QMAKE_TARGET_PRODUCT = QtCLuceneQMAKE_TARGET_DESCRIPTION = QtCLucene full text search library wrapper.#if qt is built with frameworks in debug, we must build QtCLucene in debug and release #that's a similar logic as in qbase.pri mac:!static:contains(QT_CONFIG, qt_framework) { CONFIG(debug, debug|release) { !build_pass:CONFIG += build_all } }QT_CONFIG -= qt_framework QT -= guiTEMPLATE = libTARGET = QtCLuceneDEFINES += QHELP_LIBinclude(../../../../src/qbase.pri)include(fulltextsearch.pri)CONFIG += qt warn_offcontains(QT_CONFIG, reduce_exports) { CONFIG += hide_symbols # workaround for compiler errors on Ubuntu linux*-g++*:DEFINES += _GLIBCXX_EXTERN_TEMPLATE=0}unix:QMAKE_PKGCONFIG_REQUIRES = QtCore# impossible to disable exceptions in clucene atmCONFIG(exceptions_off) { CONFIG -= exceptions_off CONFIG += exceptions !win32|win32-g++ { QMAKE_CFLAGS -= -fno-exceptions QMAKE_CXXFLAGS -= -fno-exceptions QMAKE_LFLAGS -= -fno-exceptions QMAKE_CFLAGS += -fexceptions QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -fexceptions QMAKE_LFLAGS += -fexceptions }}win32-msvc.net | win32-msvc2* { QMAKE_CFLAGS_RELEASE -= -O2 QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_RELEASE -= -O2 }# the following define could be set globally in case we need it elsewheresolaris* { DEFINES += Q_SOLARIS_VERSION=$$system(uname -r | sed -e 's/5\.//')}