);
+    fd.setProxyModel(0);
+    QCOMPARE(fd.proxyModel(), (QAbstractProxyModel*)0);
+void tst_QFiledialog::setNameFilter()
+    QNonNativeFileDialog fd;
+    fd.setFilter(QString());
+    fd.setFilters(QStringList());
+void tst_QFiledialog::focus()
+    QNonNativeFileDialog fd;
+    fd.setDirectory(QDir::currentPath());
+    fd.show();
+    QApplication::setActiveWindow(&fd);
+    QTest::qWaitForWindowShown(&fd);
+    QTRY_COMPARE(fd.isVisible(), true);
+    QTRY_COMPARE(QApplication::activeWindow(), static_cast<QWidget*>(&fd));
+    qApp->processEvents();
+    // make sure the tests work with focus follows mouse
+    QCursor::setPos(fd.geometry().center());
+    QApplication::syncX();
+    QList<QWidget*> treeView = qFindChildren<QWidget*>(&fd, "fileNameEdit");
+    QCOMPARE(treeView.count(), 1);
+    QVERIFY(treeView.at(0));
+    QTRY_COMPARE(treeView.at(0)->hasFocus(), true);
+    QCOMPARE(treeView.at(0)->hasFocus(), true);
+void tst_QFiledialog::historyBack()
+    QNonNativeFileDialog fd;
+    QFileSystemModel *model = qFindChild<QFileSystemModel*>(&fd, "qt_filesystem_model");
+    QVERIFY(model);
+    QToolButton *backButton = qFindChild<QToolButton*>(&fd, "backButton");
+    QVERIFY(backButton);
+    QToolButton *forwardButton = qFindChild<QToolButton*>(&fd, "forwardButton");
+    QVERIFY(forwardButton);
+    QSignalSpy spy(model, SIGNAL(rootPathChanged(const QString &)));
+    QString home = fd.directory().absolutePath();
+    QString desktop = QDir::homePath();
+    QString temp = QDir::tempPath();
+    QCOMPARE(backButton->isEnabled(), false);
+    QCOMPARE(forwardButton->isEnabled(), false);
+    fd.setDirectory(temp);
+    qApp->processEvents();
+    QCOMPARE(backButton->isEnabled(), true);
+    QCOMPARE(forwardButton->isEnabled(), false);
+    fd.setDirectory(desktop);
+    QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 2);
+    backButton->click();
+    qApp->processEvents();
+    QCOMPARE(backButton->isEnabled(), true);
+    QCOMPARE(forwardButton->isEnabled(), true);
+    QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 3);
+    QString currentPath = qVariantValue<QString>(spy.last().first());
+    QCOMPARE(model->index(currentPath), model->index(temp));
+    backButton->click();
+    currentPath = qVariantValue<QString>(spy.last().first());
+    QCOMPARE(currentPath, home);
+    QCOMPARE(backButton->isEnabled(), false);
+    QCOMPARE(forwardButton->isEnabled(), true);
+    QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 4);
+    // nothing should change at this point
+    backButton->click();
+    QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 4);
+    QCOMPARE(backButton->isEnabled(), false);
+    QCOMPARE(forwardButton->isEnabled(), true);
+void tst_QFiledialog::historyForward()
+    QNonNativeFileDialog fd;
+    fd.setDirectory(QDir::currentPath());
+    QToolButton *backButton = qFindChild<QToolButton*>(&fd, "backButton");
+    QVERIFY(backButton);
+    QToolButton *forwardButton = qFindChild<QToolButton*>(&fd, "forwardButton");
+    QVERIFY(forwardButton);
+    QFileSystemModel *model = qFindChild<QFileSystemModel*>(&fd, "qt_filesystem_model");
+    QVERIFY(model);
+    QSignalSpy spy(model, SIGNAL(rootPathChanged(const QString &)));
+    QString home = fd.directory().absolutePath();
+    QString desktop = QDir::homePath();
+    QString temp = QDir::tempPath();
+    fd.setDirectory(home);
+    fd.setDirectory(temp);
+    fd.setDirectory(desktop);
+    backButton->click();
+    QCOMPARE(forwardButton->isEnabled(), true);
+    QCOMPARE(model->index(qVariantValue<QString>(spy.last().first())), model->index(temp));
+    forwardButton->click();
+    QCOMPARE(model->index(qVariantValue<QString>(spy.last().first())), model->index(desktop));
+    QCOMPARE(backButton->isEnabled(), true);
+    QCOMPARE(forwardButton->isEnabled(), false);
+    QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 4);
+    backButton->click();
+    QCOMPARE(model->index(qVariantValue<QString>(spy.last().first())), model->index(temp));
+    QCOMPARE(backButton->isEnabled(), true);
+    backButton->click();
+    QCOMPARE(model->index(qVariantValue<QString>(spy.last().first())), model->index(home));
+    QCOMPARE(backButton->isEnabled(), false);
+    QCOMPARE(forwardButton->isEnabled(), true);
+    QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 6);
+    forwardButton->click();
+    QCOMPARE(model->index(qVariantValue<QString>(spy.last().first())), model->index(temp));
+    backButton->click();
+    QCOMPARE(model->index(qVariantValue<QString>(spy.last().first())), model->index(home));
+    QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 8);
+    forwardButton->click();
+    QCOMPARE(model->index(qVariantValue<QString>(spy.last().first())), model->index(temp));
+    forwardButton->click();
+    QCOMPARE(model->index(qVariantValue<QString>(spy.last().first())), model->index(desktop));
+    backButton->click();
+    QCOMPARE(model->index(qVariantValue<QString>(spy.last().first())), model->index(temp));
+    backButton->click();
+    QCOMPARE(model->index(qVariantValue<QString>(spy.last().first())), model->index(home));
+    fd.setDirectory(desktop);
+    QCOMPARE(forwardButton->isEnabled(), false);
+void tst_QFiledialog::disableSaveButton_data()
+    QTest::addColumn<QString>("path");
+    QTest::addColumn<bool>("isEnabled");
+    QTest::newRow("valid path") << QDir::temp().absolutePath() + QDir::separator() + "qfiledialog.new_file" << true;
+    QTest::newRow("no path") << "" << false;
+#if defined(Q_OS_UNIX) && !defined(Q_OS_MAC) && !defined(Q_OS_OPENBSD)
+    QTest::newRow("too long path") << "iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" << false;
+    QTest::newRow("file") << "foo.html" << true;
+void tst_QFiledialog::disableSaveButton()
+    QFETCH(QString, path);
+    QFETCH(bool, isEnabled);
+    QNonNativeFileDialog fd(0, "caption", path);
+    fd.setAcceptMode(QFileDialog::AcceptSave);
+    QDialogButtonBox *buttonBox = qFindChild<QDialogButtonBox*>(&fd, "buttonBox");
+    QPushButton *button = buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Save);
+    QVERIFY(button);
+    QCOMPARE(button->isEnabled(), isEnabled);
+void tst_QFiledialog::saveButtonText_data()
+    QTest::addColumn<QString>("path");
+    QTest::addColumn<QString>("label");
+    QTest::addColumn<QString>("caption");
+    QTest::newRow("empty path") << "" << QString() << QFileDialog::tr("&Save");
+    QTest::newRow("file path") << "qfiledialog.new_file" << QString() << QFileDialog::tr("&Save");
+    QTest::newRow("dir") << QDir::temp().absolutePath() << QString() << QFileDialog::tr("&Open");
+    QTest::newRow("setTextLabel") << "qfiledialog.new_file" << "Mooo" << "Mooo";
+    QTest::newRow("dir & label") << QDir::temp().absolutePath() << "Poo" << QFileDialog::tr("&Open");
+void tst_QFiledialog::saveButtonText()
+    QFETCH(QString, path);
+    QFETCH(QString, label);
+    QFETCH(QString, caption);
+    QNonNativeFileDialog fd(0, "auto test", QDir::temp().absolutePath());
+    fd.setAcceptMode(QFileDialog::AcceptSave);
+    if (!label.isNull())
+        fd.setLabelText(QFileDialog::Accept, label);
+    fd.setDirectory(QDir::temp());
+    fd.selectFile(path);
+    QDialogButtonBox *buttonBox = qFindChild<QDialogButtonBox*>(&fd, "buttonBox");
+    QVERIFY(buttonBox);
+    QPushButton *button = buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Save);
+    QVERIFY(button);
+    QCOMPARE(button->text(), caption);
+void tst_QFiledialog::clearLineEdit()
+    QNonNativeFileDialog fd(0, "caption", "foo");
+    fd.setViewMode(QFileDialog::List);
+    fd.setFileMode(QFileDialog::AnyFile);
+    fd.setOptions(QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog);
+    fd.show();
+    //play it really safe by creating a directory
+    QDir::home().mkdir("_____aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa");
+    QLineEdit *lineEdit = qFindChild<QLineEdit*>(&fd, "fileNameEdit");
+    QVERIFY(lineEdit);
+    QVERIFY(lineEdit->text() == "foo");
+    fd.setDirectory(QDir::home());
+    QListView* list = qFindChild<QListView*>(&fd, "listView");
+    QVERIFY(list);
+    // saving a file the text shouldn't be cleared
+    fd.setDirectory(QDir::home());
+    QTest::qWait(1000);
+    list->setEditFocus(true);
+    QTest::keyClick(list, Qt::Key_Down);
+#ifndef Q_WS_MAC
+    QTest::keyClick(list, Qt::Key_Return);
+    QTest::keyClick(list, Qt::Key_O, Qt::ControlModifier);
+    QTest::qWait(2000);
+    QVERIFY(fd.directory().absolutePath() != QDir::home().absolutePath());
+    QVERIFY(!lineEdit->text().isEmpty());
+    // selecting a dir the text should be cleared so one can just hit ok
+    // and it selects that directory
+    fd.setFileMode(QNonNativeFileDialog::Directory);
+    fd.setDirectory(QDir::home());
+    QTest::qWait(1000);
+    QTest::keyClick(list, Qt::Key_Down);
+#ifndef Q_WS_MAC
+    QTest::keyClick(list, Qt::Key_Return);
+    QTest::keyClick(list, Qt::Key_O, Qt::ControlModifier);
+    QTest::qWait(2000);
+    QVERIFY(fd.directory().absolutePath() != QDir::home().absolutePath());
+    QVERIFY(lineEdit->text().isEmpty());
+    //remove the dir
+    QDir::home().rmdir("_____aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa");
+void tst_QFiledialog::enableChooseButton()
+    QNonNativeFileDialog fd;
+    fd.setFileMode(QFileDialog::Directory);
+    fd.show();
+    QDialogButtonBox *buttonBox = qFindChild<QDialogButtonBox*>(&fd, "buttonBox");
+    QPushButton *button = buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Open);
+    QVERIFY(button);
+    QCOMPARE(button->isEnabled(), true);
+typedef QString (*_qt_filedialog_existing_directory_hook)(QWidget *parent, const QString &caption, const QString &dir, QFileDialog::Options options);
+extern Q_GUI_EXPORT _qt_filedialog_existing_directory_hook qt_filedialog_existing_directory_hook;
+QString existing(QWidget *, const QString &, const QString &, QFileDialog::Options) {
+    return "dir";
+typedef QString (*_qt_filedialog_open_filename_hook)(QWidget * parent, const QString &caption, const QString &dir, const QString &filter, QString *selectedFilter, QFileDialog::Options options);
+extern Q_GUI_EXPORT _qt_filedialog_open_filename_hook qt_filedialog_open_filename_hook;
+QString openName(QWidget *, const QString &, const QString &, const QString &, QString *, QFileDialog::Options) {
+    return "openName";
+typedef QStringList (*_qt_filedialog_open_filenames_hook)(QWidget * parent, const QString &caption, const QString &dir, const QString &filter, QString *selectedFilter, QFileDialog::Options options);
+extern Q_GUI_EXPORT _qt_filedialog_open_filenames_hook qt_filedialog_open_filenames_hook;
+QStringList openNames(QWidget *, const QString &, const QString &, const QString &, QString *, QFileDialog::Options) {
+    return QStringList("openNames");
+typedef QString (*_qt_filedialog_save_filename_hook)(QWidget * parent, const QString &caption, const QString &dir, const QString &filter, QString *selectedFilter, QFileDialog::Options options);
+extern Q_GUI_EXPORT _qt_filedialog_save_filename_hook qt_filedialog_save_filename_hook;
+QString saveName(QWidget *, const QString &, const QString &, const QString &, QString *, QFileDialog::Options) {
+    return "saveName";
+void tst_QFiledialog::hooks()
+    qt_filedialog_existing_directory_hook = &existing;
+    qt_filedialog_save_filename_hook = &saveName;
+    qt_filedialog_open_filename_hook = &openName;
+    qt_filedialog_open_filenames_hook = &openNames;
+    QCOMPARE(QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(), QString("dir"));
+    QCOMPARE(QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(), QString("openName"));
+    QCOMPARE(QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(), QStringList("openNames"));
+    QCOMPARE(QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(), QString("saveName"));
+#include "tst_qfiledialog.moc"