changeset 0 1918ee327afb
child 4 3b1da2848fc7
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/util/qlalr/examples/glsl/glsl.g	Mon Jan 11 14:00:40 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,671 @@
+-- Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+-- All rights reserved.
+-- Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com)
+-- This file is part of the QtCore module of the Qt Toolkit.
+-- No Commercial Usage
+-- This file contains pre-release code and may not be distributed.
+-- You may use this file in accordance with the terms and conditions
+-- contained in the Technology Preview License Agreement accompanying
+-- this package.
+-- GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
+-- Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
+-- General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
+-- Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
+-- packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to
+-- ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
+-- will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
+-- In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
+-- rights.  These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
+-- version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
+-- If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
+-- Nokia at qt-info@nokia.com.
+%parser GLSLParserTable
+%merged_output glsl.cpp
+%token ADD_ASSIGN
+%token AND_ASSIGN
+%token AND_OP
+%token BANG
+%token BOOL
+%token BREAK
+%token BVEC2
+%token BVEC3
+%token BVEC4
+%token CARET
+%token COLON
+%token COMMA
+%token CONST
+%token CONTINUE
+%token DASH
+%token DEC_OP
+%token DISCARD
+%token DIV_ASSIGN
+%token DO
+%token DOT
+%token ELSE
+%token EQUAL
+%token EQ_OP
+%token FLOAT
+%token FOR
+%token GE_OP
+%token IF
+%token IN
+%token INC_OP
+%token INOUT
+%token INT
+%token IVEC2
+%token IVEC3
+%token IVEC4
+%token LEFT_ANGLE
+%token LEFT_BRACE
+%token LEFT_OP
+%token LEFT_PAREN
+%token LE_OP
+%token MAT2
+%token MAT3
+%token MAT4
+%token MOD_ASSIGN
+%token MUL_ASSIGN
+%token NE_OP
+%token OR_ASSIGN
+%token OR_OP
+%token OUT
+%token PERCENT
+%token PLUS
+%token QUESTION
+%token RETURN
+%token RIGHT_OP
+%token SAMPLER1D
+%token SAMPLER2D
+%token SAMPLER3D
+%token SLASH
+%token STAR
+%token STRUCT
+%token SUB_ASSIGN
+%token TILDE
+%token TYPE_NAME
+%token UNIFORM
+%token VARYING
+%token VEC2
+%token VEC3
+%token VEC4
+%token VOID
+%token WHILE
+%token XOR_ASSIGN
+%token XOR_OP
+%token ERROR
+%start translation_unit
+#include <QtCore>
+class GLSLParser: protected $table
+    union Value {
+      int i;
+      unsigned u;
+      unsigned long ul;
+      unsigned long long ull;
+      long l;
+      double d;
+      float f;
+      const QString *s;
+      // ### more...
+    };
+    GLSLParser();
+    ~GLSLParser();
+    bool parse();
+    inline void reallocateStack();
+    inline Value &sym(int index)
+    { return sym_stack [tos + index - 1]; }
+    int nextToken();
+    bool isTypename(const QString *s) const
+    {
+      return types.contains(s);
+    }
+    inline const QString *intern(const QString &s)
+    { return &*string_repository.insert(s); }
+    int tos;
+    int stack_size;
+    Value *sym_stack;
+    int *state_stack;
+    Value yylval;
+    QSet<QString> string_repository;
+    QSet<const QString*> types;
+    struct /*Context*/ {
+      int line;
+      const QString *function_name;
+      QString fileName;
+      void init()
+      {
+        line = 1;
+        function_name = 0;
+        fileName.clear();
+      }
+    } context;
+inline void GLSLParser::reallocateStack()
+    if (! stack_size)
+        stack_size = 128;
+    else
+        stack_size <<= 1;
+    sym_stack = reinterpret_cast<Value*> (qRealloc(sym_stack, stack_size * sizeof(Value)));
+    state_stack = reinterpret_cast<int*> (qRealloc(state_stack, stack_size * sizeof(int)));
+    tos(0),
+    stack_size(0),
+    sym_stack(0),
+    state_stack(0)
+    if (stack_size) {
+        qFree(sym_stack);
+        qFree(state_stack);
+    }
+bool GLSLParser::parse()
+  const int INITIAL_STATE = 0;
+  int yytoken = -1;
+  reallocateStack();
+  context.init();
+  tos = 0;
+  state_stack[++tos] = INITIAL_STATE;
+  while (true)
+    {
+      if (yytoken == -1 && - TERMINAL_COUNT != action_index [state_stack [tos]])
+        yytoken = nextToken();
+      int act = t_action (state_stack [tos], yytoken);
+      if (act == ACCEPT_STATE) {
+        return true;
+      }
+      else if (act > 0)
+        {
+          if (++tos == stack_size)
+            reallocateStack();
+          sym_stack [tos] = yylval;
+          state_stack [tos] = act;
+          yytoken = -1;
+        }
+      else if (act < 0)
+        {
+          int r = - act - 1;
+          int ridx = rule_index [r];
+          printf ("*** reduce using rule %d %s ::=", r + 1, spell[rule_info [ridx]]);
+          ++ridx;
+          for (int i = ridx; i < ridx + rhs [r]; ++i)
+            {
+              int symbol = rule_info [i];
+              if (const char *name = spell [symbol])
+                printf (" %s", name);
+              else
+                printf (" #%d", symbol);
+            }
+          printf ("\n");
+          tos -= rhs [r];
+          act = state_stack [tos++];
+          switch (r) {
+translation_unit ::= external_declaration ;
+translation_unit ::= translation_unit external_declaration ;
+variable_identifier ::= IDENTIFIER ;
+primary_expression ::= variable_identifier ;
+primary_expression ::= INTCONSTANT ;
+primary_expression ::= FLOATCONSTANT ;
+primary_expression ::= BOOLCONSTANT ;
+primary_expression ::= LEFT_PAREN expression RIGHT_PAREN ;
+postfix_expression ::= primary_expression ;
+postfix_expression ::= postfix_expression LEFT_BRACKET integer_expression RIGHT_BRACKET ;
+postfix_expression ::= function_call ;
+postfix_expression ::= postfix_expression DOT IDENTIFIER ;
+postfix_expression ::= postfix_expression DOT TYPE_NAME ;
+postfix_expression ::= postfix_expression INC_OP ;
+postfix_expression ::= postfix_expression DEC_OP ;
+integer_expression ::= expression ;
+function_call ::= function_call_generic ;
+function_call_generic ::= function_call_header_with_parameters RIGHT_PAREN ;
+function_call_generic ::= function_call_header_no_parameters RIGHT_PAREN ;
+function_call_header_no_parameters ::= function_call_header VOID ;
+function_call_header_no_parameters ::= function_call_header ;
+function_call_header_with_parameters ::= function_call_header assignment_expression ;
+function_call_header_with_parameters ::= function_call_header_with_parameters COMMA assignment_expression ;
+function_call_header ::=  function_identifier LEFT_PAREN ;
+function_identifier ::= constructor_identifier ;
+function_identifier ::= IDENTIFIER ;
+constructor_identifier ::= FLOAT ;
+constructor_identifier ::= INT ;
+constructor_identifier ::= BOOL ;
+constructor_identifier ::= VEC2 ;
+constructor_identifier ::= VEC3 ;
+constructor_identifier ::= VEC4 ;
+constructor_identifier ::= BVEC2 ;
+constructor_identifier ::= BVEC3 ;
+constructor_identifier ::= BVEC4 ;
+constructor_identifier ::= IVEC2 ;
+constructor_identifier ::= IVEC3 ;
+constructor_identifier ::= IVEC4 ;
+constructor_identifier ::= MAT2 ;
+constructor_identifier ::= MAT3 ;
+constructor_identifier ::= MAT4 ;
+constructor_identifier ::= TYPE_NAME ;
+unary_expression ::= postfix_expression ;
+unary_expression ::= INC_OP unary_expression ;
+unary_expression ::= DEC_OP unary_expression ;
+unary_expression ::= unary_operator unary_expression ;
+-- Grammar Note:  No traditional style type casts.
+unary_operator ::= PLUS ;
+unary_operator ::= DASH ;
+unary_operator ::= BANG ;
+unary_operator ::= TILDE  ;    -- reserved
+-- Grammar Note:  No '*' or '&' unary ops. Pointers are not supported.
+multiplicative_expression ::= unary_expression ;
+multiplicative_expression ::= multiplicative_expression STAR unary_expression ;
+multiplicative_expression ::= multiplicative_expression SLASH unary_expression ;
+multiplicative_expression ::= multiplicative_expression PERCENT unary_expression ;          -- reserved
+additive_expression ::= multiplicative_expression ;
+additive_expression ::= additive_expression PLUS multiplicative_expression ;
+additive_expression ::= additive_expression DASH multiplicative_expression ;
+shift_expression ::= additive_expression ;
+shift_expression ::= shift_expression LEFT_OP additive_expression ;  -- reserved
+shift_expression ::= shift_expression RIGHT_OP additive_expression ;  -- reserved
+relational_expression ::= shift_expression ;
+relational_expression ::= relational_expression LEFT_ANGLE shift_expression ;
+relational_expression ::= relational_expression RIGHT_ANGLE shift_expression ;
+relational_expression ::= relational_expression LE_OP shift_expression ;
+relational_expression ::= relational_expression GE_OP shift_expression ;
+equality_expression ::= relational_expression ;
+equality_expression ::= equality_expression EQ_OP relational_expression ;
+equality_expression ::= equality_expression NE_OP relational_expression ;
+and_expression ::= equality_expression ;
+and_expression ::= and_expression AMPERSAND equality_expression ; -- reserved
+exclusive_or_expression ::= and_expression ;
+exclusive_or_expression ::= exclusive_or_expression CARET and_expression ; -- reserved
+inclusive_or_expression ::= exclusive_or_expression ;
+inclusive_or_expression ::= inclusive_or_expression VERTICAL_BAR exclusive_or_expression ; -- reserved
+logical_and_expression ::= inclusive_or_expression ;
+logical_and_expression ::= logical_and_expression AND_OP inclusive_or_expression ;
+logical_xor_expression ::= logical_and_expression ;
+logical_xor_expression ::= logical_xor_expression XOR_OP logical_and_expression ;
+logical_or_expression ::= logical_xor_expression ;
+logical_or_expression ::= logical_or_expression OR_OP logical_xor_expression ;
+conditional_expression ::= logical_or_expression ;
+conditional_expression ::= logical_or_expression QUESTION expression COLON conditional_expression ;
+assignment_expression ::= conditional_expression ;
+assignment_expression ::= unary_expression assignment_operator assignment_expression ;
+assignment_operator ::= EQUAL ;
+assignment_operator ::= MUL_ASSIGN ;
+assignment_operator ::= DIV_ASSIGN ;
+assignment_operator ::= MOD_ASSIGN ; -- reserved
+assignment_operator ::= ADD_ASSIGN ;
+assignment_operator ::= SUB_ASSIGN ;
+assignment_operator ::= LEFT_ASSIGN ; -- reserved
+assignment_operator ::= RIGHT_ASSIGN ; -- reserved
+assignment_operator ::= AND_ASSIGN ; -- reserved
+assignment_operator ::= XOR_ASSIGN ; -- reserved
+assignment_operator ::= OR_ASSIGN ; -- reserved
+expression ::= assignment_expression ;
+expression ::= expression COMMA assignment_expression ;
+constant_expression ::= conditional_expression ;
+declaration ::= function_prototype SEMICOLON ;
+declaration ::= init_declarator_list SEMICOLON ;
+function_prototype ::= function_declarator RIGHT_PAREN ;
+function_declarator ::= function_header ;
+function_declarator ::= function_header_with_parameters ;
+function_header_with_parameters ::= function_header parameter_declaration ;
+function_header_with_parameters ::= function_header_with_parameters COMMA parameter_declaration ;
+function_header ::= fully_specified_type IDENTIFIER LEFT_PAREN ;
+case $rule_number: {
+  context.function_name = sym(2).s;
+} break;
+parameter_declarator ::= type_specifier IDENTIFIER ;
+parameter_declarator ::= type_specifier IDENTIFIER LEFT_BRACKET constant_expression RIGHT_BRACKET ;
+parameter_declaration ::= type_qualifier parameter_qualifier parameter_declarator ;
+parameter_declaration ::= parameter_qualifier parameter_declarator ;
+parameter_declaration ::= type_qualifier parameter_qualifier parameter_type_specifier ;
+parameter_declaration ::= parameter_qualifier parameter_type_specifier ;
+parameter_qualifier ::=  ;
+parameter_qualifier ::= IN ;
+parameter_qualifier ::= OUT ;
+parameter_qualifier ::= INOUT ;
+parameter_type_specifier ::= type_specifier ;
+parameter_type_specifier ::= type_specifier LEFT_BRACKET constant_expression RIGHT_BRACKET ;
+init_declarator_list ::= single_declaration ;
+init_declarator_list ::= init_declarator_list COMMA IDENTIFIER ;
+init_declarator_list ::= init_declarator_list COMMA IDENTIFIER LEFT_BRACKET RIGHT_BRACKET ;
+init_declarator_list ::= init_declarator_list COMMA IDENTIFIER LEFT_BRACKET constant_expression ;
+init_declarator_list ::= RIGHT_BRACKET ;
+init_declarator_list ::= init_declarator_list COMMA IDENTIFIER EQUAL initializer ;
+single_declaration ::= fully_specified_type ;
+single_declaration ::= fully_specified_type IDENTIFIER ;
+single_declaration ::= fully_specified_type IDENTIFIER LEFT_BRACKET RIGHT_BRACKET ;
+single_declaration ::= fully_specified_type IDENTIFIER LEFT_BRACKET constant_expression RIGHT_BRACKET ;
+single_declaration ::= fully_specified_type IDENTIFIER EQUAL initializer ;
+-- Grammar Note:  No 'enum', or 'typedef'.
+--fully_specified_type ::= type_specifier ;
+--fully_specified_type ::= type_qualifier type_specifier ;
+fully_specified_type ::= type_specifier ;
+fully_specified_type ::= type_qualifier ;
+fully_specified_type ::= fully_specified_type type_specifier ;
+fully_specified_type ::= fully_specified_type type_qualifier ;
+type_qualifier ::= CONST ;
+type_qualifier ::= ATTRIBUTE ;           -- Vertex only.
+type_qualifier ::= VARYING ;
+type_qualifier ::= UNIFORM ;
+type_specifier ::= type_specifier_no_prec ;
+type_specifier ::= precision_qualifier type_specifier_no_prec ;
+type_specifier_no_prec ::= VOID ;
+type_specifier_no_prec ::= FLOAT ;
+type_specifier_no_prec ::= INT ;
+type_specifier_no_prec ::= BOOL ;
+type_specifier_no_prec ::= VEC2 ;
+type_specifier_no_prec ::= VEC3 ;
+type_specifier_no_prec ::= VEC4 ;
+type_specifier_no_prec ::= BVEC2 ;
+type_specifier_no_prec ::= BVEC3 ;
+type_specifier_no_prec ::= BVEC4 ;
+type_specifier_no_prec ::= IVEC2 ;
+type_specifier_no_prec ::= IVEC3 ;
+type_specifier_no_prec ::= IVEC4 ;
+type_specifier_no_prec ::= MAT2 ;
+type_specifier_no_prec ::= MAT3 ;
+type_specifier_no_prec ::= MAT4 ;
+type_specifier_no_prec ::= SAMPLER1D ;
+type_specifier_no_prec ::= SAMPLER2D ;
+type_specifier_no_prec ::= SAMPLER3D ;
+type_specifier_no_prec ::= SAMPLERCUBE ;
+type_specifier_no_prec ::= SAMPLER1DSHADOW ;
+type_specifier_no_prec ::= SAMPLER2DSHADOW ;
+type_specifier_no_prec ::= struct_specifier ;
+type_specifier_no_prec ::= TYPE_NAME ;
+precision_qualifier ::= HIGH_PRECISION ;
+precision_qualifier ::= MEDIUM_PRECISION ;
+precision_qualifier ::= LOW_PRECISION ;
+struct_specifier ::= STRUCT IDENTIFIER LEFT_BRACE struct_declaration_list RIGHT_BRACE ;
+case $rule_number: {
+  types.insert(sym(2).s);
+} break;
+struct_specifier ::= STRUCT LEFT_BRACE struct_declaration_list RIGHT_BRACE ;
+struct_declaration_list ::= struct_declaration ;
+struct_declaration_list ::= struct_declaration_list struct_declaration ;
+struct_declaration ::= type_specifier struct_declarator_list SEMICOLON ;
+struct_declarator_list ::= struct_declarator ;
+struct_declarator_list ::= struct_declarator_list COMMA struct_declarator ;
+struct_declarator ::= IDENTIFIER ;
+struct_declarator ::= IDENTIFIER LEFT_BRACKET constant_expression RIGHT_BRACKET ;
+initializer ::= assignment_expression ;
+declaration_statement ::= declaration ;
+statement ::= compound_statement ;
+statement ::= simple_statement ;
+-- Grammar Note:  No labeled statements; 'goto' is not supported.
+simple_statement ::= declaration_statement ;
+simple_statement ::= expression_statement ;
+simple_statement ::= selection_statement ;
+simple_statement ::= iteration_statement ;
+simple_statement ::= jump_statement ;
+compound_statement ::= LEFT_BRACE RIGHT_BRACE ;
+compound_statement ::= LEFT_BRACE statement_list RIGHT_BRACE ;
+statement_no_new_scope ::= compound_statement_no_new_scope ;
+statement_no_new_scope ::= simple_statement ;
+compound_statement_no_new_scope ::= LEFT_BRACE RIGHT_BRACE ;
+compound_statement_no_new_scope ::= LEFT_BRACE statement_list RIGHT_BRACE ;
+statement_list ::= statement ;
+statement_list ::= statement_list statement ;
+expression_statement ::= SEMICOLON ;
+expression_statement ::= expression SEMICOLON ;
+selection_statement ::= IF LEFT_PAREN expression RIGHT_PAREN statement ELSE statement ;
+selection_statement ::= IF LEFT_PAREN expression RIGHT_PAREN statement ;
+-- Grammar Note:  No 'switch'. Switch statements not supported.
+condition ::= expression ;
+condition ::= fully_specified_type IDENTIFIER EQUAL initializer ;
+iteration_statement ::= WHILE LEFT_PAREN condition RIGHT_PAREN statement_no_new_scope ;
+iteration_statement ::= DO statement WHILE LEFT_PAREN expression RIGHT_PAREN SEMICOLON ;
+iteration_statement ::= FOR LEFT_PAREN for_init_statement for_rest_statement RIGHT_PAREN statement_no_new_scope ;
+for_init_statement ::= expression_statement ;
+for_init_statement ::= declaration_statement ;
+conditionopt ::=  ;
+conditionopt ::=  condition ;
+for_rest_statement ::= conditionopt SEMICOLON ;
+for_rest_statement ::= conditionopt SEMICOLON expression ;
+jump_statement ::= CONTINUE SEMICOLON ;
+jump_statement ::= BREAK SEMICOLON ;
+jump_statement ::= RETURN SEMICOLON ;
+jump_statement ::= RETURN expression SEMICOLON ;
+jump_statement ::= DISCARD SEMICOLON ;                -- Fragment shader only.
+-- Grammar Note:  No 'goto'. Gotos are not supported.
+external_declaration ::= function_definition ;
+external_declaration ::= declaration ;
+function_definition ::= function_prototype compound_statement_no_new_scope ;
+    case $rule_number: { // $rule_name
+       qDebug() << "--> function" << *context.function_name;
+    }  break;
+          } // switch
+          state_stack [tos] = nt_action (act, lhs [r] - TERMINAL_COUNT);
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          // ### ERROR RECOVERY HERE
+          break;
+        }
+    }
+    fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: Syntax Error\n", qPrintable(context.fileName), context.line);
+    return false;
+#include "glsl-lex.incl"
+// entry point
+int main()
+#if 0 // dump the GLSL grammar
+    for (int r = 0; r < GLSLParserTable::RULE_COUNT; ++r)
+      {
+        int ridx = GLSLParserTable::rule_index [r];
+        int rhs = GLSLParserTable::rhs [r];
+        printf ("%3d) %s ::=", r + 1, GLSLParserTable::spell[GLSLParserTable::rule_info [ridx]]);
+        ++ridx;
+        for (int i = ridx; i < ridx + rhs; ++i)
+          {
+            int symbol = GLSLParserTable::rule_info [i];
+            if (const char *name = GLSLParserTable::spell [symbol])
+              printf (" %s", name);
+            else
+              printf (" #%d", symbol);
+          }
+        printf ("\n");
+      }
+    GLSLParser parser;
+    if (parser.parse())
+        qDebug() << "OK";
+    else
+        qDebug() << "KO";