* Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: File server interface class representing a mount.
* An instance of this object is referred to as
* a mount control block.
#include "rsfwfsmountcb.h"
#include "rsfwfsfilecb.h"
#include "rsfwfsdircb.h"
// there is no good way to give remote storage size so just put some big numbers here
const TInt KMountReportedSize = 999999999;
const TInt KMountReportedFreeSize = 999999999;
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRsfwFsMountCB::NewL
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CRsfwFsMountCB* CRsfwFsMountCB::NewL()
CRsfwFsMountCB* remoteFsMntCB = new(ELeave) CRsfwFsMountCB();
return remoteFsMntCB;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRsfwFsMountCB::CRsfwFsMountCB
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
// might leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Destructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRsfwFsMountCB::MountL
// The function should set the volume name (iVolumeName), the unique ID
// (iUniqueID) and the volume size (iSize) by reading and processing the current
// mount. The function should leave, on error detection, with an appropriate error
// code. When aForceMount is set to ETrue, the properties of a corrupt volume
// should be forcibly stored. The classic case of when this is desirable is when a
// corrupt volume needs to be formatted.
// We set the values (iSize to a fixed size). We also create a
// File Server session (needed to access the local cache) and put the handle into
// the TLS for future access. aForceMount is ignored.
// Note that this operation does not attempt to connect to remote server.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRsfwFsMountCB::MountL(
TBool /* aForceMount */)
iServerName = HBufC::NewL( KMaxVolumeNameLength);
TPtr serverName (iServerName->Des());
TTime timeID;
iUniqueID = I64LOW(timeID.Int64());
iSize = KMountReportedSize;
iRootFid.iVolumeId = Drive().DriveNumber();
iRootFid.iNodeId = 1;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRsfwFsMountCB::ReMount
// The function should check whether the mount control block represents the
// current mount on the associated drive. The function should read mount
// information from the current volume, and check it against the mount
// information from this mount - typically iVolumeName and iUniqueID. If the mount
// information matches, the function should return KErrNone, otherwise it should
// return KErrGeneral.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int CRsfwFsMountCB::ReMount()
// we assume that this operation - if called on remote drive
// - can be succesfull
return KErrNone;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRsfwFsMountCB::Dismounted
// Carries out clean-up necessary for a volume dismount:
// Closing the session to the File Server used for local cache.
// Closing the session to Remote File Engine.
// Dismounting a volume will always succeed, so the function does not need to
// return an error value.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRsfwFsMountCB::Dismounted()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRsfwFsMountCB::VolumeL
// Gets volume information. The only information that the function has to supply
// is the free space, TVolumeInfo::iFree, since the remaining members have already
// been set by the calling function. The function should leave, on error detection,
// with an appropriate error code.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRsfwFsMountCB::VolumeL(
TVolumeInfo& aVolume) const
// : we should return info about free storage
// at the remote server, if possible...
aVolume.iFree = KMountReportedFreeSize;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRsfwFsMountCB::SetVolumeL
// Sets the volume name for the mount, thus writing the new volume name to the
// corresponding volume.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRsfwFsMountCB::SetVolumeL(
TDes& aName)
if (aName.Length() > KMaxVolumeNameLength)
if (iServerName)
delete iServerName;
iServerName = NULL;
iServerName = HBufC::NewL( KMaxVolumeNameLength);
TPtr serverName (iServerName->Des());
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRsfwFsMountCB::MkDirL
// Creates a new directory on the mount by figuring out the FID of the parent
// directory and the name of the child to be created.
// The full name in aName is in the form:
// \\dirA\\dirB\\dirC\\dirD
// where dirD is the new directory to be created in \\dirA\\dirB\\dirC\\.
// This means that dirC is the leaf directory in which dirD will be created.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRsfwFsMountCB::MkDirL(
const TDesC& aName)
TInt delimiterPos;
TPtrC directory, path;
TFid theFid;
delimiterPos = aName.LocateReverse(KPathDelimiter);
directory.Set(aName.Right(aName.Length() - (delimiterPos + 1)));
path.Set(aName.Left(delimiterPos + 1));
theFid = FetchFidL(path, KNodeTypeDir);
User::LeaveIfError(RSessionL()->MakeDirectory(theFid, directory));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRsfwFsMountCB::RmDirL
// Removes the directory specified by aName by figuring out the FID of the parent
// directory and the name of the child to be created. The function can assume
// that the directory exists and is not read-only.
// The directory specified by aName is in the form:
// \\dirA\\dirB\\dirC\\dirD
// where dirD is the directory to be removed from \\dirA\\dirB\\dirC\\.
// This means that dirC is the leaf directory from which dirD should be removed.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRsfwFsMountCB::RmDirL(
const TDesC& aName)
TInt delimiterPos;
TPtrC directory, path;
TFid parentFid;
delimiterPos = aName.LocateReverse(KPathDelimiter);
directory.Set(aName.Right(aName.Length() - (delimiterPos + 1)));
path.Set(aName.Left(delimiterPos + 1));
parentFid = FetchFidL(path, KNodeTypeDir);
User::LeaveIfError(RSessionL()->RemoveDirectory(parentFid, directory));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRsfwFsMountCB::DeleteL
// Deletes the specified file from the mount by figuring out the FID of the parent
// directory and the name of the child to be created. The function can assume that
// the file is closed.
// The file name specified by aName is of the form:
// \\dirA\\dirB\\dirC\\file.ext
// The extension is optional.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRsfwFsMountCB::DeleteL(
const TDesC& aName)
TInt delimiterPos;
TPtrC file, path;
TFid parentFid;
delimiterPos = aName.LocateReverse(KPathDelimiter);
file.Set(aName.Right(aName.Length() - (delimiterPos + 1)));
path.Set(aName.Left(delimiterPos + 1));
parentFid = FetchFidL(path, KNodeTypeDir);
User::LeaveIfError(RSessionL()->RemoveFile(parentFid, file));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRsfwFsMountCB::RenameL
// Renames or moves a single file or directory on the mount by figuring out
// the FIDs of the parent directories and child names for both anOldName and
// anNewName. If oldEntryName is a file, it can be assumed that it is closed.
// If oldEntryName is a directory, it can be assumed that there are no
// open files in this directory. Furthermore, if newEntryName specifies
// a directory, it can be assumed that it is not a subdirectory of oldEntryName.
// anOldName and anNewName specify the respective entries with full names;
// for example,
// \\dirA\\dirB\\dirC\\oldEntryName
// and
// \\dirE\\dirF\\dirG\\newEntryName
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRsfwFsMountCB::RenameL(
const TDesC& anOldName,
const TDesC& aNewName)
TInt delimiterPos;
TPtrC sourcepath, destpath;
TPtrC srcname, destname;
TFid sourceFid, destFid;
delimiterPos = anOldName.LocateReverse(KPathDelimiter);
srcname.Set(anOldName.Right(anOldName.Length() - (delimiterPos + 1)));
sourcepath.Set(anOldName.Left(delimiterPos + 1));
sourceFid = FetchFidL(sourcepath, KNodeTypeDir);
delimiterPos = aNewName.LocateReverse(KPathDelimiter);
destname.Set(aNewName.Right(aNewName.Length() - (delimiterPos + 1)));
destpath.Set(aNewName.Left(delimiterPos + 1));
destFid = FetchFidL(destpath, KNodeTypeDir);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRsfwFsMountCB::ReplaceL
// Replaces one file on the mount with another. The file anOldName should have
// its contents, attributes, and the universal date and time of its last
// modification, copied to the file aNewName, overwriting any existing contents
// and attribute details. If the file aNewName does not exist it should be created.
// The function can assume that both anOldName and, if it exists, anNewName
// contain the full file names of files, and that these files are not open.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRsfwFsMountCB::ReplaceL(
const TDesC& anOldName,
const TDesC& aNewName )
TInt delimiterPos;
TPtrC sourcepath, destpath;
TPtrC srcname, destname;
TFid sourceFid, destFid;
delimiterPos = anOldName.LocateReverse(KPathDelimiter);
srcname.Set(anOldName.Right(anOldName.Length() - (delimiterPos + 1)));
sourcepath.Set(anOldName.Left(delimiterPos + 1));
sourceFid = FetchFidL(sourcepath, KNodeTypeDir);
delimiterPos = aNewName.LocateReverse(KPathDelimiter);
destname.Set(aNewName.Right(aNewName.Length() - (delimiterPos + 1)));
destpath.Set(aNewName.Left(delimiterPos + 1));
destFid = FetchFidL(destpath, KNodeTypeDir);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRsfwFsMountCB::EntryL
// Gets the entry details for the specified file or directory.
// This function is defined as a const function in the base class CMountCB.
// However, we need to modify the shared memory chunks used in the parameter
// passing. That's why we need to cast away const.
// Always returns KErrPathNotFoud for certain Symbian system directories. The
// reason for this is that scanning all drives for some system directory does
// not always skip remote drives, but it is not feasible to start to look
// for some library, recognizer etc. from a remote drive.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRsfwFsMountCB::EntryL(
const TDesC& aName,
TEntry& anEntry) const
if (aName.Length() > KMaxPath)
CONST_CAST(CRsfwFsMountCB*, this)->RemoteFsEntryL(aName, anEntry);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRsfwFsMountCB::RemoteFsEntryL
// Gets the entry details for the specified file or directory by figuring out
// the fid of the entry.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRsfwFsMountCB::RemoteFsEntryL(const TDesC& aName, TEntry& anEntry)
anEntry.iName = aName;
TFid fileFid = FetchFidL(aName, KNodeTypeUnknown);
User::LeaveIfError(RSessionL()->GetAttributes(fileFid, anEntry));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRsfwFsMountCB::SetEntryL
// Sets entry details for a specified file or directory.
// The entry identified by the full name descriptor aName should have
// its modification time and its attributes mask updated as required.
// We also use this function to control (using new attributes bits) the file
// caching state (KEntryAttCachePriorityHigh)
// The entry receives a new universal modified time from aTime.
// The entry attributes are set with aSetAttMask and cleared with aClearAttMask:
// the bits that are set in aSetAttMask should be set in the entry attribute mask;
// the bits that are set in aClearAttMask should be cleared from the entry
// attribute mask.
// The function can assume that aSetAttMask and aClearAttMask do not change
// the type of attribute (i.e. volume or directory). Furthermore, if aName
// specifies a file, it can be assumed that this file is closed.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRsfwFsMountCB::SetEntryL(
const TDesC& aName,
const TTime& aTime,
TUint aSetAttMask,
TUint aClearAttMask)
TFid thisFid;
thisFid = FetchFidL(aName, KNodeTypeUnknown);
TInt result = RSessionL()->SetEntry(thisFid, aTime, aSetAttMask, aClearAttMask);
// KErrNotSupported is dismissed currently
// The reason for this is CFileMan::Copy
// CFileMan::Copy is a composite operation which as a last step
// calls RFs::SetAtt() for the target file.
// If we honestly return KErrNotSupported CFileMan::Copy will now
// return KErrNotSupported also, although it already copied the file on the server.
// We rather have a working copy and return false information about the success of
// SetAtt().
if ((result != KErrNone) && (result != KErrNotSupported))
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRsfwFsMountCB::FileOpenL
// If needed creates a new file by figuring out the FID of the parent directory
// and the name of the new file. After that opens the file. After successful
// completion of the function, the file control block pointer will be added to the
// file server's global files container. Adds information to the file control
// block (e.g. path of the local cache file and pointer to this mount control block)
// If anOpen specifies EFileReplace (rather than EFileCreate or EFileOpen) then
// the data contained in the file should be discarded, the archive attribute
// should be set, and the size of the file should be set to zero. Note that it can
// be assumed that if anOpen specifies EFileReplace then the file already exists.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRsfwFsMountCB::FileOpenL(
const TDesC& aName,
TUint aMode,
TFileOpen anOpen,
CFileCB* aFile)
TFid parentFid;
TFid thisFid;
TInt delimiterPos;
TPtrC filename, path;
delimiterPos = aName.LocateReverse(KPathDelimiter);
filename.Set(aName.Right(aName.Length() - (delimiterPos + 1)));
path.Set(aName.Left(delimiterPos + 1));
parentFid = FetchFidL(path, KNodeTypeDir);
switch (anOpen)
case EFileCreate:
// exclusive = 1
CreateFile(parentFid, filename, aMode, TRUE, thisFid));
case EFileReplace:
// exclusive = 0
CreateFile(parentFid, filename, aMode, FALSE, thisFid));
case EFileOpen: // the file must exist
Lookup(parentFid, filename, KNodeTypeFile, thisFid));
TDirEntAttr attributes;
HBufC* unicodepath = HBufC::NewMaxLC(KMaxPath);
TPtr unicodepathptr(unicodepath->Des());
attributes.iAtt = aMode;
OpenByPath(thisFid, unicodepathptr, &attributes, ETrue));
((CRsfwFsFileCB*)aFile)->iLastFlushFailed = EFalse;
((CRsfwFsFileCB*)aFile)->iThisFid = thisFid;
((CRsfwFsFileCB*)aFile)->iParentFid = parentFid;
// set size, att, modified for the file
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(unicodepath); // unicodepath
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRsfwFsMountCB::DirOpenL
// Opens a directory on the mount by figuring out the FID of the parent
// directory and the name of the directory.
// Note that aName is of the form
// \\dirA\\dirB\\dirC\\file.ext
// where \\dirA\\dirB\\dirC\\ is the directory to be opened and file.ext is
// an optional entry name and extension. The name and extension (e.g. "*" or
// "*.txt") limit entries that reading the directory should return.
// Always returns KErrPathNotFoud for certain Symbian system directories. The
// reason for this is that scanning all drives for some system directory does
// not always skip remote drives, but it is not feasible to start to look
// for some library, recognizer etc. from a remote drive.
// After successful completion of the function, the directory control block
// pointer will be added to the file server global directories container. Adds
// information to the directory control block (e.g. path of the local cache file
// and possible name and extension)
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRsfwFsMountCB::DirOpenL(
const TDesC& aName,
CDirCB* aDir)
TFid fileFid;
TInt namePos;
namePos = aName.LocateReverse(KPathDelimiter);
TPtrC directoryPathName(aName.Left(namePos + 1));
TPtrC matchName(aName.Mid(namePos + 1));
if (matchName.Length() == 0)
if (directoryPathName.Length() == 0)
fileFid = iRootFid;
fileFid = FetchFidL(directoryPathName, KNodeTypeDir);
HBufC* unicodepath = HBufC::NewMaxLC(KMaxPath);
TPtr unicodepathptr(unicodepath->Des());
OpenByPath(fileFid, unicodepathptr, NULL, EFalse));
((CRsfwFsDirCB*)aDir)->SetDirL(unicodepathptr, matchName);
((CRsfwFsDirCB*)aDir)->iThisFid = fileFid;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(unicodepath); // unicopath
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRsfwFsMountCB::RawReadL
// Should read the specified length of data from the specified position on
// the volume directly into the client thread. It can be assumed that if this
// function is called, then there has been a successful mount.
// Not supported, as "position in a volume" without files is meaningless to
// us.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRsfwFsMountCB::RawReadL(
TInt64 /* aPos */,
TInt /* aLength */ ,
const TAny* /* aTrg */,
TInt /* anOffset */ ,
const RMessagePtr2& /* aMessage */) const
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRsfwFsMountCB::RawWriteL
// Should write a specified length of data from the client thread to the volume
// at the specified position. It can be assumed that if this
// function is called, then there has been a successful mount.
// Not supported, as "position in a volume" without files is meaningless to
// us.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRsfwFsMountCB::RawWriteL(
TInt64 /* aPos */,
TInt /* aLength */,
const TAny* /* aSrc */,
TInt /* anOffset */,
const RMessagePtr2& /* aMessage */)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRsfwFsMountCB::GetShortNameL
// Should get the short name of the file or directory with the given full name.
// This function is used in circumstances where a file system mangles
// Symbian OS natural names, in order to be able to store them on
// a file system that is not entirely compatible.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRsfwFsMountCB::GetShortNameL(
const TDesC& /* aLongName */,
TDes& /* aShortName */)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRsfwFsMountCB::GetLongNameL
// Should get the long name of the file or directory associated with the given
// short name. This function is used in circumstances where a file system mangles
// Symbian OS natural names in order to be able to store them on
// a file system that is not entirely compatible.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRsfwFsMountCB::GetLongNameL(
const TDesC& /* aShortName */,
TDes& /* aLongName */)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRsfwFsMountCB::ReadSectionL
// Reads a specified section of the file, regardless of the file's lock state.
// This function basically does what the chain of opening a file, creating
// the file control block, and reading file data using CRsfwFsFile::Read()
// does, but without creating the file control block. For us file's lock state
// does not have meaning.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRsfwFsMountCB::ReadSectionL(
const TDesC& aName,
TInt aPos,
TAny* /*aTrg */,
TInt aLength,
const RMessagePtr2& aMessage)
HBufC8* data = HBufC8::NewMaxLC(aLength);
TPtr8 buf(data->Des());
TFid parentFid;
TFid newFid;
TInt delimiterPos;
TPtrC filename, path;
HBufC* unicodepath = HBufC::NewMaxLC(KMaxPath);
TPtr unicodepathptr(unicodepath->Des());
delimiterPos = aName.LocateReverse(KPathDelimiter);
filename.Set(aName.Right(aName.Length() - (delimiterPos + 1)));
path.Set(aName.Left(delimiterPos + 1));
parentFid = FetchFidL(path, KNodeTypeDir);
Lookup(parentFid, filename, KNodeTypeFile, newFid));
OpenByPath(newFid, unicodepathptr, NULL, EFalse));
// get the size of the container file
TEntry tentry;
User::LeaveIfError((*(RFs* )Dll::Tls()).Entry(unicodepathptr, tentry));
if (aPos > tentry.iSize)
// non-sequential read
// i.e. if 128 bytes have been cached
// starting read from pos 128 continues to fill the cache file
// but starting read from pos 129- is "random access"
// that by-passes the cache */
RFile tempFile;
TBool usetempCache = EFalse;
HBufC* tmpcacheFile = HBufC::NewLC(KMaxPath);
TPtr tmpCache(tmpcacheFile->Des());
aPos + aLength - 1,
// if caching mode is "Whole File Caching" this operation may fetch
// the whole file into normal cache anyway. "tmpCache" contains
// the right path in this case too, so in this function (where the file
// is not open), we don't have to check "usetempCache" boolean.
User::LeaveIfError(tempFile.Open(*(RFs* )Dll::Tls(), tmpCache, EFileRead));
User::LeaveIfError(tempFile.Read(buf, aLength));
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, tmpcacheFile); // tempfile, tempcacheFile
TInt lastByte;
User::LeaveIfError(RSessionL()->Fetch(newFid, aPos, aPos + aLength-1, lastByte));
User::LeaveIfError((*(RFs* )Dll::Tls()).ReadFileSection(*unicodepath,
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(unicodepath); // unicodepath
// we have read the data into buf
aMessage.WriteL(0, buf, 0);
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(data); // data
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRsfwFsMountCB::FetchFidL
// Fetches fid for an entry.
// aPath is of the form \\dirA\\dirB\\dirC\\entry
// Goes through the path recursively. I.e. first gets the fid of dirA by
// fid_dirA = lookup(iRootFid, dirA), then does lookup(fid_dirA, dirB) etc.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TFid CRsfwFsMountCB::FetchFidL(
const TDesC& aPath,
TUint aNodeType)
TFid newFid;
TInt pathlength = aPath.Length();
if (pathlength <= 1)
// '\'
// In some rare cases called with zero length aPath,
// it seems to be ok to return rootFid
return iRootFid;
TInt delimiterPos = aPath.LocateReverse(KPathDelimiter);
if (delimiterPos == (pathlength - 1))
// The path ends with a slash,
//i.e. this is a directory - continue parsing
TPtrC nextdelimiter;
delimiterPos = nextdelimiter.LocateReverse(KPathDelimiter);
TPtrC entry(aPath.Right(aPath.Length() - (delimiterPos + 1)));
TPtrC path(aPath.Left(delimiterPos + 1));
// fetch recursively TFid of path
Lookup(FetchFidL(path, KNodeTypeDir), entry, aNodeType, newFid));
return newFid;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRsfwFsMountCB::RenameFidL
// Renames a file
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CRsfwFsMountCB::RenameFidL(
TFid aDirFid,
const TDesC& aSourceName,
const TDesC& aNewName )
TInt delimiterPos;
TPtrC destpath, srcname, destname;
TFid destFid;
delimiterPos = aSourceName.LocateReverse(KPathDelimiter);
srcname.Set(aSourceName.Right(aSourceName.Length() - (delimiterPos + 1)));
delimiterPos = aNewName.LocateReverse(KPathDelimiter);
destname.Set(aNewName.Right(aNewName.Length() - (delimiterPos + 1)));
destpath.Set(aNewName.Left(delimiterPos + 1));
destFid = FetchFidL(destpath, KNodeTypeDir);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRsfwFsMountCB::CheckDisk
// Checks the integrity of the disk on the specified drive
// temporarily return KErrNone as a workaround for CommonDialogs
// should return KErrNotSupported for remote drives
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CRsfwFsMountCB::CheckDisk()
return KErrNone;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CRsfwFsMountCB::RSessionL
// Singleton-function that creates a session to Remote File Engine once.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
RRsfwSession* CRsfwFsMountCB::RSessionL()
if (!iSession)
iSession = new (ELeave) RRsfwSession();
return iSession;
// End of File