changeset 0 1918ee327afb
child 4 3b1da2848fc7
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tools/linguist/shared/ts.cpp	Mon Jan 11 14:00:40 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,779 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
+** This file is part of the Qt Linguist of the Qt Toolkit.
+** No Commercial Usage
+** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
+** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
+** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
+** this package.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights.  These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at
+#include "translator.h"
+#include <QtCore/QByteArray>
+#include <QtCore/QDebug>
+#include <QtCore/QTextCodec>
+#include <QtCore/QTextStream>
+#include <QtXml/QXmlStreamReader>
+#include <QtXml/QXmlStreamAttribute>
+#define STRING(s) static QString str##s(QLatin1String(STRINGIFY(s)))
+ * The encodings are a total mess.
+ * A Translator has a codecForTr(). Each message's text will be passed to tr()
+ * in that encoding or as UTF-8 to trUtf8() if it is flagged as such.
+ * For ts 2.0, the file content is always uniformly in UTF-8. The file stores
+ * the codecForTr default and marks deviating messages accordingly.
+ * For ts 1.1, the file content is in mixed encoding. Each message is encoded
+ * the way it will be passed to tr() (with 8-bit characters encoded as numeric
+ * entities) or trUtf8(). The file stores the encoding and codecForTr in one
+ * attribute, for both the default and each deviating message.
+ */
+QDebug &operator<<(QDebug &d, const QXmlStreamAttribute &attr)
+    return d << "[" << << "," << attr.value().toString() << "]";
+class TSReader : public QXmlStreamReader
+    TSReader(QIODevice &dev, ConversionData &cd)
+      : QXmlStreamReader(&dev), m_cd(cd)
+    {}
+    // the "real thing"
+    bool read(Translator &translator);
+    bool elementStarts(const QString &str) const
+    {
+        return isStartElement() && name() == str;
+    }
+    bool isWhiteSpace() const
+    {
+        return isCharacters() && text().toString().trimmed().isEmpty();
+    }
+    // needed to expand <byte ... />
+    QString readContents();
+    // needed to join <lengthvariant>s
+    QString readTransContents();
+    void handleError();
+    ConversionData &m_cd;
+void TSReader::handleError()
+    if (isComment())
+        return;
+    if (hasError() && error() == CustomError) // raised by readContents
+        return;
+    const QString loc = QString::fromLatin1("at %3:%1:%2")
+        .arg(lineNumber()).arg(columnNumber()).arg(m_cd.m_sourceFileName);
+    switch (tokenType()) {
+    case NoToken: // Cannot happen
+    default: // likewise
+    case Invalid:
+        raiseError(QString::fromLatin1("Parse error %1: %2").arg(loc, errorString()));
+        break;
+    case StartElement:
+        raiseError(QString::fromLatin1("Unexpected tag <%1> %2").arg(name().toString(), loc));
+        break;
+    case Characters:
+        {
+            QString tok = text().toString();
+            if (tok.length() > 30)
+                tok = tok.left(30) + QLatin1String("[...]");
+            raiseError(QString::fromLatin1("Unexpected characters '%1' %2").arg(tok, loc));
+        }
+        break;
+    case EntityReference:
+        raiseError(QString::fromLatin1("Unexpected entity '&%1;' %2").arg(name().toString(), loc));
+        break;
+    case ProcessingInstruction:
+        raiseError(QString::fromLatin1("Unexpected processing instruction %1").arg(loc));
+        break;
+    }
+static QString byteValue(QString value)
+    int base = 10;
+    if (value.startsWith(QLatin1String("x"))) {
+        base = 16;
+        value.remove(0, 1);
+    }
+    int n = value.toUInt(0, base);
+    return (n != 0) ? QString(QChar(n)) : QString();
+QString TSReader::readContents()
+    STRING(byte);
+    STRING(value);
+    QString result;
+    while (!atEnd()) {
+        readNext();
+        if (isEndElement()) {
+            break;
+        } else if (isCharacters()) {
+            result += text();
+        } else if (elementStarts(strbyte)) {
+            // <byte value="...">
+            result += byteValue(attributes().value(strvalue).toString());
+            readNext();
+            if (!isEndElement()) {
+                handleError();
+                break;
+            }
+        } else {
+            handleError();
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    //qDebug() << "TEXT: " << result;
+    return result;
+QString TSReader::readTransContents()
+    STRING(lengthvariant);
+    STRING(variants);
+    STRING(yes);
+    if (attributes().value(strvariants) == stryes) {
+        QString result;
+        while (!atEnd()) {
+            readNext();
+            if (isEndElement()) {
+                break;
+            } else if (isWhiteSpace()) {
+                // ignore these, just whitespace
+            } else if (elementStarts(strlengthvariant)) {
+                if (!result.isEmpty())
+                    result += QChar(Translator::BinaryVariantSeparator);
+                result += readContents();
+            } else {
+                handleError();
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        return result;
+    } else {
+        return readContents();
+    }
+bool TSReader::read(Translator &translator)
+    STRING(both);
+    STRING(byte);
+    STRING(comment);
+    STRING(context);
+    STRING(defaultcodec);
+    STRING(encoding);
+    STRING(extracomment);
+    STRING(filename);
+    STRING(id);
+    STRING(language);
+    STRING(line);
+    STRING(location);
+    STRING(message);
+    STRING(name);
+    STRING(numerus);
+    STRING(numerusform);
+    STRING(obsolete);
+    STRING(oldcomment);
+    STRING(oldsource);
+    STRING(source);
+    STRING(sourcelanguage);
+    STRING(translation);
+    STRING(translatorcomment);
+    STRING(true);
+    STRING(TS);
+    STRING(type);
+    STRING(unfinished);
+    STRING(userdata);
+    STRING(utf8);
+    STRING(value);
+    //STRING(version);
+    STRING(yes);
+    static const QString strextrans(QLatin1String("extra-"));
+    static const QString strUtf8(QLatin1String("UTF-8"));
+    while (!atEnd()) {
+        readNext();
+        if (isStartDocument()) {
+            // <!DOCTYPE TS>
+            //qDebug() << attributes();
+        } else if (isEndDocument()) {
+            // <!DOCTYPE TS>
+            //qDebug() << attributes();
+        } else if (isDTD()) {
+            // <!DOCTYPE TS>
+            //qDebug() << tokenString();
+        } else if (elementStarts(strTS)) {
+            // <TS>
+            //qDebug() << "TS " << attributes();
+            QHash<QString, int> currentLine;
+            QString currentFile;
+            QXmlStreamAttributes atts = attributes();
+            //QString version = atts.value(strversion).toString();
+            translator.setLanguageCode(atts.value(strlanguage).toString());
+            translator.setSourceLanguageCode(atts.value(strsourcelanguage).toString());
+            while (!atEnd()) {
+                readNext();
+                if (isEndElement()) {
+                    // </TS> found, finish local loop
+                    break;
+                } else if (isWhiteSpace()) {
+                    // ignore these, just whitespace
+                } else if (elementStarts(strdefaultcodec)) {
+                    // <defaultcodec>
+                    const QString &codec = readElementText();
+                    if (!codec.isEmpty())
+                        translator.setCodecName(codec.toLatin1());
+                    // </defaultcodec>
+                } else if (isStartElement()
+                        && name().toString().startsWith(strextrans)) {
+                    // <extra-...>
+                    QString tag = name().toString();
+                    translator.setExtra(tag.mid(6), readContents());
+                    // </extra-...>
+                } else if (elementStarts(strcontext)) {
+                    // <context>
+                    QString context;
+                    while (!atEnd()) {
+                        readNext();
+                        if (isEndElement()) {
+                            // </context> found, finish local loop
+                            break;
+                        } else if (isWhiteSpace()) {
+                            // ignore these, just whitespace
+                        } else if (elementStarts(strname)) {
+                            // <name>
+                            context = readElementText();
+                            // </name>
+                        } else if (elementStarts(strmessage)) {
+                            // <message>
+                            TranslatorMessage::References refs;
+                            QString currentMsgFile = currentFile;
+                            TranslatorMessage msg;
+                            msg.setId(attributes().value(strid).toString());
+                            msg.setContext(context);
+                            msg.setType(TranslatorMessage::Finished);
+                            msg.setPlural(attributes().value(strnumerus) == stryes);
+                            const QStringRef &utf8Attr = attributes().value(strutf8);
+                            msg.setNonUtf8(utf8Attr == strboth);
+                            msg.setUtf8(msg.isNonUtf8() || utf8Attr == strtrue
+                                 ||  attributes().value(strencoding) == strUtf8);
+                            while (!atEnd()) {
+                                readNext();
+                                if (isEndElement()) {
+                                    // </message> found, finish local loop
+                                    msg.setReferences(refs);
+                                    translator.append(msg);
+                                    break;
+                                } else if (isWhiteSpace()) {
+                                    // ignore these, just whitespace
+                                } else if (elementStarts(strsource)) {
+                                    // <source>...</source>
+                                    msg.setSourceText(readContents());
+                                } else if (elementStarts(stroldsource)) {
+                                    // <oldsource>...</oldsource>
+                                    msg.setOldSourceText(readContents());
+                                } else if (elementStarts(stroldcomment)) {
+                                    // <oldcomment>...</oldcomment>
+                                    msg.setOldComment(readContents());
+                                } else if (elementStarts(strextracomment)) {
+                                    // <extracomment>...</extracomment>
+                                    msg.setExtraComment(readContents());
+                                } else if (elementStarts(strtranslatorcomment)) {
+                                    // <translatorcomment>...</translatorcomment>
+                                    msg.setTranslatorComment(readContents());
+                                } else if (elementStarts(strlocation)) {
+                                    // <location/>
+                                    QXmlStreamAttributes atts = attributes();
+                                    QString fileName = atts.value(strfilename).toString();
+                                    if (fileName.isEmpty()) {
+                                        fileName = currentMsgFile;
+                                    } else {
+                                        if (refs.isEmpty())
+                                            currentFile = fileName;
+                                        currentMsgFile = fileName;
+                                    }
+                                    const QString lin = atts.value(strline).toString();
+                                    if (lin.isEmpty()) {
+                                        translator.setLocationsType(Translator::RelativeLocations);
+                                        refs.append(TranslatorMessage::Reference(fileName, -1));
+                                    } else {
+                                        bool bOK;
+                                        int lineNo = lin.toInt(&bOK);
+                                        if (bOK) {
+                                            if (lin.startsWith(QLatin1Char('+')) || lin.startsWith(QLatin1Char('-'))) {
+                                                lineNo = (currentLine[fileName] += lineNo);
+                                                translator.setLocationsType(Translator::RelativeLocations);
+                                            } else {
+                                                translator.setLocationsType(Translator::AbsoluteLocations);
+                                            }
+                                            refs.append(TranslatorMessage::Reference(fileName, lineNo));
+                                        }
+                                    }
+                                    readContents();
+                                } else if (elementStarts(strcomment)) {
+                                    // <comment>...</comment>
+                                    msg.setComment(readContents());
+                                } else if (elementStarts(struserdata)) {
+                                    // <userdata>...</userdata>
+                                    msg.setUserData(readContents());
+                                } else if (elementStarts(strtranslation)) {
+                                    // <translation>
+                                    QXmlStreamAttributes atts = attributes();
+                                    QStringRef type = atts.value(strtype);
+                                    if (type == strunfinished)
+                                        msg.setType(TranslatorMessage::Unfinished);
+                                    else if (type == strobsolete)
+                                        msg.setType(TranslatorMessage::Obsolete);
+                                    if (msg.isPlural()) {
+                                        QStringList translations;
+                                        while (!atEnd()) {
+                                            readNext();
+                                            if (isEndElement()) {
+                                                break;
+                                            } else if (isWhiteSpace()) {
+                                                // ignore these, just whitespace
+                                            } else if (elementStarts(strnumerusform)) {
+                                                translations.append(readTransContents());
+                                            } else {
+                                                handleError();
+                                                break;
+                                            }
+                                        }
+                                        msg.setTranslations(translations);
+                                    } else {
+                                        msg.setTranslation(readTransContents());
+                                    }
+                                    // </translation>
+                                } else if (isStartElement()
+                                        && name().toString().startsWith(strextrans)) {
+                                    // <extra-...>
+                                    QString tag = name().toString();
+                                    msg.setExtra(tag.mid(6), readContents());
+                                    // </extra-...>
+                                } else {
+                                    handleError();
+                                }
+                            }
+                            // </message>
+                        } else {
+                            handleError();
+                        }
+                    }
+                    // </context>
+                } else {
+                    handleError();
+                }
+            } // </TS>
+        } else {
+            handleError();
+        }
+    }
+    if (hasError()) {
+        m_cd.appendError(errorString());
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+static QString numericEntity(int ch)
+    return QString(ch <= 0x20 ? QLatin1String("<byte value=\"x%1\"/>")
+        : QLatin1String("&#x%1;")) .arg(ch, 0, 16);
+static QString protect(const QString &str)
+    QString result;
+    result.reserve(str.length() * 12 / 10);
+    for (int i = 0; i != str.size(); ++i) {
+        uint c =;
+        switch (c) {
+        case '\"':
+            result += QLatin1String("&quot;");
+            break;
+        case '&':
+            result += QLatin1String("&amp;");
+            break;
+        case '>':
+            result += QLatin1String("&gt;");
+            break;
+        case '<':
+            result += QLatin1String("&lt;");
+            break;
+        case '\'':
+            result += QLatin1String("&apos;");
+            break;
+        default:
+            if (c < 0x20 && c != '\r' && c != '\n' && c != '\t')
+                result += numericEntity(c);
+            else // this also covers surrogates
+                result += QChar(c);
+        }
+    }
+    return result;
+static QString evilBytes(const QString& str,
+    bool isUtf8, int format, const QByteArray &codecName)
+    //qDebug() << "EVIL: " << str << isUtf8 << format << codecName;
+    if (isUtf8)
+        return protect(str);
+    if (format == 20)
+        return protect(str);
+    if (codecName == "UTF-8")
+        return protect(str);
+    QTextCodec *codec = QTextCodec::codecForName(codecName);
+    if (!codec)
+        return protect(str);
+    QString t = QString::fromLatin1(codec->fromUnicode(protect(str)).data());
+    int len = (int) t.length();
+    QString result;
+    // FIXME: Factor is sensible only for latin scripts, probably.
+    result.reserve(t.length() * 2);
+    for (int k = 0; k < len; k++) {
+        if (t[k].unicode() >= 0x7f)
+            result += numericEntity(t[k].unicode());
+        else
+            result += t[k];
+    }
+    return result;
+static void writeExtras(QTextStream &t, const char *indent,
+                        const TranslatorMessage::ExtraData &extras, const QRegExp &drops)
+    for (Translator::ExtraData::ConstIterator it = extras.begin(); it != extras.end(); ++it) {
+        if (!drops.exactMatch(it.key())) {
+            t << indent << "<extra-" << it.key() << '>'
+              << protect(it.value())
+              << "</extra-" << it.key() << ">\n";
+        }
+    }
+static void writeVariants(QTextStream &t, const char *indent, const QString &input)
+    int offset;
+    if ((offset = input.indexOf(QChar(Translator::BinaryVariantSeparator))) >= 0) {
+        t << " variants=\"yes\">";
+        int start = 0;
+        forever {
+            t << "\n    " << indent << "<lengthvariant>"
+              << protect(input.mid(start, offset - start))
+              << "</lengthvariant>";
+            if (offset == input.length())
+                break;
+            start = offset + 1;
+            offset = input.indexOf(QChar(Translator::BinaryVariantSeparator), start);
+            if (offset < 0)
+                offset = input.length();
+        }
+        t << "\n" << indent;
+    } else {
+        t << ">" << protect(input);
+    }
+bool saveTS(const Translator &translator, QIODevice &dev, ConversionData &cd, int format)
+    bool result = true;
+    QTextStream t(&dev);
+    t.setCodec(QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8"));
+    bool trIsUtf8 = (translator.codecName() == "UTF-8");
+    //qDebug() << translator.codecName();
+    bool fileIsUtf8 = (format == 20 || trIsUtf8);
+    // The xml prolog allows processors to easily detect the correct encoding
+    t << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE TS>\n";
+    if (format == 11)
+        t << "<TS version=\"1.1\"";
+    else
+        t << "<TS version=\"2.0\"";
+    QString languageCode = translator.languageCode();
+    if (!languageCode.isEmpty() && languageCode != QLatin1String("C"))
+        t << " language=\"" << languageCode << "\"";
+    if (format == 20) {
+        languageCode = translator.sourceLanguageCode();
+        if (!languageCode.isEmpty() && languageCode != QLatin1String("C"))
+            t << " sourcelanguage=\"" << languageCode << "\"";
+    }
+    t << ">\n";
+    QByteArray codecName = translator.codecName();
+    if (codecName != "ISO-8859-1")
+        t << "<defaultcodec>" << codecName << "</defaultcodec>\n";
+    QRegExp drops(cd.dropTags().join(QLatin1String("|")));
+    if (format == 20)
+        writeExtras(t, "    ", translator.extras(), drops);
+    QHash<QString, QList<TranslatorMessage> > messageOrder;
+    QList<QString> contextOrder;
+    foreach (const TranslatorMessage &msg, translator.messages()) {
+        // no need for such noise
+        if (msg.type() == TranslatorMessage::Obsolete && msg.translation().isEmpty())
+            continue;
+        QList<TranslatorMessage> &context = messageOrder[msg.context()];
+        if (context.isEmpty())
+            contextOrder.append(msg.context());
+        context.append(msg);
+    }
+    if (cd.sortContexts())
+        qSort(contextOrder);
+    QHash<QString, int> currentLine;
+    QString currentFile;
+    foreach (const QString &context, contextOrder) {
+        const TranslatorMessage &firstMsg = messageOrder[context].first();
+        t << "<context" << ((!fileIsUtf8 && firstMsg.isUtf8()) ? " encoding=\"UTF-8\"" : "") << ">\n";
+        t << "    <name>"
+          << evilBytes(context, firstMsg.isUtf8() || fileIsUtf8, format, codecName)
+          << "</name>\n";
+        foreach (const TranslatorMessage &msg, messageOrder[context]) {
+            //msg.dump();
+            bool isUtf8 = msg.isUtf8();
+            bool second = false;
+            forever {
+                t << "    <message";
+                if (!
+                    t << " id=\"" << << "\"";
+                if (!trIsUtf8) {
+                    if (format == 11) {
+                        if (isUtf8)
+                            t << " encoding=\"UTF-8\"";
+                    } else {
+                        if (msg.isUtf8()) {
+                            if (msg.isNonUtf8())
+                                t << " utf8=\"both\"";
+                            else
+                                t << " utf8=\"true\"";
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                if (msg.isPlural())
+                    t << " numerus=\"yes\"";
+                t << ">\n";
+                if (translator.locationsType() != Translator::NoLocations) {
+                    QString cfile = currentFile;
+                    bool first = true;
+                    foreach (const TranslatorMessage::Reference &ref, msg.allReferences()) {
+                        QString fn = cd.m_targetDir.relativeFilePath(ref.fileName())
+                                    .replace(QLatin1Char('\\'),QLatin1Char('/'));
+                        int ln = ref.lineNumber();
+                        QString ld;
+                        if (translator.locationsType() == Translator::RelativeLocations) {
+                            if (ln != -1) {
+                                int dlt = ln - currentLine[fn];
+                                if (dlt >= 0)
+                                    ld.append(QLatin1Char('+'));
+                                ld.append(QString::number(dlt));
+                                currentLine[fn] = ln;
+                            }
+                            if (fn != cfile) {
+                                if (first)
+                                    currentFile = fn;
+                                cfile = fn;
+                            } else {
+                                fn.clear();
+                            }
+                            first = false;
+                        } else {
+                            if (ln != -1)
+                                ld = QString::number(ln);
+                        }
+                        t << "        <location";
+                        if (!fn.isEmpty())
+                            t << " filename=\"" << fn << "\"";
+                        if (!ld.isEmpty())
+                            t << " line=\"" << ld << "\"";
+                        t << "/>\n";
+                    }
+                }
+                t << "        <source>"
+                  << evilBytes(msg.sourceText(), isUtf8, format, codecName)
+                  << "</source>\n";
+                if (format != 11 && !msg.oldSourceText().isEmpty())
+                    t << "        <oldsource>" << protect(msg.oldSourceText()) << "</oldsource>\n";
+                if (!msg.comment().isEmpty()) {
+                    t << "        <comment>"
+                      << evilBytes(msg.comment(), isUtf8, format, codecName)
+                      << "</comment>\n";
+                }
+                if (format != 11) {
+                    if (!msg.oldComment().isEmpty())
+                        t << "        <oldcomment>" << protect(msg.oldComment()) << "</oldcomment>\n";
+                    if (!msg.extraComment().isEmpty())
+                        t << "        <extracomment>" << protect(msg.extraComment())
+                          << "</extracomment>\n";
+                    if (!msg.translatorComment().isEmpty())
+                        t << "        <translatorcomment>" << protect(msg.translatorComment())
+                          << "</translatorcomment>\n";
+                }
+                t << "        <translation";
+                if (msg.type() == TranslatorMessage::Unfinished)
+                    t << " type=\"unfinished\"";
+                else if (msg.type() == TranslatorMessage::Obsolete)
+                    t << " type=\"obsolete\"";
+                if (msg.isPlural()) {
+                    t << ">";
+                    const QStringList &translns = msg.translations();
+                    for (int j = 0; j < translns.count(); ++j) {
+                        t << "\n            <numerusform";
+                        writeVariants(t, "            ", translns[j]);
+                        t << "</numerusform>";
+                    }
+                    t << "\n        ";
+                } else {
+                    writeVariants(t, "        ", msg.translation());
+                }
+                t << "</translation>\n";
+                if (format != 11)
+                    writeExtras(t, "        ", msg.extras(), drops);
+                if (!msg.userData().isEmpty())
+                    t << "        <userdata>" << msg.userData() << "</userdata>\n";
+                t << "    </message>\n";
+                if (format != 11 || second || !msg.isUtf8() || !msg.isNonUtf8())
+                    break;
+                isUtf8 = false;
+                second = true;
+            }
+        }
+        t << "</context>\n";
+    }
+    t << "</TS>\n";
+    return result;
+bool loadTS(Translator &translator, QIODevice &dev, ConversionData &cd)
+    translator.setLocationsType(Translator::NoLocations);
+    TSReader reader(dev, cd);
+    return;
+bool saveTS11(const Translator &translator, QIODevice &dev, ConversionData &cd)
+    return saveTS(translator, dev, cd, 11);
+bool saveTS20(const Translator &translator, QIODevice &dev, ConversionData &cd)
+    return saveTS(translator, dev, cd, 20);
+int initTS()
+    Translator::FileFormat format;
+    format.extension = QLatin1String("ts11");
+    format.fileType = Translator::FileFormat::TranslationSource;
+    format.priority = -1;
+    format.description = QObject::tr("Qt translation sources (format 1.1)");
+    format.loader = &loadTS;
+    format.saver = &saveTS11;
+    Translator::registerFileFormat(format);
+    format.extension = QLatin1String("ts20");
+    format.fileType = Translator::FileFormat::TranslationSource;
+    format.priority = -1;
+    format.description = QObject::tr("Qt translation sources (format 2.0)");
+    format.loader = &loadTS;
+    format.saver = &saveTS20;
+    Translator::registerFileFormat(format);
+    // "ts" is always the latest. right now it's ts20.
+    format.extension = QLatin1String("ts");
+    format.fileType = Translator::FileFormat::TranslationSource;
+    format.priority = 0;
+    format.description = QObject::tr("Qt translation sources (latest format)");
+    format.loader = &loadTS;
+    format.saver = &saveTS20;
+    Translator::registerFileFormat(format);
+    return 1;