changeset 0 1918ee327afb
child 4 3b1da2848fc7
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tests/auto/qstackedlayout/tst_qstackedlayout.cpp	Mon Jan 11 14:00:40 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com)
+** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit.
+** No Commercial Usage
+** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
+** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
+** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
+** this package.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights.  These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at qt-info@nokia.com.
+#include <QtTest/QtTest>
+#include <QLineEdit>
+#include <QStackedLayout>
+#include <qapplication.h>
+#include <qwidget.h>
+#include <QPushButton>
+#include "../../shared/util.h"
+//TESTED_FILES=gui/kernel/qlayout.cpp gui/kernel/qlayout.h
+class tst_QStackedLayout : public QObject
+    tst_QStackedLayout();
+    virtual ~tst_QStackedLayout();
+public slots:
+    void initTestCase();
+    void cleanupTestCase();
+    void init();
+    void cleanup();
+private slots:
+    void getSetCheck();
+    void testCase();
+    void deleteCurrent();
+    void removeWidget();
+    void keepFocusAfterSetCurrent();
+    QWidget *testWidget;
+// Testing get/set functions
+void tst_QStackedLayout::getSetCheck()
+    QStackedLayout obj1;
+    // int QStackedLayout::currentIndex()
+    // void QStackedLayout::setCurrentIndex(int)
+    obj1.setCurrentIndex(0);
+    QCOMPARE(-1, obj1.currentIndex());
+    obj1.setCurrentIndex(INT_MIN);
+    QCOMPARE(-1, obj1.currentIndex());
+    obj1.setCurrentIndex(INT_MAX);
+    QCOMPARE(-1, obj1.currentIndex());
+    // QWidget * QStackedLayout::currentWidget()
+    // void QStackedLayout::setCurrentWidget(QWidget *)
+    QWidget *var2 = new QWidget();
+    obj1.addWidget(var2);
+    obj1.setCurrentWidget(var2);
+    QCOMPARE(var2, obj1.currentWidget());
+    obj1.setCurrentWidget((QWidget *)0);
+    QCOMPARE(obj1.currentWidget(), var2);
+    delete var2;
+    : testWidget(0)
+void tst_QStackedLayout::initTestCase()
+void tst_QStackedLayout::cleanupTestCase()
+void tst_QStackedLayout::init()
+    if (testWidget) {
+        delete testWidget;
+        testWidget = 0;
+    }
+    testWidget = new QWidget(0);
+    testWidget->resize( 200, 200 );
+    testWidget->show();
+    // make sure the tests work with focus follows mouse
+    QCursor::setPos(testWidget->geometry().center());
+    testWidget->activateWindow();
+    QApplication::syncX();
+    QTest::qWait(250);
+void tst_QStackedLayout::cleanup()
+    delete testWidget;
+    testWidget = 0;
+void tst_QStackedLayout::testCase()
+    QStackedLayout onStack(testWidget);
+    QStackedLayout *testLayout = &onStack;
+    testWidget->setLayout(testLayout);
+    QSignalSpy spy(testLayout,SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)));
+    // Nothing in layout
+    QCOMPARE(testLayout->currentIndex(), -1);
+    QCOMPARE(testLayout->currentWidget(), static_cast<QWidget*>(0));
+    QCOMPARE(testLayout->count(), 0);
+    // One widget added to layout
+    QWidget *w1 = new QWidget(testWidget);
+    testLayout->addWidget(w1);
+    QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1);
+    QCOMPARE(spy.at(0).at(0).toInt(), 0);
+    spy.clear();
+    QCOMPARE(testLayout->currentIndex(), 0);
+    QCOMPARE(testLayout->currentWidget(), w1);
+    QCOMPARE(testLayout->count(), 1);
+    // Another widget added to layout
+    QWidget *w2 = new QWidget(testWidget);
+    testLayout->addWidget(w2);
+    QCOMPARE(testLayout->currentIndex(), 0);
+    QCOMPARE(testLayout->currentWidget(), w1);
+    QCOMPARE(testLayout->indexOf(w2), 1);
+    QCOMPARE(testLayout->count(), 2);
+    // Change the current index
+    testLayout->setCurrentIndex(1);
+    QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1);
+    QCOMPARE(spy.at(0).at(0).toInt(), 1);
+    spy.clear();
+    QCOMPARE(testLayout->currentIndex(), 1);
+    QCOMPARE(testLayout->currentWidget(), w2);
+    // First widget removed from layout
+    testLayout->removeWidget(w1);
+    QCOMPARE(testLayout->currentIndex(), 0);
+    QCOMPARE(testLayout->currentWidget(), w2);
+    QCOMPARE(testLayout->count(), 1);
+    // Second widget removed from layout; back to nothing
+    testLayout->removeWidget(w2);
+    QCOMPARE(spy.count(), 1);
+    QCOMPARE(spy.at(0).at(0).toInt(), -1);
+    spy.clear();
+    QCOMPARE(testLayout->currentIndex(), -1);
+    QCOMPARE(testLayout->currentWidget(), static_cast<QWidget*>(0));
+    QCOMPARE(testLayout->count(), 0);
+    // Another widget inserted at current index.
+    // Current index should become current index + 1, but the
+    // current widget should stay the same
+    testLayout->addWidget(w1);
+    QCOMPARE(testLayout->currentIndex(), 0);
+    QCOMPARE(testLayout->currentWidget(), w1);
+    testLayout->insertWidget(0, w2);
+    QCOMPARE(testLayout->currentIndex(), 1);
+    QCOMPARE(testLayout->currentWidget(), w1);
+    QVERIFY(w1->isVisible());
+    QVERIFY(!w2->isVisible());
+    testLayout->setCurrentWidget(w2);
+    // Another widget added, so we have: w2, w1, w3 with w2 current
+    QWidget *w3 = new QWidget(testWidget);
+    testLayout->addWidget(w3);
+    QCOMPARE(testLayout->indexOf(w2), 0);
+    QCOMPARE(testLayout->indexOf(w1), 1);
+    QCOMPARE(testLayout->indexOf(w3), 2);
+    // Set index to 1 and remove that widget (w1).
+    // Then, current index should still be 1, but w3
+    // should be the new current widget.
+    testLayout->setCurrentIndex(1);
+    testLayout->removeWidget(w1);
+    QCOMPARE(testLayout->currentIndex(), 1);
+    QCOMPARE(testLayout->currentWidget(), w3);
+    QVERIFY(w3->isVisible());
+    // Remove the current widget (w3).
+    // Since it's the last one in the list, current index should now
+    // become 0 and w2 becomes the current widget.
+    testLayout->removeWidget(w3);
+    QCOMPARE(testLayout->currentIndex(), 0);
+    QCOMPARE(testLayout->currentWidget(), w2);
+    QVERIFY(w2->isVisible());
+    // Make sure index is decremented when we remove a widget at index < current index
+    testLayout->addWidget(w1);
+    testLayout->addWidget(w3);
+    testLayout->setCurrentIndex(2);
+    testLayout->removeWidget(w2); // At index 0
+    QCOMPARE(testLayout->currentIndex(), 1);
+    QCOMPARE(testLayout->currentWidget(), w3);
+    QVERIFY(w3->isVisible());
+    testLayout->removeWidget(w1); // At index 0
+    QCOMPARE(testLayout->currentIndex(), 0);
+    QCOMPARE(testLayout->currentWidget(), w3);
+    QVERIFY(w3->isVisible());
+    testLayout->removeWidget(w3);
+    QCOMPARE(testLayout->currentIndex(), -1);
+    QCOMPARE(testLayout->currentWidget(), static_cast<QWidget*>(0));
+void tst_QStackedLayout::deleteCurrent()
+    QStackedLayout *testLayout = new QStackedLayout(testWidget);
+    QWidget *w1 = new QWidget;
+    testLayout->addWidget(w1);
+    QWidget *w2 = new QWidget;
+    testLayout->addWidget(w2);
+    QCOMPARE(testLayout->currentWidget(), w1);
+    delete testLayout->currentWidget();
+    QCOMPARE(testLayout->currentWidget(), w2);
+void tst_QStackedLayout::removeWidget()
+    if (testWidget->layout()) delete testWidget->layout();
+    QVBoxLayout *vbox = new QVBoxLayout(testWidget);
+    QPushButton *top = new QPushButton("top", testWidget);  //add another widget that can receive focus
+    top->setObjectName("top");
+    vbox->addWidget(top);
+    QStackedLayout *testLayout = new QStackedLayout();
+    QPushButton *w1 = new QPushButton("1st", testWidget);
+    w1->setObjectName("1st");
+    testLayout->addWidget(w1);
+    QPushButton *w2 = new QPushButton("2nd", testWidget);
+    w2->setObjectName("2nd");
+    testLayout->addWidget(w2);
+    vbox->addLayout(testLayout);
+    top->setFocus();
+    QTest::qWait(100);
+    top->activateWindow();
+    QTest::qWait(100);
+    int i =0;
+    for (;;) {
+        if (QApplication::focusWidget() == top)
+            break;
+        else if (i >= 5)
+            QSKIP("Can't get focus", SkipSingle);
+        QTest::qWait(100);
+        ++i;
+    }
+    QCOMPARE(QApplication::focusWidget(), static_cast<QWidget *>(top));
+    // focus should stay at the 'top' widget
+    testLayout->removeWidget(w1);
+    QCOMPARE(QApplication::focusWidget(), static_cast<QWidget *>(top));
+class LineEdit : public QLineEdit
+    LineEdit() : hasFakeEditFocus(false)
+    { }
+    bool hasFakeEditFocus;
+    bool isSingleFocusWidget() const
+    {
+        const QWidget *w = this;
+        while ((w = w->nextInFocusChain()) != this) {
+            if (w->isVisible() && static_cast<const QWidget*>(w->focusProxy()) != this
+                && w->focusPolicy() & Qt::TabFocus) {
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+    void focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *event)
+    {
+        QLineEdit::focusInEvent(event);
+        hasFakeEditFocus = isSingleFocusWidget();
+    }
+    void focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent *event)
+    {
+        hasFakeEditFocus = false;
+        QLineEdit::focusOutEvent(event);
+    }
+void tst_QStackedLayout::keepFocusAfterSetCurrent()
+    if (testWidget->layout()) delete testWidget->layout();
+    QStackedLayout *stackLayout = new QStackedLayout(testWidget);
+    testWidget->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus);
+    LineEdit *edit1 = new LineEdit;
+    LineEdit *edit2 = new LineEdit;
+    stackLayout->addWidget(edit1);
+    stackLayout->addWidget(edit2);
+    stackLayout->setCurrentIndex(0);
+    testWidget->show();
+    QApplication::setActiveWindow(testWidget);
+    QTest::qWaitForWindowShown(testWidget);
+    QApplication::processEvents();
+    edit1->setFocus();
+    edit1->activateWindow();
+    QTest::qWait(25);
+    QTRY_VERIFY(edit1->hasFocus());
+    stackLayout->setCurrentIndex(1);
+    QVERIFY(!edit1->hasFocus());
+    QVERIFY(edit2->hasFocus());
+    QVERIFY(edit2->hasFakeEditFocus);
+#include "tst_qstackedlayout.moc"