changeset 0 1918ee327afb
child 4 3b1da2848fc7
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tools/qdoc3/main.cpp	Mon Jan 11 14:00:40 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,463 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** All rights reserved.
+** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
+** This file is part of the tools applications of the Qt Toolkit.
+** No Commercial Usage
+** This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
+** You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
+** contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
+** this package.
+** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+** packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to
+** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+** will be met:
+** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+** rights.  These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+** If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+** Nokia at
+  main.cpp
+#include <qglobal.h>
+#include <QtCore>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "apigenerator.h"
+#include "codemarker.h"
+#include "codeparser.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#include "cppcodemarker.h"
+#include "cppcodeparser.h"
+#include "cpptoqsconverter.h"
+#include "doc.h"
+#include "htmlgenerator.h"
+#include "jambiapiparser.h"
+#include "javacodemarker.h"
+#include "javadocgenerator.h"
+#include "linguistgenerator.h"
+#include "loutgenerator.h"
+#include "mangenerator.h"
+#include "plaincodemarker.h"
+#include "polyarchiveextractor.h"
+#include "polyuncompressor.h"
+#include "qsakernelparser.h"
+#include "qscodemarker.h"
+#include "qscodeparser.h"
+#include "sgmlgenerator.h"
+#include "webxmlgenerator.h"
+#include "tokenizer.h"
+#include "tree.h"
+  The default indent for code is 4.
+  The default value for false is 0.
+  The default language is c++.
+  The default output format is html.
+  The default tab size is 8.
+  And those are all the default values for configuration variables.
+ */
+static const struct {
+    const char *key;
+    const char *value;
+} defaults[] = {
+    { CONFIG_CODEINDENT, "4" },
+    { CONFIG_FALSEHOODS, "0" },
+    { CONFIG_LANGUAGE, "Cpp" },
+    { CONFIG_TABSIZE, "8" },
+    { 0, 0 }
+static bool slow = false;
+static bool showInternal = false;
+static bool obsoleteLinks = false;
+static QStringList defines;
+static QHash<QString, Tree *> trees;
+  Find the Tree for language \a lang and return a pointer to it.
+  If there is no Tree for language \a lang in the Tree table, add
+  a new one. The Tree table is indexed by \a lang strings.
+ */
+static Tree* treeForLanguage(const QString &lang)
+    Tree* tree = trees.value(lang);
+    if (tree == 0) {
+        tree = new Tree;
+        trees.insert( lang, tree );
+    }
+    return tree;
+  Print the help message to \c stdout.
+ */
+static void printHelp()
+    Location::information(tr("Usage: qdoc [options] file1.qdocconf ...\n"
+                              "Options:\n"
+                              "    -help         "
+                              "Display this information and exit\n"
+                              "    -version      "
+                              "Display version of qdoc and exit\n"
+                              "    -D<name>      "
+                              "Define <name> as a macro while parsing sources\n"
+                              "    -slow         "
+                              "Turn on features that slow down qdoc\n"
+                              "    -showinternal "
+                              "Include stuff marked internal\n"
+                              "    -obsoletelinks "
+                              "Report links from obsolete items to non-obsolete items") );
+  Prints the qdoc version number to stdout.
+ */
+static void printVersion()
+    QString s = QString(tr("qdoc version ")) + QString(QT_VERSION_STR);
+    Location::information(s);
+  Processes the qdoc config file \a fileName. This is the
+  controller for all of qdoc.
+ */
+static void processQdocconfFile(const QString &fileName)
+    QList<QTranslator *> translators;
+    /*
+      The Config instance represents the configuration data for qdoc.
+      All the other classes are initialized with the config. Here we
+      initialize the configuration with some default values.
+     */
+    Config config(tr("qdoc"));
+    int i = 0;
+    while (defaults[i].key) {
+	config.setStringList(defaults[i].key,
+                             QStringList() << defaults[i].value);
+	++i;
+    }
+    config.setStringList(CONFIG_SLOW, QStringList(slow ? "true" : "false"));
+    config.setStringList(CONFIG_SHOWINTERNAL,
+                         QStringList(showInternal ? "true" : "false"));
+    config.setStringList(CONFIG_OBSOLETELINKS,
+                         QStringList(obsoleteLinks ? "true" : "false"));
+    /*
+      With the default configuration values in place, load
+      the qdoc configuration file. Note that the configuration
+      file may include other configuration files.
+      The Location class keeps track of the current location
+      in the file being processed, mainly for error reporting
+      purposes.
+     */
+    Location::initialize(config);
+    config.load(fileName);
+    /*
+      Add the defines to the configuration variables.
+     */
+    QStringList defs = defines + config.getStringList(CONFIG_DEFINES);
+    config.setStringList(CONFIG_DEFINES,defs);
+    Location::terminate();
+    QString prevCurrentDir = QDir::currentPath();
+    QString dir = QFileInfo(fileName).path();
+    if (!dir.isEmpty())
+	QDir::setCurrent(dir);
+    /*
+      Initialize all the classes and data structures with the
+      qdoc configuration.
+     */
+    Location::initialize(config);
+    Tokenizer::initialize(config);
+    Doc::initialize(config);
+    CppToQsConverter::initialize(config);
+    CodeMarker::initialize(config);
+    CodeParser::initialize(config);
+    Generator::initialize(config);
+    /*
+      Load the language translators, if the configuration specifies any.
+     */
+    QStringList fileNames = config.getStringList(CONFIG_TRANSLATORS);
+    QStringList::Iterator fn = fileNames.begin();
+    while (fn != fileNames.end()) {
+	QTranslator *translator = new QTranslator(0);
+	if (!translator->load(*fn))
+	    config.lastLocation().error(tr("Cannot load translator '%1'")
+					 .arg(*fn));
+	QCoreApplication::instance()->installTranslator(translator);
+	translators.append(translator);
+	++fn;
+    }
+    //QSet<QString> outputLanguages = config.getStringSet(CONFIG_OUTPUTLANGUAGES);
+    /*
+      Get the source language (Cpp) from the configuration
+      and the location in the configuration file where the
+      source language was set.
+     */
+    QString lang = config.getString(CONFIG_LANGUAGE);
+    Location langLocation = config.lastLocation();
+    /*
+      Initialize the tree where all the parsed sources will be stored.
+      The tree gets built as the source files are parsed, and then the
+      documentation output is generated by traversing the tree.
+     */
+    Tree *tree = new Tree;
+    tree->setVersion(config.getString(CONFIG_VERSION));
+    /*
+      There must be a code parser for the source code language, e.g. C++.
+      If there isn't one, give up.
+     */
+    CodeParser *codeParser = CodeParser::parserForLanguage(lang);
+    if (codeParser == 0)
+        config.lastLocation().fatal(tr("Cannot parse programming language '%1'").arg(lang));
+    /*
+      By default, the only output format is HTML.
+     */
+    QSet<QString> outputFormats = config.getStringSet(CONFIG_OUTPUTFORMATS);
+    Location outputFormatsLocation = config.lastLocation();
+    /*
+      There must be a code marker for the source code language, e.g. C++.
+      If there isn't one, give up.
+     */
+    CodeMarker *marker = CodeMarker::markerForLanguage(lang);
+    if (!marker && !outputFormats.isEmpty())
+	langLocation.fatal(tr("Cannot output documentation for programming language '%1'").arg(lang));
+    /*
+      Read some XML indexes. What are they??? 
+     */
+    QStringList indexFiles = config.getStringList(CONFIG_INDEXES);
+    tree->readIndexes(indexFiles);
+    /*
+      Get all the header files: "*.ch *.h *.h++ *.hh *.hpp *.hxx"
+      Put them in a set.
+     */
+    QSet<QString> excludedDirs;
+    QStringList excludedDirsList = config.getStringList(CONFIG_EXCLUDEDIRS);
+    foreach (const QString &excludeDir, excludedDirsList)
+        excludedDirs.insert(QDir::fromNativeSeparators(excludeDir));
+    QSet<QString> headers = QSet<QString>::fromList(
+        config.getAllFiles(CONFIG_HEADERS, CONFIG_HEADERDIRS,
+                           codeParser->headerFileNameFilter(),
+                           excludedDirs));
+    /*
+      Parse each header file in the set and add it to the big tree.
+     */
+    QSet<QString>::ConstIterator h = headers.begin();
+    while (h != headers.end()) {
+	codeParser->parseHeaderFile(config.location(), *h, tree);
+	++h;
+    }
+    codeParser->doneParsingHeaderFiles(tree);
+    /*
+      Get all the source text files: "*.cpp *.qdoc *.mm"
+      Put them in a set.
+     */
+    QSet<QString> sources = QSet<QString>::fromList(
+        config.getAllFiles(CONFIG_SOURCES, CONFIG_SOURCEDIRS,
+                           codeParser->sourceFileNameFilter(),
+                           excludedDirs));
+    /*
+      Parse each source text file in the set and add it to the big tree.
+     */
+    QSet<QString>::ConstIterator s = sources.begin();
+    while (s != sources.end()) {
+	codeParser->parseSourceFile(config.location(), *s, tree);
+	++s;
+    }
+    codeParser->doneParsingSourceFiles(tree);
+    /*
+      Now the big tree has been built from all the header and
+      source files. Resolve all the class names, function names,
+      targets, URLs, links, and other stuff that needs resolving.
+     */
+    tree->resolveGroups();
+    tree->resolveTargets();
+    /*
+      Now the tree has been built, and all the stuff that needed
+      resolving has been resolved. Now it is time to traverse
+      the big tree and generate the documentation output.
+     */
+    QSet<QString>::ConstIterator of = outputFormats.begin();
+    while (of != outputFormats.end()) {
+        Generator *generator = Generator::generatorForFormat(*of);
+        if (generator == 0)
+            outputFormatsLocation.fatal(tr("Unknown output format '%1'")
+                                        .arg(*of));
+        generator->generateTree(tree, marker);
+        ++of;
+    }
+    /*
+      Generate the XML tag file, if it was requested.
+     */
+    QString tagFile = config.getString(CONFIG_TAGFILE);
+    if (!tagFile.isEmpty())
+        tree->generateTagFile(tagFile);
+    tree->setVersion("");
+    Generator::terminate();
+    CodeParser::terminate();
+    CodeMarker::terminate();
+    CppToQsConverter::terminate();
+    Doc::terminate();
+    Tokenizer::terminate();
+    Location::terminate();
+    QDir::setCurrent(prevCurrentDir);
+    foreach (QTranslator *translator, translators)
+        delete translator;
+    delete tree;
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+    QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
+    QString cf = "qsauncompress \1 \2";
+    PolyArchiveExtractor qsaExtractor(QStringList() << "qsa",cf);
+    cf = "tar -C \2 -xf \1";
+    PolyArchiveExtractor tarExtractor(QStringList() << "tar",cf);
+    cf = "tar -C \2 -Zxf \1";
+    PolyArchiveExtractor tazExtractor(QStringList() << "taz",cf);
+    cf = "tar -C \2 -jxf \1";
+    PolyArchiveExtractor tbz2Extractor(QStringList() << "tbz" << "tbz2",cf);
+    cf = "tar -C \2 -zxf \1";
+    PolyArchiveExtractor tgzExtractor(QStringList() << "tgz",cf);
+    cf = "unzip \1 -d \2";
+    PolyArchiveExtractor zipExtractor(QStringList() << "zip",cf);
+    cf = "bunzip2 -c \1 > \2";
+    PolyUncompressor bz2Uncompressor(QStringList() << "bz" << "bz2",cf);
+    cf = "gunzip -c \1 > \2";
+    PolyUncompressor gzAndZUncompressor(QStringList() << "gz" << "z" << "Z",cf);
+    cf = "unzip -c \1 > \2";
+    PolyUncompressor zipUncompressor(QStringList() << "zip",cf);
+    /*
+      Create code parsers for the languages to be parsed,
+      and create a tree for C++.
+     */
+    CppCodeParser cppParser;
+    Tree *cppTree = treeForLanguage(cppParser.language());
+    QsCodeParser qsParser(cppTree);
+    QsaKernelParser qsaKernelParser(cppTree);
+    JambiApiParser jambiParser(cppTree);
+    /*
+      Create code markers for plain text, C++, Java, and qs.
+     */
+    PlainCodeMarker plainMarker;
+    CppCodeMarker cppMarker;
+    JavaCodeMarker javaMarker;
+    QsCodeMarker qsMarker;
+    ApiGenerator apiGenerator;
+    HtmlGenerator htmlGenerator;
+    JavadocGenerator javadocGenerator;
+    LinguistGenerator linguistGenerator;
+    LoutGenerator loutGenerator;
+    ManGenerator manGenerator;
+    SgmlGenerator smglGenerator;
+    WebXMLGenerator webxmlGenerator;
+    QStringList qdocFiles;
+    QString opt;
+    int i = 1;
+    while (i < argc) {
+        opt = argv[i++];
+	if (opt == "-help") {
+	    printHelp();
+	    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+	}
+        else if (opt == "-version") {
+	    printVersion();
+	    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+	}
+        else if (opt == "--") {
+	    while (i < argc)
+		qdocFiles.append(argv[i++]);
+        }
+        else if (opt.startsWith("-D")) {
+            QString define = opt.mid(2);
+            defines += define;
+        }
+        else if (opt == "-slow") {
+            slow = true;
+	}
+        else if (opt == "-showinternal") {
+            showInternal = true;
+        }
+        else if (opt == "-obsoletelinks") {
+            obsoleteLinks = true;
+        }
+        else {
+	    qdocFiles.append(opt);
+	}
+    }
+    if (qdocFiles.isEmpty()) {
+        printHelp();
+        return EXIT_FAILURE;
+    }
+    /*
+      Main loop.
+     */
+    foreach (QString qf, qdocFiles)
+	processQdocconfFile(qf);
+    qDeleteAll(trees);
+    return EXIT_SUCCESS;