changeset 10 cd2778e5acfe
parent 9 5d007b20cfd0
child 11 19a54be74e5e
--- a/qthighway/xqservice/src/xqservicechannel.cpp	Tue Aug 31 16:02:37 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,366 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-* the Free Software Foundation, version 2.1 of the License.
-* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-* along with this program.  If not, 
-* see "http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html/".
-* Description:                                                         
-#include "xqservicelog.h"
-#include "xqservicechannel.h"
-#include "xqservicethreaddata.h"
-#include "xqserviceipcclient.h"
-#include <xqserviceutil.h>
-#include <xqsharablefile.h>
-    \class XQServiceChannel
-    \inpublicgroup QtBaseModule
-    \ingroup qws
-    \brief The XQServiceChannel class provides communication capabilities
-    between clients.
-    XQSERVICE is a many-to-many communication protocol for transferring
-    messages on various channels. A channel is identified by a name,
-    and anyone who wants to can listen to it. The XQSERVICE protocol allows
-    clients to communicate both within the same address space and
-    between different processes, but it is currently only available
-    for \l {Qt for Embedded Linux} (on X11 and Windows we are exploring the use
-    of existing standards such as DCOP and COM).
-    Typically, XQServiceChannel is either used to send messages to a
-    channel using the provided static functions, or to listen to the
-    traffic on a channel by deriving from the class to take advantage
-    of the provided functionality for receiving messages.
-    XQServiceChannel provides a couple of static functions which are usable
-    without an object: The send() function, which sends the given
-    message and data on the specified channel, and the isRegistered()
-    function which queries the server for the existence of the given
-    channel.
-    In addition, the XQServiceChannel class provides the channel() function
-    which returns the name of the object's channel, the virtual
-    receive() function which allows subclasses to process data
-    received from their channel, and the received() signal which is
-    emitted with the given message and data when a XQServiceChannel
-    subclass receives a message from its channel.
-    \sa XQServiceServer, {Running Qt for Embedded Linux Applications}
-    Constructs a XQService channel with the given \a parent, and registers it
-    with the server using the given \a channel name.
-    \param channel Channel name.
-    \param isServer 
-    \param parent Parent of this object.
-    \sa isRegistered(), channel()
-XQServiceChannel::XQServiceChannel(const QString& channel, bool isServer, QObject *parent)
-    : QObject(parent)
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceChannel::XQServiceChannel");
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("channel: %s, isServer: %d", qPrintable(channel), isServer );
-    d = new XQServiceChannelPrivate(this, channel, isServer);
-    d->ref.ref();
-    XQServiceThreadData *td = XQService::serviceThreadData();
-    // do we need a new channel list ?
-    XQServiceClientMap::Iterator it = td->clientMap.find(channel);
-    if (it != td->clientMap.end()) {
-        XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("Channel exits");
-        it.value().append(XQServiceChannelPrivatePointer(d));
-        return;
-    }
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("New channel");
-    it = td->clientMap.insert(channel, QList<XQServiceChannelPrivatePointer>());
-    it.value().append(XQServiceChannelPrivatePointer(d));
-    Destroys the client's end of the channel and notifies the server
-    that the client has closed its connection. The server will keep
-    the channel open until the last registered client detaches.
-    \sa XQServiceChannel()
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceChannel::~XQServiceChannel");
-    XQServiceThreadData *td = XQService::serviceThreadData();
-    XQServiceClientMap::Iterator it = td->clientMap.find(d->channel);
-    Q_ASSERT(it != td->clientMap.end());
-    it.value().removeAll(XQServiceChannelPrivatePointer(d));
-    // still any clients connected locally ?
-    if (it.value().isEmpty()) {
-        if (td->hasClientConnection(d->channel))
-            td->closeClientConnection(d->channel);
-        td->clientMap.remove(d->channel);
-    }
-    // Dereference the private data structure.  It may stay around
-    // for a little while longer if it is in use by sendLocally().
-    d->object = 0;
-    if (!d->ref.deref())
-        delete d;
-bool XQServiceChannel::connectChannel()
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceChannel::connectChannel");
-    bool ret = true;
-    XQServiceThreadData *td = XQService::serviceThreadData();
-    if (!td->hasClientConnection(d->channel)) {
-        XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("Create new client connection (1)");
-        ret = td->createClientConnection(d->channel,d->server);
-    }
-    return ret;
-    Returns the name of the channel.
-    \sa XQServiceChannel()
-QString XQServiceChannel::channel() const
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceChannel::channel");
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("channel: %s", qPrintable(d->channel));
-    return d->channel;
-    \fn void XQServiceChannel::receive(const QString& message, const QByteArray &data)
-    This virtual function allows subclasses of XQServiceChannel to process
-    the given \a message and \a data received from their channel. The default
-    implementation emits the received() signal.
-    Note that the format of the given \a data has to be well defined
-    in order to extract the information it contains. In addition, it
-    is recommended to use the DCOP convention. This is not a
-    requirement, but you must ensure that the sender and receiver
-    agree on the argument types.
-    Example:
-    \code
-        void MyClass::receive(const QString &message, const QByteArray &data)
-        {
-            QDataStream in(data);
-            if (message == "execute(QString,QString)") {
-                QString cmd;
-                QString arg;
-                in >> cmd >> arg;
-                ...
-            } else if (message == "delete(QString)") {
-                QString fileName;
-                in >> fileName;
-                ...
-            } else {
-                ...
-            }
-        }
-    \endcode
-    This example assumes that the \c message is a DCOP-style function
-    signature and the \c data contains the function's arguments.
-    \sa send()
- */
-QVariant XQServiceChannel::receive(const QString& msg, const QByteArray &data, const XQSharableFile &sf )
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceChannel::receive");
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("msg: %s, data: %s", qPrintable(msg), data.constData());
-    emit received(msg, data,sf);
-    return QVariant();
-void XQServiceChannel::commandReceive(const XQServiceCommand cmd)
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceChannel::commandReceive %d", cmd);
-    emit commandReceived(cmd);
-    \fn void XQServiceChannel::received(const QString& message, const QByteArray &data)
-    This signal is emitted with the given \a message and \a data whenever the
-    receive() function gets incoming data.
-    \sa receive()
-    \fn bool XQServiceChannel::send(const QString& channel, const QString& message,
-                       const QByteArray &data)
-    Sends the given \a message on the specified \a channel with the
-    given \a data.  The message will be distributed to all clients
-    subscribed to the channel. Returns true if the message is sent
-    successfully; otherwise returns false.
-    It is recommended to use the DCOP convention. This is not a
-    requirement, but you must ensure that the sender and receiver
-    agree on the argument types.
-    Note that QDataStream provides a convenient way to fill the byte
-    array with auxiliary data.
-    Example:
-    \code
-        QByteArray data;
-        QDataStream out(&data, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
-        out << QString("cat") << QString("file.txt");
-        XQServiceChannel::send("System/Shell", "execute(QString,QString)", data);
-    \endcode
-    Here the channel is \c "System/Shell". The \c message is an
-    arbitrary string, but in the example we've used the DCOP
-    convention of passing a function signature. Such a signature is
-    formatted as \c "functionname(types)" where \c types is a list of
-    zero or more comma-separated type names, with no whitespace, no
-    consts and no pointer or reference marks, i.e. no "*" or "&".
-    \sa receive()
-bool XQServiceChannel::send(const QString& channel, const QString& msg,
-                            const QByteArray &data, QVariant &retValue,
-                            bool sync, XQServiceRequestCompletedAsync* rc)
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceChannel::send(1). No user data");
-    // Delegate to actual send.
-    // No user data argument present in this version
-    return send(channel,msg,data,retValue,sync,rc,NULL);
-bool XQServiceChannel::send(const QString& channel, const QString& msg,
-                       const QByteArray &data, QVariant &retValue,
-                       bool sync, XQServiceRequestCompletedAsync* rc,
-                       const void* userData)
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceChannel::send(2) start");
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("\t channel: %s, msg: %s", qPrintable(channel), qPrintable(msg));
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("\t data: %s, sync: %d", data.constData(), sync);
-    bool ret=true;
-    if (!XQService::serviceThreadData()->hasClientConnection(channel)) {
-        XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("\t Create new client connection (2)");
-        ret = XQService::serviceThreadData()->createClientConnection(channel,false,sync,rc, userData);
-        XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("\t creation succeeded: %d", ret);
-    }
-    if (ret) {
-        XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("\t ret = true");
-        XQServiceIpcClient *cl = XQService::serviceThreadData()->clientConnection(channel);
-        QByteArray retData ;
-        ret = cl ? cl->send(channel, msg, data, retData) : false;
-        if (sync) {
-            retValue = XQServiceThreadData::deserializeRetData(retData);
-        }
-    }
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("\t ret: %d", ret);
-	XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceChannel::send(2) end");
-    return ret;
-bool XQServiceChannel::cancelPendingSend(const QString& channel)
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceChannel::cancelPendingSend start");
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("\t channel: %s", qPrintable(channel));
-    bool ret=true;
-    if (ret) {
-        XQServiceIpcClient *cl = XQService::serviceThreadData()->clientConnection(channel);
-        XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("\t XQService::serviceThreadData()->clientConnection(channel): %d", cl);
-        XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("\t cl->cancelPendingSend(%s)", qPrintable(channel));
-        ret = cl ? cl->cancelPendingSend(channel) : false;
-    }
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("\t ret: %d", ret);
-	XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceChannel::cancelPendingSend end");
-    return ret;
-    \internal
-    Client side: distribute received event to the XQService instance managing the
-    channel.
-QVariant XQServiceChannel::sendLocally(const QString& ch, const QString& msg,
-                                const QByteArray &data, const XQSharableFile &sf )
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceChannel::sendLocally");
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("channel: %s, msg: %s", qPrintable(ch), qPrintable(msg));
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("data: %s", data.constData());
-    QVariant ret;
-    // feed local clients with received data
-    XQServiceThreadData *td = XQService::serviceThreadData();
-    QList<XQServiceChannelPrivatePointer> clients = td->clientMap[ch];
-    for (int i = 0; i < clients.size(); ++i) {
-        XQServiceChannelPrivate *channel = clients.at(i).data();
-        if (channel->object)
-            ret = channel->object->receive(msg, data,sf );
-    }
-    QString s = ret.toString();
-    int len=s.length();
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("sendLocally ret: type=%s,len=%d,value(max.1024)=%s",
-                          ret.typeName(),len,qPrintable(s.left(1024)));
-    return ret ;
-int XQServiceChannel::latestError()
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceChannel::latestError");
-    return XQService::serviceThreadData()->latestError();
-void XQServiceChannel::sendCommand(const QString& ch,const XQServiceCommand cmd)
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceChannel::sendCommand");
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("channel: %s, cmd: %d", qPrintable(ch), cmd);
-    // feed local clients with received data
-    XQServiceThreadData *td = XQService::serviceThreadData();
-    QList<XQServiceChannelPrivatePointer> clients = td->clientMap[ch];
-    for (int i = 0; i < clients.size(); ++i) {
-        XQServiceChannelPrivate *channel = clients.at(i).data();
-        if (channel->object)
-            channel->object->commandReceive(cmd);
-    }