changeset 0 1918ee327afb
child 3 41300fa6a67c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tests/auto/qgridlayout/tst_qgridlayout.cpp	Mon Jan 11 14:00:40 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1641 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com)
+** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit.
+** No Commercial Usage
+** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
+** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
+** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
+** this package.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights.  These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at qt-info@nokia.com.
+#include <QtTest/QtTest>
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qapplication.h>
+#include <qwidget.h>
+#include <qwindowsstyle.h>
+#include <qsizepolicy.h>
+#include <QtGui>
+#include <QtGui/QWindowsStyle>
+#include <QStyleFactory>
+#include "../../shared/util.h"
+//TESTED_FILES=gui/kernel/qlayout.cpp gui/kernel/qlayout.h
+class tst_QGridLayout : public QObject
+    tst_QGridLayout();
+    virtual ~tst_QGridLayout();
+public slots:
+    void initTestCase();
+    void cleanupTestCase();
+    void init();
+    void cleanup();
+private slots:
+    void getItemPosition();
+    void itemAtPosition();
+    void badDistributionBug();
+    void setMinAndMaxSize();
+    void spacingAndSpacers();
+    void spacingsAndMargins();
+    void spacingsAndMargins_data();
+    void minMaxSize_data();
+    void minMaxSize();
+    void styleDependentSpacingsAndMargins_data();
+    void styleDependentSpacingsAndMargins();
+    void layoutSpacingImplementation_data();
+    void layoutSpacingImplementation();
+    void spacing();
+    void spacerWithSpacing();
+    void contentsRect();
+    void distributeMultiCell();
+    QWidget *testWidget;
+    QGridLayout *testLayout;
+    QWidget *w1;
+    QWidget *w2;
+    QWidget *w3;
+    QSpacerItem *sp;
+    QGridLayout *m_grid;
+    QWidget *m_toplevel;
+    m_grid = 0;
+    m_toplevel = 0;
+    delete m_toplevel;
+void tst_QGridLayout::initTestCase()
+#ifdef Q_OS_WINCE //disable magic for WindowsCE
+    qApp->setAutoMaximizeThreshold(-1);
+    // Create the test class
+    testWidget = new QWidget(0);
+    testLayout = new QGridLayout(testWidget);
+    w1 = new QWidget(testWidget);
+    w1->setPalette(QPalette(Qt::red));
+    testLayout->addWidget(w1, 0, 0);
+    w2 = new QWidget(testWidget);
+    testLayout->addWidget(w2, 1, 1, 2, 2);
+    w2->setPalette(QPalette(Qt::green));
+    w3 = new QWidget(testWidget);
+    testLayout->addWidget(w3, 0, 1, 1, 2);
+    w3->setPalette(QPalette(Qt::blue));
+    sp = new QSpacerItem(4, 4);
+    testLayout->addItem(sp, 1, 3, 2, 1);
+    testWidget->resize( 200, 200 );
+    testWidget->show();
+void tst_QGridLayout::cleanupTestCase()
+    delete testWidget;
+    testWidget = 0;
+void tst_QGridLayout::init()
+void tst_QGridLayout::cleanup()
+void tst_QGridLayout::getItemPosition()
+    QLayoutItem *item;
+    int counter = 0;
+    bool seenW1 = false;
+    bool seenW2 = false;
+    bool seenW3 = false;
+    bool seenSpacer = false;
+    while ((item = testLayout->itemAt(counter))) {
+        QWidget *w = item->widget();
+        int r,c,rs,cs;
+        testLayout->getItemPosition(counter, &r, &c, &rs, &cs);
+//        qDebug() << "item" << counter << "has" <<r << c << rs << cs;
+        if (w == w1) {
+            QVERIFY(!seenW1);
+            seenW1 = true;
+            QCOMPARE(r, 0);
+            QCOMPARE(c, 0);
+            QCOMPARE(rs, 1);
+            QCOMPARE(cs, 1);
+        } else if (w == w2) {
+            QVERIFY(!seenW2);
+            seenW2 = true;
+            QCOMPARE(r, 1);
+            QCOMPARE(c, 1);
+            QCOMPARE(rs, 2);
+            QCOMPARE(cs, 2);
+        } else if (w == w3) {
+            QVERIFY(!seenW3);
+            seenW3 = true;
+            QCOMPARE(r, 0);
+            QCOMPARE(c, 1);
+            QCOMPARE(rs, 1);
+            QCOMPARE(cs, 2);
+        } else {
+            QVERIFY(!w);
+            QVERIFY(!seenSpacer);
+            seenSpacer = true;
+            QCOMPARE(r, 1);
+            QCOMPARE(c, 3);
+            QCOMPARE(rs, 2);
+            QCOMPARE(cs, 1);
+        }
+        ++counter;
+    }
+    QCOMPARE(counter, 4);
+    QVERIFY(seenW1);
+    QVERIFY(seenW2);
+    QVERIFY(seenW3);
+    QVERIFY(seenSpacer);
+void tst_QGridLayout::itemAtPosition()
+    void *table[4][5] = {
+        { w1, w3, w3, 0,  0 },
+        { 0,  w2, w2, sp, 0 },
+        { 0,  w2, w2, sp, 0 },
+        { 0,  0,  0,  0,  0 }
+    };
+    for (int row = 0; row < 4; ++row) {
+        for (int col = 0; col < 5; ++col) {
+            QLayoutItem *item = testLayout->itemAtPosition(row, col);
+            QVERIFY(item == table[row][col]
+                    || (item && item->widget() == table[row][col]));
+        }
+    }
+#include "ui_sortdialog.h"
+void tst_QGridLayout::badDistributionBug()
+    QDialog dialog;
+    Ui::SortDialog ui;
+    ui.setupUi(&dialog);
+    ui.gridLayout->setMargin(0);
+    ui.gridLayout->setSpacing(0);
+    ui.vboxLayout->setMargin(0);
+    ui.vboxLayout->setSpacing(0);
+    ui.okButton->setFixedHeight(20);
+    ui.moreButton->setFixedHeight(20);
+    ui.primaryGroupBox->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect);
+    ui.primaryGroupBox->setFixedHeight(200);
+    QSize minSize = dialog.layout()->minimumSize();
+    QCOMPARE(minSize.height(), 200);
+void tst_QGridLayout::setMinAndMaxSize()
+    QWidget widget;
+    QGridLayout layout(&widget);
+    layout.setMargin(0);
+    layout.setSpacing(0);
+    layout.setSizeConstraint(QLayout::SetMinAndMaxSize);
+    widget.show();
+    QWidget leftChild;
+    leftChild.setPalette(QPalette(Qt::red));
+    leftChild.setMinimumSize(100, 100);
+    leftChild.setMaximumSize(200, 200);
+    layout.addWidget(&leftChild, 0, 0);
+    QApplication::processEvents();
+    QCOMPARE(widget.minimumSize(), leftChild.minimumSize());
+    QCOMPARE(widget.maximumSize(), leftChild.maximumSize());
+    QWidget rightChild;
+    rightChild.setPalette(QPalette(Qt::green));
+    rightChild.setMinimumSize(100, 100);
+    rightChild.setMaximumSize(200, 200);
+    layout.addWidget(&rightChild, 0, 2);
+    QApplication::processEvents();
+    QCOMPARE(widget.minimumWidth(),
+             leftChild.minimumWidth() + rightChild.minimumWidth());
+    QCOMPARE(widget.minimumHeight(),
+             qMax(leftChild.minimumHeight(), rightChild.minimumHeight()));
+    QCOMPARE(widget.maximumWidth(),
+             leftChild.maximumWidth() + rightChild.maximumWidth());
+    QCOMPARE(widget.maximumHeight(),
+             qMax(leftChild.maximumHeight(), rightChild.maximumHeight()));
+    static const int colMin = 100;
+    layout.setColumnMinimumWidth(1, colMin);
+    QCOMPARE(layout.columnMinimumWidth(1), colMin);
+    QApplication::processEvents();
+    QCOMPARE(widget.minimumWidth(),
+             leftChild.minimumWidth() + rightChild.minimumWidth() + colMin);
+    QCOMPARE(widget.maximumWidth(),
+             leftChild.maximumWidth() + rightChild.maximumWidth() + colMin);
+    QCOMPARE(widget.minimumHeight(),
+             qMax(leftChild.minimumHeight(), rightChild.minimumHeight()));
+    QCOMPARE(widget.maximumHeight(),
+             qMax(leftChild.maximumHeight(), rightChild.maximumHeight()));
+    layout.setColumnStretch(1,1);
+    QApplication::processEvents();
+    QCOMPARE(widget.minimumWidth(),
+             leftChild.minimumWidth() + rightChild.minimumWidth() + colMin);
+    QCOMPARE(widget.maximumWidth(), QLAYOUTSIZE_MAX);
+    QCOMPARE(widget.minimumHeight(),
+             qMax(leftChild.minimumHeight(), rightChild.minimumHeight()));
+    QCOMPARE(widget.maximumHeight(),
+             qMax(leftChild.maximumHeight(), rightChild.maximumHeight()));
+    layout.setColumnStretch(1,0);
+    QApplication::processEvents();
+    QCOMPARE(widget.minimumWidth(),
+             leftChild.minimumWidth() + rightChild.minimumWidth() + colMin);
+    QCOMPARE(widget.maximumWidth(),
+             leftChild.maximumWidth() + rightChild.maximumWidth() + colMin);
+    QCOMPARE(widget.minimumHeight(),
+             qMax(leftChild.minimumHeight(), rightChild.minimumHeight()));
+    QCOMPARE(widget.maximumHeight(),
+             qMax(leftChild.maximumHeight(), rightChild.maximumHeight()));
+    layout.setColumnMinimumWidth(1, 0);
+    static const int spacerS = 250;
+    QSpacerItem *spacer = new QSpacerItem(spacerS, spacerS);
+    layout.addItem(spacer, 0, 1);
+    QApplication::processEvents();
+    QCOMPARE(widget.minimumWidth(),
+             leftChild.minimumWidth() + rightChild.minimumWidth() + spacerS);
+    QCOMPARE(widget.maximumWidth(), QLAYOUTSIZE_MAX);
+    QCOMPARE(widget.minimumHeight(),
+             qMax(qMax(leftChild.minimumHeight(), rightChild.minimumHeight()), spacerS));
+    QCOMPARE(widget.maximumHeight(),
+             qMax(leftChild.maximumHeight(), rightChild.maximumHeight()));
+    spacer->changeSize(spacerS, spacerS, QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Minimum);
+    layout.invalidate();
+    QApplication::processEvents();
+    QCOMPARE(widget.minimumWidth(),
+             leftChild.minimumWidth() + rightChild.minimumWidth() + spacerS);
+    QCOMPARE(widget.maximumWidth(),
+             leftChild.maximumWidth() + rightChild.maximumWidth() + spacerS);
+    layout.removeItem(spacer);
+    rightChild.hide();
+    QApplication::processEvents();
+    QCOMPARE(widget.minimumSize(), leftChild.minimumSize());
+    QCOMPARE(widget.maximumSize(), leftChild.maximumSize());
+    rightChild.show();
+    layout.removeWidget(&rightChild);
+    QApplication::processEvents();
+    QCOMPARE(widget.minimumSize(), leftChild.minimumSize());
+    QCOMPARE(widget.maximumSize(), leftChild.maximumSize());
+    QWidget bottomChild(&widget);
+    bottomChild.setPalette(QPalette(Qt::green));
+    bottomChild.setMinimumSize(100, 100);
+    bottomChild.setMaximumSize(200, 200);
+    layout.addWidget(&bottomChild, 1, 0);
+    QApplication::processEvents();
+    QCOMPARE(widget.minimumHeight(),
+             leftChild.minimumHeight() + bottomChild.minimumHeight());
+    QCOMPARE(widget.minimumWidth(),
+             qMax(leftChild.minimumWidth(), bottomChild.minimumWidth()));
+    QCOMPARE(widget.maximumHeight(),
+             leftChild.maximumHeight() + bottomChild.maximumHeight());
+    QCOMPARE(widget.maximumWidth(),
+             qMax(leftChild.maximumWidth(), bottomChild.maximumWidth()));
+    bottomChild.hide();
+    QApplication::processEvents();
+    QCOMPARE(widget.minimumSize(), leftChild.minimumSize());
+    QCOMPARE(widget.maximumSize(), leftChild.maximumSize());
+    bottomChild.show();
+    layout.removeWidget(&bottomChild);
+    QApplication::processEvents();
+    QCOMPARE(widget.minimumSize(), leftChild.minimumSize());
+    QCOMPARE(widget.maximumSize(), leftChild.maximumSize());
+class SizeHinter : public QWidget
+    SizeHinter(const QSize &s, QWidget *parent = 0)
+        : QWidget(parent), sh(s) { }
+    SizeHinter(int w, int h, QWidget *parent = 0)
+        : QWidget(parent), sh(QSize(w,h)) {}
+    void setSizeHint(QSize s) { sh = s; }
+    QSize sizeHint() const { return sh; }
+    QSize sh;
+void tst_QGridLayout::spacingAndSpacers()
+    QWidget widget;
+    QGridLayout layout(&widget);
+    layout.setMargin(0);
+    layout.setSpacing(0);
+    widget.show();
+    QSize expectedSizeHint;
+    SizeHinter leftChild(100,100);
+    leftChild.setPalette(QPalette(Qt::red));
+    layout.addWidget(&leftChild, 0, 0);
+    QApplication::processEvents();
+    expectedSizeHint = leftChild.sizeHint();
+    QCOMPARE(widget.sizeHint(), expectedSizeHint);
+    SizeHinter rightChild(200,100);
+    rightChild.setPalette(QPalette(Qt::green));
+    layout.addWidget(&rightChild, 0, 2);
+    QApplication::processEvents();
+    QCOMPARE(rightChild.sizeHint(), QSize(200,100));
+    expectedSizeHint += QSize(rightChild.sizeHint().width(), 0);
+    QCOMPARE(widget.sizeHint(), expectedSizeHint);
+    layout.setColumnMinimumWidth(1, 100);
+    widget.adjustSize();
+    expectedSizeHint += QSize(100,0);
+    QApplication::processEvents();
+    QCOMPARE(widget.sizeHint(), expectedSizeHint);
+    rightChild.hide();
+    QApplication::processEvents();
+    expectedSizeHint -= QSize(rightChild.sizeHint().width(), 0);
+    QCOMPARE(widget.sizeHint(), expectedSizeHint);
+    layout.setColumnMinimumWidth(1, 0);
+    expectedSizeHint -= QSize(100, 0);
+    QCOMPARE(widget.sizeHint(), expectedSizeHint);
+    rightChild.show();
+#if 0
+    leftChild.setMaximumWidth(200);
+    rightChild.setMaximumWidth(200);
+    QApplication::processEvents();
+    QCOMPARE(widget.maximumWidth(), leftChild.maximumWidth() + rightChild.maximumWidth());
+    layout.removeWidget(&rightChild);
+    QApplication::processEvents();
+    QCOMPARE(widget.sizeHint(), expectedSizeHint);
+class Qt42Style : public QWindowsStyle
+    Qt42Style() : QWindowsStyle()
+    {
+        spacing = 6;
+        margin = 9;
+        margin_toplevel = 11;
+    }
+    virtual int pixelMetric(PixelMetric metric, const QStyleOption * option = 0,
+                            const QWidget * widget = 0 ) const;
+    int spacing;
+    int margin;
+    int margin_toplevel;
+int Qt42Style::pixelMetric(PixelMetric metric, const QStyleOption * option /*= 0*/,
+                                   const QWidget * widget /*= 0*/ ) const
+    switch (metric) {
+        case PM_DefaultLayoutSpacing:
+            return spacing;
+        break;
+        case PM_DefaultTopLevelMargin:
+            return margin_toplevel;
+        break;
+        case PM_DefaultChildMargin:
+            return margin;
+        break;
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+    return QWindowsStyle::pixelMetric(metric, option, widget);
+typedef QList<QPoint> PointList;
+class SizeHinterFrame : public QLabel
+    SizeHinterFrame(QWidget *parent = 0)
+    : QLabel(parent)
+    {
+        init(-1);
+    }
+    SizeHinterFrame(const QSize &s, int numPixels = -1)
+    : QLabel(0), sh(s) {
+        init(numPixels);
+    }
+    SizeHinterFrame(int w, int h)
+    : QLabel(0), sh(QSize(w,h))
+    {
+        init(-1);
+    }
+    void setSizeHint(const QSize &s) { sh = s; }
+    QSize sizeHint() const { return sh; }
+    void setMinimumSizeHint(const QSize &s) { msh = s; }
+    QSize minimumSizeHint() const { return msh; }
+    virtual int heightForWidth(int width) const;
+    void setNumberOfPixels(int numPixels) {
+        m_numPixels = numPixels;
+        QSizePolicy sp = sizePolicy();
+        sp.setHeightForWidth(m_numPixels != -1);
+        setSizePolicy(sp);
+    }
+    void init(int numPixels = -1){
+        setText(QString::fromAscii("(%1,%2)").arg(sh.width()).arg(sh.height()));
+        setFrameStyle(QFrame::Box | QFrame::Plain);
+        setNumberOfPixels(numPixels);
+    }
+    QSize sh;
+    QSize msh;
+    int m_numPixels;
+int SizeHinterFrame::heightForWidth(int width) const
+    // Special hack if m_numPixels == -2 then we report that we are heightForWidth aware, but we
+    // return sizeHint().width() so that it should be laid out as if we had't any hfw.
+    // This enables us to run the tests twice and to see if we get the same results with hfw as without hfw.
+    if (m_numPixels == -2) {
+        return sizeHint().height();
+    }
+    if (m_numPixels == -1 || width == 0) return -1;
+    // this widget should always cover the same amount of pixels (provided that we don't get any rounding errors)
+    return (m_numPixels)/width;
+void tst_QGridLayout::spacingsAndMargins_data()
+    // input
+    QTest::addColumn<int>("columns");
+    QTest::addColumn<int>("rows");
+    QTest::addColumn<QSize>("sizehint");
+    // expected
+    QTest::addColumn<PointList>("expectedpositions");
+    int child_offset_y = 11 + 100 + 6 + 9 ;
+    QTest::newRow("1x1 grid") << 1 << 1 << QSize(100, 100)
+                       << (PointList()  // toplevel
+                                        << QPoint( 11, 11)
+                                        // children
+                                        << QPoint( 20, child_offset_y)
+                       );
+    QTest::newRow("2x1 grid") << 2 << 1 << QSize(100, 100)
+                       << (PointList()  // toplevel
+                                        << QPoint( 11, 11)
+                                        << QPoint( 11 + 100 + 6, 11)
+                                        // children
+                                        << QPoint( 20, child_offset_y)
+                                        << QPoint( 20 + 100 + 6, child_offset_y)
+                                        );
+    QTest::newRow("3x1 grid") << 3 << 1 << QSize(100, 100)
+                       << (PointList()  // toplevel
+                                        << QPoint( 11, 11)
+                                        << QPoint( 11 + 100 + 6, 11)
+                                        << QPoint( 11 + 100 + 6 + 100 + 6, 11)
+                                        // children
+                                        << QPoint( 20, child_offset_y)
+                                        << QPoint( 20 + 100 + 6, child_offset_y)
+                                        << QPoint( 20 + 100 + 6 + 100 + 6, child_offset_y)
+                                        );
+    child_offset_y = 11 + 9 + 100 + 6 + 100 + 6;
+    QTest::newRow("1x2 grid") << 1 << 2 << QSize(100, 100)
+                       << (PointList()  // toplevel
+                                        << QPoint( 11, 11)
+                                        << QPoint( 11, 11 + 100 + 6)
+                                        // children
+                                        << QPoint( 20, child_offset_y)
+                                        << QPoint( 20, child_offset_y + 100 + 6)
+                                        );
+#if defined (Q_OS_WINCE) //There is not enough screenspace to run the test in original size on Windows CE. We use smaller widgets.
+    child_offset_y = 11 + 9 + 50 + 6 + 50 + 6 + 50 + 6;
+    QTest::newRow("1x3 grid") << 1 << 3 << QSize(50, 50)
+                       << (PointList()  // toplevel
+                                        << QPoint( 11, 11)
+                                        << QPoint( 11, 11 + 50 + 6)
+                                        << QPoint( 11, 11 + 50 + 6 + 50 + 6)
+                                        // children
+                                        << QPoint( 20, child_offset_y)
+                                        << QPoint( 20, child_offset_y + 50 + 6)
+                                        << QPoint( 20, child_offset_y + 50 + 6 + 50 + 6)
+                                        );
+    child_offset_y = 11 + 9 + 100 + 6 + 100 + 6 + 100 + 6;
+    QTest::newRow("1x3 grid") << 1 << 3 << QSize(100, 100)
+                       << (PointList()  // toplevel
+                                        << QPoint( 11, 11)
+                                        << QPoint( 11, 11 + 100 + 6)
+                                        << QPoint( 11, 11 + 100 + 6 + 100 + 6)
+                                        // children
+                                        << QPoint( 20, child_offset_y)
+                                        << QPoint( 20, child_offset_y + 100 + 6)
+                                        << QPoint( 20, child_offset_y + 100 + 6 + 100 + 6)
+                                        );
+    child_offset_y = 11 + 9 + 100 + 6 + 100 + 6;
+    QTest::newRow("2x2 grid") << 2 << 2 << QSize(100, 100)
+                       << (PointList()  // toplevel
+                                        << QPoint( 11, 11)
+                                        << QPoint( 11 + 100 + 6, 11)
+                                        << QPoint( 11, 11 + 100 + 6)
+                                        << QPoint( 11 + 100 + 6, 11 + 100 + 6)
+                                        // children
+                                        << QPoint( 20, child_offset_y)
+                                        << QPoint( 20 + 100 + 6, child_offset_y)
+                                        << QPoint( 20, child_offset_y + 100 + 6)
+                                        << QPoint( 20 + 100 + 6, child_offset_y + 100 + 6)
+                                        );
+void tst_QGridLayout::spacingsAndMargins()
+    The test tests a gridlayout as a child of a top-level widget,
+    and then a gridlayout as a child of a non-toplevel widget.
+    The expectedpositions should then contain the list of widget positions in the
+    first gridlayout, then followed by a list of widget positions in the second gridlayout.
+    QFETCH(int, columns);
+    QFETCH(int, rows);
+    QFETCH(QSize, sizehint);
+    QFETCH(PointList, expectedpositions);
+    QApplication::setStyle(new Qt42Style);
+    QWidget toplevel;
+    QVBoxLayout vbox(&toplevel);
+    QGridLayout grid1;
+    vbox.addLayout(&grid1);
+    // a layout with a top-level parent widget
+    QList<QPointer<SizeHinterFrame> > sizehinters;
+    for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i) {
+        for (int j = 0; j < columns; ++j) {
+            SizeHinterFrame *sh = new SizeHinterFrame(sizehint);
+            sh->setMinimumSizeHint(sizehint);
+            sizehinters.append(sh);
+            grid1.addWidget(sh, i, j);
+        }
+    }
+    // Add the child widget
+    QWidget widget;
+    vbox.addWidget(&widget);
+    QGridLayout grid2;
+    widget.setLayout(&grid2);
+    // add a layout to the child widget
+    for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i) {
+        for (int j = 0; j < columns; ++j) {
+            SizeHinterFrame *sh = new SizeHinterFrame(sizehint);
+            sh->setMinimumSizeHint(sizehint);
+            sizehinters.append(sh);
+            grid2.addWidget(sh, i, j);
+        }
+    }
+    grid1.setColumnStretch(columns-1, 1);
+    grid1.setRowStretch(rows-1, 1);
+    toplevel.show();
+    toplevel.adjustSize();
+    QApplication::processEvents();
+    QSize topsize = toplevel.size();
+    QSize minimumsize = vbox.totalMinimumSize();
+#ifdef Q_WS_QWS
+    if (topsize.width() < minimumsize.width() || topsize.height() < minimumsize.height())
+        QSKIP("The screen is too small to run this test case", SkipSingle);
+// We are relying on the order here...
+    for (int pi = 0; pi < sizehinters.count(); ++pi) {
+        QPoint pt = sizehinters.at(pi)->mapTo(&toplevel, QPoint(0, 0));
+        QCOMPARE(pt, expectedpositions.at(pi));
+    }
+struct SizeInfo {
+    SizeInfo(const QPoint &expected, const QSize &sh, const QSize &minimumSize = QSize(),
+             const QSize &maximumSize = QSize(), int numPixelsToCover = -1)
+    {
+        expectedPos = expected;
+        sizeHint = sh;
+        minSize = minimumSize;
+        maxSize = maximumSize;
+        hfwNumPixels = numPixelsToCover;
+    }
+    SizeInfo(const QRect &expected, const QSize &sh, const QSize &minimumSize = QSize(),
+             const QSize &maximumSize = QSize(), int numPixelsToCover = -1)
+    {
+        expectedPos = expected.topLeft();
+        expectedSize = expected.size();
+        sizeHint = sh;
+        minSize = minimumSize;
+        maxSize = maximumSize;
+        hfwNumPixels = numPixelsToCover;
+    }
+    SizeInfo(const SizeInfo& other) {
+        (*this)=other;
+    }
+    SizeInfo &operator=(const SizeInfo& other) {
+        expectedPos = other.expectedPos;
+        expectedSize = other.expectedSize;
+        sizeHint = other.sizeHint;
+        minSize = other.minSize;
+        maxSize = other.maxSize;
+        hfwNumPixels = other.hfwNumPixels;
+        return (*this);
+    }
+    QPoint expectedPos;
+    QSize expectedSize;
+    QSize sizeHint;
+    QSize minSize;
+    QSize maxSize;
+    int hfwNumPixels;
+typedef QList<SizeInfo> SizeInfoList;
+void tst_QGridLayout::minMaxSize_data()
+    // input
+    QTest::addColumn<QString>("stylename");
+    QTest::addColumn<int>("columns");
+    QTest::addColumn<int>("rows");
+    QTest::addColumn<int>("sizePolicy");
+    QTest::addColumn<QSize>("fixedSize");
+    //input and expected output
+    QTest::addColumn<SizeInfoList>("sizeinfos");
+    QTest::newRow("3x1 grid, extend to minimumSize") << QString() << 3 << 1
+                << int(QSizePolicy::Minimum) << QSize(152, 50) << (SizeInfoList()
+                << SizeInfo(QRect(10, 10, 43, 30), QSize( 75, 75), QSize(0,0))
+                << SizeInfo(QRect(10 + 45, 10, 43, 30), QSize(75, 75), QSize( 0, 0))
+                << SizeInfo(QRect(10 + 45 + 44, 10, 42, 30), QSize(75, 75), QSize( 0, 0))
+                );
+    QTest::newRow("1x1 grid, extend to minimumSize") << QString() << 1 << 1
+                << int(QSizePolicy::Preferred) << QSize() << (SizeInfoList()
+                << SizeInfo(QPoint(10, 10), QSize( 90, 90), QSize(100,100))
+                );
+    QTest::newRow("2x1 grid, extend to minimumSize") << QString() << 2 << 1
+                << int(QSizePolicy::Preferred) << QSize() << (SizeInfoList()
+                << SizeInfo(QPoint(10, 10), QSize( 90, 90), QSize(100,100))
+                << SizeInfo(QPoint(10 + 100 + 1, 10), QSize( 90, 90))
+                );
+    QTest::newRow("1x2 grid, extend to minimumSize") << QString() << 1 << 2
+                << int(QSizePolicy::Preferred) << QSize() << (SizeInfoList()
+                << SizeInfo(QPoint(10, 10), QSize( 90, 90), QSize(100,100))
+                << SizeInfo(QPoint(10, 10 + 100 + 1), QSize( 90, 90))
+                );
+    QTest::newRow("2x1 grid, crop to maximumSize") << QString() << 2 << 1
+                << int(QSizePolicy::Preferred) << QSize() << (SizeInfoList()
+            << SizeInfo(QPoint(10, 10), QSize(110,110), QSize(), QSize(100, 100))
+            << SizeInfo(QPoint(10 + 100 + 1, 10), QSize( 90, 90))
+            );
+    QTest::newRow("1x2 grid, crop to maximumSize") << QString() << 1 << 2
+                << int(QSizePolicy::Preferred) << QSize() << (SizeInfoList()
+            << SizeInfo(QPoint(10, 10), QSize(110,110), QSize(), QSize(100, 100))
+            << SizeInfo(QPoint(10, 10 + 100 + 1), QSize( 90, 90))
+            );
+    QTest::newRow("1x3 grid, heightForWidth") << QString() << 1 << 3
+                << int(QSizePolicy::Preferred) << QSize() << (SizeInfoList()
+            << SizeInfo(QPoint(10, 10), QSize(), QSize(200,100), QSize())
+            << SizeInfo(QPoint(10, 10 + 100 + 1), QSize(100,100), QSize(), QSize(), 100*100)
+            << SizeInfo(QPoint(10, 10 + 100 + 1 + 50 + 1), QSize(100,100), QSize(), QSize(100, 100))
+            );
+    QTest::newRow("2x1 grid, extend to minimumSize") << QString::fromAscii("motif") << 2 << 1
+                << int(QSizePolicy::Preferred) << QSize() << (SizeInfoList()
+                << SizeInfo(QPoint(11, 11), QSize( 90, 90), QSize(100,100))
+                << SizeInfo(QPoint(11 + 100 + 6, 11), QSize( 90, 90))
+                );
+    QTest::newRow("2x1 grid, extend to minimumSize") << QString::fromAscii("windows") << 2 << 1
+                << int(QSizePolicy::Preferred) << QSize() << (SizeInfoList()
+                << SizeInfo(QPoint(11, 11), QSize( 90, 90), QSize(100,100))
+                << SizeInfo(QPoint(11 + 100 + 6, 11), QSize( 90, 90))
+                );
+void tst_QGridLayout::minMaxSize()
+    The test tests a gridlayout as a child of a top-level widget
+    // input
+    QFETCH(QString, stylename);
+    QFETCH(int, columns);
+    QFETCH(int, rows);
+    QFETCH(int, sizePolicy);
+    QFETCH(QSize, fixedSize);
+    //input and expected output
+    QFETCH(SizeInfoList, sizeinfos);
+    QStyle *style = 0;
+    if (stylename.isEmpty()) {
+        Qt42Style *s = new Qt42Style;
+        s->margin_toplevel = 10;
+        s->margin = 5;
+        s->spacing = 1;
+        style = static_cast<QStyle *>(s);
+    }else{
+        style = QStyleFactory::create(stylename);
+        if (!style) {
+            QSKIP( qPrintable(QString::fromLatin1("Qt has been compiled without style: %1").arg(stylename)), SkipSingle);
+        }
+    }
+    QApplication::setStyle(style);
+    if (!m_grid)
+        m_grid = new QGridLayout();
+    if (!m_toplevel)
+        m_toplevel = new QWidget();
+    if (fixedSize.isValid()) {
+        m_toplevel->setFixedSize(fixedSize);
+    } else {
+        m_toplevel->setMinimumSize(QSize(0,0));
+        m_toplevel->setMaximumSize(QSize(QWIDGETSIZE_MAX,QWIDGETSIZE_MAX));
+    }
+    // Do a two-pass one using the real testdata, the other pass enables heightForWidth
+    // on the widget, but the heightForWidth() function just return sizeHint().width()
+    for (int pass = 0; pass < 2; ++pass) {
+        m_toplevel->hide();
+        QApplication::processEvents();
+        QTest::qWait(20);
+        // Test if removeItem uninitializes data properly
+        while (m_grid->count()) {
+            QLayoutItem *item = m_grid->itemAt(0);
+            m_grid->removeItem(item);
+            delete item->widget();
+            delete item;
+        }
+        m_toplevel->setLayout(m_grid);
+        // a layout with a top-level parent widget
+        QList<QPointer<SizeHinterFrame> > sizehinters;
+        for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i) {
+            for (int j = 0; j < columns; ++j) {
+                SizeInfo si = sizeinfos.at(sizehinters.count());
+                int numpixels = si.hfwNumPixels;
+                if (pass == 1 && numpixels == -1)
+                    numpixels = -2; //### yuk, (and don't fake it if it already tests sizehint)
+                SizeHinterFrame *sh = new SizeHinterFrame(si.sizeHint, numpixels);
+                QSizePolicy sp = sh->sizePolicy();
+                sp.setHorizontalPolicy((QSizePolicy::Policy)sizePolicy);
+                sh->setSizePolicy(sp);
+                sh->setParent(m_toplevel);
+                if (si.minSize.isValid())
+                    sh->setMinimumSize(si.minSize);
+                if (si.maxSize.isValid())
+                    sh->setMaximumSize(si.maxSize);
+                sizehinters.append(sh);
+                m_grid->addWidget(sh, i, j);
+            }
+        }
+        m_toplevel->show();
+#if defined(Q_WS_X11)
+        qt_x11_wait_for_window_manager(m_toplevel);     // wait for the show
+        QTest::qWait(20);
+        m_toplevel->adjustSize();
+        QTest::qWait(120);                              // wait for the implicit adjustSize
+        // If the following fails we might have to wait longer.
+        // If that does not help there is likely a problem with the implicit adjustSize in show()
+        if (!fixedSize.isValid()) {
+            // Note that this can fail if the desktop has large fonts on windows.
+            QTRY_COMPARE(m_toplevel->size(), m_toplevel->sizeHint());
+        }
+        // We are relying on the order here...
+        for (int pi = 0; pi < sizehinters.count(); ++pi) {
+            QPoint pt = sizehinters.at(pi)->mapTo(m_toplevel, QPoint(0, 0));
+            QCOMPARE(pt, sizeinfos.at(pi).expectedPos);
+        }
+    }
+class CustomLayoutStyle : public QWindowsStyle
+    CustomLayoutStyle() : QWindowsStyle()
+    {
+        hspacing = 5;
+        vspacing = 10;
+        reimplementSubelementRect = false;
+    }
+    virtual int pixelMetric(PixelMetric metric, const QStyleOption * option = 0,
+                            const QWidget * widget = 0 ) const;
+    virtual QRect subElementRect(SubElement sr, const QStyleOption *opt,
+                                const QWidget *widget) const;
+    int hspacing;
+    int vspacing;
+    bool reimplementSubelementRect;
+protected slots:
+    int layoutSpacingImplementation(QSizePolicy::ControlType control1,
+                                    QSizePolicy::ControlType control2,
+                                    Qt::Orientation orientation,
+                                    const QStyleOption *option = 0,
+                                    const QWidget *widget = 0) const;
+QRect CustomLayoutStyle::subElementRect(SubElement sr, const QStyleOption *opt,
+                                const QWidget *widget) const
+    QRect rect;
+    if (reimplementSubelementRect) {
+        switch (sr) {
+        case SE_FrameLayoutItem:
+            rect = opt->rect;
+            rect.adjust(+4, +9, -4, 0); // The hspacing=5 and vspacing=10, so we keep it safe.
+            break;
+        case SE_GroupBoxLayoutItem:
+            rect = opt->rect.adjusted(0, +10, 0, 0);
+            break;
+	default:
+	    break;
+        }
+    }
+    if (rect.isNull())
+        rect = QWindowsStyle::subElementRect(sr, opt, widget);
+    return rect;
+#define CT1(c) CT2(c, c)
+#define CT2(c1, c2) ((uint)c1 << 16) | (uint)c2
+int CustomLayoutStyle::layoutSpacingImplementation(QSizePolicy::ControlType control1,
+                                QSizePolicy::ControlType control2,
+                                Qt::Orientation orientation,
+                                const QStyleOption * /*option = 0*/,
+                                const QWidget * /*widget = 0*/) const
+    if (orientation == Qt::Horizontal) {
+        switch (CT2(control1, control2)) {
+            case CT1(QSizePolicy::PushButton):
+                return 2;
+                break;
+        }
+        return 5;
+    } else {
+        switch (CT2(control1, control2)) {
+            case CT1(QSizePolicy::RadioButton):
+                return 2;
+                break;
+        }
+        return 10;
+    }
+int CustomLayoutStyle::pixelMetric(PixelMetric metric, const QStyleOption * option /*= 0*/,
+                                   const QWidget * widget /*= 0*/ ) const
+    switch (metric) {
+        case PM_LayoutLeftMargin:
+            return 0;
+        break;
+        case PM_LayoutTopMargin:
+            return 3;
+        break;
+        case PM_LayoutRightMargin:
+            return 6;
+        break;
+        case PM_LayoutBottomMargin:
+            return 9;
+        break;
+        case PM_LayoutHorizontalSpacing:
+            return hspacing;
+        case PM_LayoutVerticalSpacing:
+            return vspacing;
+        break;
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+    return QWindowsStyle::pixelMetric(metric, option, widget);
+void tst_QGridLayout::styleDependentSpacingsAndMargins_data()
+    // input
+    QTest::addColumn<int>("columns");
+    QTest::addColumn<int>("rows");
+    QTest::addColumn<QSize>("sizehint");
+    // expected
+    QTest::addColumn<PointList>("expectedpositions");
+    QTest::newRow("1x1 grid") << 1 << 1 << QSize(100, 100)
+                       << (PointList() << QPoint(0, 3) );
+    QTest::newRow("2x1 grid") << 2 << 1 << QSize(100, 100)
+                       << (PointList() << QPoint(0, 3)
+                                       << QPoint(0+100+5, 3));
+    QTest::newRow("3x1 grid") << 3 << 1 << QSize(100, 100)
+                       << (PointList() << QPoint(0, 3)
+                                       << QPoint(0+100+5, 3)
+                                       << QPoint(0 + 2*105, 3));
+    QTest::newRow("1x2 grid") << 1 << 2 << QSize(100, 100)
+                       << (PointList() << QPoint(0, 3)
+                                       << QPoint(0, 3+100+10));
+    QTest::newRow("1x3 grid") << 1 << 3 << QSize(100, 100)
+                       << (PointList() << QPoint(0, 3)
+                                       << QPoint(0, 3+100+10)
+                                       << QPoint(0, 3+2*110));
+    QTest::newRow("2x2 grid") << 2 << 2 << QSize(100, 100)
+                       << (PointList() << QPoint(0, 3) << QPoint(0+100+5, 3)
+                                       << QPoint(0, 3+100+10) << QPoint(0+100+5, 3+100+10));
+void tst_QGridLayout::styleDependentSpacingsAndMargins()
+    QFETCH(int, columns);
+    QFETCH(int, rows);
+    QFETCH(QSize, sizehint);
+    QFETCH(PointList, expectedpositions);
+    QApplication::setStyle(new CustomLayoutStyle());
+    QWidget widget;
+    QGridLayout layout(&widget);
+    QList<QPointer<SizeHinterFrame> > sizehinters;
+    for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i) {
+        for (int j = 0; j < columns; ++j) {
+            SizeHinterFrame *sh = new SizeHinterFrame(sizehint);
+            sh->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed));
+            sh->setParent(&widget);
+            sizehinters.append(sh);
+            layout.addWidget(sh, i, j);
+        }
+    }
+    layout.setColumnStretch(columns, 1);
+    layout.setRowStretch(rows, 1);
+    widget.show();
+    widget.adjustSize();
+    QApplication::processEvents();
+    for (int pi = 0; pi < expectedpositions.count(); ++pi) {
+        QCOMPARE(sizehinters.at(pi)->pos(), expectedpositions.at(pi));
+    }
+void tst_QGridLayout::layoutSpacingImplementation_data()
+    QTest::addColumn<QWidget*>("widget");
+    // expected
+    QTest::addColumn<PointList>("expectedpositions");
+    QTest::addColumn<int>("hSpacing");
+    QTest::addColumn<int>("vSpacing");
+    QTest::addColumn<bool>("customSubElementRect");
+    CustomLayoutStyle *style = new CustomLayoutStyle();
+    {
+        // If the layoutSpacing is negative, the layouting code will call
+        // layoutSpacingImplementation()
+        style->hspacing = -1;
+        style->vspacing = -1;
+        style->reimplementSubelementRect = false;
+        QApplication::setStyle(style);
+        QWidget *w = new QWidget();
+        QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout();
+        QRadioButton *rb1 = new QRadioButton(QLatin1String("Radio 1"), w);
+        QRadioButton *rb2 = new QRadioButton(QLatin1String("Radio 2"), w);
+        QRadioButton *rb3 = new QRadioButton(QLatin1String("Radio 3"), w);
+        layout->addWidget(rb1, 0, Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignLeft);
+        layout->addWidget(rb2, 0, Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignLeft);
+        layout->addWidget(rb3, 0, Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignLeft);
+        QPushButton *b1 = new QPushButton(QLatin1String("Push 1"), w);
+        QPushButton *b2 = new QPushButton(QLatin1String("Push 2"), w);
+        QPushButton *b3 = new QPushButton(QLatin1String("Push 3"), w);
+        layout->addWidget(b1, 0, Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignLeft);
+        layout->addWidget(b2, 0, Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignLeft);
+        layout->addWidget(b3, 0, Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignLeft);
+        layout->addStretch(1);
+        w->setLayout(layout);
+        int rh = rb1->sizeHint().height();
+        int ph = b1->sizeHint().height();
+        QTest::newRow("1x6, radio + push buttons")
+                << w << (PointList()
+                << QPoint(0, 3)
+                << QPoint(0, 3 + rh + 2)
+                << QPoint(0, 3 + 2*(rh + 2))
+                << QPoint(0, 3 + 2*(rh + 2) +   (rh + 10))
+                << QPoint(0, 3 + 2*(rh + 2) + (rh + 10 + ph + 10))
+                << QPoint(0, 3 + 2*(rh + 2) +  rh + 10 + 2*(ph + 10)))
+                << style->hspacing << style->vspacing << style->reimplementSubelementRect;
+    }
+    {
+        style->hspacing = -1;
+        style->vspacing = -1;
+        style->reimplementSubelementRect = false;
+        QApplication::setStyle(style);
+        QWidget *w = new QWidget();
+        QHBoxLayout *layout = new QHBoxLayout();
+        QLineEdit *le1 = new QLineEdit(w);
+        QLineEdit *le2 = new QLineEdit(w);
+        QLineEdit *le3 = new QLineEdit(w);
+        layout->addWidget(le1, 0, Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignLeft);
+        layout->addWidget(le2, 0, Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignLeft);
+        layout->addWidget(le3, 0, Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignLeft);
+        QPushButton *b1 = new QPushButton(QLatin1String("Push 1"), w);
+        QPushButton *b2 = new QPushButton(QLatin1String("Push 2"), w);
+        QPushButton *b3 = new QPushButton(QLatin1String("Push 3"), w);
+        layout->addWidget(b1, 0, Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignLeft);
+        layout->addWidget(b2, 0, Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignLeft);
+        layout->addWidget(b3, 0, Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignLeft);
+        layout->addStretch(1);
+        w->setLayout(layout);
+        int lw = le1->sizeHint().width();
+        int pw = b1->sizeHint().width();
+        QTest::newRow("6x1, line edit + push buttons")
+                << w << (PointList()
+                << QPoint(0, 3)
+                << QPoint(0 + lw + 5, 3)
+                << QPoint(0 + 2*(lw + 5), 3)
+                << QPoint(0 + 3*(lw + 5), 3)
+                << QPoint(0 + 3*(lw + 5) + 1*(pw + 2), 3)
+                << QPoint(0 + 3*(lw + 5) + 2*(pw + 2), 3))
+                << style->hspacing << style->vspacing << style->reimplementSubelementRect;
+    }
+    {
+        style->hspacing = 5;
+        style->vspacing = 10;
+        style->reimplementSubelementRect = true;
+        QApplication::setStyle(style);
+        QWidget *w = new QWidget();
+        QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout();
+        QPushButton *pb1 = new QPushButton(QLatin1String("Push 1"), w);
+        QGroupBox *g1 = new QGroupBox(QLatin1String("GroupBox 1"), w);
+        QRadioButton *rb = new QRadioButton(QLatin1String("Radio 1"), g1);
+        QVBoxLayout *g1layout = new QVBoxLayout();
+        g1layout->addWidget(rb);
+        g1->setLayout(g1layout);
+        QPushButton *pb3 = new QPushButton(QLatin1String("Push 3"), w);
+        layout->addWidget(pb1);
+        layout->addWidget(g1 );
+        layout->addWidget(pb3);
+        w->setLayout(layout);
+        QSize psh = pb1->sizeHint();
+        QSize gsh = g1->sizeHint();
+        QTest::newRow("subElementRect1")
+                << w << (PointList()
+                << QPoint(0, 3)
+                << QPoint(0, 3 + psh.height() + 10 - 10)
+                << QPoint(0, 3 + psh.height() + 10 - 10 + gsh.height() + 10)
+                )
+                << style->hspacing << style->vspacing << style->reimplementSubelementRect;
+    }
+    {
+        style->hspacing = 5;
+        style->vspacing = 10;
+        style->reimplementSubelementRect = true;
+        QApplication::setStyle(style);
+        QWidget *w = new QWidget();
+        QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout();
+        QPushButton *pb1 = new QPushButton(QLatin1String("Push 1"), w);
+        QPushButton *pb2 = new QPushButton(QLatin1String("Push 2"), w);
+        QPushButton *pb3 = new QPushButton(QLatin1String("Push 3"), w);
+        QPushButton *pb4 = new QPushButton(QLatin1String("Push 4"), w);
+        layout->addWidget(pb1, 0, 0);
+        layout->addWidget(pb2, 0, 1);
+        layout->addWidget(pb3, 0, 2);
+        layout->addWidget(pb4, 1, 0, Qt::AlignTop);
+        QFrame *f1 = new QFrame(w);
+        f1->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Box | QFrame::Plain);
+        f1->setMinimumSize(100, 20);
+        f1->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
+        layout->addWidget(f1, 1, 1, Qt::AlignTop);
+        QPushButton *pb6 = new QPushButton(QLatin1String("Push 6"), w);
+        QPushButton *pb7 = new QPushButton(QLatin1String("Push 7"), w);
+        QPushButton *pb8 = new QPushButton(QLatin1String("Push 8"), w);
+        QPushButton *pb9 = new QPushButton(QLatin1String("Push 9"), w);
+        layout->addWidget(pb6, 1, 2, Qt::AlignTop);
+        layout->addWidget(pb7, 2, 0, Qt::AlignTop);
+        layout->addWidget(pb8, 2, 1, Qt::AlignTop);
+        layout->addWidget(pb9, 2, 2, Qt::AlignTop);
+        layout->setColumnStretch(2, 1);
+        layout->setRowStretch(2, 1);
+        w->setLayout(layout);
+        int c[3];
+        c[0] = pb1->sizeHint().width();
+        c[1] = f1->minimumSize().width() - 2*4;
+        c[2] = pb3->sizeHint().width();
+        int r[3];
+        r[0] = pb1->sizeHint().height();
+        r[1] = pb4->sizeHint().height();
+        r[2] = pb7->sizeHint().height();
+        QTest::newRow("subElementRect2")
+                << w << (PointList()
+                << QPoint(0, 3)
+                << QPoint(0 + c[0] + 5, 3)
+                << QPoint(0 + c[0] + 5 + c[1] + 5, 3)
+                << QPoint(0, 3 + r[0] + 10)
+                << QPoint(0 + c[0] + 5 - 4, 3 + r[0] + 10 - 9)
+                << QPoint(0 + c[0] + 5 + c[1] + 5, 3 + r[0] + 10)
+                << QPoint(0, 3 + r[0] + 10 + r[1] + 10)
+                << QPoint(0 + c[0] + 5, 3 + r[0] + 10 + r[1] + 10)
+                << QPoint(0 + c[0] + 5 + c[1] + 5, 3 + r[0] + 10 + r[1] + 10)
+                )
+                << style->hspacing << style->vspacing << style->reimplementSubelementRect;
+    }
+    {
+        style->hspacing = 5;
+        style->vspacing = 10;
+        style->reimplementSubelementRect = true;
+        QApplication::setStyle(style);
+        QWidget *w = new QWidget();
+        QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout();
+        QPushButton *pb1 = new QPushButton(QLatin1String("Push 1"), w);
+        QGroupBox *g1 = new QGroupBox(QLatin1String("GroupBox 1"), w);
+        QRadioButton *rb = new QRadioButton(QLatin1String("Radio 1"), g1);
+        QVBoxLayout *g1layout = new QVBoxLayout();
+        g1layout->addWidget(rb);
+        g1->setLayout(g1layout);
+        QPushButton *pb3 = new QPushButton(QLatin1String("Push 3"), w);
+        pb1->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect, true);
+        g1->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect, true);
+        pb3->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect, true);
+        layout->addWidget(pb1);
+        layout->addWidget(g1 );
+        layout->addWidget(pb3);
+        w->setLayout(layout);
+        QSize psh = pb1->sizeHint();
+        QSize gsh = g1->sizeHint();
+        QTest::newRow("subElementRect1, use widgetRect")
+                << w << (PointList()
+                << QPoint(0, 3)
+                << QPoint(0, 3 + psh.height() + 10)
+                << QPoint(0, 3 + psh.height() + 10 + gsh.height() + 10)
+                )
+                << style->hspacing << style->vspacing << style->reimplementSubelementRect;
+    }
+    {
+        style->hspacing = 5;
+        style->vspacing = 10;
+        style->reimplementSubelementRect = true;
+        QApplication::setStyle(style);
+        QWidget *w = new QWidget();
+        QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout();
+        QPushButton *pb1 = new QPushButton(QLatin1String("Push 1"), w);
+        QGroupBox *g1 = new QGroupBox(QLatin1String("GroupBox 1"), w);
+        QRadioButton *rb = new QRadioButton(QLatin1String("Radio 1"), g1);
+        QVBoxLayout *g1layout = new QVBoxLayout();
+        g1layout->addWidget(rb);
+        g1->setLayout(g1layout);
+        QPushButton *pb3 = new QPushButton(QLatin1String("Push 3"), w);
+        pb1->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect, false);
+        g1->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect, false);
+        pb3->setAttribute(Qt::WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect, false);
+        layout->addWidget(pb1);
+        layout->addWidget(g1 );
+        layout->addWidget(pb3);
+        w->setLayout(layout);
+        QSize psh = pb1->sizeHint();
+        QSize gsh = g1->sizeHint();
+        QTest::newRow("subElementRect1, use layoutItemRect")
+                << w << (PointList()
+                << QPoint(0, 3)
+                << QPoint(0, 3 + psh.height() + 10 - 10)
+                << QPoint(0, 3 + psh.height() + 10 - 10 + gsh.height() + 10)
+                )
+                << style->hspacing << style->vspacing << style->reimplementSubelementRect;
+    }
+    {
+        /* A 3x4 gridlayout, modified arrowpad example:
+         *      [PB]
+         * [PB]      [PB]
+         *      |PB|
+         *      |  |
+         *      |  |
+         *
+         * Here the bottom pushbutton has a span
+         */
+        style->hspacing = -1;
+        style->vspacing = -1;
+        style->reimplementSubelementRect = false;
+        QApplication::setStyle(style);
+        QWidget *w = new QWidget();
+        QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout();
+        QPushButton *left = new QPushButton(w);
+        QPushButton *up = new QPushButton(w);
+        QPushButton *right = new QPushButton(w);
+        QPushButton *down = new QPushButton(w);
+        layout->addWidget(up, 0, 1);
+        layout->addWidget(left, 1, 0);
+        layout->addWidget(right, 1, 2);
+        layout->addWidget(down, 2, 1, 3, 1);
+        w->setLayout(layout);
+        int pw = up->sizeHint().width();
+        int ph = up->sizeHint().height();
+        QTest::newRow("arrowpad with span")
+                << w << (PointList()
+                << QPoint(0 + pw + 5, 3)
+                << QPoint(0, 3 + ph + 10)
+                << QPoint(0 + pw + 5 + pw + 5, 3 + ph + 10)
+                << QPoint(0 + pw + 5, 3 + ph + 10 + ph + 10)
+                )
+                << style->hspacing << style->vspacing << style->reimplementSubelementRect;
+    }
+    for (int yoff = 0; yoff < 5; ++yoff)
+    {
+        for (int xoff = 0; xoff < 5; ++xoff) {
+            /* A 3x4 gridlayout, modified arrowpad example:
+             * [empty cells]
+             *      [PB]
+             * [PB]      [PB]
+             *      [PB]
+             *
+             * It has 0-4 empty rows at the top and 0-4 empty columns to the left.
+             */
+            style->hspacing = -1;
+            style->vspacing = -1;
+            style->reimplementSubelementRect = false;
+            QApplication::setStyle(style);
+            QWidget *w = new QWidget();
+            QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout();
+            QPushButton *left = new QPushButton(w);
+            QPushButton *up = new QPushButton(w);
+            QPushButton *right = new QPushButton(w);
+            QPushButton *down = new QPushButton(w);
+            layout->addWidget(up, yoff + 0, xoff + 1);
+            layout->addWidget(left, yoff + 1, xoff + 0);
+            layout->addWidget(right, yoff + 1, xoff + 2);
+            layout->addWidget(down, yoff + 2, xoff + 1, 3, 1);
+            w->setLayout(layout);
+            int pw = up->sizeHint().width();
+            int ph = up->sizeHint().height();
+            QByteArray testName = QString::fromAscii("arrowpad with %1 empty rows, %2 empty columns").arg(yoff).arg(xoff).toLatin1();
+            QTest::newRow(testName.data())
+                    << w << (PointList()
+                    << QPoint(0 + pw + 5, 3)
+                    << QPoint(0, 3 + ph + 10)
+                    << QPoint(0 + pw + 5 + pw + 5, 3 + ph + 10)
+                    << QPoint(0 + pw + 5, 3 + ph + 10 + ph + 10)
+                    )
+                    << style->hspacing << style->vspacing << style->reimplementSubelementRect;
+        }
+    }
+void tst_QGridLayout::layoutSpacingImplementation()
+    QFETCH(QWidget *, widget);
+    QFETCH(PointList, expectedpositions);
+    QFETCH(int, hSpacing);
+    QFETCH(int, vSpacing);
+    QFETCH(bool, customSubElementRect);
+    CustomLayoutStyle *style = new CustomLayoutStyle();
+    style->hspacing = hSpacing;
+    style->vspacing = vSpacing;
+    style->reimplementSubelementRect = customSubElementRect;
+    QApplication::setStyle(style);
+    widget->resize(widget->sizeHint());
+    widget->show();
+#if defined(Q_WS_X11)
+    qt_x11_wait_for_window_manager(widget);     // wait for the show
+    QLayout *layout = widget->layout();
+    QVERIFY(layout);
+    //QTest::qWait(2000);
+    for (int pi = 0; pi < expectedpositions.count(); ++pi) {
+        QLayoutItem *item = layout->itemAt(pi);
+        //qDebug()  << item->widget()->pos();
+        QCOMPARE(item->widget()->pos(), expectedpositions.at(pi));
+    }
+    delete widget;
+void tst_QGridLayout::spacing()
+    QWidget w;
+    CustomLayoutStyle *style = new CustomLayoutStyle();
+    style->hspacing = 5;
+    style->vspacing = 10;
+    w.setStyle(style);
+    QGridLayout grid(&w);
+    QCOMPARE(style->hspacing, grid.horizontalSpacing());
+    QCOMPARE(style->vspacing, grid.verticalSpacing());
+    QCOMPARE(grid.spacing(), -1);
+    grid.setVerticalSpacing(5);
+    QCOMPARE(5, grid.horizontalSpacing());
+    QCOMPARE(5, grid.verticalSpacing());
+    QCOMPARE(grid.spacing(), 5);
+    grid.setVerticalSpacing(-1);
+    QCOMPARE(style->hspacing, grid.horizontalSpacing());
+    QCOMPARE(style->vspacing, grid.verticalSpacing());
+    style->hspacing = 5;
+    style->vspacing = 5;
+    QCOMPARE(grid.spacing(), 5);
+    grid.setHorizontalSpacing(20);
+    QCOMPARE(grid.spacing(), -1);
+    style->vspacing = 20;
+    QCOMPARE(grid.horizontalSpacing(), 20);
+    QCOMPARE(grid.verticalSpacing(), 20);
+    QCOMPARE(grid.spacing(), 20);
+    grid.setHorizontalSpacing(-1);
+    QCOMPARE(grid.spacing(), -1);
+    style->hspacing = 20;
+    QCOMPARE(grid.spacing(), 20);
+    delete style;
+void populate(QGridLayout *layout, int row, int kind)
+    if (kind == 0) {
+        QWidget *widget = new QWidget;
+        widget->setFixedSize(100, 100);
+        layout->addWidget(widget, row, 0);
+    } else if (kind == 1) {
+        layout->addItem(new QSpacerItem(10, 10), row, 0);
+    }
+void tst_QGridLayout::spacerWithSpacing()
+    // Tests all combinations of widget (w), spacer (s) and no layoutitem (-)
+    // to see if they are laid out correctly.
+    // Note that a combination of "s-" or "-s" should only give the height of "s"
+    const int expectedHeight[] = {
+        302,// www
+        211,// wws
+        201,// ww-
+        211,// wsw
+        120,// wss
+        110,// ws-
+        201,// w-w
+        110,// w-s
+        100,// w--
+        211,// sww
+        120,// sws
+        110,// sw-
+        120,// ssw
+         30,// sss
+         20,// ss-
+        110,// s-w
+         20,// s-s
+         10,// s--
+        201,// -ww
+        110,// -ws
+        100,// -w-
+        110,// -sw
+         20,// -ss
+         10,// -s-
+        100,// --w
+         10,// --s
+        000 // ---
+        };
+    int ii = 0;
+    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+        for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
+            for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) {
+                QWidget window;
+                QGridLayout layout(&window);
+                layout.setSpacing(1);
+                layout.setMargin(0);
+                populate(&layout, 0, i);
+                populate(&layout, 1, j);
+                populate(&layout, 2, k);
+                QCOMPARE(window.sizeHint().height(), expectedHeight[ii]);
+#if 0
+                const char T[] = "ws-";
+                qWarning("%c%c%c: %.3d", i[T], j[T], k[T], window.sizeHint().height());
+                ++ii;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+void tst_QGridLayout::contentsRect()
+    QWidget w;
+    QGridLayout grid;
+    w.setLayout(&grid);
+    grid.addWidget(new QPushButton(&w));
+    w.show();
+#if defined(Q_WS_X11)
+    qt_x11_wait_for_window_manager(&w);     // wait for the show
+    int l, t, r, b;
+    grid.getContentsMargins(&l, &t, &r, &b);
+    QRect geom = grid.geometry();
+    QCOMPARE(geom.adjusted(+l, +t, -r, -b), grid.contentsRect());
+void tst_QGridLayout::distributeMultiCell()
+    QWidget w;
+    Qt42Style *style = new Qt42Style();
+    style->spacing = 9;
+    w.setStyle(style);
+    QGridLayout grid;
+    w.setLayout(&grid);
+    SizeHinter le1(200, 20, &w);
+    le1.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed));
+    SizeHinter le2(200, 20, &w);
+    le2.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed));
+    SizeHinter box(80, 57, &w);
+    box.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Expanding));
+    box.setMinimumSize(80, 57);
+    grid.addWidget(&le1, 0, 0, 1, 1);
+    grid.addWidget(&le2, 1, 0, 1, 1);
+    grid.addWidget(&box, 0, 1, 2, 1);
+    QCOMPARE(box.sizeHint().height(), 57);
+    QCOMPARE(w.sizeHint().height(), 11 + 57 + 11);
+#include "tst_qgridlayout.moc"