changeset 0 d0791faffa3f
child 2 4843bb5893b6
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:d0791faffa3f
     1 // Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include <mtp/cmtpobjectmetadata.h>
    17 #include <mtp/mtpprotocolconstants.h>
    19 #include "cmtpconnection.h"
    20 #include "cmtpdataprovider.h"
    21 #include "cmtpdataprovidercontroller.h"
    22 #include "cmtpframeworkconfig.h"
    23 #include "cmtpobjectmgr.h"
    24 #include "cmtpparserrouter.h"
    25 #include "cmtpsession.h"
    26 #include "cmtpstoragemgr.h"
    27 #include "tmtptypeobjecthandle.h"
    28 #include "cmtpservicemgr.h"
    30 // Class constants.
    31 __FLOG_STMT(_LIT8(KComponent,"ParserRouter");)
    33 /**
    34 Provides the byte size of the specified array.
    35 */
    36 #define _ARRAY_SIZE(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]))
    39 /**
    40 CMTPParserRouter panic codes.
    41 */
    42 _LIT(KMTPPanicCategory, "CMTPParserRouter");
    43 enum TMTPPanicReasons
    44     {
    45     EMTPPanicRoutingConflict = 0
    46     };
    48 /**
    49 Produces a "CMTPParserRouter" category panic.
    50 @param aReason The panic code.
    51 */
    52 LOCAL_C void Panic(TInt aReason)
    53     {
    54     User::Panic(KMTPPanicCategory, aReason);
    55     }
    57 /**
    58 Constructor.
    59 */
    60 EXPORT_C CMTPParserRouter::TRoutingParameters::TRoutingParameters(const TMTPTypeRequest& aRequest, MMTPConnection& aConnection) :
    61     iConnection(aConnection),
    62     iRequest(aRequest),
    63     iParameters(iParameterData, ENumTypes)
    64     {
    65     Reset();
    66     }
    69 /**
    70 Copy constructor.
    71 */
    72 CMTPParserRouter::TRoutingParameters::TRoutingParameters(const TRoutingParameters& aParams) :
    73     iConnection(aParams.iConnection),
    74     iRequest(aParams.iRequest),
    75     iParameters(iParameterData, ENumTypes)
    76     {
    77     iParameters.Copy(aParams.iParameters.Begin(), aParams.iParameters.Count());
    78     }
    80 /**
    81 Provides the handle of the MTP connection on associated with the operation.
    82 @return The MTP connection handle.
    83 */    
    84 EXPORT_C MMTPConnection& CMTPParserRouter::TRoutingParameters::Connection() const
    85     {
    86     return iConnection;
    87     }
    89 /**
    90 Provides the value of the specified parameter.
    91 @param aId The parameter identifier.
    92 @return The parameter value.
    93 */
    94 EXPORT_C TUint CMTPParserRouter::TRoutingParameters::Param(CMTPParserRouter::TRoutingParameters::TParameterType aId) const
    95     {
    96     return iParameters[aId];
    97     }
    99 /**
   100 Resets all parameter values to zero.
   101 */
   102 EXPORT_C void CMTPParserRouter::TRoutingParameters::Reset()
   103     {
   104     iParameters.Reset();
   105     }
   107 /**
   108 Provides the operation dataset associated with the operation.
   109 @return The operation dataset.
   110 */
   111 EXPORT_C const TMTPTypeRequest& CMTPParserRouter::TRoutingParameters::Request() const
   112     {
   113     return iRequest;
   114     }
   116 /**
   117 Sets the value of the specified parameter.
   118 @param aId The parameter identifier.
   119 @param aVal The new parameter value.
   120 */
   121 EXPORT_C void CMTPParserRouter::TRoutingParameters::SetParam(CMTPParserRouter::TRoutingParameters::TParameterType aId, TUint aVal)
   122     {
   123     iParameters[aId] = aVal;
   124     }
   126 /**
   127 CMTPParserRouter factory method.
   128 @return A pointer to a new CMTPDataProvider instance. Ownership IS transfered.
   129 @leave One of the system wide error codes if a processing failure occurs.
   130  */
   131 CMTPParserRouter* CMTPParserRouter::NewL()
   132     {
   133     CMTPParserRouter* self = new (ELeave) CMTPParserRouter();
   134     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   135     self->ConstructL();
   136     CleanupStack::Pop(self);
   137     return self;
   138     }
   140 /**
   141 Destructor
   142 */
   143 CMTPParserRouter::~CMTPParserRouter()
   144     {
   145     __FLOG(_L8("~CMTPParserRouter, Entry"));
   146     iMaps.ResetAndDestroy();
   147     iSingletons.Close();
   148     __FLOG(_L8("~CMTPParserRouter, Exit"));
   149     __FLOG_CLOSE;
   150     }
   152 /**
   153 Configures the parser/router. This processing primarily involves retrieving 
   154 each data provider's set of supported category codes and using them to build
   155 up the operation parameter lookup routing sub-type tables.
   156 @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a processing failure occurs.
   157 */
   158 EXPORT_C void CMTPParserRouter::ConfigureL()
   159     {
   160     __FLOG(_L8("ConfigureL, Entry"));    
   161     const TUint KMapIds[] = 
   162         {
   163         ESubTypeDevicePropCode,
   164         ESubTypeObjectPropCode,
   165         ESubTypeOperationCode,
   166         ESubTypeStorageType,
   167         ESubTypeFormatCodeFormatSubcode,
   168         ESubTypeFormatCodeOperationCode,
   169         ESubTypeStorageTypeOperationCode,
   170         ESubTypeFormatCodeFormatSubcodeStorageType,
   171         ESubTypeServiceIDOperationCode
   172         };
   174     iMaps.ResetAndDestroy();
   175     for (TUint i(0); (i < _ARRAY_SIZE(KMapIds)); i++)
   176         {
   177         const TUint KSubType(KMapIds[i]);
   178         CMap* map(CMap::NewLC(KSubType));
   179         iMaps.AppendL(map);
   180         CleanupStack::Pop(map);
   182         RArray<TUint> p1Codes;
   183         RArray<TUint> p2Codes;
   184         RArray<TUint> p3Codes;
   185         CleanupClosePushL(p1Codes);
   186         CleanupClosePushL(p2Codes);
   187         CleanupClosePushL(p3Codes);
   189         GetMapParameterIdsL(KSubType, p1Codes, p2Codes, p3Codes);
   191         const TUint KParams(KSubType & ESubTypeParamsMask);
   192         switch (KParams)
   193             {
   194         case ESubTypeParams1:
   195             Configure1ParameterMapL(KSubType, p1Codes);
   196             break;
   198         case ESubTypeParams2:
   199             Configure2ParameterMapL(KSubType, p1Codes, p2Codes);
   200             break;
   202         case ESubTypeParams3:
   203             Configure3ParameterMapL(KSubType, p1Codes, p2Codes, p3Codes);
   204             break;
   206         default:
   207             __DEBUG_ONLY(User::Invariant());
   208             break;
   209             }
   211         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&p3Codes);
   212         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&p2Codes);
   213         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&p1Codes);
   214         }
   216     __FLOG_STMT(FLOGMapsL());
   217     __FLOG(_L8("ConfigureL, Exit"));
   218     }
   220 /**
   221 Indicates if the specified MTP operation code is supported by any of the set 
   222 of loaded data providers.
   223 @param aOperation The MTP operation code.
   224 @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a processing failure occurs.
   225 */    
   226 EXPORT_C TBool CMTPParserRouter::OperationSupportedL(TUint16 aOperation) const
   227     {
   228     __FLOG(_L8("OperationSupported, Entry"));
   229     RArray<TUint> from;
   230     RArray<TUint> to;
   231     CleanupClosePushL(from);
   232     CleanupClosePushL(to);
   234     from.AppendL(aOperation);
   235     iMaps[Index(ESubTypeOperationCode)]->GetToL(from, to);
   236     TBool ret(to.Count() > 0);
   238     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&to);
   239     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&from);
   240     __FLOG(_L8("OperationSupported, Exit"));
   241     return (ret);
   242     }
   244 /**
   245 Parses the operation dataset supplied in the specified routing parameters 
   246 object which encapsulates all information required to route the operation. 
   247 The parsing process involves:
   249     1.  Extracting all relevant routing information from the received operation 
   250         dataset. Note that not all parameter data is extracted, only that which 
   251         is required to route the operation.
   252     2.  Coarse grain validating the parsed data. Specifically this involves 
   253         validating that any MTP StorageID or Object Handle parameter data refers 
   254         to valid entities that exist on the device.
   255     3.    Extracting additional meta-data related to specific data objects and/or 
   256         storages referred to in the operation dataset and which is required to 
   257         route the operation.
   259 @param aParams The routing parameters object. On entry this contains the 
   260 operation dataset to be parsed and the handle of the MTP connection on which it
   261 was received. On exit this contains all information required to route the 
   262 operation. 
   263 @leave One of the system wide error codes if a processing failure occurs,
   264 */
   265 EXPORT_C void CMTPParserRouter::ParseOperationRequestL(TRoutingParameters& aParams) const
   266     {
   267     __FLOG(_L8("ParseOperationRequestL, Entry"));
   268     const TUint16 KOpCode(aParams.Request().Uint16(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestOperationCode));
   269     __FLOG_VA((_L8("Operation Code = 0x%04X"), KOpCode));
   270     switch (KOpCode)
   271         {
   272     case EMTPOpCodeGetStorageInfo:
   273         ParseOperationRequestParameterL(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestParameter1, TRoutingParameters::EParamStorageId, aParams);
   274         break;
   276     case EMTPOpCodeGetObjectInfo:
   277     case EMTPOpCodeGetObject:
   278     case EMTPOpCodeGetThumb:
   279     case EMTPOpCodeSetObjectProtection:
   280     case EMTPOpCodeMoveObject:
   281     case EMTPOpCodeCopyObject:        
   282     case EMTPOpCodeGetPartialObject:
   283     case EMTPOpCodeGetObjectReferences:
   284     case EMTPOpCodeSetObjectReferences:
   285     case EMTPOpCodeUpdateObjectPropList :
   286     case EMTPOpCodeDeleteObjectPropList :
   287         ParseOperationRequestParameterL(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestParameter1, TRoutingParameters::EParamObjectHandle, aParams);
   288         break; 
   290     case EMTPOpCodeGetObjectPropValue:
   291     case EMTPOpCodeSetObjectPropValue:
   292         ParseOperationRequestParameterL(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestParameter1, TRoutingParameters::EParamObjectHandle, aParams);
   293         ParseOperationRequestParameterL(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestParameter2, TRoutingParameters::EParamObjectPropCode, aParams);
   294         break; 
   296     case EMTPOpCodeDeleteObject:              
   297         ParseOperationRequestParameterL(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestParameter1, TRoutingParameters::EParamObjectHandle, aParams);
   298         ParseOperationRequestParameterL(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestParameter2, TRoutingParameters::EParamFormatCode, aParams); 
   299         break;
   301     case EMTPOpCodeSendObjectInfo:
   302         ParseOperationRequestParameterL(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestParameter1, TRoutingParameters::EParamStorageId, aParams);
   303         break;
   305     case EMTPOpCodeInitiateCapture: 
   306     case EMTPOpCodeInitiateOpenCapture:
   307         {   
   308         ParseOperationRequestParameterL(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestParameter1, TRoutingParameters::EParamStorageId, aParams);
   309         ParseOperationRequestParameterL(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestParameter2, TRoutingParameters::EParamFormatCode, aParams); 
   310         TUint format(aParams.Request().Uint32(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestParameter2));
   311         if (format == KMTPNotSpecified32)
   312             {
   313             iSingletons.FrameworkConfig().GetValueL(MMTPFrameworkConfig::EDefaultObjectFormatCode, format);
   314             if (format == KMTPNotSpecified32)
   315                 {
   316                 format = EMTPFormatCodeUndefined;
   317                 }
   318             aParams.SetParam(TRoutingParameters::EParamFormatCode, format);
   319             }
   320         }
   321         break; 
   323     case EMTPOpCodeSendObjectPropList:
   324         ParseOperationRequestParameterL(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestParameter1, TRoutingParameters::EParamStorageId, aParams);
   325         ParseOperationRequestParameterL(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestParameter3, TRoutingParameters::EParamFormatCode, aParams); 
   326         break;  
   328     case EMTPOpCodeGetDevicePropDesc:
   329     case EMTPOpCodeGetDevicePropValue:
   330     case EMTPOpCodeSetDevicePropValue:
   331     case EMTPOpCodeResetDevicePropValue:
   332         ParseOperationRequestParameterL(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestParameter1, TRoutingParameters::EParamDevicePropCode, aParams);
   333         break;
   335     case EMTPOpCodeGetObjectPropsSupported:
   336     case EMTPOpCodeGetInterdependentPropDesc:
   337     case EMTPOpCodeGetFormatCapabilities:
   338         ParseOperationRequestParameterL(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestParameter1, TRoutingParameters::EParamFormatCode, aParams); 
   339         break;
   341     case EMTPOpCodeGetObjectPropDesc:
   342         ParseOperationRequestParameterL(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestParameter1, TRoutingParameters::EParamObjectPropCode, aParams); 
   343         ParseOperationRequestParameterL(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestParameter2, TRoutingParameters::EParamFormatCode, aParams);
   344         break;
   346     case EMTPOpCodeGetObjectPropList:              
   347         ParseOperationRequestParameterL(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestParameter2, TRoutingParameters::EParamFormatCode, aParams);
   348         ParseOperationRequestParameterL(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestParameter1, TRoutingParameters::EParamObjectHandle, aParams);
   349         ParseOperationRequestParameterL(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestParameter3, TRoutingParameters::EParamObjectPropCode, aParams);
   350         break;
   352     case EMTPOpCodeGetServiceInfo :
   353     case EMTPOpCodeGetServiceCapabilities :
   354     case EMTPOpCodeGetServicePropDesc :
   355     case EMTPOpCodeGetServicePropList :
   356     case EMTPOpCodeSetServicePropList:
   357     case EMTPOpCodeDeleteServicePropList :
   358         {
   359         ParseOperationRequestParameterL(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestParameter1, TRoutingParameters::EParamServiceId, aParams);
   360         }
   361         break;
   363     case EMTPOpCodeGetDeviceInfo:
   364     case EMTPOpCodeOpenSession:
   365     case EMTPOpCodeCloseSession:
   366     case EMTPOpCodeGetStorageIDs:
   367     case EMTPOpCodeGetNumObjects:
   368     case EMTPOpCodeGetObjectHandles:
   369     case EMTPOpCodeSendObject:
   370     case EMTPOpCodeFormatStore:
   371     case EMTPOpCodeResetDevice:
   372     case EMTPOpCodeSelfTest:
   373     case EMTPOpCodePowerDown:
   374     case EMTPOpCodeSetObjectPropList:
   375     case EMTPOpCodeSkip:
   376     case EMTPOpCodeGetServiceIDs:
   377         default:
   378         break;
   379         }
   380     __FLOG(_L8("ParseOperationRequestL, Exit"));
   381     }
   383 /**
   384 Routes an MTP operation using the specified routing parameters. By default 
   385 only operation parameter routing is performed.
   386 @param aParams The routing parameters.
   387 @param aTargets One exit, the set of data provider targets to which the 
   388 operation should be dispatched.
   389 @leave One of the system wide error codes if a processing failure occurs,
   390 */
   391 EXPORT_C void CMTPParserRouter::RouteOperationRequestL(const TRoutingParameters& aParams, RArray<TUint>& aTargets) const
   392     {
   393     __FLOG(_L8("RouteOperationRequestL, Entry"));
   394     aTargets.Reset();
   396     // By default ETypeOperationParameter routing is always enabled.
   397     if (!(aParams.Param(TRoutingParameters::EFlagRoutingTypes) & ETypeOperationParameter))
   398         {
   399         const_cast<TRoutingParameters&>(aParams).SetParam(TRoutingParameters::EFlagRoutingTypes, ETypeOperationParameter);
   400         }
   402     // Get the routing and validation sub-types.
   403     RArray<TUint> routing;
   404     CleanupClosePushL(routing);
   405     RArray<TUint> validation;
   406     CleanupClosePushL(validation);
   407     RArray<TRoutingParameters> params;
   408     CleanupClosePushL(params);
   409     params.AppendL(TRoutingParameters(aParams));
   410     TRoutingParameters& param1(params[0]);
   411     GetRoutingSubTypesL(params, routing, validation);
   413     // Execute the routing sub-types.
   414     const TUint KCountParams(params.Count());
   415     for (TUint p(0); ((p < KCountParams) && (aTargets.Count() == 0)); p++)
   416         {
   417         const TRoutingParameters& KParam(params[p]);
   418         const TUint KCountRouting(routing.Count());
   419         for (TUint r(0); (r < KCountRouting); r++)
   420             {
   421             const TUint KRouting(routing[r]);
   422             if ((KRouting & ESubTypeParamsMask) == ESubTypeParams0)
   423                 {
   424                 RouteOperationRequest0ParametersL(KRouting, KParam, aTargets);
   425                 }
   426             else
   427                 {
   428                 RouteOperationRequestNParametersL(KRouting, KParam, aTargets);
   429                 }
   430             }
   431         }
   433     // Execute the validation sub-types.
   434     ValidateTargetsL(param1, validation, aTargets);
   435     const TUint KCountTargets(aTargets.Count());
   436     if ((KCountTargets == 0) && (param1.Param(TRoutingParameters::EFlagRoutingTypes) & ETypeFramework))
   437         {
   438         SelectTargetL(iSingletons.DpController().DeviceDpId(), aTargets);
   439         }
   440     else if (KCountTargets > 1)
   441         {
   442         if (param1.Param(TRoutingParameters::EFlagRoutingTypes) & ETypeFlagSingleTarget)
   443             {
   444             TUint target(KCountTargets);
   445             while (target-- > 1)
   446                 {
   447                 aTargets.Remove(target);
   448                 }
   449             }
   450         else if (param1.Param(TRoutingParameters::EFlagRoutingTypes) & ETypeFramework)
   451             {
   452             aTargets.Reset();
   453             SelectTargetL(iSingletons.DpController().ProxyDpId(), aTargets);
   454             }
   455         }    
   456     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&params);
   457     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&validation);
   458     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&routing);
   459     __FLOG(_L8("RouteOperationRequestL, Exit"));
   460     }
   462 /**
   463 Indicates if a routing request with the specified MTP operation code is 
   464 registered on the specified session.
   465 @param aRequest The MTP operation requesty dataset specifying MTP operation 
   466 code and session.
   467 @param aConnection The handle of the MTP connection on which the operation
   468 request is expected to be received.
   469 @return ETrue if a routing request with the specified MTP operation code is 
   470 registered on the session, otherwise EFalse.
   471 @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a processing failure occurs.
   472 */
   473 EXPORT_C TBool CMTPParserRouter::RouteRequestRegisteredL(const TMTPTypeRequest& aRequest, MMTPConnection& aConnection) const
   474     {
   475     __FLOG(_L8("RouteRequestRegistered, Entry"));
   476     TBool ret(EFalse);
   477     const TUint32 KSessionId(aRequest.Uint32(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestSessionID));
   478     if ((KSessionId != KMTPSessionAll) && (aConnection.SessionWithMTPIdExists(KSessionId)))
   479         {
   480         CMTPSession& session(static_cast<CMTPSession&>(aConnection.SessionWithMTPIdL(KSessionId)));
   481         ret = session.RouteRequestRegistered(aRequest.Uint16(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestOperationCode));
   482         }
   483     __FLOG(_L8("RouteRequestRegistered, Exit"));
   484     return ret;
   485     }
   487 /**
   488 Routes and dispatches the specified MTP event dataset. The only valid event 
   489 that is accepted is CancelTransaction, all other event types are discarded. 
   490 Events are routed to the same target to which the currently active operation 
   491 was dispatched. If there is no active transaction in progress then the event 
   492 will be discarded.
   493 @param aEvent The MTP event dataset.
   494 @param aConnection The MTP connection on which the event was received.
   495 @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a processing failure occurs.
   496 */
   497 void CMTPParserRouter::ProcessEventL(const TMTPTypeEvent& aEvent, CMTPConnection& aConnection) const
   498     {
   499     __FLOG(_L8("ProcessEventL, Entry"));
   500     if ((aEvent.Uint16(TMTPTypeEvent::EEventCode) == EMTPEventCodeCancelTransaction) &&
   501         (aConnection.SessionWithMTPIdExists(aEvent.Uint32(TMTPTypeEvent::EEventSessionID))))
   502         {
   503         CMTPSession& session(static_cast<CMTPSession&>(aConnection.SessionWithMTPIdL(aEvent.Uint32(TMTPTypeEvent::EEventSessionID))));
   504         if (session.TransactionPhase() != EIdlePhase)
   505             {    
   506             iSingletons.DpController().DataProviderL(RoutingTargetL(session.ActiveRequestL(), aConnection)).ExecuteEventL(aEvent, aConnection);
   507             }
   508         }
   509     __FLOG(_L8("ProcessEventL, Exit"));
   510     }
   512 /**
   513 Routes and dispatches the specified MTP operation (request) dataset.
   514 @param aRequest The MTP operation (request) dataset.
   515 @param aConnection The MTP connection on which the event was received.
   516 @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a processing failure occurs.
   517 */
   518 void CMTPParserRouter::ProcessRequestL(const TMTPTypeRequest& aRequest, CMTPConnection& aConnection) const
   519     {
   520     __FLOG(_L8("ProcessRequestL, Entry")); 
   521     iSingletons.DpController().DataProviderL(RoutingTargetL(aRequest, aConnection)).ExecuteRequestL(aRequest, aConnection);
   522     __FLOG(_L8("ProcessRequestL, Exit"));
   523     }
   525 /**
   526 Registers the calling data provider to receive one or more occurrences of 
   527 the specified request dataset that are received on the specified connection.
   528 @param aRequest The operation request dataset being registered.
   529 @param aConnection The handle of the MTP connection on which the operation
   530 request is expected to be received.
   531 @param aId The data provider identifier.
   532 @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a processing failure occurs.
   533 @see MMTPDataProviderFramework::RouteRequestRegisterL
   534 */
   535 void CMTPParserRouter::RouteRequestRegisterL(const TMTPTypeRequest& aRequest, MMTPConnection& aConnection, TInt aId)
   536     {
   537     __FLOG(_L8("RouteRequestRegisterL, Entry"));
   538     const TUint32 KSessionId(aRequest.Uint32(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestSessionID));
   539     if (KSessionId == KMTPSessionAll)
   540         {
   541         // Register the request on all sessions.
   542         const TUint KNumSessions(aConnection.SessionCount());
   543         TUint count(0);
   544         TUint sessionId(1);
   545         while (count < KNumSessions)
   546             {
   547             // Insert the correct session id into a copy of the request and register this copy with the session
   548             if (aConnection.SessionWithMTPIdExists(sessionId))
   549                 {
   550                 // Session exists
   551                 count++;
   552                 TMTPTypeRequest req(aRequest);
   553                 req.SetUint32(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestSessionID, sessionId);
   554                 CMTPSession& session(static_cast<CMTPSession&>(aConnection.SessionWithMTPIdL(sessionId)));
   555                 session.RouteRequestRegisterL(req, aId);
   556                 }
   557             sessionId++;
   558             }
   559         }
   560     else
   561         {
   562         CMTPSession& session(static_cast<CMTPSession&>(aConnection.SessionWithMTPIdL(KSessionId)));
   563         session.RouteRequestRegisterL(aRequest, aId);
   564         }
   565     __FLOG(_L8("RouteRequestRegisterL, Exit"));
   566     }
   568 /**
   569 Cancels a pending RouteRequestRegisterL registration.
   570 @param aRequest The registered operation request dataset.
   571 @param aConnection The handle of the MTP connection for which the operation
   572 request was registered.
   573 @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a general processing error
   574 occurs.
   575 @see MMTPDataProviderFramework::RouteRequestUnregisterL
   576 */
   577 void CMTPParserRouter::RouteRequestUnregisterL(const TMTPTypeRequest& aRequest, MMTPConnection& aConnection)
   578     {
   579     __FLOG(_L8("RouteRequestUnregisterL, Entry"));
   580     CMTPSession& session(static_cast<CMTPSession&>(aConnection.SessionWithMTPIdL(aRequest.Uint32(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestSessionID))));
   581     session.RouteRequestUnregister(aRequest);
   582     __FLOG(_L8("RouteRequestUnregisterL, Exit"));
   583     }
   585 /**
   586 Constructor.
   587 @param aFrom The map source parameter.
   588 */
   589 CMTPParserRouter::TMap::TMap(TUint aFrom) :
   590     iFrom(aFrom),
   591     iSubType(0),
   592     iTo(0)
   593     {
   595     }
   597 /**
   598 Constructor.
   599 @param aFrom The map source parameter.
   600 @param aTo The map target.
   601 @param aSubType The map routing sub-type code (@see CMTPParserRouter::TRoutingSubType).
   602 */
   603 CMTPParserRouter::TMap::TMap(TUint aFrom, TUint aTo, TUint aSubType) :
   604     iFrom(aFrom),
   605     iSubType(aSubType),
   606     iTo(aTo)
   607     {
   609     }
   611 /**
   612 CMTPParserRouter::CMap factory method.
   613 @param aSubType The map routing sub-type code (@see CMTPParserRouter::TRoutingSubType).
   614 @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a general processing error 
   615 occurs.
   616 */
   617 CMTPParserRouter::CMap* CMTPParserRouter::CMap::NewLC(TUint aSubType)
   618     {
   619     return NewLC(0, aSubType);
   620     }
   622 /**
   623 Destructor.
   624 */
   625 CMTPParserRouter::CMap::~CMap()
   626     {
   627     if (Params(iSubType) == ESubTypeParams1)
   628         {
   629         iToNodes.Reset();
   630         }
   631     else
   632         {
   633         iToBranches.ResetAndDestroy();
   634         }
   635     __FLOG_CLOSE;
   636     }
   638 /**
   639 Provides the map source parameter.
   640 @return The map source parameter.
   641 */
   642 TUint CMTPParserRouter::CMap::From() const
   643     {
   644     return iFrom;
   645     }
   647 /**
   648 Initialises a map source parameter set array.
   649 @param aFrom On exit, the initialised map source parameter set array.
   650 @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a general processing error 
   651 occurs.
   653 */
   654 void CMTPParserRouter::CMap::InitParamsL(RArray<TUint>& aFrom) const
   655     {
   656     aFrom.Reset();
   657     TUint KCount(ParamsCount(iSubType));
   658     for (TUint i(0); (i < KCount); i++)
   659         {
   660         aFrom.AppendL(0);
   661         }
   662     }
   664 /**
   665 Inserts an entry into the map table with the specified source and target 
   666 parameters.
   667 @param aFrom The map source parameter set array.
   668 @param aFrom The map target parameter.
   669 @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a general processing error 
   670 occurs.
   671 */
   672 void CMTPParserRouter::CMap::InsertL(const RArray<TUint>& aFrom, TUint aTo)
   673     {
   674     const TUint KFrom(Param(aFrom));
   675     if (Params(iSubType) == ESubTypeParams1)
   676         {
   677         // Node.
   678         __FLOG_STMT(FLOGMapEntryL(aFrom, aTo));
   679         const TUint KSubType(CMTPParserRouter::SubType(Index(iSubType), Flags(iSubType), (ParamsCount(iSubType) - 1)));
   680         const TMap KNode(KFrom, aTo, KSubType);
   681         NodeInsertL(KNode);
   682         }
   683     else
   684         {
   685         // Branch.
   686         TInt idx(BranchFind(KFrom));
   687         if (idx == KErrNotFound)
   688             {
   689             idx = BranchInsertL(KFrom);
   690             __ASSERT_DEBUG((idx != KErrNotFound), User::Invariant());
   691             }
   692         iToBranches[idx]->InsertL(aFrom, aTo);
   693         }
   694     }
   696 /**
   697 Provides the set of targets which map from the specified source parameters.
   698 @param aFrom The map source parameters.
   699 @param aTo The map target parameter set.
   700 @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a general processing error 
   701 occurs.
   702 */
   703 void CMTPParserRouter::CMap::GetToL(const RArray<TUint>& aFrom, RArray<TUint>& aTo) const
   704     {
   705     __FLOG(_L8("CMap::GetToL - entry"));
   706     const TUint KFrom(Param(aFrom));
   707     if (KFrom == KMTPNotSpecified32)
   708         {
   709         // Null (zero) parameter acts as a wildcard.
   710         SelectTargetAllL(aFrom, aTo);
   711         }
   712     else if (Flags(iSubType) & ESubTypeFlagEnableDuplicates)
   713         {
   714         // Select 0 .. n matching targets.
   715         SelectTargetMatchingL(aFrom, aTo);
   716         }
   717     else
   718         {
   719         // Select 0 .. 1 matching targets.
   720         SelectTargetSingleL(aFrom, aTo);
   721         }
   722 	__FLOG(_L8("CMap::GetToL - Exit"));        
   723     }
   725 /**
   726 Provides the map subtype code.
   727 @return The map subtype code.
   728 */
   729 TUint CMTPParserRouter::CMap::SubType() const
   730     {
   731     return iSubType;
   732     }
   734 #ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
   735 /**
   736 Logs the map table entries (source and target) which match the specified source 
   737 parameters.
   738 @param aFrom The map source parameters.
   739 @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a general processing error 
   740 occurs.
   741 */  
   742 void CMTPParserRouter::CMap::FLOGMapL(RArray<TUint>& aFrom) const
   743     {
   744     if (Params(iSubType) == ESubTypeParams1)
   745         {
   746         // Node.
   747         const TUint KCount(iToNodes.Count());
   748         for (TUint i(0); (i < KCount); i++)
   749             {
   750             aFrom[ParamIdx(aFrom)] = iToNodes[i].iFrom;
   751             FLOGMapEntryL(aFrom, iToNodes[i].iTo);
   752             }
   753         }
   754     else 
   755         {
   756         // Branch.
   757         const TUint KCount(iToBranches.Count());
   758         for (TUint i(0); (i < KCount); i++)
   759             {
   760             const CMap& KBranch(*iToBranches[i]);
   761             aFrom[ParamIdx(aFrom)] = KBranch.iFrom;
   762             KBranch.FLOGMapL(aFrom);
   763             }
   764         }
   765     }
   767 /**
   768 Logs the specified source and target map table entry parameters.
   769 @param aFrom The map source parameters.
   770 @param aTo The map target parameter.
   771 @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a general processing error 
   772 occurs.
   773 */
   774 void CMTPParserRouter::CMap::FLOGMapEntryL(const RArray<TUint>& aFrom, TUint aTo) const
   775     {
   776     __ASSERT_DEBUG((aFrom.Count() >= ParamsCount(iSubType)), User::Invariant());
   777     RBuf log;
   778     log.CleanupClosePushL();
   779     const TUint KParamsCount(aFrom.Count());
   780     const TUint KWidthFrom(8);
   781     const TUint KWidthTo(2);
   782     const TUint KLength((KParamsCount * 11) + 7);
   783     log.CreateL(KLength);
   784     for (TUint i(0); (i < KParamsCount); i++)
   785         {
   786         log.Append(_L("0x"));
   787         log.AppendNumFixedWidthUC(aFrom[i], EHex, KWidthFrom);
   788         log.Append(_L(" "));
   789         }
   790     log.Append(_L("-> 0x"));
   791     log.AppendNumFixedWidthUC(aTo, EHex, KWidthTo);
   792     __FLOG(log);
   793     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&log);
   794     }
   795 #endif
   797 /**
   798 CMTPParserRouter::CMap factory method.
   799 @param aFrom The map source parameter.
   800 @param aTo The map target parameter.
   801 @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a general processing error 
   802 occurs.
   803 */
   804 CMTPParserRouter::CMap* CMTPParserRouter::CMap::NewLC(TUint aFrom, TUint aSubType)
   805     {
   806     CMap* self(new(ELeave) CMap(aFrom, aSubType));
   807     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   808     self->ConstructL();
   809     return self;
   810     }
   812 /**
   813 Constructor.
   814 @param aFrom The map source parameter.
   815 @param aTo The map target parameter.
   816 */
   817 CMTPParserRouter::CMap::CMap(TUint aFrom, TUint aSubType) :
   818     iFrom(aFrom),
   819     iSubType(aSubType)
   820     {
   822     }
   824 /**
   825 Second-phase constructor.
   826 */
   827 void CMTPParserRouter::CMap::ConstructL()
   828     {
   829     __FLOG_OPEN(KMTPSubsystem, KComponent);
   830     }
   832 /**
   833 Locates the map branch table index of the first map table entry matching the 
   834 specified source parameter, using a binary search algorithm.
   835 @param aFrom The map source parameter,
   836 @return The map node table index of the first matching entry, or KErrNotFound 
   837 if no matching entry is found.
   838 */
   839 TInt CMTPParserRouter::CMap::BranchFind(TUint aFrom) const
   840     {
   841     return (iToBranches.FindInOrder(aFrom, ((Flags(iSubType) & ESubTypeFlagOrderDescending) ? BranchOrderFromKeyDescending : BranchOrderFromKeyAscending)));
   842     }
   844 /**
   845 Inserts a new map branch table with the specified source parameter.
   846 @param aFrom The map source paramete.
   847 @return The map branch table index of the new entry.
   848 @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a general processing error 
   849 occurs.
   850 */
   851 TUint CMTPParserRouter::CMap::BranchInsertL(TUint aFrom)
   852     {
   853     CMap* branch(CMap::NewLC(aFrom, CMTPParserRouter::SubType(Index(iSubType), Flags(iSubType), (ParamsCount(iSubType) - 1))));
   854     TLinearOrder<CMap> KOrder((iSubType & ESubTypeFlagOrderDescending) ? BranchOrderFromDescending : BranchOrderFromAscending);
   855     iToBranches.InsertInOrderL(branch, KOrder);
   856     CleanupStack::Pop(branch);
   857     return iToBranches.FindInOrder(branch, KOrder);
   858     }
   860 /**
   861 Locates the map node table index of the first map table entry matching the 
   862 specified source parameter, using a binary search algorithm.
   863 @param aFrom The source parameter,
   864 @return The map node table index of the first matching entry, or KErrNotFound 
   865 if no matching entry is found.
   866 */
   867 TInt CMTPParserRouter::CMap::NodeFind(TUint aFrom) const
   868     {
   869     return (iToNodes.FindInOrder(aFrom, ((Flags(iSubType) & ESubTypeFlagOrderDescending) ? NodeOrderFromKeyDescending : NodeOrderFromKeyAscending)));
   870     }
   872 /**
   873 Locates the map node table index of the  map table entry matching the specified
   874 node, using a binary search algorithm.
   875 @param aFrom The map node table entry.
   876 @return The map node table index, or KErrNotFound if no matching entry is 
   877 found.
   878 */
   879 TInt CMTPParserRouter::CMap::NodeFind(const TMap& aNode) const
   880     {
   881     return iToNodes.FindInOrder(aNode, ((Flags(iSubType) & ESubTypeFlagOrderDescending) ? NodeOrderFromToDescending : NodeOrderFromToAscending));
   882     }
   884 /**
   885 Inserts the specified map node into the map node table.
   886 @param aFrom The map node table entry.
   887 @return The map node table index of the new entry.
   888 @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a general processing error 
   889 occurs.
   890 */
   891 TUint CMTPParserRouter::CMap::NodeInsertL(const TMap& aMap)
   892     {   
   893     TLinearOrder<TMap> KOrder((iSubType & ESubTypeFlagOrderDescending) ? NodeOrderFromToDescending : NodeOrderFromToAscending);
   894     if (Flags(iSubType) & ESubTypeFlagEnableDuplicates)
   895         {
   896         // Duplicates allowed, but discard completely duplicated routes.
   897         if (NodeFind(aMap) == KErrNotFound) 
   898             {
   899             iToNodes.InsertInOrderL(aMap, KOrder);
   900             }
   901         }
   902     else
   903         {
   904         TInt err(iToNodes.InsertInOrder(aMap, KOrder));
   905         if (err == KErrAlreadyExists)
   906             {
   907             Panic(EMTPPanicRoutingConflict);
   908             }
   909         else
   910             {
   911             User::LeaveIfError(err);
   912             }
   913         }
   914     const TInt KIdx(NodeFind(aMap));
   915     __ASSERT_DEBUG((KIdx != KErrNotFound), User::Invariant());
   916     return KIdx;
   917     }
   919 /**
   920 Provides the source parameter value from the specified source parameter set 
   921 appropriate to the parameter level of the map.
   922 @param aFrom The map source parameter set.
   923 @return The parameter value.
   924 */
   925 TUint CMTPParserRouter::CMap::Param(const RArray<TUint>& aFrom) const
   926     {
   927     return (aFrom[ParamIdx(aFrom)]);
   928     }
   930 /**
   931 Provides the source parameter set index of the source parameter corresponding to the 
   932 parameter level of the map.
   933 @param aFrom The map source parameter set.
   934 @return The parameter set index.
   935 */
   936 TUint CMTPParserRouter::CMap::ParamIdx(const RArray<TUint>& aFrom) const
   937     {
   938     return (aFrom.Count() - ParamsCount(iSubType));
   939     }
   941 /**
   942 Selects all map targets at the parameter level of the map.
   943 @param aFrom The map source parameter set.
   944 @param aTo The matching target parameters.
   945 @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a general processing error 
   946 occurs.
   947 */
   948 void CMTPParserRouter::CMap::SelectTargetAllL(const RArray<TUint>& aFrom, RArray<TUint>& aTo) const
   949     {
   950     if (Params(iSubType) == ESubTypeParams1)
   951         {
   952         // Node.
   953         const TUint KCount(iToNodes.Count());
   954         for (TUint idx(0); (idx < KCount); idx++)
   955             {
   956             SelectTargetL(iToNodes[idx].iTo, aTo);
   957             }
   958         }
   959     else
   960         {
   961         // Branch.
   962         const TUint KCount(iToBranches.Count());
   963         for (TUint idx(0); (idx < KCount); idx++)
   964             {
   965             iToBranches[idx]->GetToL(aFrom, aTo);
   966             }
   967         }
   968     }
   970 /**
   971 Selects all map targets which match the specified source parameters.
   972 @param aFrom The map source parameter set.
   973 @param aTo The matching target parameters.
   974 @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a general processing error 
   975 occurs.
   976 */
   977 void CMTPParserRouter::CMap::SelectTargetMatchingL(const RArray<TUint>& aFrom, RArray<TUint>& aTo) const
   978     {
   979     __FLOG(_L8("CMap::SelectTargetMatchingL - entry"));
   980     const TUint KFrom(Param(aFrom));
   981     TInt idx(KErrNotFound);
   982     if (Params(iSubType) == ESubTypeParams1)
   983         {
   984         idx = iToNodes.SpecificFindInOrder(TMap(KFrom), ((iSubType & ESubTypeFlagOrderDescending) ? NodeOrderFromDescending : NodeOrderFromAscending), EArrayFindMode_First);                
   985         if (idx != KErrNotFound)
   986             {
   987             const TUint KCount(iToNodes.Count());
   988             while ((idx < KCount) && (iToNodes[idx].iFrom == KFrom))
   989                 {
   990                 SelectTargetL(iToNodes[idx++].iTo, aTo);
   991                 }
   992             }
   993         }
   994     else
   995         {
   996         CMap* from(CMap::NewLC(KFrom, iSubType));
   997         idx = iToBranches.SpecificFindInOrder(from, ((iSubType & ESubTypeFlagOrderDescending) ? BranchOrderFromDescending : BranchOrderFromAscending), EArrayFindMode_First);
   998         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(from);
   999         const TUint KCount(iToBranches.Count());
  1000         while ((idx < KCount) && (iToBranches[idx]->From() == KFrom))
  1001             {
  1002             iToBranches[idx++]->GetToL(aFrom, aTo);
  1003             }
  1004         }
  1005 	__FLOG(_L8("CMap::SelectTargetMatchingL - exit"));        
  1006     }
  1008 /**
  1009 Selects the first map target which matches the specified source parameters.
  1010 @param aFrom The map source parameter set.
  1011 @param aTo The matching target parameters.
  1012 @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a general processing error 
  1013 occurs.
  1014 */
  1015 void CMTPParserRouter::CMap::SelectTargetSingleL(const RArray<TUint>& aFrom, RArray<TUint>& aTo) const
  1016     {
  1017     const TUint KFrom(Param(aFrom));
  1018     TInt idx(KErrNotFound);
  1019     if (Params(iSubType) == ESubTypeParams1)
  1020         {
  1021         idx = NodeFind(KFrom);
  1022         if (idx != KErrNotFound)
  1023             {
  1024             SelectTargetL(iToNodes[idx].iTo, aTo);
  1025             }
  1026         }
  1027     else
  1028         {
  1029         idx = BranchFind(KFrom);
  1030         if (idx != KErrNotFound)
  1031             {
  1032             iToBranches[idx]->GetToL(aFrom, aTo);
  1033             }
  1034         }
  1035     }
  1037 /**
  1038 Implements an @see TLinearOrder relation for @see CMTPParserRouter::CMap 
  1039 branch map objects based on ascending map source parameter order.
  1040 @param aL The first object instance.
  1041 @param aR The second object instance.
  1042 @return Zero, if the two objects are equal; A negative value, if the first 
  1043 object is less than the second, or; A positive value, if the first object is 
  1044 greater than the second.
  1045 */
  1046 TInt CMTPParserRouter::CMap::BranchOrderFromAscending(const CMap& aL, const CMap& aR)
  1047     {
  1048     return (aL.iFrom - aR.iFrom);
  1049     }
  1051 /**
  1052 Implements an @see TLinearOrder relation for @see CMTPParserRouter::CMap 
  1053 branch map objects based on descending map source parameter order.
  1054 @param aL The first object instance.
  1055 @param aR The second object instance.
  1056 @return Zero, if the two objects are equal; A positive value, if the first 
  1057 object is less than the second, or; A negative value, if the first object is 
  1058 greater than the second.
  1059 */
  1060 TInt CMTPParserRouter::CMap::BranchOrderFromDescending(const CMap& aL, const CMap& aR)
  1061     {
  1062     return (aR.iFrom - aL.iFrom);
  1063     }
  1065 /**
  1066 Implements a map source parameter key identity relation for 
  1067 @see CMTPParserRouter::CMap branch map objects based on ascending key order.
  1068 @param aL The first object instance.
  1069 @param aR The second object instance.
  1070 @return Zero, if the two objects are equal; A negative value, if the first 
  1071 object is less than the second, or; A positive value, if the first object is 
  1072 greater than the second.
  1073 */
  1074 TInt CMTPParserRouter::CMap::BranchOrderFromKeyAscending(const TUint* aL, const CMap& aR)
  1075     {
  1076     return (*aL - aR.iFrom);
  1077     }
  1079 /**
  1080 Implements a map source parameter key identity relation for 
  1081 @see CMTPParserRouter::CMap branch map objects based on descending key order.
  1082 @param aL The first object instance.
  1083 @param aR The second object instance.
  1084 @return Zero, if the two objects are equal; A positive value, if the first 
  1085 object is less than the second, or; A negative value, if the first object is 
  1086 greater than the second.
  1087 */
  1088 TInt CMTPParserRouter::CMap::BranchOrderFromKeyDescending(const TUint* aL, const CMap& aR)
  1089     {
  1090     return (aR.iFrom - *aL);
  1091     }
  1093 /**
  1094 Implements an @see TLinearOrder relation for @see CMTPParserRouter::TMap 
  1095 node map objects based on ascending map source parameter order.
  1096 @param aL The first object instance.
  1097 @param aR The second object instance.
  1098 @return Zero, if the two objects are equal; A negative value, if the first 
  1099 object is less than the second, or; A positive value, if the first object is 
  1100 greater than the second.
  1101 */
  1102 TInt CMTPParserRouter::CMap::NodeOrderFromAscending(const TMap& aL, const TMap& aR)
  1103     {
  1104     return (aL.iFrom - aR.iFrom);
  1105     }
  1107 /**
  1108 Implements an @see TLinearOrder relation for @see CMTPParserRouter::TMap 
  1109 node map objects based on descending map source parameter order.
  1110 @param aL The first object instance.
  1111 @param aR The second object instance.
  1112 @return Zero, if the two objects are equal; A positive value, if the first 
  1113 object is less than the second, or; A negative value, if the first object is 
  1114 greater than the second.
  1115 */
  1116 TInt CMTPParserRouter::CMap::NodeOrderFromDescending(const TMap& aL, const TMap& aR)
  1117     {
  1118     return (aR.iFrom - aL.iFrom);
  1119     }
  1121 /**
  1122 Implements a map source parameter key identity relation for 
  1123 @see CMTPParserRouter::TMap node map objects based on ascending key order.
  1124 @param aL The first object instance.
  1125 @param aR The second object instance.
  1126 @return Zero, if the two objects are equal; A negative value, if the first 
  1127 object is less than the second, or; A positive value, if the first object is 
  1128 greater than the second.
  1129 */
  1130 TInt CMTPParserRouter::CMap::NodeOrderFromKeyAscending(const TUint* aL, const TMap& aR)
  1131     {
  1132     return (*aL - aR.iFrom);
  1133     }
  1135 /**
  1136 Implements a map source parameter key identity relation for 
  1137 @see CMTPParserRouter::TMap node map objects based on descending key order.
  1138 @param aL The first object instance.
  1139 @param aR The second object instance.
  1140 @return Zero, if the two objects are equal; A positive value, if the first 
  1141 object is less than the second, or; A negative value, if the first object is 
  1142 greater than the second.
  1143 */
  1144 TInt CMTPParserRouter::CMap::NodeOrderFromKeyDescending(const TUint* aL, const TMap& aR)
  1145     {
  1146     return (aR.iFrom - *aL);
  1147     }
  1149 /**
  1150 Implements an @see TLinearOrder relation for @see CMTPParserRouter::CMap 
  1151 branch map objects based on ascending map source and target parameter order.
  1152 @param aL The first object instance.
  1153 @param aR The second object instance.
  1154 @return Zero, if the two objects are equal; A negative value, if the first 
  1155 object is less than the second, or; A positive value, if the first object is 
  1156 greater than the second.
  1157 */
  1158 TInt CMTPParserRouter::CMap::NodeOrderFromToAscending(const TMap& aL, const TMap& aR)
  1159     {
  1160     TInt ret(0);
  1161     if (aL.iFrom != aR.iFrom)
  1162         {
  1163         ret = (aL.iFrom - aR.iFrom);
  1164         }
  1165     else
  1166         {
  1167         ret = (aL.iTo - aR.iTo);
  1168         }
  1169     return ret;
  1170     }
  1172 /**
  1173 Implements an @see TLinearOrder relation for @see CMTPParserRouter::CMap 
  1174 branch map objects based on descending map source and target parameter order.
  1175 @param aL The first object instance.
  1176 @param aR The second object instance.
  1177 @return Zero, if the two objects are equal; A positive value, if the first 
  1178 object is less than the second, or; A negative value, if the first object is 
  1179 greater than the second.
  1180 */
  1181 TInt CMTPParserRouter::CMap::NodeOrderFromToDescending(const TMap& aL, const TMap& aR)
  1182     {
  1183     TInt ret(0);
  1184     if (aL.iFrom != aR.iFrom)
  1185         {
  1186         ret = aR.iFrom - aL.iFrom;
  1187         }
  1188     else
  1189         {
  1190         ret = aR.iTo - aL.iTo;
  1191         }
  1192     return ret;
  1193     }
  1195 /**
  1196 Constructor.
  1197 */
  1198 CMTPParserRouter::CMTPParserRouter()
  1199     {
  1201     }
  1203 /**
  1204 Second-phase constructor.
  1205 */
  1206 void CMTPParserRouter::ConstructL()
  1207     {
  1208     __FLOG_OPEN(KMTPSubsystem, KComponent);
  1209     __FLOG(_L8("ConstructL, Entry"));
  1210     iSingletons.OpenL();
  1211     __FLOG(_L8("ConstructL, Exit"));
  1212     }
  1214 /**
  1215 Provides the set of @see TMTPSupportCategory codes which comprise each of the 
  1216 lookup parameters for the specified routing sub-type (routing map).
  1217 @param aSubType The routing sub-type identifier.
  1218 @param aP1Codes On exit, the set of @see TMTPSupportCategory codes which 
  1219 comprise the first lookup parameter. This set will be empty if the routing
  1220 sub-type implements fewer than one parameter.
  1221 @param aP2Codes On exit, the set of @see TMTPSupportCategory codes which 
  1222 comprise the second lookup parameter. This set will be empty if the routing
  1223 sub-type implements fewer than two parameters.
  1224 @param aP2Codes On exit, the set of @see TMTPSupportCategory codes which 
  1225 comprise the third lookup parameter. This set will be empty if the routing
  1226 sub-type implements fewer than three parameters.
  1227 @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a general processing error 
  1228 occurs.
  1229 */
  1230 void CMTPParserRouter::GetMapParameterIdsL(TUint aSubType, RArray<TUint>& aP1Codes, RArray<TUint>& aP2Codes, RArray<TUint>& aP3Codes)
  1231     {
  1232     aP1Codes.Reset();
  1233     aP2Codes.Reset();
  1234     aP3Codes.Reset();
  1236     switch (aSubType)
  1237         {
  1238     case ESubTypeDevicePropCode:
  1239         aP1Codes.AppendL(EDeviceProperties);
  1240         break;
  1242     case ESubTypeObjectPropCode:
  1243         aP1Codes.AppendL(EObjectProperties);
  1244         break;
  1246     case ESubTypeOperationCode:
  1247         aP1Codes.AppendL(EOperations);
  1248         break;
  1250     case ESubTypeStorageType:
  1251         aP1Codes.AppendL(EStorageSystemTypes);
  1252         break;
  1254     case ESubTypeFormatCodeFormatSubcode:
  1255         aP1Codes.AppendL(EObjectCaptureFormats);
  1256         aP1Codes.AppendL(EObjectPlaybackFormats);
  1257         aP2Codes.AppendL(EAssociationTypes);
  1258         break;
  1260     case ESubTypeFormatCodeOperationCode:
  1261         aP1Codes.AppendL(EObjectCaptureFormats);
  1262         aP1Codes.AppendL(EObjectPlaybackFormats);
  1263         aP2Codes.AppendL(EOperations);
  1264         break;
  1266     case ESubTypeStorageTypeOperationCode:
  1267         aP1Codes.AppendL(EStorageSystemTypes);
  1268         aP2Codes.AppendL(EOperations);
  1269         break;
  1271     case ESubTypeFormatCodeFormatSubcodeStorageType:
  1272         aP1Codes.AppendL(EObjectCaptureFormats);
  1273         aP1Codes.AppendL(EObjectPlaybackFormats);
  1274         aP2Codes.AppendL(EAssociationTypes);
  1275         aP3Codes.AppendL(EStorageSystemTypes);
  1276         break;
  1278     case ESubTypeServiceIDOperationCode:
  1279         aP1Codes.AppendL(EServiceIDs);
  1280         break;   
  1282     default:
  1283         __DEBUG_ONLY(User::Invariant());
  1284         break;
  1285         }
  1286     }
  1288 /**
  1289 Selects the specified data provider target identifier by appending it to the 
  1290 set of selected targets. Each target identifier may only appear once in the 
  1291 set of selected targets. A selected target which is already a member of the 
  1292 selected set will be replaced to ensure that targets are dispatched in order
  1293 of most recent selection.
  1294 @param aTarget The data provider target identifier.
  1295 @param aTargets The set of selected targets.
  1296 @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a general processing error 
  1297 occurs.
  1299 */    
  1300 void CMTPParserRouter::SelectTargetL(TUint aTarget, RArray<TUint>& aTargets)
  1301     {
  1302     __FLOG_STATIC(KMTPSubsystem, KComponent, _L8("SelectTargetL, Entry"));
  1303     TInt idx(aTargets.Find(aTarget));
  1304     if (idx != KErrNotFound)
  1305         {
  1306         aTargets.Remove(idx);
  1307         }
  1308     aTargets.AppendL(aTarget);
  1309     __FLOG_STATIC(KMTPSubsystem, KComponent, _L8("SelectTargetL, Exit"));
  1310     }
  1312 /**
  1313 Configures (loads) the specified one lookup parameter routing sub-type map. The
  1314 map is constructed by interrogating each data provider in turn and building a 
  1315 set of map table entries which resolve each supported @see TMTPSupportCategory 
  1316 code to its data provider (target) identifier.
  1317 @param aSubType The routing sub-type identifier.
  1318 @param aP1Codes The set of @see TMTPSupportCategory codes which comprise the 
  1319 first lookup parameter.
  1320 @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a general processing error 
  1321 occurs.
  1322 */
  1323 void CMTPParserRouter::Configure1ParameterMapL(TUint aSubType, const RArray<TUint>& aP1Codes)
  1324     {
  1325     CMap& map(*iMaps[aSubType & ESubTypeIndexMask]);
  1326     RArray<TUint> from;
  1327     CleanupClosePushL(from);
  1328     map.InitParamsL(from);
  1330     const TUint KCount(iSingletons.DpController().Count());
  1331     for (TUint d(0); (d < KCount); d++)
  1332         {
  1333         CMTPDataProvider& dp(iSingletons.DpController().DataProviderByIndexL(d));
  1334         __FLOG(_L8(""));
  1335         __FLOG_VA((_L8("Creating DP %02d Table 0x%08X Entries"), dp.DataProviderId(), aSubType));
  1336         __FLOG(_L8("---------------------------------------")); 
  1338         RArray<TUint> p1s;
  1339         CleanupClosePushL(p1s);
  1340         GetConfigParametersL(dp, aP1Codes, p1s);
  1341         const TUint KCountP1s(p1s.Count());
  1342         for (TUint p1(0); (p1 < KCountP1s); p1++)
  1343             {
  1344             const TUint KP1(p1s[p1]);
  1345             from[EParam1] = KP1;
  1346             map.InsertL(from, dp.DataProviderId());
  1347             }
  1348         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&p1s);
  1349         __FLOG(_L8(""));
  1350         }
  1351     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&from);
  1352     }
  1354 /**
  1355 Configures (loads) the specified two lookup parameter routing sub-type map. The
  1356 map is constructed by interrogating each data provider in turn and building a 
  1357 set of map table entries which resolve each combination of supported 
  1358 @see TMTPSupportCategory codes to its data provider (target) identifier.
  1359 @param aSubType The routing sub-type identifier.
  1360 @param aP1Codes The set of @see TMTPSupportCategory codes which comprise the 
  1361 first lookup parameter.
  1362 @param aP2Codes The set of @see TMTPSupportCategory codes which comprise the 
  1363 second lookup parameter.
  1364 @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a general processing error 
  1365 occurs.
  1366 */
  1367 void CMTPParserRouter::Configure2ParameterMapL(TUint aSubType, const RArray<TUint>& aP1Codes, const RArray<TUint>& aP2Codes)
  1368     {
  1369     CMap& map(*iMaps[aSubType & ESubTypeIndexMask]);
  1370     RArray<TUint> from;
  1371     CleanupClosePushL(from);
  1372     map.InitParamsL(from);
  1374     const TUint KCountDps(iSingletons.DpController().Count());
  1375     for (TUint d(0); (d < KCountDps); d++)
  1376         {
  1377         CMTPDataProvider& dp(iSingletons.DpController().DataProviderByIndexL(d));
  1378         __FLOG(_L8(""));
  1379         __FLOG_VA((_L8("Creating DP %02d Table 0x%08X Entries"), dp.DataProviderId(), aSubType));
  1380         __FLOG(_L8("---------------------------------------"));
  1382         RArray<TUint> p1s;
  1383         CleanupClosePushL(p1s);
  1384         GetConfigParametersL(dp, aP1Codes, p1s);
  1385         const TUint KCountP1s(p1s.Count());
  1386         for (TUint p1(0); (p1 < KCountP1s); p1++)
  1387             {
  1388             const TUint KP1(p1s[p1]);
  1389             from[EParam1] = KP1;
  1390             if ((aSubType == ESubTypeFormatCodeFormatSubcode) && 
  1391                 (KP1 != EMTPFormatCodeAssociation))
  1392                 {
  1393                 from[EParam2] = EMTPAssociationTypeUndefined;
  1394                 map.InsertL(from, dp.DataProviderId());
  1395                 }
  1396             else
  1397                 {
  1398                 RArray<TUint> p2s;
  1399                 CleanupClosePushL(p2s);
  1400                 GetConfigParametersL(dp, aP2Codes, p2s);
  1401                 const TUint KCountP2s(p2s.Count());
  1402                 for (TUint p2(0); (p2 < KCountP2s); p2++)
  1403                     {
  1404                     const TUint KP2(p2s[p2]);
  1405                     from[EParam2] = KP2;
  1406                     map.InsertL(from, dp.DataProviderId());
  1407                     }
  1408                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&p2s);
  1409                 }
  1410             }
  1411         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&p1s);
  1412         __FLOG(_L8(""));
  1413         } 
  1414     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&from);
  1415     }
  1417 /**
  1418 Configures (loads) the specified three lookup parameter routing sub-type map. 
  1419 The map is constructed by interrogating each data provider in turn and building
  1420 a set of map table entries which resolve each combination of supported 
  1421 @see TMTPSupportCategory codes to its data provider (target) identifier.
  1422 @param aSubType The routing sub-type identifier.
  1423 @param aP1Codes The set of @see TMTPSupportCategory codes which comprise the 
  1424 first lookup parameter.
  1425 @param aP2Codes The set of @see TMTPSupportCategory codes which comprise the 
  1426 second lookup parameter.
  1427 @param aP3Codes The set of @see TMTPSupportCategory codes which comprise the 
  1428 third lookup parameter.
  1429 @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a general processing error 
  1430 occurs.
  1431 */
  1432 void CMTPParserRouter::Configure3ParameterMapL(TUint aSubType, const RArray<TUint>& aP1Codes, const RArray<TUint>& aP2Codes, const RArray<TUint>& aP3Codes)
  1433     {
  1434     CMap& map(*iMaps[aSubType & ESubTypeIndexMask]);
  1435     RArray<TUint> from;
  1436     CleanupClosePushL(from);
  1437     map.InitParamsL(from);
  1439     const TUint KCount(iSingletons.DpController().Count());
  1440     for (TUint d(0); (d < KCount); d++)
  1441         {
  1442         CMTPDataProvider& dp(iSingletons.DpController().DataProviderByIndexL(d));
  1443         __FLOG(_L8(""));
  1444         __FLOG_VA((_L8("Creating DP %02d Table 0x%08X Entries"), dp.DataProviderId(), aSubType));
  1445         __FLOG(_L8("---------------------------------------"));
  1447         RArray<TUint> p1s;
  1448         CleanupClosePushL(p1s);
  1449         GetConfigParametersL(dp, aP1Codes, p1s);
  1450         const TUint KCountP1s(p1s.Count());
  1451         for (TUint p1(0); (p1 < KCountP1s); p1++)
  1452             {
  1453             RArray<TUint> p3s;
  1454             CleanupClosePushL(p3s);
  1455             const TUint KP1(p1s[p1]);
  1456             from[EParam1] = KP1;
  1457             if ((aSubType == ESubTypeFormatCodeFormatSubcodeStorageType) && 
  1458                 (KP1 != EMTPFormatCodeAssociation))
  1459                 {
  1460                 from[EParam2] = EMTPAssociationTypeUndefined;
  1461                 GetConfigParametersL(dp, aP3Codes, p3s);
  1462                 const TUint KCountP3s(p3s.Count());
  1463                 for (TUint p3(0); (p3 < KCountP3s); p3++)
  1464                     {
  1465                     const TUint KP3(p3s[p3]);
  1466                     from[EParam3] = KP3;
  1467                     map.InsertL(from, dp.DataProviderId());
  1468                     }
  1469                 }
  1470             else
  1471                 {
  1472                 RArray<TUint> p2s;
  1473                 CleanupClosePushL(p2s);
  1474                 GetConfigParametersL(dp, aP2Codes, p2s);
  1475                 const TUint KCountP2s(p2s.Count());
  1476                 for (TUint p2(0); (p2 < KCountP2s); p2++)
  1477                     {
  1478                     const TUint KP2(p2s[p2]);
  1479                     from[EParam2] = KP2;
  1480                     GetConfigParametersL(dp, aP3Codes, p3s);
  1481                     const TUint KCountP3s(p3s.Count());
  1482                     for (TUint p3(0); (p3 < KCountP3s); p3++)
  1483                         {
  1484                         const TUint KP3(p3s[p3]);
  1485                         from[EParam3] = KP3;
  1486                         map.InsertL(from, dp.DataProviderId());
  1487                         }
  1488                     }
  1489                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&p2s);
  1490                 }
  1491             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&p3s);
  1492             }
  1493         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&p1s);
  1494         __FLOG(_L8(""));
  1495         }
  1496     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&from);
  1497     }
  1499 /**
  1500 Obtains the set of supported @see TMTPSupportCategory code parameter values 
  1501 supported by the specified data provider.
  1502 @param aDp The data provider.
  1503 @param aCodes The set of @see TMTPSupportCategory codes which comprise the 
  1504 parameter.
  1505 @param aParams On exit, the set of supported parameter values.
  1506 @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a general processing error 
  1507 occurs.
  1508 */
  1509 void CMTPParserRouter::GetConfigParametersL(const CMTPDataProvider& aDp, const RArray<TUint>& aCodes, RArray<TUint>& aParams) const
  1510     {
  1511     aParams.Reset();
  1512     const TUint KCountCodes(aCodes.Count());
  1513     for (TUint c(0); (c < KCountCodes); c++)
  1514         {
  1515         const RArray<TUint>& KParams(aDp.SupportedCodes(static_cast<TMTPSupportCategory>(aCodes[c])));
  1516         const TUint KCountParams(KParams.Count());
  1517         for (TUint p(0); (p < KCountParams); p++)
  1518             {
  1519             if(( EServiceIDs == aCodes[c] )&&( iSingletons.ServiceMgr().IsSupportedService( KParams[p] )) )
  1520                 {
  1521                 __FLOG_1(_L8("GetConfigParametersL, abstract service id = %d"), KParams[p]);
  1522                 continue;
  1523                 }
  1524             TInt err(aParams.InsertInOrder(KParams[p]));
  1525             if ((err != KErrNone) && (err != KErrAlreadyExists))
  1526                 {
  1527                 User::Leave(err);
  1528                 }
  1529             }
  1530         }
  1531     }
  1533 /**
  1534 Provides the set of operation parameter routing and validation sub-types to be 
  1535 executed against each of the specified operation routing parameter data.
  1536 @param aParams The set of operation routing parameter data.
  1537 @param aRoutingSubTypes On exit, the set of routing sub-types to be executed.
  1538 @param aValidationSubTypes On exit, the set of validation sub-types to be executed. 
  1539 @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a general processing error 
  1540 occurs.
  1541 */
  1542 void CMTPParserRouter::GetRoutingSubTypesL(RArray<TRoutingParameters>& aParams, RArray<TUint>& aRoutingSubTypes, RArray<TUint>& aValidationSubTypes) const
  1543     {
  1544     __FLOG(_L8("GetRoutingSubTypesL, Entry"));
  1545     __ASSERT_DEBUG((aParams.Count() > 0), User::Invariant());
  1546     aRoutingSubTypes.Reset();
  1547     aValidationSubTypes.Reset();
  1549     TRoutingParameters& params1(aParams[0]);
  1550     if (params1.Param(TRoutingParameters::EFlagInvalid))
  1551         {
  1552         SelectSubTypeRoutingL(ESubTypeDpDevice, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes, aParams);
  1553         }
  1554     else
  1555         {
  1556         const TUint KOpCode(params1.Request().Uint16(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestOperationCode));
  1557         const TUint KRoutingTypes(params1.Param(TRoutingParameters::EFlagRoutingTypes));
  1558         switch (KOpCode)
  1559             {
  1560         case EMTPOpCodeGetDeviceInfo:
  1561         case EMTPOpCodeOpenSession:
  1562         case EMTPOpCodeCloseSession:
  1563         case EMTPOpCodeGetStorageIDs:
  1564         case EMTPOpCodeGetNumObjects:
  1565         case EMTPOpCodeGetObjectHandles:
  1566         case EMTPOpCodeFormatStore:
  1567         case EMTPOpCodeResetDevice:
  1568         case EMTPOpCodeSelfTest:
  1569         case EMTPOpCodePowerDown:
  1570             if (KRoutingTypes & ETypeFramework)
  1571                 {
  1572                 SelectSubTypeRoutingL(ESubTypeDpDevice, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes, aParams);
  1573                 }
  1574             break;
  1576         case EMTPOpCodeDeleteObject:
  1577             GetRoutingSubTypesDeleteRequestL(aParams, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes);
  1578             break;
  1580         case EMTPOpCodeGetObjectPropList:
  1581             GetRoutingSubTypesGetObjectPropListRequestL(aParams, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes);
  1582             break;
  1584         case EMTPOpCodeSetObjectPropList:
  1585             if (KRoutingTypes & ETypeFramework)
  1586                 {
  1587                 SelectSubTypeRoutingL(ESubTypeDpProxy, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes, aParams);
  1588                 }
  1589             else if (KRoutingTypes & ETypeOperationParameter)
  1590                 {
  1591                 SelectSubTypeRoutingL(ESubTypeOwnerObject, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes, aParams);
  1592                 SelectSubTypeValidationL(ESubTypeObjectPropCode, aValidationSubTypes);
  1593                 }
  1594             break;
  1596         case EMTPOpCodeSendObjectInfo:
  1597             if (KRoutingTypes & ETypeFramework)
  1598                 {
  1599                 SelectSubTypeRoutingL(ESubTypeDpProxy, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes, aParams);
  1600                 }
  1601             else if (KRoutingTypes & ETypeOperationParameter)
  1602                 {
  1603                 SelectSubTypeRoutingL(ESubTypeFormatCodeFormatSubcodeStorageType, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes, aParams); 
  1604                 }
  1605             break;
  1607         case EMTPOpCodeGetDevicePropDesc:
  1608         case EMTPOpCodeGetDevicePropValue:
  1609         case EMTPOpCodeSetDevicePropValue:
  1610         case EMTPOpCodeResetDevicePropValue:
  1611             if (KRoutingTypes & ETypeOperationParameter)
  1612                 {
  1613                 SelectSubTypeRoutingL(ESubTypeDevicePropCode, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes, aParams);
  1614                 }
  1615             break;
  1617         case EMTPOpCodeGetObjectPropsSupported:
  1618             if (KRoutingTypes & ETypeOperationParameter)
  1619                 {
  1620                 SelectSubTypeRoutingL(ESubTypeFormatCodeOperationCode, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes, aParams);
  1621                 }
  1622             break;
  1624         case EMTPOpCodeSkip:
  1625             if (KRoutingTypes & ETypeOperationParameter)
  1626                 {
  1627                 SelectSubTypeRoutingL(ESubTypeOperationCode, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes, aParams);
  1628                 params1.SetParam(TRoutingParameters::EFlagRoutingTypes, (KRoutingTypes | ETypeFlagSingleTarget));
  1629                 }
  1630             break;
  1632         case EMTPOpCodeGetObjectPropDesc:
  1633             if (KRoutingTypes & ETypeOperationParameter)
  1634                 {
  1635                 SelectSubTypeRoutingL(ESubTypeFormatCodeOperationCode, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes, aParams);
  1636                 SelectSubTypeValidationL(ESubTypeObjectPropCode, aValidationSubTypes);
  1637                 params1.SetParam(TRoutingParameters::EFlagRoutingTypes, (KRoutingTypes | ETypeFlagSingleTarget));
  1638                 }
  1639             break;
  1641         case EMTPOpCodeGetInterdependentPropDesc:
  1642             if (KRoutingTypes & ETypeOperationParameter)
  1643                 {
  1644                 SelectSubTypeRoutingL(ESubTypeFormatCodeOperationCode, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes, aParams);
  1645                 }
  1646             break;
  1648         case EMTPOpCodeInitiateCapture:
  1649         case EMTPOpCodeInitiateOpenCapture:
  1650             if (KRoutingTypes & ETypeOperationParameter)
  1651                 {
  1652                 SelectSubTypeRoutingL(ESubTypeFormatCodeFormatSubcodeStorageType, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes, aParams);
  1653                 }
  1654             break;
  1656         case EMTPOpCodeSendObjectPropList:
  1657             GetRoutingSubTypesSendObjectPropListRequestL(aParams, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes);
  1658             break;
  1660         case EMTPOpCodeMoveObject:    
  1661         case EMTPOpCodeCopyObject:
  1662         	GetRoutingSubTypesCopyMoveRequestL(aParams, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes);
  1663         	break;
  1664         case EMTPOpCodeGetObjectInfo:
  1665         case EMTPOpCodeGetObject:
  1666         case EMTPOpCodeGetThumb:
  1667         case EMTPOpCodeGetPartialObject:
  1668         case EMTPOpCodeGetObjectReferences:
  1669         case EMTPOpCodeSetObjectReferences:
  1670         case EMTPOpCodeUpdateObjectPropList :
  1671             if (KRoutingTypes & ETypeOperationParameter)
  1672                 {
  1673                 SelectSubTypeRoutingL(ESubTypeOwnerObject, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes, aParams);
  1674                 }
  1675             break;
  1677         case EMTPOpCodeGetObjectPropValue:
  1678         case EMTPOpCodeSetObjectPropValue:
  1679             if (KRoutingTypes & ETypeOperationParameter)
  1680                 {
  1681                 SelectSubTypeRoutingL(ESubTypeOwnerObject, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes, aParams);
  1682                 SelectSubTypeValidationL(ESubTypeObjectPropCode, aValidationSubTypes);
  1683                 }
  1684             break;
  1686         case EMTPOpCodeGetStorageInfo:
  1687             if (KRoutingTypes & ETypeOperationParameter)
  1688                 {
  1689                 SelectSubTypeRoutingL(ESubTypeOwnerStorage, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes, aParams);
  1690                 }
  1691             break;
  1693         case EMTPOpCodeSendObject:
  1694         case EMTPOpCodeTerminateOpenCapture:
  1695             if (KRoutingTypes & ETypeRequestRegistration)
  1696                 {
  1697                 SelectSubTypeRoutingL(ESubTypeRequestRegistration, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes, aParams);
  1698                 }
  1699             break;
  1701         case EMTPOpCodeGetServiceInfo:     
  1702         case EMTPOpCodeGetServiceCapabilities:
  1703         case EMTPOpCodeGetServicePropDesc:
  1704         case EMTPOpCodeGetServicePropList:
  1705         case EMTPOpCodeSetServicePropList:
  1706         case EMTPOpCodeDeleteServicePropList:
  1707             {
  1708             if ( iSingletons.ServiceMgr().IsSupportedService( params1.Param(TRoutingParameters::EParamServiceId) ) )
  1709                 {
  1710                 SelectSubTypeRoutingL(ESubTypeDpDevice, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes, aParams);
  1711                 }
  1712             else
  1713                 {
  1714                 SelectSubTypeRoutingL(ESubTypeServiceIDOperationCode, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes, aParams);
  1715                 }
  1716             }
  1717             break;
  1718         case EMTPOpCodeDeleteObjectPropList :
  1719             {
  1720             GetRoutingSubTypesDeleteObjectPropListL( aParams, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes );
  1721             }
  1722             break;
  1723         case EMTPOpCodeGetFormatCapabilities:
  1724             {
  1725             GetRoutingSubTypesGetFormatCapabilitiesL(aParams, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes);
  1726             }
  1727             break;
  1728         case EMTPOpCodeSetObjectProtection:
  1729             SelectSubTypeRoutingL(ESubTypeOwnerObject, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes, aParams);
  1730             break;
  1731         default:
  1732             if (KRoutingTypes & ETypeRequestRegistration)
  1733                 {
  1734                 SelectSubTypeRoutingL(ESubTypeRequestRegistration, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes, aParams);
  1735                 }
  1736             if (KRoutingTypes & ETypeFramework)
  1737                 {
  1738                 SelectSubTypeRoutingL(ESubTypeOperationCode, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes, aParams);
  1739                 params1.SetParam(TRoutingParameters::EFlagRoutingTypes, (KRoutingTypes | ETypeFlagSingleTarget));
  1740                 }
  1741             break;
  1742             }
  1743         }
  1744     __FLOG(_L8("GetRoutingSubTypesL, Exit"));
  1745     }
  1747 /**
  1748 Provides the set of operation parameter routing and validation sub-types to be 
  1749 executed against each of the specified MTP DeleteObject operation routing 
  1750 parameter data.
  1751 @param aParams The set of operation routing parameter data.
  1752 @param aRoutingSubTypes On exit, the set of routing sub-types to be executed.
  1753 @param aValidationSubTypes On exit, the set of validation sub-types to be executed. 
  1754 @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a general processing error 
  1755 occurs.
  1756 */
  1757 void CMTPParserRouter::GetRoutingSubTypesDeleteRequestL(RArray<TRoutingParameters>& aParams, RArray<TUint>& aRoutingSubTypes, RArray<TUint>& aValidationSubTypes) const
  1758     {
  1759     __FLOG(_L8("GetRoutingSubTypesDeleteRequestL, Entry"));
  1760     TRoutingParameters& params1(aParams[0]);
  1761     __ASSERT_DEBUG((params1.Request().Uint16(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestOperationCode) == EMTPOpCodeDeleteObject), User::Invariant());
  1763     const TUint KObjectHandle(params1.Param(TRoutingParameters::EParamObjectHandle));
  1764     const TUint KObjectFormatCode(params1.Param(TRoutingParameters::EParamFormatCode));
  1765     if (KObjectHandle == KMTPHandleAll)
  1766         {
  1767         if (KObjectFormatCode == KMTPFormatsAll || KObjectFormatCode == EMTPFormatCodeAssociation)
  1768             {
  1769             /* 
  1770             Deleting all objects of all formats. Force the format to 
  1771             Association to ensure that objects are deleted in the correct
  1772             order.
  1773             */
  1774             if (KObjectFormatCode == KMTPFormatsAll)
  1775             	{
  1776             	params1.SetParam(TRoutingParameters::EParamFormatCode, EMTPFormatCodeAssociation);
  1777             	}
  1778                 SelectSubTypeRoutingL(ESubTypeOperationCode, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes, aParams);
  1779             }
  1780         else if ( KObjectFormatCode == EMTPFormatCodeUndefined )
  1781             {
  1782             SelectSubTypeRoutingL(ESubTypeOperationCode, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes, aParams);
  1783             }
  1784         SelectSubTypeRoutingL(ESubTypeFormatCodeFormatSubcode, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes, aParams);
  1785         }
  1786     else if (KObjectHandle != KMTPHandleNone)
  1787         {
  1788         if (KObjectFormatCode == EMTPFormatCodeAssociation)
  1789             {
  1790             SelectSubTypeRoutingL(ESubTypeStorageTypeOperationCode, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes, aParams);
  1791             }
  1792         SelectSubTypeRoutingL(ESubTypeOwnerObject, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes, aParams);
  1793         }
  1794     __FLOG(_L8("GetRoutingSubTypesDeleteRequestL, Exit"));
  1795     }
  1797 /**
  1798 Provides the set of operation parameter routing and validation sub-types to be 
  1799 executed against each of the specified MTP CopyObject and MoveObject operation routing 
  1800 parameter data.
  1801 @param aParams The set of operation routing parameter data.
  1802 @param aRoutingSubTypes On exit, the set of routing sub-types to be executed.
  1803 @param aValidationSubTypes On exit, the set of validation sub-types to be executed. 
  1804 @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a general processing error 
  1805 occurs.
  1806 */
  1807 void CMTPParserRouter::GetRoutingSubTypesCopyMoveRequestL(RArray<TRoutingParameters>& aParams, RArray<TUint>& aRoutingSubTypes, RArray<TUint>& aValidationSubTypes) const
  1808 	{
  1809 	__FLOG(_L8("GetRoutingSubTypesCopyMoveRequestL, Entry"));
  1810 	const TUint KObjectFormatCode(aParams[0].Param(TRoutingParameters::EParamFormatCode));
  1811 	if (KObjectFormatCode == EMTPFormatCodeAssociation)
  1812         {
  1813         SelectSubTypeRoutingL(ESubTypeStorageTypeOperationCode, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes, aParams);
  1814         }
  1815     else
  1816     	{
  1817     	SelectSubTypeRoutingL(ESubTypeOwnerObject, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes, aParams);    
  1818     	}
  1819 	__FLOG(_L8("GetRoutingSubTypesCopyMoveRequestL, Exit"));    
  1820 	}
  1821 /**
  1822 Provides the set of operation parameter routing and validation sub-types to be 
  1823 executed against each of the specified MTP GetObjectPropList operation routing 
  1824 parameter data.
  1825 @param aParams The set of operation routing parameter data.
  1826 @param aRoutingSubTypes On exit, the set of routing sub-types to be executed.
  1827 @param aValidationSubTypes On exit, the set of validation sub-types to be executed. 
  1828 @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a general processing error 
  1829 occurs.
  1830 */
  1831 void CMTPParserRouter::GetRoutingSubTypesGetObjectPropListRequestL(RArray<TRoutingParameters>& aParams, RArray<TUint>& aRoutingSubTypes, RArray<TUint>& aValidationSubTypes) const
  1832     {
  1833     __FLOG(_L8("GetRoutingSubTypesGetObjectPropListRequestL, Entry"));
  1834     TRoutingParameters& params1(aParams[0]);
  1835     __ASSERT_DEBUG((params1.Request().Uint16(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestOperationCode) == EMTPOpCodeGetObjectPropList), User::Invariant());
  1836     if (params1.Param(TRoutingParameters::EFlagRoutingTypes) & ETypeOperationParameter)
  1837         {
  1838         const TUint KObjectHandle(params1.Param(TRoutingParameters::EParamObjectHandle));
  1839         const TUint KObjectFormatCode(params1.Param(TRoutingParameters::EParamFormatCode));
  1840         const TUint KObjectFormatSubCode(params1.Param(TRoutingParameters::EParamFormatSubCode));
  1841         const TUint KObjectPropCode(params1.Param(TRoutingParameters::EParamObjectPropCode));
  1842         if ((KObjectHandle == KMTPHandleAll) || 
  1843             (KObjectHandle == KMTPHandleAllRootLevel))
  1844             {
  1845             // All objects or all root level objects.
  1846             if (KObjectFormatCode == KMTPFormatsAll)
  1847                 {
  1848                 SelectSubTypeRoutingL(ESubTypeOperationCode, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes, aParams);
  1849                 }
  1850             else
  1851                 {
  1852                 SelectSubTypeRoutingL(ESubTypeFormatCodeOperationCode, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes, aParams);
  1853                 }
  1854             }
  1855         else if (KObjectHandle != KMTPHandleNone)
  1856             {
  1857              if( (KObjectFormatCode == EMTPFormatCodeAssociation) && (KObjectFormatSubCode == EMTPAssociationTypeGenericFolder) )
  1858                  {
  1859 					 if ( params1.Param(TRoutingParameters::EFlagRoutingTypes) & ETypeFramework )
  1860 					 {
  1861 					 SelectSubTypeRoutingL(ESubTypeDpProxy, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes, aParams);
  1862 					 }
  1863 					 else
  1864 					 {
  1865 					 SelectSubTypeRoutingL(ESubTypeStorageTypeOperationCode, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes, aParams);
  1866 					 SelectSubTypeRoutingL(ESubTypeOwnerObject, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes, aParams);
  1867 					 }
  1868                  }
  1869              else
  1870             	 {
  1871                  SelectSubTypeRoutingL(ESubTypeOwnerObject, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes, aParams);
  1872             	 }
  1873              } 
  1876         if (KObjectPropCode != KMTPObjectPropCodeAll)
  1877             {
  1878             SelectSubTypeValidationL(ESubTypeObjectPropCode, aValidationSubTypes);
  1879             }
  1880         }
  1881     __FLOG(_L8("GetRoutingSubTypesGetObjectPropListRequestL, Exit"));
  1882     }
  1884 /**
  1885 Provides the set of operation parameter routing and validation sub-types to be 
  1886 executed against each of the specified MTP SendObjectPropList operation routing 
  1887 parameter data.
  1888 @param aParams The set of operation routing parameter data.
  1889 @param aRoutingSubTypes On exit, the set of routing sub-types to be executed.
  1890 @param aValidationSubTypes On exit, the set of validation sub-types to be executed. 
  1891 @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a general processing error 
  1892 occurs.
  1893 */
  1894 void CMTPParserRouter::GetRoutingSubTypesSendObjectPropListRequestL(RArray<TRoutingParameters>& aParams, RArray<TUint>& aRoutingSubTypes, RArray<TUint>& aValidationSubTypes) const
  1895     {
  1896     __FLOG(_L8("GetRoutingSubTypesSendObjectPropListRequestL, Entry"));
  1897     TRoutingParameters& params1(aParams[0]);
  1898     __ASSERT_DEBUG((params1.Request().Uint16(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestOperationCode) == EMTPOpCodeSendObjectPropList), User::Invariant());
  1899     const TUint KRoutingTypes(params1.Param(TRoutingParameters::EFlagRoutingTypes));
  1900     if ((KRoutingTypes & ETypeFramework) &&
  1901         (params1.Param(TRoutingParameters::EParamFormatCode) == EMTPFormatCodeAssociation))
  1902         {
  1903         SelectSubTypeRoutingL(ESubTypeDpProxy, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes, aParams);
  1904         }
  1905     else if (KRoutingTypes & ETypeOperationParameter)
  1906         {
  1907         SelectSubTypeRoutingL(ESubTypeFormatCodeFormatSubcodeStorageType, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes, aParams);
  1908         }
  1909     __FLOG(_L8("GetRoutingSubTypesSendObjectPropListRequestL, Exit"));
  1910     }
  1912 void CMTPParserRouter::GetRoutingSubTypesDeleteObjectPropListL(RArray<TRoutingParameters>& aParams, RArray<TUint>& aRoutingSubTypes, RArray<TUint>& aValidationSubTypes) const
  1913     {
  1914     __FLOG(_L8("GetRoutingSubTypesDeleteObjectPropListL, Entry"));
  1915     TRoutingParameters& params1(aParams[0]);
  1917     __ASSERT_DEBUG((params1.Request().Uint16(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestOperationCode) == EMTPOpCodeDeleteObjectPropList), User::Invariant());
  1919     const TUint KObjectHandle(params1.Param(TRoutingParameters::EParamObjectHandle));
  1920     if ((KObjectHandle == KMTPHandleAll) || (KObjectHandle == KMTPHandleNone))
  1921         {
  1922         SelectSubTypeRoutingL(ESubTypeOperationCode, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes, aParams);
  1923         }
  1924     else 
  1925         {
  1926         SelectSubTypeRoutingL(ESubTypeOwnerObject, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes, aParams);
  1927         }
  1929     __FLOG(_L8("GetRoutingSubTypesDeleteObjectPropListL, Exit"));
  1930     }
  1932 void CMTPParserRouter::GetRoutingSubTypesGetFormatCapabilitiesL(RArray<TRoutingParameters>& aParams, RArray<TUint>& aRoutingSubTypes, RArray<TUint>& aValidationSubTypes) const
  1933     {
  1934     __FLOG(_L8("GetRoutingSubTypesGetFormatCapabilities, Entry"));
  1935     TRoutingParameters& params1(aParams[0]);
  1937     __ASSERT_DEBUG((params1.Request().Uint16(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestOperationCode) == EMTPOpCodeGetFormatCapabilities), User::Invariant());
  1939     if( params1.Param(TRoutingParameters::EParamFormatCode) == KMTPFormatsAll)
  1940         {
  1941         SelectSubTypeRoutingL(ESubTypeOperationCode, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes, aParams);
  1942         }
  1943     else if ( params1.Param(TRoutingParameters::EFlagRoutingTypes) & ETypeOperationParameter)
  1944         {
  1945         SelectSubTypeRoutingL(ESubTypeFormatCodeOperationCode, aRoutingSubTypes, aValidationSubTypes, aParams);
  1946         }
  1948     __FLOG(_L8("GetRoutingSubTypesGetFormatCapabilities, Exit"));
  1949     }
  1951 /**
  1952 Parses the specified MTP operation request dataset to extract the specified 
  1953 parameter value together with any applicable meta-data. The parameter value 
  1954 will be extracted only if not null (0x00000000).  
  1955 @param aParam The operation request dataset parameter identifier.
  1956 @param aType The operation request dataset parameter type.
  1957 @param aParams The operation routing parameter data, updated on exit with the 
  1958 parameter value together with any associated meta-data.
  1959 @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a general processing error 
  1960 occurs.
  1961 */    
  1962 void CMTPParserRouter::ParseOperationRequestParameterL(TMTPTypeRequest::TElements aParam, TRoutingParameters::TParameterType aType, TRoutingParameters& aParams) const
  1963     {
  1964     __FLOG(_L8("ParseOperationRequestParameterL, Entry"));
  1965     const TUint32 KParam(aParams.Request().Uint32(aParam));    
  1966     __FLOG_VA((_L8("Parameter %d = 0x%08X"), (aParam - TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestParameter1 + 1), KParam));
  1968     // Parse out the parameter value if a non-null value is present.
  1969     if (KParam != KMTPNotSpecified32)
  1970         {
  1971         aParams.SetParam(aType, KParam);
  1972         }
  1974     // Extract any applicable meta-data.
  1975     switch (aType)
  1976         {
  1977     case TRoutingParameters::EParamStorageId:
  1978         {
  1979         CMTPStorageMgr& storages(iSingletons.StorageMgr());
  1980         if (KParam == KMTPStorageDefault) 
  1981             {
  1982             aParams.SetParam(TRoutingParameters::EParamStorageSystemType, storages.StorageL(storages.DefaultStorageId()).Uint(CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageSystemType));
  1983             }
  1984         else if (storages.ValidStorageId(KParam))
  1985             {
  1986             aParams.SetParam(TRoutingParameters::EParamStorageSystemType, storages.StorageL(KParam).Uint(CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageSystemType));
  1987             }
  1988         else
  1989             {
  1990             aParams.SetParam(TRoutingParameters::EFlagInvalid, ETrue);
  1991             }
  1992         }
  1993         break;
  1995     case TRoutingParameters::EParamObjectHandle:
  1996         if ((KParam != KMTPHandleAll) && (KParam != KMTPHandleAllRootLevel))
  1997             {
  1998             CMTPObjectMetaData* obj(CMTPObjectMetaData::NewLC());
  1999             if (!iSingletons.ObjectMgr().ObjectL(aParams.Param(CMTPParserRouter::TRoutingParameters::EParamObjectHandle), *obj))
  2000                 {
  2001                 // Object does not exist.
  2002                 aParams.SetParam(TRoutingParameters::EFlagInvalid, ETrue);
  2003                 }
  2004             else
  2005                 {
  2006                 aParams.SetParam(CMTPParserRouter::TRoutingParameters::EParamFormatCode, obj->Uint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EFormatCode));
  2007                 aParams.SetParam(CMTPParserRouter::TRoutingParameters::EParamFormatSubCode, obj->Uint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EFormatSubCode));
  2008                 aParams.SetParam(CMTPParserRouter::TRoutingParameters::EParamStorageSystemType, iSingletons.StorageMgr().StorageL(obj->Uint(CMTPObjectMetaData::EStorageId)).Uint(CMTPStorageMetaData::EStorageSystemType));            
  2009                 }
  2010             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(obj);
  2011             }
  2012         break;
  2014     default:
  2015         break;
  2016         }    
  2017     __FLOG(_L8("ParseOperationRequestParameterL, Exit"));
  2018     }
  2020 /**
  2021 Resolves set of zero or more routing targets using the specified lookup 
  2022 parameter based routing sub-type.
  2023 @param aRoutingSubType The routing sub-type.
  2024 @param aParams The operation routing parameter data.
  2025 @param aTargets On exit, the seto of resolved routing targets.
  2026 @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a general processing error 
  2027 occurs.
  2028 */
  2029 void CMTPParserRouter::RouteOperationRequestNParametersL(TUint aRoutingSubType, const TRoutingParameters& aParams, RArray<TUint>& aTargets) const
  2030     {
  2031     __FLOG(_L8("RouteOperationRequestNParametersL, Entry"));
  2032     __FLOG_VA((_L8("Routing Sub-type = 0x%08X"), aRoutingSubType));
  2034     // Build the set of map source parameter values.
  2035     RArray<TUint> from;
  2036     CleanupClosePushL(from);
  2037     switch (aRoutingSubType)
  2038         {
  2039     case ESubTypeDevicePropCode:
  2040         from.AppendL(aParams.Param(TRoutingParameters::EParamDevicePropCode));
  2041         break;
  2043     case ESubTypeObjectPropCode:
  2044         from.AppendL(aParams.Param(TRoutingParameters::EParamObjectPropCode));
  2045         break;
  2047     case ESubTypeOperationCode:
  2048         from.AppendL(aParams.Request().Uint16(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestOperationCode));
  2049         break;
  2051     case ESubTypeStorageType:
  2052         from.AppendL(aParams.Param(TRoutingParameters::EParamStorageSystemType));
  2053         break;
  2055     case ESubTypeFormatCodeFormatSubcode:
  2056         from.AppendL(aParams.Param(TRoutingParameters::EParamFormatCode));
  2057         from.AppendL(aParams.Param(TRoutingParameters::EParamFormatSubCode));
  2058         break;
  2060     case ESubTypeFormatCodeOperationCode:
  2061         from.AppendL(aParams.Param(TRoutingParameters::EParamFormatCode));
  2062         from.AppendL(aParams.Request().Uint16(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestOperationCode));
  2063         break;
  2065     case ESubTypeStorageTypeOperationCode:
  2066         from.AppendL(aParams.Param(TRoutingParameters::EParamStorageSystemType));
  2067         from.AppendL(aParams.Request().Uint16(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestOperationCode));
  2068         break;
  2070     case ESubTypeFormatCodeFormatSubcodeStorageType:
  2071         from.AppendL(aParams.Param(TRoutingParameters::EParamFormatCode));
  2072         from.AppendL(aParams.Param(TRoutingParameters::EParamFormatSubCode));
  2073         from.AppendL(aParams.Param(TRoutingParameters::EParamStorageSystemType));
  2074         break;
  2075     case ESubTypeServiceIDOperationCode :
  2076         {
  2077         from.AppendL(aParams.Param(TRoutingParameters::EParamServiceId));
  2078         }
  2079         break;   
  2081     default:
  2082         __DEBUG_ONLY(User::Invariant());
  2083         break;
  2084         }
  2086     // Resolve the map target parameter set.
  2087     iMaps[Index(aRoutingSubType)]->GetToL(from, aTargets);
  2088     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&from);
  2089     __FLOG(_L8("RouteOperationRequestNParametersL, Exit"));
  2090     }
  2092 /**
  2093 Resolves set of zero or more routing targets using the specified parameterless 
  2094 routing sub-type.
  2095 @param aRoutingSubType The routing sub-type.
  2096 @param aParams The operation routing parameter data.
  2097 @param aTargets On exit, the seto of resolved routing targets.
  2098 @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a general processing error 
  2099 occurs.
  2100 */
  2101 void CMTPParserRouter::RouteOperationRequest0ParametersL(TUint aRoutingSubType, const TRoutingParameters& aParams, RArray<TUint>& aTargets) const
  2102     {
  2103     __FLOG(_L8("RouteOperationRequest0ParametersL, Entry"));
  2104     __FLOG_VA((_L8("Routing Sub-type = 0x%08X"), aRoutingSubType));
  2105     TInt id(KErrNotFound);
  2106     switch (aRoutingSubType)
  2107         {
  2108     case ESubTypeDpDevice:
  2109         id = iSingletons.DpController().DeviceDpId();
  2110         break;
  2112     case ESubTypeDpProxy:
  2113         id = iSingletons.DpController().ProxyDpId();
  2114         break;
  2116     case ESubTypeOwnerObject:
  2117         id = iSingletons.ObjectMgr().ObjectOwnerId(aParams.Param(TRoutingParameters::EParamObjectHandle));
  2118         if ( EMTPOpCodeSetObjectProtection == aParams.Request().Uint16(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestOperationCode))
  2119             {
  2120             if ( (EMTPFormatCodeScript!=aParams.Param(TRoutingParameters::EParamFormatCode)) && (EMTPFormatCodeEXIFJPEG!=aParams.Param(TRoutingParameters::EParamFormatCode)) )
  2121                 {
  2122                 id = iSingletons.DpController().FileDpId();
  2123                 }
  2124             }
  2125         break;
  2127     case ESubTypeOwnerStorage:
  2128         {
  2129         CMTPStorageMgr& storages(iSingletons.StorageMgr());
  2130         const TUint KStorageId(aParams.Param(TRoutingParameters::EParamStorageId));
  2131         if (storages.LogicalStorageId(KStorageId))
  2132             {
  2133             id = storages.LogicalStorageOwner(KStorageId);
  2134             }
  2135         else
  2136             {
  2137             id = storages.PhysicalStorageOwner(KStorageId);
  2138             }
  2139         }
  2140         break;
  2142     case ESubTypeRequestRegistration:
  2143         {
  2144         CMTPSession& session(static_cast<CMTPSession&>(aParams.Connection().SessionWithMTPIdL(aParams.Request().Uint32(TMTPTypeRequest::ERequestSessionID))));
  2145         id = session.RouteRequest(aParams.Request());
  2146         }
  2147         break;
  2149     default:
  2150         __DEBUG_ONLY(User::Invariant());
  2151         break;
  2152         }
  2154     if (id != KErrNotFound && iSingletons.DpController().IsDataProviderLoaded(id))
  2155         {
  2156         SelectTargetL(id, aTargets);
  2157         }
  2158     __FLOG(_L8("RouteOperationRequest0ParametersL, Exit"));
  2159     }
  2161 /**
  2162 Provides a single suitable routing target for the specified request. A target 
  2163 is selected such that:
  2165     1.	Any request that resolves to multiple targets will always be directed 
  2166      	to the proxy data provider.
  2167     2.	Any request that cannot be resolved to at least one target will always 
  2168         be directed to the device data provider.
  2170 @param aRequest The operation request dataset of the MTP operation to be 
  2171 routed.
  2172 @param aConnection The MTP connection on which the operation request is being 
  2173 processed.
  2174 @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a general processing error 
  2175 occurs.
  2176 */
  2177 TUint CMTPParserRouter::RoutingTargetL(const TMTPTypeRequest& aRequest, CMTPConnection& aConnection) const
  2178     {
  2179     __FLOG(_L8("RoutingTargetL, Entry"));    
  2180     // Parse the operation request dataset.
  2181     TRoutingParameters params(aRequest, static_cast<MMTPConnection&>(aConnection));
  2182     ParseOperationRequestL(params);
  2184     // Route the operation request.
  2185     RArray<TUint> targets;
  2186     CleanupClosePushL(targets);
  2187     params.SetParam(TRoutingParameters::EFlagRoutingTypes, (ETypeFramework | ETypeOperationParameter | ETypeRequestRegistration));
  2188     RouteOperationRequestL(params, targets);
  2190     // Dispatch the operation request.
  2191     TUint target(0);
  2192     if (targets.Count() > 1)
  2193         {
  2194         target = iSingletons.DpController().ProxyDpId();
  2195         }
  2196     else
  2197         {
  2198         target = targets[0];
  2199         }
  2200     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&targets);
  2201     __FLOG(_L8("RoutingTargetL, Exit"));
  2202     return target;
  2203     }
  2205 /**
  2206 Selects the specified routing sub-type together with any applicable validation 
  2207 sub-types.
  2208 @param aSubType The selected routing sub-type.
  2209 @param aRoutingSubTypes The set of selected routing sub-types, updated on exit.
  2210 @param aValidationSubTypes The set of selected validation sub-types, 
  2211 potentially updated on exit.
  2212 @param aParams The set of operation routing parameter data.
  2213 @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a general processing error 
  2214 occurs.
  2215 */
  2216 void CMTPParserRouter::SelectSubTypeRoutingL(TRoutingSubType aSubType, RArray<TUint>& aRoutingSubTypes, RArray<TUint>& aValidationSubTypes, RArray<TRoutingParameters>& aParams) const
  2217     {
  2218     __FLOG(_L8("SelectSubTypeRoutingL, Entry"));
  2219     __ASSERT_DEBUG((aRoutingSubTypes.Find(aSubType) == KErrNotFound), User::Invariant());
  2220     aRoutingSubTypes.AppendL(aSubType);    
  2221     switch (aSubType)
  2222         {
  2223     case ESubTypeDevicePropCode:
  2224     case ESubTypeObjectPropCode:
  2225     case ESubTypeStorageType:
  2226     case ESubTypeOwnerObject:
  2227     case ESubTypeOwnerStorage:
  2228         SelectSubTypeValidationL(ESubTypeOperationCode, aValidationSubTypes);
  2229         break;
  2231     case ESubTypeFormatCodeFormatSubcode:
  2232     case ESubTypeFormatCodeOperationCode:
  2233     case ESubTypeFormatCodeFormatSubcodeStorageType:
  2234         {
  2235         TRoutingParameters params2(aParams[0]);
  2236         params2.SetParam(TRoutingParameters::EParamFormatCode, EMTPFormatCodeUndefined);
  2237         aParams.AppendL(params2);
  2238         SelectSubTypeValidationL(ESubTypeOperationCode, aValidationSubTypes);
  2239         }
  2240         break;
  2242     case ESubTypeRequestRegistration:
  2243     default:
  2244         break;
  2245         }
  2246     __FLOG(_L8("SelectSubTypeRoutingL, Exit"));
  2247     }
  2249 /**
  2250 Selects the specified validation sub-type.
  2251 @param aSubType The selected validation sub-type.
  2252 @param aValidationSubTypes The set of selected validation sub-types, updated 
  2253 on exit.
  2254 @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a general processing error 
  2255 occurs.
  2256 */
  2257 void CMTPParserRouter::SelectSubTypeValidationL(TRoutingSubType aSubType, RArray<TUint>& aValidationSubTypes) const
  2258     {
  2259     __FLOG(_L8("SelectSubTypeValidationL, Entry"));
  2260     TInt err(aValidationSubTypes.InsertInOrder(aSubType));
  2261     if ((err != KErrNone) &&
  2262         (err != KErrAlreadyExists))
  2263         {
  2264         User::Leave(err);
  2265         }
  2266     __FLOG(_L8("SelectSubTypeValidationL, Exit"));
  2267     }
  2269 /**
  2270 Validates the specified set of routing targets.
  2271 @param aParams The operation routing parameter data.
  2272 @param aValidationSubTypes The set of validation sub-types. 
  2273 @param aTargets The set of data provider targets to be validated. Invalid 
  2274 targets are removed from this set.
  2275 */    
  2276 void CMTPParserRouter::ValidateTargetsL(const TRoutingParameters& aParams, const RArray<TUint>& aValidationSubTypes, RArray<TUint>& aTargets) const
  2277     {
  2278     __FLOG(_L8("ValidateTargetsL, Entry"));
  2279     const TUint KValidationsCount(aValidationSubTypes.Count());
  2280     for (TUint v(0); (v < KValidationsCount); v++)
  2281         {
  2282         RArray<TUint> valid;
  2283         CleanupClosePushL(valid);
  2284         RouteOperationRequestNParametersL(aValidationSubTypes[v], aParams, valid);
  2285         valid.Sort();
  2286         TUint target(aTargets.Count());
  2287         while (target--)
  2288             {
  2289             if (valid.FindInOrder(aTargets[target]) == KErrNotFound)
  2290                 {
  2291                 aTargets.Remove(target);
  2292                 }
  2293             }
  2294         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&valid);
  2295         }
  2296     __FLOG(_L8("ValidateTargetsL, Exit"));
  2297     }
  2299 /**
  2300 Provides the routing sub-type modifier flags of the specified routing sub-type.
  2301 @param aSubType The routing sub-type identifier.
  2302 @return The routing sub-type modifier flags.
  2303 */
  2304 TUint CMTPParserRouter::Flags(TUint aSubType)
  2305     {
  2306     return (aSubType & ESubTypeFlagMask);
  2307     }
  2309 /**
  2310 Provides the routing sub-type (map) index of the specified routing sub-type.
  2311 @param aSubType The routing sub-type identifier.
  2312 @return The routing sub-type (map) index.
  2313 */
  2314 TUint CMTPParserRouter::Index(TUint aSubType)
  2315     {
  2316     return (aSubType & ESubTypeIndexMask);
  2317     }
  2319 /**
  2320 Provides the routing sub-type parameter count type of the specified routing 
  2321 sub-type.
  2322 @param aSubType The routing sub-type identifier.
  2323 @return The routing sub-type parameter count type.
  2324 */
  2325 TUint CMTPParserRouter::Params(TUint aSubType)
  2326     {
  2327     return (aSubType & ESubTypeParamsMask);
  2328     }
  2330 /**
  2331 Provides the routing sub-type parameter count of the specified routing 
  2332 sub-type.
  2333 @param aSubType The routing sub-type identifier.
  2334 @return The routing sub-type parameter count.
  2335 */
  2336 TUint CMTPParserRouter::ParamsCount(TUint aSubType)
  2337     {
  2338     return (Params(aSubType) >> 24);
  2339     }
  2341 /**
  2342 Encodes a routing sub-type identifier using the specified sub-field values.
  2343 @param aIndex The routing sub-type (map) index.
  2344 @param aFlags The routing sub-type modifier flags.
  2345 @param aParamsCount The routing sub-type parameter count.
  2346 */
  2347 TUint CMTPParserRouter::SubType(TUint aIndex, TUint aFlags, TUint aParamsCount)
  2348     {
  2349     return ((aParamsCount << 24) | aFlags | aIndex);
  2350     }
  2352 #ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
  2353 /**
  2354 Logs the map table entries of all map tables.
  2355 @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a general processing error 
  2356 occurs.
  2357 */  
  2358 void CMTPParserRouter::FLOGMapsL() const
  2359     {
  2360     __FLOG(_L8("FLOGMapsL, Entry"));
  2361     const TUint KCount(iMaps.Count());
  2362     for (TUint i(0); (i < KCount); i++)
  2363         {
  2364         const CMap& KMap (*iMaps[i]);
  2365         __FLOG(_L8(""));
  2366         __FLOG_VA((_L8("Table 0x%08X"), KMap.SubType()));
  2367         __FLOG(_L8("----------------"));
  2368         RArray<TUint> from;
  2369         CleanupClosePushL(from);
  2370         KMap.InitParamsL(from);
  2371         KMap.FLOGMapL(from);
  2372         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&from);
  2373         __FLOG(_L8(""));
  2374         }
  2375     __FLOG(_L8("FLOGMapsL, Exit"));
  2376     }
  2377 #endif