* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Terminal Control DM Adapter
#ifndef __SMLTCADAPTER_H__
#define __SMLTCADAPTER_H__
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Includes
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// symbian
#include <e32base.h>
#include <smldmadapter.h>
// s60
#include "TARMDmAdapter.h"
#include "TerminalControlClient.h"
#include <PolicyEngineClient.h>
const TUint KSmlDMTCAdapterImplUid = 0x10207824;
// The string value for true/false
_LIT8( KTCValueTrue, "true" );
_LIT8( KTCValueFalse, "false" );
// Passcode min/max length
const TInt KTCPassCodeMinLen = 4;
const TInt KTCPassCodeMaxLen = 255;
// the DDF version must be changed if any changes in
// DDF structure ( built in DDFStructureL() function )
_LIT8( KSmlTCDDFVersion, "1.0" );
_LIT8( KSmlTCTextPlain, "text/plain" );
_LIT8( KSmlTCTextXml, "text/xml" );
_LIT8( KTCNodeName, "TerminalSecurity" );
_LIT8( KTCNodeDescription,
"This node is the root node for all terminal control functionality" );
_LIT8( KTCFileScanNodeName, "FileScan" );
_LIT8( KTCFileScanNodeDescription,
"The file scan feature delivers to admin a list of files or \
folders found in device" );
_LIT8( KTCFileScanExecuteNodeName, "Execute" );
_LIT8( KTCFileScanExecuteNodeDescription,
"This node can be used to execute file scan operation." );
_LIT8( KTCFileScanResultsNodeName, "Results" );
_LIT8( KTCFileScanResultsNodeDescription,
"This node will hold the scan results" );
_LIT8( KTCFileDeleteNodeName, "FileDelete" );
_LIT8( KTCFileDeleteNodeDescription, "Deletes a file or empty folder" );
_LIT8( KTCDeviceLockNodeName, "DeviceLock" );
_LIT8( KTCDeviceLockNodeDescription,
"The parent node for all DeviceLock related nodes" );
_LIT8( KTCAutoLockPeriodNodeName, "AutoLockPeriod" );
_LIT8( KTCAutoLockPeriodNodeDescription,
"AutoLockPeriod is an integer that tells after how many minutes the device \
will be automatically locked if not used" );
_LIT8( KTCMaxAutoLockPeriodNodeName, "MaxAutoLockPeriod" );
_LIT8( KTCMaxAutoLockPeriodNodeDescription,
"MaxAutoLockPeriod is an integer that tells maximum value of AutoLockPeriod" );
_LIT8( KTCLockLevelNodeName, "LockLevel" );
_LIT8( KTCLockLevelNodeDescription,
"Lock level tells whether lock is enabled, and what type of lock it is" );
_LIT8( KTCLockCodeNodeName, "LockCode" );
_LIT8( KTCLockCodeNodeDescription,
"LockCode is the character sequence that is needed to open locked device" );
// -------- Enhanced features BEGIN
_LIT8( KTCLockCodeMinLengthNodeName, "LockCodeMinLength" );
_LIT8( KTCLockCodeMinLengthNodeDescription,
"LockCode minimum length, 4-256 characters" );
_LIT8( KTCLockCodeMaxLengthNodeName, "LockCodeMaxLength" );
_LIT8( KTCLockCodeMaxLengthNodeDescription,
"LockCode maximum length, 4-256 characters" );
_LIT8( KTCLockCodeRequireUpperAndLowerNodeName,
"LockCodeRequireUpperAndLower" );
_LIT8( KTCLockCodeRequireUpperAndLowerNodeDescription,
"If enabled the LockCode must contain both upper and lower case letters" );
_LIT8( KTCLockCodeRequireCharsAndNumbersNodeName,
"LockCodeRequireCharsAndNumbers" );
_LIT8( KTCLockCodeRequireCharsAndNumbersNodeDescription,
"If enabled the LockCode must contain both chars and numbers" );
_LIT8( KTCLockCodeMaxRepeatedCharactersNodeName,
"LockCodeMaxRepeatedCharacters" );
_LIT8( KTCLockCodeMaxRepeatedCharactersNodeDescription,
"Tells how many times a single character can be used in a password. \
Values between 0 and 4, 0 = no restriction" );
_LIT8( KTCLockCodeHistoryBufferNodeName, "LockCodeHistoryBuffer" );
_LIT8( KTCLockCodeHistoryBufferNodeDescription,
"History buffer for previously used lock codes. 0 = no restriction, \
1-X = the lock code can not match the previous X lock codes" );
_LIT8( KTCLockCodeExpirationNodeName, "LockCodeExpiration" );
_LIT8( KTCLockCodeExpirationNodeDescription,
"The password expires after X days, 0 = no restriction, 1-365" );
_LIT8( KTCLockCodeMinChangeToleranceNodeName, "LockCodeMinChangeTolerance" );
_LIT8( KTCLockCodeMinChangeToleranceNodeDescription,
"The user can change the password only X times before 'minimum change \
interval' hours has passed" );
_LIT8( KTCLockCodeMinChangeIntervalNodeName, "LockCodeMinChangeInterval" );
_LIT8( KTCLockCodeMinChangeIntervalNodeDescription,
"The user cannot change the password more than 'minimum change tolerance' \
times before X hours have passed since the previous change" );
_LIT8( KTCLockCodeCheckSpecificStringsNodeName,"LockCodeCheckSpecificStrings" );
_LIT8( KTCLockCodeCheckSpecificStringsNodeDescription,
"0 = No restriction, 1 = The password cannot match a string in the set of \
strings given by the next three calls" );
_LIT8( KTCLockCodeDisallowSpecificNodeName, "LockCodeDisallowSpecific" );
_LIT8( KTCLockCodeDisallowSpecificNodeDescription,
"Disallow the specific string/strings given. Individual strings can be \
separated with ';'" );
_LIT8( KTCLockCodeAllowSpecificNodeName, "LockCodeAllowSpecific" );
_LIT8( KTCLockCodeAllowSpecificNodeDescription,
"Re-allow the specific string/strings given. \
Individual strings can be separated with ';'" );
_LIT8( KTCLockCodeClearSpecificStringsNodeName, "LockCodeClearSpecificStrings" );
_LIT8( KTCLockCodeClearSpecificStringsNodeDescription,
"Clear the specific string -buffer" );
_LIT8( KTCLockCodeMaxAttemptsNodeName, "LockCodeMaxAttempts" );
_LIT8( KTCLockCodeMaxAttemptsNodeDescription,
"0 = No restriction, 3-100 = The device is 'hard' reset after the user has \
consecutively failed X times to answer the password query" );
_LIT8( KTCLockCodeConsecutiveNumbersNodeName, "LockCodeConsecutiveNumbers" );
_LIT8( KTCLockCodeConsecutiveNumbersNodeDescription,
"0 = No restriction, 1 = The password cannot contain two consecutive numbers" );
_LIT8( KTCLockCodeMinSpecialCharactersNodeName,
"LockCodeMinSpecialCharacters" );
_LIT8( KTCLockCodeMinSpecialCharactersNodeDescription,
"Tells the least number of special characters that must be present in the lock code. \
Values between 0 and 255, 0 = no restriction" );
_LIT8( KTCLockCodeDisallowSimpleNodeName, "LockCodeDisallowSimple" );
_LIT8( KTCLockCodeDisallowSimpleNodeDescription,
"0 = No restriction, 1 = The password cannot be a simple string" );
// -------- Enhanced features END
_LIT8( KTCDeviceWipeNodeName, "DeviceWipe" );
_LIT8( KTCDeviceWipeNodeDescription,
"This node is the root node for all terminal control functionality" );
_LIT8( KTCLocalOperationsNodeName, "LocalOperations" );
_LIT8( KTCLocalOperationsNodeDescription,
"This node is common parent for all local operations" );
_LIT8( KTCStartNodeName, "Start" );
_LIT8( KTCStartNodeDescription,
"Exec command causes device to start an application" );
_LIT8( KTCStopNodeName, "Stop" );
_LIT8( KTCStopNodeDescription,
"Exec command causes device to stop an application or process" );
_LIT8( KTCProcessesNodeName, "Processes" );
_LIT8( KTCProcessesNodeDescription,
"TThis is root for all process related information that is \
available for the admin" );
_LIT8( KTCProcessesDynaNodeDescription,
"This node is placeholder for an identity of a process" );
_LIT8( KTCIDNodeName, "ID" );
_LIT8( KTCIDNodeDescription,
"This leaf node holds the unique id of the process" );
_LIT8( KTCFromRAMNodeName, "FromRAM" );
_LIT8( KTCFromRAMNodeDescription,
"This leaf holds knowledge whether the process has been loaded from \
RAM or ROM. " );
_LIT8( KTCMemoryInfoNodeName, "MemoryInfo" );
_LIT8( KTCMemoryInfoNodeDescription,
"This node holds some extra information about memory usage of the process." );
_LIT8( KTCProcessFilenameNodeName, "Filename" );
_LIT8( KTCProcessFilenameNodeDescription,
"This node holds the filename of the process" );
_LIT8( KTCRebootNodeName, "Reboot" );
_LIT8( KTCRebootNodeDescription,
"This node is the root node for all terminal control functionality" );
_LIT8( KTCDynamicNodeName, "" );
_LIT( KTCSeparator16, "/" );
_LIT8( KTCSeparator8, "/" );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSmlDmEmailAdapter
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
class CTcAdapter : public CTARMDmAdapter//, public MMsvSessionObserver
enum TTcNodeIdentifier
ETcNodeTerminalControl = 0,
// --------- Enhanced features BEGIN ------------------
// --------- Enhanced features END --------------------
enum TTcNodeAccessType
ENoAccess = 0,
EExecute = 1,
EGet = 2,
EReplace = 4,
static const TInt iAccessTypeList[ETcNodeNotUsedAndAlwaysLast+1];
TInt iAccessHistory[ETcNodeNotUsedAndAlwaysLast+1];
CTcAdapter(TAny* aEcomArguments);
static CTcAdapter* NewL(MSmlDmCallback* aDmCallback );
static CTcAdapter* NewLC(MSmlDmCallback* aDmCallback );
virtual ~CTcAdapter();
// Pure virtual methods
void DDFVersionL( CBufBase& aVersion );
void DDFStructureL( MSmlDmDDFObject& aDDF );
CSmlDmAdapter::TError FetchLeafObjectL( const TDesC8& aURI,
const TDesC8& aLUID, const TDesC8& aType,
CBufFlat* aObject, CBufFlat* aRetMime );
// From CTARMDmAdapter
void _UpdateLeafObjectL( const TDesC8& aURI,
const TDesC8& aLUID, const TDesC8& aObject,
const TDesC8& aType, TInt aStatusRef );
void _UpdateLeafObjectL( const TDesC8& aURI,
const TDesC8& aLUID, RWriteStream*& aStream,
const TDesC8& aType, TInt aStatusRef );
void _DeleteObjectL( const TDesC8& aURI,
const TDesC8& aLUID, TInt aStatusRef );
void _FetchLeafObjectL( const TDesC8& aURI,
const TDesC8& aLUID, const TDesC8& aType,
TInt aResultsRef, TInt aStatusRef );
void _FetchLeafObjectSizeL( const TDesC8& aURI,
const TDesC8& aLUID, const TDesC8& aType,
TInt aResultsRef, TInt aStatusRef );
void _ChildURIListL( const TDesC8& aURI,
const TDesC8& aLUID,
const CArrayFix<TSmlDmMappingInfo>& aPreviousURISegmentList,
TInt aResultsRef, TInt aStatusRef );
void _AddNodeObjectL( const TDesC8& aURI,
const TDesC8& aParentLUID, TInt aStatusRef );
void _ExecuteCommandL( const TDesC8& aURI,
const TDesC8& aLUID, const TDesC8& aArgument,
const TDesC8& aType, TInt aStatusRef );
void _ExecuteCommandL( const TDesC8& aURI,
const TDesC8& aLUID, RWriteStream*& aStream,
const TDesC8& aType, TInt aStatusRef );
void _CopyCommandL( const TDesC8& aTargetURI,
const TDesC8& aTargetLUID, const TDesC8& aSourceURI,
const TDesC8& aSourceLUID, const TDesC8& aType,
TInt aStatusRef );
void StartAtomicL();
void CommitAtomicL();
void RollbackAtomicL();
TBool StreamingSupport( TInt& aItemSize );
virtual void StreamCommittedL( RWriteStream& aStream );
virtual void StreamCommittedL();
void CompleteOutstandingCmdsL();
TInt StartProcessL(const TDesC8& aURI);
TInt StopProcessL(const TDesC8& aURI);
void ConstructL(MSmlDmCallback* aDmCallback);
void FillNodeInfoL(MSmlDmDDFObject& aNode,TSmlDmAccessTypes aAccTypes,
MSmlDmDDFObject::TOccurence aOccurrence,
MSmlDmDDFObject::TScope aScope,
MSmlDmDDFObject::TDFFormat aFormat,
const TDesC8& aDescription,
const TDesC8& aMimeType);
void CopyAndTrimMimeType(TDes8& aNewMime, const TDesC8& aType);
void CopyAndTrimURI(TDes8& aNewURI, const TDesC8& aURI);
void ParseStartPathL(const TDesC8 &aArguments,
TDes8 &aStartPath, TBool &aRecursive);
TTcNodeIdentifier GetNodeIdentifier(const TDesC8& aURI);
TInt NewTerminalControlSession();
TInt CheckTerminalControlSession();
TPtrC8 PolicyRequestResourceL( const TDesC8& aURI );
void _UpdateLeafObjectToBeTrappedL( const TDesC8& aURI,
const TDesC8& aLUID,
const TDesC8& aObject, const TDesC8& aType,
const TInt aStatusRef);
void FetchLeafObjectToBeTrappedL( const TDesC8& aURI,
const TDesC8& aLUID,
const TDesC8& aType,
CBufFlat* aObject,
CBufFlat* aRetMime );
void _ExecuteCommandToBeTrappedL( const TDesC8& aURI,
const TDesC8& aLUID,
const TDesC8& aArgument,
const TDesC8& aType,
TInt aStatusRef );
RTerminalControl iTC;
RTerminalControlSession iTCSession;
TBool iConnected;
// Rollback information
TInt32 iAutoLockPeriod;
TInt32 iLockLevel;
TInt32 iMaxAutoLockPeriod;
// --------- Enhanced features BEGIN ------------------
TInt32 iLockCodeMinLength;
TInt32 iLockCodeMaxLength;
TBool iLockCodeRequireUpperAndLower;
TInt32 iLockCodeRequireUpperAndLowerInt;
TBool iLockCodeRequireCharsAndNumbers;
TInt32 iLockCodeRequireCharsAndNumbersInt;
TInt32 iLockCodeMaxRepeatedCharacters;
TInt32 iLockCodeHistoryBuffer;
TInt32 iLockCodeExpiration;
TInt32 iLockCodeMinChangeTolerance;
TInt32 iLockCodeMinChangeInterval;
TBool iLockCodeCheckSpecificStrings;
TInt32 iLockCodeCheckSpecificStringsInt;
TInt32 iLockCodeMaxAttempts;
TBool iLockCodeConsecutiveNumbers;
TInt32 iLockCodeConsecutiveNumbersInt;
TInt32 iLockCodeMinSpecialCharacters;
TBool iLockCodeDisallowSimple;
TInt32 iLockCodeDisallowSimpleInt;
// --------- Enhanced features END --------------------
#endif // __SMLTCADAPTER_H__