--- a/tests/auto/qscriptengineagent/tst_qscriptengineagent.cpp Tue Jan 26 12:42:25 2010 +0200
+++ b/tests/auto/qscriptengineagent/tst_qscriptengineagent.cpp Tue Feb 02 00:43:10 2010 +0200
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
#include <QtScript/qscriptengineagent.h>
#include <QtScript/qscriptengine.h>
+#include <QtScript/qscriptprogram.h>
#include <qscriptvalueiterator.h>
@@ -84,6 +85,7 @@
void functionEntryAndExit_native();
void functionEntryAndExit_native2();
void functionEntryAndExit_nativeThrowing();
+ void functionEntryAndExit_builtin_data();
void functionEntryAndExit_builtin();
void functionEntryAndExit_objects();
void functionEntryAndExit_slots();
@@ -110,6 +112,10 @@
void extension();
void isEvaluatingInExtension();
void hasUncaughtException();
+ void evaluateProgram();
+ void evaluateProgram_SyntaxError();
+ void evaluateNullProgram();
+ void QTBUG6108();
double m_testProperty;
@@ -471,7 +477,7 @@
eng.evaluate("eval('function foo() { print(123); }')");
- QEXPECT_FAIL("","Eval is threaded in different way that in old backend", Abort);
+ QEXPECT_FAIL("","QTBUG-6140 Eval is threaded in different way that in old backend", Abort);
QCOMPARE(spy->count(), 3);
QCOMPARE(spy->at(0).type, ScriptEngineEvent::ScriptLoad);
@@ -806,18 +812,42 @@
delete spy;
+void tst_QScriptEngineAgent::functionEntryAndExit_builtin_data()
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("script");
+ QTest::addColumn<QString>("result");
+ QTest::newRow("string native") << "'ciao'.toString()" << "ciao";
+ QTest::newRow("string object") << "String('ciao').toString()" << "ciao";
+ QTest::newRow("number native") << "(123).toString()" << "123";
+ QTest::newRow("number object") << "Number(123).toString()" << "123";
+ QTest::newRow("array native") << "['s','a'].toString()" << "s, a";
+ QTest::newRow("array object") << "Array('s', 'a').toString()" << "s,a";
+ QTest::newRow("boolean native") << "false.toString()" << "false";
+ QTest::newRow("boolean object") << "Boolean(true).toString()" << "true";
+ QTest::newRow("regexp native") << "/a/.toString()" << "/a/";
+ QTest::newRow("regexp object") << "RegExp('a').toString()" << "/a/";
/** check behaiviour of built-in function */
void tst_QScriptEngineAgent::functionEntryAndExit_builtin()
+ QFETCH(QString, script);
+ QFETCH(QString, result);
QScriptEngine eng;
ScriptEngineSpy *spy = new ScriptEngineSpy(&eng, ~(ScriptEngineSpy::IgnoreFunctionEntry
| ScriptEngineSpy::IgnoreFunctionExit));
- eng.evaluate("'ciao'.toString()");
+ eng.evaluate(script);
- if (qt_script_isJITEnabled())
- QEXPECT_FAIL("", "Some events are missing when JIT is enabled", Abort);
+ if (qt_script_isJITEnabled()) {
+ QEXPECT_FAIL("string native", "QTBUG-6187 Some events are missing when JIT is enabled", Abort);
+ QEXPECT_FAIL("number native", "QTBUG-6187 Some events are missing when JIT is enabled", Abort);
+ QEXPECT_FAIL("array native", "QTBUG-6187 Some events are missing when JIT is enabled", Abort);
+ QEXPECT_FAIL("boolean native", "QTBUG-6187 Some events are missing when JIT is enabled", Abort);
+ QEXPECT_FAIL("regexp native", "QTBUG-6187 Some events are missing when JIT is enabled", Abort);
+ }
QCOMPARE(spy->count(), 4);
// evaluate() entry
@@ -830,14 +860,13 @@
// built-in native function exit
QCOMPARE(spy->at(2).type, ScriptEngineEvent::FunctionExit);
QCOMPARE(spy->at(2).scriptId, qint64(-1));
- QVERIFY(spy->at(2).value.isString());
- QCOMPARE(spy->at(2).value.toString(), QString("ciao"));
+ QCOMPARE(spy->at(2).value.toString(), QString(result));
// evaluate() exit
QCOMPARE(spy->at(3).type, ScriptEngineEvent::FunctionExit);
QCOMPARE(spy->at(3).scriptId, spy->at(0).scriptId);
- QCOMPARE(spy->at(3).value.toString(), QString("ciao"));
+ QCOMPARE(spy->at(3).value.toString(), QString(result));
delete spy;
@@ -1156,16 +1185,16 @@
- QEXPECT_FAIL("","JSC do not evaluate ';' to statemant",Continue);
+ QEXPECT_FAIL("","QTBUG-6142 JSC do not evaluate ';' to statemant",Continue);
QCOMPARE(spy->count(), 1);
if (spy->count()) {
- QEXPECT_FAIL("","JSC do not evaluate ';' to statemant",Continue);
+ QEXPECT_FAIL("","QTBUG-6142 JSC do not evaluate ';' to statemant",Continue);
QCOMPARE(spy->at(0).type, ScriptEngineEvent::PositionChange);
- QEXPECT_FAIL("","JSC do not evaluate ';' to statemant",Continue);
+ QEXPECT_FAIL("","QTBUG-6142 JSC do not evaluate ';' to statemant",Continue);
QVERIFY(spy->at(0).scriptId != -1);
- QEXPECT_FAIL("","JSC do not evaluate ';' to statemant",Continue);
+ QEXPECT_FAIL("","QTBUG-6142 JSC do not evaluate ';' to statemant",Continue);
QCOMPARE(spy->at(0).lineNumber, 1);
- QEXPECT_FAIL("","JSC do not evaluate ';' to statemant",Continue);
+ QEXPECT_FAIL("","QTBUG-6142 JSC do not evaluate ';' to statemant",Continue);
QCOMPARE(spy->at(0).columnNumber, 1);
@@ -1547,7 +1576,7 @@
- QEXPECT_FAIL("","I believe the test is wrong. Expressions shouldn't call positionChange "
+ QEXPECT_FAIL("","QTBUG-6142 I believe the test is wrong. Expressions shouldn't call positionChange "
"because statement '1+2' will call it at least twice, why debugger have to "
"stop here so many times?", Abort);
@@ -2084,8 +2113,6 @@
i = 2;
QCOMPARE(spy->at(i).type, ScriptEngineEvent::ContextPush);
- QEXPECT_FAIL("","The test is broken, contextPush event do not provide scriptId", Continue);
- QVERIFY(spy->at(i).scriptId == -1);
i = 3;
QCOMPARE(spy->at(i).type, ScriptEngineEvent::FunctionEntry);
QVERIFY(spy->at(i).scriptId == -1);
@@ -2094,14 +2121,12 @@
QVERIFY(spy->at(i).scriptId == -1);
i = 5;
QCOMPARE(spy->at(i).type, ScriptEngineEvent::ContextPop);
- QEXPECT_FAIL("","The test is broken, contextPop event do not provide scriptId", Continue);
- QVERIFY(spy->at(i).scriptId == -1);
i = 6;
QCOMPARE(spy->at(i).type, ScriptEngineEvent::ExceptionThrow);
QCOMPARE(spy->at(i).scriptId, spy->at(0).scriptId);
- QEXPECT_FAIL("","There are other messages in JSC",Continue);
+ QEXPECT_FAIL("","QTBUG-6137 There are other messages in JSC",Continue);
QCOMPARE(spy->at(i).value.toString(), QString("SyntaxError: Expected `}'"));
QCOMPARE(spy->at(i).scriptId, spy->at(0).scriptId);
i = 7;
@@ -2134,7 +2159,7 @@
QCOMPARE(spy->at(1).lineNumber, lineNumber);
QCOMPARE(spy->at(1).columnNumber, 1);
- QEXPECT_FAIL("","In JSC Eval('debugger') returns undefined",Abort);
+ QEXPECT_FAIL("","QTBUG-6135 In JSC Eval('debugger') returns undefined",Abort);
QCOMPARE(ret.toString(), QString::fromLatin1("extension(DebuggerInvocationRequest)"));
@@ -2219,6 +2244,115 @@
QVERIFY2(spy->isPass(), "At least one of a functionExit event should set hasUncaughtException flag.");
+void tst_QScriptEngineAgent::evaluateProgram()
+ QScriptEngine eng;
+ QScriptProgram program("1 + 2", "foo.js", 123);
+ ScriptEngineSpy *spy = new ScriptEngineSpy(&eng);
+ qint64 scriptId = -1;
+ for (int x = 0; x < 10; ++x) {
+ spy->clear();
+ (void)eng.evaluate(program);
+ QCOMPARE(spy->count(), (x == 0) ? 4 : 3);
+ if (x == 0) {
+ // script is only loaded on first execution
+ QCOMPARE(spy->at(0).type, ScriptEngineEvent::ScriptLoad);
+ scriptId = spy->at(0).scriptId;
+ QVERIFY(scriptId != -1);
+ QCOMPARE(spy->at(0).script, program.sourceCode());
+ QCOMPARE(spy->at(0).fileName, program.fileName());
+ QCOMPARE(spy->at(0).lineNumber, program.firstLineNumber());
+ spy->removeFirst();
+ }
+ QCOMPARE(spy->at(0).type, ScriptEngineEvent::FunctionEntry); // evaluate()
+ QCOMPARE(spy->at(0).scriptId, scriptId);
+ QCOMPARE(spy->at(1).type, ScriptEngineEvent::PositionChange);
+ QCOMPARE(spy->at(1).scriptId, scriptId);
+ QCOMPARE(spy->at(1).lineNumber, program.firstLineNumber());
+ QCOMPARE(spy->at(2).type, ScriptEngineEvent::FunctionExit); // evaluate()
+ QCOMPARE(spy->at(2).scriptId, scriptId);
+ QVERIFY(spy->at(2).value.isNumber());
+ QCOMPARE(spy->at(2).value.toNumber(), qsreal(3));
+ }
+void tst_QScriptEngineAgent::evaluateProgram_SyntaxError()
+ QScriptEngine eng;
+ QScriptProgram program("this is not valid syntax", "foo.js", 123);
+ ScriptEngineSpy *spy = new ScriptEngineSpy(&eng);
+ qint64 scriptId = -1;
+ for (int x = 0; x < 10; ++x) {
+ spy->clear();
+ (void)eng.evaluate(program);
+ QCOMPARE(spy->count(), (x == 0) ? 8 : 7);
+ if (x == 0) {
+ // script is only loaded on first execution
+ QCOMPARE(spy->at(0).type, ScriptEngineEvent::ScriptLoad);
+ scriptId = spy->at(0).scriptId;
+ QVERIFY(scriptId != -1);
+ QCOMPARE(spy->at(0).script, program.sourceCode());
+ QCOMPARE(spy->at(0).fileName, program.fileName());
+ QCOMPARE(spy->at(0).lineNumber, program.firstLineNumber());
+ spy->removeFirst();
+ }
+ QCOMPARE(spy->at(0).type, ScriptEngineEvent::FunctionEntry); // evaluate()
+ QCOMPARE(spy->at(0).scriptId, scriptId);
+ QCOMPARE(spy->at(1).type, ScriptEngineEvent::ContextPush); // SyntaxError constructor
+ QCOMPARE(spy->at(2).type, ScriptEngineEvent::FunctionEntry); // SyntaxError constructor
+ QCOMPARE(spy->at(3).type, ScriptEngineEvent::FunctionExit); // SyntaxError constructor
+ QCOMPARE(spy->at(4).type, ScriptEngineEvent::ContextPop); // SyntaxError constructor
+ QCOMPARE(spy->at(5).type, ScriptEngineEvent::ExceptionThrow);
+ QVERIFY(spy->at(5).value.isError());
+ QCOMPARE(spy->at(5).value.toString(), QString::fromLatin1("SyntaxError: Parse error"));
+ QCOMPARE(spy->at(6).type, ScriptEngineEvent::FunctionExit); // evaluate()
+ QCOMPARE(spy->at(6).scriptId, scriptId);
+ }
+void tst_QScriptEngineAgent::evaluateNullProgram()
+ QScriptEngine eng;
+ ScriptEngineSpy *spy = new ScriptEngineSpy(&eng);
+ (void)eng.evaluate(QScriptProgram());
+ QCOMPARE(spy->count(), 0);
+void tst_QScriptEngineAgent::QTBUG6108()
+ QScriptEngine eng;
+ ScriptEngineSpy *spy = new ScriptEngineSpy(&eng);
+ eng.evaluate("eval('a = 1')");
+ QCOMPARE(spy->count(), 5);
+ QCOMPARE(spy->at(0).type, ScriptEngineEvent::ScriptLoad);
+ QVERIFY(spy->at(0).scriptId != -1);
+ QCOMPARE(spy->at(1).type, ScriptEngineEvent::FunctionEntry);
+ QVERIFY(spy->at(1).scriptId != -1);
+ QCOMPARE(spy->at(1).scriptId, spy->at(0).scriptId);
+ QCOMPARE(spy->at(2).type, ScriptEngineEvent::PositionChange);
+ QVERIFY(spy->at(2).scriptId != -1);
+ QCOMPARE(spy->at(2).scriptId, spy->at(0).scriptId);
+ QCOMPARE(spy->at(2).lineNumber, 1);
+ QCOMPARE(spy->at(3).type, ScriptEngineEvent::FunctionExit);
+ QVERIFY(spy->at(3).scriptId != -1);
+ QCOMPARE(spy->at(3).scriptId, spy->at(0).scriptId);
+ QCOMPARE(spy->at(4).type, ScriptEngineEvent::ScriptUnload);
+ QCOMPARE(spy->at(4).scriptId, spy->at(0).scriptId);
#include "tst_qscriptengineagent.moc"