changeset 0 d0791faffa3f
child 3 8b094906a049
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:d0791faffa3f
     1 // Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 /**
    17  @file
    18  @internalTechnology
    19 */
    24 #include <e32cmn.h>
    25 #include <mtp/tmtptyperequest.h>
    27 #include "cmtpdataprovidercontroller.h"
    28 #include "mtpdebug.h"
    29 #include "rmtpframework.h"
    31 class CMTPConnection;
    32 class CMTPDataProvider;
    33 class MMTPConnection;
    34 class TMTPTypeEvent;
    36 /**
    37 Implements the MTP framework parser/router singleton. 
    39 The MTP framework parser/router singleton is responsible for directing received
    40 MTP operation request (and event) datasets to the appropriate data provider(s) 
    41 for processing, and performs the following major functions: 
    43     1.  Parses received operation request and event datasets to extract and 
    44         coarse grain validate routing data (@see ParseOperationRequestL).
    45     2.  Executes one or more routing algorithms to select the set of data 
    46         provider targets able to service the operation or event 
    47         (@see RouteOperationRequestL).
    48     3.  (Optionally) dispatches the request or event (@see ProcessRequestL).
    50 There are two basic scenarios which the parser/router must handle, and a 
    51 different set of APIs is provided for each. These scenarios are:
    53     1.  The initial routing of operations as they are first received. This 
    54         routing is initiated by the MTP framework using the @see ProcessRequestL 
    55         API. This API executes all three of the functions identified above.
    56     2.  The secondary routing of those operations which cannot be dispatched 
    57         directly. Either because they require the combined processing 
    58         capabilities of multiple data providers to produce an aggregated 
    59         response, or; because they cannot be routed using data available during
    60         the operation request phase and can only be routed to their final 
    61         target using data available during the operation data phase. This 
    62         secondary routing is performed by the MTP framework's proxy data 
    63         provider using the @see ParseOperationRequestL and 
    64         @see RouteOperationRequestL APIs. These APIs respectively execute the 
    65         first two functions identified above, which are separated in order to 
    66         allow additional information to be added to the routing data by the 
    67         proxy data provider. The third function identified above is not executed 
    68         in this scenario, since a very different dispatching mechanism must be 
    69         used by the proxy data provider. 
    71 The parser/router implements a number of different routing algorithm types, 
    72 some of which are further decomposed into sub-types to achieve a finer level of 
    73 routing granularity and control. In combination these algorithms support the 
    74 following general routing mechanisms:
    76     1.  Device - A subset of device oriented MTP operations are always 
    77         dispatched to the device data provider.
    78     2.  Proxy - A subset of MTP operations cannot be dispatched directly. 
    79         Either they require the combined processing capabilities of multiple 
    80         data providers to produce an aggregated response, or cannot be routed 
    81         using data available from the operation dataset alone. These operations
    82         are dispatched to the proxy data provider for additional processing. 
    83     3.  Object Handle - MTP object handles generated by the MTP framework are 
    84         encoded with a data provider identifier to efficiently route those MTP 
    85         operations which supply an object handle as a parameter.
    86     4.  StorageID - MTP storage identifiers generated by the MTP framework are 
    87         encoded with a data provider identifier to efficiently route those MTP 
    88         operations which supply a storage identifier as a parameter.
    89     5.  Operation Parameter - On being loaded each data provider supplies a set 
    90         of configuration data (MTP operation codes, event codes, object 
    91         property codes, device property codes, and storage system types) which 
    92         collectively define the set of MTP operation requests that it wishes to 
    93         receive.
    94     6.  Request Registration - Data providers may optionally register MTP 
    95         operation request datasets with the framework which, when subsequently 
    96         matched, will be routed to them. This mechanism is used to route those 
    97         MTP operation types which are paired to complete over two transaction 
    98         cycles (e.g. SendObjectInfo/SendObject). It may also be used to route 
    99         vendor extension operation requests.
   101 The following routing algorithm types are implemeted:
   103     1.  Operation Parameter Routing
   105         Operation parameter routing is the primary routing mechanism and by 
   106         default is enabled for both initial and secondary proxy routing 
   107         scenarios. Operation parameter routing involves selecting one or more 
   108         data provider targets using routing data obtained from or related to 
   109         the supplied operation dataset parameters using one of the following 
   110         sub-types:
   112         o   Parameter lookup routing sub-types, which match operation dataset 
   113             parameter data with the set of supported capabilities registered 
   114             by each data provider on being loaded, or;
   115         o   Parameter decode routing sub-types, which extract data provider 
   116             target identifiers encoded into the parameter data itself.
   118         The parameter lookup routing sub-types are table driven and utilise 
   119         binary search techniques to minimise processing overhead. The 
   120         following parameter lookup routing sub-types (tables) are implemented,
   121         each characterised by the combination of parameters they require to map
   122         to a routing target:
   124         o   DevicePropCode
   125         o   ObjectPropCode
   126         o   OperationCode
   127         o   StorageType
   128         o   FormatCode + FormatSubcode
   129         o   FormatCode + OperationCode
   130         o   StorageType + OperationCode
   131         o   FormatCode + FormatSubcode + StorageType
   133         These routing tables may be further characterised by modifier flags 
   134         which e.g. allow or disallow duplicate entries, or specify ascending 
   135         or descending sort orders which in turn can manipulate the order in 
   136         which proxy targets are processed.
   138         The parameter decode routing sub-types extract routing target 
   139         identifiers directly from the operation dataset parameter data itself. 
   140         The following parameter decode routing sub-types are implemented:
   142         o   Object Handle
   143         o   StorageID
   145     2.  Framework Routing
   147         By default, framework routing is enabled during initial operation 
   148         routing only and not during secondary proxy routing. Framework routing 
   149         directs a sub-set of MTP operations to one or other of the framework 
   150         data providers. Using one of the following routing sub-types: 
   152         o   Device DP. A fixed sub-set of MTP operations are always dispatched 
   153             to the device data provider.
   154         o   Proxy DP. A fixed sub-set of MTP operations are always dispatched 
   155             to the proxy data provider. In addition, any operations which yield
   156             multiple routing targets will also be routed to the proxy data 
   157             provider.
   159     3.  Request Registration Routing
   161         By default, request registration routing is enabled during initial 
   162         operation routing only and not during secondary proxy routing. Data 
   163         providers may optionally register MTP operation request datasets with 
   164         the framework which, when subsequently matched, will be routed to them.
   165         This mechanism is used to process those MTP operation types which are 
   166         paired to complete over two transaction cycles (e.g. 
   167         SendObjectInfo/SendObject). It may also be used to route vendor 
   168         extension operation requests.
   170         Request registration routing does not implement any routing sub-types.
   172 @internalTechnology
   174 */
   175 class CMTPParserRouter : public CBase
   176     {
   177 public:
   179     /**
   180     Defines the MTP operation routing parameter data, which is an output of the 
   181     parser/routers @see ParseOperationRequestL API and an input to the 
   182     @see RouteOperationRequestL API. 
   183     */
   184     class TRoutingParameters
   185         {
   186     public: 
   188         /**
   189         The routing parameter type identifiers. Note that not all parameter
   190         types may be defined, only those deemed necessary to route the 
   191         associated operation dataset.
   192         */
   193         enum TParameterType
   194             {
   195             /**
   196             The DevicePropCode parameter.
   197             */
   198             EParamDevicePropCode,
   200             /**
   201             The object FormatCode parameter.
   202             */
   203             EParamFormatCode,
   205             /**
   206             The object format sub-code parameter. This parameter is undefined 
   207             unless @see EFormatCode contains a value of 
   208             @see EMTPFormatCodeAssociation, in which case this parameter should
   209             the specify the MTP association type code.
   210             */
   211             EParamFormatSubCode,
   213             /**
   214             The ObjectHandle parameter.
   215             */
   216             EParamObjectHandle,
   218             /**
   219             The ObjectPropCode parameter.
   220             */
   221             EParamObjectPropCode,
   223             /**
   224             The StorageId parameter.
   225             */
   226             EParamStorageId,
   228             /**
   229             The storage system type parameter.
   230             */
   231             EParamStorageSystemType,
   233             /**
   234             The invalid dataset flag. When set, this flag indicates that an 
   235             operation dataset validation check failed.
   236             */
   237             EFlagInvalid,
   239             /**
   240             The routing type codes. This flag is intended for internal use 
   241             only.
   242             */
   243             EFlagRoutingTypes,
   245             /**
   246             The ServiceID parameter.
   247             */
   248             EParamServiceId,
   250             /**
   251             */
   252             ENumTypes
   253             };
   255     public: 
   257         IMPORT_C TRoutingParameters(const TMTPTypeRequest& aRequest, MMTPConnection& aConnection);
   258         TRoutingParameters(const TRoutingParameters& aParams);
   260         IMPORT_C MMTPConnection& Connection() const;
   261         IMPORT_C TUint Param(TParameterType aId) const;
   262         IMPORT_C void Reset();
   263         IMPORT_C const TMTPTypeRequest& Request() const; 
   264         IMPORT_C void SetParam(TParameterType aId, TUint aVal);
   266     private: // Not owned
   268         /**
   269         The handle of the MTP connection on which the operation is being
   270         processed.
   271         */
   272         MMTPConnection&        			iConnection;
   274         /**
   275         The operation dataset.
   276         */
   277         const TMTPTypeRequest&			iRequest; 
   279     private: // Owned
   281         TUint                           iParameterData[ENumTypes];
   282         TFixedArray<TUint, ENumTypes>	iParameters;
   283         };
   285 public:
   287     static CMTPParserRouter* NewL(); 
   288     virtual ~CMTPParserRouter();
   290     IMPORT_C void ConfigureL();
   291     IMPORT_C TBool OperationSupportedL(TUint16 aOperation) const;
   292     IMPORT_C void ParseOperationRequestL(TRoutingParameters& aParams) const;
   293     IMPORT_C void RouteOperationRequestL(const TRoutingParameters& aParams, RArray<TUint>& aTargets) const;
   294     IMPORT_C TBool RouteRequestRegisteredL(const TMTPTypeRequest& aRequest, MMTPConnection& aConnection) const;
   296     void ProcessEventL(const TMTPTypeEvent& aEvent, CMTPConnection& aConnection) const;
   297     void ProcessRequestL(const TMTPTypeRequest& aRequest, CMTPConnection& aConnection) const;
   298     void RouteRequestRegisterL(const TMTPTypeRequest& aRequest, MMTPConnection& aConnection, TInt aId);
   299     void RouteRequestUnregisterL(const TMTPTypeRequest& aRequest, MMTPConnection& aConnection);
   301 private: // Owned
   303     /**
   304     Defines the routing type codes. These codes are partitioned into 
   305     two sub-fields as follows:
   307         1.  Bits  0-15 - routing type identifier.
   308         2.	Bits 16-23 - unused.
   309         3.  Bits 24-31 - routing type modifier flags.
   310     */
   311     enum TRoutingType
   312         {
   313         /**
   314         The routing type modifier flags mask.
   315         */
   316         ETypeFlagMask            	= 0xFF000000,
   318         /**
   319         The single target flag. When set this flag will result in at most one
   320         eligible routing target being selected. If multiple eligible targets 
   321         exists then the first eligible target will be selected.
   322         */
   323         ETypeFlagSingleTarget       = 0x01000000,
   325         /**
   326         The routing type identifier mask.
   327         */
   328         ETypeMask                   = 0x0000FFFF,
   330         /**
   331         The framework routing type identifier.
   332         */
   333         ETypeFramework              = 0x00000001,
   335         /**
   336         The operation parameter routing type identifier.
   337         */
   338         ETypeOperationParameter		= 0x00000002,
   340         /**
   341         The request registration routing type identifier.
   342         */
   343         ETypeRequestRegistration	= 0x00000004,
   344         };
   346     /**
   347     Defines the routing sub-type codes. These codes are partitioned into 
   348     two sub-fields as follows:
   350         1.  Bits  0-15 - routing sub-type (map) index.
   351         2.  Bits 16-23 - routing sub-type modifier flags.
   352         3.  Bits 24-31 - routing sub-type parameter count type.
   353     */
   354     enum TRoutingSubType
   355         {
   356         /**
   357         The routing sub-type identifier (table index) mask.
   358         */
   359         ESubTypeIndexMask                        	= 0x0000FFFF,
   361         /**
   362         The routing sub-type modifier bit flags mask.
   363         */
   364         ESubTypeFlagMask                            = 0x00FF0000,
   366         /**
   367         The null flag bits.
   368         */
   369         ESubTypeFlagNone                            = 0x00000000,
   371         /**
   372         The duplicates enabled flag bits. When set this flag indicates that 
   373         duplicate routing table entries are permitted.
   374         */
   375         ESubTypeFlagEnableDuplicates                = 0x00010000,
   377         /**
   378         The order descending flag bits. When set this flag indicates that 
   379         routing table entries are to be arranged in descending rather than 
   380         ascending order.
   381         */
   382         ESubTypeFlagOrderDescending               	= 0x00020000,
   384         /**
   385         The routing sub-type parameter count mask.
   386         */
   387         ESubTypeParamsMask                       	= 0xFF000000,
   389         /**
   390         The zero parameter count code.
   391         */
   392         ESubTypeParams0                           	= 0x00000000,
   394         /**
   395         The one parameter count code.
   396         */
   397         ESubTypeParams1                          	= 0x01000000,
   399         /**
   400         The two parameter count code.
   401         */
   402         ESubTypeParams2                           	= 0x02000000,
   404         /**
   405         The three parameter count code.
   406         */
   407         ESubTypeParams3                           	= 0x03000000,
   409         /**
   410         The DevicePropCode operation parameter lookup routing sub-type.
   411         */
   412         ESubTypeDevicePropCode                  	= (0x00000000 | ESubTypeParams1 | ESubTypeFlagNone),
   414         /**
   415         The ObjectPropCode operation parameter lookup routing sub-type.
   416         */
   417         ESubTypeObjectPropCode                   	= (0x00000001 | ESubTypeParams1 | ESubTypeFlagEnableDuplicates),
   419         /**
   420         The OperationCode operation parameter lookup routing sub-type.
   421         */
   422         ESubTypeOperationCode                    	= (0x00000002 | ESubTypeParams1 | ESubTypeFlagEnableDuplicates),
   424         /**
   425         The StorageType operation parameter lookup routing sub-type.
   426         */
   427         ESubTypeStorageType                     	= (0x00000003 | ESubTypeParams1 | ESubTypeFlagEnableDuplicates),
   429         /**
   430         The FormatCode + FormatSubcode operation parameter lookup routing 
   431         sub-type.
   432         */
   433         ESubTypeFormatCodeFormatSubcode          	= (0x00000004 | ESubTypeParams2 | (ESubTypeFlagEnableDuplicates | ESubTypeFlagOrderDescending)),
   435         /**
   436         The FormatCode + OperationCode operation parameter lookup routing 
   437         sub-type.
   438         */
   439         ESubTypeFormatCodeOperationCode          	= (0x00000005 | ESubTypeParams2 | ESubTypeFlagEnableDuplicates),
   441         /**
   442         The StorageType + OperationCode operation parameter lookup routing 
   443         sub-type.
   444         */
   445         ESubTypeStorageTypeOperationCode            = (0x00000006 | ESubTypeParams2 | ESubTypeFlagEnableDuplicates),
   447         /**
   448         The FormatCode + FormatSubcode + StorageType operation parameter 
   449         lookup routing sub-type.
   450         */
   451         ESubTypeFormatCodeFormatSubcodeStorageType	= (0x00000007 | ESubTypeParams3 | ESubTypeFlagNone),
   453         /**
   454         The ServiceID operation parameter lookup routing sub-type.
   455         */
   456         ESubTypeServiceIDOperationCode              = (0x00000008 | ESubTypeParams1 | ESubTypeFlagNone),
   458         /**
   459         The device DP framework routing sub-type.
   460         */
   461         ESubTypeDpDevice                            = (0x00000009 | ESubTypeParams0 | ESubTypeFlagNone),
   463         /**
   464         The proxy DP framework routing sub-type.
   465         */
   466         ESubTypeDpProxy                         	= (0x0000000A | ESubTypeParams0 | ESubTypeFlagNone),
   468         /**
   469         The object owner operation parameter decode routing sub-type.
   470         */
   471         ESubTypeOwnerObject                     	= (0x0000000B | ESubTypeParams0 | ESubTypeFlagNone),
   473         /**
   474         The storage owner operation parameter decode routing sub-type.
   475         */
   476         ESubTypeOwnerStorage                        = (0x0000000C | ESubTypeParams0 | ESubTypeFlagNone),
   478         /**
   479         The default request registration routing sub-type.
   480         */
   481         ESubTypeRequestRegistration             	= (0x0000000D | ESubTypeParams0 | ESubTypeFlagNone),
   483         };
   485     /**
   486     Defines the routing parameter IDs.
   487     */
   488     enum TRoutingParams
   489         {
   490         /**
   491         The first parameter.
   492         */
   493         EParam1 = 0,
   495         /**
   496         The second parameter.
   497         */
   498         EParam2 = 1
   500         /**
   501         The third parameter.
   502         */,
   503         EParam3 = 2,
   504         };
   506     /**
   507     Implements a simple single parameter map table entry which associates a 
   508     single routing parameter value and target data provider identifier pair. 
   509     */
   510     class TMap
   511         {
   512     public:
   514         TMap(TUint aFrom);
   515         TMap(TUint aFrom, TUint aTo, TUint aSubType);
   517     public:
   519         /**
   520         The routing parameter.
   521         */
   522         TUint   iFrom;
   524         /**
   525         The routing table sub-type code.
   526         */
   527         TUint   iSubType;
   529         /**
   530         The routing target data provider identifier.
   531         */
   532         TUint	iTo;
   533         };
   535     /**
   536     Implements a generic, multi-parameter routing table data structure. This 
   537     table implements owns EITHER:
   539         1.  A container of @see TMap node objects if implementing a single 
   540             parameter table or the final level (n) of a multi-parameter table,
   541             OR;
   542         2.  A container of @see CMap branch objects if implementing an 
   543             intermediate level (1 .. n-1) of a multi-parameter table.
   544     */
   545     class CMap : public CBase
   546         {            
   547     public:
   549         static CMap* NewLC(TUint aSubType);
   550         ~CMap();
   552         TUint From() const;
   553         void InitParamsL(RArray<TUint>& aFrom) const;
   554         void InsertL(const RArray<TUint>& aFrom, TUint aTo);
   555         void GetToL(const RArray<TUint>& aFrom, RArray<TUint>& aTo) const;
   556         TUint SubType() const;
   558 #ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
   559         void FLOGMapL(RArray<TUint>& aFrom) const;
   560         void FLOGMapEntryL(const RArray<TUint>& aFrom, TUint aTo) const;
   561 #endif
   563     private:
   565         static CMap* NewLC(TUint aFrom, TUint aSubType);
   566         CMap(TUint aFrom, TUint aSubType);
   567         void ConstructL();
   569         TInt BranchFind(TUint aFrom) const;
   570         TUint BranchInsertL(TUint aFrom);
   571         TInt NodeFind(TUint aFrom) const;
   572         TInt NodeFind(const TMap& aNode) const;
   573         TUint NodeInsertL(const TMap& aMap);
   574         TUint Param(const RArray<TUint>& aFrom) const;
   575         TUint ParamIdx(const RArray<TUint>& aFrom) const;
   576         void SelectTargetAllL(const RArray<TUint>& aFrom, RArray<TUint>& aTo) const;
   577         void SelectTargetMatchingL(const RArray<TUint>& aFrom, RArray<TUint>& aTo) const;
   578         void SelectTargetSingleL(const RArray<TUint>& aFrom, RArray<TUint>& aTo) const;
   580         static TInt BranchOrderFromAscending(const CMap& aL, const CMap& aR);
   581         static TInt BranchOrderFromDescending(const CMap& aL, const CMap& aR);
   582         static TInt BranchOrderFromKeyAscending(const TUint* aL, const CMap& aR);
   583         static TInt BranchOrderFromKeyDescending(const TUint* aL, const CMap& aR);
   584         static TInt NodeOrderFromAscending(const TMap& aL, const TMap& aR);
   585         static TInt NodeOrderFromDescending(const TMap& aL, const TMap& aR);
   586         static TInt NodeOrderFromKeyAscending(const TUint* aL, const TMap& aR);
   587         static TInt NodeOrderFromKeyDescending(const TUint* aL, const TMap& aR);
   588         static TInt NodeOrderFromToAscending(const TMap& aL, const TMap& aR);
   589         static TInt NodeOrderFromToDescending(const TMap& aL, const TMap& aR);
   591     private:
   593         /**
   594         FLOGGER debug trace member variable.
   595         */
   598         /**
   599         The routing parameter.
   600         */
   601         TUint               iFrom;
   603         /**
   604         The routing table sub-type code.
   605         */
   606         TUint               iSubType;
   608         /**
   609         The @see CMap branch object container. This container is only populated
   610         if implementing an intermediate level (1 .. n-1) of a multi-parameter 
   611         table.
   612         */
   613         RPointerArray<CMap> iToBranches;
   615         /**
   616         The @see TMap node object container. This container is only populated 
   617         if implementing a single parameter table or the final level (n) of a 
   618         multi-parameter table.
   619         */
   620         RArray<TMap>        iToNodes;
   621         };
   623 private:
   625     CMTPParserRouter();
   626     void ConstructL();
   628     static void GetMapParameterIdsL(TUint aSubType, RArray<TUint>& aP1Codes, RArray<TUint>& aP2Codes, RArray<TUint>& aP3Codes);
   629     static void SelectTargetL(TUint aTarget, RArray<TUint>& aTargets);
   631     void Configure1ParameterMapL(TUint aSubType, const RArray<TUint>& aP1Codes);
   632     void Configure2ParameterMapL(TUint aSubType, const RArray<TUint>& aP1Codes, const RArray<TUint>& aP2Codes);
   633     void Configure3ParameterMapL(TUint aSubType, const RArray<TUint>& aP1Codes, const RArray<TUint>& aP2Codes, const RArray<TUint>& aP3Codes);
   634     void GetConfigParametersL(const CMTPDataProvider& aDp, const RArray<TUint>& aCodes, RArray<TUint>& aParams) const;
   635     void GetRoutingSubTypesL(RArray<TRoutingParameters>& aParams, RArray<TUint>& aRoutingSubTypes, RArray<TUint>& aValidationSubTypes) const;
   636     void GetRoutingSubTypesDeleteRequestL(RArray<TRoutingParameters>& aParams, RArray<TUint>& aRoutingSubTypes, RArray<TUint>& aValidationSubTypes) const;
   637     void GetRoutingSubTypesCopyMoveRequestL(RArray<TRoutingParameters>& aParams, RArray<TUint>& aRoutingSubTypes, RArray<TUint>& aValidationSubTypes) const;
   638     void GetRoutingSubTypesGetObjectPropListRequestL(RArray<TRoutingParameters>& aParams, RArray<TUint>& aRoutingSubTypes, RArray<TUint>& aValidationSubTypes) const;
   639     void GetRoutingSubTypesSendObjectPropListRequestL(RArray<TRoutingParameters>& aParams, RArray<TUint>& aRoutingSubTypes, RArray<TUint>& aValidationSubTypes) const;
   640     void GetRoutingSubTypesDeleteObjectPropListL(RArray<TRoutingParameters>& aParams, RArray<TUint>& aRoutingSubTypes, RArray<TUint>& aValidationSubTypes) const;
   641     void GetRoutingSubTypesGetFormatCapabilitiesL(RArray<TRoutingParameters>& aParams, RArray<TUint>& aRoutingSubTypes, RArray<TUint>& aValidationSubTypes) const;
   642     void ParseOperationRequestParameterL(TMTPTypeRequest::TElements aParam, TRoutingParameters::TParameterType aType, TRoutingParameters& aParams) const;
   643     void RouteOperationRequestNParametersL(TUint aRoutingSubType, const TRoutingParameters& aParams, RArray<TUint>& aTargets) const;
   644     void RouteOperationRequest0ParametersL(TUint aRoutingSubType, const TRoutingParameters& aParams, RArray<TUint>& aTargets) const;
   645     TUint RoutingTargetL(const TMTPTypeRequest& aRequest, CMTPConnection& aConnection) const;
   646     void SelectSubTypeRoutingL(TRoutingSubType aSubType, RArray<TUint>& aRoutingSubTypes, RArray<TUint>& aValidationSubTypes, RArray<TRoutingParameters>& aParams) const; 
   647     void SelectSubTypeValidationL(TRoutingSubType aSubType, RArray<TUint>& aValidationSubTypes) const;
   648     void ValidateTargetsL(const TRoutingParameters& aParams, const RArray<TUint>& aValidationSubTypes, RArray<TUint>& aTargets) const;
   650     static TUint Flags(TUint aSubType);
   651     static TUint Index(TUint aSubType);
   652     static TUint Params(TUint aSubType);
   653     static TUint ParamsCount(TUint aSubType);
   654     static TUint SubType(TUint aIndex, TUint aFlags, TUint aParamsCount);
   656 #ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
   657     void FLOGMapsL() const;
   658 #endif
   660 private: // Owned
   662     /**
   663     FLOGGER debug trace member variable.
   664     */
   667     /**
   668     The operation parameter routing sub-type map tables.
   669     */
   670     RPointerArray<CMap> iMaps;
   672     /**
   673     The framework singletons.
   674     */
   675     RMTPFramework       iSingletons;
   676     };
   678 #endif // CMTPPARSERROUTER_H