changeset 0 d0791faffa3f
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:d0791faffa3f
     1 // Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include "serverpacketaccessui.h"
    18 #include <e32cons.h>
    19 #include <obex/extensionapis/obexserverpacketaccessextension.h>
    20 #include <obexserver.h>
    21 #include <obexheaders.h>
    22 #include "serverhandlerbase.h"
    25 CObexServerPacketAccessUi* CObexServerPacketAccessUi::NewL(CObexServerHandlerBase& aHandler, CObexServer& aServer)
    26 	{
    27 	CObexServerPacketAccessUi* self = new (ELeave) CObexServerPacketAccessUi(aHandler, aServer);
    28 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    29 	self->ConstructL();
    30 	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    31 	return self;
    32 	}
    34 CObexServerPacketAccessUi::~CObexServerPacketAccessUi()
    35 	{
    36 	Cancel();
    38 	delete iPacketAccess;
    39 	delete iConsole;
    40 	}
    42 CObexServerPacketAccessUi::CObexServerPacketAccessUi(CObexServerHandlerBase& aHandler, CObexServer& aServer)
    43 	: CActive(EPriorityNormal), iHandler(aHandler), iServer(aServer)
    44 	{
    45 	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
    46 	}
    48 void CObexServerPacketAccessUi::ConstructL()
    49 	{	
    50 	TRAPD(err, iConsole = Console::NewL(_L("Request Packets"),TSize(50,40)));
    51 	if (err != KErrNone)
    52 		{
    53 		TRAPD(err, iConsole = Console::NewL(_L("Request Packets"),TSize(50,15)));
    54 		if (err != KErrNone)
    55 			{
    56 			// we had a problem creating the console, probably because it was too big
    57 			// so try again and make it full screen. If we leave this time then just
    58 			// go with it.
    59 			iConsole = Console::NewL(_L("Request Packets"),TSize(KConsFullScreen,KConsFullScreen));
    60 			}
    61 		}
    62 	iPacketAccess = CObexServerPacketAccessExtension::NewL(iServer, *this);
    64 	SetKeypressActive();
    65 	}
    67 void CObexServerPacketAccessUi::RunL()
    68 	{
    69     TRAPD(err, ProcessKeyPressL(TChar(iConsole->KeyCode())));
    70 	if(err != KErrNone)
    71 		{
    72 		iConsole->Printf(_L("Error: %d\r\n"),err);
    73 		}
    74 	SetKeypressActive();
    75 	}
    77 void CObexServerPacketAccessUi::DoCancel()
    78 	{
    79 	iConsole->ReadCancel();
    80 	}
    82 void CObexServerPacketAccessUi::SetKeypressActive()
    83 	{
    84 	iConsole->Read(iStatus); 
    85 	SetActive();
    86 	}
    88 void CObexServerPacketAccessUi::ProcessKeyPressL(TChar aChar)
    89 	{
    90 	if (aChar == EKeyEscape)
    91 		{
    92 		iHandler.PacketAccessUiL(EFalse);
    93 		return;
    94 		}
    96 	switch (aChar)
    97 		{
    98 		case 'E': case 'e': // Enable
    99 			{
   100 			delete iPacketAccess;
   101 			iPacketAccess = CObexServerPacketAccessExtension::NewL(iServer, *this);
   102 			}
   103 			break;
   104 		case 'D': case 'd': // Disable
   105 			{
   106 			delete iPacketAccess;
   107 			iPacketAccess = NULL;
   108 			}
   109 			break;
   110 		case 'I': case 'i': // Interactive mode toggle
   111 			{
   112 			iInteractive = !iInteractive;
   113 			}
   114 			break;
   115 		default:
   116 			{
   117 			iConsole->Printf(_L("Invalid Key - valid keys 'e','d','i','Esc'\r\n"));
   118 			}
   119 			break;
   120 		}
   121 	}
   123 TBool CObexServerPacketAccessUi::RequestPacket(TObexRequestCode aRequest, TObexResponse& aResponse)
   124 	{
   125 	TBool requestPacketResult(ETrue);
   127 	iConsole->Printf(_L("Request code %d\r\n"), aRequest);
   129 	// Use Packet Headers now
   130 	CObexHeaderSet* headerSet = NULL;
   131 	iServer.PacketHeaders(headerSet);
   132 	if (headerSet)
   133 		{
   134 		// Ensures that if the function leaves then the only option is to 
   135 		// report a false operation.  As RequestPacket function signiture is published partner
   136 		TRAPD(err,PrintHeadersL(*headerSet));
   137 		if (err != KErrNone)
   138 			{
   139 			requestPacketResult = EFalse;						
   140 			}
   141 		delete headerSet;
   142 		}
   144 	if (requestPacketResult)
   145 		{
   146 		requestPacketResult = RequestPacketReturn(aResponse);
   147 		}
   149 	// Provide function result to caller	
   150 	return requestPacketResult;
   151 	}
   153 TBool CObexServerPacketAccessUi::RequestPacket(TObexRequestCode aRequest, TObexConnectInfo& aConnectInfo, TObexResponse& aResponse)
   154 	{
   155 	TBool requestPacketResult(ETrue);
   157 	iConsole->Printf(_L("Request code %d - Connect\r\n"), aRequest);
   158 	iConsole->Printf(_L("\tMajor version=%d, Minor version=%d\r\n"), aConnectInfo.VersionMajor(), aConnectInfo.VersionMinor());
   159 	iConsole->Printf(_L("\tConnection flags=0x%02x\r\n"), aConnectInfo.iFlags);
   160 	if (aConnectInfo.iWho.Length() > 0)
   161 		{
   162 		iConsole->Printf(_L("\tWho attribute=%S\r\n"), &(aConnectInfo.iWho));
   163 		}
   164 	if (aConnectInfo.iTargetHeader.Length() > 0)
   165 		{
   166 		iConsole->Printf(_L("\tTarget header=%S\r\n"), &(aConnectInfo.iTargetHeader));
   167 		}
   169 	// Use Packet Headers now
   170 	CObexHeaderSet* headerSet = NULL;
   171 	iServer.PacketHeaders(headerSet);
   172 	if (headerSet)
   173 		{
   174 		// Ensures that if the function leaves then the only option is to 
   175 		// report a false operation.  As RequestPacket function signiture is published partner
   176 		TRAPD(err,PrintHeadersL(*headerSet));
   177 		if (err != KErrNone)
   178 			{
   179 			requestPacketResult = EFalse;						
   180 			}
   181 		delete headerSet;
   182 		}
   184 	if (requestPacketResult)
   185 		{
   186 		requestPacketResult = RequestPacketReturn(aResponse);
   187 		}
   189 	// Provide function result to caller
   190 	return requestPacketResult;
   191 	}
   193 TBool CObexServerPacketAccessUi::RequestPacket(TObexRequestCode aRequest, CObex::TSetPathInfo& aSetPathInfo, TObexResponse& aResponse)
   194 	{
   195 	TBool requestPacketResult(ETrue);
   197 	iConsole->Printf(_L("Request code %d - SetPath\r\n"), aRequest);
   198 	iConsole->Printf(_L("\tParent=%d\r\n"), aSetPathInfo.Parent());
   199 	iConsole->Printf(_L("\tSetPath flags=0x%02x, constants=0x%02x\r\n"), aSetPathInfo.iFlags, aSetPathInfo.iConstants);
   200 	if (aSetPathInfo.iNamePresent)
   201 		{
   202 		iConsole->Printf(_L("\tDestination directory=%S\r\n"), &(aSetPathInfo.iName));
   203 		}
   205 	// Use Packet Headers now
   206 	CObexHeaderSet* headerSet = NULL;
   207 	iServer.PacketHeaders(headerSet);
   208 	if (headerSet)
   209 		{
   210 		// Ensures that if the function leaves then the only option is to 
   211 		// report a false operation.  As RequestPacket function signiture is published partner
   212 		TRAPD(err,PrintHeadersL(*headerSet));
   213 		if (err != KErrNone)
   214 			{
   215 			requestPacketResult = EFalse;						
   216 			}
   217 		delete headerSet;
   218 		}
   220 	if (requestPacketResult)
   221 		{
   222 		requestPacketResult = RequestPacketReturn(aResponse);
   223 		}
   225 	// Provide function result to caller
   226 	return requestPacketResult; 
   227 	}
   229 TBool CObexServerPacketAccessUi::RequestPacketReturn(TObexResponse& aResponse)
   230 	{
   231 	if (iInteractive)
   232 		{
   233 		TKeyCode key(EKeyNull);
   234 		TBuf<2> buf;
   235 		aResponse = ERespBadRequest; 
   237 		Cancel(); // cancel getting key presses will in "submenu"
   239 		iConsole->Printf(_L("Adandon Packet? (y/n) "));
   240 		while (key != 'y' && key != 'Y' && key != 'n' && key != 'N')
   241 			{
   242 			key = iConsole->Getch();
   243 			}
   244 		iConsole->Printf(_L("%c"),key);
   245 		if (key == 'n' || key == 'N')
   246 			{
   247 			SetKeypressActive(); // reactivate key handling
   248 			iConsole->Printf(_L("\r\n"));
   249 			return ETrue;
   250 			}
   252 		// If here then we are abandoning the packet
   253 		iConsole->Printf(_L("\r\nResponse to send? 0x"));
   255 		while ((key = iConsole->Getch()) != EKeyEnter)
   256 			{
   257 			if (key == EKeyBackspace && buf.Length()!=0)
   258 				{
   259 				buf.SetLength(buf.Length()-1);
   260 				}
   261 			else if( buf.Length() < buf.MaxLength())
   262 				{
   263 				buf.Append(key);
   264 				}
   265 			else 
   266 				continue;
   267 			iConsole->Printf(_L("%c"),key);
   268 			}
   269 		iConsole->Printf(_L("\r\n"));
   271 		TLex lex(buf);
   272 		TUint value;
   273 		TInt lex_err = lex.Val(value, EHex); 
   275 		if(lex_err == KErrNone)
   276 			{
   277 			aResponse = static_cast<TObexResponse>(value);
   278 			}
   279 		else 
   280 			{
   281 			iConsole->Printf(_L("Input parsing failed, use ERespBadRequest as default response\r\n"));
   282 			}
   283 		SetKeypressActive(); // reactivate key handling
   284 		return EFalse;
   285 		}
   286 	else
   287 		{
   288 		return ETrue;
   289 		}
   290 	}
   292 CConsoleBase& CObexServerPacketAccessUi::Console() const
   293 	{
   294 	return *iConsole;
   295 	}
   297 void CObexServerPacketAccessUi::PrintHeadersL(CObexHeaderSet& aHeaderSet) const
   298 	{
   299 	CObexHeader* header = CObexHeader::NewL();
   300 	CleanupStack::PushL(header);
   302 	aHeaderSet.First();
   303 	TInt err(aHeaderSet.This(header));
   304 	if (err == KErrNone)
   305 		{
   306 		iConsole->Printf(_L("Packet header contents...\r\n"));
   307 		}
   308 	while (err == KErrNone)
   309 		{
   310 		// get the next header
   311 		err = aHeaderSet.This(header);
   312 		if (err != KErrNone)
   313 			{
   314 			break;
   315 			}
   317 		PrintHeader(*header);
   319 		err = aHeaderSet.Next();
   320 		}
   322 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(header);
   323 	}
   325 void CObexServerPacketAccessUi::PrintHeader(CObexHeader& aHeader) const
   326 	{
   327 		// appropriately print the header
   328 		iConsole->Printf(_L("\tHI: %d\r\n"),aHeader.HI());
   330 		CObexHeader::THeaderType type = aHeader.Type();
   331 		switch(type)
   332 			{
   333 			case CObexHeader::EUnicode:
   334 				{
   335 				const TDesC16& headerdes = aHeader.AsUnicode();
   336 				const TUint8* bytes = reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>(headerdes.Ptr());
   337 				PrintHex(bytes, headerdes.Size());
   338 				}		
   339 				break;
   340 			case CObexHeader::EByteSeq:
   341 				{
   342 				const TDesC8& headerbyteseq = aHeader.AsByteSeq();
   343 				PrintHex(headerbyteseq.Ptr(), headerbyteseq.Size());
   344 				}
   345 				break;
   346 			case CObexHeader::EByte:
   347 				{
   348 				const TUint8 headerbyte = aHeader.AsByte();
   349 				PrintHex(&headerbyte, 1);
   350 				}
   351 				break;
   352 			case CObexHeader::EFourByte:
   353 				{
   354 				const TUint32 headerbytes = aHeader.AsFourByte();
   355 				const TUint8* bytes = reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>(&headerbytes);
   356 				PrintHex(bytes, 4);
   357 				}
   358 				break;
   359 			default:
   360 				// panic here maybe??
   361 				break;
   362 			}
   363 	}
   365 void CObexServerPacketAccessUi::PrintHex(const TUint8* aPtr, TInt aLength) const
   366 	{
   367 	// local constants
   368 	const TUint32 widthC = 8;
   369 	_LIT(KPrintHexByte, "%02x ");
   370 	_LIT(KPrintHexTab, "\t");
   371 	_LIT(KPrintHexChar, "%c ");
   372 	_LIT(KPrintHexNonchar, ". ");
   373 	_LIT(KPrintHexNewline, "\r\n");
   374 	_LIT(KPrintHex2Spaces, "  ");
   375 	_LIT(KPrintHex3Spaces, "   ");
   377 	// function begins...
   378 	TInt length = 0;
   379 	TUint32 cursor = 0;
   381 	TUint8 printArray[widthC];
   383 	while (length < aLength)
   384 		{
   385 		printArray[cursor] = *aPtr;
   387 		// move along.
   388 		aPtr++;
   389 		length++;
   390 		cursor = length % widthC;
   392 		if (cursor == 0)
   393 			{
   394 			// we have a full array so print it.
   395 			iConsole->Printf(KPrintHexTab());
   396 			for (TUint i=0;i<widthC;i++)
   397 				{
   398 				iConsole->Printf(KPrintHexByte(),printArray[i]);
   399 				}
   400 			iConsole->Printf(KPrintHexTab());
   401 			for (TUint i=0;i<widthC;i++)
   402 				{
   403 				TUint8 c = printArray[i];
   404 				if (c >= 32 && c <= 126)
   405 					{
   406 					iConsole->Printf(KPrintHexChar(), c);
   407 					}
   408 				else
   409 					{
   410 					iConsole->Printf(KPrintHexNonchar());
   411 					}
   412 				}
   413 			iConsole->Printf(KPrintHexNewline());
   414 			}
   415 		}
   417 		// if we haven't completely finished a set -> finish it
   418 		if (cursor > 0)
   419 			{
   420 			iConsole->Printf(KPrintHexTab());
   421 			for (TUint i=0;i<widthC;i++)
   422 				{
   423 				if (i >= cursor)
   424 					{
   425 					iConsole->Printf(KPrintHex3Spaces());
   426 					}
   427 				else
   428 					{
   429 					iConsole->Printf(KPrintHexByte(),printArray[i]);
   430 					}
   431 				}
   432 			iConsole->Printf(KPrintHexTab());
   433 			for (TUint i=0;i<widthC;i++)
   434 				{
   435 				if (i >= cursor)
   436 					{
   437 					iConsole->Printf(KPrintHex2Spaces());
   438 					}
   439 				else
   440 					{
   441 					TUint8 c = printArray[i];
   442 					if (c >= 32 && c <= 126)
   443 						{
   444 						iConsole->Printf(KPrintHexChar(), c);
   445 						}
   446 					else
   447 						{
   448 						iConsole->Printf(KPrintHexNonchar());
   449 						}
   450 					}
   451 				}
   452 			iConsole->Printf(KPrintHexNewline());
   453 			}
   455 		// should be printed now
   456 	}