changeset 10 cd2778e5acfe
parent 0 cfcbf08528c4
equal deleted inserted replaced
9:5d007b20cfd0 10:cd2778e5acfe
     3 For individuals and/or legal entities resident in the Americas (North
     4 America, Central America and South America), the applicable licensing
     5 terms are specified under the heading "Technology Preview License 
     6 Agreement: The Americas".
     8 For individuals and/or legal entities not resident in The Americas, the
     9 applicable licensing terms are specified under the heading "Technology 
    10 Preview License Agreement: Rest of the World". 
    14 Agreement version 2.4
    16 This Technology Preview License Agreement ("Agreement") is a legal
    17 agreement between Nokia Inc. ("Nokia"), with its registered office at
    18 102 Corporate Park Drive, White Plains, N.Y., U.S.A. 10604 and you (either an
    19 individual or a legal entity) ("Licensee") for the Licensed Software (as
    20 defined below). 
    24 "Affiliate" of a Party shall mean an entity (i) which is directly or
    25 indirectly controlling such Party; (ii) which is under the same direct
    26 or indirect ownership or control as such Party; or (iii) which is
    27 directly or indirectly owned or controlled by such Party. For these
    28 purposes, an entity shall be treated as being controlled by another if
    29 that other entity has fifty percent (50 %) or more of the votes in such
    30 entity, is able to direct its affairs and/or to control the composition
    31 of its board of directors or equivalent body. 
    33 "Applications" shall mean Licensee's software products created using the
    34 Licensed Software which may include portions of the Licensed Software.
    36 "Term" shall mean the period of time six (6) months from the later of
    37 (a) the Effective Date; or (b) the date the Licensed Software was
    38 initially delivered to Licensee by Nokia. If no specific Effective Date
    39 is set forth in the Agreement, the Effective Date shall be deemed to be
    40 the date the Licensed Software was initially delivered to Licensee. 
    42 "Licensed Software" shall mean the computer software, "online" or
    43 electronic documentation, associated media and printed materials,
    44 including the source code, example programs and the documentation
    45 delivered by Nokia to Licensee in conjunction with this Agreement. 
    47 "Party" or "Parties" shall mean Licensee and/or Nokia.
    50 2. OWNERSHIP
    52 The Licensed Software is protected by copyright laws and international
    53 copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and
    54 treaties. The Licensed Software is licensed, not sold. 
    56 If Licensee provides any findings, proposals, suggestions or other
    57 feedback ("Feedback") to Nokia regarding the Licensed Software, Nokia
    58 shall own all right, title and interest including the intellectual
    59 property rights in and to such Feedback, excluding however any existing
    60 patent rights of Licensee. To the extent Licensee owns or controls any
    61 patents for such Feedback Licensee hereby grants to Nokia and its
    62 Affiliates, a worldwide, perpetual, non-transferable, sublicensable,
    63 royalty-free license to (i) use, copy and modify Feedback and to create
    64 derivative works thereof, (ii) to make (and have made), use, import,
    65 sell, offer for sale, lease, dispose, offer for disposal or otherwise
    66 exploit any products or services of Nokia containing Feedback,, and
    67 (iii) sublicense all the foregoing rights to third party licensees and
    68 customers of Nokia and/or its Affiliates. 
    73 By installing, copying, or otherwise using the Licensed Software,
    74 Licensee agrees to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. If Licensee
    75 does not agree to the terms of this Agreement, Licensee may not install,
    76 copy, or otherwise use the Licensed Software. Upon Licensee's acceptance
    77 of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Nokia grants Licensee the
    78 right to use the Licensed Software in the manner provided below. 
    81 4. LICENSES
    83 4.1. Using and Copying
    85 Nokia grants to Licensee a non-exclusive, non-transferable, time-limited
    86 license to use and copy the Licensed Software for sole purpose of
    87 designing, developing and testing Applications, and evaluating and the 
    88 Licensed Software during the Term. 
    90 Licensee may install copies of the Licensed Software on an unlimited
    91 number of computers provided that (a) if an individual, only such
    92 individual; or (b) if a legal entity only its employees; use the
    93 Licensed Software for the authorized purposes. 
    95 4.2	No Distribution or Modifications
    97 Licensee may not disclose, modify, sell, market, commercialise,
    98 distribute, loan, rent, lease, or license the Licensed Software or any
    99 copy of it or use the Licensed Software for any purpose that is not
   100 expressly granted in this Section 4. Licensee may not alter or remove
   101 any details of ownership, copyright, trademark or other property right
   102 connected with the Licensed Software. Licensee may not distribute any
   103 software statically or dynamically linked with the Licensed Software. 
   105 4.3 No Technical Support
   107 Nokia has no obligation to furnish Licensee with any technical support
   108 whatsoever. Any such support is subject to separate agreement between
   109 the Parties. 
   113 The Licensed Software contains pre-release code that is not at the level
   114 of performance and compatibility of a final, generally available,
   115 product offering. The Licensed Software may not operate correctly and
   116 may be substantially modified prior to the first commercial product
   117 release, if any. Nokia is not obligated to make this or any later
   118 version of the Licensed Software commercially available. The License
   119 Software is "Not for Commercial Use" and may only be used for the
   120 purposes described in Section 4. The Licensed Software may not be used
   121 in a live operating environment where it may be relied upon to perform
   122 in the same manner as a commercially released product or with data that
   123 has not been sufficiently backed up. 
   127 The Licensed Software may provide links to third party libraries or code
   128 (collectively "Third Party Software") to implement various functions.
   129 Third Party Software does not comprise part of the Licensed Software. In
   130 some cases, access to Third Party Software may be included along with
   131 the Licensed Software delivery as a convenience for development and
   132 testing only. Such source code and libraries may be listed in the
   133 ".../src/3rdparty" source tree delivered with the Licensed Software or
   134 documented in the Licensed Software where the Third Party Software is
   135 used, as may be amended from time to time, do not comprise the Licensed
   136 Software. Licensee acknowledges (1) that some part of Third Party
   137 Software may require additional licensing of copyright and patents from
   138 the owners of such, and (2) that distribution of any of the Licensed
   139 Software referencing any portion of a Third Party Software may require
   140 appropriate licensing from such third parties. 
   145 The Licensed Software is licensed to Licensee "as is". To the maximum
   146 extent permitted by applicable law, Nokia on behalf of itself and its
   147 suppliers, disclaims all warranties and conditions, either express or
   148 implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of
   149 merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and
   150 non-infringement with regard to the Licensed Software. 
   155 If, Nokia's warranty disclaimer notwithstanding, Nokia is held liable to
   156 Licensee, whether in contract, tort or any other legal theory, based on
   157 the Licensed Software, Nokia's entire liability to Licensee and
   158 Licensee's exclusive remedy shall be, at Nokia's option, either (A)
   159 return of the price Licensee paid for the Licensed Software, or (B)
   160 repair or replacement of the Licensed Software, provided Licensee
   161 returns to Nokia all copies of the Licensed Software as originally
   162 delivered to Licensee. Nokia shall not under any circumstances be liable
   163 to Licensee based on failure of the Licensed Software if the failure
   164 resulted from accident, abuse or misapplication, nor shall Nokia under
   165 any circumstances be liable for special damages, punitive or exemplary
   166 damages, damages for loss of profits or interruption of business or for
   167 loss or corruption of data. Any award of damages from Nokia to Licensee
   168 shall not exceed the total amount Licensee has paid to Nokia in
   169 connection with this Agreement. 
   174 Each party acknowledges that during the Term of this Agreement it shall
   175 have access to information about the other party's business, business
   176 methods, business plans, customers, business relations, technology, and
   177 other information, including the terms of this Agreement, that is
   178 confidential and of great value to the other party, and the value of
   179 which would be significantly reduced if disclosed to third parties (the
   180 "Confidential Information"). Accordingly, when a party (the "Receiving
   181 Party") receives Confidential Information from another party (the
   182 "Disclosing Party"), the Receiving Party shall, and shall obligate its
   183 employees and agents and employees and agents of its Affiliates to: (i)
   184 maintain the Confidential Information in strict confidence; (ii) not
   185 disclose the Confidential Information to a third party without the
   186 Disclosing Party's prior written approval; and (iii) not, directly or
   187 indirectly, use the Confidential Information for any purpose other than
   188 for exercising its rights and fulfilling its responsibilities pursuant
   189 to this Agreement. Each party shall take reasonable measures to protect
   190 the Confidential Information of the other party, which measures shall
   191 not be less than the measures taken by such party to protect its own
   192 confidential and proprietary information. 
   194 "Confidential Information" shall not include information that (a) is or
   195 becomes generally known to the public through no act or omission of the
   196 Receiving Party; (b) was in the Receiving Party's lawful possession
   197 prior to the disclosure hereunder and was not subject to limitations on
   198 disclosure or use; (c) is developed by the Receiving Party without
   199 access to the Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party or by
   200 persons who have not had access to the Confidential Information of the
   201 Disclosing Party as proven by the written records of the Receiving
   202 Party; (d) is lawfully disclosed to the Receiving Party without
   203 restrictions, by a third party not under an obligation of
   204 confidentiality; or (e) the Receiving Party is legally compelled to
   205 disclose the information, in which case the Receiving Party shall assert
   206 the privileged and confidential nature of the information and cooperate
   207 fully with the Disclosing Party to protect against and prevent
   208 disclosure of any Confidential Information and to limit the scope of
   209 disclosure and the dissemination of disclosed Confidential Information
   210 by all legally available means. 
   212 The obligations of the Receiving Party under this Section shall continue
   213 during the Initial Term and for a period of five (5) years after
   214 expiration or termination of this Agreement. To the extent that the
   215 terms of the Non-Disclosure Agreement between Nokia and Licensee
   216 conflict with the terms of this Section 9, this Section 9 shall be
   217 controlling over the terms of the Non-Disclosure Agreement. 
   222 10.1	No Assignment
   224 Licensee shall not be entitled to assign or transfer all or any of its
   225 rights, benefits and obligations under this Agreement without the prior
   226 written consent of Nokia, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. 
   228 10.2 	Termination
   230 Nokia may terminate the Agreement at any time immediately upon written
   231 notice by Nokia to Licensee if Licensee breaches this Agreement. 
   233 Upon termination of this Agreement, Licensee shall return to Nokia all
   234 copies of Licensed Software that were supplied by Nokia. All other
   235 copies of Licensed Software in the possession or control of Licensee
   236 must be erased or destroyed. An officer of Licensee must promptly
   237 deliver to Nokia a written confirmation that this has occurred. 
   239 10.3	Surviving Sections 
   241 Any terms and conditions that by their nature or otherwise reasonably
   242 should survive a cancellation or termination of this Agreement shall
   243 also be deemed to survive. Such terms and conditions include, but are
   244 not limited to the following Sections: 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4,
   245 10.5, 10.6, 10.7, and 10.8 of this Agreement. 
   247 10.4	Entire Agreement 
   249 This Agreement constitutes the complete agreement between the parties
   250 and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous discussions,
   251 representations, and proposals, written or oral, with respect to the
   252 subject matters discussed herein, with the exception of the
   253 non-disclosure agreement executed by the parties in connection with this
   254 Agreement ("Non-Disclosure Agreement"), if any, shall be subject to
   255 Section 9. No modification of this Agreement shall be effective unless
   256 contained in a writing executed by an authorized representative of each
   257 party. No term or condition contained in Licensee's purchase order shall
   258 apply unless expressly accepted by Nokia in writing. If any provision of
   259 the Agreement is found void or unenforceable, the remainder shall remain
   260 valid and enforceable according to its terms. If any remedy provided is
   261 determined to have failed for its essential purpose, all limitations of
   262 liability and exclusions of damages set forth in this Agreement shall
   263 remain in effect. 
   265 10.5	Export Control
   267 Licensee acknowledges that the Licensed Software may be subject to
   268 export control restrictions of various countries. Licensee shall fully
   269 comply with all applicable export license restrictions and requirements
   270 as well as with all laws and regulations relating to the importation of
   271 the Licensed Software and shall procure all necessary governmental
   272 authorizations, including without limitation, all necessary licenses,
   273 approvals, permissions or consents, where necessary for the
   274 re-exportation of the Licensed Software., 
   276 10.6	Governing Law and Legal Venue
   278 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the
   279 federal laws of the United States of America and the internal laws of
   280 the State of New York without given effect to any choice of law rule
   281 that would result in the application of the laws of any other
   282 jurisdiction. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the
   283 International Sale of Goods (CISG) shall not apply. Each Party (a)
   284 hereby irrevocably submits itself to and consents to the jurisdiction of
   285 the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York
   286 (or if such court lacks jurisdiction, the state courts of the State of
   287 New York) for the purposes of any action, claim, suit or proceeding
   288 between the Parties in connection with any controversy, claim, or
   289 dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement; and (b) hereby
   290 waives, and agrees not to assert by way of motion, as a defense or
   291 otherwise, in any such action, claim, suit or proceeding, any claim that
   292 is not personally subject to the jurisdiction of such court(s), that the
   293 action, claim, suit or proceeding is brought in an inconvenient forum or
   294 that the venue of the action, claim, suit or proceeding is improper.
   295 Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in this Section 9.6 is intended
   296 to, or shall be deemed to, constitute a submission or consent to, or
   297 selection of, jurisdiction, forum or venue for any action for patent
   298 infringement, whether or not such action relates to this Agreement. 
   300 10.7	No Implied License
   302 There are no implied licenses or other implied rights granted under this
   303 Agreement, and all rights, save for those expressly granted hereunder,
   304 shall remain with Nokia and its licensors. In addition, no licenses or
   305 immunities are granted to the combination of the Licensed Software with
   306 any other software or hardware not delivered by Nokia under this
   307 Agreement. 
   309 10.8	Government End Users 
   311 A "U.S. Government End User" shall mean any agency or entity of the
   312 government of the United States. The following shall apply if Licensee
   313 is a U.S. Government End User. The Licensed Software is a "commercial
   314 item," as that term is defined in 48 C.F.R. 2.101 (Oct. 1995),
   315 consisting of "commercial computer software" and "commercial computer
   316 software documentation," as such terms are used in 48 C.F.R. 12.212
   317 (Sept. 1995). Consistent with 48 C.F.R. 12.212 and 48 C.F.R. 227.7202-1
   318 through 227.7202-4 (June 1995), all U.S. Government End Users acquire
   319 the Licensed Software with only those rights set forth herein. The
   320 Licensed Software (including related documentation) is provided to U.S.
   321 Government End Users: (a) only as a commercial end item; and (b) only
   322 pursuant to this Agreement. 
   329 Agreement version 2.4
   331 This Technology Preview License Agreement ("Agreement") is a legal
   332 agreement between Nokia Corporation ("Nokia"), with its registered
   333 office at Keilalahdentie 4, 02150 Espoo, Finland and you (either an
   334 individual or a legal entity) ("Licensee") for the Licensed Software (as
   335 defined below). 
   339 "Affiliate" of a Party shall mean an entity (i) which is directly or
   340 indirectly controlling such Party; (ii) which is under the same direct
   341 or indirect ownership or control as such Party; or (iii) which is
   342 directly or indirectly owned or controlled by such Party. For these
   343 purposes, an entity shall be treated as being controlled by another if
   344 that other entity has fifty percent (50 %) or more of the votes in such
   345 entity, is able to direct its affairs and/or to control the composition
   346 of its board of directors or equivalent body. 
   348 "Applications" shall mean Licensee's software products created using the
   349 Licensed Software which may include portions of the Licensed Software.
   351 "Term" shall mean the period of time six (6) months from the later of
   352 (a) the Effective Date; or (b) the date the Licensed Software was
   353 initially delivered to Licensee by Nokia. If no specific Effective Date
   354 is set forth in the Agreement, the Effective Date shall be deemed to be
   355 the date the Licensed Software was initially delivered to Licensee. 
   357 "Licensed Software" shall mean the computer software, "online" or
   358 electronic documentation, associated media and printed materials,
   359 including the source code, example programs and the documentation
   360 delivered by Nokia to Licensee in conjunction with this Agreement. 
   362 "Party" or "Parties" shall mean Licensee and/or Nokia. 
   365 2. OWNERSHIP
   367 The Licensed Software is protected by copyright laws and international
   368 copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and
   369 treaties. The Licensed Software is licensed, not sold. 
   371 If Licensee provides any findings, proposals, suggestions or other
   372 feedback ("Feedback") to Nokia regarding the Licensed Software, Nokia
   373 shall own all right, title and interest including the intellectual
   374 property rights in and to such Feedback, excluding however any existing
   375 patent rights of Licensee. To the extent Licensee owns or controls any
   376 patents for such Feedback Licensee hereby grants to Nokia and its
   377 Affiliates, a worldwide, perpetual, non-transferable, sublicensable,
   378 royalty-free license to (i) use, copy and modify Feedback and to create
   379 derivative works thereof, (ii) to make (and have made), use, import,
   380 sell, offer for sale, lease, dispose, offer for disposal or otherwise
   381 exploit any products or services of Nokia containing Feedback,, and
   382 (iii) sublicense all the foregoing rights to third party licensees and
   383 customers of Nokia and/or its Affiliates. 
   387 By installing, copying, or otherwise using the Licensed Software,
   388 Licensee agrees to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. If Licensee
   389 does not agree to the terms of this Agreement, Licensee may not install,
   390 copy, or otherwise use the Licensed Software. Upon Licensee's acceptance
   391 of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Nokia grants Licensee the
   392 right to use the Licensed Software in the manner provided below. 
   395 4. LICENSES
   397 4.1. Using and Copying
   399 Nokia grants to Licensee a non-exclusive, non-transferable, time-limited
   400 license to use and copy the Licensed Software for sole purpose of
   401 designing, developing and testing Applications, and evaluating and the 
   402 Licensed Software during the Term. 
   404 Licensee may install copies of the Licensed Software on an unlimited
   405 number of computers provided that (a) if an individual, only such
   406 individual; or (b) if a legal entity only its employees; use the
   407 Licensed Software for the authorized purposes. 
   409 4.2	No Distribution or Modifications
   411 Licensee may not disclose, modify, sell, market, commercialise,
   412 distribute, loan, rent, lease, or license the Licensed Software or any
   413 copy of it or use the Licensed Software for any purpose that is not
   414 expressly granted in this Section 4. Licensee may not alter or remove
   415 any details of ownership, copyright, trademark or other property right
   416 connected with the Licensed Software. Licensee may not distribute any
   417 software statically or dynamically linked with the Licensed Software. 
   419 4.3 No Technical Support
   421 Nokia has no obligation to furnish Licensee with any technical support
   422 whatsoever. Any such support is subject to separate agreement between
   423 the Parties. 
   428 The Licensed Software contains pre-release code that is not at the level
   429 of performance and compatibility of a final, generally available,
   430 product offering. The Licensed Software may not operate correctly and
   431 may be substantially modified prior to the first commercial product
   432 release, if any. Nokia is not obligated to make this or any later
   433 version of the Licensed Software commercially available. The License
   434 Software is "Not for Commercial Use" and may only be used for the
   435 purposes described in Section 4. The Licensed Software may not be used
   436 in a live operating environment where it may be relied upon to perform
   437 in the same manner as a commercially released product or with data that
   438 has not been sufficiently backed up. 
   442 The Licensed Software may provide links to third party libraries or code
   443 (collectively "Third Party Software") to implement various functions.
   444 Third Party Software does not comprise part of the Licensed Software. In
   445 some cases, access to Third Party Software may be included along with
   446 the Licensed Software delivery as a convenience for development and
   447 testing only. Such source code and libraries may be listed in the
   448 ".../src/3rdparty" source tree delivered with the Licensed Software or
   449 documented in the Licensed Software where the Third Party Software is
   450 used, as may be amended from time to time, do not comprise the Licensed
   451 Software. Licensee acknowledges (1) that some part of Third Party
   452 Software may require additional licensing of copyright and patents from
   453 the owners of such, and (2) that distribution of any of the Licensed
   454 Software referencing any portion of a Third Party Software may require
   455 appropriate licensing from such third parties. 
   460 The Licensed Software is licensed to Licensee "as is". To the maximum
   461 extent permitted by applicable law, Nokia on behalf of itself and its
   462 suppliers, disclaims all warranties and conditions, either express or
   463 implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of
   464 merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and
   465 non-infringement with regard to the Licensed Software. 
   470 If, Nokia's warranty disclaimer notwithstanding, Nokia is held liable to
   471 Licensee, whether in contract, tort or any other legal theory, based on
   472 the Licensed Software, Nokia's entire liability to Licensee and
   473 Licensee's exclusive remedy shall be, at Nokia's option, either (A)
   474 return of the price Licensee paid for the Licensed Software, or (B)
   475 repair or replacement of the Licensed Software, provided Licensee
   476 returns to Nokia all copies of the Licensed Software as originally
   477 delivered to Licensee. Nokia shall not under any circumstances be liable
   478 to Licensee based on failure of the Licensed Software if the failure
   479 resulted from accident, abuse or misapplication, nor shall Nokia under
   480 any circumstances be liable for special damages, punitive or exemplary
   481 damages, damages for loss of profits or interruption of business or for
   482 loss or corruption of data. Any award of damages from Nokia to Licensee
   483 shall not exceed the total amount Licensee has paid to Nokia in
   484 connection with this Agreement. 
   489 Each party acknowledges that during the Term of this Agreement it shall
   490 have access to information about the other party's business, business
   491 methods, business plans, customers, business relations, technology, and
   492 other information, including the terms of this Agreement, that is
   493 confidential and of great value to the other party, and the value of
   494 which would be significantly reduced if disclosed to third parties (the
   495 "Confidential Information"). Accordingly, when a party (the "Receiving
   496 Party") receives Confidential Information from another party (the
   497 "Disclosing Party"), the Receiving Party shall, and shall obligate its
   498 employees and agents and employees and agents of its Affiliates to: (i)
   499 maintain the Confidential Information in strict confidence; (ii) not
   500 disclose the Confidential Information to a third party without the
   501 Disclosing Party's prior written approval; and (iii) not, directly or
   502 indirectly, use the Confidential Information for any purpose other than
   503 for exercising its rights and fulfilling its responsibilities pursuant
   504 to this Agreement. Each party shall take reasonable measures to protect
   505 the Confidential Information of the other party, which measures shall
   506 not be less than the measures taken by such party to protect its own
   507 confidential and proprietary information. 
   509 "Confidential Information" shall not include information that (a) is or
   510 becomes generally known to the public through no act or omission of the
   511 Receiving Party; (b) was in the Receiving Party's lawful possession
   512 prior to the disclosure hereunder and was not subject to limitations on
   513 disclosure or use; (c) is developed by the Receiving Party without
   514 access to the Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party or by
   515 persons who have not had access to the Confidential Information of the
   516 Disclosing Party as proven by the written records of the Receiving
   517 Party; (d) is lawfully disclosed to the Receiving Party without
   518 restrictions, by a third party not under an obligation of
   519 confidentiality; or (e) the Receiving Party is legally compelled to
   520 disclose the information, in which case the Receiving Party shall assert
   521 the privileged and confidential nature of the information and cooperate
   522 fully with the Disclosing Party to protect against and prevent
   523 disclosure of any Confidential Information and to limit the scope of
   524 disclosure and the dissemination of disclosed Confidential Information
   525 by all legally available means. 
   527 The obligations of the Receiving Party under this Section shall continue
   528 during the Initial Term and for a period of five (5) years after
   529 expiration or termination of this Agreement. To the extent that the
   530 terms of the Non-Disclosure Agreement between Nokia and Licensee
   531 conflict with the terms of this Section 9, this Section 9 shall be
   532 controlling over the terms of the Non-Disclosure Agreement. 
   537 10.1	No Assignment
   539 Licensee shall not be entitled to assign or transfer all or any of its
   540 rights, benefits and obligations under this Agreement without the prior
   541 written consent of Nokia, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. 
   543 10.2 	Termination
   545 Nokia may terminate the Agreement at any time immediately upon written
   546 notice by Nokia to Licensee if Licensee breaches this Agreement. 
   548 Upon termination of this Agreement, Licensee shall return to Nokia all
   549 copies of Licensed Software that were supplied by Nokia. All other
   550 copies of Licensed Software in the possession or control of Licensee
   551 must be erased or destroyed. An officer of Licensee must promptly
   552 deliver to Nokia a written confirmation that this has occurred. 
   554 10.3	Surviving Sections 
   556 Any terms and conditions that by their nature or otherwise reasonably
   557 should survive a cancellation or termination of this Agreement shall
   558 also be deemed to survive. Such terms and conditions include, but are
   559 not limited to the following Sections: 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4,
   560 10.5, 10.6, 10.7, and 10.8 of this Agreement. 
   562 10.4	Entire Agreement 
   564 This Agreement constitutes the complete agreement between the parties
   565 and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous discussions,
   566 representations, and proposals, written or oral, with respect to the
   567 subject matters discussed herein, with the exception of the
   568 non-disclosure agreement executed by the parties in connection with this
   569 Agreement ("Non-Disclosure Agreement"), if any, shall be subject to
   570 Section 9. No modification of this Agreement shall be effective unless
   571 contained in a writing executed by an authorized representative of each
   572 party. No term or condition contained in Licensee's purchase order shall
   573 apply unless expressly accepted by Nokia in writing. If any provision of
   574 the Agreement is found void or unenforceable, the remainder shall remain
   575 valid and enforceable according to its terms. If any remedy provided is
   576 determined to have failed for its essential purpose, all limitations of
   577 liability and exclusions of damages set forth in this Agreement shall
   578 remain in effect. 
   580 10.5	Export Control
   582 Licensee acknowledges that the Licensed Software may be subject to
   583 export control restrictions of various countries. Licensee shall fully
   584 comply with all applicable export license restrictions and requirements
   585 as well as with all laws and regulations relating to the importation of
   586 the Licensed Software and shall procure all necessary governmental
   587 authorizations, including without limitation, all necessary licenses,
   588 approvals, permissions or consents, where necessary for the
   589 re-exportation of the Licensed Software., 
   591 10.6	Governing Law and Legal Venue
   593 This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the
   594 laws of Finland, excluding its choice of law provisions. Any disputes
   595 arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be resolved in
   596 arbitration under the Rules of Arbitration of the Chamber of Commerce of
   597 Helsinki, Finland. The arbitration tribunal shall consist of one (1), or
   598 if either Party so requires, of three (3), arbitrators. The award shall
   599 be final and binding and enforceable in any court of competent
   600 jurisdiction. The arbitration shall be held in Helsinki, Finland and the
   601 process shall be conducted in the English language. 
   603 10.7	No Implied License
   605 There are no implied licenses or other implied rights granted under this
   606 Agreement, and all rights, save for those expressly granted hereunder,
   607 shall remain with Nokia and its licensors. In addition, no licenses or
   608 immunities are granted to the combination of the Licensed Software with
   609 any other software or hardware not delivered by Nokia under this
   610 Agreement. 
   612 10.8	Government End Users 
   614 A "U.S. Government End User" shall mean any agency or entity of the
   615 government of the United States. The following shall apply if Licensee
   616 is a U.S. Government End User. The Licensed Software is a "commercial
   617 item," as that term is defined in 48 C.F.R. 2.101 (Oct. 1995),
   618 consisting of "commercial computer software" and "commercial computer
   619 software documentation," as such terms are used in 48 C.F.R. 12.212
   620 (Sept. 1995). Consistent with 48 C.F.R. 12.212 and 48 C.F.R. 227.7202-1
   621 through 227.7202-4 (June 1995), all U.S. Government End Users acquire
   622 the Licensed Software with only those rights set forth herein. The
   623 Licensed Software (including related documentation) is provided to U.S.
   624 Government End Users: (a) only as a commercial end item; and (b) only
   625 pursuant to this Agreement. 