changeset 10 cd2778e5acfe
parent 9 5d007b20cfd0
child 11 19a54be74e5e
--- a/qthighway/xqservice/src/xqappmgr.cpp	Tue Aug 31 16:02:37 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,566 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-* the Free Software Foundation, version 2.1 of the License.
-* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-* along with this program.  If not, 
-* see "http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html/".
-* Description:
-#include "xqservicelog.h"
-#include "xqappmgr.h"
-#include <xqaiwrequest.h>
-#include <xqaiwinterfacedescriptor.h>
-#include <QList>
-#include "xqappmgr_p.h"
-    \class XQApplicationManager
-    \inpublicgroup QtBaseModule
-    \ingroup ipc
-    \brief Factory class to list interface descriptors and create interworking objects (XQAiwRequest)
-    XQApplicationManager lists interface descriptors by interface and /or service name. It is also used to
-    create interworking objects (XQAiwRequest).
-    This class is a part of API to be used by the applications instead of using XQServiceRequest directly.
-    The Application Manager API offers centric place for applications UIs to handle application to application interworking use cases, like:
-    - Synchronous out-of-process service call from client to service provider, where service provider needs to complete the request before
-      control comes back to requesting client.
-    - Asynchronous out-of-process service call from client to service provider, where Service provider completes the request whenever suitable.
-      The control returns back requesting as soon the service provider has received the asynchronous call (can be applied to notifications as well).
-    - Embedded out-of-process service call. In this case window groups are chained and "Back" returns to client window.
-    - Any named Qt type in the Qt meta-object system can be used as a service call parameter or return value. Also own, custom meta-types are supported.
-    - Launched service provider application (.exe) if not already running when client makes service call to it.
-    - List and discover services dynamically.
-    - Apply UI related options upon service launch, like "launch as embedded", "launch to foreground" and "launch to backround".
-    - Opening files to be viewed by a file viewing interface.
-    - Opening URI to be viewed by a URI viewing interface. Includes also launching activity URIs (appto) as fire-and-forget manner.
-    - Miscellanous AIW support, like get service stasus or get DRM attributes.
-    <b>Example usage:</b> \n
-    The usage pattern for all the XQApplicationManager variants implemented as service providers , interface, QUrl, QFile, is similar both embedded
-    and non-embedded usage:
-    \code
-        // Recommended way is to add XQApplicationManager as member variable to class
-        // Later on when caching of services
-        // You can use the class also as local variable.
-        class Client
-        {
-        public:
-             // Service access
-            bool accessService(void);
-        private slots:
-                void handleOk(const QVariant &result);
-                void handleError(int errorCode, const QString& errorMessage);
-        private:
-              XQApplicationManager mAiwMgr;
-        };
-        //  In client.cpp
-        bool Client::accessService(void)
-        {
-            QString parameter1("+3581234567890");
-            int parameter2 = 3;
-            bool embedded=true;  // or false
-            XQAiwRequest *request;
-            // Create request by interface name, the very first service implementation
-            // applied.
-            request = mAiwMgr.create("Interface", "functionName2(QString, int)", embedded);
-            // If dedicated service is wanted, apply this 
-            // request = mAiwMgr.create("Service", "Interface", 
-            //                          "functionName2(QString, int)", embedded);
-            if (request == NULL)
-            {
-                // Service not found 
-                return false;
-            }
-            // ... Perform further processing
-        }
-    \endcode
-    Access service by descriptor:
-    \code
-        QList<XQAiwInterfaceDescriptor> implementations = appmgr.list("Interface");
-       // Display service in UI and make selection possible.
-        foreach (XQAiwInterfaceDescriptor d, implementations)
-        {
-            qDebug() << "Service=" << d.serviceName();
-            qDebug() << "Interface=" << d.interfaceName();
-            qDebug("Implementation Id=%x",d.property(XQAiwInterfaceDescriptor::ImplementationId).toInt());
-        }
-        // Select correct implementation
-        XQAiwInterfaceDescriptor selectedImpl = doSelectService();
-        // The difference to the previous example is is how request is created
-        // via application mgr.
-        // ...See previous example
-        request = mAiwMgr.create(selectedImpl, embedded);
-        // ....See previous example
-    \endcode
-    The XQApplicationManager supports opening activity (see Terminology) URIs (appto scheme) as fire-and-forget mannner:
-    \code
-        QUrl url("appto://10207C62?activityname=MusicMainView"); 
-        // The difference to the previous example is is how request is created
-        // via application mgr.
-        request = mAiwMgr.create(url);
-        if (request == NULL)
-        {
-            // No handlers for the URI
-            return;
-        }
-        // Set function parameters
-        QList<QVariant> args;
-        args << uri.toSring();
-        request->setArguments(args);
-        // Send the request
-        bool res = request.send();
-        if  (!res) 
-        {
-            // Request failed. 
-            int error = request->lastError();
-            // Handle error
-        }
-       // All done.
-       delete request;
-    \endcode
-    \sa XQAiwRequest
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQApplicationManager::XQApplicationManager");
-    d = new XQApplicationManagerPrivate();
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQApplicationManager::~XQApplicationManager");
-    delete d;
-    Creates AIW request by interface and operation name.
-    The first found service implementation is returned. If you need to activate specific implementation
-    you shall first list() implementations and use the overloaded create() with XQAiwInterfaceDescriptor
-    to select the correct implementation. 
-    \param interface Interface name as mentioned in the service registry file.
-                     Apply the xqaiwdecl.h file for common constants.
-    \param operation The function signature to be called via the interface.
-                     Can be set later via XQAiwRequest::setOperation.
-                     Apply the xqaiwdecl.h file for common constants.
-    \param embedded True if embedded (window groups chained) call, false otherwise.
-                    Can be set later via XQAiwRequest::setEmbedded.
-    \return The application interworking request instance, NULL if no service is available
-    \sa list(const QString &interface, const QString &operation)
-    \sa create( const XQAiwInterfaceDescriptor &implementation, const QString &operation, bool embedded);
-    \sa xqaiwdecl.h for constants values
-    Example usage:
-    \code
-    #include <xqaiwdecl.h>
-    #include <xqapplicationmanager.h>
-    // XQApplicationManager mAppMgr;  // Set manager as class member
-    XQAiwRequest * req = this->mAppMgr.create(XQI_IMAGE_FETCH, XQOP_IMAGE_FETCH, false);
-    if (req)
-    {
-        // There was service available
-        QList<QVariant> args;
-        args << folder;
-        args << previewOn;
-        req->setArguments(args);
-        connect(req, SIGNAL(requestOk(const QVariant&)), this, SLOT(handleOk(const QVariant&)));
-        connect(req, SIGNAL(requestError(int,const QString&)), this, SLOT(handleError(int,const QString&)));
-        req->send();
-    }
-    \endcode
-XQAiwRequest* XQApplicationManager::create(
-    const QString &interface, const QString &operation, bool embedded)
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQApplicationManager::create(interface)");
-    return d->create(interface, operation, embedded);
-    Creates AIW request by interface implementation descriptor and operation name.
-    The descriptor is got from the list() call.
-    As combination [service,interface,version] shall be unique,
-    the descriptor points to one implementation and thus selects correct
-    implementation.
-    \param implementation Valid interface descriptor obtained by the list() call.
-    \param operation The function signature to be called via the interface.
-                     Can be set later via XQAiwRequest::setOperation.
-                     Apply the xqaiwdecl.h file for common constants.
-    \param embedded True if embedded call, false otherwise.
-                     Can be set later via XQAiwRequest::setEmbedded.
-    \return The application interworking request instance, NULL if no service is available
-    \sa list()
-    \sa create( const QString &interface, const QString &operation, bool embedded)
-    \sa create( const QString &service, const QString &interface, const QString &operation, bool embedded)
-    \sa xqaiwdecl.h for constants values
-    Example usage:
-    \code
-    #include <xqaiwdecl.h>
-    #include <xqapplicationmanager.h>
-    XQApplicationManager appMgr;  // Prefer one instance only 
-    QList<XQAiwInterfaceDescriptor> list = appMgr.list(XQI_CAMERA_CAPTURE, "");
-    //
-    // Populate a user interface widget and select proper implementation via descriptor
-    // ... 
-    XQAiwRequest * req = appMgr.create(selectedDescriptor, XQOP_CAMERA_CAPTURE);
-    //
-    // ... the rest as usual...
-    //
-    \endcode
-XQAiwRequest* XQApplicationManager::create(
-    const XQAiwInterfaceDescriptor &implementation, const QString &operation, bool embedded)
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQApplicationManager::create (impl.)");
-    return d->create(implementation, operation, embedded);
-    Creates AIW request by service and interface name.  You should not normally use this
-    overload as typically service request are done by the interface name only.
-    Internally this applies list() operation and applies the first found service
-    implementation.
-    \param service Service name as mentioned in the service registry file
-    \param interface Interface name as mentioned in the service registry file
-    \param operation The function signature to be called via the interface.
-                     Can be set later via XQAiwRequest::setOperation.
-    \param embedded True if embedded (window groups chained) call, false otherwise.
-                     Can be set later via XQAiwRequest::setEmbedded.
-    \return The application interworking request instance, NULL if no service is available
-    \sa XQApplicationManager::create( const QString &interface, const QString &operation, bool embedded)
-    \sa create( const XQAiwInterfaceDescriptor &implementation, const QString &operation, bool embedded);
-    \sa xqaiwdecl.h for constants values
-    Example usage:
-    \code
-    #include <xqaiwdecl.h>
-    #include <xqapplicationmanager.h>
-    #include <xqappmgr.h>;
-    #include "componentglobal.h";
-    // XQApplicationManager mAppMgr;  // manager as class member
-    // Use embedded call.
-    XQAiwRequest * req = this->mAppMgr.create(QLatin1String("photos"), XQI_IMAGE_FETCH, XQOP_IMAGE_FETCH, true);
-    if (req)
-    {
-        ...
-    }
-    \endcode
-XQAiwRequest* XQApplicationManager::create(
-    const QString &service, const QString &interface, const QString &operation, bool embedded)
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQApplicationManager::create(service+interface)");
-    return d->create(service, interface, operation, embedded);
-    List implementation descriptors by interface name.
-    \param interface Interface name as mentioned in the service registry file
-    \param operation The operation signature to be called.  Reserved for future use.
-    \return The list of implementation descriptors, or empty list if no implementations found.
-    \sa xqaiwdecl.h for constants values
-    Example usage:
-    \code
-    #include <xqaiwdecl.h>
-    #include <xqapplicationmanager.h>
-    QList<XQAiwInterfaceDescriptor> list = this->mAppmgr.list(XQI_IMAGE_FETCH, "");
-    //
-    // Populate a user interface widget and select proper implementation via descriptor
-    // ... 
-    XQAiwRequest * req = this->mAppMgr.create(selectedDescriptor, XQOP_IMAGE_FETCH);
-    //
-    // ... the rest as usual...
-    //
-    \endcode
-QList<XQAiwInterfaceDescriptor> XQApplicationManager::list(const QString &interface, const QString &operation)
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQApplicationManager::list");
-    return d->list(interface, operation);
-    List available implementations for the given \a service and \a interface names from the service registry.
-    The \a operation is reserved for future use.
-    \param service Service name as mentioned in the service registry file
-    \param interface Interface name as mentioned in the service registry file
-    \param operation The operation signature to be called.  Reserved for future use.
-    \return List of found interface descriptors that matched to both the \a service and \a interface names, otherwise empty list.
-    \sa list(const QString &interface, const QString &operation)
-QList<XQAiwInterfaceDescriptor> XQApplicationManager::list(
-    const QString &service, const QString &interface, const QString &operation)
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQApplicationManager::list");
-    return d->list(service, interface, operation);
-    Creates AIW request to view the  given URI (having a attached scheme).
-    The interface name applied implicitly is the XQI_URI_VIEW (from xqaiwdecl.h),
-    unless there is custom handling attached to URI scheme.
-    The first found service implementation is applied.
-    A service declares support for scheme(s) (CSV list) by adding the custom property key
-    (see the constant XQCUSTOM_PROP_SCHEMES value) to the service XML.
-    By default, the operation name declared by constant XQOP_URI_VIEW is used.
-    Custom handling for certainsoverride the default service handling:
-     - "http:" and "https: schemes are handled by QDesktopServices::openUrl()
-     - "appto"  URIs is handled by corresponding Activity Manager Framework
-     - "file": Local file scheme is handled via the XQI_FILE_VIEW interface
-               (the same as applie to e.g. create(QFile))
-    \param uri The URI to be viewed
-    \param embedded True if embedded (window groups chained) call, false otherwise
-    \return The application interworking request instance, or NULL if no URI viewer found.
-    \sa xqaiwdecl.h for constants values
-XQAiwRequest* XQApplicationManager::create( const QUrl &uri, bool embedded)
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQApplicationManager::create(url)");
-    return d->create(uri, NULL, embedded);
-    Creates AIW request to view the given URI by service implementation.
-    The interface name applied implicitly is the XQI_URI_VIEW (from xqaiwdecl.h),
-    unless there is custom handling attached to URI scheme.
-    A service declares support for scheme(s) (CSV list) by adding the custom property key
-    (see the constant XQCUSTOM_PROP_SCHEMES value) to the service XML.
-    Custom handling for certainsoverride the default service handling:
-     - "http:" and "https: schemes are handled by QDesktopServices::openUrl()
-     - "appto"  URIs is handled by corresponding Activity Manager Framework
-     - "file": Local file scheme is handled via the XQI_FILE_VIEW interface
-               (the same as applie to e.g. create(QFile))
-    \param uri The URI to be viewed
-    \param embedded True if embedded (window groups chained) call, false otherwise
-    \param implementation Valid interface descriptor obtained by the "list(QUrl)" call.
-    \return The application interworking request instance, or NULL if no URI viewer found.
-    \sa xqaiwdecl.h for constants values
-XQAiwRequest* XQApplicationManager::create(
-    const QUrl &uri, const XQAiwInterfaceDescriptor& implementation, bool embedded)
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQApplicationManager::create(uri+impl)");
-    return d->create(uri, &implementation, embedded);
-    Create AIW requests to view the given file and having the MIME type attached.
-    The interface name applied implicitly is declared by the constant XQI_FILE_VIEW
-    The first found service implementation is applied.
-    \param file The file to be viewed
-    \param embedded True if embedded (window groups chained) call, false otherwise
-    \return The application interworking request instance, or NULL if no viewer found.
-    \sa xqaiwdecl.h for constants values
-XQAiwRequest* XQApplicationManager::create( const QFile &file, bool embedded)
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQApplicationManager::create(file)");
-    return d->create(file, NULL, embedded);
-    Same as basic create(const QFile &file, bool embedded), but applies the interface descriptor to select the dedicated implementation.
-    \param file The file to be viewed
-    \param implementation Valid interface descriptor obtained by the list(const QFile &file) call.
-    \param embedded True if embedded (window groups chained) call, false otherwise
-    \return The application interworking request instance, or NULL if no viewer found.
-    \sa xqaiwdecl.h for constants values
-XQAiwRequest* XQApplicationManager::create(
-    const QFile &file, const XQAiwInterfaceDescriptor& implementation, bool embedded)
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQApplicationManager::create(file+impl)");
-    return d->create(file, &implementation, embedded);
-    List implementations that support handling the URI scheme of the given uri.
-    The interface name applied implicitly is declared by the constant XQI_URI_VIEW.
-    \param uri The URI scheme that should be matched to the interface
-    \return List of found interface descriptors that matched to the URI scheme, otherwise empty list.
-    \sa list(const QString &interface, const QString &operation)
-QList<XQAiwInterfaceDescriptor> XQApplicationManager::list(const QUrl &uri)
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQApplicationManager::list(uri)");
-    return d->list(uri);
-    List implementations that support handling the MIME type of the given file.
-    The interface name applied implicitly is declared by the constant XQI_FILE_VIEW.
-    \param file File which MIME type should be supported by the interface.
-    \return List of found interface descriptors for applications that can handle the file, otherwise empty list.
-    \sa list(const QString &interface, const QString &operation)
-QList<XQAiwInterfaceDescriptor> XQApplicationManager::list(const QFile &file)
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQApplicationManager::list(file)");
-    return d->list(file);
-    List implementations that support handling the MIME type of of the given sharable file.
-    The interface name applied implicitly is declared by the constant XQI_FILE_VIEW.
-    \param file Sharable file which MIME type should be supported by the interface.
-    \return List of found interface descriptors for applications that can handle the file, otherwise empty list.
-    \sa list(const QString &interface, const QString &operation)
-QList<XQAiwInterfaceDescriptor> XQApplicationManager::list(const XQSharableFile &file)
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQApplicationManager::list(XQSharableFile)");
-    return d->list(file);
-    Create AIW request for the given file and the MIME type attached to the sharable file
-    The interface name applied implicitly is declared by the constant XQI_FILE_VIEW
-    By default, the operation name declared by constant XQOP_FILE_VIEW_SHARABLE is used.
-    \param file The sharable file to be viewed
-    \param embedded True if embedded (window groups chained) call, false otherwise
-    \return The application interworking request instance, or NULL if no viewer found.
-XQAiwRequest* XQApplicationManager::create(const XQSharableFile &file, bool embedded)
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQApplicationManager::create(XQSharableFile)");
-    return d->create(file, NULL, embedded);
-    Same as basic create(const XQSharableFile &file, bool embedded), but applies the interface descriptor to select the dedicated implementation.
-    \param file The sharable file to be viewed
-    \param implementation Valid interface descriptor obtained by the list(const XQSharableFile &file) call.
-    \param embedded True if embedded (window groups chained) call, false otherwise
-    \return The application interworking request instance, or NULL if no viewer found.
-    \sa xqaiwdecl.h for constants values
-XQAiwRequest* XQApplicationManager::create(
-    const XQSharableFile &file, const XQAiwInterfaceDescriptor& implementation, bool embedded)
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQApplicationManager::create(XQSharableFile+impl)");
-    return d->create(file, &implementation, embedded);
-    Returns error code of the last performed operation.
-    \return Error code of the last operation, 0 if no error occured.
-int XQApplicationManager::lastError() const
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQApplicationManager::lastError");
-    return d->lastError();
-    Tests whether given implementation is running. That is, the service provider has published
-    the full service name attached to the given interface descriptor.
-    \param implementation Interface that is tested for being run.
-    \return True if the implementation is running, false otherwise.
-bool XQApplicationManager::isRunning(const XQAiwInterfaceDescriptor& implementation) const
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQApplicationManager::isRunning");
-    return d->isRunning(implementation);
-    Gets the values of the DRM related \a attributeNames, like "IsProtected",
-    "IsForwardable", "MimeType" for a given \a file.
-    \param file File for which DRM attributes are retrieved
-    \param attributeNames List of attributes that should be retrieved (check #DrmAttribute)
-    \param attributeValues On success fills this list whith values, where each value is QVariant of the integer or string type.
-                           If attribute value does not exists or other error occurs when reading the attribute, the invalid QVariant
-                           value is returned.
-    \return True on success, upon error returns false (e.g file does not exists or other general error).
-bool XQApplicationManager::getDrmAttributes(const QFile &file, const QList<int> &attributeNames, QVariantList &attributeValues)
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQApplicationManager::drmAttributes (file)");
-    return d->getDrmAttributes(file, attributeNames, attributeValues);
-    Gets the values of the DRM related \a attributeNames, like "IsProtected",
-    "IsForwardable", "MimeType" for a given sharable file.
-    \param file Sharable file for which DRM attributes are retrieved
-    \param attributeNames List of attributes that should be retrieved (check #DrmAttribute)
-    \param attributeValues On success fills this list whith values, where each value is QVariant of the integer or string type.
-                           If attribute value does not exists or other error occurs when reading the attribute, the invalid QVariant
-                           value is returned.
-    \return True on success, upon error returns false (e.g file does not exists or other general error).
-bool XQApplicationManager::getDrmAttributes(const XQSharableFile &file, const QList<int> &attributeNames, QVariantList &attributeValues)
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQApplicationManager::drmAttributes (XQSharableFile)");
-    return d->getDrmAttributes(file, attributeNames, attributeValues);
-    Checks the status of the given service interface.
-    \param implementation Interface which status is being checked.
-    \return Status of the service.
-XQApplicationManager::ServiceStatus XQApplicationManager::status(const XQAiwInterfaceDescriptor& implementation)
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQApplicationManager::status");
-    return (ServiceStatus)d->status(implementation);