changeset 0 d0791faffa3f
child 4 60a94a45d437
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:d0791faffa3f
     1 // Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 /**
    17  @file
    18  @internalComponent
    19 */
    21 #include <mtp/cmtptypedevicepropdesc.h>
    22 #include <mtp/mmtpdataproviderframework.h>
    23 #include <mtp/mtpdatatypeconstants.h>
    24 #include <mtp/mtpprotocolconstants.h>
    25 #include <mtp/tmtptyperequest.h>
    26 #include <mtp/mmtpframeworkconfig.h>
    27 #include <centralrepository.h>
    29 #include "cmtpdevicedatastore.h"
    30 #include "cmtpgetdevicepropdesc.h"
    31 #include "mtpdevicedpconst.h"
    32 #include "mtpdevdppanic.h"
    33 #include "cmtpdevicedpconfigmgr.h"
    35 // Class constants.
    36 __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(KComponent,"GetDevicePropDesc");)
    38 /**
    39 Two-phase constructor.
    40 @param aPlugin The data provider plugin
    41 @param aFramework The data provider framework
    42 @param aConnection The connection from which the request comes
    43 @return a pointer to the created request processor object
    44 */  
    45 MMTPRequestProcessor* CMTPGetDevicePropDesc::NewL(MMTPDataProviderFramework& aFramework, MMTPConnection& aConnection)
    46     {
    47     CMTPGetDevicePropDesc* self = new (ELeave) CMTPGetDevicePropDesc(aFramework, aConnection);
    48     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    49     self->ConstructL();
    50     CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    51     return self;
    52     }
    54 /**
    55 Destructor.
    56 */    
    57 CMTPGetDevicePropDesc::~CMTPGetDevicePropDesc()
    58     {    
    59     __FLOG(_L8("~CMTPGetDevicePropDesc - Entry"));
    60     delete iData;
    61     delete iPropDesc;
    62     delete iRepository;
    63     iDpSingletons.Close();
    64     __FLOG(_L8("~CMTPGetDevicePropDesc - Exit"));
    65     __FLOG_CLOSE;
    66     }
    68 /**
    69 Constructor.
    70 */    
    71 CMTPGetDevicePropDesc::CMTPGetDevicePropDesc(MMTPDataProviderFramework& aFramework, MMTPConnection& aConnection) :
    72     CMTPRequestProcessor(aFramework, aConnection, 0, NULL)
    73     {    
    74     }
    76 /**
    77 GetDevicePropDesc request validator.
    78 @return EMTPRespCodeOK if request is verified, otherwise one of the error response codes
    79 */
    80 TMTPResponseCode CMTPGetDevicePropDesc::CheckRequestL()
    81     {
    82     __FLOG(_L8("CheckRequestL - Entry"));
    83     TMTPResponseCode respCode(EMTPRespCodeDevicePropNotSupported);
    84     iPropCode = Request().Uint32(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestParameter1);
    85     const TInt count = sizeof(KMTPDeviceDpSupportedProperties) / sizeof(KMTPDeviceDpSupportedProperties[0]);
    86     for (TUint i(0); ((respCode != EMTPRespCodeOK) && (i < count)); i++)
    87         {
    88         if (iPropCode == KMTPDeviceDpSupportedProperties[i])
    89             {
    90             respCode = EMTPRespCodeOK;
    91             }
    92         }
    93     if((respCode != EMTPRespCodeOK) && iDpSingletons.DeviceDataStore().ExtnDevicePropDp())//2113 
    94         {
    95         respCode = EMTPRespCodeOK;
    96         }
    97     __FLOG(_L8("CheckRequestL - Exit"));
    98     return respCode;
    99     }
   101 /**
   102 GetDevicePropDesc request handler.
   103 */    
   104 void CMTPGetDevicePropDesc::ServiceL()
   105     {
   106     __FLOG(_L8("ServiceL - Entry"));    
   107     iPropCode = Request().Uint32(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestParameter1);
   108     //before performing any operation will check the properties are supported or 
   109     //not if not then return EMTPRespCodeDevicePropNotSupported
   110     const CMTPTypeArray *mtpArray = &(iDpSingletons.DeviceDataStore().GetSupportedDeviceProperties());
   111     RArray <TUint> supportedArray;	    
   112     mtpArray->Array(supportedArray);
   113     __FLOG_VA((_L8("No of elements in supported property array = %d "), supportedArray.Count()));	
   114     if(KErrNotFound == supportedArray.Find(iPropCode))
   115         {
   116         SendResponseL(EMTPRespCodeDevicePropNotSupported);       
   117         __FLOG(_L8("CMTPGetDevicePropDesc::EMTPRespCodeDevicePropNotSupported "));	  
   118         }
   119     else
   120         {
   121         switch (iPropCode)
   122             {
   123             case EMTPDevicePropCodeBatteryLevel:
   124             if (iDpSingletons.DeviceDataStore().RequestPending())
   125                 {
   126                 // BatteryLevel already pending - return busy code
   127                 SendResponseL(EMTPRespCodeDeviceBusy);
   128                 }
   129             else
   130                 {
   131                 iDpSingletons.DeviceDataStore().BatteryLevelL(iStatus, iBatteryLevelValue);
   132                 SetActive();	
   133                 }
   134             break;
   136             case EMTPDevicePropCodeSynchronizationPartner:
   137                 ServiceSynchronisationPartnerL();
   138             break;
   140             case EMTPDevicePropCodeDeviceFriendlyName:
   141                 ServiceDeviceFriendlyNameL();
   142             break;
   144             case EMTPDevicePropCodeSessionInitiatorVersionInfo:
   145                 ServiceSessionInitiatorVersionInfoL();
   146             break;
   148             case EMTPDevicePropCodePerceivedDeviceType:
   149                 ServicePerceivedDeviceTypeL();
   150             break;
   152             case EMTPDevicePropCodeDateTime:
   153                 ServiceDateTimeL();
   154             break;
   156             case EMTPDevicePropCodeDeviceIcon:
   157                 ServiceDeviceIconL();
   158             break;
   160             case EMTPDevicePropCodeSupportedFormatsOrdered:
   161             ServiceSupportedFormatsOrderedL();
   162             break;
   164             case EMTPDevicePropCodeFunctionalID:
   165             	ServiceFunctionalIDL();
   166             break;
   167             case EMTPDevicePropCodeModelID:
   168             	ServiceModelIDL();
   169             break;
   170             case EMTPDevicePropCodeUseDeviceStage:
   171             	ServiceUseDeviceStageL();
   172             break;
   174             default:
   175             if(iDpSingletons.DeviceDataStore().ExtnDevicePropDp())
   176                 {
   177                 HandleExtnServiceL(iPropCode, iDpSingletons.DeviceDataStore().ExtnDevicePropDp());
   178                 }
   179             else 
   180                 SendResponseL(EMTPRespCodeDevicePropNotSupported); 
   181             break;
   182             }
   183         }
   184     supportedArray.Close();
   185     __FLOG(_L8("ServiceL - Exit"));
   186     }
   189 void  CMTPGetDevicePropDesc::HandleExtnServiceL(TInt aPropCode, MExtnDevicePropDp* aExtnDevplugin )
   190 	{
   191 	//call	 plugin ->desc
   192 	MMTPType* mtptype;
   193 	if(KErrNone == aExtnDevplugin->GetDevPropertyDescL((TMTPDevicePropertyCode)aPropCode, &mtptype))
   194 	{
   195 	SendDataL(*mtptype);	
   196 	}
   197 	else
   198 	{
   199 	SendResponseL(EMTPRespCodeDevicePropNotSupported); 	
   200 	}
   203 	}
   204 void CMTPGetDevicePropDesc::DoCancel()
   205     {
   206     __FLOG(_L8("DoCancel - Entry"));
   207     if (iPropCode == EMTPDevicePropCodeBatteryLevel)
   208         {
   209         iDpSingletons.DeviceDataStore().Cancel();
   210         }
   211     __FLOG(_L8("DoCancel - Exit"));
   212     }
   214 void CMTPGetDevicePropDesc::RunL()
   215     {
   216     __FLOG(_L8("RunL - Entry"));
   217     if (iPropCode == EMTPDevicePropCodeBatteryLevel)
   218         {
   219         ServiceBatteryLevelL();
   220         }
   221     else
   222         {
   223         __DEBUG_ONLY(Panic(EMTPDevDpUnknownDeviceProperty));
   224         }
   225     __FLOG(_L8("RunL - Exit"));
   226     }
   228 /**
   229 Second-phase constructor.
   230 */        
   231 void CMTPGetDevicePropDesc::ConstructL()
   232     {
   233     __FLOG_OPEN(KMTPSubsystem, KComponent);
   234     __FLOG(_L8("CMTPGetDevicePropDesc: ConstructL - Entry")); 
   235     iDpSingletons.OpenL(iFramework);
   236 	const TUint32 KUidMTPRepositoryValue(0x10282FCC);
   237     const TUid KUidMTPRepository = {KUidMTPRepositoryValue};
   238     iRepository = CRepository::NewL(KUidMTPRepository);
   239     __FLOG(_L8("CMTPGetDevicePropDesc: ConstructL - Exit")); 
   240     }
   242 /**
   243 Services the battery level property.
   244 */        
   245 void CMTPGetDevicePropDesc::ServiceBatteryLevelL()
   246     {
   247     __FLOG(_L8("ServiceBatteryLevelL - Entry")); 
   248     CMTPTypeDevicePropDescRangeForm* form = CMTPTypeDevicePropDescRangeForm::NewLC(EMTPTypeUINT8);
   249     form->SetUint8L(CMTPTypeDevicePropDescRangeForm::EMinimumValue, 0);
   250     form->SetUint8L(CMTPTypeDevicePropDescRangeForm::EMaximumValue, 100);
   251     form->SetUint8L(CMTPTypeDevicePropDescRangeForm::EStepSize, 10);
   253     delete iPropDesc;
   254     iPropDesc = NULL;
   255     iPropDesc = CMTPTypeDevicePropDesc::NewL(EMTPDevicePropCodeBatteryLevel, *form);
   256     iPropDesc->SetUint8L(CMTPTypeDevicePropDesc::EFactoryDefaultValue, 0);    
   257     iPropDesc->SetUint8L(CMTPTypeDevicePropDesc::ECurrentValue, iBatteryLevelValue);
   258     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(form);
   260     SendDataL(*iPropDesc);
   261     __FLOG(_L8("ServiceBatteryLevelL - Exit")); 
   262     }
   264 /**
   265 Services the device friendly name property.
   266 */    
   267 void CMTPGetDevicePropDesc::ServiceDeviceFriendlyNameL()
   268     {
   269     __FLOG(_L8("ServiceDeviceFriendlyNameL - Entry"));
   270     delete iPropDesc;
   271     iPropDesc = NULL;
   272     iPropDesc = CMTPTypeDevicePropDesc::NewL(EMTPDevicePropCodeDeviceFriendlyName);
   274     CMTPDeviceDataStore& device(iDpSingletons.DeviceDataStore());
   275     iPropDesc->SetStringL(CMTPTypeDevicePropDesc::EFactoryDefaultValue, device.DeviceFriendlyNameDefault());
   276     iPropDesc->SetStringL(CMTPTypeDevicePropDesc::ECurrentValue, device.DeviceFriendlyName());
   278     SendDataL(*iPropDesc);    
   279     __FLOG(_L8("ServiceDeviceFriendlyNameL - Exit")); 
   280     }
   282 /**
   283 Services the synchronisation partner property.
   284 */    
   285 void CMTPGetDevicePropDesc::ServiceSynchronisationPartnerL()
   286     {
   287     __FLOG(_L8("ServiceSynchronisationPartnerL - Entry")); 
   288     delete iPropDesc;
   289     iPropDesc = NULL;
   290     iPropDesc = CMTPTypeDevicePropDesc::NewL(EMTPDevicePropCodeSynchronizationPartner);
   292     CMTPDeviceDataStore& device(iDpSingletons.DeviceDataStore());
   293     iPropDesc->SetStringL(CMTPTypeDevicePropDesc::EFactoryDefaultValue, device.SynchronisationPartnerDefault());
   294     iPropDesc->SetStringL(CMTPTypeDevicePropDesc::ECurrentValue, device.SynchronisationPartner());
   296     SendDataL(*iPropDesc); 
   297     __FLOG(_L8("ServiceSynchronisationPartnerL - Exit")); 
   298     }
   300 /**
   301 *Services the synchronisation partner property. 
   302 */    
   303 void CMTPGetDevicePropDesc::ServiceSessionInitiatorVersionInfoL()
   304     {
   305     __FLOG(_L8("ServiceSessionInitiatorVersionInfoL - Entry")); 
   306     delete iPropDesc;
   307     iPropDesc = NULL;
   308     // this property is of type set or get 
   309     iPropDesc = CMTPTypeDevicePropDesc::NewL(EMTPDevicePropCodeSessionInitiatorVersionInfo, 0x01/*set/get*/, 0x00, NULL);   
   310     CMTPDeviceDataStore& device(iDpSingletons.DeviceDataStore());   
   311     iPropDesc->SetStringL(CMTPTypeDevicePropDesc::EFactoryDefaultValue, device.SessionInitiatorVersionInfoDefault());
   312     iPropDesc->SetStringL(CMTPTypeDevicePropDesc::ECurrentValue, device.SessionInitiatorVersionInfo());
   313     SendDataL(*iPropDesc); 
   314     __FLOG(_L8("ServiceSessionInitiatorVersionInfoL - Exit")); 
   315     }
   317 /**
   318 *Services the Service Perceived Device Type. 
   319 */    
   320 void CMTPGetDevicePropDesc::ServicePerceivedDeviceTypeL()
   321     {
   322     __FLOG(_L8("ServicePerceivedDeviceType - Entry")); 
   323     delete iPropDesc;
   324     iPropDesc = NULL;
   325     iPropDesc = CMTPTypeDevicePropDesc::NewL(EMTPDevicePropCodePerceivedDeviceType, 0x00/*get only*/, 0x00, NULL);
   326     CMTPDeviceDataStore& device(iDpSingletons.DeviceDataStore());    
   327     iPropDesc->SetUint32L(CMTPTypeDevicePropDesc::EFactoryDefaultValue, device.PerceivedDeviceTypeDefault());
   328     iPropDesc->SetUint32L(CMTPTypeDevicePropDesc::ECurrentValue, device.PerceivedDeviceType());
   329     SendDataL(*iPropDesc); 
   330     __FLOG(_L8("ServicePerceivedDeviceType - Exit")); 
   331     }
   333 /**
   334 Services the Date Time property. 
   335 */    
   336 void CMTPGetDevicePropDesc::ServiceDateTimeL()
   337     {
   338     __FLOG(_L8("ServicePerceivedDeviceType - Entry")); 
   339     delete iPropDesc;
   340     iPropDesc = NULL;
   341     iPropDesc = CMTPTypeDevicePropDesc::NewL(EMTPDevicePropCodeDateTime, 0x01/*get/set*/, 0x00, NULL);
   342     CMTPDeviceDataStore& device(iDpSingletons.DeviceDataStore());    
   343     iPropDesc->SetStringL(CMTPTypeDevicePropDesc::EFactoryDefaultValue, device.DateTimeL());
   344     iPropDesc->SetStringL(CMTPTypeDevicePropDesc::ECurrentValue, device.DateTimeL());
   345     SendDataL(*iPropDesc); 
   346     __FLOG(_L8("ServicePerceivedDeviceType - Exit")); 
   347     }
   349 /**
   350 Services the Date Time property. 
   351 */	  
   352 void CMTPGetDevicePropDesc::ServiceDeviceIconL()
   353     {
   354     __FLOG(_L8("ServiceDeviceIcon - Entry")); 
   355     delete iPropDesc;
   356     iPropDesc = NULL;
   357     iPropDesc = CMTPTypeDevicePropDesc::NewL(EMTPDevicePropCodeDeviceIcon, 0x00, 0x00, NULL);
   358     CMTPDeviceDataStore& device(iDpSingletons.DeviceDataStore());	 
   359     //need to think of which one to be used for default.
   360     iPropDesc->SetL(CMTPTypeDevicePropDesc::EFactoryDefaultValue, device.DeviceIcon());
   361     iPropDesc->SetL(CMTPTypeDevicePropDesc::ECurrentValue, device.DeviceIcon());
   362     SendDataL(*iPropDesc); 
   363     __FLOG(_L8("ServiceDeviceIcon- Exit"));   
   364     }
   366 /*
   367 *Service Supported format ordered.
   368 */
   369 void CMTPGetDevicePropDesc::ServiceSupportedFormatsOrderedL()
   370     {
   371     __FLOG(_L8("ServiceSupportedFormatsOrdered - Entry")); 
   372     delete iPropDesc;
   373     iPropDesc = NULL;
   374     iPropDesc = CMTPTypeDevicePropDesc::NewL(EMTPDevicePropCodeSupportedFormatsOrdered, 0x00, 0x00, NULL);    
   375     iPropDesc->SetUint8L(CMTPTypeDevicePropDesc::EFactoryDefaultValue, (TUint8)FORMAT_UNORDERED);
   376     iPropDesc->SetUint8L(CMTPTypeDevicePropDesc::ECurrentValue, GetFormatOrdered());
   377     SendDataL(*iPropDesc); 
   378     __FLOG(_L8("ServiceSupportedFormatsOrdered - Exit")); 
   379     }
   381 /*
   382 *Service Supported FuntionalID.
   383 */
   384 void CMTPGetDevicePropDesc::ServiceFunctionalIDL()
   385     {
   386     __FLOG(_L8("ServiceFuntionalIDL - Entry")); 
   387     delete iPropDesc;
   388     iPropDesc = NULL;
   389     iPropDesc = CMTPTypeDevicePropDesc::NewL(EMTPDevicePropCodeFunctionalID, 1, 0, NULL); 
   391     delete iData;
   392 	iData = GetGUIDL( MMTPFrameworkConfig::EDeviceDefaultFuncationalID ); 
   393 	iPropDesc->SetL(CMTPTypeDevicePropDesc::EFactoryDefaultValue, *iData);
   394 	delete iData;
   395 	iData = GetGUIDL(MMTPFrameworkConfig::EDeviceCurrentFuncationalID); 
   396 	iPropDesc->SetL(CMTPTypeDevicePropDesc::ECurrentValue, *iData);
   398     SendDataL(*iPropDesc); 
   399     __FLOG(_L8("ServiceFuntionalIDL - Exit")); 
   400     }
   402 /*
   403 *Service Supported ModelID.
   404 */
   405 void CMTPGetDevicePropDesc::ServiceModelIDL()
   406     {
   407     __FLOG(_L8("ServiceModelIDL - Entry")); 
   408     delete iPropDesc;
   409     iPropDesc = NULL;
   410     iPropDesc = CMTPTypeDevicePropDesc::NewL(EMTPDevicePropCodeModelID, 0, 0, NULL);   
   412     delete iData;
   413     iData = GetGUIDL(MMTPFrameworkConfig::EDeviceDefaultModelID);  
   414     iPropDesc->SetL(CMTPTypeDevicePropDesc::EFactoryDefaultValue, *iData);
   416     delete iData;
   417     iData = GetGUIDL(MMTPFrameworkConfig::EDeviceCurrentModelID); 
   418 	iPropDesc->SetL(CMTPTypeDevicePropDesc::ECurrentValue, *iData);
   420     SendDataL(*iPropDesc); 
   421     __FLOG(_L8("ServiceModelIDL - Exit")); 
   422     }
   424 /*
   425 *Service Supported UseDeviceStage.
   426 */
   427 void CMTPGetDevicePropDesc::ServiceUseDeviceStageL()
   428     {
   429     __FLOG(_L8("ServiceUseDeviceStageL - Entry")); 
   430     delete iPropDesc;
   431     iPropDesc = NULL;
   432     iPropDesc = CMTPTypeDevicePropDesc::NewL(EMTPDevicePropCodeUseDeviceStage, 0, 0, NULL); 
   434     TMTPTypeUint8 *data = new (ELeave)TMTPTypeUint8(1);
   435     iPropDesc->SetL(CMTPTypeDevicePropDesc::EFactoryDefaultValue, *data);
   436     iPropDesc->SetL(CMTPTypeDevicePropDesc::ECurrentValue, *data);
   438     delete data;
   440     SendDataL(*iPropDesc); 
   441     __FLOG(_L8("ServiceUseDeviceStageL - Exit")); 
   442     }
   444 /*
   445 *This method to set the supported format order.
   446 *this value will be set by getdevice info based on the formats present in the
   447 *mtpdevicedp_config.rss file.
   448 */
   449 TUint8 CMTPGetDevicePropDesc::GetFormatOrdered()
   450     {
   451     TUint8 formatOrdered;
   452     RArray<TUint> orderedFormats(8);
   453     CleanupClosePushL(orderedFormats);  
   454     TRAPD(error,iDpSingletons.ConfigMgr().GetRssConfigInfoArrayL(orderedFormats, EDevDpFormats));
   455 	if(error!=KErrNone)
   456 		{
   457 		__FLOG_VA((_L8("GetRssConfigArray returned with %d"), error));
   458 		}
   459     if(orderedFormats.Count() > 0)
   460         {
   461         formatOrdered = (TUint8)FORMAT_ORDERED;
   462         }
   463     else
   464         {
   465         formatOrdered = (TUint8)FORMAT_UNORDERED; 
   466         }
   467     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&orderedFormats);   
   468     return formatOrdered;
   469     }
   471 TMTPTypeGuid* CMTPGetDevicePropDesc::GetGUIDL(const TUint aKey)
   472     {
   474     TBuf8<KMTPTypeUINT128Size> ptr;
   476     iRepository->Get(aKey,ptr);
   478     TMTPTypeGuid* ret = new (ELeave) TMTPTypeGuid( ptr );
   480     return ret;
   481     }
   483 void CMTPGetDevicePropDesc::SaveGUID( const TUint aKey,  TMTPTypeGuid& aValue )
   484     {
   485     TPtrC8 ptr;
   486     if ( KMTPChunkSequenceCompletion == aValue.FirstReadChunk(ptr) )
   487     	{
   488     	iRepository->Set(aKey,ptr);
   489     	}
   490     }