* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Error code conversion
#ifndef __NSMLERROR_H
#define __NSMLERROR_H
#include <e32base.h>
#include <nsmldefines.h>
class CNSmlFutureReservation;
class TNSmlError
// Public members
public: // enumerations
enum TNSmlAgentErrorCode
ESmlServerNotResponding = 9,
ESmlCommandInvalid = 1000,
ESmlSyncHdrMissing = 1001,
ESmlVerDTDMissing = 1002,
ESmlVerDTDNotSupported = 1003,
ESmlVerProtoMissing = 1004,
ESmlVerProtoNotSupported = 1005,
ESmlMsgIDMissing = 1006,
ESmlMsgIDInvalid = 1007,
ESmlTargetLocURIMissing = 1008,
ESmlTargetLocURIInvalid = 1009,
ESmlSourceLocURIMissing = 1010,
ESmlSourceLocURIInvalid = 1011,
ESmlUnexpectedCmd = 1012,
ESmlUnsupportedCmd = 1013,
ESmlStatusMissing = 1101,
ESmlNoMatchingStatusElement = 1102,
ESmlMsgRefMissing = 1103,
ESmlMsgRefInvalid = 1104,
ESmlCmdRefMissing = 1105,
ESmlCmdRefInvalid = 1106,
ESmlCmdMissing = 1107,
ESmlCmdInvalid = 1108,
ESmlSourceRefInvalid = 1109,
ESmlStatusDataMissing = 1110,
ESmlStatusDataInvalid = 1111,
ESmlCmdIDMissing = 1112,
ESmlCmdIDInvalid = 1113,
ESmlSyncTargetLocURIMissing = 1114,
ESmlSyncTargetLocURIInvalid = 1115,
ESmlSyncSourceLocURIMissing = 1116,
ESmlSyncSourceLocURIInvalid = 1117,
ESmlFormatNotSupported = 1118,
ESmlFormatInvalid = 1119,
ESmlTypeNotSupported = 1120,
ESmlTypeInvalid = 1121,
ESmlItemSourceLocURIMissing = 1122,
ESmlItemDataMissing = 1123,
ESmlItemTargetLocURIMissing = 1126,
ESmlResultsInvalid = 1400,
ESmlResultsMissing = 1401,
ESmlResultsItemSourceMissing = 1402,
ESmlResultsItemSourceInvalid = 1403,
ESmlAlertMissingInInitialisation = 1404,
ESmlAlertMissingInNextAlerting = 1405,
ESmlAlertInvalid = 1406,
ESmlAlertCodeMissing = 1407,
ESmlAlertCodeInvalid = 1408,
ESmlAlertTargetLocURIMissing = 1410,
ESmlAlertTargetLocURIInvalid = 1411,
ESmlAlertSourceLocURIMissing = 1412,
ESmlAlertSourceLocURIInvalid = 1413,
ESmlPutInvalid = 1414,
ESmlPutItemSourceMissing = 1415,
ESmlPutItemSourceInvalid = 1416,
ESmlGetInvalid = 1417,
ESmlGetItemTargetMissing = 1418,
ESmlGetItemTargetInvalid = 1419,
ESmlChalMissing = 1420,
ESmlChalInvalid = 1421,
ESmlMaxMsgSizeInvalid = 1422,
ESmlServerIsBusy = 1500,
ESmlErrorInSettings = 1600,
ESmlTooLongMessage = 1602,
ESmlLowMemory = 1603,
ESmlIncompleteMessage = 1604,
ESmlServerUnauthorized = 1700,
ESmlCommunicationInterrupted = 8193,
ESmlCommunicationError = 0x5011,
ESmlUntrustedCert = 0x6011
// SyncML Status Codes
enum TNSmlSyncMLStatusCode
ESmlStatusInProgress = 101,
ESmlStatusOK = 200,
ESmlStatusItemAdded = 201,
ESmlStatusAcceptedForProcessing = 202,
ESmlStatusNonAuthoriveResponse = 203,
ESmlStatusNoContent = 204,
ESmlStatusResetContent = 205,
ESmlStatusPartialContent = 206,
ESmlStatusConflictResolvedWithMerge = 207,
ESmlStatusConflictResolvedWithClientsCommand = 208,
ESmlStatusConflictResolvedWithDuplicate = 209,
ESmlStatusDeleteWithoutArchive = 210,
ESmlStatusItemIsNotDeleted = 211,
ESmlStatusAuthenticationAccepted = 212,
ESmlStatusItemAccepted = 213,
ESmlStatusOperationCancelled = 214,
ESmlStatusNotExecuted = 215,
ESmlStatusRollBackOK = 216,
ESmlStatusNotPossibleInOfflineMode = 217, // 1.2 CHANGES: Offline mode
ESmlStatusMultipleChoices = 300,
ESmlStatusMovedPermanently = 301,
ESmlStatusMovedTemporarily = 302,
ESmlStatusSeeOtherURI = 303,
ESmlStatusNotModified = 304,
ESmlStatusUseProxy = 305,
ESmlStatusBadRequest = 400,
ESmlStatusUnauthorized = 401,
ESmlStatusPaymentRequired = 402,
ESmlStatusForbidden = 403,
ESmlStatusNotFound = 404,
ESmlStatusCommandNotAllowed = 405,
ESmlStatusOptFeatureNotSupported = 406,
ESmlStatusClientAuthenticationRequired = 407,
ESmlStatusRequestTimeout = 408,
ESmlStatusConflict = 409,
ESmlStatusGone = 410,
ESmlStatusSizeRequired = 411,
ESmlStatusIncompleteCommand = 412,
ESmlStatusEntityTooLarge = 413,
ESmlStatusURITooLong = 414,
ESmlStatusUnsupportedMediaTypeOrFormat = 415,
ESmlStatusRequestedSizeTooBig = 416,
ESmlStatusRetryLater = 417,
ESmlStatusAlreadyExists = 418,
ESmlStatusConflictResolvedWithServerData = 419,
ESmlStatusDeviceFull = 420,
ESmlStatusUnknownSearchGrammar = 421,
ESmlStatusBadCGIScript = 422,
ESmlStatusSoftDeleteUpdateConflict = 423,
ESmlStatusSizeMismatch = 424,
ESmlStatusMoveFailed = 428,
ESmlStatusCommandFailed = 500,
ESmlStatusCommandNotImplemented = 501,
ESmlStatusBadGateway = 502,
ESmlStatusServiceUnavailable = 503,
ESmlStatusGatewayTimeout = 504,
ESmlStatusVersionNotSupported = 505,
ESmlStatusProcessingError = 506,
ESmlStatusAtomicFailed = 507,
ESmlStatusRefreshRequired = 508,
ESmlStatusDataStoreFailure = 510,
ESmlStatusServerFailure = 511,
ESmlStatusSynchronisationFailed = 512,
ESmlStatusProtocolVersionNotSupported = 513,
ESmlStatusAtomicRollBackFailed = 516
protected: //enumerations
enum TNSmlCommonAgentMessage
ESystemError = 1,
ENotPossibleInOfflineMode // 1.2 CHANGES: Offline mode
public: //constructor
IMPORT_C TNSmlError();
IMPORT_C virtual ~TNSmlError();
public: //new functions
IMPORT_C void SetErrorCode( TInt aErrorCode );
// Sync Log Message code
IMPORT_C virtual TInt SyncLogMessageCode();
IMPORT_C TInt SyncLogErrorCode();
protected: //new functions
IMPORT_C void virtual ErrorCodeConversion();
// Private variables
protected: // Data
TInt iErrorCode;
private: // Data
// Reserved to maintain binary compability
CNSmlFutureReservation* iReserved;
#endif // __NSMLERROR_H