author Eckhart Koeppen <eckhart.koppen@nokia.com>
Thu, 22 Apr 2010 16:15:11 +0300
changeset 14 8c4229025c0b
parent 0 1918ee327afb
permissions -rw-r--r--

StartDocument( documentVersion="1.0" )
Comment( text=" Attribute uniqueness: prefixed and unprefixed attributes with same
     local name " )
StartElement( name="foo" qualifiedName="foo"
    NamespaceDeclaration( prefix="a" namespaceUri="http://example.org/~wilbur" )
Characters( whitespace text="

" )
StartElement( name="bar" qualifiedName="bar"
    Attribute( name="attr" namespaceUri="http://example.org/~wilbur" qualifiedName="a:attr" prefix="a" value="1" )

    Attribute( name="attr" qualifiedName="attr" value="2" )
EndElement( name="bar" qualifiedName="bar" )
Characters( whitespace text="

" )
EndElement( name="foo" qualifiedName="foo" )
EndDocument( )