changeset 0 d0791faffa3f
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mtpfws/mtpfw/inc/cmtpserviceinfo.h	Tue Feb 02 01:11:40 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <e32des8.h> 
+#include <e32cmn.h>
+#include <mtp/tmtptypeuint128.h>
+#include <mtp/tmtptypeguid.h>
+#include "mtpdebug.h"
+Implements the MTP service configure interface.
+class TPKeyPair
+    {
+    TPKeyPair( const TMTPTypeGuid& aNamespace, const TUint aID );
+    TMTPTypeGuid iNamespace;
+    TUint     iPKeyId;
+    };
+class CServiceElementBase : public CBase
+    {
+    virtual ~CServiceElementBase();
+    IMPORT_C virtual TBool IsUsed();
+    IMPORT_C virtual TUint Code() const;
+    IMPORT_C virtual const TDesC& Name() const;
+    IMPORT_C virtual const TMTPTypeGuid& GUID() const;
+    virtual void SetCode( const TUint aCode );
+    virtual TInt Compare( const CServiceElementBase& aR ) const;
+    CServiceElementBase(const TMTPTypeGuid& aGUID, HBufC* aName);
+    TUint16          iCode;
+    TMTPTypeGuid  iGUID;
+    HBufC*           iName;
+    };
+class CServiceProperty : public CServiceElementBase
+    {
+    static CServiceProperty* NewLC(const TMTPTypeGuid& aGUID, const TUint aPkeyID, HBufC* aName, const TUint aDataType, const TUint aGetSet, const TUint aFormFlag);
+    IMPORT_C const TMTPTypeGuid& Namespace() const;
+    IMPORT_C TUint PKeyID() const;
+    IMPORT_C TUint DataType() const;
+    IMPORT_C TUint GetSet() const;
+    IMPORT_C TUint FormFlag() const;
+    CServiceProperty( const TMTPTypeGuid& aGUID, const TUint aPkeyID, HBufC* aName, const TUint aDataType, const TUint aGetSet, const TUint aFormFlag );
+    void ConstructL();
+    TUint            iPKeyId;
+    TUint16          iDataType;
+    TUint8           iGetSet;
+    TUint8           iFormFlag;
+    };
+class CServiceFormat : public CServiceElementBase
+    {
+    static CServiceFormat* NewLC(const TMTPTypeGuid& aGUID, HBufC* aName, const TUint aBaseFormat, HBufC* aMime );
+    IMPORT_C TUint FormatBase() const;
+    IMPORT_C const TDesC& MIMEType1() const;
+    ~CServiceFormat();
+    CServiceFormat( const TMTPTypeGuid& aGUID, HBufC* aName, const TUint aBaseFormat, HBufC* aMime );
+    void ConstructL();
+    TUint16     iFormatBase;
+    HBufC*      iMIMEType1;
+    };
+class CServiceMethod: public CServiceElementBase
+    {
+    static CServiceMethod* NewLC(const TMTPTypeGuid& aGUID, HBufC* aName, const TUint aAssFormat);
+    IMPORT_C TUint ObjAssociateFormatCode() const;
+    CServiceMethod(const TMTPTypeGuid& aGUID, HBufC* aName, const TUint aAssFormat);
+    void ConstructL();
+    TUint16     iObjAssociateFormatCode;
+    };
+class CServiceEvent : public CServiceElementBase
+    {
+    static CServiceEvent* NewLC(const TUint aCode, const TMTPTypeGuid& aGUID, HBufC* aName);
+    CServiceEvent(const TUint aCode, const TMTPTypeGuid& aGUID, HBufC* aName);
+    void ConstructL();
+    };
+class CMTPServiceInfo :
+    public CBase
+    {
+    static CMTPServiceInfo* NewLC();
+    ~CMTPServiceInfo();
+    CMTPServiceInfo();
+    void ConstructL();
+    static TInt ServicePropertyOrderFromAscending( const CServiceProperty& aL, const CServiceProperty& aR);
+    static TInt ServicePropertyOrderFromKeyAscending( const TPKeyPair* aL, const CServiceProperty& aR);
+    static TInt ServiceElementBaseOrderFromAscending( const CServiceElementBase& aL, const CServiceElementBase& aR);
+    static TInt ServiceElementBaseOrderFromKeyAscending( const TMTPTypeGuid* aL, const CServiceElementBase& aR );
+    static TInt ServiceFormatOrderFromAscending( const CServiceFormat& aL, const CServiceFormat& aR);
+    static TInt ServiceFormatOrderFromKeyAscending( const TMTPTypeGuid* aL, const CServiceFormat& aR );
+    static TInt ServiceMethodOrderFromAscending( const CServiceMethod& aL, const CServiceMethod& aR );
+    static TInt ServiceMethodOrderFromKeyAscending( const TMTPTypeGuid* aL, const CServiceMethod& aR );
+    static TInt ServiceEventOrderFromAscending( const CServiceEvent& aL, const CServiceEvent& aR );
+    void SetServiceID( TUint aServiceID );
+    void SetServiceStorageID( TUint aStorageID );
+    void SetPersistentGUIDL( const TMTPTypeGuid& aGUID );
+    void SetServiceVersion( TUint aVersion );
+    void SetServiceGUIDL( const TMTPTypeGuid& aGUID );
+    void SetServiceName( HBufC* aName );
+    void SetServiceType( TUint aServiceType );
+    void SetBaseServiceID( TUint aID );
+    void AppendUserServiceL( const TMTPTypeGuid& aServiceGUID );
+    void InsertPropertyL( const CServiceProperty* aProperty );
+    void InsertFormatL( const CServiceFormat* aFormat );
+    void InsertMethodL( const CServiceMethod* aMethod );
+    void InsertEventL( const CServiceEvent* aEvent );
+    void AppendDataGUIDL( const TMTPTypeGuid& aGUID );
+    IMPORT_C TUint ServiceID() const;
+    IMPORT_C TUint ServiceStorageID() const;
+    IMPORT_C const TMTPTypeGuid& ServicePersistentGUID()const;
+    IMPORT_C TUint ServiceVersion() const;
+    IMPORT_C const TMTPTypeGuid& ServiceGUID() const;
+    IMPORT_C const TDesC& ServiceName() const;
+    IMPORT_C TUint ServiceType() const;
+    IMPORT_C TUint BaseServiceID() const;
+    CServiceProperty* ServiceProperty( const TMTPTypeGuid& aPKNamespace, const TUint aPKID ) const;
+    CServiceFormat* ServiceFormat( const TMTPTypeGuid& aGUID ) const;
+    CServiceMethod* ServiceMethod( const TMTPTypeGuid& aGUID ) const;
+    IMPORT_C const RArray<TMTPTypeGuid>& UsedServiceGUIDs() const;
+    IMPORT_C const RPointerArray<CServiceProperty>& ServiceProperties() const;
+    IMPORT_C const RPointerArray<CServiceFormat>& ServiceFormats() const;
+    IMPORT_C const RPointerArray<CServiceMethod>& ServiceMethods() const;
+    IMPORT_C const RPointerArray<CServiceEvent>& ServiceEvents() const;
+    IMPORT_C const RArray<TMTPTypeGuid>& DataBlockGUIDs() const;
+        TUint     iServiceId;
+        TUint     iServiceStorageId;
+        TMTPTypeGuid iPersistentGUID;
+        TUint     iServiceVersion;
+        TMTPTypeGuid iServiceGUID;
+        HBufC*      iServiceName;
+        TUint     iServiceType;
+        TUint     iBaseServiceId;
+        RArray<TMTPTypeGuid>     iUsedServiceGUIDs;
+        RPointerArray<CServiceProperty>   iServiceProperties;
+        RPointerArray<CServiceFormat>      iServiceFormats;
+        RPointerArray<CServiceMethod>     iServiceMethods;
+        RPointerArray<CServiceEvent>		iServiceEvents;
+        RArray<TMTPTypeGuid>     iDataBlock;
+        /**
+        FLOGGER debug trace member variable.
+        */
+    };
+#endif /* CMTPSERVICEINFO_H_ */