Qt 3.1.1 is a bugfix release. It maintains both forward and backwardcompatibility (source and binary) with Qt 3.1.0***************************************************************************** General *****************************************************************************- The build issues with the Professional Edition have been solved.- The build problems reported on Solaris and HP-UX have been addressed.- Detection of Xft2 support has been added.- The installer and reconfigure tools on Windows have been fixed.- Look'n'Feel improvements have been made in the Qt/Mac version.***************************************************************************** Library *****************************************************************************- QAccel Fixed for single key accelerators. Made Shift modifier work for all key combinations, unless an accelerator with Shift is defined.- QAction Remove iconset when a null-iconset is being set.- QApplication Don't overwrite explicitly set font with the default font when using the static methods before calling the constructor. X11 only: Support custom color maps on 8-bit visuals.- QCheckBox Draw focus indicator into indicator if the text label is empty.- QClipboard X11 only: Null-terminate encoded strings.- QComboBox Made sure the current item is selected in the list. Call focusIn/OutEvent handlers when the lineedit changes focus.- QDataTable Update the current cell when selecting rows.- QDialog Don't find a place for dialogs that have been explicitly moved.- QDir Improved filtered lookup.- QDockWindow Emit visibilityChanged signal only if visibility relative to the dock area has changed.- QEventLoop Implement this API on Windows and Mac.- QFileDialog Fix visibility of preview widgets. Renaming files now also works in ExistingFiles mode.- QFont X11 only: Fixed width calculation for undefined characters.- QFrame Erase the margin region for flicker-optimized subclasses.- QFtp Don't try to connect multiple times to the server.- QHttp Fix special case for "Content-Length: 0" transfers.- IME (Input Methods) Windows only: Accept the input when the widget loses focus.- QLibrary Mac only: Implement path searching to look in standard loader places for plugins.- QLineEdit Draw background pixmap with the correct offset. Fixed undo/redo. Mac only: Support for native navigation and selection with keyboard.- QListBox Fixed null-pointer crash in QFileDialog.- QListView Fixed null-pointer crash when reimplementing insertItem.- QMenuBar Improved focus handling.- QMime Support URLs on Japanese Win98. Windows only: Support URLs on network drives.- QOCIDriver Improved handling for datatype mismatches- QODBCDriver Don't report Unicode support on Win9x/Me. Support high-precision values. Support fetchLast in forward-only databases- QPainter Make endpixel rendering consistent on all platforms. Draw focus rectangles with better contrast. Fixed text rendering with wordbreak.- QPixmap Mac only: Support alpha channels when converting from a QImage.- QPopupMenu Fixed offset errors and keyboard navigation for invisible items. Allow overlapping of menus with desktop elements (e.g. taskbar). Avoid flicker for context menus.- QPrinterDialog Unix only: Try harder to find all printers.- QProcess Windows only : Start batch files with spaces in filename.- QScrollView Don't propagate accepted contents mouse events.- QSettings X11 only: Don't read Qt specific settings if application is not desktop-settings-aware. Windows only: Handle null-terminations correctly on Win95/98/Me. Fixed a resource leak.- QSqlCursor Improved performance for multiple inserts- QString Pass base parameter to recursive calls in setNum().- QStyle Make better use of the style flags.- QTabBar Fixed focus handling for dynamically created tab widgets.- QTable Make sizeHint implementation depend on header visibility. Update the geometry of cell widgets in setRowHeight() and setColumnWidth().- QTableItem Fixed sizeHint() for items with wordwrap and items with newlines in the text.- QTextCodecFactory Load plugins correctly.- QTextEdit Fixed rendering of selections in inactive windows. Return the string with format tags in LogText mode. Non-breaking whitespaces (0xA0) are no longer converted to spaces in text().- QWheelEvent X11 only: Support second mouse wheel (since there is no documented API for this on Windows).- QWidget Fix showHidden(). Propagate palettes and fonts correctly to children. Don't block modeless children of modal dialogs.- QWorkspace Don't return invalid pointers to closed MDI clients.***************************************************************************** Tools *****************************************************************************- moc and uic Delete output files before aborting.- uic Don't print debug messages from generated code. Fixed column and row labeling. Don't generate code for database specific properties.- Qt Designer Fixed reported crashes.- Qt Assistant Flush stdout to make sure that clients get the correct port number.***************************************************************************** Extensions *****************************************************************************- ActiveQt Fixed null-pointer crashes for QVariant parameters. Try harder to convert types. Fixed Qt control placement and property handling in Visual Basic. Improved workaround for Word type library problems. Integrated hosted controls in tab focus chain. Support property overloading in Qt controls.