changeset 0 d0791faffa3f
child 2 4843bb5893b6
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:d0791faffa3f
     1 // Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    17 #include <f32file.h>
    18 #include <bautils.h>
    19 #include <mtp/mmtpdataproviderframework.h>
    20 #include <mtp/cmtpobjectmetadata.h>
    21 #include <mtp/cmtptypefile.h>
    22 #include <mtp/cmtptypeobjectinfo.h>
    23 #include <mtp/cmtptypeobjectproplist.h>
    24 #include <mtp/cmtptypestring.h>
    25 #include <mtp/mmtpobjectmgr.h>
    26 #include <mtp/mmtpstoragemgr.h>
    27 #include <mtp/mtpprotocolconstants.h>
    28 #include <mtp/mmtpconnection.h>
    29 #include <mtp/tmtptyperequest.h>
    30 #include "ptpdef.h"
    31 #include "cmtppictbridgedpsendobjectinfo.h"
    32 #include "mtppictbridgedppanic.h"
    33 #include "mtppictbridgedpconst.h"
    34 #include "cmtppictbridgeprinter.h"
    35 #include "cptpserver.h"
    36 #include "cmtpconnection.h"
    37 #include "cmtpconnectionmgr.h"
    39 /**
    40 Verification data for the SendObjectInfo request
    41 */
    42 const TMTPRequestElementInfo KMTPSendObjectInfoPolicy[] = 
    43     {
    44     {TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestParameter1, EMTPElementTypeStorageId, EMTPElementAttrWrite, 1, 0, 0},                
    45     {TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestParameter2, EMTPElementTypeObjectHandle, EMTPElementAttrWrite, 2, KMTPHandleAll, KMTPHandleNone}
    46     };
    49 /**
    50 Two-phase construction method
    51 @param aFramework  The data provider framework
    52 @param aConnection The connection from which the request comes
    53 @return a pointer to the created request processor object
    54 */ 
    55 MMTPRequestProcessor* CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::NewL(
    56     MMTPDataProviderFramework& aFramework,
    57     MMTPConnection& aConnection,
    58     CMTPPictBridgeDataProvider& aDataProvider)
    59     {
    60     CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo* self = new (ELeave) CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo(aFramework, aConnection, aDataProvider);
    61     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    62     self->ConstructL();
    63     CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    64     return self;
    65     }
    67 /**
    68 Destructor
    69 */    
    70 CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::~CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo()
    71     {
    72     __FLOG_VA((_L8(">> CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::~CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo iProgress=%d iNoRollback=%d "), iProgress, iNoRollback));
    74     if ((iProgress == EObjectInfoSucceed || 
    75         iProgress == EObjectInfoFail || 
    76         iProgress == EObjectInfoInProgress) && !iNoRollback)
    77         {
    78         // Not finished SendObjectInfo/PropList SendObject pair detected.
    79         Rollback();
    80         }
    82     iDpSingletons.Close();
    83     delete iDateModP;
    84     delete iFileReceivedP;
    85     delete iParentSuidP;    
    86     delete iReceivedObjectP;
    87     delete iObjectInfoP;
    88     delete iObjectPropList;
    90     __FLOG(_L8("<< CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::~CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo"));
    91     __FLOG_CLOSE;
    92     }
    94 /**
    95 Standard c++ constructor
    96 @param aFramework    The data provider framework
    97 @param aConnection    The connection from which the request comes
    98 */    
    99 CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo(MMTPDataProviderFramework& aFramework, MMTPConnection& aConnection, CMTPPictBridgeDataProvider& aDataProvider):
   100     CMTPRequestProcessor(aFramework, aConnection, 0, NULL),
   101     iPictBridgeDP(aDataProvider)
   102     {
   103     }
   105 /**
   106 Verify the request
   107 @return EMTPRespCodeOK if request is verified, otherwise one of the error response codes
   108 */    
   109 TMTPResponseCode CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::CheckRequestL()
   110     {
   111     __FLOG(_L8(">> CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::CheckRequestL"));    
   112     TMTPResponseCode result = CheckSendingStateL();
   114     if (result != EMTPRespCodeOK) 
   115         {
   116         return result;
   117         }
   119     if (iProgress == EObjectNone)    //this is the SendObjectInfo phase
   120         {
   121         iElementCount = sizeof(KMTPSendObjectInfoPolicy) / sizeof(TMTPRequestElementInfo);
   122         iElements = KMTPSendObjectInfoPolicy;            
   123         }
   124     else if (iProgress == EObjectInfoSucceed)
   125         {
   126         iElementCount = 0;
   127         iElements     = NULL;
   128         }
   130     if (iElements)
   131         {
   132         result = CMTPRequestProcessor::CheckRequestL();    
   133         }
   135     if ( EMTPRespCodeOK == result )
   136         {
   137         result = MatchStoreAndParentL();
   138         }
   140     if (( EMTPRespCodeOK == result ) && ( EMTPOpCodeSendObjectPropList == iOperationCode ))
   141         {
   142         iStorageId = Request().Uint32(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestParameter1);
   143         TUint32 objectSizeHigh = Request().Uint32(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestParameter4);
   144         TUint32 objectSizeLow = Request().Uint32(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestParameter5);
   145         iObjectSize = MAKE_TUINT64(objectSizeHigh, objectSizeLow);
   146         if (IsTooLarge(iObjectSize))
   147             {
   148              result = EMTPRespCodeObjectTooLarge;            
   149             }
   150         if(result && !CanStoreFileL(iStorageId, iObjectSize))
   151            {
   152            result = EMTPRespCodeStoreFull;            
   153            }        
   154         }
   155     // If the previous request is not SendObjectInfo, SendObject fails
   156     if (result == EMTPRespCodeOK && iOperationCode == EMTPOpCodeSendObject)
   157         {
   158         if (iPreviousTransactionID + 1 != Request().Uint32(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestTransactionID))
   159             {
   160             result = EMTPRespCodeNoValidObjectInfo;
   161             }
   162         }
   164     __FLOG_VA((_L8("<< CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::CheckRequestL 0x%04x"), result));    
   166     return result;    
   167     }
   169 TBool CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::HasDataphase() const
   170     {
   171     return ETrue;
   172     }
   174 /**
   175 SendObjectInfo/SendObject request handler
   176 NOTE: SendObjectInfo has to be comes before SendObject requests.  To maintain the state information
   177 between the two requests, the two requests are combined together in one request processor.
   178 */    
   179 void CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::ServiceL()
   180     {
   181     __FLOG(_L8(">> CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::ServiceL"));
   182     if (iProgress == EObjectNone)
   183         {
   184         if ( EMTPOpCodeSendObjectInfo == iOperationCode )
   185             {
   186             ServiceSendObjectInfoL();
   187             }
   188         else
   189             {
   190             ServiceSendObjectPropListL();
   191             }
   192         }
   193     else
   194         {
   195         ServiceSendObjectL();
   196         }    
   197     __FLOG(_L8("<< CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::ServiceL"));    
   198     }
   200 /**
   201 Second-phase construction
   202 */        
   203 void CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::ConstructL()
   204     {
   205     __FLOG_OPEN(KMTPSubsystem, KComponent);
   206     __FLOG(_L8(">> CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::ConstructL"));      
   207     iExpectedSendObjectRequest.SetUint16(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestOperationCode, EMTPOpCodeSendObject);
   208     iReceivedObjectP = CMTPObjectMetaData::NewL();
   209     iReceivedObjectP->SetUint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EDataProviderId, iFramework.DataProviderId());
   210     iDpSingletons.OpenL(iFramework);
   211     iNoRollback = EFalse;
   212     __FLOG(_L8("<< CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::ConstructL"));    
   213     }
   215 /**
   216 Override to match both the SendObjectInfo and SendObject requests
   217 @param aRequest    The request to match
   218 @param aConnection The connection from which the request comes
   219 @return ETrue if the processor can handle the request, otherwise EFalse
   220 */        
   221 TBool CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::Match(const TMTPTypeRequest& aRequest, MMTPConnection& aConnection) const
   222     {
   223     __FLOG(_L8(">> CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::Match"));    
   224     TBool result = EFalse;
   225     TUint16 operationCode = aRequest.Uint16(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestOperationCode);
   226     if ((operationCode == EMTPOpCodeSendObjectInfo || 
   227         operationCode == EMTPOpCodeSendObject ||
   228         operationCode == EMTPOpCodeSendObjectPropList) &&
   229         &iConnection == &aConnection)
   230         {
   231         result = ETrue;
   232         }
   233     __FLOG(_L8("<< CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::Match"));    
   234     return result;    
   235     }
   237 /**
   238 Override to handle the response phase of SendObjectInfo and SendObject requests
   239 @return EFalse
   240 */
   241 TBool CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::DoHandleResponsePhaseL()
   242     {
   243     __FLOG_VA((_L8(">> CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::DoHandleResponsePhaseL iProgress==%d opCode==0x%x"),iProgress, iOperationCode));
   244     //to check if the sending/receiving data is successful
   245     TBool successful = !iCancelled;
   246     if (iProgress == EObjectInfoInProgress)
   247         {
   248         if (iOperationCode == EMTPOpCodeSendObjectInfo)
   249             {            
   250             successful = DoHandleSendObjectInfoCompleteL();
   251             }
   252         else
   253             {
   254             successful = DoHandleSendObjectPropListCompleteL();
   255             }
   256         iProgress = (successful ? EObjectInfoSucceed : EObjectInfoFail);
   257         }
   258     else if (iProgress == ESendObjectInProgress)
   259         {
   260         successful = DoHandleSendObjectCompleteL();
   261         iProgress = (successful ? ESendObjectSucceed : ESendObjectFail);
   262         }        
   263     __FLOG(_L8("<< CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::DoHandleResponsePhaseL"));    
   264     return EFalse;
   265     }
   267 /**
   268 Override to handle the completing phase of SendObjectInfo and SendObject requests
   269 @return ETrue if succesfully received the file, otherwise EFalse
   270 */    
   271 TBool CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::DoHandleCompletingPhaseL()
   272     {
   273     __FLOG_VA((_L8(">> CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::DoHandleCompletingPhaseL iProgress==%d opCode==0x%x"),iProgress, iOperationCode));
   274     TBool result = ETrue;
   275     CMTPRequestProcessor::DoHandleCompletingPhaseL();
   276     if (iProgress == EObjectInfoSucceed)
   277         {
   278         if (( iOperationCode == EMTPOpCodeSendObjectInfo ) || ( iOperationCode == EMTPOpCodeSendObjectPropList ))
   279             {
   280             iPreviousTransactionID = Request().Uint32(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestTransactionID);
   281             }
   282         result = EFalse;
   283         }
   284     else if (iProgress == ESendObjectSucceed)
   285         {
   286         iPictBridgeDP.PtpServer()->Printer()->DpsObjectReceived(iReceivedObjectP->Uint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EHandle));
   287         }
   288     else if (iProgress == ESendObjectFail)
   289         {
   290         if (iOperationCode == EMTPOpCodeSendObject)
   291             {
   292             iPreviousTransactionID++;
   293             }
   294         iProgress = EObjectInfoSucceed;
   295         result = EFalse;
   296         }
   298     __FLOG(_L8("<< CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::DoHandleCompletingPhaseL"));    
   299     return result;    
   300     }
   302 /**
   303 Verify if the SendObject request comes after SendObjectInfo request
   304 @return EMTPRespCodeOK if SendObject request comes after a valid SendObjectInfo request, otherwise
   305 EMTPRespCodeNoValidObjectInfo
   306 */
   307 TMTPResponseCode CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::CheckSendingStateL()
   308     {
   309     __FLOG(_L8(">> CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::CheckSendingStateL"));    
   310     TMTPResponseCode result = EMTPRespCodeOK;
   311     iOperationCode = Request().Uint16(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestOperationCode);
   313     if (iOperationCode == EMTPOpCodeSendObject)
   314         {
   315         //In ParseRouter everytime SendObject gets resolved then will be removed from Registry
   316         //Right away therefore we need reRegister it here again in case possible cancelRequest
   317         //Against this SendObject being raised.
   318         iExpectedSendObjectRequest.SetUint32(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestSessionID, iSessionId);
   319         iFramework.RouteRequestRegisterL(iExpectedSendObjectRequest, iConnection);
   320         }
   322     if (iProgress == EObjectNone)
   323         {
   324         if (iOperationCode == EMTPOpCodeSendObject)
   325             {
   326             result = EMTPRespCodeNoValidObjectInfo;
   327             }        
   328         }
   329     else if (iProgress == EObjectInfoSucceed) 
   330         {
   331         if (iOperationCode == EMTPOpCodeSendObjectInfo || iOperationCode == EMTPOpCodeSendObjectPropList)
   332             {
   333             // Not finished SendObjectInfo/SendObject pair detected, need to remove the object reservation that was created, unless the object already existed
   334             if (!iNoRollback )
   335                 {
   336                 __FLOG(_L8("  CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::CheckSendingStateL ... Rolling back!"));
   337                 Rollback();
   338                 }
   340             delete iObjectInfoP;
   341             iObjectInfoP = NULL;
   342             delete iObjectPropList;
   343             iObjectPropList = NULL;
   344             iProgress = EObjectNone;
   345             }
   346         }
   347     else 
   348         {
   349         Panic(EMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectStateInvalid);
   350         }
   351     __FLOG(_L8("<< CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::CheckSendingStateL"));    
   352     return result;    
   353     }
   355 /**
   356 SendObjectInfo request handler
   357 */
   358 void CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::ServiceSendObjectInfoL()
   359     {
   360     delete iObjectInfoP;
   361     iObjectInfoP = NULL;
   362     iObjectInfoP = CMTPTypeObjectInfo::NewL();
   363     ReceiveDataL(*iObjectInfoP);
   364     iProgress = EObjectInfoInProgress;
   365     }
   367 /**
   368 ServiceSendObjectPropListL request handler
   369 */ 
   370 void CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::ServiceSendObjectPropListL()
   371     {
   372     delete iObjectPropList;
   373     iObjectPropList = NULL;
   374     iObjectPropList = CMTPTypeObjectPropList::NewL();
   375     ReceiveDataL( *iObjectPropList );
   376     iProgress = EObjectInfoInProgress;
   377     }
   379 /**
   380 SendObject request handler
   381 */    
   382 void CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::ServiceSendObjectL()
   383     {    
   384     ReceiveDataL(*iFileReceivedP);    
   385     iProgress = ESendObjectInProgress;
   386     }
   388 /**
   389 Get a default parent object, if the request does not specify a parent object.
   390 */
   391 void CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::GetDefaultParentObjectL()
   392     {    
   393     __FLOG(_L8(">> CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::GetDefaultParentObjectL"));    
   395     if (iStorageId == KMTPStorageDefault)
   396         {
   397         iStorageId = iFramework.StorageMgr().DefaultStorageId();
   398         }
   399     TInt drive(static_cast<TDriveNumber>(iFramework.StorageMgr().DriveNumber(iStorageId)));
   400     User::LeaveIfError(drive);
   402     // Obtain the root of the drive.  Logical storages can sometimes have a filesystem root
   403     // other than <drive>:\ .  For example an MP3 DP might have a root of c:\media\music\
   405     delete iParentSuidP;
   406     iParentSuidP = NULL;
   407     iParentSuidP=(iFramework.StorageMgr().StorageL(iStorageId).DesC(CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageSuid)).AllocL();
   408     iReceivedObjectP->SetUint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EParentHandle, KMTPHandleNoParent);
   409     __FLOG(_L8("<< CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::GetDefaultParentObjectL"));            
   410     }
   412 /**
   413 Get parent object and storage id
   414 @return EMTPRespCodeOK if successful, otherwise, EMTPRespCodeInvalidParentObject
   415 */
   416 TMTPResponseCode CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::GetParentObjectAndStorageIdL()
   417     {
   418     __FLOG(_L8(">> CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::GetParentObjectAndStorageIdL"));    
   419     __ASSERT_DEBUG(iRequestChecker, Panic(EMTPPictBridgeDpRequestCheckNull));
   421     iStorageId = Request().Uint32(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestParameter1);
   422     iParentHandle = Request().Uint32(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestParameter2);
   423     //does not take ownership
   424     CMTPObjectMetaData* parentObjectInfo = iRequestChecker->GetObjectInfo(iParentHandle);
   426     if (!parentObjectInfo)
   427         {
   428         GetDefaultParentObjectL();    
   429         }
   430     else
   431         {        
   432         delete iParentSuidP;
   433         iParentSuidP = NULL;
   434         iParentSuidP = parentObjectInfo->DesC(CMTPObjectMetaData::ESuid).AllocL();
   435         iReceivedObjectP->SetUint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EParentHandle, iParentHandle);
   436         }
   438     __FLOG_VA((_L16("<< CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::GetParentObjectAndStorageIdL %S"), iParentSuidP));    
   439     return EMTPRespCodeOK;
   440     }
   442 /**
   443 Handling the completing phase of SendObjectInfo request
   444 @return ETrue if the specified object can be saved on the specified location, otherwise, EFalse
   445 */    
   446 TBool CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::DoHandleSendObjectInfoCompleteL()
   447     {
   448     __FLOG(_L8(">> CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::DoHandleSendObjectInfoCompleteL"));    
   449     TBool result(ETrue);
   450     TUint16 format(iObjectInfoP->Uint16L(CMTPTypeObjectInfo::EObjectFormat));
   452     result = IsFormatValid(TMTPFormatCode(format));
   454     if (result)
   455         {
   456         delete iDateModP;
   457         iDateModP = NULL;
   458         iDateModP = iObjectInfoP->StringCharsL(CMTPTypeObjectInfo::EDateModified).AllocL();
   460         TMTPResponseCode responseCode(GetParentObjectAndStorageIdL());
   461         if (responseCode != EMTPRespCodeOK)
   462             {
   463             SendResponseL(responseCode);
   464             result = EFalse;
   465             }
   466         }
   467     else
   468         {
   469         SendResponseL(EMTPRespCodeInvalidObjectFormatCode);
   470         }
   472     if (result)
   473         {
   474         iObjectSize = iObjectInfoP->Uint32L(CMTPTypeObjectInfo::EObjectCompressedSize);
   475         if (IsTooLarge(iObjectSize))
   476             {
   477             SendResponseL(EMTPRespCodeObjectTooLarge);
   478             result = EFalse;            
   479             }
   480         if(result && !CanStoreFileL(iStorageId, iObjectSize))
   481             {
   482             SendResponseL(EMTPRespCodeStoreFull);
   483             result = EFalse;            
   484             }
   485         }
   487     if (result)
   488         {
   489         iProtectionStatus = iObjectInfoP->Uint16L(CMTPTypeObjectInfo::EProtectionStatus);
   490         if (iProtectionStatus !=  EMTPProtectionNoProtection &&
   491             iProtectionStatus != EMTPProtectionReadOnly)
   492             {
   493             SendResponseL(EMTPRespCodeParameterNotSupported);
   494             result = EFalse;
   495             }
   496         }
   498     if (result)
   499         {
   500         result = GetFullPathNameL(iObjectInfoP->StringCharsL(CMTPTypeObjectInfo::EFilename));
   501         if (!result)
   502             {        
   503             // File and/or parent pathname invalid.
   504             SendResponseL(EMTPRespCodeInvalidDataset);
   505             }
   506         }
   508     // pictbridge objects should be overwritten
   509 /*
   510     if (result)
   511         {    
   512         result &= !Exists(iFullPath);
   513         if (!result)
   514             {        
   515             // Object with the same name already exists.
   516             __FLOG(_L8("   no rollback"));
   517 			iNoRollback = ETrue;
   518             SendResponseL(EMTPRespCodeAccessDenied);
   519             }
   520         }
   521   */
   523     if (result)
   524         {
   525         iReceivedObjectP->SetUint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EFormatCode, format);
   526         iPictBridgeDP.PtpServer()->Printer()->DpsDiscovery(iFullPath, &iConnection);
   527         TRAPD(err, CreateFsObjectL()); 
   529         if (err != KErrNone)
   530             {
   531             SendResponseL(ErrorToMTPError(err));
   532             }
   533         else
   534             {
   535             ReserveObjectL();
   536             }
   537         }
   538     __FLOG(_L8("<< CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::DoHandleSendObjectInfoCompleteL"));    
   539     return result;    
   540     }
   543 TBool CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::DoHandleSendObjectPropListCompleteL()
   544     {
   545     __FLOG(_L8(">> CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::DoHandleSendObjectPropListCompleteL"));
   546     TBool result(ETrue);
   547     TMTPResponseCode responseCode( GetParentObjectAndStorageIdL() );
   548     if ( responseCode != EMTPRespCodeOK )
   549         {
   550         SendResponseL( responseCode );
   551         result = EFalse;
   552         }
   554     if ( result )
   555         {
   556         TInt invalidParameterIndex = KErrNotFound;
   557         responseCode = VerifyObjectPropListL( invalidParameterIndex );
   558         result = ( responseCode == EMTPRespCodeOK );
   559         if ( !result )
   560             {
   561             TUint32 parameters[4];
   562             parameters[0] = 0;
   563             parameters[1] = 0;
   564             parameters[2] = 0;
   565             parameters[3] = invalidParameterIndex;
   566             SendResponseL( responseCode, 4, parameters );
   567             }
   568         }
   570     if ( result )
   571         {
   572         iReceivedObjectP->SetUint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EFormatCode, iRequest->Uint32( TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestParameter3 ));
   573         iPictBridgeDP.PtpServer()->Printer()->DpsDiscovery(iFullPath, &iConnection);
   574         TRAPD(err, CreateFsObjectL());
   575         if ( err != KErrNone )
   576             {
   577             SendResponseL(ErrorToMTPError(err));
   578             }
   579         else
   580             {
   581             ReserveObjectL();
   582             }
   583         }
   585     __FLOG(_L8("<< CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::DoHandleSendObjectPropListCompleteL"));
   586     return result;
   587     }
   589 /**
   590 */
   591 TBool CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::IsFormatValid(TMTPFormatCode aFormat) const
   592     {
   593     __FLOG_VA((_L8(">> CMTPPictGetObjectPropDesc::IsFormatValid %d"),aFormat));
   594     TInt count(sizeof(KMTPValidCodeExtensionMappings) / sizeof(KMTPValidCodeExtensionMappings[0]));        
   595     for(TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
   596         {
   597         if (KMTPValidCodeExtensionMappings[i].iFormatCode == aFormat)
   598             {
   599             __FLOG(_L8("<< CMTPPictGetObjectPropDesc::IsFormatValid ETrue"));
   600             return ETrue;
   601             }
   602         }
   603     __FLOG(_L8("<< CMTPPictGetObjectPropDesc::IsFormatValid EFalse"));
   604     return EFalse;
   605     }
   607 /**
   608 Handling the completing phase of SendObject request
   609 @return ETrue if the object has been successfully saved on the device, otherwise, EFalse
   610 */    
   611 TBool CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::DoHandleSendObjectCompleteL()
   612     {
   613     __FLOG_VA((_L8(">> CMTPPictGetObjectPropDesc::DoHandleSendObjectCompleteL size=%d cancelled=%d"), iObjectSize, iCancelled));
   614     TBool result(ETrue);
   616     delete iFileReceivedP;
   617     iFileReceivedP = NULL;
   619     TEntry fileEntry;
   620     User::LeaveIfError(iFramework.Fs().Entry(iFullPath, fileEntry));
   622     if (fileEntry.FileSize() != iObjectSize)
   623         {
   624         __FLOG_VA((_L8("   sizes differ %d!=%d"),fileEntry.iSize, iObjectSize));
   625         iFramework.RouteRequestUnregisterL(iExpectedSendObjectRequest, iConnection);
   627         iFramework.Fs().Delete(iFullPath);
   628         iFramework.ObjectMgr().UnreserveObjectHandleL(*iReceivedObjectP);
   629         TMTPResponseCode responseCode = EMTPRespCodeObjectTooLarge;
   630         if (fileEntry.FileSize() < iObjectSize)
   631             {
   632             responseCode = EMTPRespCodeInvalidDataset;
   633             }
   634         SendResponseL(responseCode);
   635         result = EFalse;
   636         }
   639     // Get the result of the SendObject operation. 
   640     RMTPFramework frameworkSingletons;   
   641     frameworkSingletons.OpenL();
   642     TUint connectionId = iConnection.ConnectionId();
   643     CMTPConnectionMgr& connectionMgr = frameworkSingletons.ConnectionMgr();
   644     CMTPConnection& connection = connectionMgr.ConnectionL(connectionId);
   645     TInt ret = connection.GetDataReceiveResult(); 
   646     frameworkSingletons.Close();
   647      // SendObject is cancelled or connection is dropped.
   648     if(result && (iCancelled || (ret == KErrAbort)))
   649         {
   650         iFramework.RouteRequestUnregisterL(iExpectedSendObjectRequest, iConnection);
   651         Rollback();
   652         SendResponseL(EMTPRespCodeTransactionCancelled);        
   653         }
   654     else if (result && !iCancelled)
   655         {
   656          iFramework.RouteRequestUnregisterL(iExpectedSendObjectRequest, iConnection);
   658         //The MTP spec states that it is not mandatory for SendObjectInfo
   659         //to be followed by a SendObject.  An object is reserved in the ObjectStore on 
   660         //receiving a SendObjectInfo request, but we only commit it 
   661         //on receiving the corresponding SendObject request.  With Associations however 
   662         //we commit the object straight away as the SendObject phase is often absent 
   663         //with folder creation.
   666         iFramework.ObjectMgr().CommitReservedObjectHandleL(*iReceivedObjectP);
   667         SendResponseL(EMTPRespCodeOK);
   668         }
   669     __FLOG(_L8("<< CMTPPictGetObjectPropDesc::DoHandleSendObjectCompleteL"));
   670     return result;
   671     }
   673 /**
   674 Get the full path name of the object to be saved
   675 @param aFileName, on entry, contains the file name of the object,
   676 on return, contains the full path name of the object to be saved
   677 @return ETrue if the name is valid, EFalse otherwise
   678 */
   679 TBool CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::GetFullPathNameL(const TDesC& aFileName)
   680     {
   681     __FLOG_VA((_L16(">> CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::GetFullPathNameL file %S"), &aFileName));
   682     TBool result(EFalse);
   683     if (aFileName.Length() > 0)
   684         {
   685         iFullPath = *iParentSuidP;
   686         if (iFullPath.Length() + aFileName.Length() < iFullPath.MaxLength())
   687             {
   688             iFullPath.Append(aFileName);
   689             result = iFramework.Fs().IsValidName(iFullPath);
   690             }
   691         }
   693     __FLOG_VA((_L16("<< CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::GetFullPathNameL full path %S"), &iFullPath));
   694     return result;
   695     }
   697 /**
   698 Check if we can store the file on the storage
   699 @return ETrue if yes, otherwise EFalse
   700 */
   701 TBool CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::CanStoreFileL(TUint32 aStorageId, TInt64 aObjectSize) const
   702     {
   703     TBool result(ETrue);
   704     if (aStorageId == KMTPStorageDefault)
   705         {
   706         aStorageId = iFramework.StorageMgr().DefaultStorageId();
   707         }
   708     TInt drive(iFramework.StorageMgr().DriveNumber(aStorageId));
   709     User::LeaveIfError(drive);
   710     TVolumeInfo volumeInfo;
   711     User::LeaveIfError(iFramework.Fs().Volume(volumeInfo, drive));
   712     if (volumeInfo.iFree < aObjectSize)
   713         {        
   714         result = EFalse;
   715         }
   716     return result;        
   717     }
   719 /**
   720 Check if the object is too large
   721 @return ETrue if yes, otherwise EFalse
   722 */
   723 TBool CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::IsTooLarge(TUint64 aObjectSize) const
   724     {
   725     TBool ret(aObjectSize > KMaxTInt64);
   726     return ret;
   727     }
   729 TMTPResponseCode CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::VerifyObjectPropListL( TInt& aInvalidParameterIndex )
   730     {
   731     __FLOG(_L8(">> CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::VerifyObjectPropListL"));
   732     TMTPResponseCode responseCode( EMTPRespCodeOK );
   733     const TUint KCount( iObjectPropList->NumberOfElements() );
   734     iObjectPropList->ResetCursor();
   735     for ( TUint i(0); (i < KCount); i++ )
   736         {
   737         CMTPTypeObjectPropListElement& KElement=iObjectPropList->GetNextElementL();
   738         const TUint32 KHandle( KElement.Uint32L(CMTPTypeObjectPropListElement::EObjectHandle) );
   739         aInvalidParameterIndex = i;
   740         if ( KHandle != KMTPHandleNone )
   741             {
   742             responseCode = EMTPRespCodeInvalidObjectHandle;  
   743             break;
   744             }
   745         responseCode = CheckPropCodeL( KElement );
   746         if ( responseCode != EMTPRespCodeOK )
   747             {
   748             break;
   749             }
   750         responseCode = ExtractPropertyL(KElement);
   751         if ( responseCode != EMTPRespCodeOK )
   752             {
   753             break;
   754             }  
   755         }
   757     __FLOG(_L8("<< CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::VerifyObjectPropListL"));
   758     return responseCode;
   759     }
   761 TMTPResponseCode CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::ExtractPropertyL( const CMTPTypeObjectPropListElement& aElement )
   762     {
   763     __FLOG(_L8(">> CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::ExtractPropertyL"));
   764     TMTPResponseCode responseCode(EMTPRespCodeOK);
   765     switch ( aElement.Uint16L(CMTPTypeObjectPropListElement::EPropertyCode) )
   766         {
   767     case EMTPObjectPropCodeObjectFileName:
   768         {
   769         const TDesC& KFileName = aElement.StringL(CMTPTypeObjectPropListElement::EValue);
   770         if (!GetFullPathNameL(KFileName))
   771             {
   772             responseCode = EMTPRespCodeInvalidDataset;
   773             }
   774         }
   775         break;
   777     case EMTPObjectPropCodeProtectionStatus:
   778         {
   779         iProtectionStatus = aElement.Uint16L(CMTPTypeObjectPropListElement::EValue);
   780         if (iProtectionStatus !=  EMTPProtectionNoProtection &&
   781             iProtectionStatus != EMTPProtectionReadOnly)
   782             {
   783             responseCode = EMTPRespCodeParameterNotSupported;
   784             }
   785         }
   786         break;
   788     case EMTPObjectPropCodeDateModified:
   789         delete iDateModP;
   790         iDateModP = NULL;
   791         iDateModP = aElement.StringL(CMTPTypeObjectPropListElement::EValue).AllocL();
   792         break;
   793     case EMTPObjectPropCodeName:
   794     	iName = aElement.StringL(CMTPTypeObjectPropListElement::EValue);
   795     	break;
   796     default:
   797         break;
   798         }
   800     __FLOG(_L8("<< CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::ExtractPropertyL"));
   801     return responseCode;
   802     }
   804 TMTPResponseCode CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::CheckPropCodeL( const CMTPTypeObjectPropListElement& aElement ) const
   805     {
   806     __FLOG(_L8(">> CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::CheckPropCodeL"));
   807     TMTPResponseCode responseCode( EMTPRespCodeOK );
   808     switch( aElement.Uint16L( CMTPTypeObjectPropListElement::EPropertyCode ))
   809         {
   810         case EMTPObjectPropCodeStorageID:
   811             {
   812             if ( aElement.Uint16L(CMTPTypeObjectPropListElement::EDatatype) != EMTPTypeUINT32 )
   813                 {
   814                 responseCode = EMTPRespCodeInvalidObjectPropFormat;
   815                 }
   816             else if ( iStorageId != aElement.Uint32L(CMTPTypeObjectPropListElement::EValue) )
   817                 {
   818                 responseCode = EMTPRespCodeInvalidDataset;
   819                 }
   820             }
   821             break;
   822         case EMTPObjectPropCodeObjectFormat:
   823             {
   824             if ( aElement.Uint16L(CMTPTypeObjectPropListElement::EDatatype) != EMTPTypeUINT16 )
   825                 {
   826                 responseCode = EMTPRespCodeInvalidObjectPropFormat;
   827                 }
   828         else if (Request().Uint32(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestParameter3) != aElement.Uint16L(CMTPTypeObjectPropListElement::EValue))
   829                 {
   830                 responseCode = EMTPRespCodeInvalidDataset;
   831                 }
   832             }
   833             break;
   834         case EMTPObjectPropCodeObjectSize:
   835             {
   836             if ( aElement.Uint16L(CMTPTypeObjectPropListElement::EDatatype) != EMTPTypeUINT64 )
   837                 {
   838                 responseCode = EMTPRespCodeInvalidObjectPropFormat;
   839                 }
   840         else if (iObjectSize != aElement.Uint64L(CMTPTypeObjectPropListElement::EValue))
   841                 {
   842                 responseCode = EMTPRespCodeInvalidDataset;
   843                 }
   844             }
   845             break;
   846         case EMTPObjectPropCodeParentObject:
   847             {
   848             if ( aElement.Uint16L(CMTPTypeObjectPropListElement::EDatatype) != EMTPTypeUINT32 )
   849                 {
   850                 responseCode = EMTPRespCodeInvalidObjectPropFormat;
   851                 }
   852             else if( Request().Uint32(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestParameter2) != aElement.Uint32L(CMTPTypeObjectPropListElement::EValue) )
   853                 {
   854                 responseCode = EMTPRespCodeInvalidDataset;
   855                 }
   856             }
   857             break;
   858         case EMTPObjectPropCodePersistentUniqueObjectIdentifier:
   859             {
   860             responseCode = EMTPRespCodeAccessDenied;
   861             }
   862             break;
   863         case EMTPObjectPropCodeProtectionStatus:
   864             {
   865             if ( aElement.Uint16L(CMTPTypeObjectPropListElement::EDatatype) != EMTPTypeUINT16 )
   866                 {
   867                 responseCode = EMTPRespCodeInvalidObjectPropFormat;
   868                 }
   869             }
   870             break;
   871         case EMTPObjectPropCodeDateModified:
   872         case EMTPObjectPropCodeObjectFileName:
   873         case EMTPObjectPropCodeName:
   874             {
   875             if ( aElement.Uint16L(CMTPTypeObjectPropListElement::EDatatype) != EMTPTypeString )
   876                 {
   877                 responseCode = EMTPRespCodeInvalidObjectPropFormat;
   878                 }
   879             }
   880             break;
   881         case EMTPObjectPropCodeNonConsumable:
   882             {
   883             if ( aElement.Uint16L(CMTPTypeObjectPropListElement::EDatatype) != EMTPTypeUINT8 )
   884                 {
   885                 responseCode = EMTPRespCodeInvalidObjectPropFormat;
   886                 }
   887             }
   888             break;
   889         default:
   890             {
   891             responseCode = EMTPRespCodeInvalidObjectPropCode;
   892             }
   893             break;
   894         }
   895     __FLOG(_L8("<< CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::CheckPropCodeL"));
   896     return responseCode; 
   897     }
   899 TMTPResponseCode CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::MatchStoreAndParentL() const
   900     {
   901     __FLOG(_L8(">> CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::MatchStoreAndParentL"));
   902     TMTPResponseCode ret = EMTPRespCodeOK;
   903     const TUint32 storeId(Request().Uint32(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestParameter1));
   904     const TUint32 parentHandle(Request().Uint32(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestParameter2));
   905     if (parentHandle != KMTPHandleAll && parentHandle != KMTPHandleNone)
   906         {
   907         CMTPObjectMetaData* parentObjInfo = iRequestChecker->GetObjectInfo(parentHandle);
   908         __ASSERT_DEBUG(parentObjInfo, Panic(EMTPPictBridgeDpObjectNull));
   910         if (parentObjInfo->Uint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EStorageId) != storeId)   
   911             {
   912             ret = EMTPRespCodeInvalidObjectHandle;
   913             }
   914         }
   915     __FLOG(_L8("<< CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::MatchStoreAndParentL"));
   916     return ret;
   917     }
   919 /**
   920 Reserves space for and assigns an object handle to the received object, then
   921 sends a success response.
   922 */
   923 void CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::ReserveObjectL()
   924     {
   925     __FLOG(_L8(">> CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::ReserveObjectL"));    
   926     iReceivedObjectP->SetUint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EStorageId, iStorageId);
   927     iReceivedObjectP->SetDesCL(CMTPObjectMetaData::ESuid, iFullPath);
   929     iFramework.ObjectMgr().ReserveObjectHandleL(*iReceivedObjectP, iObjectSize);    
   931     iExpectedSendObjectRequest.SetUint32(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestSessionID, iSessionId);
   932     iFramework.RouteRequestRegisterL(iExpectedSendObjectRequest, iConnection);
   933     TUint32 parameters[3];
   934     parameters[0] = iStorageId;
   935     parameters[1] = iParentHandle;
   936     parameters[2] = iReceivedObjectP->Uint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EHandle);
   937     SendResponseL(EMTPRespCodeOK, (sizeof(parameters) / sizeof(parameters[0])), parameters);
   938     __FLOG(_L8("<< CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::ReserveObjectL"));    
   939     }
   941 void CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::CreateFsObjectL()
   942     {
   943     __FLOG(_L8(">> CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::CreateFsObjectL"));    
   944     delete iFileReceivedP;
   945     iFileReceivedP = NULL;
   946     iFileReceivedP = CMTPTypeFile::NewL(iFramework.Fs(), iFullPath, EFileWrite);
   947     iFileReceivedP->SetSizeL(iObjectSize);
   948     __FLOG(_L8("<< CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::CreateFsObjectL"));    
   949     }
   951 void CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::Rollback()
   952     {
   953     __FLOG(_L8(">> CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::Rollback"));
   954     // Delete this object from file system.
   955     delete iFileReceivedP;
   956     iFileReceivedP=NULL;
   957     TInt err=iFramework.Fs().Delete(iFullPath);
   958     __FLOG_VA((_L16(">> CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::Rollback deleted %S with return code %d"), &iFullPath, err));
   959     TRAP_IGNORE(iFramework.ObjectMgr().UnreserveObjectHandleL(*iReceivedObjectP));
   960     __FLOG(_L8("<< CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::Rollback"));    
   961     }
   963 TMTPResponseCode CMTPPictBridgeDpSendObjectInfo::ErrorToMTPError(TInt aError) const
   964     {
   965     TMTPResponseCode resp = EMTPRespCodeGeneralError;
   967     switch (aError)
   968         {
   969     case KErrAccessDenied:
   970         resp = EMTPRespCodeAccessDenied;
   971         break;
   973     case KErrDiskFull:
   974         resp = EMTPRespCodeStoreFull;
   975         break;
   977     default:
   978         resp = EMTPRespCodeGeneralError;
   979         break;
   980         }
   982     return resp;
   983     }