changeset 0 d0791faffa3f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mtpfws/mtpfw/dataproviders/dataproviderapi/interface/mmtpstoragemgr.h	Tue Feb 02 01:11:40 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file
+ @publishedPartner
+ @released
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <mtp/cmtpstoragemetadata.h>
+#include <mtp/mtpstoragemgrquerytypes.h>
+class CMTPTypeString;
+Defines the MTP data provider framework storage manager interface. The storage 
+manager controls the allocation of physical and logical MTP StorageIDs, and 
+their mapping to storage media, such as Symbian OS file system drives.
+MTP StorageIDs are represented as unsigned 32-bit integers and are subdivided 
+into two 16-bit fields. The most significant 16-bits represents the physical 
+StorageID and the least significant 16-bits represents the StorageID of a 
+logical partition of that physical storage. 
+class MMTPStorageMgr
+    {
+    /**
+    Creates a new logical MTP StorageID partition on the specified Symbian OS 
+    file system drive, to be owned and managed by the specified data provider.
+    @param aDataProviderId The identifier of the data provider which will be 
+    responsible for the logical MTP StorageID.
+    @param aDriveNumber The Symbian OS file system drive on which the logical 
+    MTP StorageID partition is to be created.
+    @return The fully formed MTP StorageID of the new logical storage 
+    partition.
+    @param aStorage The storage meta-data. This must minimally specify the 
+    @see EStorageSystemType and @see EStorageSuid elements. The 
+    @see EStorageSystemType must match that of the corresponding physical 
+    MTP StorageID. If @see EStorageSystemType is specified as 
+    @see ESystemTypeDefaultFileSystem then @see EStorageSuid is validated as a 
+    fully formed file system folder path (e.g. "C:\Media") which must 
+    correspond to the specified file system drive.
+    @leave KErrAlreadyExists, if the storage SUID is already defined.
+    @leave KErrArgument if @see EStorageSystemType is not 
+    @see ESystemTypeDefaultFileSystem, or if @see EStorageSuid is not a valid
+    file system folder path, or does not match the specified drive.
+    @leave KErrNotFound if the specified drive does not exist.
+    @leave KErrPathNotFound, if @see EStorageSystemType is 
+    @see ESystemTypeDefaultFileSystem and the path specified by 
+    @see EStorageSuid does not exist on the Symbian OS filesystem. 
+    @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a processing failure occurs.
+    */
+    virtual TUint32 AllocateLogicalStorageIdL(TUint aDataProviderId, TDriveNumber aDriveNumber, const CMTPStorageMetaData& aStorage) = 0;
+    /**
+    Creates a new logical MTP StorageID partition on the specified physical MTP
+    StorageID, to be owned and managed by the specified data provider.
+    @param aDataProviderId The identifier of the data provider which will be 
+    responsible for the logical MTP StorageID.
+    @param aPhysicalStorageId The physical MTP StorageID on which the logical 
+    MTP StorageID partition is to be created.
+    @param aStorage The storage meta-data. This must minimally specify the 
+    @see EStorageSystemType and @see EStorageSuid elements. The 
+    @see EStorageSystemType must match that of the corresponding physical 
+    MTP StorageID. If @see EStorageSystemType is specified as 
+    @see ESystemTypeDefaultFileSystem then @see EStorageSuid is validated as a 
+    fully formed file system folder path (e.g. "C:\Media") which must 
+    correspond to the specified file system drive.
+    @return The fully formed MTP StorageID of the new logical storage 
+    partition.
+    @leave KErrAlreadyExists, if the storage SUID is already defined.
+    @leave KErrArgument if @see EStorageSystemType is not 
+    @see ESystemTypeDefaultFileSystem, or if @see EStorageSuid is not a valid
+    file system folder path, or does not match the specified drive.
+    @leave KErrNotFound if the specified physical StorageID does not exist.
+    @leave KErrPathNotFound, if @see EStorageSystemType is 
+    @see ESystemTypeDefaultFileSystem and the path specified by 
+    @see EStorageSuid does not exist on the Symbian OS filesystem. 
+    @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a processing failure occurs.
+    */
+    virtual TUint32 AllocateLogicalStorageIdL(TUint aDataProviderId, TUint32 aPhysicalStorageId, const CMTPStorageMetaData& aStorage) = 0;
+    /**
+    Creates a new physical MTP StorageID to be owned and managed by the 
+    specified data provider.
+    @param aDataProviderId The identifier of the data provider which will be 
+    responsible for the physical MTP StorageID.
+    @param aStorage The storage meta-data. 
+    @return The physical MTP StorageID.
+    @leave KErrAlreadyExists, if the storage SUID is already defined.
+    @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a processing failure occurs.
+    */
+    virtual TUint32 AllocatePhysicalStorageIdL(TUint aDataProviderId, const CMTPStorageMetaData& aStorage) = 0;
+    /**
+    Releases the specified fully formed logical MTP StorageID. 
+    @param aDataProviderId The identifier of the data provider which is 
+    responsible for the logical MTP StorageID.
+    @param aLogicalStorageId The fully formed logical MTP StorageID to be 
+    deallocated.
+    @return KErrNone, if successful.
+    @return KErrNotFound, if the specified logical MTP StorageID is not 
+    defined.
+    @return KErrAccessDenied, if the specified data provider is not the owner of
+    the specified logical MTP StorageID.
+    @return one of the system wide error codes, if a processing failure occurs.
+    */
+    virtual TInt DeallocateLogicalStorageId(TUint aDataProviderId, TUint32 aLogicalStorageId) = 0;
+    /**
+    Releases all logical MTP StorageIDs which represent partitions of the 
+    specified physical MTP StorageID and which are owned by the specified data 
+    provider.
+    @param aDataProviderId The identifier of the data provider which is 
+    responsible for the logical MTP StorageIDs.
+    @param aPhysicalStorageId The physical MTP StorageID.
+    */
+    virtual void DeallocateLogicalStorageIds(TUint aDataProviderId, TUint32 aPhysicalStorageId) = 0;
+    /**
+    Releases the specified physical MTP StorageID, along with all associated
+    logical storage partititions. 
+    @param aDataProviderId The identifier of the data provider which is 
+    responsible for the physical MTP StorageID.
+    @param aPhysicalStorageId The physical MTP StorageID to be released.
+    @return KErrNone if successful.
+    @return KErrNotFound, if the specified sical MTP StorageID is not 
+    defined.
+    @return KErrAccessDenied if the specified data provider is not the owner of
+    the specified physical MTP StorageID.
+    @return one of the system wide error codes, if a processing failure occurs.
+    */
+    virtual TInt DeallocatePhysicalStorageId(TUint aDataProviderId, TUint32 aPhysicalStorageId) = 0;
+    /**
+    Provides the default MTP StorageID, as determined by the value of the 
+    @see MTPFrameworkConfig::EDefaultStorageDrive framework configurability 
+    parameter. This may either be a physical or fully formed logical MTP 
+    StorageID, depending on the value of the 
+    @see MTPFrameworkConfig::ELogicalStorageIdsAllocationEnable framework 
+    configurability parameter.
+    @return The default MTP StorageID.
+    */
+    virtual TUint32 DefaultStorageId() const = 0;
+    /**
+    Provides the Symbian OS drive number associated with the specified MTP 
+    StorageID. 
+    @param aStorageId The physical or fully formed logical MTP StorageID.
+    @return The Symbian OS drive number associated with the specified MTP 
+    StorageID.
+    @return KErrNotFound, if the MTP StorageID does not exist, or is not 
+    associated with a Symbian OS drive number.
+    */
+    virtual TInt DriveNumber(TUint32 aStorageId) const = 0;
+    /**
+    Provides the fully formed MTP StorageID created by the MTP data provider 
+    framework on the specified Symbian OS drive. If the 
+    @see MTPFrameworkConfig::ELogicalStorageIdsAllocationEnable framework 
+    configurability parameter is set, then an MTP StorageID is created on each 
+    of the available Symbian OS file system drives as they become available. If
+    not set then the creation of all logical MTP StorageIDs is deferred to the 
+    active data providers.
+    @param aDriveNumber The drive number for which the corresponding logical
+    MTP StorageID is required.
+    @return The fully formed MTP StorageID of the logical storage which 
+    corresponds to the specified Symbian OS drive number.
+    @return KErrNotFound, if the Symbian OS drive number does not correspond 
+    to an MTP data provider framework created default logical MTP StorageID.
+    */
+    virtual TInt32 FrameworkStorageId(TDriveNumber aDriveNumber) const = 0;
+    /**
+    Provides an ordered list of the Symbian OS file system drives which are
+    available for use as MTP storages. This comprises the sub-set of available
+    Symbian OS file system drives which are left exposed by the the @see
+    MTPFrameworkConfig::EExcludedStorageDrives framework configurability 
+    parameter.
+    @param aDrives On succesful completion, the list of available Symbian OS 
+    file system drives.
+    @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a processing failure occurs.
+    */
+    virtual void GetAvailableDrivesL(RArray<TDriveNumber>& aDrives) const = 0;
+    /**
+    Provides an ordered list of the storage meta-data for all available logical
+    MTP StorageIDs which match the specified query criteria. 
+    @param aParams The query parameters.
+    @param aStorages On succesful completion, the list of matching storage 
+    meta-data. 
+    @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a processing failure occurs.
+    */
+    virtual void GetLogicalStoragesL(const TMTPStorageMgrQueryParams& aParams, RPointerArray<const CMTPStorageMetaData>& aStorages) const = 0;
+    /**
+    Provides an ordered list of the storage meta-data for all available 
+    physical MTP StorageIDs which match the specified query criteria. 
+    @param aParams The query parameters.
+    @param aStorages On succesful completion, the list of matching storage 
+    meta-data. 
+    @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a processing failure occurs.
+    */
+    virtual void GetPhysicalStoragesL(const TMTPStorageMgrQueryParams& aParams, RPointerArray<const CMTPStorageMetaData>& aStorages) const = 0;
+    /**
+    Provides the logical StorageID component (i.e. the least significant 
+    16-bits) of the specified 32-bit MTP StorageID.
+    @param aStorageId The MTP StorageID.
+    @return The logical MTP StorageID, if successful.
+    */
+    virtual TUint32 LogicalStorageId(TUint32 aStorageId) const = 0;
+    /**
+    Provides the the fully formed 32-bit logical StorageID associated with the
+    specified storage System Unique IDentifier (SUID).
+    @param aStorageId The MTP StorageID.
+    @return If successful, the fully formed MTP StorageID of the logical 
+    storage which corresponds to the specified storage UID.
+    KErrNotFound, if the specified storage UID is not defined.
+    */
+    virtual TInt32 LogicalStorageId(const TDesC& aStorageSuid) const = 0;
+    /**
+    Provides the physical MTP StorageID associated with the specified 
+    Symbian OS drive number.
+    @param aDriveNumber The Symbian OS drive number.
+    @return If successful, the physical MTP StorageID associated with the 
+    specified Symbian OS drive number.
+    KErrNotFound, if the Symbian OS drive number is not associated with an MTP
+    StorageID.
+    */
+    virtual TInt32 PhysicalStorageId(TDriveNumber aDriveNumber) const = 0;
+    /**
+    Provides the physical StorageID component (i.e. the most significant 
+    16-bits) of the specified 32-bit MTP StorageID.
+    @param aStorageId The MTP StorageID.
+    @return The physical MTP StorageID.
+    */
+    virtual TUint32 PhysicalStorageId(TUint32 aStorageId) const = 0;
+    /**
+    Provides the storage meta-data for the specified logical MTP StorageID.
+    @param aStorageId The physical or fully formed logical MTP StorageID.
+    @leave KErrNotFound if the specified StorageID does not exist.
+    @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a processing failure occurs.
+    */
+    virtual const CMTPStorageMetaData& StorageL(TUint32 aStorageId) const = 0;
+    /**
+    Constructs a fully formed 32-bit MTP StorageID from the specified physical 
+    and logical MTP StorageIDs.
+    @param aPhysicalStorageId The physical MTP StorageID. The least significant
+    16-bits are ignored.
+    @param aLogicalStorageId The logical MTP StorageID. The most significant 
+    16-bits are ignored.
+    @return The fully formed 32-bit MTP StorageID.
+    */
+    virtual TUint32 StorageId(TUint32 aPhysicalStorageId, TUint32 aLogicalStorageId) const = 0;
+    /**
+    Indicates if the specified StorageID is defined.
+    @param aStorageId The physical or fully formed logical MTP StorageID.
+    @return ETrue if the StorageID exists, otherwise EFalse.
+    */
+    virtual TBool ValidStorageId(TUint32 aStorageId) const = 0;
+    /**
+    Generates an MTP volume identifier string of which the leading 128 
+    characters are guaranteed to be unique amongst all storages presented to a 
+    conected MTP initiator.
+    @param aDataProviderId The identifier of the data provider.
+    @param aStorageId The MTP StorageID associated with the volume identifier.
+    @param aVolumeIdSuffix The data provider supplied volume identifier string.
+    @return The MTP volume identifier string. Ownership IS transferred.
+    @leave KErrAccessDenied if the specified data provider is not the owner of
+    the specified StorageID.
+    @leave KErrNotFound if the specified MTP StorageID does not exist.
+    @leave One of the system wide error codes, if a processing failure occurs.
+    */
+    virtual CMTPTypeString* VolumeIdL(TUint aDataProviderId, TUint32 aStorageId, const TDesC& aVolumeIdSuffix) const = 0;
+    };