changeset 10 cd2778e5acfe
parent 9 5d007b20cfd0
child 11 19a54be74e5e
--- a/qthighway/xqservice/src/xqserviceprovider.cpp	Tue Aug 31 16:02:37 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,758 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-* the Free Software Foundation, version 2.1 of the License.
-* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-* along with this program.  If not, 
-* see "http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html/".
-* Description:                                                         
-#include "xqservicelog.h"
-#include <xqserviceprovider.h>
-#include <qmetaobject.h>
-#include <QByteArray>
-#include <xqserviceadaptor.h>
-//#include <xqserviceservice.h>
-#include <xqserviceutil.h>
-    \class ServiceAdaptorProxy
-    \brief Proxy class for converting signal and slot members into IPC message names
-class ServiceAdaptorProxy : public XQServiceAdaptor
-    ServiceAdaptorProxy(const QString &channel, QObject *parent=0);
-    virtual ~ServiceAdaptorProxy() ;
-    QString memberToMessage( const QByteArray& member );
-ServiceAdaptorProxy::ServiceAdaptorProxy(const QString &channel, QObject *parent) :
-        XQServiceAdaptor(channel, parent) 
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("ServiceAdaptorProxy::ServiceAdaptorProxy");
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("channel: %s", qPrintable(channel));
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("ServiceAdaptorProxy::~ServiceAdaptorProxy");
-QString ServiceAdaptorProxy::memberToMessage( const QByteArray& member )
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("ServiceAdaptorProxy::memberToMessage");
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("member: %s", member.constData());
-//    return m_channel + "::" + XQServiceAdaptor::memberToMessage( member );
-    return XQServiceAdaptor::memberToMessage( member );
-    \class XQServiceProvider_Private
-    \inpublicgroup QtBaseModule
-    \brief Private implementation of XQServiceProvider
-class XQServiceProvider_Private
-    XQServiceProvider_Private(const QString &service);
-    ~XQServiceProvider_Private();
-    XQServiceAdaptor *m_adaptor;
-    QString m_service;
-    bool m_publishAllCalled;
-    QObject* plugin;
-XQServiceProvider_Private::XQServiceProvider_Private(const QString &service) :
-        m_adaptor(NULL),
-        m_service(service),
-        m_publishAllCalled(false),
-		plugin(NULL)
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceProvider_Private::XQServiceProvider_Private");
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("service: %s", qPrintable(service));
-    m_adaptor = new ServiceAdaptorProxy(service);
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceProvider_Private::~XQServiceProvider_Private");
-    delete m_adaptor;
-    \class XQServiceProvider
-    \inpublicgroup QtBaseModule
-    \brief The XQServiceProvider class provides an interface to messages on a XQService service
-    which simplifies remote slot invocations
-    Service messages consist of a service name, a message name, and a list of parameter values.
-    Qt extension dispatches service messages to the applications associated with the service
-    name, on the application's \c{QPE/Application/appname} channel, where
-    \c{appname} is the application's name.
-    <b>Service registration</b> \n
-    Service provider need to register it's service into the system before they can be used by
-    the service client. Registration is done by creating a XML formatted service configuration
-    file and defining the service in the provider's .pro-file. QMake will notice service provider
-    from the .pro-file, with help of the service.prf file, and generate a make file that uses
-    a helper application xqsreg.exe. The helper application sqsreg.exe will generate an application
-    registration resource file ( _reg.rss) from the configuration-file and provider's definitions
-    that include the needed declarations for the services provided.
-    <b>Service Names Allocation</b> \n
-    The harmonize service and interface names the Symba specific names and guidelines can be found
-    from http://s60wiki.nokia.com/S60Wiki/QtFw_for_S60_coding_conventions/Service_name_registry#Service.
-    Before implementing a service you need to allocate the name according to the guidelines. Please
-    inform intended service clients (customers) and matti.parnanen@nokia.com.
-    <b>Service Configuration File</b> \n
-    All the service configuration are added to the run-time service registry to make them available
-    for service discovery and creating service requests.
-    \note Only one service element with multiple interface is supported!
-    To support services a new configuration was introduced to qmake and two new variables for
-    that configuration:
-    \code
-        CONFIG = service
-        service.file = <service configuration file path>
-        service.options = <embeddable> (optional, default not embeddable), <hidden> (optional, default not hidden) 
-    \endcode
-    The fornat of the service configuration file is same as XML format used in Qt Service Framework.
-    Example configuration file:
-    \code
-        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
-        <service>
-            <name>Music Fetcher</name>
-            <filepath>No path</filepath>
-            <description>Music Fetcher</description>
-            <interface>
-                <name><b>com.nokia.symbian.IMusicFetch</b></name>
-                <version>1.0</version>
-                <description>Interface for fetching music files</description>
-            </interface>
-        </service>
-    \endcode
-    \code
-        <ELEMENT service ( name, filepath, description?, interface+ ) >
-        <ELEMENT description ( #CDATA ) >
-        <ELEMENT filepath ( #PCDATA ) >
-        <ELEMENT interface ( '''name''', version, description?, capabilities?, customproperty* ) >
-        <ELEMENT capabilities ( #PCDATA ) >
-        <ELEMENT name ( #PCDATA ) >
-        <ELEMENT version ( #PCDATA ) >
-        <ELEMENT customproperty ( #CDATA ) >
-        <ATTLIST customproperty key NMTOKEN #REQUIRED >
-    \endcode
-    Also the old format described below is supported, With old format you can not have custom properties, which
-    for example are used for AIW purposes.
-    \code
-        <ELEMENT service ( description?, interface+ ) >
-        <ATTLIST service name #CDATA  #REQUIRED >
-        <ATTLIST service filepath #CDATA  #REQUIRED >
-        <ELEMENT description ( #CDATA ) >
-        <ELEMENT interface ( description? ) >
-        <ATTLIST interface '''name''' #CDATA  #REQUIRED >
-        <ATTLIST interface version #CDATA  #REQUIRED >
-        <ATTLIST interface capabilities #CDATA  #REQUIRED >
-    \endcode
-    <b>Changing service or interface names</b> \n
-    Before you think about changing the name of the already released and used service implementation, read this
-    http://s60wiki.nokia.com/S60Wiki/QtFw_for_S60_coding_conventions/Service_name_registry#About_changing_service_or_interface_names
-    first.
-    The basic message is the service name, interface name and operation (message) slot signatures for the API. And for API changes you have to apply development time API deprecation process.
-    <b>Service Registration tools</b> \n
-    The needed utility files for service registration:
-    - xqsreg.exe should be in \epoc32\tools or some other directory that can be found from the path
-    - service.prf should be in \epoc32\tools\qt\mkspecs\features\symbian directory.
-    If necessary you can copy those files to target directories from qthighway/bin.
-    Sources for the xqsreg.exe can be found from the qthighway\xqsreg and it is also possible to compile it.
-        - cd \qthighway\xqsreg
-        - qmake -platform win32-mwc
-        - make
-    Usage: \n
-    How to create a simple synchronously working service provider?
-    \code
-        class YourService : public XQServiceProvider
-            {
-            Q_OBJECT
-            public:
-                YourService ( ServiceApp *parent = 0 );
-                ~YourService ();
-            public slots:
-                void functionName1(); 
-                int functionName2(const QString& number, int times);
-            private:
-                ServiceApp *mServiceApp;
-            };
-    \endcode
-    Implementation:
-    \code
-        YourService::YourService(ServiceApp* parent) 
-        : XQServiceProvider(QLatin1String("yourservice.Interface"), parent), mServiceApp(parent)
-            {
-            publishAll();
-            }
-        YourService::~YourService() { } 
-        void YourService::functionName1() { } 
-        int YourService::functionName2(const QString& number, int times)
-            {
-            int returnValue = 1;
-            return returnValue;
-            }
-    \endcode
-    Additions to .pro-file:
-    \code
-        CONFIG += service
-        SERVICE.FILE = service_conf.xml
-        SERVICE.OPTIONS = embeddable
-        SERVICE.OPTIONS += hidden
-    \endcode
-    Service configuration file (service_conf.xml):
-    \code
-    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
-    <service>
-        <name>yourservice</name>
-        <filepath>No path</filepath>
-        <description>Service description</description>
-        <interface>
-            <name>Interface</name>
-            <version>1.0</version>
-            <description>Interface description</description>
-        </interface>
-    </service>
-    \endcode
-    How to create a simple asynchronously working service provider?
-    Header:
-    \code
-        class YourService : public XQServiceProvider
-        {
-        Q_OBJECT
-        public:
-            YourService ( ServiceApp *parent = 0 );
-            ~YourService ();
-            void compleAsyncFunction();
-        public slots:
-            void functionName1(); 
-            int functionName2(const QString& number, int times);
-        private:
-            ServiceApp *mServiceApp;
-            int mAsyncRequestIndex;
-            QVariant mReturnValue;
-        };
-    \endcode
-    Implementation:
-    \code
-        YourService::YourService(ServiceApp* parent) 
-        : XQServiceProvider(QLatin1String("yourservice.Interface"), parent), mServiceApp(parent)
-            {
-            publishAll();
-            }
-        YourService::~YourService() { } 
-        void YourService::compleAsyncFunction()
-            {
-            completeRequest(mAsyncRequestIndex, mReturnValue);
-            }
-        void YourService::functionName1() 
-            { 
-            mAsyncRequestIndex = setCurrentRequestAsync();
-            mReturnValue.setValue(0);
-            } 
-        int YourService::functionName2(const QString& number, int times)
-            {
-            mAsyncRequestIndex = setCurrentRequestAsync();
-            mReturnValue.setValue(1);
-            return mReturnValue.toInt();
-            }
-    \endcode
-    <b>Examples:</b> \n
-    The use of XQServiceProvider will be demonstrated using the \c{Time}
-    service.  This has a single message called \c{editTime()} which asks
-    the service to pop up a dialog allowing the user to edit the current time.
-    \code
-    class TimeService : public XQServiceProvider
-    {
-        Q_OBJECT
-    public:
-        TimeService( QObject *parent = 0 );
-    public slots:
-        void editTime(QTime time);
-    };
-    TimeService::TimeService( QObject *parent )
-        : XQServiceProvider( "Time", parent )
-    {
-        publishAll();
-    }
-    \endcode
-    The call to publishAll() causes all public slots within \c{TimeService}
-    to be automatically registered as Service messages.  This can be
-    useful if the service has many message types.
-    The client can send a request to the service using QtopiaServiceRequest:
-    \code
-    XQServiceRequest req( "Time", "editTime()" );
-    req << QTime::currentTime();
-    req.send();
-    \endcode
-    <b>URI viewer</b> \n
-    This is a simple example for implementing out-of-process scheme handlers.
-    - "http", "https" and are handled via standard QDesktopServices::openUrl() function. 
-       This is fire-and-forget launch. The options are ignored and no control and signals available after the launch.
-    - "appto" is routed to Activity Manager for opening the attached activity.
-      This is fire-and-forget launch. The options are ignored and no control and signals available after the launch.
-    - The "file" scheme is handled as the QFile based create below. 
-      So the com.nokia.symbian.IFileView interface is applied as for the QFile.
-    Service application needs to publish support for:
-    - The common interface "com.nokia.symbian.IUriView", and
-    - The scheme(s), like "testo" in the example below. The custom custom property "schemes" contains one or more schemes as comma separated list (CSV)
-    - The slot "view(QString)" to view the URI
-    \code
-        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
-        <service>
-          <name>serviceapp</name>
-          <filepath>No path</filepath>
-          <description>Test service</description>
-          <interface>
-             <name>com.nokia.symbian.IUriView</name>
-             <version>1.0</version>
-             <description>Interface for showing URIs</description>
-             <customproperty key="schemes">testto</customproperty>
-           </interface>
-        </service>
-    \endcode
-    An service application that offers support for a scheme implements the common "UriService" with the pre-defined "view" slot:
-    \code
-        class UriService : public XQServiceProvider
-        {
-            Q_OBJECT
-            public:
-                UriService( ServiceApp *parent = 0 );
-                ~UriService();
-                bool asyncAnswer() {return mAsyncAnswer;}
-                void complete(bool ok);
-            public slots:
-                bool view(const QString& uri);
-            private slots:
-                void handleClientDisconnect();
-            private:
-                ServiceApp* mServiceApp;
-                bool mAsyncAnswer;
-                int mAsyncReqId;
-                bool mRetValue;
-        };
-    \endcode
-    Client application accesses the service via the URI:
-    \code
-        // Assume in example we have own scheme "testo" but this can be applied to 
-        // "mailto", etc. standard schemes.
-        //
-        // (As mentioned in the documentation, some schemes are CURRENTLY handled specially,
-        // like "http" scheme uses QDesktopServices::openUrl).  
-        // 
-        QUrl url("testto://authority?param1=value1&param1=value2"); 
-        // The difference to the previous example is is how request is created
-        // via application mgr.
-        request = mAiwMgr.create(url);
-        if (request == NULL)
-        {
-            // No handlers for the URI
-            return;
-         }
-        // Set function parameters
-        QList<QVariant> args;
-        args << uri.toSring();
-        request->setArguments(args);
-        // Send the request
-        bool res = request.send();
-        if  (!res) 
-        {
-            // Request failed. 
-            int error = request->lastError();
-            // Handle error
-        }
-        // If making multiple requests to same service, you can save the request as member variable
-        // In this example all done.
-        delete request;
-    \endcode
-    <b>File viewer</b> \n
-    As for URis, a service application that support viewing a file with a dedicated MIME-type need to publish support for:
-    - The common interface "com.nokia.symbian.IFileView".
-    - The slot "view(QString)" to view the non-data-caged file by file name.
-    - The slot "view(XQSharable)" to view the data-caged file by sharable file handle.
-    - MIME type list (registered in the .pro file).
-    So there are multiple service applications implementing the same interface.
-    In service provider side you need the following entry in XML:
-    \code
-        <interface>
-            <name>com.nokia.symbian.IFileView</name>
-            <version>1.0</version>
-            <description>Interface for showing Files</description>
-        </interface>
-    \endcode
-    The file viewer application shall offer slots both for viewing filename (QString) and viewing sharable file (XQSharable):
-    \code
-    class FileService : public XQServiceProvider
-    {
-        Q_OBJECT
-        public:
-            FileService( ServiceApp *parent = 0 );
-            ~FileService();
-            bool asyncAnswer() {return mAsyncAnswer;}
-            void complete(bool ok);
-        public slots:
-            bool view(QString file);
-            bool view(XQSharableFile file);
-        private slots:
-            void handleClientDisconnect();
-        private:
-            ServiceApp* mServiceApp;
-            bool mAsyncAnswer;
-            int mAsyncReqId;
-            bool mRetValue;
-    };
-    \endcode
-    In the .pro file the service publishes the supported MIME types, e.g:
-    \code
-        RSS_RULES += \
-          "datatype_list = " \
-          "      {" \
-          "      DATATYPE" \
-          "          {" \
-          "          priority = EDataTypePriorityNormal;" \
-          "          type = \"text/plain\";" \
-          "          }" \
-          "      };" \
-    \endcode
-    In the client side (see the "examples/appmgrclient" and "examples/serviceapp" included in the QtHighway release) access to
-    file:
-    \code
-        // Not data caged file
-        QFile file("C:\\data\\Others\\test.txt");
-        request = mAiwMgr.create(file);
-        if (request == NULL)
-        {
-               // No handlers for the URI
-               return;
-         }
-        // By default operation is "view(QString)"
-        // Set function parameters
-        QList<QVariant> args;
-        args << file.fileName();
-        request->setArguments(args);
-        // Send the request
-        bool res = request.send();
-        if  (!res) 
-        {
-           // Request failed. 
-          int error = request->lastError();
-          // Handle error
-        }
-        // If making multiple requests to same service, you can save the request as member variable
-        // In this example all done.
-        delete request;
-    \endcode
-    <b>Sharable file viewer</b> \n
-    The same rules as for file name based view applies, but different argument type (XQSharableFile) used
-    in request. See the "examples/appmgrclient" and "examples/serviceapp" included in the QtHighway release.
-    \code
-        XQSharableFile sf;
-        // Open the file for sharing from own private  directory
-        // If you have handle available, just set it by "setHandle()" function
-        if (!sf.open("c:\\private\\e0022e74\\test.txt"))
-        {
-            // Failed to open sharable file
-            return;
-        }
-        // Create request for the sharable file
-        XQAiwreqiuest req = mAiwMgr.create(sf);
-        if (!req)
-        {
-            // No viewer app found for the file
-            // As we opened the handle, we need to close it !
-            sf.close(); 
-            return;  
-        }
-        // By default operation is "view(XQSharableFile)"
-        // Set function parameters
-        // Not only one sharable handle supported,  otherwise upon send EArgumentError error occurs
-        QList<QVariant> args;
-        args << qVariantFromValue(sf);  
-        req->setArguments(args);
-        // Send the request
-        bool res = request.send();
-        if  (!res) 
-        {
-            // Request failed. 
-            int error = request->lastError();
-            // Handle error
-        }
-        // As we opened the handle, we need to close it !
-        sf.close(); 
-        // If making multiple requests to same service, you can save the request as member variable
-        // In this example all done.
-        delete request;
-    \endcode
-    <b> Create interface action </b> \n
-    One interface XML may offer one action to be displayed by client application.
-    See the "examples/appmgrclient" and "examples/hbserviceprovider" included in the QtHighway release.
-    \code
-    HbAction* ShareUiPrivate::fetchServiceAction(XQAiwInterfaceDescriptor interfaceDescriptor)
-        {
-        QDEBUG_WRITE("ShareUiPrivate::fetchServiceAction start");
-        // create the request for each descriptor.
-        XQAiwRequest* request = mAppManager.create(interfaceDescriptor,SELECT_OP,false);
-        QAction action = request->createAction());
-        if (!action)
-            return 0;
-        // if Orbit widgets do not support QAction
-        // Need to convert QAction to HbAction first
-        HbAction* hbAction = convertAction(action);
-        if(hbAction)
-            {
-            // Connect triggered signals to enable the request to emit triggered 
-            connect(hbAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), action, SIGNAL(triggered()));
-            // connect the request's triggered action to the slot in app
-            connect(request, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onTriggered()));
-            }
-        return hbAction;
-        }
-    \endcode
-    In service provider side you need to have the following entries in XML to be converted to QAction by the create:
-    \code
-        <interface>
-            <name>Dialer></name>
-            <version=1.0</version>
-            <description>Dial interface</description>
-            <customproperty key="aiw_action_text_file">hbserviceprovider</customproperty>
-            <customproperty key="aiw_action_text">txt_aiw_action_text</customproperty>
-        </interface>
-    \endcode
-    \fn void XQServiceProvider::returnValueDelivered()
-    This signal is emitted when asynchronous request has been completed and its
-    return value has been delivered to the service client.
-    \fn void XQServiceProvider::clientDisconnected()
-    This signal is emitted if client accessing a service application terminates.
-    The counterpart in client side (when service application terminates) is
-    the error XQService::EConnectionClosed.
-    Construct a remote service object for \a service and attach it to \a parent.
-    \param service Defines the full service name that is implemented. 
-                   The full service name is:
-                   - The name of the service from the service configuration file
-                   - Character *.* (dot)
-                   - The name of the interface from the service configuration file
-    \param parent Parent of this QObject
-XQServiceProvider::XQServiceProvider( const QString& service, QObject *parent )
-    : QObject( parent )
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceProvider::XQServiceProvider");
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("service: %s", qPrintable(service));
-    m_data = new XQServiceProvider_Private(service);
-    connect(m_data->m_adaptor, SIGNAL(returnValueDelivered()), this, SIGNAL(returnValueDelivered())); 
-    connect(m_data->m_adaptor, SIGNAL(clientDisconnected()), this, SIGNAL(clientDisconnected())); 
-    Destroys this service handling object.
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceProvider::~XQServiceProvider");
-    if (m_data)
-        delete m_data;
-void XQServiceProvider::SetPlugin(QObject* impl_plugin)
-    {
-    m_data->plugin=impl_plugin;
-    }
-    Publishes all slots on this object within subclasses of XQServiceProvider.
-    This is typically called from a subclass constructor.
-void XQServiceProvider::publishAll()
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceProvider::publishAll");
-	if (!m_data->plugin) {
-	    m_data->m_adaptor->publishAll(this,XQServiceProvider::staticMetaObject.methodCount(),XQServiceAdaptor::Slots);
-	}
-    else {
-        m_data->m_adaptor->publishAll(m_data->plugin, 0, XQServiceAdaptor::Slots);
-    } 
-    Sets current request to asynchronous mode so that provider can complete the
-    request later via the completeRequest() call.
-    \return Request ID which shall be used in the completeRequest() call.
-    \note There can be several clients accessing the same service at the same time. Avoid saving
-          the index to XQServiceProvider instance as member variable as when another new request
-          comes in, it will have different index and you will potentially override the index of
-          the first request. You should ensure the completeRequest() gets the correct index e.g.
-          by attaching the index as user data to data object maintain a map of indexes based on
-          some key.
-int XQServiceProvider::setCurrentRequestAsync()
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceProvider::setCurrentRequestAsync");
-    return m_data->m_adaptor->setCurrentRequestAsync();
-    \fn bool XQServiceProvider::completeRequest(int index, const T& retValue)
-    Completes asynchronous request.
-    \param index Defines the index of the asynchronous request to complete. 
-    \param retValue defines the return value for the request.
-    \return true if request could be completed successfully, otherwise false.
-    \sa completeRequest()
-    Completes the asynchronous request with the given value
-    \param index Request ID got from the setCurrentRequestAsync call.
-    \param retValue Returned value.
-    \return true on success, false if index points to non-existing request.
-    \note <b>You need to check the return value. </b>
-          If false it means connection to client has been lost and the complete will not ever succeed. 
-          So if you have e.g. a code that quits application using the ReturnValueDelived signal only,
-          that signal will never be emitted as request can not be completed.
-bool XQServiceProvider::completeRequest(int index, const QVariant& retValue)
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("XQServiceProvider::completeRequest");
-    XQSERVICE_DEBUG_PRINT("index: %d, retValue: %s", index, qPrintable(retValue.toString()));
-    return m_data->m_adaptor->completeRequest(index, retValue);
-    Return additional request information attached to request
-    \return Request info.
-XQRequestInfo XQServiceProvider::requestInfo() const
-    return m_data->m_adaptor->requestInfo();
-#include "xqserviceprovider.moc"