changeset 0 164170e6151a
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:164170e6151a
     1 // Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include <asn1dec.h>
    17 #include <x509certext.h>
    18 #include "oids.h"
    19 #include "pkixcertchain.h"
    20 #include "ocsp.h"
    21 #include <mcertstore.h>
    22 #include <ccertattributefilter.h>
    23 #include "ocsprequestandresponse.h"
    25 const TInt CERT_SIZE = 1000;
    27 EXPORT_C COCSPDelegateAuthorisationScheme* COCSPDelegateAuthorisationScheme::NewLC(
    28 	MCertStore& aCertStore)
    29 /**
    30 	Factory function allocates new instance of
    31 	COCSPDelegateAuthorisationScheme.
    33 	@param	aCertStore		Cert store interface.  This is used to
    34 							construct a certificate chain builder with
    35 							CPKIXCertChainBase::NewL().  Certificates from
    36 							the store are not used for validation if the response 
    37 							contains the responder certificate. If it does not contain 
    38 							the responder cert then validation would be done from store.
    39 	@return					New instance of COCSPDelegateAuthorisationScheme.
    40 							Leaves if cannot successfully construct.  The new
    41 							object is placed on the cleanup stack.
    42  */
    43 	{
    44 	COCSPDelegateAuthorisationScheme* scheme =
    45 		new(ELeave) COCSPDelegateAuthorisationScheme(aCertStore);
    46 	CleanupStack::PushL(scheme);
    47 	scheme->ConstructL();
    49 	return scheme;
    50 	}
    52 COCSPDelegateAuthorisationScheme::COCSPDelegateAuthorisationScheme(
    53 	MCertStore& aCertStore)
    54 /**
    55 	Initializes the CActive base class object and adds
    56 	this object to the active scheduler.
    58 	@param	aCertStore		Cert store interface.  This is only used to
    59 							construct a certificate chain builder with
    60 							CPKIXCertChainBase::NewL().  Certificates from
    61 							the store are not used for validation if the response 
    62 							contains the responder certificate. If it does not contain 
    63 							the responder cert then validation would be done from store.
    64  */
    65 :	CActive(EPriorityStandard),
    66 	iCertStore(aCertStore)
    67 	{
    68 	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
    69 	}
    71 void COCSPDelegateAuthorisationScheme::ConstructL()
    72 /**
    73 	Strictly, none of the resources owned by this object
    74 	are required for all of its lifetime need to be preserved
    75 	between validations.
    77 	Some of the resources, such as the CPKIXCertChain
    78 	instance have to be reallocated for every validation.
    80 	The resources which can be allocated for the lifetime
    81 	of this object are allocated here.  This improves performance
    82 	and simplifies the validation process, at a RAM cost.
    83  */
    84 	{
    85 	// iRespSignCertChainBase is the array of intermediate
    86 	// certificates which CPKIXCertChain will use to
    87 	// chain (T->I) to (I->E).  Because only immediate
    88 	// delegates are supported, there will only be one
    89 	// intermediate (or trusted root from CPKIXCertChain's
    90 	// point-of-view.)  Therefore the array can be
    91 	// sized here.
    93 	// RPointerArray<> doesn't have a Reserve() function.
    94 	const CX509Certificate* nullCert = 0;
    95 	User::LeaveIfError(iRespSignIntCert.Append(nullCert));
    97 	iCertFilter = CCertAttributeFilter::NewL();
    98 	iCertFilter->SetOwnerType(ECACertificate);
    99 	iCertFilter->SetFormat(EX509Certificate);
   101 	}
   103 COCSPDelegateAuthorisationScheme::~COCSPDelegateAuthorisationScheme()
   104 /**
   105 	Cancels any outstanding validation and frees all resources
   106 	owned by this object.
   107  */
   108 	{
   109 	delete iCertFilter;
   110 	iCertStoreEntries.Close();
   111 	iRespSignIntCert.Close();
   113 	delete iEncodedCert;
   114 	delete iResponseCert;
   116 	delete iPKIXResultBase;
   117 	delete iRespSignCertChainBase;
   119 	}
   121 /**
   122 	Implement MOCSPAuthorisationScheme.
   124 	Validate the response if it is signed by an	immediate delegate of the intermediate entity.
   125 	I.e. if the request has the form
   126 		(T->I) (I->E)
   128 	where T is trusted (at least for the purposes of this validation) and I is an intermediate, 
   129 	the response can be signed by R if (I->R).
   131 	I is the CA, and can be equal to T, i.e. the certificate which is being tested for 
   132 	revocation can be signed by a root certificate.
   134 	R must be immediately signed by I, and must have id-kp-OCSPSigning in its extended key usage.
   135 	(RFC 2560 S4.2.2.2)
   136  */
   137 void COCSPDelegateAuthorisationScheme::ValidateL(
   138 	OCSP::TStatus& aOCSPStatus, COCSPResponse& aResponse,
   139 	const TTime aValidationTime, TRequestStatus& aStatus,
   140 	const COCSPRequest& aRequest)
   141 	{
   142 	// store the client status, so that it can be used for request
   143 	// completion later.
   144 	iClientStatus = &aStatus;
   145 	aStatus = KRequestPending;
   147 	// By assuming there is only one request / response pair,
   148 	// there is no need to iterate through each response, which
   149 	// simplifies this scheme's implementation.
   150 	// the OCSP requests are constructed in
   151 	// COCSPClient::ConstructL() such that exactly one certificate
   152 	// and its signer are sent in each request.
   153 	// (RFC 2560 S4.1.1 allows multiple pairs)
   155 	iResponse = &aResponse;
   156 	iRequest = &aRequest;
   158 	iValidationTime = aValidationTime;
   160 	// This default value is changed once the whole validation 
   161 	// process has completed successfully else the default value 
   162 	// is returned on failure.
   163 	aOCSPStatus = OCSP::EResponseSignatureValidationFailure;
   164 	iOCSPStatus = &aOCSPStatus;
   166 	// set this to false before starting the scheme validation
   167 	// for multiple certificates are being validated through 
   168 	// this scheme.
   169 	iValidateFromResponse = EFalse;
   171 	// This authentication scheme supports 2 ways of validation:
   172 	// 1. If the response contains responder cert then validation 
   173 	// would be performed against the responder cert included in response. 
   174 	// This validation would also check whether the responder cert has been 
   175 	// issued by the CA cert which issued the certificate in question.
   176 	// 2. If the response does not contain responder cert, search for it 
   177 	// in the store based on the ResponderId which is included in the 
   178 	// response. If the responder cert is found in the store which has signed
   179 	// the response then authorize the response, in both the cases we check whether 
   180 	// responder cert has been issued by the CA which issued the cert in question, 
   181 	// and the CA should be present in the store.
   182 	const TPtrC8* certChainData = aResponse.DataElementEncoding(COCSPResponse::ECertificateChain);
   183 	if (certChainData == 0)		// no signing certs
   184 		{
   185 		ValidateFromRootsL();
   186 		}
   187 	else
   188 		{
   189 		iValidateFromResponse = ETrue;
   190 		ValidateDelegateCertL(*certChainData, iValidationTime);
   191 		}
   192 	}
   194 /**
   195 	Initialize this object to validate the certificate which was sent with the 
   196 	response against the CA which was used	to sign the certificate in question.
   198 	@param	aResponseCertChain	DER-encoded cert chain that	was either sent with the response.
   199 								or was retrieved from the store as a single certificate.
   200 	@param 	aValidationTime		Time to be used for chain validation of the delegate certificate.
   201 	@post If successful, asynchronous validation will be set up.
   202  */
   204 void COCSPDelegateAuthorisationScheme::ValidateDelegateCertL(
   205 	const TDesC8& aResponseCertChain, const TTime aValidationTime)
   206 	{
   207 	// the response received can contain a chain of certificate, we need to extract the 
   208 	// responder certificate from the chain for further processing. If the certificate has been
   209 	// retrieved from store then there would be no chain but the delegate certificate would be
   210 	// retrieved.
   211 	CX509Certificate* decodedResponseCert = OCSPUtils::GetResponderCertLC(aResponseCertChain);
   212 	CleanupStack::Pop(decodedResponseCert);
   214 	delete iResponseCert;
   215 	iResponseCert = NULL;
   216 	iResponseCert = decodedResponseCert;
   218 	// First check the responder certificate in accordance to RFC 2560 for the following:
   219 	// 1. Does it contain extension id-kp-OCSPSigning
   220 	// 2. The responder id in the response matches the response certificate.
   221 	// 3. The response is signed by the responder certificate
   222 	if( OCSPUtils::DoesCertHaveOCSPSigningExtL(*iResponseCert) 
   223 		&&	OCSPUtils::DoesResponderIdMatchCertL(*iResponse, *iResponseCert)
   224 		&&	OCSPUtils::IsResponseSignedByCertL(iResponse, *iResponseCert) )
   225 		{
   226 		// construct a certificate chain containing the X -> R with T -> I as the intermediate.
   227 		delete iPKIXResultBase;
   228 		iPKIXResultBase = NULL;
   229 		iPKIXResultBase = CPKIXValidationResultBase::NewL();
   231 		// get the intermediate which signed the EE
   232 		const CX509Certificate& caCert = iRequest->CertInfo(0).Issuer();
   234 		// use the intermediate cert as the trusted root for
   235 		// the purpose of building the chain.  ("Intermediate"
   236 		// in this context is the certificate which signed the EE.)
   237 		iRespSignIntCert[0] = CONST_CAST(CX509Certificate*,&caCert);
   239 		delete iRespSignCertChainBase;
   240 		iRespSignCertChainBase = NULL;
   241 		iRespSignCertChainBase = CPKIXCertChainBase::NewL(iCertStore, iResponseCert->Encoding(), iRespSignIntCert);
   243 		// attempt to validate the chain.  I.e. test that X = I.
   244 		iRespSignCertChainBase->ValidateL(*iPKIXResultBase, aValidationTime, iStatus);
   246 		iState = EOnChainValidation;
   247 		SetActive();
   248 		}
   249 	else
   250 		{
   251 		if(iValidateFromResponse)
   252 			{
   253 			User::RequestComplete(iClientStatus, KErrNone);
   254 			return;
   255 			}
   256 		// this means that we are trying to retrieve the responder certificate from the store
   257 		// and perform validation against it. As this certificate is not the valid responder
   258 		// hence set the state to retrieve the next certificate from the store.
   259 		else
   260 			{
   261 			iState = ERetrieveNext;
   262 			TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
   263 			User::RequestComplete(status,KErrNone);
   264 			SetActive();
   265 			return;
   266 			}
   267 		}
   268 	}
   270 void COCSPDelegateAuthorisationScheme::CancelValidate()
   271 /**
   272 	Implement MOCSPAuthorisationScheme.  This is an active
   273 	object, and this function just calls Cancel().  See
   274 	DoCancel() for information about the cancellation process.
   276 	@see DoCancel
   277  */
   278 	{
   279 	ASSERT(iRespSignCertChainBase != 0);
   280 	iRespSignCertChainBase->CancelValidate();
   281 	}
   283 void COCSPDelegateAuthorisationScheme::RunL()
   284 	{
   285 	User::LeaveIfError(iStatus.Int());
   286 	switch(iState)
   287 		{
   288 		//Response validation after chain building.
   289 		case EOnChainValidation:
   290 			OnChainValidationL();
   291 			break;
   293 		// state used to allocate sufficient memory for retrieving the next certificate
   294 		case ERetrieveNext:
   295 			OnRetrieveNextL();
   296 			break;
   298 		// state used to retrieve the next certificate
   299 		case ERetrievingEntry:
   300 			OnRetrievingEntryL();
   301 			break;
   302 		}
   303 	}
   305 void COCSPDelegateAuthorisationScheme::OnChainValidationL()
   306 	{	
   307 	TValidationError error = iPKIXResultBase->Error().iReason;
   308 	if (error != EValidatedOK)
   309 		{
   310 		User::Leave(error);
   311 		}
   312 	*iOCSPStatus = OCSP::EValid;
   313 	User::RequestComplete(iClientStatus, KErrNone);
   314 	}
   316 void COCSPDelegateAuthorisationScheme::DoCancel()
   317 /**
   318 	If a validation request is outstanding, then it is cancelled.
   319 	This objects client, i.e. the owner of the TRequestStatus which
   320 	was passed to Validate(), is completed with KErrCancel.
   321  */
   322 	{
   323 	// object should be waiting for the chain builder to complete.  
   324 	// Therefore there must be a valid client request status pointer 
   325 	// and an instance of CPKIXCertChain.
   327 	iRespSignCertChainBase->CancelValidate();
   329 	if (iClientStatus)
   330 		{		
   331 		User::RequestComplete(iClientStatus, KErrCancel);
   332 		}
   333 	}
   335 TInt COCSPDelegateAuthorisationScheme::RunError(TInt aError)
   336 	{
   337 	User::RequestComplete(iClientStatus, aError);
   338 	return KErrNone;
   339 	}
   341 /**
   342  * Initiates request to retrieve the responder certificate from store.
   343  */
   344 void COCSPDelegateAuthorisationScheme::ValidateFromRootsL()
   345 	{
   346 	iCertCount = -1;
   348 	iCertStoreEntries.Close();
   349 	iCertStore.List(iCertStoreEntries, *iCertFilter, iStatus);
   351 	delete iEncodedCert;
   352 	iEncodedCert = NULL;
   353 	iEncodedCert = HBufC8::NewL(CERT_SIZE);
   355 	iState = ERetrieveNext;
   356 	SetActive();
   357 	}
   359 /**
   360  * For list of certificate entries in the store retrieve each certificate.
   361  */
   362 void COCSPDelegateAuthorisationScheme::OnRetrieveNextL()
   363 	{
   364 	if(++iCertCount < iCertStoreEntries.Count() )
   365 		{
   366 		iState = ERetrievingEntry;
   367 		TInt size = iCertStoreEntries[iCertCount]->Size();
   368 		if( size > iEncodedCert->Des().MaxLength() )
   369 			{
   370 			delete iEncodedCert;
   371 			iEncodedCert = NULL;
   372 			iEncodedCert = HBufC8::NewL(size);
   373 			}
   374 		TPtr8 encodedCertDesc = iEncodedCert->Des();
   375 		iCertStore.Retrieve(*iCertStoreEntries[iCertCount],	encodedCertDesc,iStatus);
   376 		SetActive();
   377 		}
   378 	else
   379 		{
   380 		User::RequestComplete(iClientStatus,OCSP::EResponseSignatureValidationFailure);	
   381 		}
   382 	}
   384 /**
   385  * Once the certificate has been retrieved from the store, it should be sent for chain validation.
   386  * This intermediate state is required so that we can retrieve the certificate from the store.
   387  */
   388 void COCSPDelegateAuthorisationScheme::OnRetrievingEntryL()
   389 	{
   390 	ValidateDelegateCertL(*iEncodedCert, iValidationTime);
   391 	}
   393 /**
   394  * Returns the responder certificate.
   395  */
   396 const CX509Certificate* COCSPDelegateAuthorisationScheme::ResponderCert() const	
   397 	{
   398 	return iResponseCert;
   399 	}