changeset 9 5d007b20cfd0
equal deleted inserted replaced
8:885c2596c964 9:5d007b20cfd0
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 *
     5 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
     6 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
     7 * the Free Software Foundation, version 2.1 of the License.
     8 * 
     9 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    10 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    12 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
    13 *
    14 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
    15 * along with this program.  If not, 
    16 * see "http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html/".
    17 *
    18 * Description:                                                         
    19 *
    20 */
    22 #include "xqservicelog.h"
    24 #include "xqserviceipcclient.h"
    25 #include "xqservicechannel.h"
    26 #include "xqservicethreaddata.h"
    27 #include "xqrequestutil.h"
    29 #include <xqserviceutil.h>
    30 #include <xqserviceipc.h>
    31 #include <xqserviceipcserver.h>
    32 #include <xqserviceipcrequest.h>
    33 #include <QProcess>
    34 #ifdef QT_S60_AIW_PLUGIN
    35 #include <xqplugin.h>
    36 #include <xqpluginloader.h>
    37 #include <xqplugininfo.h>
    38 #endif
    39 #include <QList>
    40 #include <xqserviceprovider.h>
    41 #include <e32err.h>
    43 #include <xqsharablefile.h>
    45 struct XQServicePacketHeader
    46 {
    47     int totalLength;
    48     int command;
    49     int chLength;
    50     int msgLength;
    51     int dataLength;
    52 };
    54 XQServiceIpcClient::XQServiceIpcClient(const QString& ipcConName, bool isServer, 
    55                                        bool isSync, XQServiceRequestCompletedAsync* rc,
    56                                       const void *userData)
    57     : QObject(), cancelledRequest(NULL), serviceIpc(NULL), serviceIpcServer(NULL), callBackRequestComplete(rc),
    58       mUserData(userData)  // User data can be NULL !
    59 {
    60     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceIpcClient::XQServiceIpcClient");
    61     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("ipcConName: %s, isServer: %d, isSync: %d", qPrintable(ipcConName), isServer, isSync);
    62     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("userData: %x, (int)userData)");
    65 	mIpcConName = ipcConName;
    66     server = isServer;
    67     synchronous = isSync ;
    68     sendSyncLoop = NULL;
    70 	// Incomplete in-process plugin support (just null data members)
    71     plugin=NULL;
    72     localProvider=NULL;
    73     lastId = 0;  // Start IDs from 1
    75 #ifdef QT_S60_AIW_PLUGIN
    76     QList<XQPluginInfo> impls;  
    77     XQPluginLoader pluginLoader;
    79     pluginLoader.listImplementations(ipcConName, impls);
    80     if (impls.count()) {
    81         pluginLoader.setUid(impls.at(0).uid()); 
    82 		// Use the very first plugin found, otherwise impl. ui need to be passed here
    83 		plugin = pluginLoader.instance();
    84     }
    85 #endif
    86 }
    88 XQServiceIpcClient::~XQServiceIpcClient()
    89 {
    90     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceIpcClient::~XQServiceIpcClient");
    91 #ifdef QT_S60_AIW_PLUGIN
    92 	delete plugin;
    93     delete localProvider;
    94 #endif
    95 //    disconnected();
    96 }
    98 bool XQServiceIpcClient::listen()
    99 {
   100     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceIpcClient::listen,isServer?=%d", server);
   101 #    
   102 #ifdef QT_S60_AIW_PLUGIN
   103     if (plugin) return true;
   104 #endif
   106     if (server) {
   107         serviceIpcServer = new ServiceFwIPCServer(this, this, ESymbianApaServer);
   108         bool embedded = XQServiceUtil::isEmbedded();
   109         XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("embedded: %d", embedded);
   110         QString conName = mIpcConName;
   111         if (embedded) {
   112             // For embedded launch ass the server app ID to connection name
   113             // The client side will check the same embedded options and use the
   114             // same pattern
   115             quint64 processId = qApp->applicationPid();
   116             conName = mIpcConName + "." + QString::number(processId);
   117         }
   118         XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("conName: %s", qPrintable(conName));
   119         return serviceIpcServer->listen(conName);
   120     }
   121     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("No server");
   122     return false;
   123 }
   125 bool XQServiceIpcClient::connectToServer()
   126 {
   127     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceIpcClient::connectToServer, isServer?=%d", server);
   128 #ifdef QT_S60_AIW_PLUGIN
   129 	if (plugin)
   130         {
   131         localProvider= new XQServiceProvider( mIpcConName, NULL);
   132         localProvider->SetPlugin(plugin);
   133         // localProvider->publishAll();  
   134         return true;
   135         }
   136 #endif
   138     // Attension.
   139     // The 'mIpcConName' may contai the unique session identifier to separate connections using the same
   140     // By default server name is the same as the channel name.
   141     // When embedded launch, we add the server process ID to name to make it unique
   142     QString serverName = XQRequestUtil::channelName(mIpcConName);
   144     if (!serviceIpc) {
   145         XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("New serviceIpc:mIpcConName=%s,serverName=%s",
   146                               qPrintable(mIpcConName), qPrintable(serverName));
   148         serviceIpc = new ServiceFwIPC(this, ESymbianApaServer);
   149         serviceIpc->setUserData(mUserData); // Attach user data, if any, to request
   150         const XQRequestUtil *util = static_cast<const XQRequestUtil*>(mUserData);
   151         bool embedded = util->mInfo.isEmbedded();
   153         connect(serviceIpc, SIGNAL(error(int)), this, SLOT(clientError(int)));
   154         connect(serviceIpc, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readyRead()));
   155         XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("\tembedded: %d", embedded);
   156         if (embedded) {
   157             quint64 processId=0;
   158             // Embedded server launch.
   159             // Server executable is always started with common name.
   160             // The server has to add the it's process ID to server names when creating Symbian server names to
   161             // be connected to. That's how client and server can establish unique connection.
   162             // 
   163             bool ret = serviceIpc->startServer(serverName,"", processId, ServiceFwIPC::EStartInEmbeddedMode);
   164             XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("ret: %d", ret);
   165             if (ret && (processId > 0)) {
   166                 // 
   167                 // Start application in embedded mode. Add process ID to server name to make
   168                 // server connection unique.
   169                 serverName  = serverName  + "." + QString::number(processId);
   170                 XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("Try connect to embedded service: %s", qPrintable(serverName));
   171                 retryCount = 0;
   172                 while (!serviceIpc->connect(serverName) && retryCount < retryToServerMax) {
   173                     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("retryCount: %d", retryCount+1);
   174                     ++retryCount;
   175                     wait(200);
   176                 }
   177                 if (retryCount == retryToServerMax) {
   178                     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("Couldn't connect to embedded server");
   179                     XQService::serviceThreadData()->setLatestError(ServiceFwIPC::EConnectionError);  // Set error also
   180                     processId = 0;
   181                 }
   182             }
   183             if (!processId) {
   184                 XQSERVICE_WARNING_PRINT("Could not connect to embedded service %s", qPrintable(serverName));
   185                 delete serviceIpc;
   186                 serviceIpc = NULL;
   187                 return false;                
   188             }
   189             XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("Embedded connection created");
   190         }
   191         else {
   192             // Not embedded 
   193             XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("Use existing serviceIpc:mIpcConName=%s, serverName=%s",
   194                                   qPrintable(mIpcConName), qPrintable(serverName));
   195             if (!serviceIpc->connect(serverName)) {
   196                 XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("Trying to start server %s", qPrintable(serverName));
   197                 quint64 processId=0;
   198                 bool ret=serviceIpc->startServer(serverName,"",processId);
   199                 XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("starServer ret=%d", ret);
   200                 if (ret && (processId > 0)) {
   201                     retryCount = 0;
   202                     while (!serviceIpc->connect(serverName) && retryCount < retryToServerMax) {
   203                         XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("retryCount: %d", retryCount+1);
   204                         ++retryCount;
   205                         wait(200);
   206                     }
   207                     if (retryCount == retryToServerMax) {
   208                         XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("Couldn't connect to server");
   209                         XQService::serviceThreadData()->setLatestError(ServiceFwIPC::EConnectionError);  // Set error also
   210                         processId = 0;
   211                     }
   212                 }
   213                 if (!processId) {
   214                     XQSERVICE_WARNING_PRINT("Could not connect to the service %s", qPrintable(serverName));
   215                     delete serviceIpc;
   216                     serviceIpc = NULL;
   217                     return false;                
   218                 }
   219             }
   220         XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("Connection created");
   221         }
   222     }
   223     return true;
   224 }
   226 bool XQServiceIpcClient::handleRequest( ServiceIPCRequest *aRequest )
   227 {
   228     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceIpcClient::handleRequest,isServer?=%d", server);
   229 	XQService::serviceThreadData()->setLatestError(KErrNone);
   230     bool result(true);
   231     int index = setCurrentRequest(aRequest);
   232     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("index: %d", index);
   233     const QString oper = aRequest->getOperation();
   234     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("oper: %s", qPrintable(oper));
   235     const QByteArray packet=aRequest->getData();
   236     const char *startPtr = packet.constData();
   237     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("packet: %s", packet.constData());
   240     // We have a full packet to be processed.  Parse the command
   241     // and the channel name, but nothing else just yet.
   242     XQServicePacketHeader *header = (XQServicePacketHeader *)startPtr;
   243     int command = header->command;
   244     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("command: %d", command);
   245     QString channel;
   246     const char *ptr = startPtr + sizeof(XQServicePacketHeader);
   247     if (header->chLength > 0) {
   248         channel = QString::fromUtf16
   249             ((const ushort *)ptr, header->chLength);
   250         ptr += header->chLength * 2;
   251     }
   252     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("channel: %s", qPrintable(channel));
   253     // Parse the rest of the packet now that we know we need it.
   254     QString msg;
   255     QByteArray data;
   256     if (header->msgLength > 0) {
   257         msg = QString::fromUtf16
   258             ((const ushort *)ptr, header->msgLength);
   259         ptr += header->msgLength * 2;
   260     }
   261     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("msg: %s", qPrintable(msg));
   262     if (header->dataLength > 0) {
   263         data = QByteArray ((const char *)ptr, header->dataLength);
   264         ptr += header->dataLength;
   265     }
   266     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("data: %s", data.constData());
   267     QVariant ret;
   268     // Processing command on server side.
   269     if (command == XQServiceCmd_Send) {    
   270         //Only support 1 sharable file, so index is 0
   271         ret=XQServiceChannel::sendLocally(channel, msg, data, aRequest->sharableFile(0) );
   272     }
   273     else if (command == XQServiceCmd_ReturnValueDelivered) {
   274        XQServiceChannel::sendCommand(channel,XQServiceChannel::ReturnValueDelivered);
   275     }
   277     if (XQService::serviceThreadData()->latestError() || 
   278         !aRequest->isAsync()) {
   279         ret=completeRequest(index,ret);
   280     }
   281     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("ret: %d", result);
   282     return result;
   283 }
   285 /*!
   286  * From MServiceIPCObserver
   287  * \see MServiceIPCObserver::handleCancelRequest( ServiceIPCRequest *aRequest )
   288  */
   289 void XQServiceIpcClient::handleCancelRequest(ServiceIPCRequest* aRequest)
   290 {
   291     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceIpcClient::handleCancelRequest isServer?=%d", server);
   292     if (server)
   293     {
   294         // Save the request to be cancelled if service provider wants to as
   295         // XQRequestInfo for details
   296         // Valid only upon sendCommand call
   297         cancelledRequest = aRequest; 
   299         //Attention! At the moment in server side channel name and connection name are the same
   300         // it might be that in the future will be different then this is not valid anymore.
   301         XQServiceChannel::sendCommand(mIpcConName,XQServiceChannel::ClientDisconnected);
   303         // Remember to reset immediatelly
   304         cancelledRequest = 0;
   306         cancelRequest(aRequest);
   307     }
   308 }
   310 /*
   311 * From MServiceIPCObserver
   312 * \see MServiceIPCObserver::handleDeleteRequest( ServiceIPCRequest *aRequest )
   313 */
   314 void XQServiceIpcClient::handleDeleteRequest(ServiceIPCRequest* aRequest)
   315 {
   316     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceIpcClient::handleDeleteRequest isServer?=%d, reqId=", server);
   317     if (server)
   318     {
   319         cancelRequest(aRequest);
   320     }
   321 }
   323 bool XQServiceIpcClient::cancelRequest(ServiceIPCRequest* aRequest) {
   324     bool ret(false);
   326     if (aRequest == NULL)
   327         return ret;
   329     if (server) {
   330         XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceIpcClient::cancelRequest, isServer?=%d, reqId=%d", server, aRequest->id());
   331         if (requestsMap.contains(aRequest->id())) {
   332             requestsMap.take(aRequest->id());  // Use "take" not to delete the request !!
   333             ret = true;
   334         } else {
   335             ret = false;
   336         }
   337         XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceIpcClient::cancelRequest, ret=%d", ret);
   338     }
   339     return ret;
   340 }
   342 bool XQServiceIpcClient::sendChannelCommand(int cmd, const QString& ch)
   343 {
   344     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceIpcClient::sendChannelCommand, isServer?=%d", server);
   345     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("cmd: %d, ch: %s", cmd, qPrintable(ch));
   346     if (!connectToServer()){
   347         XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("Couldn't connect to the server");
   348         return false;
   349     }
   350     int len = ch.length() * 2 + sizeof(XQServicePacketHeader);
   351     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("cmd: %d", len);
   352     int writelen;
   353     char *buf;
   354     bool freeBuf = false;
   355     if (len <= minPacketSize) {
   356         buf = outBuffer;
   357         memset(buf + len, 0, minPacketSize - len);
   358         writelen = minPacketSize;
   359     } else {
   360         buf = new char [len];
   361         writelen = len;
   362         freeBuf = true;
   363     }
   364     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("writelen: %d", writelen);
   365     XQServicePacketHeader *header = (XQServicePacketHeader *)buf;
   366     header->command = cmd;
   367     header->totalLength = len;
   368     header->chLength = ch.length();
   369     header->msgLength = 0;
   370     header->dataLength = 0;
   371     char *ptr = buf + sizeof(XQServicePacketHeader);
   372     memcpy(ptr, ch.constData(), ch.length() * 2);
   373     QByteArray sndBuf(buf,writelen);
   374     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("sndBuf: %s", sndBuf.constData());
   376     bool ret = serviceIpc->sendSync("sendChannelCommand",sndBuf);   
   378     if (freeBuf)
   379         delete[] buf;
   381     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceIpcClient::sendChannelCommand: ret=%d", ret);
   382     return ret;
   383 }
   385 bool XQServiceIpcClient::send(const QString& ch, 
   386                               const QString& msg, 
   387                               const QByteArray& data, 
   388                               QByteArray &retData, 
   389                               int cmd)
   390 {
   391     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceIpcClient::send, isServer?=%d", server);
   393     // Attension. The 'ch' name may contain unique session identifier to separate requests going
   394     // the same channel. Before real IPC calls need to get the normalized channel name.
   395     // The 'mIpcConName' contains the same session identifier to separate connections using the same
   396     // channel name.
   397     QString channel = XQRequestUtil::channelName(ch);
   399     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("\tchannel: %s, msg: %s", qPrintable(channel), qPrintable(msg));
   400     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("\tdata: %s, cmd: %d", data.constData(), cmd);
   402     XQService::serviceThreadData()->setLatestError(KErrNone);
   403     if (!connectToServer()){
   404         XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("\tCouldn't connect to the server");
   405         return false;
   406 	}
   408 #ifdef QT_S60_AIW_PLUGIN
   409     if (plugin) {     
   410         QVariant ret=XQServiceChannel::sendLocally(channel, msg, data);     
   411         retData = XQServiceThreadData::serializeRetData(ret, XQService::serviceThreadData()->latestError());
   412         return true;
   413         }
   414 #endif
   415     int len = channel.length() * 2 + msg.length() * 2 + data.length();
   416     len += sizeof(XQServicePacketHeader);
   417     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("\tcmd: %d", len);
   418     int writelen;
   419     char *buf;
   420     bool freeBuf = false;
   421     if (len <= minPacketSize) {
   422         buf = outBuffer;
   423         memset(buf + len, 0, minPacketSize - len);
   424         writelen = minPacketSize;
   425     } else {
   426         buf = new char [len];
   427         writelen = len;
   428         freeBuf = true;
   429     }
   430     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("\twritelen: %d", writelen);
   431     XQServicePacketHeader *header = (XQServicePacketHeader *)buf;
   432     header->command = cmd;
   433     header->totalLength = len;
   434     header->chLength = channel.length();
   435     header->msgLength = msg.length();
   436     header->dataLength = data.length();
   437     char *ptr = buf + sizeof(XQServicePacketHeader);
   438     memcpy(ptr, channel.constData(), channel.length() * 2);
   439     ptr += channel.length() * 2;
   440     memcpy(ptr, msg.constData(), msg.length() * 2);
   441     ptr += msg.length() * 2;
   442     memcpy(ptr, data.constData(), data.length());
   443     QByteArray sndBuf(buf,writelen);
   444     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("\tsndBuf: %s", sndBuf.constData());
   445     bool ret = true;
   446     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("\tsynchronous: %d", synchronous);
   448     if (synchronous) {
   450         ret=serviceIpc->sendSync("send",sndBuf);
   451         if (ret) {
   452             retData=serviceIpc->readAll();
   453             XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("\t readAll done, error=%d", XQService::serviceThreadData()->latestError());
   454             if (!XQService::serviceThreadData()->latestError())
   455             {
   456                 // No point to send channel command on error. Error could be also
   457                 // caused by server exit without completing the actual request
   458                 sendChannelCommand(XQServiceCmd_ReturnValueDelivered,channel);
   459             }
   460             else
   461                 ret = false;
   462         }
   463     }
   464     else {
   465         // At the moment we can not have multiple send async 
   466         if (serviceIpc->requestPending()) {
   467             XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("Request already pending");
   468             XQService::serviceThreadData()->setLatestError(ServiceFwIPC::ERequestPending);  // maparnan
   469             ret = false ;
   470         }
   471         else {
   472             serviceIpc->sendAsync("send",sndBuf);
   473             ret = true;
   474         }
   475     }
   476     if (freeBuf)
   477         delete[] buf;
   478     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("\tret: %d", ret);
   479     return ret;
   480 }
   483 /*!
   484  * This method cancels requests.
   485  */
   486 bool XQServiceIpcClient::cancelPendingSend(const QString& ch)
   487 {
   488     Q_UNUSED(ch);  // 
   489     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceIpcClient::cancelPendingSend, isServer?=%d", server);
   490     if (serviceIpc) {
   491         // Close the client connection silently
   492         disconnect(serviceIpc, SIGNAL(error(int)), this, SLOT(clientError(int)));
   493         XQService::serviceThreadData()->closeClientConnection(mIpcConName);
   494         // No callback wanted any more
   495         callBackRequestComplete = NULL;
   496     }
   498     return true;
   499 }
   501 void XQServiceIpcClient::disconnected()
   502 {
   503     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceIpcClient::disconnected START");
   504     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("\t server: %d, lastId=%d", server, lastId);
   505     if (server) {
   506         // Closing down IPC
   507         ServiceIPCRequest* request = NULL;
   509         //
   510         // Go through all requests and send disconnected error to them
   511         //
   512         QHashIterator<int, ServiceIPCRequest*> iter(requestsMap);
   513         while (iter.hasNext()) {
   514             iter.next();
   515             int reqId = iter.key();
   516             request=iter.value();
   517             XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("\t request iter: id=%d", reqId);
   518             XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("\t request iter requestAsync=%d", request->isAsync());
   519             if (request->isAsync()) {
   520                 QVariant ret;
   521                 // Consider server side end as connection closure.
   522                 XQService::serviceThreadData()->setLatestError(ServiceFwIPC::EConnectionClosed);
   523                 completeRequest(reqId, ret);
   524                 // In disconnnect phase let's wait a bit in order to be sure 
   525                 // That completeRequest and application exit notification event goes in the client side
   526                 wait(200);
   527             }
   528         }
   529         if (serviceIpcServer) {
   530             serviceIpcServer->disconnect();
   531             delete serviceIpcServer;
   532             serviceIpcServer = NULL;
   533             XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("\tXQServiceIpcClient deleteLater");
   534             wait(200);
   535             XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("\tXQServiceIpcClient deleteLater over");
   536         }
   537     } else {
   538         if (sendSyncLoop && sendSyncLoop->isRunning()) {
   539             XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("Quit sendSyncLoop");
   540             sendSyncLoop->quit();
   541         }
   542         if (serviceIpc) {
   543             XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("Disconnect serviceIpc");
   544             serviceIpc->disconnect();
   545             delete serviceIpc;
   546             serviceIpc = NULL;
   547         }
   548     }
   549     deleteLater();
   550     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceIpcClient::disconnected END");
   551 }
   553 void XQServiceIpcClient::clientError(int error)
   554 {
   555     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceIpcClient::clientError, isServer?=%d", server);
   556     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("error: %d", error);
   559     if (serviceIpc) {
   560         XQService::serviceThreadData()->setLatestError(error);
   561         disconnect(serviceIpc, SIGNAL(error(int)), this, SLOT(clientError(int)));
   562         //disconnected();
   563         XQService::serviceThreadData()->closeClientConnection(mIpcConName);
   564     }
   566     //complete the client request with error value
   567     if (callBackRequestComplete) {
   568         XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("requestErrorAsync mapped error=%d", error);
   569        callBackRequestComplete->requestErrorAsync(error);
   570     }       
   571     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("clientError end mapped error=%d", error);
   572 }
   574 /**
   575 * Async read operation
   576 */
   578 void XQServiceIpcClient::readyRead()
   579 {
   580     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceIpcClient::readyRead, isServer?=%d", server);
   582     // Clear error
   583     XQService::serviceThreadData()->setLatestError(KErrNone);
   585     //in case it has been connected before
   586     //this prevents calling twice of the callback functions
   587     disconnect(serviceIpc, SIGNAL(ReadDone()), this, SLOT(readDone()));
   588     connect(serviceIpc, SIGNAL(ReadDone()), this, SLOT(readDone()));
   589 	serviceIpc->readAll( iRetData );
   590 }
   593 /**
   594 * readDone, send return value back to client
   595 */
   596 void XQServiceIpcClient::readDone()
   597     {
   598     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceIpcClient::readDone");
   599     QVariant retValue = XQServiceThreadData::deserializeRetData(iRetData);
   601 #ifdef XQSERVICE_DEBUG
   602     QString s = retValue.toString();
   603     int len=s.length();
   604     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("retValue: type=%s,len=%d,value(max.1024)=%s",
   605                           retValue.typeName(),len,qPrintable(s.left(1024)));
   606 #endif
   607     int err = XQService::serviceThreadData()->latestError();
   608     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("err: %d", err);
   610     if (err)
   611         {
   612         XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("there is error!");
   613         //emitError(err);
   614         clientError(err);
   615         }
   616     else if (iRetData.length())
   617         {
   618         XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("there is return data");
   619         if (callBackRequestComplete && 
   620 //         !retValue.isNull() && (retValue.type() != QVariant::Invalid))  maparnan
   621            retValue.isValid())
   622             {
   623             XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("before compelete async request");
   625             //should this send before compete the request ?
   626             //Attention ! Map mIpcConName name may contain unique identifier to separate connections using the same
   627             //            channel name. So need to get channel name.
   628             QString channel = XQRequestUtil::channelName(mIpcConName);
   629             sendChannelCommand(XQServiceCmd_ReturnValueDelivered, channel);
   631             callBackRequestComplete->requestCompletedAsync( retValue );
   632             XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("After complete async request");
   633             }        
   634         else
   635             {
   636             clientError( KErrUnknown );
   637             }
   638         //attention at the moment channel name and connection name are the same
   639         // it might be that in the future will be different then this is not valid anymore.
   640         //sendChannelCommand(XQServiceCmd_ReturnValueDelivered,mIpcConName);
   641         }
   642     else
   643         {
   644         //err is KErrNone but no return value
   645         //reading failed 
   646         clientError( KErrUnknown );
   647         }
   648     }
   651 int XQServiceIpcClient::setCurrentRequest(ServiceIPCRequest* request)
   652 {
   653     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceIpcClient::setCurrentRequest START");
   654     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("\t isServer=%d", server);
   655     int id = -1;
   656     if (request) {
   657         lastId = lastId + 1;
   658         XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("\t new id=%d assigned to current request", lastId);
   659         request->setAsync(false);
   660         request->setId(lastId);
   661         requestsMap.insert(lastId, request);
   662         id = lastId;
   663     } else {
   664         XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("\t request was NULL");
   665     }
   666     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("\t returning id=%d", id);
   667     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceIpcClient::setCurrentRequest END");
   668     return id;
   669 }
   671 //
   672 // This function need to be called during a slot call before returning from
   673 // the slot.
   674 // The lastId might change after returning from the slot call as
   675 // other possible requests may arrive
   676 //
   677 int XQServiceIpcClient::setCurrentRequestAsync()
   678 {
   679     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceIpcClient::setCurrentRequestAsync");
   680     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("\t isServer=%d", server);
   681     ServiceIPCRequest* request = requestPtr(lastId);
   682     int id = -1;
   684     if (request) {
   685         request->setAsync(true);
   686         id = request->id();
   687     }
   689     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("\t returning request's id=%d", id);
   690     return id;
   691 }
   693 bool XQServiceIpcClient::completeRequest(int index, const QVariant& retValue)
   694 {
   695     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceIpcClient::completeRequest START");
   696     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("\t isServer=%d", server);
   697     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("\t index=%d", index);
   698 #ifdef XQSERVICE_DEBUG
   699     QString s = retValue.toString();
   700     int len=s.length();
   701     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("retValue: type=%s,len=%d,value(max.1024)=%s",
   702                           retValue.typeName(),len,qPrintable(s.left(1024)));
   703 #endif
   705     ServiceIPCRequest* request = requestPtr(index);
   706     if (!request){
   707         XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("\t request = NULL");
   708         XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("\t return false");
   709         XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceIpcClient::completeRequest END (1)");
   710         return false;
   711     }
   712 #ifdef QT_S60_AIW_PLUGIN
   713     if (plugin) {
   714         if (callBackRequestComplete && 
   715                 !retValue.isNull() && (retValue.type() != QVariant::Invalid))
   716                 {
   717                 callBackRequestComplete->requestCompletedAsync(retValue);
   718                 }        
   719         XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("\t return true");
   720         XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceIpcClient::completeRequest END (2)");
   721         return true;
   722     }
   723 #endif    
   724     QByteArray array = XQServiceThreadData::serializeRetData(retValue,
   725                             XQService::serviceThreadData()->latestError() );
   726     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("\t array: %s", array.constData());
   727     XQService::serviceThreadData()->setLatestError(KErrNone);
   728     request->write(array);
   729     bool ret = request->completeRequest();
   730     // cancelRequest(request);
   731     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("\t return %d", ret);
   732     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceIpcClient::completeRequest END (3)");
   733     return ret;
   734 }
   737 //
   738 // This function need to be called during a slot call before returning from
   739 // the slot.
   740 // The lastId might change after returning from the slot call as
   741 // other possible requests may arrive
   742 //
   743 XQRequestInfo XQServiceIpcClient::requestInfo() const
   744 {
   745     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceIpcClient::requestInfo");
   746     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("\t isServer=%d", server);
   747     ServiceIPCRequest* request = requestPtr(lastId);
   749     if (request) {
   750         return request->requestInfo();
   751     } 
   752     return XQRequestInfo();
   753 }
   755 //
   756 // This internal function need to be called before a slot call to set the request info
   757 // The provider can then call requestInfo() to get the data.
   758 // The lastId might change after returning from the slot call as
   759 // other possible requests may arrive
   760 //
   761 bool XQServiceIpcClient::setRequestInfo(XQRequestInfo &info)
   762 {
   763     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceIpcClient::setRequestInfo");
   764     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("\t isServer=%d", server);
   765     ServiceIPCRequest* request = requestPtr(lastId);
   767     if (request) {
   768         request->setRequestInfo(&info);
   769     } 
   770     return request != NULL;
   771 }
   774 // in disconnnect phase let's wait a bit in order to be sure 
   775 // that completeRequest and application exit notification event goes in the client side
   776 void XQServiceIpcClient::wait(int msec)
   777 {
   778     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceIpcClient::wait, isServer?=%d", server);
   780     if (server)
   781         return;
   783     User::After(1000 * msec); //Contribution from Seppo
   785     /*
   786     if (!QCoreApplication::instance())
   787     {
   788         User::After(1000 * msec); //Contribution from Seppo
   789         return;
   790     }
   792     QTime t1 = QTime::currentTime();
   793     QEventLoop w = QEventLoop();
   794     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceIpcClient::wait start");
   795     QTimer::singleShot(msec, &w, SLOT(quit()));
   796     w.exec();
   797     QTime t2 = QTime::currentTime();
   798     XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceIpcClient::wait end elapsed=%d", t1.msecsTo(t2));
   799     */
   800 }
   802 //
   803 // Returns the handle of the current request
   804 //
   805 ServiceIPCRequest *XQServiceIpcClient::requestPtr(int index) const
   806 {
   807     ServiceIPCRequest* request = NULL;
   809     // If request is being cancelled (saved by handleCancelRequest()) use it's id instead
   810     // By that way service provider can access the XQRequestInfo of the cancelled request
   811     // Upon handling clientDisconnected
   812     if (cancelledRequest)
   813     {
   814         index = cancelledRequest->id();
   815         XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("\t Cancelled request id=%d", index);
   816     }
   818     if (requestsMap.contains(index)) {
   819         XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("\t request having id=%d FOUND", index);
   820         request = requestsMap[index];
   821     } else {
   822         XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("\t request having id=%d NOT FOUND", index);
   823     }
   825     return request;
   827 }