<p>In total the tree has {count($root//QObject)} QObject instances.</p>
<p>Order by occurrence, the QObjects are:</p>
for $i in $root/preceding-sibling::metaObjects/metaObject
let $count := count($root//QObject[@className eq $i/@className])
stable order by $count descending
return if($count > 1)
then <li>{string($i/@className), $count} occurrences</li>
else ()
(: For each QObject, we create a table listing
: the properties of that object. :)
for $object in $root//QObject
return (<h2>{let $name := string($object/@objectName)
return if(string-length($name))
then $name
else "[no name]",
'(', string($object/@className), ')'}</h2>,
<table border="1">
<td>Property Name</td>
then string(.)
else "N/A"