changeset 4 3b1da2848fc7
parent 3 41300fa6a67c
--- a/src/script/bridge/qscriptqobject.cpp	Tue Feb 02 00:43:10 2010 +0200
+++ b/src/script/bridge/qscriptqobject.cpp	Fri Feb 19 23:40:16 2010 +0200
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-** Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+** Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
 ** All rights reserved.
 ** Contact: Nokia Corporation (
@@ -978,7 +978,8 @@
     QScriptObjectDelegate *delegate = scriptObject->delegate();
     Q_ASSERT(delegate && (delegate->type() == QScriptObjectDelegate::QtObject));
     QObject *qobj = static_cast<QScript::QObjectDelegate*>(delegate)->value();
-    Q_ASSERT_X(qobj != 0, "QtFunction::call", "handle the case when QObject has been deleted");
+    if (!qobj)
+        return JSC::throwError(exec, JSC::GeneralError, QString::fromLatin1("cannot call function of deleted QObject"));
     QScriptEnginePrivate *engine = scriptEngineFromExec(exec);
     const QMetaObject *meta = qobj->metaObject();
@@ -1173,6 +1174,7 @@
                                          const JSC::Identifier &propertyName,
                                          JSC::PropertySlot &slot)
+    //Note: this has to be kept in sync with getOwnPropertyDescriptor
     QByteArray name = QString(propertyName.ustring()).toLatin1();
     QObject *qobject = data->value;
@@ -1285,6 +1287,142 @@
+bool QObjectDelegate::getOwnPropertyDescriptor(QScriptObject *object, JSC::ExecState *exec,
+                                         const JSC::Identifier &propertyName,
+                                         JSC::PropertyDescriptor &descriptor)
+    //Note: this has to be kept in sync with getOwnPropertySlot abd getPropertyAttributes
+    QByteArray name = QString(propertyName.ustring()).toLatin1();
+    QObject *qobject = data->value;
+    if (!qobject) {
+        QString message = QString::fromLatin1("cannot access member `%0' of deleted QObject")
+                          .arg(QString::fromLatin1(name));
+        descriptor.setValue(JSC::throwError(exec, JSC::GeneralError, message));
+        return true;
+    }
+    const QScriptEngine::QObjectWrapOptions &opt = data->options;
+    const QMetaObject *meta = qobject->metaObject();
+    {
+        QHash<QByteArray, JSC::JSValue>::const_iterator it = data->cachedMembers.constFind(name);
+        if (it != data->cachedMembers.constEnd()) {
+            int index;
+            if (GeneratePropertyFunctions && ((index = meta->indexOfProperty(name)) != -1)) {
+                QMetaProperty prop = meta->property(index);
+                descriptor.setAccessorDescriptor(it.value(), it.value(), flagsForMetaProperty(prop));
+                if (!prop.isWritable())
+                    descriptor.setWritable(false);
+            } else {
+                unsigned attributes = QObjectMemberAttribute;
+                if (opt & QScriptEngine::SkipMethodsInEnumeration)
+                    attributes |= JSC::DontEnum;
+                descriptor.setDescriptor(it.value(), attributes);
+            }
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+    QScriptEnginePrivate *eng = scriptEngineFromExec(exec);
+    int index = -1;
+    if (name.contains('(')) {
+        QByteArray normalized = QMetaObject::normalizedSignature(name);
+        if (-1 != (index = meta->indexOfMethod(normalized))) {
+            QMetaMethod method = meta->method(index);
+            if (hasMethodAccess(method, index, opt)) {
+                if (!(opt & QScriptEngine::ExcludeSuperClassMethods)
+                    || (index >= meta->methodOffset())) {
+                    QtFunction *fun = new (exec)QtFunction(
+                        object, index, /*maybeOverloaded=*/false,
+                        &exec->globalData(), eng->originalGlobalObject()->functionStructure(),
+                        propertyName);
+                    data->cachedMembers.insert(name, fun);
+                    unsigned attributes = QObjectMemberAttribute;
+                    if (opt & QScriptEngine::SkipMethodsInEnumeration)
+                        attributes |= JSC::DontEnum;
+                    descriptor.setDescriptor(fun, attributes);
+                    return true;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    index = meta->indexOfProperty(name);
+    if (index != -1) {
+        QMetaProperty prop = meta->property(index);
+        if (prop.isScriptable()) {
+            if (!(opt & QScriptEngine::ExcludeSuperClassProperties)
+                || (index >= meta->propertyOffset())) {
+                unsigned attributes = flagsForMetaProperty(prop);
+                if (GeneratePropertyFunctions) {
+                    QtPropertyFunction *fun = new (exec)QtPropertyFunction(
+                        meta, index, &exec->globalData(),
+                        eng->originalGlobalObject()->functionStructure(),
+                        propertyName);
+                    data->cachedMembers.insert(name, fun);
+                    descriptor.setAccessorDescriptor(fun, fun, attributes);
+                    if (attributes & JSC::ReadOnly)
+                        descriptor.setWritable(false);
+                } else {
+                    JSC::JSValue val;
+                    if (!prop.isValid())
+                        val = JSC::jsUndefined();
+                    else
+                        val = eng->jscValueFromVariant(;
+                    descriptor.setDescriptor(val, attributes);
+                }
+                return true;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    index = qobject->dynamicPropertyNames().indexOf(name);
+    if (index != -1) {
+        JSC::JSValue val = eng->jscValueFromVariant(qobject->property(name));
+        descriptor.setDescriptor(val, QObjectMemberAttribute);
+        return true;
+    }
+    const int offset = (opt & QScriptEngine::ExcludeSuperClassMethods)
+                       ? meta->methodOffset() : 0;
+    for (index = meta->methodCount() - 1; index >= offset; --index) {
+        QMetaMethod method = meta->method(index);
+        if (hasMethodAccess(method, index, opt)
+            && (methodName(method) == name)) {
+            QtFunction *fun = new (exec)QtFunction(
+                object, index, /*maybeOverloaded=*/true,
+                &exec->globalData(), eng->originalGlobalObject()->functionStructure(),
+                propertyName);
+            unsigned attributes = QObjectMemberAttribute;
+            if (opt & QScriptEngine::SkipMethodsInEnumeration)
+                attributes |= JSC::DontEnum;
+            descriptor.setDescriptor(fun, attributes);
+            data->cachedMembers.insert(name, fun);
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+    if (!(opt & QScriptEngine::ExcludeChildObjects)) {
+        QList<QObject*> children = qobject->children();
+        for (index = 0; index < children.count(); ++index) {
+            QObject *child =;
+            if (child->objectName() == QString(propertyName.ustring())) {
+                QScriptEngine::QObjectWrapOptions opt = QScriptEngine::PreferExistingWrapperObject;
+                QScriptValue tmp = QScriptEnginePrivate::get(eng)->newQObject(child, QScriptEngine::QtOwnership, opt);
+                descriptor.setDescriptor(eng->scriptValueToJSCValue(tmp), JSC::ReadOnly | JSC::DontDelete | JSC::DontEnum);
+                return true;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return QScriptObjectDelegate::getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, exec, propertyName, descriptor);
+    return false;
 void QObjectDelegate::put(QScriptObject *object, JSC::ExecState* exec,
                           const JSC::Identifier& propertyName,
                           JSC::JSValue value, JSC::PutPropertySlot &slot)
@@ -1437,7 +1575,7 @@
                                             unsigned &attributes) const
-    // ### try to avoid duplicating logic from getOwnPropertySlot()
+    //Note: this has to be kept in sync with getOwnPropertyDescriptor and getOwnPropertySlot
     QByteArray name = ((QString)propertyName.ustring()).toLatin1();
     QObject *qobject = data->value;
     if (!qobject)
@@ -1688,6 +1826,7 @@
     putDirectFunction(exec, new (exec) JSC::PrototypeFunction(exec, prototypeFunctionStructure, /*length=*/0, exec->propertyNames().toString, qobjectProtoFuncToString), JSC::DontEnum);
     putDirectFunction(exec, new (exec) JSC::PrototypeFunction(exec, prototypeFunctionStructure, /*length=*/1, JSC::Identifier(exec, "findChild"), qobjectProtoFuncFindChild), JSC::DontEnum);
     putDirectFunction(exec, new (exec) JSC::PrototypeFunction(exec, prototypeFunctionStructure, /*length=*/1, JSC::Identifier(exec, "findChildren"), qobjectProtoFuncFindChildren), JSC::DontEnum);
+    this->structure()->setHasGetterSetterProperties(true);
 const JSC::ClassInfo QMetaObjectWrapperObject::info = { "QMetaObject", 0, 0, 0 };
@@ -2081,7 +2220,14 @@
     JSC::call(exec, slot, callType, callData, thisObject, jscArgs);
     if (exec->hadException()) {
-        engine->emitSignalHandlerException();
+        if (slot.inherits(&QtFunction::info) && !static_cast<QtFunction*>(JSC::asObject(slot))->qobject()) {
+            // The function threw an error because the target QObject has been deleted.
+            // The connections list is stale; remove the signal handler and ignore the exception.
+            removeSignalHandler(sender(), signalIndex, receiver, slot);
+            exec->clearException();
+        } else {
+            engine->emitSignalHandlerException();
+        }