changeset 0 d0791faffa3f
child 15 f85613f12947
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:d0791faffa3f
     1 // Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include <mtp/tmtptyperequest.h>
    17 #include <mtp/mmtpdataproviderframework.h>
    18 #include <mtp/mtpprotocolconstants.h>
    19 #include <mtp/cmtptypeobjectinfo.h>
    21 #include "rmtpframework.h"
    22 #include "cmtpdataprovidercontroller.h"
    23 #include "cmtpparserrouter.h"
    24 #include "cmtpdataprovider.h"
    25 #include "cmtpsendobjectinfo.h"
    26 #include "mtpproxydppanic.h"
    27 #include "cmtpproxydpconfigmgr.h"
    28 #include "cmtpstoragemgr.h"
    30 __FLOG_STMT( _LIT8( KComponent,"PrxySendObjectInfo" ); )
    32 /**
    33 Verification data for the SendObjectInfo request
    34 */
    35 const TMTPRequestElementInfo KMTPSendObjectInfoPolicy[] =
    36     {
    37         {TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestParameter1, EMTPElementTypeStorageId, EMTPElementAttrWrite, 1, 0, 0},
    38         {TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestParameter2, EMTPElementTypeObjectHandle, EMTPElementAttrDir | EMTPElementAttrWrite, 2, KMTPHandleAll, KMTPHandleNone}
    39     };
    41 /**
    42 Two-phase construction method
    43 @param aFramework    The data provider framework
    44 @param aConnection    The connection from which the request comes
    45 @return a pointer to the created request processor object
    46 */
    47 MMTPRequestProcessor* CMTPSendObjectInfo::NewL(MMTPDataProviderFramework& aFramework, MMTPConnection& aConnection)
    48     {
    49     CMTPSendObjectInfo* self = new (ELeave) CMTPSendObjectInfo(aFramework, aConnection);
    50     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    51     self->ConstructL();
    52     CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    53     return self;
    54     }
    56 /**
    57 Destructor
    58 */
    59 CMTPSendObjectInfo::~CMTPSendObjectInfo()
    60     {
    61     __FLOG(_L8("~CMTPSendObjectInfo - Entry"));
    63     delete iObjectInfo;
    64     iSingletons.Close();
    65     iProxyDpSingletons.Close();
    67     __FLOG(_L8("~CMTPSendObjectInfo - Exit"));
    68     __FLOG_CLOSE;
    69     }
    71 /**
    72 Standard c++ constructor
    73 */
    74 CMTPSendObjectInfo::CMTPSendObjectInfo(MMTPDataProviderFramework& aFramework, MMTPConnection& aConnection) :
    75     CMTPRequestProcessor(aFramework, aConnection, sizeof(KMTPSendObjectInfoPolicy)/sizeof(TMTPRequestElementInfo), KMTPSendObjectInfoPolicy)
    76     {
    78     }
    80 /**
    81 Second phase constructor.
    82 */
    83 void CMTPSendObjectInfo::ConstructL()
    84     {
    85     __FLOG_OPEN(KMTPSubsystem, KComponent);
    86     __FLOG(_L8("ConstructL - Entry"));
    88     iSingletons.OpenL();
    90     __FLOG(_L8("ConstructL - Exit"));
    91     }
    93 /**
    94 SendObjectInfo/SendObject request handler
    95 NOTE: SendObjectInfo has to be comes before SendObject requests.  To maintain the state information
    96 between the two requests, the two requests are combined together in one signal processor.
    97 */
    98 void CMTPSendObjectInfo::ServiceL()
    99     {
   100     delete iObjectInfo;
   101     iObjectInfo = NULL;
   102     iObjectInfo = CMTPTypeObjectInfo::NewL();
   103     ReceiveDataL(*iObjectInfo);
   104     }
   106 /**
   107 Override to handle the response phase of SendObjectInfo requests
   108 @return EFalse
   109 */
   110 TBool CMTPSendObjectInfo::DoHandleResponsePhaseL()
   111     {
   112     DoHandleSendObjectInfoCompleteL();
   113     return EFalse;
   114     }
   116 TBool CMTPSendObjectInfo::HasDataphase() const
   117     {
   118     return ETrue;
   119     }
   121 /**
   122 Handling the completing phase of SendObjectInfo request
   123 @return ETrue if the specified object can be saved on the specified location, otherwise, EFalse
   124 */
   125 void CMTPSendObjectInfo::DoHandleSendObjectInfoCompleteL()
   126     {
   127     __FLOG(_L8("DoHandleSendObjectInfoCompleteL - Entry"));
   129     CMTPParserRouter::TRoutingParameters params(*iRequest, iConnection);
   130     iSingletons.Router().ParseOperationRequestL(params);
   131     TBool fileFlag=EFalse;
   132     RArray<TUint> targets;
   133     CleanupClosePushL(targets);
   134     params.SetParam(CMTPParserRouter::TRoutingParameters::EParamFormatCode, iObjectInfo->Uint16L(CMTPTypeObjectInfo::EObjectFormat));
   136     iProxyDpSingletons.OpenL(iFramework);
   137     TInt index(KErrNotFound);
   138 	const TUint16 formatCode=iObjectInfo->Uint16L(CMTPTypeObjectInfo::EObjectFormat);
   139 	__FLOG_1( _L8("formatCode = %d"), formatCode );
   140 	switch(formatCode)
   141 		{
   142 	case EMTPFormatCodeAssociation:
   143         params.SetParam(CMTPParserRouter::TRoutingParameters::EParamFormatSubCode, iObjectInfo->Uint16L(CMTPTypeObjectInfo::EAssociationType));
   144         break;
   146     case EMTPFormatCodeScript:
   147     	{
   148     	__FLOG_1( _L8("formatCode = %d"), EMTPFormatCodeScript );
   149     	const TDesC& filename = iObjectInfo->StringCharsL(CMTPTypeObjectInfo::EFilename);
   150     	HBufC* lowFileName = HBufC::NewLC(filename.Length());
   151     	TPtr16 prt(lowFileName->Des());
   152     	prt.Append(filename);
   153     	prt.LowerCase();   	
   154     	__FLOG_1( _L8("lowFileName = %s"), &prt );
   155     	if (iProxyDpSingletons.FrameworkConfig().GetFileName(prt,index) )
   156     		{
   157     		fileFlag=ETrue;
   158     		}
   159     	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(lowFileName);
   161     	params.SetParam(CMTPParserRouter::TRoutingParameters::EParamFormatSubCode, EMTPAssociationTypeUndefined);	
   162         break;
   163     	}
   164     default:
   165     	params.SetParam(CMTPParserRouter::TRoutingParameters::EParamFormatSubCode, EMTPAssociationTypeUndefined);
   166         break;
   167 		}
   169     __FLOG_1( _L8("fileFlag = %d"), fileFlag );
   170     if(fileFlag)
   171     	{
   172     	TInt  syncdpid =  iSingletons.DpController().DpId(iProxyDpSingletons.FrameworkConfig().GetDPId(index));
   173        	iSingletons.DpController().DataProviderL(syncdpid).ExecuteProxyRequestL(Request(), Connection(), *this);
   174     	}
   175     else
   176     	{
   177     	iSingletons.Router().RouteOperationRequestL(params, targets);
   178         CMTPStorageMgr& storages(iSingletons.StorageMgr());
   179     	const TUint KStorageId = Request().Uint32(TMTPTypeResponse::EResponseParameter1);
   180         __FLOG_1( _L8("KStorageId = %d"), KStorageId );
   181         __FLOG_1( _L8("targets.Count() = %d"), targets.Count() );
   182         if( KMTPNotSpecified32 == KStorageId)
   183             {
   184             iSingletons.DpController().DataProviderL(targets[0]).ExecuteProxyRequestL(Request(), Connection(), *this);
   185             }
   186         else if( storages.ValidStorageId(KStorageId) )
   187             {
   188         	if(targets.Count() == 1)
   189         		{
   190         		__FLOG_1( _L8("targets[0] = %d"), targets[0] );
   191         		iSingletons.DpController().DataProviderL(targets[0]).ExecuteProxyRequestL(Request(), Connection(), *this);
   192         		}
   193         	else
   194         		{
   195 	            TInt dpID(KErrNotFound);
   196 	            if (storages.LogicalStorageId(KStorageId))
   197 	                {
   198 	                dpID = storages.LogicalStorageOwner(KStorageId);
   199 	                }
   200 	            else
   201 	                {
   202 	                dpID = storages.PhysicalStorageOwner(KStorageId);
   203 	                }
   204 	            __FLOG_1( _L8("dpID = %d"), dpID );
   205 	            if( targets.Find( dpID ) == KErrNotFound )
   206 	                {
   207 	                __FLOG(_L8("No target dp is found, so send one GeneralError response."));
   208 	                SendResponseL( EMTPRespCodeGeneralError );
   209 	                }
   210 	            else
   211 	                {
   212 	                iSingletons.DpController().DataProviderL(dpID).ExecuteProxyRequestL(Request(), Connection(), *this);
   213 	                }
   214         		}
   215             }
   216         else
   217             {
   218             __FLOG(_L8("StorageID is invalid."));
   219             SendResponseL( EMTPRespCodeInvalidStorageID );
   220             }
   221     	}	
   222     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&targets);
   224     __FLOG(_L8("DoHandleSendObjectInfoCompleteL - Exit"));
   225     }
   227 #ifdef _DEBUG
   228 void CMTPSendObjectInfo::ProxyReceiveDataL(MMTPType& aData, const TMTPTypeRequest& aRequest, MMTPConnection& aConnection, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
   229 #else
   230 void CMTPSendObjectInfo::ProxyReceiveDataL(MMTPType& aData, const TMTPTypeRequest& /*aRequest*/, MMTPConnection& /*aConnection*/, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
   231 #endif
   232     {
   233     __ASSERT_DEBUG(iRequest == &aRequest && &iConnection == &aConnection, Panic(EMTPNotSameRequestProxy));
   234     MMTPType::CopyL(*iObjectInfo, aData);
   235     TRequestStatus* status = &aStatus;
   236     User::RequestComplete(status, KErrNone);
   237     }
   239 void CMTPSendObjectInfo::ProxySendDataL(const MMTPType& /*aData*/, const TMTPTypeRequest& /*aRequest*/, MMTPConnection& /*aConnection*/, TRequestStatus& /*aStatus*/)
   240     {
   241     Panic(EMTPWrongRequestPhase);
   242     }
   244 #ifdef _DEBUG
   245 void CMTPSendObjectInfo::ProxySendResponseL(const TMTPTypeResponse& aResponse, const TMTPTypeRequest& aRequest, MMTPConnection& aConnection, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
   246 #else
   247 void CMTPSendObjectInfo::ProxySendResponseL(const TMTPTypeResponse& aResponse, const TMTPTypeRequest& /*aRequest*/, MMTPConnection& /*aConnection*/, TRequestStatus& aStatus)
   248 #endif
   249     {
   250     __ASSERT_DEBUG(iRequest == &aRequest && &iConnection == &aConnection, Panic(EMTPNotSameRequestProxy));
   251     MMTPType::CopyL(aResponse, iResponse);
   252     TRequestStatus* status = &aStatus;
   253     User::RequestComplete(status, KErrNone);
   254     }
   256 void CMTPSendObjectInfo::ProxyTransactionCompleteL(const TMTPTypeRequest& aRequest, MMTPConnection& aConnection)
   257     {
   258     __ASSERT_DEBUG(iRequest == &aRequest && &iConnection == &aConnection, Panic(EMTPNotSameRequestProxy));
   259     iFramework.SendResponseL(iResponse, aRequest, aConnection);
   260     }