Qt 3.0 beta 5 is not binary compatible with beta 4; any programslinked against beta 4 must be recompiled.Below you will find a description of general changes in the QtLibrary and Qt Designer followed by a detailed list of changes in theAPI.The Qt Library========================================Documentation-------------The extensive revision of Qt classes' documentation is complete. Thefront page of the Qt documentation (index.html) has been redesignedto provide better access to other documentation than classdocumentation.OpenGL Module-------------Qt beta 5 provides some fixes which will make rendering GL widgets topixmaps work on a wider range of X servers.QDateTimeEdit-------------The QDateTimeEdit, QDateEdit and QTimeEdit widgets have been movedfrom the SQL module to the Qt core widget set. All users of Qt cannow use these widgets.Qt Designer======================================== - Some bugs related to the .ui.h feature were fixed. - The generation of code related to QSqlCursor has been fixed. - When removing a slot implementation from the Qt Designer interface, do not accidentally remove a preceding comment. - Improved the C++ code indenter in the editor for some C++ constructs, including try-catch blocks.Qt Linguist======================================== - Fixed problem with loading phrase books containing non-ASCII characters.Qt Classes========================================QApplication------------ - Fixed a clipboard bug related to drag-and-drop on X11.QColorDialog------------ - Fixed repaint problem.QComboBox--------- - Never inserts empty strings in the list. - Use the drop-down listbox's size hint in the combobox if the listbox has been set manually.QComponentInterface------------------- - This class has been renamed QComponentInformationInterface.QComponentServerInterface------------------------- - This class has been renamed QComponentRegistrationInterface.QDataBrowser------------ - The setCursor() function is obsolete and has been removed due to problems with some compilers. Use setSqlCursor() instead.QDataTable---------- - Fixed a rare crash when the database is deleted while its popup is still open. - Made setColumnWidth() a public slot like in the base class. - The setCursor() function is obsolete and has been removed due to problems with some compilers. Use setSqlCursor() instead.QDateTimeEdit------------- - Fixed the minimumSizeHint() for better behavior in a layout.QDom---- - Added a sanity check.QFileDialog----------- - Fixed a crash in MotifPlus style. - Use the existing file-icon provider rather than the default Windows one if one is set.QFont----- - Fixed background color for more than 8 bits per channel. - Added the font's pixel size to the value returned by key().QFtp---- - Correcty sets the default password to "anonymous".QGL--- - Added robustness on X11 for invalid pixmap parameters.QImage------ - Fixed loading of BGR BMP files. - Changed the signature of the constructor to accept "const char * const *" objects without a cast.QLatin1Codec------------ - Provide the missing mimeName().QLibrary-------- - Construct Unix-specific filenames correctly.QLineEdit--------- - Fixed offset for right-aligned text.QListView--------- - Fixed a bug with in-place renaming.QMime----- - Fixed infinite loop when searching for a mime-source.QMutex------ - Unlock the Qt library mutex when enter_loop() is called the first time, rather than when exec() is called. A programmer might call QDialog::exec() and never QApplication::exec(), and then she will wait for the mutex.QPixmap------- - Do transformations correctly on big-endian systems.QPrinter-------- - Respect the PRINTER environment variable on X11, as stated in the documentation. - Work around a display-context bug on Windows 95 and 98.QProcess--------New functions: void clearArguments(); int communication() const; void setCommunication( int c );QProgressBar------------ - Fixed bug in repainting when a background pixmap is set.QPtrList-------- - Reverted a semantics change introduced in beta 4 when deleting the current item.QRegExp------- - Fixed matchedLength() when used with exactMatch(). This bug affected QRegExpValidator.QRichText--------- - Added support for "color" attribute in <hr> tag. - Fixed selectedText().QSqlCursor---------- - Don't generate calculated fields.QStatusBar---------- - Made addWidget() and removeWidget() virtual.QSpinBox-------- - Fixed the minimumSizeHint() for better behavior in a layout.QStyle------ - Allow separator custom menu items to use a different size than specified by the style.Qt-- - Renamed Qt::Top, Qt::Bottom, Qt::Left, Qt::Right to Qt::DockTop, Qt::DockBottom, Qt::DockLeft, Qt::DockRight.QTable------ - Fixed currentChanged() and valueChanged() emits.QTextEdit--------- - Moved eventFilter() from the public slots section to the public section of the class definition. - Reformat after changing tab-stop size. - Implemented undo for clear().New function: void zoomTo( int size );QTextIStream------------ - Fixed QTextIStream with a QString.QToolBar-------- - Fall back to text property in extension popup if no pixmap label has been set. - Made mainWindow() const.QToolButton----------- - Fixed the minimumSizeHint() for better behavior in a layout.QToolTip-------- - Fixed the transparent tooltip effect a la Windows 2000.QUrl---- - Fixed the return value of QUrl::dirPath() on Windows. - Set ref to nothing when merging URLs.QUrlOperator------------ - Added a default parameter for single copy to specify the "to" file name and not just the file path.New function: QPtrList<QNetworkOperation> copy( const QString& from, const QString& to, bool move, bool toPath );QValueList---------- - Added a return value to remove(), as stated in the documentation.QWidget------- - Fixed a bug in QPainter on X11 that caused a crash when paint events were dispatched from other paint events. - Fixed showMaximized() and deferred map handling. - When specifying WDestructiveClose as a widget flag, QWidget::close() does not immediately delete the widget anymore, but calles QObject::deferredDelete()QWorkspace---------- - Fixed cascade().